Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 27, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    100 F\C. DRIVE
Circulars From Director Gen
eral Distributed Among
Rail Men Here
Thousands of circulars dealing with
the participation of railroad employes
in the previous Liberty Loan cam
paign and containing a plea for 100
per cent, subscriptions in the com
ing drive are being distributed
among the federal railroad workers
throughout the country. The cir
culars have been Issued by William
G. McAdoo, director general of rail
roads and include the following:
The patriotic support of railway
employes to the Third Liberty Loan
was more than gratifying. On some
railroads practically every employe
became a subscriber for one or more
of these bonds.
Now that the Fourth Liberty Loan
is about to begin, I earnestly urge
all railroad officials and employes to
co-operate in securing a "100 per
cent." result on every railroad and
believe that where the officials and
employes unite in a patriotic sup
port the response will be even more
gratifying than that to the Third
Liberty Loan.
I realize that there are many in
stances where railroad employes are
not financially able to assume ad- ;
ditional obligations. In such in
stances there should be no criticism
of the failure of an employe to subs
scribe to the Fourth Liberty Loan.
I believe, however, that when the
urgency of the need is presented to
employes that few will fail in their
financial support tof the govern- ]
My attention has been called to i
the fact that in the past loans many
employes have subscribed through
their banks and through other
agencies than the railroads. No i
criticism should be made against em- (
ployes for subscribing to bonds in ;
this way. but it is a matter of pride :
to the railroad administration that
the employes on each railroad shall
receive the credit for all subscrip
tions they make.
Government bonds are the safest !
investment in the world, and in mak- i
ing such an investment railroad em
ployes at the same time have an op
portunity to help win the war and 1
give needed support to our noble
sons and brothers who are risking
and giving their lives upon the bat- ,
tlertelds and upon tlfe seas. *
1 hope that 100 per cent, of the !
railroad employes will subscribe to
the 9bonds of the Fourth Liberty
Loan. 1 can think of nothing more
inspiring than the great body of
railroad employes effectively banded
together to work for the success of
the Fourth Liberty Loan, and I urge
upon each railroad employe patri- i
otically to do his share. In this way j
we can shorten the war and save
many lives, and bring a glorious vic
Railroad Men Attend
Big Evening Rally
-jA meeting of the Friendship and |
Co-operative Club of railroad em- j
ployes held in Eagle Hall, Third and j
Cumberland streets, last night drew j
many prominent railroad officials, I
who heard addresses by Jesse E. B.
Cunningham. F. W. Smith, superin- !
tendent of the Philadelphia division
of the Pennsylvania railroad, and
John C. Johnson, superintendent of ;
the Middle division of the latter :
road. President John D. Long, pre
"Safety First" was the keynote of
all addresses made. the speakers
parenthetically, and. byway of il
lustration. urging members present i
to invest in Fourtth Liberty Loan ;
Bonds to help insure the safety of ;
the Nation in the present crisis.
Pottstowu. Pa., Seipt. 27.—George
Rice, a retired civil engineer for j
many years employed by the Read
ing railway, died to-day after an ill
ness of three years. He had charge
of the construction of the Reading j
subway in Philadelphia.
Railroad Notes
The funeral services over the re- I
mains of Conductor John H. NVieand. 1
who was killed in the Altoona yards |
of the Pennsylvania railroad, were
largely attended this afternoon at ,
his late home, 639 Harris street, j
There were relatives and friends in I
attendance from out of the city.
Brakeman Edward Nearhoff, of '
Altoona, was struck by a brake wheel !
and injured severely about the chest, j
He is in the Altoona hospital.
A tottal of 8,706 cars was moved
over the Middle, division of the i
I'i.nnsy on Wednesday, the figures
i the most efficient move- j
ment tof the week.
Miohael McCauley, a well-known
tank builder in the Juniata shops. ]
is dead at his home. 117 Washington '
avenue, Altoona, friends here were j
advised to-day.
D. E. Cassidy, master mechanic of
©f the Western . Pennsylvania divi- !
sion of the Pennsylvania railroad for j
thirteen years, died in Philadelphia,
the result tof a paralytic strcrke. He !
For Nervous People
The great nerve tonic—the famous
Wendell's Ambition Pills—that will
put vigor, vim and vitality Into ner
vous, tired out, all tn, despondent
people in a few days In many in- I
Anyone can buy a box for only 60 i
cents, and H. C. Kennedy Is author- I
lzcd by the maker to refund the pur- i
chase price if anyone Is dissatisfied
with the first box purchased.
Thousands praise them for gen
eral debility, nervous prostration,
mental depression and unstrung
nerves caused by over-indulgence In
alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of any
For any affliction of the "nervous
system Wendell's Ambition Pills are
uneurpaased, while for hysteria,
trembling and neuralgia they are
■imply splendid. Fifty cents at H. C.
Kennedy's and dealers everywhere,
MrAki s, |
was born In Alttoona and learned the
machinist trade In the I'ennsy shops
George W. Johnson, an employe of
the Juniata shop storehouse, died
suddenly while on his way home to
dinner. At the eastern end of the
Fourth street bridge he suddenly
e.ink down and expired. He was a
Inatlve of Huntingdon and was 68
All Departments of This Big Underselling Store Offer Large Saving Opportunities Tomorrow I
100 Dozen Men's Shirts
s -^ L - <fr Ac nrtsj —nil
Saturday *P * 9 .t%J j
Men's new fall and winter I ' //<fcx
Dress Shirts; made of very good I lij ' I IiITK
quality of percale and madras; / Mj ( j fl\\Yl
cut full, and soft turn-back , / jl jI U v\\\\
Men's new Dress Shirts, all qu II C
good patterns, fast colors, laun- H \l Lv.Kal jfi,
dered or soft cuffs; cut full; all |
szes 14 to 17. - -j
Men's New Fall Silk Shirts, $4.45
Men's all pure Silk Shirts: made of very best quality Tub Silk;
cut full and all new stripes, soft turn-back cuffs. All sizes 14 to 17.
Mens Union Suits, $1.95 Men's Leather Work
j Men's extra heavy fleece lin- Gloves, 590, 980, $1.48
ed and ribbed union suits; all . _.
sizes, 34 to 46. Saturday spe- Men a leather work glovM,
r t a i i a, QK gauntlets or plain, good quality.
Saturday special. 59e, 98c and
Men's Union Suits, $2.48 * l ' 4B '
Men's extra heavy dark gray SWEATERS
s?zes^3 4 f t^ft6. (Tut lui* and good Ladies' Slip-On Sweaters,
fitting garment. Saturday spe- ' $6.98
cial 93.48 JPU.SJO
Ladies' Slip-On Sweaters; all
, TT . mi nx wool, in Nile, buff, purple and
Mens Union suits, Jfil.HO salmon. Saturday special, 96.9G
Men's Near Wool union suits. _
in natural gray; ail sizes 34 to Ladies Coat Sweaters,
46. Saturday special ... 91-95 $5 98
Mpn'o Underwear 984 ft Ladies' wool coat sweaters;
mens unaerwear, aU colors and fancy st ripe ,
Men's ribbed shirts and draw- sailor collars; all sizes. Satur
ers. in ecru and gray; all sizes. day special 95.98
Extra good garment. Saturday
special 9Sc Men's and Boys' Sweaters,
Boys' Union Suits. 98c Men>- extr f 8 y Jumbo kntt
Bovs' union suits in heavy sweaters, in maroon, navy; ex
fleece lined or gray ribbed; all tra good value. Saturday spe-
Sizes 8 to 15 years. Saturday cial 95.99
-special 9Se
, • TT , Boys' Cotton Sweaters.
Men s 4-in-Hand Ties, 290 $1.49
Men's new four-in-hand ties Boys' dark grav cotton coat
wide ends, very good quality of swea ters; all sizes 26 to 34
silk; large assortments of pat- Saturday special 91.49
terns. Saturday special .. 29e
Men's Fibre Silk Hose. 39
Men's fibre silk hose; black sweaters, in gray and maroon;
white and colors, slightly im- very good value. Saturday spe
perfect. Saturday special .. 39c cial 93.49
Girls' Navy Serge Dresses $3.95
Navy Serge, high waist effect; belted, pleated skirt;
patch pockets; trimmed plaid silk collar and pockets—
sizes 6 to 14. ■/
Girls' Navy
Serge Dresses, . ..
jfePi M waist; trimmed:
/>OT|Pn J pleated skirt; sizes 6
'/ /; ! s&HjfcjaOT s er & e Dresses, . .
\ ft--. I—-T-Skffi 1 —-T-Skffi zi I . Navy Serge; straight
\ y sailor and high waist
tfy effects; embroidered
and braid trimmed;
pleated skirt; sizes 6 to
Girls' New Fall Dresses at $8.90
Navy. Green. Garnet. Brown and Copen Serges and Corduroy
Dresses; Peter Thompson effect and high waist styles; button
trimmed waist and pockets. Ages 6 to 14.
Dresses For Girls 12 to 16 Yrs. $12.90 to $16.90
Girls' Intermediate Serge Dresses; straight lines; Peter Thomp
son and Middy effects; pleated skirts; sizes 12 to 16. Prices 612.90
to $16.90.
' KAUFMAN'S ====rr=^=======—-
"Morning Star" Gas Heaters $3.95
Morning Star Gas Heaters, nickel finish.. Special burn
er that burns a blue flame.
Hot Flams Gas Heater, Special $2.39
Hot Flame Gas Heaters. Round, and makes lots of heat.
New Perfection Oil Heaters $5.65 to $8.50
The Odorless and Smokeless Oil Stovss that gives you heat
these cool days; one-gallon tanks— ss.6s. $6.70 and $8.50.
You Save On Blankets Here
Wool Finish Blankets Gray Cotton Blankets
64x76 plain wool finish .. 93.95 '• 60x76 inches, pair 92.0
68x80 plaid woolnap .. . 94.95 64x76 inches, pair 92.95
64x76 gray woolnap H. 95 | 68x76 inches, pair 3.39
66x80 plaid wool finish 95.95 66x80 inches, pair 93.09
64x76 white wool finish. 94.95 "72x80 inches, pair 93.9;
Plaid and gray plaid blankets, „. , _ ~
, . .. . . Pink and blue figured
wool And cotton mixed, baby crib blankets;
extra good quality.
$5.95 to $7.95 690
r— ————— *
White Wool Cotton Filled Comfortables
BLANKETS S'atine and silk satine covered;
Snow white, silk beautiful patterns; good size; extra
bound, part wool and
cotton. le< '•
$6.95 to $9.95 ' $4.95
years old. For 22 years he had been
l in the employ of the Pennsylvania
i Railroad Company.
Snco, Me., Sept. 27. —Flowers wete
being sent to the home, the grave
was being dug and the undertaker i
was waiting at the depot for Private
Alpha Lavigne yesterday, when word
came by telephone from Camp De-
I vens that ho was getting well. He is
j ill from influenza.
Poole Reaches Stockholm;
i Fellow Diplomats in Prison
■ j Stockholm. Sept. 27.—Dewitt C.
' Pople, Jr., acting American consul
Unprecedented Stocks are Ready Here
Beautiful lines, fine tailoring, the choicest of the new materials all make our garments
the most desirable and the very best values obtainable. We have achieved what few stores
have, hence we have the largest ready-to-wear department store in this section of the state.
§New Suits at $2O & $22.50
New models in all-wool poplin and all-wool burellas—black, navy, brown
and taupe—s2o.oo and $22.50. All sizes for women and misses.
New Fall Suits at $25
AU-wool poplins, braid trimmed, plain tailored and with smart collars—
several new models in all sizes for women and misses—black, navy, taupe,
brown and burgundy—s2s.oo.
New Suits at $29.50 to $5O
Broadcloths. Velours. Gabardines and Poplins—tailored, plush and fur
many exclusive models sizes for women and misses—s29.so,
$32.50, $3.00. $39.50, $45.00 and $53.00.
More Coats Than Anywhere Else in Town
$l5, $16.95, $lB, $2O
Velours, Egvptain Plushes, Zlbelines and Corduroys excellent stvle
and all sizes from misses' 16 to women's 46—in all tho best
Fine Coats at $25, $32.50,
$39.50 and Up to $75
Velours, Cheviots, Kerseys. Silvertips. Heather Cloths. Crystals, Silver
tones. Pompons, Bolivias and Broadcloths. Many have big fur collars—
other* with heaver plush collars—others with self collars. The better
coats are lined with peau de cygne and fancy silk linings.
Nowhere Else in Town Will You See Such Dress Values!
Plenty of navy blues and | Navy, black, dark brown; the smart- j Straight line effects, tunics,
blacks, browns (in Ofl est models we have ever shown. I embroidered and combinations
and green wIAiS/Uj $15.00 and $16.95 $20.00 to $35.00
Suits and Coats For the Hard to Fit Woman
There are suits here for every figure. The stout woman who wants youthful lines—the stout woman
who wants the plain tailored modes. And coats—just as pretty coats for the stout woman as for her
slender sisters.
Between-Size Suits, 39 to 53 $25.00 to $45.00
Half-Size Suits, to 537.50 to $50.00
I' sp.rn\n FLOOR |
Every Man--No Matter How Particular
Will Find Kaufman's Clothes Supreme
These New Fall Suits Will Go Lively, Saturday
at s|o.sO s|g.so $22' 50 s 24* s ° s 29' s °
A LTHOUGH conditions have made it difficult to secure values to
equal those of last, our efforts to give values unsurpassed in this
section of the state have resulted in the big stocks we have ready for
you now at prices ranging from $14.95 to $29.50. That these prices
are less than anywhere else, goes without saying. But this much is
sure Kaufman s Underselling Prices will prove to the man who
takes the trouble to find out, that here is his right place to buy clothes.
Great big stocks are here to select from and the best assortments in
the town. A thousand Pair Men's Pants Special Saturday.
Men's Pants at $1.95 Men's Pants at $2.50 Men's Pants at $3.50 |
W miteri. l f ad Sf Wi Vtriped t 32 to 42 waist. Made with belt cassimere? in and !
worstea. Joops in neat stripe worsteds. 1 checks.
tThe Verdict of All Parents in This Section
Kaufman's Have the Largest
Stock of Boys' Clothes"
TTTE'VE been specializing on boys'clothes for years. Each year
y y our boys' department has grown and to-day stands unquestion
ably at the head of the list. Everything that is worth having in
boys' clothes will be found here. Those sturdy, manly styles that boys
like. Well-made clothes that will stand the hard wear boys give them
and prove themselves to be the best values you can get.
New Fall Suits For Boys 7 to 18
$5.95 $7.95 $9.95 $12.95 $14.95
general in Moscow, has arrived nere.,
When he left Moscow a week ugo. If. i
H. B. Lockhhrt, the British acting!
general in Moscow, and other En-1
tcnte officials and many Entente civi- |
Hans were imprisoned in the Krem
i Famous "Alien Squad"
, Here For Big Rally
| Tile famous i'Alien Squad." of the
United States Army, spent last night
in Harrlsburg, stopping at the Hotel
Carlton. They were enroute to Rend-
I ing. where they will assist in the ex-
ploitation of the Fourth Liberty Loan. ,
! T'. 1 "* squad will be in Harrisburg i
on Sunday, when they will be present I
at the huge patriotic meeting to he i
held in Reservoir Park. The squad
consists of ten enlisted tnen, each
from a different country. Thev hail
from Austria. Germany. Turkey, Bul
garia. Poland, Mexico, the Phillip-
I pine Islands, Greece, Alsace-Lorraine
and Ecuador.
_ is
—' AT KAUFMAN'S . ="| £
Trimmed I
Hats /JBhX 1 1
For Saturday
More than one hundred j .J jtlh
altogether new models ready /l(\\ / _ H
at these popular prices— */f \\ j \ a
A example of our un- IV \ I
derselling supremacy in millinery fll
here to-morrow and we have \ vj
prepared accordingly. Keeping V / ffj
in mind the big demand for our \ j
popular-price hats, we have ar- I *_X/\ £
ranged for these new trimmed r " }
models at tho most tempting i t{
prices. Black and all colors that 1 I
are popular. Many styles to I \l/
. choose from. ft K
$2— to $j 5 K j 1
Kcnvn i. i nun - y
We have stocked to the limit with |
Fall Knit Underwear
You should investigate our values and to
jlearn first-hand where real war-time econo- Is
Y?} mies can be had.
asv W Women's Pants Union Suits * b
Ladies' Cotton Rib- Ladies' Elastic Rib-
V \ot bed Pants - fleece lined, bed Union Suits. Dutch 1^
A Jff L fti / ankle length, regular neck, short sleeves, k
r® / sizes. . ankle and knee lengths,
•' / A A regular sizes.
§f 98c $1.25 I
Inßn ' ii Extra Sixes, $1.25 ■
Women's Vests Union Suits
Ladies' Cotton Rib- Ladies' Cotton Rib- (i
bed Vests, fleece lined, bed Union Suits, fleece k
high neck, long sleeves, lined, high neck, long
flwftxHfca regular sizes. sleeves, ankle length,
98c $1.49 |
Extra Sizes, $1.25 I Extra Sizes, $1.75 s<
—: : f
Misses' Underwear Children's Underwear
Misses' Cotton Ribbed (j
Union Suits; fleece lined; Children's Cotton Ribbed £•
high neck, long sleeves, and Combination Suits, fleece
ankel length; full range of lined; long sleeves, ankle 5
sizes. QO- length. 7Q |<
Special jrot Special 5*C
- = AT K tiri.-M aVM —||
Women's Thread Silk Hosiery $1.19 |
This is a rare special for Saturday and will attract the at- If
tcntion of those who realize what silk hosiery Is priced at in
most stores. Black thread silk hose, double sole and heel, silk §
lisle top; slight imperfections.
Kayser Silk C* 1 , Buster Brown /IQa '
Hosiery, Pair Stockings, Pair *rOC k.
Kayser Silk Hose, double Buster Brown Hose for boys II
blacked w S hlte BPllLed hCel ' ln browm'H'size 1 ™ 6 k
Women's Fiber QQe Women's Black oe„ L
Stll T-n Hos in' 1 y tj' , .1 Cotton Hosiery fcOC t
Fibre Silk Hose, full length, , ~ ', _ . '
double sole and high spliced , Ladies Black Cotton Hose, 111
heel, in white, black, brown, £ a " slightly imperfect. s
Champagne, gray. Special -ac pair. t.
Women's Fiber AQ _ Children's Black OC. !
Silk Hosiery t-OC Ribbed Stockings AOC V
Fibre Silk Hose, double sole Children's Black Ribbed Cot- C
and heel, lisle tops, in white ton Hose; slightly imperfect- 2
and colors; slightly imperfect. I sizes 5 to 9. Special, 25c pair."
Women's Stylish Fall Shoes I
are here at Kaufman's Underselling Prices I
l L—Women's & Misses' li
IB 111! 1311 fall Special, $4.95
ill f*jm\ fll fjfll 11 1111 l Women's and misses' |>
mm If 1 !- I
i : '*r? 3t lnch model, flexible sole; i
/ 'IxU /*V i;*V imitation tip leather; Louis ||
A J'2j I \ and Military heels; all sizes. |
fvJl Growing GhW $2.95 |
<** \ English Shoes, i
L \ fib Growing girls' gun-- metal lj|
\ Lnglish shoes, high cut; iny- II!
itatlon tip and leather low
- wj . heels; all sizes. h
Misses' & Children's Shoes Underprice, Saturday s
Sizes Bto 11, $1.95 Sizes liy 2 to 2, $2.29 I
Misses' and children's all-leather school shoes—Foot-Form last. f|
]=======; FIRST FLOOR ==== ===== _ g
Four Great Lots of Waists |
Ready at Underselling Prices Saturday. Choice, new, |j|
stunning styles, in wonderful assortment. !$
Waists at .... $2.95 Waists at 05 |
Crepe de Chine and Crepe de Chine Waiata. em- fll
ette Waiata, embroidered and broidered and tuck fronta
tucked front, aquare collar and square and V-neck; sailor col- S
V and square necks; colora, lar; colors, black, white, flesh, H
white and flesh; sizes 38 to 44. tea rose, maiae, navy.
Wmstsat $4.95 |
„ J Georgette Waists, embrold- |fi
_ ® eor S? . * nd Crepe de ered in self and contrasting |
Chine Waists, beaded and em- colors and tucked fronts, with
broidered tuck fronts; square dainty touches, square. V. and
and V necks: sailor and com- round necks: round and sailor
binatlon collars; white, flesh, collars. Colors, white flesh
Copen, Bieze, gray, navy, plum brown, gray, taupe, navy and £
and black. black.
Waists For Stout Figures, SI.QS fa #4.95 |
A complete line of shirtwaists for large women, in voile Jan, IL
silk, crepe de chine —sizes 48 to 64. N
Bell-a SMS
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25s