14 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER Fok THE HOME Founded ISSI Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sguare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief P. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGELSBT, F. R. OYSTER. GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Ji Member American r \ Newspaper Pub- LlSWrnSBf Ushers' Assocla §tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and^Penn ated Dailies. Eastern office, Story, Brooks & Flnley, Fifth Avenue Building Western office, Story, Brooks & Flnley, People's Chicago, m!' Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. -tgJSES*By carrier, ten cents n * > week; by mail, $5.00 a year in advance. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1918 A man that studieth revenge keeps his- otcn wounds green.—Francis Bacon. A SHORTER SALES DAY MERCHANTS generally are oc ' cepting as gracefully as they may the proposal of Mr. Hickok that they open their stores at 9 o'clock and close them at 5:30, during the cold months. For many this change of hours means nothing more than a little more concentra tion of sales during a shorter period. With others readjustments must be worked out to meet individual or group conditions and a few dealers may for a time suffer serions incon venience, no doubt, which under nor mal conditions they would not have been asked to undergo. But we are living in a period when thought of self must be submerged in consideration of the greatest good for the greatest number. Unques tionably much fuel will be saved by the new regulations, and every pound of coal that can saved is so much more fuel to be diverted to the coal bins of private consumers. So pa triotic merchants are signing the shorter hours agreement and rear ranging their business accordingly. In a few weeks we shall have grown used tc the 9 o'clock opening and 5:30 o'clock closing anS the change will be a matter to which we shall give no more thought. Time was when business people believed' it necessary to open their shops at 7 in the morning and to keep them open until 10 at night. Strange to say, there were clerks in those times who endured these slavish flfteen hour working days and stuck to their job. Now we know that such hours are unnecessary; indeed, that they are bad for business as well as for working forces. We are selling more , goods in less time than ever we did under the long hours system, and the working day can be made even shorter without reducing the busi ness of the average merchant. The civilian population is leaving Metz; beating the Army to it, as if were. * GIVE US THE TBUTH OCCASIONALLY George Creel, the administration's press agent, does a good stroke of work toward the winning of the war. But taken by and large his efforts as chairman of the Committee on Pub lic Information have been expen sive and of small value. Creel has been getting into hot water on an average of once a week ever since his appointment. He has cost the government hundreds of thousands of dollars in white paper and print ing that have gone unused into thou sands of sail on the ship; and, second, that she offered to pay indemnities for the citizens of this country who were slain. There is not a word to suggest that the sinking was an act of criminal and murderous lawless ness." The North American does not ac cuse Creel of disloyalty, but It sub mits that a young man who dasjies off "indorsements" for patriotic booklets, giving them the sanction of government approval when. In reality, they are merely so much enemy propaganda, is no fit man for the important place he holds. With this opinion those who have observed Creel and his obnoxious attempts to reflect credit upon the national ad ministration at the expense of truth Will agree. Creel was a "yellow" Journalist before he' took the Job of publicity man for the Democratic party, draw ing a fat salary for the service from the government, and he has not Io gotten his early ways. His "faking" of our "first sea fight" will be re called. So will his misstatements regarding the progress of our aero plane program. And only recently General March felt called upon to deny a typical "Creelism" which the every-ready typewriter of the pub licity man enclosed. in quotation marks and ascribed to the aforemen tioned chief of staff, without the formality of verifying the "inter view." General March wouldn't stand for Creel and his faking, and the President should not. The Amer ican people are entitled to "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." and it will go hard with any man or men who withhold the truth, or color It, or garble it, or Juggle it, once the people whose war this is are thoroughly convinced that they are being deceived. If Creel must be kept on the payroll why not give us the truth about him? Why not call him the chairman of public misinformation? State Medical Society meets In Har risburg next year. Those medicos have been Keeping an eye on the Penn-Harrls. and a conventlon-a-day wlll soon be the rule. EASY TO BUY BONDS THE banks of Harrisburg will borrow money, if necessary, to accomViodate the people of city who wgnt loans to cover their purchases of Liberty Bonds,' said William Jennings to the industrial committee of bond campaigners the other evening, and Donald McCor mick and Andrew S. Patterson, the other chairmen present, expressed the same views. Any bank in Harrisburg will loan money on your Liberty Bonds. It w'ill finance your purchase and help you carry the load for a period of ninety days, while you save the money to cancel the remainder of the debt. • Or. If you prefer to buy at the rate of $1 a week for fifty weeks for each $5O bond for which you subscribe, you may do it that way. Is there any wage earner or sal aried man in Harrisburg so poor he cannot buy bonds under those con ditions? As showing their German military training, the Turks are "retreating to victory" in Palestine*— What a pity those British didn't let 'em get away instead of capturing 40,000 and tak ing over thousands of guns and im portant stores. Constantly these Al lied chaps are interfering with pre arranged and orderly retirements on the part of the "invincible" enethy! ANOTHER BIG SMASH THE FTanco-American drive in the Alßne valley, while not so spectacular as the attack on St. Mihiel, may have equally important results. Indeed, with its threat .to outflank the ore district of Brley and the fortifications of Metz, it is a di rect result of the St. Mihiel victory and is a much better way of ad vancing than along the now more or less well-defended St. Mihiel front. A continuance of the plunge may bring a general retirement of the Germans all the way from Belgium to the bordys of Switzerland. Laon, St. Quentin# the Briey iron fields and Metz itself may go down before con tinued progress of the Franco-Amer ican forces. The whole world will watch with deepest interest this latest development of General Foch's great offensive. It is the most im portant since the Germans were thrown back at the Marne. If there is truth in the report that the Kaiser has a nervous break down, it's doubtless a severe attack, Kaiser certainly has a lot of nerve. • The theatrical managers are com plaining of a Mintage of chorus girls. Probably most of the old ladles ace knitting for the Army this year. By the Ex-Committeeman Senator William C. Sproul and Senator Edward E. Beldleman, Re publican nominees for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, who are at the Reading fair to-day, will not make any speeches except for the Liberty Ix>an during the coming week, ac cording to present plans, but will de vote considerable of their time to visiting various gatherings. The two Senators have accepted invitations to speak for the loan and will also send letters urging subscriptions. Next Monday both will help loan committees in their home localities and Tuesday will be at various gath erings in Delaware county. Wednes day they will visit Bellefonte and various places in Center county, in cluding fairs; Thursday they will be in Clearfield county and Friday tour Indiana county. Democratic state headquarters people expect that the same plan of refraining from, campaign speeches will be followed by Democratic can didates next week. Most of the Dem ocratic nominees will speak at loan meetings. State Chairman Lawrence H. Rupp will be one of the speak ers. —Speaking at Pittsburgh Senator Sproul told men interested in edu cational matters that it will be nec essary to appropriate more money for public schools and that the friends of the plan to relieve the teachers will have to help in finding new sources of revenue. Until the Pennsylvania constitution is amend ed to provide for levying of gradu ated taxes, the income source in the state cannot be tapped. The neces sary amendment was defeated by the people several years ago and is again on its way through the Legis lature but cannot be submitted to the people before November, 1919. —War time was reflected in the addresses made at the annual meet ing of the York County Republican Club, on Wednesday, when more than one hundred enthusiastic mem bers gathered to hear addresses by several candidates and others and to transact annual business. James H. Findley' was elected to his third term as president. He presided Wednesday night, with W. R. But torft acting as financial secretary; Charles J. Gotwalt, recording secre tary, and William H. Eisenhart, treasurer. —Some of the Democrats in Berks county are making faces over the President's appointment of Lot W. Reiff, of Reading, to succeed William M. Croll as naval officer of customs at the Philadelphia Customs House. Mr. Cross, who held that office for five years, recently resigned to run for congress in the Berks county district. He was defeated, however, and it was expected he would be re turned to his old post. E. H. Boch has been acting naval officer at the customs house since 'April 9. Mr. Reiff, who is 55 years old, was at one time a member of the State Leg islature. He is active in Democratic state politics. Cross was a Palmer man, but may not be hereafter. —Mayor Thomas B. Smith, of Philadelphia, is to be arrested on a charge of violating city ordinances in securing the selection of E. R. Guhe hus, former secretary to Senator f J SieeP Ticc Tnff' Cows COME HOM6 " "■ HS-S AWFVIC • I VUAMT A MAM WITH • fw\ON6Y AIM'T Cv/CRY- C I'VE GoT Tb GO ro Te \ GOOD LOOK'INJo gRMNS - Som£ O~K • * r H(wft FTPa ACC IT'S HMRDRSiSCRS - • ANJO AMice Can cook up to AnD it A.HT Cant do a THIHG GV3D ff^lXrlZ T °" SaSTSTittt-.r'LS "-? •• tows AND HONOR I I_WA4HKO m ilia LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BREWKR OFFERS DEFENSE |j To the Editor of the Telegraph: The press has in the past few days given much space to the fact that certain American brewers "oaned the sum of $3 75,000 to Arthur Brisbane, which sum he used in the purchase of the Washington Times. In many publications referring *.o this matter the word "German" is applied to the word "brewer," and there is continued and persistent ef fort to create in the minds of read ers the impression that the brewers are as a class unpatriotic. The at tempt to create and foster this im pression is to give birth to and nour ish what is a malicious and coward ly lie! More than ninety per cent, of all the brewers in the United States are American born. And in a very large proportion of cases their par ents were American born. What money they have has been made in American business and in vested in America. Since the begin ning of the war brewers have been among the largest purchasers of every Liberty Bond issue, the total of their subscriptions amounting to many millions of dollars. They have contributed in large amounts to the Red Cross and other war activities. Brewers themselves are wearing the uniform of service and the sons and grandsons of brewers are fight ing under the Stars and Stripes. In the many acts of disloyalty dis covered by the Department of Justice prior to and during the war, there is not one single instance where any brewer, directly or indirectly, has in any way been found guilty of any act which could be considered disloyal. Much publicity has been given to the fact that before the war com menced brewers of the country con tributed money to the German- American Alliance for the purpose of contesting prohibition. Not one single dollar was ever paid to the ; German-American Alliance by any brewer after the declaration of war between Germany and our country, and this fact is well known to every man who has Investigated this sub- ject It has never been shown and can never be shown that any American brewer has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the dissemination of any unpatriotic propaganda! A few days ago our President is sued a proclamation forbidding the manufacturer of beer after Decem ber 1. Despite the fact that this order destroys a billion dollars' worth of property, it has been ac cepted by the brewers without com plaint, because they realize that in the judgment of our President such a ruling Is necessary to the success of the war program. Are certain politicians, disappoint ed in their ambitions, and those who are opposed to the consumption of any beverage with the slightest trace of alcohol, so powerful that they can use the horrors of this distressing war to heap odium and disgrace upon a class of citizens whoso loyalty, measured by whatevpr standard, is one hundred per cent. American? We are not making this appeal In behalf of our property or our product but as American citizens appealing to you to help protect the good name of ourselves and our families. C. W. FEIGENSPAN. Anything To Please Germany has now proved she is efitirely reasonable in her plans for acquisition of conquered territory. She is willing to adopt any one of three methods —to fight for it (so long as there is a chance to win), or to get it by bribing opposing leaders (as in the case of Russia), or to negotiate for it (as proposed through its vassal, Austria). —Kansas City Star. # LABOR NOTES British Engineering and Shipbuild ing Trades Unions have asked for an advance in wages of 100 per cent, above pre-war rates. On September 30, at Boston, Mass., International Association of Plast erers of the United States and Can ada will convene. At Slldell, La., colored stationary firemen have organized and affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen. Salaries of elementary school teach ers in Middlesex, England, have been raised £14,800 per annum, and later on will be raised by £ 67,200. San Diego (Cal.) street car men have organlzedand affiliated with the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric employes. . Will Mr. Wilson Attend to This? From the New York Sun A CAMPAIGN circular signed in autographic facsimile by W. D. Jamieson, Assistant Treasurer of the Democratic National Commit tee, and countersigned in ordinary Roman capital letters by C. McCormick, Chairman, serves to il lustrate the adjournment of politics in this extraordinary fashion: "You know the glorious record of achievement of our party since Pres ident Wilson was elected. You know the constructive and progressive laws which have been passed affecting our domestic and economic concerns. "You know our glorious war rec ord. We stayed out until the full ness of time, but since going In we have amazed the world and amazed ourselves with what we have done in every line of activity. President Wilson has handled the whole situ ation in such a way that he has not only won the loving and enthusiastic admiration of our own people, but he has by the very force of merit won the place of world leadership among the peoples who Believe in freedom and democracy. "Is he not entitled to the support of a Congress that is with him on the 100 per cent, basis, not only on war matters, but on his other programs? "You realize a Republican Con gress means a divided authority. Do you want him to be blocked In this great world enterprise by any such obstruction? Don't you realize that any such division of authority or any such hampering means a lessen ing of our war efficiency? "The election of a Republican Congress in November would be viewed as a defeat for President Wilson by our allies, and particularly by our enemies. It would be viewed in Germany as a proof of their un warranted claim that our country is not behind our war President. It would be a source of comfort and elation to the Kaiser and his co horts." This is the production of a nin compoop, but he is a nincompoop who requires the prompt and vig orous application of the snuffers. He is capable of doing more harm SLAVE AND EMPEROR ["Our cavalry have rescued Naz areth from the enemy whose super men described Christianity as a creed for slaves."] The Emperor mocked at Nazareth In his almighty hom 1 . The Slave that bowed himself to death And walked with slaves in Nazareth, What were His words but wasted breath Before that "will to power." Yet, in the darkest hour of all. When black defeat began, The Emperor heard the mountains quake, He felt the graves beneath him shake, He watched his legions rally and break, And he whimpered as they ran. "I hear a shout that moves the earth, A cry that wakes the dead! Will no one tell me whence they come. For all my messengers are dumb? What power is this that comes to birth And breaks my power?" he said. Then, all around his foundering guns, Though dawn was now not far. The darkness filled with a living fear That whispered at the Emperor's ear, "The armies of the dead draw near Beneath an eastern star." The trumpet blows in Nazareth. The Slave is risen again! Across the bitter wastes of death. The horsemen ride from Nazareth, And the Power we mocked as wasted breath Returns, in power, to reign; Rides on, in white, through Nazareth, To savo His world again. ALFRED NOTES. A Book He Didn't Need A soldier, very swarthy in hue, en tered the American Library Associa tion's library at Camp Sevier, S. C., and asked for books In -modern Greek. He was offered, among oth ers, one of the Balkan War. He smiled, but shook his head. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt he showed a terrific old scar on hiß shoulder. "I fought in that war," he said, "and I know all I want to know about It, ' if he is allowed to keep on as he is going than a dozen Prussian and Bavarian divisions. Who will suppress him, before his reckless damfoolishness gets in its deadly work? There is little hope of Vance McCormick's doing the pa triotic job, for the name of that po tentate of adjourned politics appears legibly as an indorser of the docu ment from which we have quoted. Tumulty, sitting at the closed door of adjourned politics, might do the squelching: but from what we know, of Tumulty we fear he won't, at least of his owti motion. A single word, however, from be yond that closed door to either Mc- Cormick or Tumulty would be quickly effective. About half of the American citi zens standing behind President Wil son for the winning of the war are those Republicans whom the nin compoop would shut out, if he could, from representation in the Federal legislature while the war lasts. Cer tainly one-half of the wealth of the nation is In the pockets or bank ac counts or personal property sched ules of those Republicans whom the nincompoop would exclude from the rights and privileges of American democracy while they are assisting the President to win the victory that is to insure the future safety of | world democracy. It is inconceivable that the Presl- I dent should regard this as an oppor tune time for the exhibition, in his name, of such unscrupulous politics, such shamelessly narrow and reck less partisanship. The same sense of dignity and responsibility to a united nation of Democrats and Republicans which impelled him to veto the 'plan for a Presidential swing around the circle in this Liberty bond month in the interest of Democratic candidates in doubtful districts will prompt him now to speak through the closed door the word which shall cause Tumulty to communicate with Mc- Cormick, and shall thereupon cause Vance McCormick )0 take his nin compoop by the left ear and propel him inexorably to the Tower of Silence. PENNSYLVANIA IN WAR I [From the Philadelphia Bulletin] ! On Saturday Raymond Robbins, of this state, made a speech in the House of Representatives denounc ing the Administration for spending so much money on cantonments, etc., in the South and so little in the North, where nearly all the taxes are paid. It was a speech made for political effect, and has been so re ceived by Democratic members who are said to be preparing answers. As to the partisan matter there is no need for discussion here, but Mr. RobHJns did give some iigures about this state in the war which are worth lifting out of the Congressional Record morgue and being given the light of publicity. The man-power of Peiwsylvania ir. the war is giVen as follows: Keystone Division (Twen ty-bighth) 37,500 Machine Gun Battalion (Rainbow) 750 Regular Army 80,000 Navy and Marines 15,000 Drafted men 198,245 Total 321,495 So far os the regular army, navy and marines are concerned, the fig ures seem modest and perhaps there are some units from this state which may not be accounted for. In any event the number is probably below the truth. This year Pennsylvania paid just a trifle less than $500,000,000 in Federal taxes and the sum will be much larger when adjustments now in progress are completed. Mr. Robbins complains that this state got less than nine millions for encamp ments. He offers two tables, show ing distribution of encampment costs: Fifteen Southern States received over $490,000,000 Fourteen Northern States received.. 200,000,000 The fifteen South ern States paid in • taxes 291,000,000 The fourteen Northern $2,100,000,000 Certainly Pennsylvania can claim that in man-power and In taxes it has done its share and its glory is that so far it has suffered tar more casualltles than any other state, both actually and relatively to enlistments. Pennsylvania is making no bargains over its patriot ism. It la doing its full duty. If all do as well there will be no oomplalnt SEPTEMBER 27,1918. Kaiser and His Own Tonic [From tho Kansas City Star.] Why, what is this, the kaiser In a nervous breakdown and despondent? Let him turn inynediately to the kaiser's speech before the Krupp workers, delivered no longer ago than last Thursday, and there read the cheering and comforting words uttered for the cure of just such cases. Some of the workers had been feeling a little down in the mouth, but the kaiser told them that to doubt was to show Ingratitude to Gott. The kaiser ought to read that speech. Then maybe he will know whether the workers felt any better when they heard It. He will find he told them Germany was sure to come out all right because Ger mans sang "Eine Feste Burg Ist Un ser Gott." If the kaiser's Gott Is, a fortress into which he has consider!, ately allowed the German people to take refuge with him, he ought to be as well able to feel Its strength as they. Is the kaiser beginning to doubt the fortress? If so, lie must doubt the kaiser, too, which Is worse than ingratitude of Gott—lt is lese majesty to the kaiser. Really, unless the kaiser bucks up the Krupp workers may have to go over to Potsdam and make him a speech. And It has always been thought to be a bad sign for kings when their subjects do that. Louis XVI heard some oratory of that sort and r.ever seemed to have any luck afterwards. OUR DAILY LAUGH I SURGERY IN m HB\ TOYLAND. jjjjjgjjg Doctor: In or- m der to set your leg properly I will have to use Hl/lt your arms as IM STASHING TON'S BIRTHDAY. * okm/A ivj o. W., we'd like Ltlw; y to know ■;?QSPH§/Z/ 'JJ If you, when $3F]M'//////r born so Kicked, cried M an< * cooed ' n ' UII C ° n ~ B /V/W/yM*. u Nor missed to ////WMmM day's en- H '' Willi! lighten. ment? Vlth no trained HQ** | nurse i n To rule your ,j amk home and guard from $ To sterilize your food and ""Vy How did you '^2 death's aw- j?4 • ful L Hplk A CINCH. A/ a Fly: Hey Bill, thex made a lot lyaslKgiof Yuss about flying from Chl cago to New York. We could do It In no time. WHERE HE RULES. Are you the V lead of the p \f* \ louse? y** I I wouldn't say ) ih a t exactly, (MPJ/ v V/\ >ut I do the (A [l \ Srlving when _ J die missus and raFtf t go out In the Ml tO. ™ -- (Eljat Cumberland, Adams and Frank lin county fishermen will benefit at the expense of anglers of Berks, Lehigh and Northampton as the re sult of a couple of wrecks on the Reading railway this week and In cidentally, the state will not loso some young fish. The State Depart ment of Fisheries Is sending out blue gill "sunnies" from Its hatcheries by the thousand. Commissioner Nathan R. Buller has been specializing in this fish and there has been a large output, which is being shipped In cans to fishermen, sportsmen and fhe er fi C sh e ar^n n Wh ° asree to "e that o make rr° ( Perly distributed and tn*r? e 'tu ° ver th lcty cans consigned twentv fo!Tr Pt h° n county were he ld up twenty-four hours here a few davs sfate a Fish n e 3 H the n tima KOt short tho ed f Department was ask freicht nu d ( °, ab °, ut the perishable who hU Clerk Stackhouse, mT,! 11 ? eye to business, called berland°V n 6r f ° lk , 3 up ln the Cum bei land Valley and got their eager to look after the cans and offl'ni "°t'hed the perplexed Reading officials to ship the fish in another direction. That is where Franklin county won out. Yesterday there CumhnrUoa flelay and thfs time and Berks fi l° Unty Was the winner and Berks fishermen will get a new • More complaints about increases of fare on trolley lines in PennsvL vanla have been filed with the Pub week then . Commlsa '°n in the last The nnllf 1 ' n , some recent months, whnt fJT J " are mainly against " „ known as second advances. ' number of the trolley com panies have been sending fares ad vanced to six cents some time ago to seven and eight cents, to take ef- J" °, ctober - Some companies bave t0 defend two sets of com plaints against fares, while attacks on car service are numerous. Jesse E. B. Cunningham, the law yer, says he thinks he has found his vocation. Mr. Cunningham is one of the lawyers who has been making- Liberty Loan speeches at theaters, and the other evening he was part of a vaudeville bill. He was in between an acrobat and a singer. Next day he was told by an earnest admirer that the theater had a pretty good bill. "I think 111 join up with Hopkins if they like me that much," said he. • * * Ross A. Hickok, the federal fuel administrator, is kept so busy he does not have time to note the pass ing of the seasons. He appeared one of the cool days with a straw hat, although almost every one was wearing a felt hat and glad to do it. He says there is always a warm spell about October 1 and there is plenty of time to change. • • • Some of the members of the Har risburg Reserves have shown a re markable dosire to practice with * their shotguns the last week or so. The difficulty heretofore has been to get the men to practice. Now they are clamoring for more ammuni tion. The reason is that some of* them have located blackbirds and starlings and want to do a little work in advance of the bird season which starts next month. • * • Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, the veteran secretary of tho State Game Com mission, is home from a trip through eastern states following the confer ence of game commissioners in NeW York. The doctor has been one of those who had opinions of his own about the federal action against reed bird shooting. He found other state officials who had the same ideas and they had an interesting inter change of views with people from Washington. Dr. Kalbfus is hope ful that when the folks down south discover that what is called the reed bird in the northern states and the bobolink further north is the one that destroys rice fields that there will be a change in procedure. The reCd bird, he holds, should be legal game here as the state law makes it, because of the damage that the bird does and the food supply it furnishes. On his way home Dr. Kalbfus was in northern counties and found sportsmen keenly inter ested in the bear which are reported as fairly numerous and inclined to raid hives. • • George D. Thorn, who will be come Deputy Secretary of the Com monwealth next Tuesday, is com mencing to hear about it. .Because he has been chief clerk and oblig ing for years at the State Depart ment he has many friends and they are congratulating him upon his ad vancement. Frederic A. Godcharles, who leaves the office under the state law which gives him half pay dur ing war service, is also getting fare well words, especially from stamp collectors and marksmen who wish him luck in the army. • • • • A man "ame here from New York to work at a certfiin trade and soon after he got here he received his check for the previous week's work in the big city. It made tho Har rlsburg workers stare and three of them have gene to New York. The man from Manhattan continues to work in Harrisburg and says the cost of living, whilo bad enough, is lower, WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Senator William C, Sproul, nom inee for Governor, had a birthday a few days ago, but no one knew it. —Senator Clarence J. Buckman, who will be president of the next Senate, is not yet forty. —Col. G. C. Rlckards, command ing the 112 th infantry, writes home about heavy captures of German stores in the Marne region. —Bishop Thomas J. Garland, of Philadelphia, has been visiting at the seashore. —Adjutant General Beary, who spoke to students here this week, is to address boys in towns in East ern Pennsylvania next week. —P. P. Reislng, of Rochester, has been elected head of the association of yardmasters of the ljlg Pitts burgh district. —Lieutenant Arthur Nelson, of Kane, home on leave "after tho Marne campaign, has been promoted to be captain and detailed to Camp "Sherman as an Instructor. [ DO YOU KNOW" | .—That Harrtsburg is noted as one of the best-lighted river fronts In tho state J HISTORIC HARRISBURG —One hundred rears ago there were tan stage Unas oomlng to Har-