Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 24, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    " When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
(Copyright. 1918. by King Features
Snydicate, Inc.)
At the end of a week's vain search
for work. Jim still contrived to ap
pear hopeful. He had a doggedly
amused air that he seemed to think
hid all his worry and chagrin from
me, and for me each night there was
a little gift—early raspberries or late
roses. 1 wondered if he went without
his lunches in order to buy them, for
his appetite for dinner paid such
glowing tribute to my cooking.
To-night he came in with a buoy
ancy so swaggering, so elaborate that
1 ached to think how much energy
he must be spending on his play-act
ing. The courage of him was splen
did—but the biggest thing about it
was the fact that he was ready to
do every bit of the suffering—mine
and his.
Oh, Jimmie, my darling—if only I
could tell you how rich your chival
rous, unselfish love makes me! But
that would not be fair, for then you
would know that your dauntless pluck
had been —wasted.
"Well, little Princess, I've covered
the track of novelties from Yokohama
to Cairo —and I think the Harrison
family will have to start a factory to
turn out Japanese fans right here on
the premises," said Jim to-night as
he offered me my gift—a tiny box of
Canton ginger.
The telephone broke in on our con
versation and welcome-home kiss, and
as I crossed the room to answer it I
found myself praying that soon the
country for which they had fought
would complete her preparation for
the work of fitting her returning
heroes to jobs. For already 1 was
facing the "after-the-war" problem
and seeing a soldier's tragic struggle
to find his place again in the worka
day world.
"Jobs—not bouquets," I murmured
to myself. "Oh! That will make a
splendid title for the next Haldane
Then I took down the receiver and
a voice announced:
"It's Tom Mason. Mrs. Harrison.
How about that dinner you two good
people were going to give a lonely old
bachelor? I'm in the building now
arranging some business with one of
mv tennants —you won't humiliate me
by turning me down, will you?"
And I couldn't refuse to let him
come. Jim was a bit irritable about
It. I suppose it was a relief to act
like a regular man!
"Now, look here, Anne, I wish you'd
tell me clearly once for all, just why
wehj in Tom Mason's apartment and
makes him think he can invite
himself to dinner."
In fact, the big tragedy of his resig
nation from the Army and the need
of finding a Job, we had neglected to
revert to the discussion of my moving
Lemon Juice
For Freckles
Glrlal Make beauty lotion at
home for a few cents. Try It!
Squeeze the Juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle and tan lotion, and com
plexion beautifier, at very, very
small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Massage this sweetly
fragrant lotion into the face. neck,
arms and hands each day and see
how freckles and blemishes disap
pear and how clear, soft and white
the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harm
How You Hate
/Y Those Greasy Dishes!
And the pots and kettles that you have to scrape.
Unless you have learned, as have thousands of other
women, of this easier, better way to clean table and
kitchenware. Sprinkle
into your dish-water. _ It makes dish-washing easy be
cause it cuts grease instantly off
dishes and silver, pots and pans,
and puts a wonderful lustre on f
glass, and cleanses kygienicallybe' OLLJ— WW
cause it is mildly antiseptic- p
Endorsed by all health authori* *' - KUI^T^M
ties. JUsed wherever hygienic fa
cleanliness must be maintained. " /r Mjsss£si*
AT ALL DEALERS |hfmYr||| V/ty
Stud for Mafic Crystal booklet, dtscriUuf
200 household uses for 20 Mult Team Bertut.
Pacific Coast Borax Company • wA
New York Chicago
from the Walgrave. So now. as quiet
ly and simply as I could manage it.
I told him the whole story—my first
luncheon with Evelyn, my trip to the
Mason studio, my unhappiness at the
Walgrave and the utter impossibility
of moving to Retty's apartment even
if I had wanted to.
Up until then Jim had been listen
ing very seriously, but now his stern
ness vanished. With real amusement
he reached down into one of his many
pockets and fished up half a dozen lit
tle keys on a silver ring.
"Betty's! By Jove. 1 have them
yet! I'm beginning to see just how
you came to land here."
In my happiness and relief. I ac
tually forgot all about the shimmer
ing robe of blue and gold that lay
hidden in the carved chest where I
had thrust it. Then I glanced at the
clock and grasped—my mind was side
tracked from everything but my
preparations for dinner.
When Mr. Mason came Jim greeted
him with an air too elaborately polite
to indicate his real feeling, but later
the men warmed to friendliness
toward each other under the benefi
cent influence of dinner. Jim boasted
that I was the only bride on record
who was a good cook.
Over the coffee Tom Mason made a
: little effort to investigate our future
"Going to get a job inspecting one
of the ordnance plants, Jim?." he
"I'm looking around for a job. Don't
just know what I will do." said Jim
| with truthfulness that managed to
hide the real truth.
"Well, old man, I'll give you a berth
in my office if you decide to leave
Uncle Sam." said Mr. Mason.
It was so sincere that it kindled
Jim to actual friendliness.
. "I don't know the real estate game,
Tom—but you're a bully sort to of
We were interrupted by the door
bell. Jim answered, took an envelope
from a uniformed boy at the door and
then vanished abruptly into the bed
Tom Mason leaned forward and
whispered confidentially:
"Sav, little lady, it's great to be
friends with Jimmie again! I told you
I he'd like this little place—like your
! coming here. Was the robe a suc
He laid his hand upon my shoulder,
but I shook It off, arose and faced
"I haven't told—Jim hasn't seen it
yet!" I said in a low voice.
A quizzical smile flashed into Tom
Mason's face—
"Oh! So it's a secret. Our se
cret" .
He arose eagerly and followed, his
eyes kindling.
"I'll get it for you now." I declared
1 with sudden resolution, my hand up
] on the ild of the chest where it lay
hidden. "I want you to take that robe
' of yours away with you to-night. Mr.
I Mason."
"Nonsense: it belongs here. It goes
: with the apartment. It's yours," said
| he lightly.
"No—no," T reiterated.
But before I could lift the carved
I lid Jim came into the room. He
I walked as if in a daze he was trying
to shake off. He seemed utterly re
mote from us. I hurried over to him
and ventured:
"Was the letter imcortant, dear?"
At my voice Jim pulled himself to
gether and replied steadily:
"No. dear—it wasn't anything you'd
care to hear."
Again a quizzical smile flashed
across Tom Mason's face.
"You don't have secrets from the
little wife, do you. Jim?"
Then it was that I realized Tom
Mason thought that he and I held a
secret from Jim.
(To Be Continued.)
Cliambershurg. Pa., Sept. 24.—•
Harry M. Burkett, of Greencastle, is
disposing of a basket of peaches for
the benefit of the local Red Cross
(Chapter. He has obtained $22.10 so
! far for the fruit he has sold and he
I still has a number of peaches wait
ing for the purchasers.
. . . . ;
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service '•* By McManus
• ... . . . . - • ' rj
II Ml S I - JAME^ T H I WHAT HA"bf" Wl„ -<( Mb
1 OUT NX FOR l/-\ COAT -WHAT KIND {Sfejß I THE WINOOV/ W>TH ME I a /rdCbw ,-<cQh~,
COM-- V j OFAHOO"bE J |jj| COAT? °
(Copyright. * 1918, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate)
To foresee the Germany of to
morrow, then, we must lirst under
stand the Germany of to-day, and
although I may not be able to offer
much of value in the way of proph
ecy, 1 feel that 1 ought to be able
to describe with some degree of ac
curacy the conditions which pre
vailed in Germany up to the time I
left early in 1918.
The twentieth century has seen
such radical changes in world con
ditions, views and aspiration's, that
| 1 am afraid history will prove but a
| poor guide to the future. In the
j past few centuries, Germany has
experienced several more or less
serious social revolutions, but it
would' be dangerous to predicate
very much upon those abortive up
History does furnish us. howaver,
with many illustrations of the long
suffering character of the German
people. The dull record of their
servility is relieved only here and
there by a flash of that spirit of
independence and love of freedom
which has ever been the glory and
' distinguishing trait of the Anglo-
Saxon race.
We get a glimpse of this spirit
! in the uprising of the peasants of
I Germany in the seventeenth century,
when their privations brought on
what was known as "The Peasants'
War." With pitchforks and scythes,
(hey warred on the military and no
bility, and their desperation and
sense of injustice so augmented the
power of their crude weapons that
it was only after the bloodiest light
ing that they were vanquished in the
unequal conflict.
Very little was accomplished in
the way of social progress through
out the seventeenth century because
of the long series of wars which
devastated the continent at that
period. It was estimated that by
1650 no less than seventy per cent,
of the German people had perished
through the ravages of war, pesti
lence and famine.
The principles of republicanism,
brought to the force by the French
revolution, took root in Germany
and bore fruit in 1832 in the shape
of a rather formidable uprising. No
less than 30,000 men gathered at
Hambach in the Palatinate to de
mand emancipation, but Bavarian
troops quelled the rebellion and
similar uprisings in Frankfort. Bre
men, Cassel and Saxony were like
wise suppressed.
Perhaps the most ambitious revo- '
lution in the annals of Germany 1
was that of 184 8, when the spirit of i
democracy was rife throughout Eu-'j
rope. Berlin and Vienna fell >to i
the populace, but the triumph was I
short-lived. General Wrangel sub- I
dued the uprising, and Prussian
troops soon disposed of other re
bellions throughout the empire. One j
of the effects of the demonstration
was to secure a constitution for
Prussia, but no sooner was the men
ace of the revolution allayed than
the constitution was withdrawn —
which, of course, was typical of
Prussian statecraft.
But even the comparatively recent
indication of a spirit of independ
ence in the German people is of.
little significance in connection wth
a consideration of present probabili
ties because of the fact that such I
ideas have not gained ground since, j
When the war broke out in 1914,
the Kaiser had behind him a united |
people who gloried in his power and |
were prepared to follow wherever
his ambitions might lead. I do not
mean for a moment to intimate that
there were not many in Germany
who were and are as keen for de
ocracy as any individuals in the
world, but I am talking now of the
people as a whole—royalty, nobility,
aristocracy, junkers, middle-classes,
workers and farmers —ninety-eight
per cent, of the population of the
country revered their Kaiser and
were proud to regard themselves as
"his" people.
I shall never forget the scene in
Berlin when it was announced in
the papers that Austria had handed
her ultimatum to Servla. That eve-
Washing Won't Rid
Head Of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon: apply it at night when re- |
tiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all, of your dandruff
will be gone, and three or four more
applications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, no matter ,how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop
at once, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and fee! a hundred times
You can get liquid arvon at any.
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work.
ning I walked up Unter der Linden
and saw thousands of young men
from eighteen to thirty marching
along with their hats off clamoring
for war. Mounted police were on
hand, but made no efforts to dis
perse the gathering, although no
such demonstration is ever allowed
in Germany unless it is in keeping
with the policy of the government
to permit it.
I turned to a gray-haired porter
standing in front of a building and
asked him what it all meant.
"They want war!" he answered.
"There's 10,000 of them and they're
on their way to the Russian em
bassy. Poor fools! I've been
through two wars—against Austria
in '6O and against France in '70 —
and I know what it means. These
young men will learn too. to their
sorrow, before it's over. There was
a time when the hand of Germany
was extended to the world down
ward as a sign of friendship, but
now it is stretched out upward to
grab all it can get!"
This old porter was wise enough
to realize the dangers which those
higher up ignored.
On every hand there Was evidence
of elation among the people at the
early prospect of going to war, and
their enthusiasm continued long
after hostilities began.
The Germans had been told by
the newspapers that the war upon
which they were embarking was
forced upon them and that the rest
of the world had jumped upon Ger
many's neck and was seeking to
dismember the empire because it
was jealous of German commercial
supremacy. They were likewise
promised that the outcome of the
war would secure the "freedom of
the seas" and give Germany an op
portunity to meet England in the
markets of the world on an equal
commercial basis.
To what extent the people be
lieved the official explanation of the
purpose of the war, I am not in
a position to say. Many undoubtedly
accepted it at its face value, and
gloried in the prospect of Germany's
triumph. The better informed,
knowing that every port in the
world was open to German boats
and that, in fact, eighty per cent, of
the German foreign trade was with
the Anglo-Saxon nations, must have
been at a loss to understand what
was meant by the "freedom of the
seas" which Germany was so anx
ious to secure.
But whether they saw through
their government's pretenses or not,
practically every German in the
country went into the war with a
will, determined to uphold German
might and establish the national
principle of "Duetschland über
It was confidently expected by all
that the war would be over within
ninety days at the outside, and there
can be no doubt that if the German
program had been carried out to
a successful conclusion the position
of the Hohenzollerns would have
been secure for many generations
to come. Victory would have so re
inforced the foundations of the em
pire that it would have been proof
against political agitators, I believe,
for hundreds of years. Democracy
would be crushed the world over
and all that has been accomplished
in the past two thousand years
would go for naught.
But the German plan did not suc
ceed. It went wrong right from the
start. Belgium proved an unexpect
ed obstacle, tht English came in,
Paris refused to fall, the French
held their own, the Russian hordes
proved a real menace, and after the
great, lumbering German machine
had traveled a certain distance on
its original impetus it was brought
to an unforeseen halt. It was very
awkwhrd for the government, be
cause it was all so different from
what the people had been pomised,
and it wouldn't do to shake their
To keep the facts from the public,
the press was put under rigorous
supervision, and none of the reverses
which the Germans encountered,
none of the political mistakes which
they were constantly making, none
of the unforeseen difficulties which
were developing, was ever published
until the people had been gradually
and skilfully prepared to receive the
bad news, while general information
concerning some of the misfortunes
was suppressed entirely.
(To Be Continued.)
Germans Are Crushed;
Acting Like Automatons
Purlx, Sept. 24. A neutral dip
lomat who has just passed through
Germany, where he stayed a few
days, declared to the Matin that the
food situation 'ln Berlin was so bad
that foreign diplomats subsisted ex
clusively on provisions sent to them
from outside the country.
The German people, crushed by re
cent events, seem like automatons,
responding unconsciously to sugges
tions received, all spirit of initiative
and free criticism being completely
He concluded the summing up of
his impressions with the following
"Everybody wants to group to
gether. Just as before great dis
British Press Hard
on St. Quentin in
Picardy War Drive
London. Sept. 24.—British forces 1
are pressing In on St. Quentin di- .
rectly from the west, to-day's report,
from Field Marshal Haig shows. He i
reports fighting taking place to the |
British advantage and announces
progress by the attacking troops in j
the region* east of Vermand.
Bomb Constantinople and
Drop Leaflets to Turks
. London. Sept. 24. Constant!- 1
i nople was bombed by the British I
Royal Air Force Friday and Satur-l
day, according to a bulletin issued by!
the Admiralty. The communication .
reads: *
"The Greeks co-operated in the i
bombing of Constantinople on Sep- !
tember 20 and 21 and dropped thous-|
ands of leaflets in Stamboul.
"A balloon, shot down in flames '
in the European operations set fire to I
three hangars, which were burned.
"I'm Fresh As a
Daisy," Is Ring j
of His Praise
Horr Street Resident Says All Trou
bles Have Melted Away
"I suffered for years with chronic j
headaches," says George Stewart, a i
porter at Kresge's, who lives at 1124 j
Herr street. Harrisburg.' Pa.
"I suffered a lot from indigestion,!
"But Tanlac's the great stuff, for !
it fixed me up in two shakes of a j
lamb's tail. Headaches and every'
other ache just melted away; my'
stomach woke up and my appetite j
came back and I can now pull up to ,
the table and eat with thb best of j
And sleep! I sleep like a log and
wake up in the morning as fresh |
as a daisy."
Tanlac is now being introduced;
here at George Gorgas Drug Store.
Tanlac is also sold at the Gorgas ■
Drug Store in the P. R. R. Station; !
in Carlisle at TV. G. Stevens' Phar- !
macy; Elizabethtown, Albert W. j
Cain: Greencastle, Charles B. Carl; j
Middletown, Colin S. Few's Phar- !
macy; Waynesboro, Clarence Croft's j
Pharmacy; Mechanicsburg, H. F. |
The genuine Tanlac bears the
"J. I. Gore Co." on outside carton of j
each bottle. Look for It. j
Helpful Advice for Cure of the Hiilr
Worthy the Attention of Every- I
one Who Would Avoid Dnudrull',
Itching Sculp, Gray Hair and
If your hair is getting thin or you !
are troubled with drandruff or itching
scalp use Parisian sage daily for a
week and you will surely be surprised 1
to see how quickly it stops your hair i
from falling and removes every sign
of dandruff and itching scalp.
"Before going to bed I rub a little
Parisian Sage into my scalp," says a
woman whose luxurious soft and!
fluffy hair is greatly admired. "This i
keeps my hair from being dry, brittle i
or seraggly, helps it to retain its 1
natural color and beauty, and makes'!
it easy to dress attractively."
Beautiful, soft, glossy, healthy hair, ;,
and lots of it, is a simple matter for ;
those who use Parisian sage. This ;
harmless, inexpensive, delicately per- 1
fumed, and non-greasy invlgorator is '
sold by Kennedy's Drug Store and at ! |
all good drug and toilet counters. Be
sure you get the genuine Parisian ''
sage (Giroux's) as that has the I
money-back guarantee printed on j
every package.—Adv.
Acids In Stomach
Cause Indigestion
Create Gas, Sourness and Fain
How To Treat.
Medical authorities state that near- i
ly nine-tenths of the cases of stom- 1!
aCh trouble, indigestion, squrness, | I
burning, gas bloating, nausea, etc..
are due to an excess of hydrochloric I
acid in the stomach and not as some ! j
believe to a lack of digestive Juices.
The delicate stomach lining is irri- |
tated, digestion is delayed and food j
sours, causing the disagreeable symp
toms which every stomach sufferer
knows so well.
Artificial digestents ari not needed I
in such cases and may do real harm.
Try laying aside all digestive aids I
and instead get from any druggist i
a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia
and take a teaspoonful in a quarter I
glass of water right after eating. ;
This sweetens the stomach prevents
the formation of excess acid and
there is no sourness gas or pain.
Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or I
tablet form never liquid or milk)
is harmless to the stomach inexpen- I
slve to take and Is the most efficient j
form of magnesia for stomach pur
poses. It is used by thousands of I
people who enjoy their meals with i
no more fear of indigestion. G. A. .
I Stunning New Suits For Fall 1
I New Arrivals For Women and Misses 1
| Wonderful Values—These 1
lAt $2O, $22-50 and $25 J§?L I
M Two New Models of Suits at 00 ' '' '
Burella and Poplin, in such wanted shades as f M I I H
nlj navy, brown, taupe and black. All sizes. Extra
|| special value. | l W J
Two New Models of Suits at sc% JJQ 1 i ; \\ , >
These are made of pure Wool Poplin, in the most < r 1 })i
l[M desirable shades—black, navy, taupe and brown. t /'
||j Practical models for general wear. • / jm
Two New Models of Suits at aa '*"-
Made of pure Wool Poplin, all sizes for women
1 P /k UU |
and misses; in navy, black, taupe and brown. waA%J " / \V\
Remarkable value. Can not be matched at the §s
price. ' ' f ||
More Than 1000 New Coats $l5 to $75
The largest assortment in Central Pennsylvania to choose from—Velours, Cheviots,
Khaki, Zibiline, Burella, Silver Tip, Crystal, Pompom, Cut Bolivia, Silvertone and Plush. |ff
Serge Dresses—Pure Woolsl2 wtos3s 8
Straight-line effects, tunics, military effects, embroidery, many with the new wide 01
sleeves. The new round necks are prominent, and all made of fine all-wool French and 35
Men's Wear Serges.
Madam, All Petticoats Are Not Alike! 1
Before You Buy Another Petticoat i
Make These Comparisons! |
ft Compare the Placket § |
/K\ And you will do yourself anj Note how petticoat plack- 3S
(vaU ln i ustlce you buy another 1 e ts are made. Compare oth
petticoat without knowing; ers with the Eppo. Note that
' j/ilui e . ln t ' le difference lies, j the Eppo placket is made in y/i/rl
/ftl .|| That 15 wh y we a sk you, for! one continuous piece to elim- jfti M
your own sake, to make these | inate any chance of r i pp i n g. MMM |i
comparisons. See how the Eppo placket is m
Cnmnnvn *L. IF-' i reinforced with an invisible juU
k Compare the Waist- strip of canvas to prevent the S
haml glove clasps from tearing out. * Us
# l/M " See how convenient is the plj]
Pick up any petticoat and side closing at the front. la
look at the waistband. See how the t L A in ifl
elastic is attached. LOOR At the Bottom
Only in the Eppo Petticoat will you find The braid-protected bottom, which is iffl
the elastic sewed through and through in exclusively an Eppo feature, will meet 25
such a way that you cannot stretch it to with your instant approval. No danger of PJ
more than one-fourth its total length! All the edge of your petticoat becoming worn Sll
other elastic waistbands must "go dead."j or ragged, while the rest of the garment Oj
I Only the Eppo waistband maintains its lis perfectly good. This is one of the fea
elasticity for years: I tures of which we are especially proud.
Let Our Expert Fitter Help You Select I
50 Shades I
An to Select From I
/ Top Petticoats, Jersey Petticoats j|j
Eppo Petticoats $5 to $7.45 $5.95 to $7.95 $5.95 to $7.95 ffl
Eppo Petticoats, in all shades Jersey top with Taf- All Jersey, in black, Im
—of Taffeta—black, navy, Rus- feta flounce, in plain navy, plum, Russian Si
sian green, plum, Belgian and and two-tone effects, green, Belgian, emer- 011
two-tone effects, at $5 to $7.45. $5.95 to $7.95. aid, $5.95 to $7.95. 2
SEPTEMBER 24, 1918.