Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 24, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    Plan Factory Raids
to Call 2,000 Child
Workers to School
Philadelphia, Sept. 24.—A city
jyide raid upon all factories, plants
4ttd stores where children are em
ployed will be made by the bureau
of compulsory education this week,
in an effort to bring back to school
at least 2,000 children of public
school age who are working Illegally
and violating the child labor laws.
Plans for the sweeping investiga
tion are perfected, and the officers
■J the bureau are ready to swoop
obwn on the city from one boundary
to another and demand that all chil
dren employes shall either show a
working certificate or get back to
their classes. The announcement was
made yesterday by Henry J. Gideon,
chief of the bureau of compulsory
education for the board of education.
More than 2.000 children, accord
ing to Mr. Gideon, are working un
der conditions contrary to law.
Water Power Measure
Goes Into Conference
Wasliington, Sept. 24.—After a
spirited discussion, the Senate last
night voted 42 to 9 to send the ad
ministration water-power bill, as
passed by the House, to conference
for consideration in connection with
the Senate bill, for which the House
substituted the measure as drawn by
the secretaries of war, interior and
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv
Freezone is magic! Corns and
calluses lift right off
without pain
A few cents buys a tiny bottle of
Frebzone at any drug
store. Apply a few drops of Freez
one upon a tender, aching corn or a
callus. Instantly that troublesome
corn or callus stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it out, root and all,
without any pain, soreness or Irri
tation. These little bottles of Freez
one contain Just enough to rid the
feet of every hard corn, soft corn,
corn between the toes and the cal
luses on bottom of feet. So easy:
So simple. Why wait? No humbug:
They have used "Neutrone Pre
scription 99" and found it theie
with the punch that kills Rheu
Only the skeptical now suffer.
The victims of Rheumatism all tell!
the same story, they have sort, in
flamed muscles and stiff joints, they
have, no ambition or strength and
get nervous, cross and irritable,
which is not to be wondered at.
Thousands of old-time Rheumatics
are now in the best of health after
.using "Neutrone Prescription 99."
Its satisfied users are its best ad
vertisers, pretty good advertisers,
No matter how little or how
much you suffer, go and get a bottli
of "Neutrone Prescription 99." Y'ou
will be surprised at the results. Those
sore, inflamed joints and burning,
aching muscles will disappear, and
you will feel fine every hour of the
day Mail orders filled on fl.oo size.
For sale in Harrisburg by G. A.
Gorgas. 16 North Third street and
Pennsylvania Railroad Station.
■ II MA Sufferers, write to
| |IRI| day for my words
■""W of value FREE
about Weak Lungs
and how to treat Lung Trou
bles. Address M. Bcaty, M.
D., 102 Cincinnati, O.
Your liver is
out of Order
j4 You know the signs—a
neavy head, sick stomach,
bad taste in the mouth,
latent dyspepsia. Pay strict
attention to these symptoms
and get prompt relief by
using Beecham's Pills. A
few doses will stimulate the
liver, help the stomach, reg
ulate the bowels and make
a great difference in your
general feeling. Nothing
will put you on your feet so
quickly as a dose or two of
toW.fch <* AT IMCIM la thm World.
SoMmrrwWa. ia box**, 10c^2&c.
Many Pennsvlvanians Give
Life on Front Battle
Washington, Sept. 24—There were
224 names on the double casualty
list made public by the war depart
ment to-day. Of these 121 were kill
ed in action and 68 wounded. The
casualties were divided as follows:
Killed in action 121
Missing in action 24
Wounded severely 68
Died from wounds, 21
Died from aeroplane accident. . 1
Died from accident and other
causes, .. t 3
Died of disease 5
Wounded, degree undetermined 3
Prisoners, G
Total 248
Three Pennsylvania captains,
three lieutenants and five sergeants
were killed in action, as follows:
John M. Clarke. Wilkinsburg.
Edmund W. Lynch, Sharon Hill.
Orville R. Thompson, Pittsburgh.
William L. Deetjen, Philadelphia.
Frank M. Glendenning, Pitcairn.
Frank J. Duffy, Philadelphia.
Edward J. Riehl, Philadelphia.
Archie W. Thompson, Corry.
Frank Foresti, Pittsburgh.
Alfred Stevenson, Linwood.
George Irvin Strawbridge, Read
Jesse H. Walker, Chester.
William Meinzer, Chester.
The following Pcnnsylvanians also
were included in the list:
Harry W. Anderson, Brackenridge.
John Francis Bender, Jit. Carmel.
Clarence H. Blithe. Chester.
Ernest A. Clawson. Indiana.
John A. Delaney, Chester.
Horace L. Evans, Chester.
Frank L. Freeman, Pittsburgh.
Ely F. Hilty. New Florence.
Franklin N. Keich, Tamaqua.
Emery L. Pratt, Dickerson Run.
Stanley Problys, Delaney.
Daniel E. Reppert, BoJ-ertown.
George Levi Rote, Johnsonburg.
Maurice Salesky, Philadelphia.
Alexander Volps, Philadelphia.
Ernest Zaner, Dushore.
Charles Wright, Espyville.
George Benijno, Philadelphia.
Frank A. Dodge, Torrey.
William T. Fallon, Swoyersville.
Guiseppe Fanucci, Glenlyon.
James E. Griffin, Pittsburgh.
Charles Grondwalksi, Natrona.
Joseph E. Mauler, Pittsburgh.
William Myers, Y'ork.
Nicolai Saza, Avanmore.
William Smith. Chester.
Harry Stromberg. Pittsburgh.
Herbert Taylor. Chester.
Philip 'Welsh, Salina.
Harry Charles Woods, Apollo.
Francis E. Young, Pittsburgh.
Donlvan Milton Anderson, Brad
Charles Michael Coyne, Pitts
Irvin T. Moss, Tunkhannock.
Chief Mechanician
Walter Sanford Dugan, Philadel
John Harry Beshore, Harrisburg.
Leon Champiuvier, Skinner's Eddy.
Edward B. Dean, Jr., Scranton.
Fred Milton Stover, Sheffield.
Clifford P. Maxwell, Greensburg.
Charles C. Engle, Delano.
Robert Snatee, Bentleville.
Clyde Conrad Cropf. Nescopeclt.
Patric H. Farrell, Altoona.
Guiseppe Ardizzi, Philadelphia.
More Action on Peace
Appeal, Says Burian
Amsterdam. Sept. 24.—1n an inter
view given to a Berlin newspaper.
Baron Burian, Austro-Hungarian for
eign minister, said he was not sur
prised at the reception of his peace
note. Naturally he did not suppose
that the entente would straightway
declare readiness to enter into peace
"In a situation like the present,"
continued the minister, "it is some
times necessary to clarify things by
means of reagents. The note was
such a reagent. It has already pro
duced remarkable phenomena and
will do so still more in the near fu
"Very extraordinary, for instance,
was the remarkable rapidity of Pres
ident Wilson's reply. Clearly, Presi
dent Wilson wanted to anticipate the
other entente governments. He al
ways had the ambition to be a world
arbiter and has not abandoned that
U. S. Losses by Submarine
Offset by Finished Ships
Washington, Sept. 24.—Deliveries
of completed vessels from shipyards
in the United States during July and
August. Shipping Board reports to
day show, were more than enough
to offset the submarine losses of
America since the beginning of the
war. Ships sunk aggregate 541,925
deadweight tons, while new ones put
in service in the two months aggre
gated 610,779 deadweight tons.
Total allied and neutral losses dur
ing the war have amounted to 21,.
404,913 deadweight tons, while new
allied and neutral construction had
totalled 14,247,825 tons, with ton
nage of enemy ships received by the
allies added to this total. The net
losses during the entire war period
is shown to be 3,362,088 deadweight
1,799 New Christian
Endeavor Societies
Washington, Sept. 24. Three
years ago the Christian Endeavor So
cieties of the South agreed on a five
year program which should seek to
organize 100 new societies. At the all
south convention of Christian En
davorer Societies, held at Memphis,
it was reported that 1,799 new so
cieties and more than 100,000 mem
bers had been gained in the first
three years of the campaign. It is
probable that 2,500 new societies will
be organized during the period in
stead of the original 1,000 sought.
This phenomenal growth is marked
with an evangelistic earnestness that
[ has done wonders for those churches
' in which the society is organized. '
Dr. Bagnell to Speak at
Loan .Meeting Saturday
The Parish House fund of the St.
Peter's Lutheran Church has almost
reached the amount desired.
E. C. Stciner has returned from
Sunbury, Wilkes-Barre, Shnmokln
and Reading.
Preparations for a parade in the
interest of the Fourth Liberty Loan
to be held on Saturday afternoon are
being made. Citizens and secret so
cieties have been asked to join in the
parade. After it, a mass meeting wilt
be held in the Realty theater and
the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, of Har
risburg, will speak on "A House Di
vided Against Itself."
Mrs. Theodore Cobaugh, of Phila
delphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Yost, of North Union street.
The Red Cross rooms in the Ram
bler building are closed for the week
because of important improvements
being made. The machines and ma
terials have been moved to the par
ish house of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church where, as usual, Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon meetings will
be held.
Fourteen young men from town
left yesterday for Lebanon Valley
College, Annvllle.
The Red Cross pony contest will
close Saturday evening. All who are
taking part are requested to make
final reports to Rarick and Fenical.
Mrs. Edward Forney, of Harris
burg, is the guest of her mother.
, Mrs. Charles Ware, South Catherine
"Harrisburg can be proud of her
boys." is the message sent to this
. country by Sergeant Ira M. Arthur,
2542 Lexington stdeet, a member of
Battery F, 108 th United States Field
Artillery, serving in France. Sergeant
Arthur gives a vivid description of
the fighting and what it is like to live
under fire, eating, sleeping and liv
ing in dugouts when not on duty.
Give Your Old Clothes to Give Your Old Clothes to
the Belgians This Week . the Belgians This Week
In Germany Qfn * /~c "NT Q *4-
Five years before that country started the world's ll XXX X JL a| \ \ vil vO
greatest war, practically all school children and thou- %—^
sands of men and women were gathering seeds or pits • r~*i ■ —i i i j T~T~ T •
and nuts from which the Kaiser's cohorts were able to fl Y* VV // / / /7 Yt /# f/f/ 1Y! 1" PY*
make carbon, carbon being absolutely essential in making J_ \J / (Yl/1/ LifvLv rr L/r LC' /
gas masks. "
Ttl /AIT)PYICfL This display of new fall and winter suits appealing JftßTT'*
'lit * *° y° UT t as t eB an< i to your purse, is by all odds IfjjjJ'
... one of the most interesting we have vet offered. '
Thousands of patriots are now doing this work in Amer- mum '
ica for American gas masks. Your help is needed. Take | W\\ The most charming of the season's accepted styles are jfsfl \
your peach stones (dried) to your nearest grocer, form y T\ ere est matei "i a l s were used in their making, and I\\
clubs. In every store in America enough stones or pits / tl\ | they were made by expert tailors. Suits, like these are j| O J / I \
should be deposited to make hundreds of masks. m/ SUrC t0 P°P u^ar ' especially when their prices are so o>~M. m
Save peach, apricot, cherry, plum, prune and olive pits, affordable. , ■
date seeds, walnuts, cocoanut shells, hickory nuts, but- Ji rAWw Suit of deer-color Velour, trimmed in seal, semi-fitted back m!° p j
ternuts and shells of these nuts. 1 \ aj| with belt, stitched trimming and buttons; seal collar, $75. I 'SKjft
——— ——~ i; 3 \ Suit of Velour Cloth, taupe shade, trimmed in seal, flared sides, 8 \
\'.\ \ with tucks and roll collar of seal, $9O. M lip^f
A_„ I? /~vV\£no \ Silvertone Suits in brown, plum and Oxford, mannish, tailored, 111 L !
AUtOmODlie rvOUCa dllU U ( ; L-> trimmed in buttons, $59.50. \\
\ l\ Suits for misses, in Scotch mixtures, semi-fitted, high waist line \ I I
ICGt'S \\\ ' 3C ' t ame mo^e ' s ' n Silvertones, $39.50. \i II
\ IV • Suits of Duvetyns, fitted, trimmed in bias bands of same color 11 J / /
\ ] \ material, with belt and slightly flared, $59.50. \) J J
These cool mornings and evenings you will feel more com- Suits for misses of Velour Cloths, in rich brown line checks,
fortable and enjoy your trip better by being warm. We are / 1M trimmed in buttons, high waist line, fancy pockets, $45. fl kv
prepared to supply your wants we have Plush Robes in dif i Suits in mixtures, close fitting, flared tail, mannish tailored, $35.
ferent weights and sizes, some rubber lined, $6 to $lO each. r w IS
1U v BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. <S
Steamer Rugs—some with fringe, others hemmed—large
selection of patterns, Scotch plaids predominate; in all wool
and part wool, each S6.QO to $20.00. ' • O 1 I *ll 1 fof
BOWMAN'S SECOND FLOOR. Curtain Stretchers Children s School Shoes
iv fT7 >,T'o " -r, Normy pinc ' That Are Made To Wear
\/| H ItJ '|| ■ ,is Curtain Stretcher made of .
Tv A A.J i. M kJ I I basswood, pins inches v^,t C 1 t
ti o? You can ff et Shoes for your
I r- '! •' ct I A children that will give their" frill-
Cur am Stretcher w,th ad- eat value in service-you can get
fine rumismngs J tl | JR|
QQ 1 have to pay a little more than be- flc
If vou want shirts, collars, underwear, hosiery—or any . * f° re - u y g°od shoes only—cheap
other needful article, don't fail to look over ottr assortment A Pliable Ladder M daya are more costly
Men's medium weight union suits —each SJ.UU f \\\\ We have all sizes for girls, in m%aFJ32 : & j
' /iffu models that look well, fit well and r—°7 I
Mens IVork Shirts For $l.OO
fill Dorothy, Jr., made with the " W
m I VLj\ same care as Dorothy Dodds for /F\q3^
Men's Work shirts in blue and black sateen, good quality; A ladder is a necessary adjunct fII w A women—sizes Ato D for chil
each $1.25 to the putting up of curtains and / ¥\ SLTIhZ, made Ttan
Men's flannel shirts, blue, khaki and gray, each, 5 feet is the right size. We have a L>- ca j£ anf j black—lace shoes with
$2.50, $3.00, $4.50 and $7.00 very durable one with pail shell, \ mm Neolih soles, $5 to $6.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. $l.OO. A misses' shoe with patent leather vamp—gray kid top—i
j 1 —!" i j same thing in brown kid top —lace shoe with spring heels}
pu | * . | sizes 4to 8, $2.50.
j m |\ 1 ] hhish Hlirner Misses' Shoes in champagne and brown kid—also with pat
hsi/'t) H Sir IV f <1 IT i S f f l< ir ent leather vamp and white kid tops, and patent leather vamp
JLjUy 12s UI IX • 1-4 m-*-J and champagne top, $3.75.
U No home should be without one, * _
... . , , .. ~ II ' - BOWMAN S—Main Floor.
We cannot too emphatically urge upon our customers ft - JJ .. i————
the advisability of early buying of Fall and Winter needs. I especially those that have ground
Our present stocks are complete, but many of the lines jj ' " around them. They are indis- Art" NPPnlPWnrk
we are now showing are completely off the wholesale " " .. , , . . , iilL
market, and consequently cannot be replaced. pensable for burning rubbish and
Because we are merchants and not speculators we are !: = = =:;' fallen leaves, preventing sparks S r k !
giving you the full benefit of the low prices we paid for I K 1 from flvinp - on vour own arid ad \ i ♦ I ? l ♦ i t
our slocks, in spite of the fact that since they were pur- ;== -" ' fr ° m flyl " g °" y ° Ur ° Wn a^d ad " an^^ awns ~ a nice assortment of colors to select from. _
chased, wholesale prices have advanced several times. ||| i'Ll jftlL* |: Mi joining property; made in four have a full line of knitting needles and also Mi
fPlisaEKS SV . nerva Yarns —useful for all purposes.
Buy what you need NOW—and buy ONLY what you [/ | sizes, $1.40 to $2.75. All kinds of Crochet and Tatting Threads.
n€Cd " ' 1 „ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
BOWMAN'S—Basement i
Thomas W. Page Named as
Chairman of Inquiry Into
Conditions of Crops
By Associated Press
Washington, Sept. 24. —First steps
looking to the fixing of prices for
standard grades of raw cotton were
taken yesterday by the government
in the naming of two committees,
one to investigate the entire cotton
situation, and the other to control
during the period of this inquiry the
distribution of cotton by purchasing
all of the staple needed by the United
States and the Allies at prices t obe
approved by the President.
Thomas W. Page, vice-chairman of
the Tariff Commission, was named
chairman of the committee of in
quiry which is to hold hearings over
the cotton growing states.
Before the War Industries Board
made public the personnel of the
committees, senators and representa
tives from the southern cotton grow
ing states met with members of the
cotton states marketing board to dis
cuss the proposed price fixing. The
conference adopted a resolution set
ting forth that it opposed price fix
ing. The conference adopted a reso
lution setting forth that it opposed
price-fixing in principle and appoint
ed a committee to represent the facts
to the government committee of in
quiry in an effort to convince them
that price fixing is not necessary.
Mobile, Ala., Sept. 24.—Passengers
arriving here yesterday from Pro
greso. Hex., report that flour is sell
ing there for $2 per pound; eggs, 2 4
cents apiece; young chickens, $2.50
each and ice, $6O per ton, with $lO
added for delivery.
Department Issues "Don'ts"
For Children, Pedestrians
and Children
New booklets governing traffic
and rules and regulations to insure
the safety of motorists and pedes
trians. were issued by the police yes
terday. They contain a number of
warnings to pedestrians and motor
ists, and "dont's" for children. Some
of them are as follows:
For Those Who Walk
Here are some of the specific rules
to help you save your life and prop
erty: .
1. Don't run aoross streets through
heavy traffic. The busiest man wastes
at least thirty minutes a day; why
risk your life to save flvs minutes
crossing the street?
2. Cross streets at crossings only.
Watch for the policeman's signal. He
is always willing to help you.
3. Never attempt to cross a street
with a bundle or umbrella over your
head, or reading a newspaper. Either
hides oncoming vehicles from your
4. Never jump off a moving car.
Wait for it to stop and then look
out for traffic.
5. Stand still if you get caught m
a traffic jam. It may save your life.
6. Children suffer the heaviest toll
of deaths because they are the most
Dont's For Children
Here are the dont's for children:
1. Don't play in the roadway.
2. Don't play in the street. Play
on the sidewalk or on nearest play
ground or nearest lot.
3. Don't roller skate in the streets.
4. Don't chase a ball across the
5. Don't hitch on automobiles,
trolleys of wagons.
6. Don't coast where trolleys or
autos go.
7. Don't play around autos or
touch any of the levers
8. Don't touch wires at any time
or plaee.
0. Don't fear the pallcemen. They
will help and protect you.
10. Don't run behind a standing
trolley oar; there may bo another car
or an auto approaching on the other
You Wl Drive
The tips to drivers are as follows;
1. Don't Imagine you are within
your rights if you go at the maxi
mum speed allowed by law. You
must not endanger the safety of oth
2. Your responsibility doesn't end
with the honking of the horn when
others are in your path.
3. Your automobile may be under
control, but how about theV-- her fel
low's? He may be a crazy mati. You
don't know.
4. Be sure your brakes are right
and your steering gear is true before
you leave your garage.
5. Use tire chains on wet or slip
pery pavements; they will help you
keep your car under perfect con
6. Go slow, passing children or ve
hicles, around corners—approaching
7. Never leave a motor vehicle un
attended without shutting off the
power and applying the emergency
brakes. *
8. Don't stop more than six inches
from the curb.
9. Don't keep the car moving when
fire apparatus is approaching in
either direction—get close to curb
and stop.
10. Don't stand or move two or
more abreast. •
11. Don't allow a smoky exhaust.
12. Don't allow muffler cutout
13. Don't allow number tags to be
come defaced, greasy, dirty or hid
-1 den from view. They should always
be parallel to the axle, and easily
14. Don't allow inexperienced per
sons or children under sixteen years
of age to drive your car.
15. Don't forget that the traffic of
ficer regulates traffic. Assist him by
always giving signal with hand.
16. Don't resent the traffic officer's
directions—he is doing his best to
prevent accidents.
17. Don't overlook the rights of
the pedestrian—his life is just as im
portant as yours.
18. Don't take things for granted
SEPTEMBER 24,1918.
—prepare for the unexpeoted.
19. Don't endanger your position
In tho community by disregarding
thoeo suggestions—public sentlmont
U against accidents.
20. Learn the traffic rules and reg
ulations and always signal to the of
ficer on the corner In which dlrectton
you are going.
21. Police whistle signals shall In
dicate: One blast—N. and S. traffic
stops and E. and W. proceeds. Two
blasts—E. and W. traffic stops and N.
A new evening class at
to train men for this special
branch of the service.
Class organized Monday
Evening * Sept. 30, 1918
Classes Monday, Wednesday
- and Friday evenings
7:30 to 9:30
and 8. proceeds. .Three or ns*4
blasts —The approach of Are appartw
tus or other danger. .
Cuticura Soap is
Easy Shaving for 1
Sensitive Skins