BOLSHEVIKI BUT WAY TO VICTORY FOR THE GERMAN ?Jnited States in Possession of Proof That Russia Was Betrayed to the Kaiser U. S. HAS PROOF OF HUN GUILT By Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. Proofs removing any doubts that 1-enine and Trotzky, the Bol shevik! leaders, arc paid German agents—if, indeed, any doubts remain—nro laid before the world by the United States Government in the first instalment of an amazing series of official docu ments disclosed through the Com mittee on Public Information. Secured In Russia by Ameri can agents, these documents not only show how the German gov ernment. through its Imperial Bank, paid Its gold to I.enine, Trotzky and their immediate as sociates to lie tray Russia into deserting her allies, but give add ed pi-ool'. if any lie necessary, that Germany had perfected her plans for a war of world conquest long before the assassinations at Sara jevo, which as the world now is convinced, conveniently furnished her pretext. , Washington, Sept. 16. Docu ments showing that the present beads of the Bolshevik government. Denine and Trotzky, and their asso ciates, are German agents, are in the hands of the United States gov ernment. The Committee on Public! Information yesterday released a series of communications between the German Imperial Government and the Russian Bolshevik govern ment and between the Bolsheviks themselves which show that the Bolshevik revolution was arranged for by the German Great General staff and financed by the German Imperial Bank and other financial institutions of the Kaiser. These communications disclose that the treaty of Brest-Livotsk was a betrayal of the Russian people by Lenine and Trotzky. That a German-picked com mander was chosen to "defend" Petrograd against the Germans. That German officers have se cretly been received by the Bolshe vik government as military advisers, -as spies upon tbe embassies of Rus sia's allies, as officers in the Russian army, and as directors of the Bol shevik military, foreign and domes tic policy. Bolsheviks Kaiser's Agents. That the present Bolshevik gov ernment is not a Russian govern ment at all, but a German govern ment. acting solely in the interest of Germany and betraying the Rus sian people, as it betrays Russia's natural allies, for the benefit of the German Imperial Government. That the Bolshevik leaders, for the same German Imperial ends, have equally betrayed the Socialist doctrines which they pretend to rep . resent. The documents are some 70 In number. Many are original docu ments, annotated by Bolshevik offi cials. The remainder of the othei'3 are photographs of originals, show ing annotations: and they corrobo rate a third set of typewritten cir culars of which only two originals arc possessed, but all of which fit perfectly into the whole pattern of German intrigue and guilt. Money For Traitors The first document, a photograph of a report n.ade to the Bolshevik leaders by two of their assistants, informs them that in accordance with their Instructions, therp had been removed from the archives of the Russian Ministry of Justice the order of the German Imperial Bank "allowing money to Comrades Len ine, Trotsky, and others "for the propoganda of peace in Russia;" and that, at the same time, "all the books" of a bank in Stockholm had been "audited" to conceal the pay ment of money to Lenine, Trotsky, and their associates by the order of the German Imperial Bank. This report is endorsed by-Lenine with his initials for deposit in "the secret department" of the Bolshevik files. The authenticity of the report is supported by Document No. 2, the original of a report sent by a Ger man General Staff representative-to the Bolshevik leaders, warning them he has just arrested an agent who had the original order of the Ger man Imperial Bank referred to in Document No. 1, and pointing out that evidently "at the proper time steps were not taken to destroy the above-mentioned documents." ' Document No. 3, the original protocol signed by several Bolshevik leaders and dated Nov. 2, 1917, shows that "on instructions of the representatives of the German Gen eral Staff in Petrograd" and "with the consent of the Council of Peo ple's Commissars" of which Trotsky and Lenine were the heads, two in criminating German circulars had also been taken from the department of secret service of the Petrograd district" and given to the, secret department of the German General Staff in Petrograd. On the bottom of the protocol the German adjutant acknowledges receipt of the two in criminating circulars with his cipher signature. To complete the evi dence the circulars themselves are penciled with the cipher signature of the head of the German secret service bureau. These two circulars, apparently obtained by some Russian agent in Germany, were transmitted to Rus sia. The German General Staff evi detnly wished to get them back in order to destroy them. By order of the German General Staff and with the "consent of Lenine and Trotsky they are turned over to the Germans to be destroyed because they are conclusive proof that on June 9, 1914, the German government was preparing for war, several weeks be fore the assassination of the Aus trian Archduke, made the pretext for waf. •A \ 0 Excuse For War, June 9, 1911 One circular is an order from- the German General Staff, dated June 9, 1914, informing "all industrial con cerns" in Germany to open the seal ed envelopes containing their "indus trial mobilization plans and registra tion forms" so that they might be prepared for the war for which the excuse had not yet been found. The second circular is an order from the German General Staff of the High Sea Fleet, dated November 28, 1914, calling for the mobilization of "all destructive agents and ob servers" in the United States and Canada for the purpose of prevent ing the sailing of ships from Ameri can ports to Russia, France and Ehg land. The order calls for explosions, strikes, "delays, embroilments and difficulties," and it recommends the employment of "anarchists and es caped criminals" for the purpose. Proofs of German Guilt It is these damning proofs of a German conspiracy against the na tions of Eurona in June. 1914. jad, ' v 'Vi v V ■ ' . •' . i'i, ■MONDAY "EVENING, HXHRISBURG TELEGRAPH . > % dft /- ft, •'>% SEPTEMBER 16*1918. against the United States in Novem ber, 1914—it is these that Lenine and Trotsky surrender to the Ger man secret service in Petrograd on order of "the representatives of the German General Staff in Petrograd." Details of Plot Exposed Various details of the conspiracy between the Bolshevik leaders and the German general staff are etcposed in documents 16 to 29. These are photographs of letters which passed between the Bolshevik leaders and man officers in Russia. Doctfment No 21 shows that on November 1, 1917, R I A HERE is nothing surprising ftftftftftf soap at a high price—nor in a lo%grad6 soap at a, !!\\vv\V //y/,1 v low price. But Sweetheart Toilet Soap gives you the , /S /A double surprise of high quality at - Its trc- SIWNAA / //\ mendous sales enable us to keep the cdst down: and ' - H \\Yvv II Not until you actually use Sweetheart Toilet, Soap, can.'you "appreciate its; Il\\\\\ goodness. Note its generous size, its handy shape, its .pleasing lII\ \ \\a delightful, delicate perfume. Only the purest materials are used'in its skill- ; ' II V\ \\\ ful blending. Its soft, rich lather cleanses and rcfrcshes the slcin,. leaving it \ . . . II \\\ \\ M ' J'vXy' You cannot buy a more perfect toilet soap no matterihpw much pay. , ' - |n|\ \ \ Trial Offer —A Full Size Cake of Sweet hear tfoi* 2 cents ' 111 *'; TjßElsENT'.this coupon (signed) with 2 'Cents tojour [o\ at \ 1 CL \\ > ' A ~,T erocer or Staler anH'h'c will give you a full size cake of \ W u _ . „ , >J \ 1 ? '' A l. y 1 , SWEETHEART-TOILET SOAP. V /w'-iw® /> "vd Here is your opportunity to your own. satisfaction .hp.w. gooq 1 . i . - \ v s A Sweetheart Toilet Soap is. Take the coupon and two. pents'.to your' H >Jame. ; t > 7 dealer and receive a full size cake, the regular price of which i : is: 7 cents. f Address...... \ /O•• I We pay the dealer the difference. This coupon is gobd wherev-er-'this', !i ' ; • •. ft 7\~ T csw-t™® mWlYttiiliil • . fso&m ..1 ' - ' • • • • 'K- , .. .To the Qe*l*r: Tear otf fh* top. end ' ■ \X*V-d'ft/ DaDer circulates. • I 'of the carton (the part'with,the'"S" BHMB ¥ ¥ • .... , ' . .I , (• the diamond as here shoyn.) This . u „*• . KSfiSOS A! ' .jj' i cqupqn(witlj box top attached)is fe- fx\N:JjPl^^3®APv>ol / / / y.■. . . ' ' , . ' ' , deemahle at 5 cents providing allot • , V / / rs Jp# • MANHATTAN SOAP y. .C - 1 \ / / XJ 424 WEST 38th STREET, . .. . . - WW vortk, IT 8 •, >;*!?>"<'''*■ ■. . \ / /II • • . v * ' 1 '•< . This Coupon is kood wherever this paper circulates* \ '*////// PflM wrnmK * • ' /'j ll t . ' # ' M , ', ' • • * . ' " :?j the German general staff, or the Ger- i when Russia was still regarded as ; an ally of Great Britain, France and America, the German general staff was having "the honor to request" the Bolshevik leaders to Inform, it l > "at the earliest possible moment" j' 1 concerning "the quantity and stor i 1 age place of the supplies that have, been received 'from America, Eng- 1 land and France, and also the units which are keeping guard 'over the ' stores.' ' > Spies In Allied Chmps Document 18 shows the German I general staff requiring the Bolshevik i leaders to send "agitators to the camps of the Russian prisoners of War in Germany" in order that? they, might procure spies to work among ithe English arid French troops and to further "peace propaganda." And this is proposed by the German gen eral staff as/being "according to the negotiations between the Russian and German peace delegations at Brest- Livotsk." In Document 22 the Bolshevik, leaders and the Germans are'arrang ing to send "agents, agitators and I ecgent-deetructors" - opt , of - Vladivo stok-"to ports of tho Unitecf'Sjiates, Japan and British colonics in . ern Asia." - | In Document 16 Trotsky 'la provjd-1 ing fraudulent passports' for officers Who are going;' to •England, France and America, as spies ,Und enemy agents.. And' Document 17' sliows Trotsky endorsing a similar proposal "To be urgently executpd.' L. T." Three Gerqian submarines are to be sent to the Pacific on the -brans' Siberian railway by , orders of' the German- ]figh'ooifonaiHl*lniJSorf'uiuent No. '23. Lists,,oi OCrn'iwn and Jtussihn spies watching ' the • British, F/'unch and -Amol'h'ahVoitf lAssKlSf fin '■.l'tftro-' grad, are given in 'Docwtwerrt No? qs'. And- finally irPT>o"ctim'e'ht''No. J5, the ■! fildltilievife learlerk,--are WUr'ned -tint I, information cbhcqr'ninK "the coanetV' I tloh'of the GAhman tovcrnifiient.'with I the Bolsllevlklvip.f'kei'S" > has leaked ' -dut and thift Russia., troops,, atfe ' if (Taring df .it... * if T. lMci vAssassination ' , • I J Letters o feglshcvlky'le'ddei-js ( .aodjth.oG^nipn -♦diet-;wwaiigfcd.-lo'r -.flia. assassina . tlon n , Rationalist, leaders . 52), /oritlie 'destruction of, the. Polish, legiqnayfes jhi tho ..Russian drmy./Docunjcnfs -40 [to 42), for of- Rriihianiari '.dtiny,." an'd! 'the-'-deposirtg lof the Rumanian king (E)oqu.ment |No, 37,), for-the 'substitution .of' of jtlccrs" , satisfactory' to ' Germany in' command of Russian troops Instead of palr'fetin'Russian 'generpls '(l ioCu •' nient 31-apd t 32> l ', for the suppression ' of jiaq'iotie.agitjition' arnb.hg the R'us i sian 'soldiers, (Ddoiiiidhts'l 3' and 14); for.Lan,.attack-..upon the Italian atn- '• bassador'in Pfetrograd.and the theft of his papers (Documents 26 and '27),."and for the employment of Ger-, 'mwt.n soldiers in Russian uniforms'' "against the.Russian national armies .'in the-soirth (Document 35). f •.) Several'of the letters are endorsed 'by< Trotsky. Even standing alone, ! '.they "'.are '.complete . proof that the •P.ohjhevik leaders; were ruling as -' 'GeriuiiH 'agents 'in Russia' and obey- ' big. German otdcrs to act all enemies and even against Russia 'ltself. ', '.- ~J
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