Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 14, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NEWS NOVEL EVENTS AT CARLISLE FAIR Cumberland Council of De fense and Women's Com mittee to Have Displays Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 14.—The Cum berland County Council of Defense and Public Safety Committee is plan ning a number of big patriotic fea tures in connection with the Car lisle fair, September 24-27. In ad dition. the War Savings Committee and Libertv Loan organizations will launch several novel projects. The woman's committee will have two big displays, one covering child welfare and the other on food conservation. While the races this year are cut in the main, there are some local contests for minor prizes, according to a list announced to-day. They in clude: Wednesday—2.3o county pace and trot; purse, $5O; 2.40 pace and trot, $5O; pond race. $l5. Thursday—2.2s pace and trot. $75; 215 pace and trot, $75; pony race, $l5; mule lace, $2O. Friday—2.2l pace and trot, $5O; 3-mlnute pace and trot, $5O; pony race, $l5. HIGH PRICES FOR COAL DanvUle, Pa., Sept. 14.— E. W. Peters, fuel administrator, to-day an nounced the prices of anthracite coal for this winter. They are as follows: Pea, $7.80; chestnut, $9.20; stove, $9.20; egg. $9. These prices are for ton lots, and are the highest in the history of the town. Danville is thirty-two miles from the Shamokin anthracite region. f p. m e I ires lires lires ■ —n r -zn . -<■ g "— ! BIG SALE OF FACTORY SECONDS We have just received a large shipment of an extra good grade of Factory Second Tires that we are offering in an unusual sale at prices that mean Extraordinary Values Come Early Before Your Size Is Gone ir— This is a splendid opportunity to equip your car for the Winter at a big saving. We also carry a complete stock of first-grade Tires. Harrisburg's Tire Emporium Keystone Sales Co. 108 MARKET STREET STEPHENS SALIENT SIX k-F T PRICE, $1 07.1 \ " jr F. O. B. >1(11.INK N IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES J. S. Sible, Jr. THIRD, AT CUMBERLAND ST. BELL ISSSW Play Safe — Stick to KING OSCAR CIGARS % because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you. 6c —worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers SATURDAY EVENING, Hakjrisburg TELEGHAP& SEPTEMBER 14,1918. 400 Workers to Plan War Campaign of Cumberland Carlisle. Pa.. Sept. 14.—An inter esting feature of the big meeting tor 400 workers on Monday afternoon in the courthouse will be a practical demonstration of the liberty sing idea. The meeting will be called at 2.30 o'clock and will be addressed by Judge S. P. Sadler. At that time the plan of campaign will be map ped out. A series of meetings will be held during the loan period to boost the loan and there will be fea tures of inteiest at the Carlisle fair. The bankers of the county havn de cided to carry all subscriptions lor nine months at the same rate of in terest that the loan bears, the ar rangements being left to the indivi dual banks. WAR VETERAN DIES Marietta. Pa.. l4. —John F. Shireman. aged S2, a veteran of the Civil War. died Thursday night. He was a member of the Reformed Church and formerly an elder. He served two enlistments during the war. and in the second was badly wounded at Antietam. After the war he farmed near Collins' Station. He is survived by a number of children and grandchildren. He was a mem ber of Lieutenant William H. Child Post No. 226, Grand Army. FOI'RTH DEATH IN FAMILY Marietta. Pa.. Sept. 14.—Mrs. Mary Seechrist, widow of the Rev. L. K. Seechrist. a former pastor of the Wrightsville Lutheran Church, died Thursdav night, aged 82 years. The death of Mrs. Seechrist is the fourth to occur in the family in the past eight months —two sisters at Phila delphia, a brother in Kansas and Mrs. Seechrist. Four sons, ten grand children. one sister and two broth ers survive. Carlisle Property Owners Say Assessments Too High Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 14. Claims that the paving assessments in North Pitt street r.re excessive and that the charge is several hundred dollars too high were made by attorneys repre senting citizens of the section tvno ere lighting against paying the as sessment. The allegations were pre sented to the Carlisle borough coun cil at a meeting and a special com mittee was appointed to look into the question. Carlisle policemen will get $7O per month, an advance of $lO, the second in six months, according to a decision reached. All men In the Army and Navy will be exonerated from taxes. As a conservation feature the hours for burning street lights will be cut down. Heavy Registration in Cumberland County Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 14.—Cumber land county officials are surprise'd at the heavy registration of men on Tuesday which in practically every district exceeded the preliminary estimates. While the number was at lirst thought to be about 5.000, records complete in almost their en tirety show that 6,052 listed them selves for service, abput one-sixth, 1,053 coming from Carlisle- The enrollment was especially heavy in the lower end. Transfer of cards with other sections is in prog ress. Questionnaires will be sent out as soon as the men are divided by age classes. Counsel Employed to Fight Trolley Increase Camp Hill, -Pa., Sept. 14.—Plans for an organized fight against the proposed increase in trolley rates by the Valley Railways Company were discussed at a meeting of the representatives of the various West Shore boroughs and the West Shore ! Firemen's Union. The meeting was presided over by H. C. Zacharias, of | Camp Hill. , Ex-Congressman Arthur E. Rup ley will represent the towns of West i Fairview, Enola, Lemoyne, Worrn ! leysburg and New Cumberland, while 1 E. M. Riddle, of Carlisle, will repre sent the towns of Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg .and Shiremanstown. Petitions and complaints have oeen j placed in the hands of the counsels, who will immediately begin to get i signers. PALMER AND PALS DROP "DRY" PLANK [Continued from First Page.] marked by any excitement. The Palmer-McCormick faction was heavily represented and had as bas tions Joseph F. Guffey, late candi date for the gubernatorial honors; ex-State Treasurer William H. Berry, John F. Short, the new United States marshal, and various other federal | officials. i The fact that the Bonniwell peo | pie did not have any fighters of the j first grade like William J. Brennen, ] Judge John M. Garman and others I was rather disappointing to the gath j ering which came primed for a scrap ! that would loom big even in recent | tempestuous Democratic history. The meeting was held up because ; some of the leaders wanted to have I some confabs and to allow National i Chairman Vance C. McCormick to I get to the hall. Candidates Steer Clear It was away behind the hour when I the meeting began. It was noticeable that Democratic congressional and ! legislative candidates gave the hall j a wide berth. Quite a number of ! postmasters could not get here. ! However they can still contribute to | campaign funds at any time. Rupp Conies Late Lawrence H. Rupp, of Allentown, j the new Democratic State Chairman, ! assumed his official place when he ] called the meeting to order and asked for proxies. He was half an hour late but made a speech of a , sort. The new State Chairman thanked the committee for his election in his absence and lauded the Democratic conduct of national affairs, predict ing that the American flag would be carried across the Rhine. Demo cratic National Chairman McCor mick and other party leaders were | present. i Ninety members responded to the ! call, twenty-eight of them proxies. Parke H. Davis, of Easton, pre > sented the draft of the platform, ! every reference to President Wilson t being applauded vigorously. The ! platform was adopted, without com ment or a dissenting vote. •Dodges Prohibition The platforyi recommended by the platform committee does not contain any reference to prohibition and j does not mention Judge Bonniwell * by name. It calls for support of "can ! didates of the Democratic party in ! the State of Pennsylvania," and aft er a strong endorsement of the Pres | ident calls for election of Democratic j Congressmen to support him. Friends I of prohibition*are astonished at this side-stepping of the "dry" plank, especially as the Palmer-McCormick objections to Bonniwell have been chiefly that he is "wet." | The salient features of the plat form are: Endorsement of President Wilson. Commendation of Congress. J Democracy's leadership in the war. Full support of our soldiers and sailors. Democracy's labor record. Advocate ,of a minimum wage I' commission. Commendation of the system of profit sharing in production by labor. I Extension of the Pennsylvania compensation law. Complete political enfranchise ment and equality for women. Establishment of public trade and occupational schools as an extension of our public school system, j Systematic organization and pro | tection of the profession of public school teaching. Liberal appropriation to normal schools and colleges. Revision of the state constitution calling for a constitutional conven- When It's Auto Supplies and Accessories You Need—GET THEM AT P. H. Keboch's 111 Market St. Succeawor to FROST MARKET MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY Retail Dept. Home rule for cities. State assistance for the protection of property from mine caveins. Improved country highways. Regulation gf the state waterways to prevent disastrous tioods and to aid transportation. Appeal to voters to fortify Presi dent Wilson by electing Democratic Congressmen. Appeal to voters to further state progress and improvements by elect ing Democratic members of the State Legislature. As to Supreme Court C. E. Gilmore, Williamspgrt, pre sented a resolution directitg the state executive committee to uonfer with Democratic aspirants for the Su preme Court so that an agreement can be made whereby one Demo crat shall become a candidate and the spirit of minority representation on the court be maintained. Charles P. Donnelly, Philadelphia, seconded the resolution and it was adopted without any debate. Chairman Rupp then stated that he had sent to Judge Bonniwell the charges made by A. Mitenell Palmer and the notice to the gubernatorial candidate to appear at the meeting to-day. Mr. Davies then offered a resolution reciting that the commit tee believed the charges true and that it pledges Its support to all candi dates except Bonniwell. The Resolution The resolution he said came frcm the resolutions committee- It was as follows: "Whereas, at the last meeting of this committee specific charges wero made against the nominee for gover nor on the Democratic ticket reflect ing upon the methods employed to procure his nomination and upon his integrity us a candidate, and notice was formally given requesting him to answer said charges before this com mittee chosen by the Democratic voters of the state to represent the Democratic party, and "Whereas, the said candidate has failed to appear before this commit tee to answer said charges but has persistently repudiated its authority and denied its powers, and has mail ed to each member a statement pur porting to be an answer to said charges, and upon careful considera tion thereof and all the facts this committee finds that the charges so made are true, and "Whereas, this committee believes that at this critical hour it is of vital importance to support our Pres ident by the election of candidates in sympathy with the administration and by the presentation to the peo ple of such party candidates as are manifestly loyal to the party and its principles, "Now be it resolved, that this com mittee pledges itself to the support of our candidates for lieutenant governor, for secretary of internal affairs, for congressmen-at-large. for Congress, and for other state and lo cal offices, and to the use of all hon est and honorable means to procure their election to office." William H. Kerry. ex-State Treas urer and a candtdate for Governor in 1910, spoke on the resolution at length, making a strong deelaration on national prohibition. Mr. ierry praised the President and "William J. Bryan and asserted that he did not believe what was said against A. Mitchell Palmer and Vance C. Mc- Corntick. He said their conduct of party affairs was infinitely superior to what had gone before or was in sight. Berry Assails Bonniwell Mr. Berry assailed Judge Bonnl well and protested against the gubernatorial candidate's attacks on party leaders and demand that J. Washington Logue retire from the ticket as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. He closed by saying Judge Bonniwell should not he al lowed to take "a booze bath in the sanctuary of Democracy." Mr. Palmer followed Mr. Berry. The national committeeman said that Judge Bonniwell devoted two pages of ui3 answer to the issue and ten to abuse of McCormick and him self. What the judge said about him were lefuted "musty slanders," said Mr. Palmer, who remarked in passing that in spite of them he had never been defeated. Disclaiming any political ambitions. Palmer said all he wanted to do was capture Ger man property. Comnvvt knowledge, said Mr. Pal mer, was that the statements he htd made about Bonniwell and Sinnot were true. Sinnet, he said, did not ! deny calling on him. Mr. Palmer analyzed the charges and the answer at length and said Sirinot had gone to two Democrats beside the judge seeking them to be a candidate for governor and that they had "indignantly refused." The $54,000 estimated to have been spent on the Bonniwell letters. Mr. Palmer sail was not accounted for He went on to say that he was con vinced that Smnot had told him the truth. He reiterated charges of the Penrose influence. Brewers Pro-German "The facts will soon appear that 12 or 15 German brewers in associa tion with the United States Brewers' Association, furnshed the money several hundred thousands of dollars —to buy a big newspaper in one of the chief cities of the country." eaid Mr. Palmer, who went on to say that the machinations had been going on at Washington. The organized liquor traffic has been "vicious" and "un patriotic," he charged, because it has tostered the associations that labor ed to keep German immigrants from becoming Americans. Palmer closed with a denunciation of Senator Penrose, accusing him of being allied with the organized liquor traffic. When he finished a man arose in the audience and declared Palmer was "honest" and that he should not be criticised for appoint ments of liquor custodians. National Chairman McCormick declared Bonniwell acted while here as though he was nottrying to lead the Democratic party, but to tear it down. The Bonniwell "Salient" "We've had a salient driven into our lines. The salient was driven in but as sure as Pershing is pinching off the St. Mihiel salient we'll pinch this off, too," said McCormick. The chairman said the proceedings un der way were "disgraceful" and that the Democrats should go home and tell the people what it means. He closed by a plea for election of Democratic Congress. Park H. Davis mado a few re marks calling on Democrats to cleanse their ptfrty temple and the resolution was adopted with only two "noes." Ralph E. Smith, Pittsburgh, moved that the committee urge that William H. Berry be voted for by stickers for Governor, but Chairman Rupp called his attention to the fact that all resolutions had to go to the resolutions committee. Mr. Smith did not press the motion. August Wittman, of Erie, de clared the committeemen should go home and work for election of Con gressmen. The chairman then said that there was nothing before tho commitee and some one quickly made a motion to adjourn. The mo tion carried "and tho meeting closed. WELT.rR-SIIF.VUI'I.U WEDDING New Hloomllcld, Pn., Bept, 14. At tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. SheafTer, on Thursday evening at 9 o'clock, Ruy Waller, of Center township, and Miss Adella R. SheafTer, were married. 258 AMERICANS REPORTED IN THE WAR CASUALTIES Twelve Cabled by Pershing From War Front Are State Men Washington, Sept. 14. In two casunlty lists issued to-day the names of 158 soldiers of the American TSx pedltionary Forces were contained Of this number twelve were from Pennsylvania. They were dividod as* follows: Killed in action 20' Missing in action 74 Wounded severely 135 Wounded, degree undetermined. 12 Died of wounds 9 Wounded slightly 2 Died of disease 2 j Died of aeroplane accident 2 Died of accident and other causes 2 The following Ponnsylvanians were included: DIED FROM WOUNDS Privates Jessie L. Murray, Roaring Springs. WOUNDED SEVERELY Corporal Marlin D. Burns, Pittsburgh. Privates William A. Herring, Philadelphia: Mike Moleson, Scranton. J. W. Geiser, York. William H. Msran, Pittsburgh. WOUNDED, DEGREE UN DETERMINED Private Salvator Comello, Pittsburgh. MISSING IN ACTION Privates John Kalitka, Coaldale. John Romedeik, Pittsburgh. Wilbur S. Hake, Columbia. Robert F. Spicer, Philadelphia. Edward E. Ulrich,'Welty. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 113 crew first to go after 3.30 o'clock: 120, 132. 102, 107. Engineer for 113. Brakemen for 113, 120, 132 (2). Engineers up: Wiker. Grunderman. Firemen up: Anderson, Hozler, Dal linger, Steffy, Malone, Thompson. Schan. Brakemen up: Newton. Gemmill. Weiss, Picone, Long. Wickersham. Johnson. Wendt, Heflan Middle Division— The 277 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 34 234 19 29. 222. 27. ' Flagman for 29. Brakeman for 29. Engineers up: Baker, Snyder, Bev erlin, Rowe, Asper, Smith, Rathfon. Fisher. Firemen up: Arndt, Acker, Swartz Wright, Freed, Book, Warner, Burk himer. I Brakemen up: Shive, McAlphin | Baker, McNaughton, Woodward, Zim merman, Weader, McNaight Dare Dennis, Smith. Fenicle. Clouser. Man ning. Beers, Myers, Shelley. Roush. Crane, Forbes, Rhea, Leonard, Defew, Lantz, Steininger. Yard Board —Engineer for 14. Firemen for 1-7, 2-7, 2-14, 30. Engineers up: Bostdorf, Schiefer, Rausch, Lackey, Mayer, Sholter, Snell Bartolet. Firemen up: Nieol, Kell. Nicol. Mil ler, Wright. Wert, Yost, Cordes, Weaver, Shaub.. EXOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 213 i crew first to go after 3.15 o'clock j 253. 205, 227. Firemen for 213, 227. | Conductor for 5. Flagmen for 13, 53. I Brakemen for 53, 5. Brakemen up: Laird. Bordner. Fair, ; Messersmith, Eshleman. : Middle Division —Thfe 238 crew first to go after 2.30 o'clock: 255, 102 216 I 304. [ Engineer for 102.' Brakeman for 102. j Yard Board —Engineers for 3d 126, ! Firemen for Ist 126, 3d 126, 4th 129. Engineers up: Brown, Quigley, Huggins, Waller, Bickhart, Ewing, ' Hanlon, Barnhart, Potter, Fenicle, Kawel, Liddick. Firemen up: Felix, Cristofaro, Yeagey Earl Ready, Gamber, Koch, Steffec, Eichelberger, Wentz, Bless ner, Sanders, Ready, Stephens. Knackstedt, PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Gibbons. 'Lindley, Pleam. Firemen up: Gllliums, Floyd, Cover, Cook. Middle Division Engineers up: Crane, Buck, Keiser, Crum, Alexan der, Miller, Robley, Graham, Keane, Riley, Crimmel. Firemen up: Gross, Ross, Arnold, Mearkle, Zeiders, Kelley, Fritz, Stauf fer. Bender, Snyder, Kuntz, Yon, Stephens, Sheesley, Simmons, Fletch er. PLAN BAPTISMAL Herslicy, Sept. 14.—The Christian and Missionary Alliance will hold a baptismal service in the Hershey Park swimming pool to-morrow aft ernoon at 2.30 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. W. H. Worrall, of Harris burg. I entire stock of cars will be listed from 15% to 25% under B former prices. Our reason for this reduction is to clear our B floors in order to make room for a large delivery of cars promis- ■ led us in a few days. The early buyer will be the wise buyer. I 1000 Cars to Select from. Convenient Terms Arranged. 1918 NATIONAL 6 Touring; mechanl- 1917 COLE 8 Touring; divided front cally perfect: used only a short seats; 7-paaa.; slip covers; bumper; I time; a bargain. spot-light. 1918 CHANDLER Touring; 7-paes., 1917 KOAMER 4-pasa Touring; wire run 1700 miles; new tires, lots of wheels; real classy; at a bargain extras. 1917 HAYNEB Touring; 7-paaa.; very 1018 CADILLAC 8-cyl. Touring, 7- good hill climber; shows no wear; I pass., equal to new; mechanically a snap. A-l. 1917 MERCER Touring; 4-pass.; wire 1917 MARMON Touring; 7-pass., wire wheels; very snappy; two extra wheels; extra wheel and tire. A wheels and tires. „ snap. 1917 PACKARD Twln-Blx Roadster; 11918 PACKARD Twin-Six Touring; A-l condition; shows no wear, lota excellent condition; new tire; a of extras. bargain. 1918-17-1(1 CHEVROLET Touring 1918-17-18 BUICK Touring Cars and Cars and Roadsters; all models; Roadsters: 4- and 6-cyl. models; ex- tip-top shape; at low prices. I cellent condition; low prices, 1917 IIKISCOE Touring; A-l condl -1917 HUDSON Limousine; excellent tlon; small tires 9475 shape; beautiful body; used only 1917 SAXON SIX Touring; very eco a short time, nomlcal; lots of extras 9525 1917 JEFFERY Touring; splendid 1918-17-16 MAXWELL Touring Cars condition; A-l equipment; will sao- and Roadsters; one of the best rlflce, light cars made; as low a 5....9376 1917 PAIGE SIX Touring; tip-top 1918-17-10 BTt'DEBAKER Six and condition; splendid shape; two Four Cly. Touring Cars and Road . }L ro *- iters; 1, t, 5 and 7 pass, models, as 1918-17-10 DODGE Touring Cars and low as 9400 Roadsters; all model* at low prices. 1917 KINO 8 Touring; 6-pass.; A-l 1917 HUP Touring; tip-top shape; condition; new tires; a bargain; used only 6 months; a snap. at 9525 1917 KEO 4 Roadster; splendid hill FOUDH, Touring Cars, Roadsters, climber; perfect equipment, Coupes and Sedans at low prices, J GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 5 L 238-240 NORTH BROAD STREET. PHILADELPHIA CLOSED SUNDAY, SEND FOB FREE BULLETIN. AGENTS WANTED | F NEWS or THBil \ > - NEW DISPATCHER PLAN WORKING Change System For Handling Trains on the Middle Division Four dispatchers are now handltng | 1 trains on the Middle Division between ' 1 Altoona and Harrisburg. The division j train wire has been cut into four sec tions with the divisions at Peters- J burg. Longfellow and Van Dyke. This j , means that every train passing over' j the Middle Division will be handled . by four sets of train dispatchers with | : two sets of chiefs in the background , i to whom all points in question are referred for final decision. These men issue all orders and In- < structions to trainmen which guides i them safely over the 132 miles of , track from Harrisburg to Altoona and 1 the reverse, and It is some big job. To the lay mind there is very little 1 necessity in sitting at a Morse or tele- i < Phone wire directing the movement j I ?: , tri V ns by telegraph or telephone. , It looks easy and it is easy after you get a score or so years of experience. . Keep Close Records i These men keep a close record of I every train as It passes each signal tower or block station on their terri tory and this puts them in close touch with any train at any time. It is their duty to weave passenger trains in and out from one track to another ' in order to pass them around freight | trains with as little delay as pos sible. The second consideration is to ' get fast freight around slow freight with like dispatch. Third, they must get slow freight around locals, bal last trains, section gangs and other obstructions without causing them to come to a stop, as it means something to start one of those 100-car trains, j especially on a grade or curve. This only covers the movement of I trains on the straight tracks and in the direction of the current of the | traffic and in times of congestion, ' wrecks and other obstructions their duties are doubled. The present move was made necessary owing to 1 the intensive operation of traffic un der government ownership and is money well expended in the interest of the war and incidentally the peo ple. Among the recent promotions to this position are: H. C. Sellers, for merly of Mlllerstown; S. B. Martz. Mifflin; James M. Graham, Newton Hamilton, with D. J. Markle, Lewis town; Fred Lotterman, Huntingdon; Homer Clemens. Newton Hamilton, j and Peter Arnold. Ryde, in the offing awaiting the call. Railroad Notes It is estimated that between 800 and 1,000 cars are awaiting repairs at Reading Railway shops. More locomotives wore shipped yes terday from Altoona to eastern rail- I roads. Leo J. Klitsch and W. E. Moyer, of the Reading Division of the Reading I Railway, residing at Pottsville, have 1 been promoted from firemen to engi neers. Joseph H. Miller has been ap- I pointed a regular fireman of trains I Nos. 4 and 9. Elmer H. Starr has J been appointed relief fireman. They live in Pottsville. The tailors' special will reach Read ing via the Reading Railway on Mon- | dnv. September 23, when the employes i will be measured for their winter unl- ' forms. They will visit Tamaqua and j Pottsville on September 24: Harris-! burg Division. September 25: East I Penn and Perkiomen. September 27; Wilmington and Columbia Division, j September 28; inspector tailor in ; Reading all day. September 30. Two Harrisburg Soldiers Receive Army Commissions Washington, Sept. 14.—Among the officers appointed to the United States Army yesterday the following Penn- j sylvanians are included: First LieuteViant, Engineers, Bruce ' A. Knight, Harrisburg. First Lieutenants, Medical, John H. Kreider. Harrisburg: Clayton E, Bort ner, Hanover: George W. Conrad, .Johnstown: Albert E. Weaver, St. j Clair. Captain, Medical, Josiah B. John | son. Ligonier. | First Lieutenant, Motor Transport | Corps. Albinus Mentzer, Hazard. COMMISSIONED LIEUTENANT New Bloom field, Pa., Sept. 14. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Moore have re- | cqived a leter from their son, Ed- i ward L. Moore, stating that he had been commissioned a second lieuten ant. He enligted in the Regular 1 Army In 1916 and served on the Mexican border. He was appointed a battalion sargeant major and was : sent to Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., where i he graduated from the Third Officers 1 Training Camp in April. He was then sent to France as adjutant of l the Third Battalion, Thirty-ninth | United States infantry. I WITHOURBOYSAFLOAT The first authorized and authentic account of America's naval achieve ments in the wo: J war, series of articles by Ralph D. Paine, begins. in next Sunday's NEW YORK SUN-j ! DAY AMERICAN. ' Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. J WANT DAYLIGHT SAVED THROUGH WINTERMONTHS Congress Is Being Urged to Extend Operation of Present Law Phlliidclphln. eept. 14.—Although the daylight-saving schedule will end ■ on the last Sunday of next month and the clocks of the country, under the I terms of the daylight saving bill, i have to be turned back one hour at I 2 a m., October 27, officials of the Federal fuel administration believe that the present schedule may re main In operation during the winter months, I E. L. Cole, director of conservation | for the state fuel administration, said : yesterday that during his recent visit , to Washington he noticed several in ! dications pointing toward conttnua- I tion of the schedule. All parts of the country, he declared, are clamoring to have It continued, and Congress may amend the bill before the day light conservation term expires. The saying of power effected by the plan 1b enormous. Mr. Cole said. Ho estimates that in Philadelphia alone 68,000 tons of coal were saved which otherwise would have been used for I electric current for lighting *>urposes. \r " > | Some wise Guys seeing the shortage of cars that is inevitable, have taken lime by the horns and bought new REO'S and traded in their used cars. We have put these cars in first-class mechanical condition and will sell them with the same guarantee that goes with a new Reo. If you don't feel like spend ing a lot of money for a car, but want one that | will give you good, de pendable service one that you can well be proud of—come in and look over our showing of used cars. We have a couple of REO ROADSTERS, REO 4-CYLINDER 5-PASSENGER CARS, REO 6-CYLINDER CARS. Of course, we have a few new ones left, but. we're making no . promises how long they will last. Harrisburg Auto Co. Fourth and Kelker Streets BELL PHONE 100 Distributors of DUPLEX 4-WHISEL DRIVE, HURLBURT TRUCKS, | CLEVELAND TRACTORS, BEEMAN TRACTORS Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical School No. 260 S. Front Street, Steelton, Pa. Trachea you to udjuat your own motora, avc gaaoltne and repatra ENROLL NOW Courae of Instruction* In Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical Training LESSOS NO. 1 Cliaxala, parta, IKssnv ./, 1C .. ua and conatruction. f lit ttthr^lf. valvea LESSON NO. 2—Wheela, lining, Sea,l„2 , M !" ~t tlrea.• ,neUUiatlc " nd " oUd LESSON NO. 10 —Fitting platon LESSON NO. 3 Trnnamtaalon, fng*" alves. nnd * cu< - ft , " e c,Von U " y * rt " " na COn " LESSON NO. 20—Aaaeinbllng mo- LBSSON NO. 4—Differential and part "cycfe \<ya?em "for ""high traUNiulaaiona. uaea. anU apee(l m „tora nnd LESSON NO. s—Anulyala ft porta apeed oiling. of motora and uaea. LESSON NO. 31—Putting on car- LLhSO.N AO. G—l India tor, water- buretorN, setting liiugnetoa and pump* and use. adjusting carburetors so that LESSON NO. 7—Conatruction of n , ,ey ".M 1 . be rcu, 'y uaet air and cooling systems. ulso soldering tin, brass and LESSON NO. 8 Carburetor,. ipXa. P P '" e ' •> e ' 1 uaea, application and conatruc- . . , dull, LLSSON AO. Soldering alu- LESSON NO. U The electrical , vr, system, construction, uses and itosauTi so. Connecting uppiisncea. clutch und the construction LESSON NO. 10—Mugneto, Delco nfao"tru'namlaaion"und'"l tm Keuimy A Splitdorf Ignition Blao trnnainlaalon and Ita pur system. v LESSON NO. 11—Putting In plat- falling '"of" the"lno t'oi"and' lgnltioB P aya*tem. nil<l UC *"" U Slnt.nS '"'bureto? for^nE"' JT wmi. rl "-" d LESSON NO. 20—Hoad Inatruc *° rec,lr * e anme. of backl „ K up> tnrnlll _ LESSON AO. 14—-Sett ting brushes and changing gears. In generators and how It gen- ■ cuunv ivo 27—Th* erutes Its current. LESSUW —l he constrnc vrutca ■ tlon of aeroplane motors. LESSON AO. liegulstlng and ■ urft w mi.. ndjuatlng cutout awltchea, ! ulao connecting and teatlng fhc* are mid for uuipere und volte, metera for !Lf n " e<l tor charge aad dlacbnrge. LESSON NO. 2V.—Repair of aero. LESSON NO. 10— The different plane motora and different olla dcalgna of aclf-atarterif and required. uaea. LESSON NO. SO—Review of all LESSON NO. 17 Dlamuntllng leaaona. eutlre motora. Leaaon Houra—B.Bo to 11.80 A. M.—0.80 to 8.30 P. M. Men—Monday, Friday and Saturday Ladle#—'Tucaday, Wedneaduy aad Thuraday HKAVILY-GUARDED TRAIN Sunbury, Pa., Sept. 14.—Con.lder able excitement was aroused here to day when a good-sized freight train, heavily guarded by United States soldiers, passed east over the Penn sylvania Railroad. The soldiers rode on the locomotive and caboose and were strung out over the cars. The destination and nature of the cargo was not given out. The train stopped here a half hour while the guards secured a meal. B-Passenger Touring .. $925 3-Passenger Clover-Leaf <CQOC Roadster W"" 3 Ensminger Motor Co. Tillltl) mid CUMBERLAND STS. Bell Phone 3515 —^ 11 > Plowing— where others fear to even attempt— That's what the CLEVELAND TRACTOR does, and gets away with it. That's saying something, too, if you could see some of the places this sturdy little tractor has plowed lately. We've been sur prised ourselves at the nooks and corners, the knolls and hills the Ceveland gets into. Built on The lines of the British tanks, it can adapt itself to most any condition. IT IS THE POWER OF THE HOUR ON THE FARM Harrisburg Auto Co. Fourth and Kelker Sts. Dl.trlbutor. 'of Ileo Truck, and Touring Car., Duplex 4-wliecl drive, liurlburt Truck. Beeituin Trnctor. WHY WASTE TIME AND MONEY in buying and waiting for automobile parts' from the factory ? We carry a complete stock of second-hand parts of all kinds for any make of car Carburetors Magnetoes Batteries Gears Crankshafts Axles, etc All Sizes Used Tires Give Us a Trial Used Cars Bought and Sold Chelsa Auto Wrecking A. SCHIFFMAN, Prop. 22-24-25 N. Cameron St. Both Phones