1 MEET YfDUfe BUYEI 01 SELLER THROUGH TELEGRAP-H WANT ADS j CARD OF THANKS ' '* A CARD OF THANKS The children of the late Mrs. Anna Madison takes this means of thank ing their friends for the many kind v nesses shown during her illness and death, also the Ladies' Relief Corps and Unity Lodge. No. 71. , LOST AND FOUND LOST An Irish t npeheted baby cap. on North street, between Front and Second, or on Second between North and Stale. Reward if return ed to 618 North Second street. LOST One pair of glasses, "'ith name of J. J. Brown oil ease. Reward .if returned to l>r. Baker. 1433 Market street. , INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION iu Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeping. Penmanship. Aritn., ei& DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL I EAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R, Oial 4Ulo. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beck ley. Prin. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. ARRANGE NOW for your business course with the school giving course approved bv the United States Burea of Education. Fall Opening. Septem ber 2. School of Commerce. Troup Building. 15 South Market SsTFßis CAULKERS, AND RIV , Box H. 6822. care of Telegraph. COST CLERK WANTED Must "i 7 366. care of Telegraph. W \NTED —Box loomlixer for C. & learn The wade!™ Permanent "osUion an D* s afar jr "expected? GWe*^rencsc Manhattan Silk Co, Buffalo. N. Y. S8S&" "SALESMAN, APPLY STEELTON STORE CO, STEELTON. PA. W \NTED A window trimmer and card writer for a large clothing store. I. Whiteson. 628 Penn street, ' Reading. WANTED Boy, over 16 years of aire to work In washroom. Apply Royal Laundry. 1354 Howard street. A RELIABLE MAN WANTED—For a responsible position. Apply Grand Union Tea Co, 208 North Second street. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business anil do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repalr >' ing Auto Transportation. School, 260 Bouth Front street. Steelton. V . Don'tYouWantToße A LEADER ? The Perm-Harris will be Harrisburg'6 leading Hotel. The Penn-Harris stores will be the leaders in their lines. By a change in arrangements there is one Penn-Harris store room for rent. It is an opportunity for some leader. Miller Brothers & Co. Member- II bu/ Itciil Estate Board tn,t and Court Sta. SATURDAY EVENING, HARBISBURG If TELEGRAPH • 1 SEPTEMBER 14, 1918. 1 HELP WANTED ALA LiC I PLUMBERS wanted at once. Apply at 1001-03 CAPITAL STREET. L ' ADVERTISING SOLICITOR With ! experience in feature page udvertis i ing. Must have clean record. Apply | Box A. 7334, care of Telegraph. MEN Age 17 to 45. Experience 1 unnecessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations. reports. Salaries; ex ; penses. American Foreign Detective I Agency, 603, St. Louis. MAN WANTED to work in ice plant. Steady, all-winter work. Inside job. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO.. Forster and Cowden Streets. I ' WANTED Boy to answer telephone calls, etc., in lumber office. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Streets. WANTED Accurate aod reliable male clerk for cleri cal position in local office. Ex cellent opportunity for ad vancement to willing worker, who is ambitious to go ahead. Apply, stating references, standing in draft and salary required to start. Box " 6521, care of Telegraph. SALESMAN WANTED In Hat Store. Splendid opportunity for a hustler. United Hat Stores, Inc., 300 Market street. WANTED Young man for shop clerk. Call Packard Motor Car Co., 101 Market street. AN unusual opening for and ex perienced automobile and truck agent. We want a man that wil pro duce the goods. Apply R., 6810, care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged man to work in grocery store. Good wages. One with experience pre-' ferred. Apply M. Brenner & Sons. Herr and Wallace streets. WATCHMAN Over draft age. Ap ply Shearer Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton street. CENTRAL HIGH SCHCfOL BOY—To work at soda fountain in afternoon. Apply Forney's Drug Store, 31 North Second street. . MEN WANTED To load stone, 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to 935 per week. Apply Faxtang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED A man. or will employ man and wife, to do janitor work or work on farm. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. BRIGHT BOY. Over 15 years of age. to learn printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. WANTED—Two good, strong boya to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE Two experienced Automobile Mechanics to work in the most modern garage in Central Pennsylvania. Apply • MAC S GARAGE. 117. 119. 121 C. Third St. lIELP W ANTED—FEMALE WANTED At the Home For Friendless Children, a cook and as sistant matron. Apply Hannah M. Cotterel, 313 North Fifth street, Read ing, Pa. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG —We write music and guarantee pub lisher's acceptance. Submit poems on war, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 538 South Dearborn, Suite 1820, Chicago. GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market street. STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL OFFICE GIRL WANTED The Wm. B. Schleisner Stores, 28-32 North Third street. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em ployment in your own home. Knit urgently-needed war socks for us on the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full particulars to-day, 3c stamp. Auto Knitter Company. Dept. 146, 821 Jef ferson, Buffalo, N. Y. COOK WANTED Good wages. Ap-' ply Court Dairy Lunch. Court and Strawberry. WANTED A lady to wash dishes,. Good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 South Fourth street. FIFTY experienced opera tors to make flannel shirts for the Army. Also learners and examiners. HELP EQUIP THE SOLDIER BOYS Good pay. steady work. Ex perienced operators earned 33.00 to $1.50 per day on our last contract. Apply to JENNINGS' MANUFACTURING CO.. 2012 North Fourth Street, Or U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE, Third and North Streets. LADY Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stoufter's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. MILLINERY APPREN TICES WANTED—Wages. $3.00 a week while learning. Astrich's, 308 Market street. GIRLS and WOMEN wanted In the packing and J finishing rooms. Apply DEVINE & YUNGEL SHOE MFO. CO., Sixteenth and State Street* i HELP WAN TED—FEMALE WANTED. AT ONCE Fifty color ed girls, over 16. to sew canvas gloves. Learners paid $5 per week and bonus. After learning can make from $2.50 to $3.00 per day. Apply Steelton Glove Co., 700 South Second street. GIRLS WANTED Learners paid week work. Best prices and bonus paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employed. Call at once, llartisburg Apparel Co, Third Floor, City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and ; Herr streets. , WANTED Girls for work in Bookbindery. Apply Mr. Ripper. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg. Pa. WOMEN TO SEW Goods sent prepaid to your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send re ply envelope for prices paid Universal Co, Desk 3, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED White girl, with ref erences, for general housework; small family; no washing. Telephone Bell 19. WOMAN WANTED For general work, including some waiting and pantry work, in boys' boardingsoJtool. Country. $25.00 a month, room and board. " Address M. S. Churchman, Yeates School, Lancaster, Pa. WANTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS From 17 to 50 years old Having orders enough on our books to keep our factory running at its full capacity, and with good working; conditions, we are able to give opera- 1 tors regular work. Thus enabling ex perienced operators to earn from $2.50 to $4.50 per day. Inexperienced operators are paid $1 25 per day while learning, they are taught by experienced operators and at the end of two weeks' training are able to earn $2.50 per day. A bonus is paid every pay to all op erators. BLOUGH MANUFQ CO, INC, Reily and Fulton Sts. WANTED Athletic young wo man about 25. who is patriotic enough to take a man's place in garage. You will be taught how to drive all makes cars and how to make repairs, etc. Apply to _ MAC'S GARAGE. 117 South Third Street. I GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. Harrisburg, in Sep tember. Government Clerk. Teacher. Inspectress. Research, Clerk, Type writer. Salary. $1,200-92.000. Experi | ence unnecessary. Women desiring I government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard tforiner i Civil Service Examiner). 561 Kenois | Building, Washington. * WANTED Experienced Weavers Also' beginners. 30 per cent, bonus paid over and above regular wages. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL. Corner Second and North Sta. HOSIERY LOOPF.RS WANTED On 176. 200. 220 and 240 needle. Good pay. Steady work. Apply at once. New Idea Hosiery Co, Fourteenth street and Mayflower avenue. HELP WANTED —Male and Female WANTED Experienced Forelady, or foreman, for Work Shirt I' actory. One that is capable of handling a 7o to 100-machine plant. Address M, 7437, care of Telegraph. THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN— GIRLS, 18 or over wanted immediate ly by United States Government. Easy office positions at Washington and in every large city. Experience unnecessary. $lOO month and up. 7- hour day. Your country needs you. Help her. Write immediately for free list positions open. E ranklin ] Institute, Dept. 403 G. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED Male or female elevator operator for day service. Ad dress P. O. Box 44. SHOE WORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera tors in all departments, and can guarantee 'steady work. All work is paid for at piece rates, but we guarantee every employe definite wages. The more work you produce, the more you earn. We also have openings in all departments for young men and women to learn a useful trade, which ' will be of value to them after the war The shoe business is a necessary industry and is of much importance. Get a Job making goods for Uncle 'Sam if you can. but if not, then consider the shoe manu facturing trade as worth •while learning. If interested, take this ad. to the United States Employ ment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and get full particulars. H4.RRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO, 1402 Vernon Street. SALESMEN WANTED A RED-BLOODED SALESMAN whose aggressiveness, tact and ability has made a good reputation in your city is required at once to open * sale's agency selling the popular •Wales'' Visible Adding and Book keeping Machine in Harrisburg and several adjacent counties. The Wales ?s manufactured and ncorporated in our home state at W ilkes-Barre. This Is ft very unusual opportunity for a man with sales ability to earn a hand ™me incofne. Your application will, be held in strict confidence. Applicants I must outline experience and qualiftca- U W*'H McFARLAND. District Mgr., 1036 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED ~ \GENTS New draft ruling means , millions Patriotic Picture Sales Over Top. Pershing, Colored Heroes.! etc Sample Free. Portrait Catalog! Free. People's Portrait. Station D. Chicago. ' TWENTY NEW PATRIOTIC PIC TURES Including "Liberty and Peace" "True Sons of America" "T ihertv Mat Frames." "Human Lib ertyßeß." "Victory Honor Roll." Sol dier's Portraits. Big sellers. Samples free. Consolidated Portrait Co, 1029 Adams street. Dept. 1. Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ~ WANTED Boy 17 years of age wishes work in the mornings from 7 to 12. Address Box P. 7506, care of Telegraph. BOOKKEEPER Position wanted by young, married man with two years' office experience; State Normal and Business College education; refer ences given. Address C, 7364, pare of Telegraph. SALESMAN Wants position to call on retail stores or garages. Can i furnish reference and bond. Write 40S i School avenue, Huntingdon, Pa. Bell ! 203 J. Huntingdon. —I ""(SITUATIONS W ANTED— FcmaIT j WANTED Young woman desires] position for general housework or housekeeping. Apply B, 7434, care of | Telegraph. THERE'S A POSITION FOR YOU one in which you can earn good pay if you can measure up to the work required to be done. Tell, in a want adverticment, what you can do— what experience you have had—what sort of employment you seek, and what pay you expect to receive. You'll find your opportunity. j SITUATIONS WANTED —FemaIe j WANTED Young woman fishes position as clerical work; has had ex i perience. Address S, 6624, care of j Telegraph. ! WANTED Experienced steno grapher desires position; can fur nish best of reference. Address L, "291, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced steno grapher and bookkeeper desires posi tion - can furnish best of reference. Address R, 7365. care of Telegraph. WANTED Cook wishes position in private •family. Address S, 6626. care of Telegraph. WANTED —Washing to do at home. Inquire at 1228 North Front street. city. WANTED Widow, of experience and ability, desires a position as man aging housekeeper in a widower's home; reference. Address Box R, 6621, care of Telegraph. i- ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One large, front room; electricity and gas. stear.i heat ] and use of bath. Apply 7 North Thir teenth street. ■ TWO FURNISHED ROOMS For light housekeeping; gas and electric, and use of phone; no children. Ap ply 1706 Regina street. NICELY-FURNISHED front room. City steam heat, electric lights and gas. Apply 28 South Third street. Third Floor Apartment. GENTLEMAN WANTS Comfort ably-furnished room, with private family. Central location preferred. Address X, 7435, care of Telegraph. ONE OR TWO LARGE FURNISH ED FRONT ROOMS Suitable for business women or men. All conveni ences. Private family. No objection to light housekeeping. Bell phone 40J. FOR RENT—Furnished front room on second floor, all conveniences, in private family, for man and wife. Ap ply 337 Crescent street. FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms; bath and heat. ' 1723 Green street. SECOND FLOOR FRONT FURNISH ED ROOM —All conveniences; ud% of bath and phone. Apply 923 North Second street. SECOND FLOOR FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Call 259 Sassa fras street. LARGE, well-furnished third floor front room, all conveniences, located on North Second street; private fam ily. Will ret to one or two gentle men. Bell phone 4406 M. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, with aH modern conveniences. Private family. Good location. Apply 324 North "Second street., ~ ROOMS WANTED WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms, with conveniences, for housekeeping, in good location. Reference exchang ed. Address Box R, 7314, care of Telegraph- GENTLEMAN Wants comfort ably-furnished room, centrally- locat ed. Describe and state terms. Ad dress P. O. Box 804. THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young couple. Small apartment, with bath, will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address B„ 7458, care of Telegraph. AL'ARTMKNTS WANTED WANTED An apartment by Oc tober 1 or 15, of live rooms and bath centrally located. Address H. M. R„ care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Owner, leaving town immediate possession well built most modernly equipped ideal loca tion inspect it No. 803 North Seventeenth street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BRICK HOUSE. ON PENN STREET. ABOVE WOODBINE. FOR SALE at $3,400 6 rooms and bath gas and electric light steam heat lot, 21x 70. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. . v FOR SALE On easy terms, dwell ing house, with large lot, centrally located. Camp Hill. Also two proper ties in Shiremanstbwn. Can be used for two families each. Address W. Jay Melly, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. SOUTH FOURTEENTH ST., NO. 405 —Modern three-story brick and frame house, porch front convenient loca tion.. Price only $*.750. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. CHESTNUT ST.. NO. 1608 Modern 10-room frame house, complete in all respects and in good repair. Price re duced to $3,000? J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. GREEN ST., NO. 2120 3-story brick, steam-heated house, combina tion lights, vacuum cleaning system, oak floors, newly papered throughout. Immediate possession. . Price, $4,900. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Kensington Street. No. 2020; 6-room frame house, with electric light, water, porch and side entrance. Price only $1,650. Terms— s2oo cash and balance as rent. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. STATEi ST.. NO. ' 1726 10-room brick house, steam heat, combination' gas and coal range and laundry.- In spection by appointment. J. E. Gip ple, 1251 Market street. CAMP HILL 2-story frame bun galow; seven rooms, large bath, gas. electricity, turnace, open fireplace, wide porches; plot. 45x140; young fruit trees; strawberry garden. Pries, $3.550. Inquire H-, 7292. care erty in any section of the city, |f cheap. What have you to offer? Chaa Adler. 1002 North Third street. , OFFICES AND STOREROOMS 1 • DESK ROOM For rent in desirable office, Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. Rohrer & Son. ! OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished , or unfurnished, single or ensuite of I two or three rooms. Apply H & r • Lowepgard. 210 North Third street. ' LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENTZ? ; Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street. Apply to Louis. 414 North Third. FARMS == FOR SALE 39-acre farm, located Ave miles north of Hummelstown, 2 miles from Grantville; •30 acres tillable. 9 acres good timber; 2-story log weather boarded house, log weatherboardech barn, outkitchen. chickenhouse and hogpen; spring and stream through farm. Price, including stock, crops and farm implements $52,500 63-acre farm, located 4% miles south of Bowmansdale; 45 acres till able, 18 of meadow and timber land log house, summer kitchen, frame bank barn, two good chicken houses, liogpen, ironstone soil, running water two good springs. Price, including stock and implements $5,000 22-acre truck farm, located 1% miles east of Middletown; 214-story frame dweling. 8 rooms, good condi tion. hot water heating system, good frame barn, necessary outbuildings including 2 hew chicken houses, sand soil, 400 peach trees in bearing Price $5,800 BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents Second and Wajnut Sts. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned will offer at pri vate sale the farm of the late Oliver Rice, situate in Miller Township, about two miles east of Newport, along the Juniata river, the llrst farm below Trimmer's Rock, on the P. R. R., con taining over 210 acres, and having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house, a large bank barn and all necessary outbuildings, all the buildings are in good condition. There is a well of good water at the door and a running stream at the barn. The farm is in a high state of cultivation, and Is a most desirable property, near one of the best markets In the county. A considerable acreage is In valuable timber. The farm is especially adapt ed to grazing and would make a su perior stock farm. Call on or address. J. ARDHN RICE. New Bloomfleld, Pa. 12-ACRE FARM ~ ' For Sale. , Possession at onoe. 4 miles east of Llnglestown. on the Manada River. OW house' Good barn. Very productive. 100 fruit trees, a verr good Truck. Poultry and Hog FarnL Fronting beautiful on main roai Beautiful Farms Joining. Price. si - 600. We can help finance this farm.' C. B. CARE, Care's Grocery. Llnglestown: 409 Market St.. Harriaburg. FARMS FOR SALE - 2V4 acres, $2,800.00; 3 acres. $750.00; 5 acres $6 - 000.00; 14 acres, $3,100.00; 40 acres $2,500.0; 40 acres, $2,600.00; 71 acres' $6 000.00; 75 acres, $3,500.00; 105 acres $5,800.00; 109 acres, $4,200.00; 112 acres, $tf, 000.00; 120 acres, 15i00.n0 t>n 107 Chestnut. FARMS , | .FOR SALE A valuable farin of | 122 acres. 19 of whicli are woodland, belonging to the estate of Avis Ann l-line, deceased, situated in Fairvlew township, York County, ten miles from Harrisburg. adjoining Lewis berry Borough on the southeast, and Meadowbrook Farm, the home of Isaac Rudisill, on the southwest. It is one-half mile from the State Rood to Harrisburg—the proposed Susque hanna Trail—and two-thirds of a mile from the little popular resort of Stiver Lake. The land is in a fine state of cultivation, fertile and pro ductive. A good stone house, large bank barn, and other necessary build ings. are situated on a little knoll from which there is a fine view of the surrounding country, and of the public road for nearly half a mile. Inquire at Cline's Mill, Lewisberry, Pa. LEWIS CLINE. CARRIE CLINE. Administrators. FARMS FOR SALE Any size you want, from 1 to tan acres each. 8, 11, 15. 30, 45. 70 gn 100, 150 and 200-acre farms from 2U to 10 miles to Har-isburg. Some oh State Roads. All have good buildtmr* orchards and running water. Easy an' cess to city. C. B. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 580 J. FARM WANTED WANT TO RENT A FARM Have been a lifelong farmer. Can furnish best of references. Address Box 101 Middletown, Pa. Bell phone 14R-3. ' FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Baby carriage, natural reed. Call at 1419 Vernon street, first floor. FOR SALE Red Fox Fur. Prac tically new. Cheap. Call at 707 Kun kel Bldg, between 9 and 10 A. M„ or call Bell phone 589. ROOF PAINT We have 16 bbls. of Jetro-Carbon black roof paint in the freight warehouse, which we will sell at 38c per gal, in barrel lots; bar rels hold about 48 to 55 gallons each. Order us many barrels as you can use. This paint is retailed at from 60c to 90c per gallon, and is guaranteed for 3 years. If not satisfied with the paint, return same to us. For old or new tin, paper or felt roofs. Freight paid to your local station. Boyer & Boyer, 656 Salem Ave:, Yorlj;, Pa. FOR SALE Five head of heavy work horses, in good condition. Ages from 9 to 10 years. For full par ticulars inquire 1944 North Cameron street. • ONE BATHTUB 4 ft.; one bath (lush closet, complete; one kitchen sink. All in good condition. Will sell reasonable. Apply 1746 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Sweet' Cider by the quart', gallon or baVrel. Call Bell phone 1055 M, or 513 South Thirteenth street. $6OO, NEW FURNITURE AND DISHES Livingroom, diningroom and kitchen. Used four months. $6O cash, balanpe $l5 monthly. Al low $9O off original cost. $l2 fold ing surrey and porch swing for $3.00. Now located in modern house to rent. 2710 Woodlawn street, near Twenty seventh and Derry. Take Paxtang car. FOR SALE —Trombone, silver-plat ed; gold bell "Halton Special," with case. Practically new. Address 631 South Front street, Harrisburg. Call after 7:3O"'P. M. ' • THE STORE across from the Y. W. C A is where you can save money on Men's and Boys' Clothing Furnishing Hats. Caps. Shoes. We are famous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. Men's Suits . $9.90 up Boys' Suits $3.95 up Men's Pants $1.75 up Men's Hats $1.50 up Shoes CLOTHING' CO,' Up • 23 North Fourth Street. OPEN EVENING. Suits to Measure, $20.00 up. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR fitsH ALL MAKES RENTED CASH EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR iut. kM pHKUM THEATER. < . BOTH PHONES. BOOKS 20.000 new. old and rare books. 6c up. Aurand's. 925 N. Third. ALL kinds of Disc Records bought, sold and exchanged. N. Brenner. 1315 1 \-orth Third street. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Typewriting to do at home. All work promptly and neat ly done. Address Typewriter, No. 151 Balm street. Harrisburg. Pa. JUNK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION— Highest prices paid. Orders attended promptly. Write,-or call Bell phone 1617W, National Iron & Metal Co, 941 North Seventh street. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin. 407 Broad | .street. Bell phone 3370 J. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & aou. $24-832 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smelts. 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture hare. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Local merchant to handle Talking Machines. Greatest value on the market. Eagle PStmo graph Co, Harrisburg, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co, 206 Mitt. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge. 25c doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert and Sons. QUININE)— Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININB will stave it oO if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. Money to Loan MONEY FOR COAL and other necessities, advanc ed to honest working people, without bank credit, at legal rates on furniture, real es tate or guaranteed notes. Buy your coal now. Help the Gov ernment and Insure comfort for yourself and family next Winter, and Incidentally, aavs money. We give you twelve months to pay the loan if you wish. You pay only for the actual time you use the money. Hours. 8 to 6, Satur day evenings until 9. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO, ■•4 Chestnut Street, | Money to Loan • I MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P O Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act ot June 17. 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT •CO . 132 Walnut Street. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, fust call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. . TALKING MACHINES ot all kinds repaired by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2804 R. br 1504 Howard avenue. HOUSES AXl> CARRIAGES HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR SALE Horse weighs 1,300 to 1,400 lbs. Suitable for any work. Anyone can drive. Nino years old. Rea son for selling, no further use. Call at once. 1918 State street. lluullng and Moving WE MOVE anything to any point, local or long-distance. Large open and covered auto trucks. Experienced liirniiure handlers. Rates reasonable, phone Bell 623 J. -LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. Bell phone 1535 J. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvln Aungst, Manager. Hersbey. Pa. Bell I phone 16R-6. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANY TIME We have a 2-Ton Denby Truck for Hire to do General Hauling. DAYTON CYCLE CO, Dial 4900 012 N. Third St. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 8320. or Dial 2265. WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or team. Go anywhere. Rates Reason able. Phones. CONRAD BROS., 445 Broad street. ~\VHERE TO DINE * ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Homu cooking served to Businessmen iand Ladle! in separate dlningroong Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold gbods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper A Co. Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private roofs. • Reasonable rates, p. U. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. 23 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-tlrepro'of ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. UNDLMTTAKEKS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BEEL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. , 611 North Second Street. • BELL 252. DIAL 2148. WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 620 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. CONTRACT 275.00 FUNLKAU You can select from an octagon end oak nicely polished, black cloth or white embossed plush caskets, six sil ver handles, engraved name plate, cream or white satin lining and pli low. Outside case of pine, Embalm ing remains, draping door, laying out and dressing, use ot my Funeral par lor to bury from, directing services hearse and two coaches. My eervlce can be had Day or Night. Special attention given to Steelton. Carlisle and out-of-town calls. Licensed in New Jersey Not 181 A. Pennsylvania No. 3993 Private Automobile Ambulance. Office Bell phone 4748J Dial pnone 3907 Cleaners ana Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver. Goodman's, 1306 H ff- Sixth St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring Car; recently painted over; run about 10,000 miles; all new tires; A 1 condi tion; cannot be told from a new car. Price, 2800.00. Apply St. James Hotel! FORD TOURING CAR. REO ROAD STER AND PULLMAN ROADSTER.— Apply Harrisburg Auto and Tire He. pair Co, 131 South Third. FOR SALE Ford Touring Car Cheap to quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Inquire Federal Square Garage Court and Cranberry. • • SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new, 2375.00; 1919 Mitchell, Lib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst. Linglestown.. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILOIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,65c 6 gallons A or Arctic, Ga110n.,700 If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Moblloil, A, B, E or Arctic, gallon DAYTON N. Third St. 1918 DODGE .1986.00 1916 Overland 2706.00 1914 Ford • 2265.00 16 Indian Motorcycle 2120.00 Other Bargains. HORST, Linglestown. Pa. FOR SALE , 'f. Model 82 Hupmobile; excellent value; mechanically perfect. Special Price HARRISBURG AGENCT CO, 103 Market St. • Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page 1 — 13