$ NEWS MV NOTES OF THE BOY SCOUTS & CAMP LOG OF 4 LUCKY TROOP Live Log Keeper Hogar Tells About the Activities of Troop 13. Saturday. August 24.-— Sixteen Scouts led by their Scoutmaster. John W. German, Jr., arrived at Losh's Run on the 1.30 trait from ; Harrisburg. After some difficulty we were ail taken across the river. Many suitcases and also boys had very narrow escapes from good duckings. After getting to camp the fellows were put, in squads each under a squad leader, and were given cots. After that we went swimming and had one wonderful time. We were then ready to show "Mamy and Mabel" the cooks that we were some eaters. After supper two went for. mail, and the rest ot, the bunch went to Morris' and had our fill of apples, which afterward were the subjects of debates ar.d gory batfles. We finally went to bed and had a fine sleep minus the city's fine mos quito*. Sunday —Some of us felt the worse of? for our apple feast when we got up this morning. After setting-up exercises and toothbrush parade we rartock of some "peachy" oatmeal and fried mush. After breakfast Mr. Rales announced that the best squads were four and five under S.outs Morgan ar.d Hagar We had a flac raising in which Morgan and Hagar both took part. Hagar tried to "skin the cat" and had a little v>:t to the doctor. Ted Walt* tried to kill himself by sticking a knife ir.to his leg. • Rev. Mr. Fales led the church services. After this Sunday school was held, with Mr. Kales ar.d Mr. German as teachers. We again devoured some of "Mamv's" and Mabel's cookings and started off for Rossil Rock. When we returned a short swim was in wait for us. It made us hungry enough to discour age "Mamy" when she saw us piling the cakes on our plates. Vfter supper two bodies of Glad iators arranged to have a "bloody battle." Tl.e game was called "Over the Top." The two bodies were named the "Guineas" and "Wops." Tire captain of the "Guineas" was Bowman, ar.d Rat Snyder officiated for the "Wops." At last the "Wops" went "Over the Top " Each man picked out an opponent—the cap tains struggling in the center. Hagar picked up Ted Walt* and in true Gladiatorial form sent him sailing tl raiKh the air. This ended the battle* But there was such a dis pute about the winner that although I rhaps most of the honors went to the the "Dops" refuse to admit this. After the dispute was over, a rire was built in the fire place and Mr. German told stories of G:rty. After vespers we all turned in and had a good night's rest. x Monday—Everybody turned out K. this morning. A hike was "1 ..inr.ed to Girty's Notch byway of New Buffalo. It was good walking, as the sun was not yet up. Bill M.iglaughltn was noted" for his fast v ..Ikmg as he and several others xi vie three-fourths of a mile behind the main troop. We arrived at New Buffalo and soon raided the ci-.ly grocery store in the town. We ■were soon on our way to the Notch as a truck helped us along. At r.oon we ate our lunch Mamy packed for us. After a while Scoutmaster German arrived and showed lis the cave. We went home by another : ad. Don McCamman showed us how to go over the top in saw dust tit was at a saw mill.) and we learned all about saw mills. We had good supper in camp, after which b outraaster German told stories. We wer.t to bed good and tired. Tue-slay—Everybody O. K. this morning. Nothing to do. Squad to cut wood and 1. 2. 3 to go to Mor '■_■*—all the rest going fishing. After d.nner we had signal practice. Ted Waltz got the name "Chief Hickey Head because he got stung by yel low jackets in four places. We "had three visitors as this was visitor's cuy. We had a fine swim also, as S-outmaster German brought a cork tail along, and we were cracking heads diving for it. After we had supper we took "King" Doyle some tobacco given him by "13" and a check for 135 iron men for rent, so "King" Doyle was very happy and we feasted on peaches. When we returned we were going to have a corn-roast, but it was too late, so we went to bed instead. Wednesday— Everybody turned out well and as there was no hike planned the fe!low-s amused them selves as they pleased. The Scouts of Troop 13 went to meet Mr. Virgin, f-cout iuxecutive. who was due on the 1-30 local. It was planned to take a hike up Mt. Marian butthe rai nhell u.- back. No rain can keep this gang from going in swimming, so into the drink we went. Then We had supper and afterwards some great stories at the fire place and seme Jur.iata ice cream i which each fellow was fined 15c for). To night it rained, and what's the use of sleeping under a hole in the roof when you get wet. Thai's what our fellows thought so we mved our covers out in front of the fire place on the soft side of the floor Thursday—The fellows are get ting used to camp. This is the dav of real sport. After the camp re ceived marching orders, with real war rat.ons packed in our haver sacks. we started for Newport. That is. those who are r.ot crippled, si'-k c r slackers. Say. fellows that was some hike Scouts Huber. Hagar Bowman. Ed and Karl Blumenstine' and the Scoutmaster broke all rec ord? in reaching Newport in one hour. By this time the sight of ice cream signs became unbearable so we raided a stand. We had every thing from sundae* and milk shake? m* "coke When Mr. Fales came up and announced "have one on me boys" we once morb went to it. On ' the way to Newport we "passed bouts Krouse and Clouser. who on account of taking their 14 mile hike had to ravel by themselves. The trip back was begun about 1.30 and after a vain attempt to try to get in the iron works which are under U. S. orders. Here we nearly lost Diffen cifer and Scout Bowman who were nearly overcome by a prettv girl's smiles. The troop trailed on their way home the same as they did in the morning, with Blumenstine and Huber in the lead. They had about a half mile lead on the next squad and on reaching the boat landing were overcome with surprise when they saw tne second waiting in the boat. These fellows had braved poison Ivy and snakes by following the old canal from the old Indian spring to the landing. After every body had doctored up blisters, we took a great swim, and on returning to camp the directors called a court FRIDAY EVENING, SCOUTING NOTES BY J. FREPIUK VIRGIN, SCOVT EXECCTTVE Greetings fellow Scouts, and may we have the best winter ever. Did' I hear "Amen" from every one one of the twenty-eight troops in the' city .and six others affiliated with us? No, there are only thirty-three! J One of the city troops failed to re register last time, and It Is not offi cially in existence. But we hope It will be thirty-four again soon. Honestly, that is only a small part of what we are going to have by' next June There are almost sev entv-ftve churches in Harrisburg. and every one of them should have a Troop. Every school should have, a bunch of "live ones." and I have my eye on several places that would be bettered by having a Troop. Here is a secret I am going to give out Just as soon as I find the right man to head it. X am going to have a sea scout Troop. If you don't know what that is. ask n-.e or look it up in the har.d book page 31. I feel like yelling "Help!" Yes. and you fellows can come to mv res. cue I want help in finding" good scoutmasters You know the kind I want. Real live ones. and. since there is no such thing as failure to a Scout, we are going to get them, and make this old city the best scout burg in Pennsylvania. I'm back from the Institute of Scout Executives, and wish I could print all I have to tell you about it. It was a combination of vacation and hard work—mostly hard work It was held way up in the Adirondack mountains—miles away from any town, and I came away with more ideas about Scouting than I ever knew existed. I will tell you about one over night hike I tqok. First six miles by canoe, then, with a good fifty! pound pack on my back, we went martial, as there were two slackers in camp, for they did not go hungry They were sentenced to a light sup per But it seems they had friends : ncamp. for they did not go hungry after a!l our efforts. The supper was the best Mamy ever cooked. We had a fire in the fire place and popped corn—each fellow doing his share of story-telling We all slept ell because of tired feet and aching bones i until the whistle blew). Friday—Gee it's cold and we hate to get up. but "Old Glory" has got to co up with honor, so every Scout left his warm bed to honor the flag. Put. oh my. the stiff kr.ees. when the exercises started. * but after a •trill the Scouts were as frisky as lambs. About this time Mamy cave notice that eats were ready and we surely keot her busy baking cakes. This morning we had Assembly in front with Mr. Fales in charge. After which the troop divided into three parts. First those knocked out from the hike, who stayed in camp; part two went fishing: and the third division went to Morris' with Mr. German as there were prospects of good apples—and they must have been good. On the return trip some fellows collected fossiis for Scout i Headquarters and our f:\r.d Scout Store Closes During Week 9 p.m. Saturdays 10 p m. Face Powders La Blache Face Powder 39c Hudnut's Sweet Orchid P'der, 83c Hudnut's Gardenia Face P'der, 83c Hudnut's Violet Sec Face P'der, 43c Sanitol Face Powder 18c Carmen Face Powder 56c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 54c Swansdowne Face Powder .... 13c Colgate Charmis Face Powder, 25c Freeman's Face Powder 19c 4711 Face Powder 19c Attar Tropical Face Powder .. 58c Toilet Creams Hind's Honey and Almond C m, 36c Stillman's Freckle Cream 56c Frostilla 19c Orchard White 28c Oriental Cream • Si.l 9 Pompeian Night Cream 28c Hudnut's Cold Cream 43c Hudnut's Cream Violet Sec .... A9c Pond's Cold Cream 30c Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c Palmolive Vanishing Cream .. 57c Palmolive Cold Cream 37c Sempre Giovine 39c Amonized Cocoa 68c Mercolized Wax 59c Sanitol Cold Cream 19c Ingram Milk Weed Cream .... 79c Othene (Double Strength) .... 79c Ken Klay Double Strength .. 79c Kintho Cream 83c De Meridor Cream '.... 33c Lr.dy Betty Cream 45c Tooth Preparations Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c Kolynos Tooth Paste 21c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c Lyon's Tooth Powder 18c Forhan's Tooth Paste . . 20c and 40c Graves' Tooth Paste 17c Senreco Tooth Paste 21c Euthymol Tooth' Powder 17c Colgate's Tooth P'der. 15c and 25c Pyrrocide Powder 79c Manicuring Preparations Cutex Outfits, complete 79c Cutex Cuticle Remover 21c Cutex Nail White 21c Cutex Cuticle Comfort 21c Ongaline 43c Hudnut's Cuticle Remover .... 23c Hudnut's Nail Cake 23c (five miles Into the woods. Just think lof it —1 was awakened three times during: the night by beavers cutting • down trees near the log log cabin in which I was sleeping. I brought aome of the chips they cut from the trees and also a few limbs show ing 'how they peel the bark from the alder trees for food. Come in and see them. Of course wo cooked our own grub. Have you ever made a "Kaboo" or a twister? Come In and I'll toll you how. How about your troop having a father-mother-son night soon? Put •it up to your scoutmaster. I vote "yes'' if you'll invite ma But let me know well In advance about the date. Troop S has already com pleted their plans. Just a word of warning. No Scout must. under any circumstances, solicit subscriptions to the Fourth' Liberty Loan. Don't ask your father or friends or anyone to buy a bond through you. Wait until we set permission to do so. Ask your Scoutmaster what the penalty for disobedience is. Say, fallows. that was a corking Scout page edited by the Office Seoul last week. And she is a good Scout too. tGee. I hate to write this stuff about myselft. The page would have been bigger if you scribes had brought your stories to the office before noon on Thursday. That is the latest tirrfe for getting it in. Remember, the Telegraph would give us a whole page every week if we would fill it with good live news. Every week something from every troop. That's the rule. Oh. I almost forgot. We are go ing to have a monster Scout Rally on Friday night. October 11. t I'll announce details next week! Now for a good winter! ' McCammantl had too much per so : cuts and bruises, which he received while trying to demonstrate , that Pershing is going after the Huns. After dinner "Boob McNutt" Mccamamnt) had too much per so we put him through "paddles." In the evening we had a fine treat as Mr. Lir.smore was in camp. As this was the last right :n camp the fel lows decided to make it "sleepless" night instead of "lightless" but as the "V" man produced lolly pops: the camp became quiet. Saturday —Last chance at the drill, r and then we packed up and w-ent across the river, spending the best part of the morning in singing songs, and saying farewell tti Karl and "nig" "our two canine friends. At last the local pulled "late as usual." We all piled on board thus ending the 1915 camp at I.osh's Run. •i AGAR. Sentor Patrol Lc..der and Log Keeper REI.IEVE INDIGESTION" Tilth Horsfont's Acid Phosphnte Taken before meals, tones the stom- j ach. proomtes appetite and prevents I j distress. Buy a bottle.—Advertise- | mont. ' Kennedy's Cut-Rate Medicine Store 321 MARKET STREET Talcum Powders Mennen's 22c Jess Talcum (Glass) 19c Babcock's Butterfly Talcum ... 23c Waltz Dream Talcum 23c Jess Talcum (Tins) 15c- Rosary Talcum . . 15c Hudnut's Talcum (Tins) 19c Mary Garden Talcum 4Sc Palmolive Talcum : 19c Ven Dome Talcum (Pound) .. 23c Lady Mary Talcum (Tar) 43c Lady Mary Talcum (Tin) .... 28c Sterate Zinc Powder 17c Houbigant Talcum 79c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum .. 16c Babcock's Cut Rose Talcum .. 16c Toilet Soap Specials Hudnut's Violet Sec Soap, 3 for 25c Physicians 'and Surgeons' Soap, 3 for 25c Colgate's All-Round Soap, 3 for 25c Kewpie Soap Dolls 3 for 25c Harfina Soap 2 lor 25c Colgate Big Bath Soap . . 2 for 25c Colgate Elder Flower Soap, 2 for 25c Packer's Tar Soap 18c Poslam Soap 19c Jphnson's Foot Soap 21c Ivory Soap 2 for 13c Castile Soap 10c Toilet Water Specials Pinaud's Lilac 79c Hudnut's Toilet Waters 79c Djer-Kiss Vegetal 98c Lady Mary Toilet Water .... $1.19 Houbigant Toilet Water $4.79 Garden of Allah Toilet Water, 55c and 98c Violet Simplicity Toilet Water, 55c and 98c •Jess Toilet Water .... 55c and 98c Rouges and Face Tints Pyramid Rouge 39c Ideal Rouge 43c Calista Rouge 45c Garden of Allah Rouge . . ... 29c Dorin's Liquid Rouge 21c Aubry Sisters' Tint 28c II HARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH Three Good Scouts to Wear Ace Medals Soon All hail the winners! Scouts Richard Buchbaum, of Troop 11 Richard Johnston, of Troop 11. and Augustus Towsen, of Troop 19. Three cheers and a tiger! All to gether! These are the latest wingers of Ace Medals or Faints. Scout Buchbaum has a medal and a palm. "Dicky" Johnston is on the way to. need a yard of ribbon on which to i put his three new palms, and "Ous" i Towsen is the proud possessor of a medal and a palm. We were slow In getting started on I W. 8 .8., but are on our way now. j Keop the good work up! Here Is a copy of the letter James E. West .our chief scout executive, sent to these scouts: My Pear Scout : It gives me pleasure to In form you that due to your per severance In the W. g. S. cam paign you have again succeed ed In winning an award, and I am proud for that reason to send you unaer another cover the much coveted Falni, to be worn with the Ace Modal al ready in your possession. Through your own Initiative and salesmanship you have rightfully earned the title of Ace Scout, and I sincerely trust that you will continue the very excellent work which you have carried to such a successful Issue. Now 1 want you to strive for the greatest of all awards in this campaign, and that is a personal letter of thanks from the President of the United States. Such a letter Is to be sent to the highest Ace Scout in each state at the end of the year, and I want you to vigor ously continue your efforts for this great honor. I also hope you will qualify for marsy ad ditional Palms, and they will be sent to you from time to time as earned without a letter. The services rendered by you to the United States in this great undertaking are highly appreciated and are. I assure you. not only gratifying to the nation, but especially so to the National Headquarters. Sincerely and cordially yours. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive. Organize New Troop at Epworth Methodist A crowd of boys who have been meeting at the Epworth Methodist Church for some time at Twenty first and Perry streets have at last been registered with local Scout Headquarters. So far there have been fourteen boys register, and many more members are anticipated. The troop has been fortunate enough to secure Amos Nye. formerly of Troop 6 as Assistant Scoutmaster and I. Y. Martin has been elected as Scoutmaster. The fellows are pol ished up in their tenderfoot exams, but they will not be given until to night. We exnect to be a good troop, so look out, you other troops of Harrisburg. JACOB T. MATTER, i Scribe. Ivory j Hb. Pack ! Lux c i 20 Mule \ tiorax 4 cakes 25c 2 for 25c Horlick's Borden's Nestle's Malted Milk Hosp. Size Food Hosp. Size Malted Milk Hospital Size $2.79 $2.79 $2.49 Rubber Specials For Saturday Only C. & C. Red Rubber Hot Water Bottle 79c Excelsior White Rubber Hot Water Bottle 98c Eclipse Red Hot Water Bottle $1.29 The Lily Maroon Hot Water Bottle . • $1.29 The Hi-Grade Hot Water Bottle $1.39 Hot Water Bottle • $1.69 Maroon Hot Water Bottle $2.89 v C. & C. Red Rubber Fountain Syringe 98c Fountain Syringe, Red Rubber : 89c Red Rubber Fountain Syringe • $1.12 United States Rubber Fountain Syringe $1.98 Imperial Fountain Syringe $2.39 Combination Hot Water Bag and Fountain Syringe $1.59 Hub Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, $1.48 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe .... $1.79 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe $1.98 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe .... $2.19 Household Rubber Gloves, pair 19c CIGAR Specials CIGAR DEPARTMENT There Are No 6c Cigars af This Store FOR MEN All Cigar Specials 1 n Cinco | 7 For lUC " 44 ~ 35 Cents Cigars Counsellor New 50 For 3 Bachelor $2.29 Don Abilo 100 p or For Owf , $4.45 ; 25c Troop 26 Publishes Bright Bulletin Troop Sfl Is still setting the pace for getting out an attractive Troop bulletin. The last Issue Is full three pages and has lots of "pep" and good news. Full scout meetings with a definite program are attracting the hoys. I.ast week elementary band aging was the game and this week it is signaling. Nothing like variety —one thing e.t a time and that done well. Every patrol In the troop Is scour ing two sets of signal flags, one fire making set and a patrol flag. I-ater on the full equipment is to come. The troop was in camp only three days, but they made the most of the time. While in camp they were giv en instruction in semaphore signal ing and first aid by Mr. Huntsberg cr. field executive, and in fire-mnking by friction, by Mr, Sparrow, of Troop 6. They were also instructed in tracking, observation and the find ing of direction from the sun by their scoutmaster. Mr. Huntsberger durlng'his stay at camp also taught them the correct method of building a fire, and built a large council fire. The troop was given about seventeen miles of hik ing. which was used to good ad vantage in instructing scouts who wrre studying ,for their second class tests. Monday afternoon the scout master called the weekly meeting under a large tree along the creek and it was conducted in true scout style. Two candidates tried for their tenderfoot test, but failed to pass. Altogether the troop had a very good time, plenty of swimming, lots of flshlng( but very few fishl and good eats. Monday afternoon the troop broke camp." taking down the tents and removing all traces of the camp, then all hut Tic three wheel scouts loaded up on a large motor truck and were brought home. Scouts of Troop 20 Eat Corn Tonight As an opening number of the win ter program the troop will have a cornroast this evening at a nearby point. The troop will hike to the locatio nat 7.30. All members are expected to be present. Next Friday one of our troop members will give some chemical demonstrations, showing some inter esting experiments. This will also be the business meeting for Sep tember. HENRY A. BAER. Scribe. HAIR ON FACE WHAT CAUSES IT It has hern proven by the world's greatest authorities that It nianlitn and Increases hair grstfth to Merely remove It frem the surface of the ehia. The enly rommon-srnse way to remove hair is to attach it under the shin. DeMtrurle. the original sanitary ligeKi. does this by abserptten. Only genuine DeMlraele has a money-back. guarantee In each paeksge. At tot Vet constats In Oc, SI and S3 sixes, er by mall from as in plain wrapper on receipt ef price, FREE book mailed In plain sealed eavelope ea request. De- Wlraele. ISSth St. and Park Ave lew York. Troop Eight Will Hold Corn Roast at Dauphin Troop Eight believes in lots of publicity, and Is trying to live up to Scout Executive Vtrßin's words, "Something every week from every troop."' At the regular meeting last Mon day night the formation of the bi cycle squad was completed, and the squad is now ready for service when called upon—and they hope it will be soon. Scout Pick Harre, winner of an Achievement Button, reported addi tional sales of more than S2OO worth of Thrift Stamps and Baby Bonds. Pick must have his eye on that per sonal letter front President Wilson. Plans have been completed for our "big night" in October, but we can't wait until then, so to-night we'll i have a corn roast at Dauphin. All Save $35 to $l5O Now on Your Piano or Player P Present Prices Range . Upright Pianos $325 Up Player Pianos $525 Up Grand Pianos $575 Up Reproducing Pianos $925 Up Future Prices Will Be 10' 1 Per Cent Higher If you contemplate the purchase of a neiv Piano, Player-Piano, Victrola or Edison during the fall or winter, ice urge you to CHOOSE IT NOW. In addition to advanced prices later on, the supply of instruments owing to transportation difficulties, will not be sufficient to meet the demand. Buy now —while tve have a generous stock save the increase. Settlement and delivery arranged to suit you. J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building 15 South Market Square Patent Medicines SI.OO Father John's 79c $1.25 Peptogenic Milk Powder, 95c 85c Jad's Salts 53c SI.OO Listerine 73c SI.OO Liquid Veneer 73c SI.OO Lysol 79c SI.OO Ovoferrin 79c SI.OO Miles' Nervine 79c 50c Phillip's Milk Magnesia .... 34c SI.OO Hood's Sarsaparilla 79c SI.OO Quaker Herb Extract ... 79c 50c Regulol 38c SI.OO S. S. S. (Swift's Specific), 71c SI.OO Swamp Root 75c $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 98c 60c Sal Hepatica 38c SI.OO Sloan's Liniment 67c 50c Shiloh's (For Cough) 38c $1.25 Pierce's Discovery 81c $1.25 Pierce's Prescription .... 81c $1.25 Anuric Tablets 81c SI.OO Caldwell Syrup Pepsin .. 73c $1.25 Varnesis (Green) 83c SI.OO Parke Davis American Oil, 65c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 69c 25c Energine 21c $1.25 Pinkham Compound 83c SI.OO Tanlac 83c SI.OO Vinol 83c 50c Usoline (pint) ..' 39c $1.25 Pinaud's Hair Tonic .... 89c SI.OO Hay's Hair Heaith 73c SI.OO Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 73c SI.OO Danderine 73c SI.OO Herpicide • 79c 50c Parisian Sage 39c 50c Q-Ban Tonic 39c SI.OO Resinol Ointment 83c 50c Mustering 42c 60c Musterole 42c 75c Analgic Baunte 48c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 42c 50c Williams' Pink Pills 34c 50c Vick's Vapo-Rub 38c 75c Mellin's Food 54c SEPTEMBER 13, 1918. Troop Bight scouts take the 6.20 car for Rockvllle If you want to be In en this; Don'l forget—6;Bo! Rubber - Rubber? Yes Rubber! Old over, shoes, coats, bicycle ttres, auto tires, old hot-water hags, rubber hose— anything as long as It is rubber! The Scout that brings In the most will be entitled to have his name engraved on the walls of fame at Scout Headquarters, and the Troop that tops the next best will enjoy a similar distinction. Go to It, Scouts —get rubber. Ask your mother, and your neigh, bor. nnd her neighbor, and so on all around the block. Search in for gotten corners of the lot. and then Well, bring it on Saturday mom- Ing to the lawn In frcmt of the post office, and help make that ber pile a whopper. It la for the benefit of the R™ Cross, and you know who geta thd benefit of the sale of it; ltubber spells money, and money means happiness and life to <he boys In khaki "over there.' HWp give the Kaiser a slap on the ear' with an old gum shoe. Go to it< 'J ■„.#)*, ASKS RAIIiKOAD MEN TO SAVE BACK PAf Postmaster Sites, head of the War Savings Stamp campaign in Dauphin county, has requested railroad men to use their hack pay for the ptir-- chase of the stamps. With half the campaign passed. Dauphin county has bought only SS.OS worth of tho stamps per capita, while her allot-; ment is S2O. Store Closes During Week 9 p.m. Saturdays 10 p. m. Household Needs 100 5-gr. Cascara Tablets 35c 100 Calomel Tablets 19c 100 5-gr. Aspirin Tablets 98c 100 Bicarbonate Soda Tablets, 23c 100 Bell-Ans 53c 100 Rhinitis Tablets 35c 200 Bliss Native Herbs 73c 50c Pape's Diapeosir. 29c 35c Freezone ] 24c 30c James' Headache Powders, 19c 3 Cakes Soap Dye 25c Full Pound Absorbent Cotton .. 59c Full Pound Borax 13c Full Pound Boric Acid 21c Full Pound Bi-Carbonate Soda, 15c Full Quart Water Glass 39c Full Pint Grape Juice 24c ftubber Gloves 29c Syringe Tubing 29c Rubber Sponge • 10c Infant Syringe 18c Nipples (Cure Kolic) 6 for 25c Formaldehyde Candles 23c Full Pint Peroxide 29c Soap Chips 13c Dead Shot 13c and 19c Roach Salts 10c and 19c Snyder's Roach Powder 19c 20-Mule Team Borax Soap 6c WOVEN ELASTIC DEPARTMENT Elastic Truss (single)' $1.98 Elastic Truss (double) $2.98 Bellview Abdominal Belt ... $2.98 Mermaid Abdominal Belt ... $3.79 Demster Abdominal Belt $4.89 Flexo Abdominal Belt $5.39 Elastic Knee Caps .. $1.35 to $2.63 Elastic Anklet $1.63 to $2.63 Elastic Stocking .... $1.98 to $3.83 Jock Straps 35c to $1.19 Suspensory Bandages .. 25c to 98c Trufit Arch Supporters .. •.. $3.29 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers