Bring Old Rubber to the Post Dffice SELL 1901—2356 UNITED Today Is the Birth Anniversary of Major General John J. Pershing the man who is leading the American Expeditionary Forces in France, to let the whole world know what Old Glory stands for. He is the man, who, as lieutenant, led the Tenth to the rescue of the Rough Riders in Cuba—subdued the Filipihos was official observer with the vic torious General Kuroki in the Japanese war—led the American force into Mexico. Uncle Sam selected a man for this biggest war of all ages, whose military career is such as to justify the confidence of the entire nation. Provide Yourself With Your New Knit Underwear Do not hesitate about purchasing a few / \ ► suits of these garments right now. Our / stocks of them are as complete as it is / fli J-'Asi \ possible to n*ike them and furnish you 7 />'T? fM'iWi \ excellent selection. When we sMi' A woman need not neces- 1 MH' ft IHi sarily look stout because the Stout*/ scales say "she weights over 1 200 pounds." Vn ' *•' SS. r By the artful use of certain lines it is possible to give to the stout figured woman that grace and poise ong envied in her more slender sisters. If the stout woman considers her figure lines with care and discrimination, she will find that the proper selection of her corsets is the absolute essential. Above all others, the stout woman must be perfectly cor seted, and, as the importance of this fundamental principal of correct figure building is realizd the vexing problems of being "stylish though stout," solves itself. The elements that go to make perfect corseting, ease, grace and symmetry of line are found only in the "STYLISH STOUT" Svetline corsets. We invite you in for a free fitting. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed in both front and back-lace models. — BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 3 POirNDBD IWC.