French Outflank German Position at La Fereby Cof Slowly Driving Huns Back jfe HARRISBURG lf§l§l|l TELEGRAPH M . ©K stat - , ' Xo. 201 14 PAHJES Off'ic^a^tiarr^bur^e B''* 8 ''* HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEP 1 EMBER 11, 191 S. ON VhC\V!MOU'KI tVl'l K lt h isn't . l'" Ks * ''two^nt HOME EDITION 2800 AMERICAN TROOPS SAFELY LANDED AFTER TRANSPORT IS HIT BY TORPEDO; GREA T GERMAN BASES NEAR SURRENDER SWIFT CONVOY PICKS UP ALL MEN ON BOARD Soldiers Calmly Face Peril and Clamor Oversides of Stricken Ship Without Loss of a Man YANKEE DECLARES BOLD HUN PAID LIFE FOR HIS ATTACK, Great Vessel Was Opened to Attacki When It Dropped Back of Convoy Because of Engine Trouble By Associated Press London, Sept. 10 ( Tuesday). —A troop ship with! A 2.500 American soldiers 011 board has been torpedoed, j All hands were saved. The troop ship was beached. 111 order to save time, instead of launching the boats' the men clambered down ropes to destroyers which j swarmed around the stricken vessel and catne close: alongside. Sea Was Smooth' This operation was greatly facilitated by the fact ! that the sea was not rough. The troop ship was a member of a large convoy approaching] the English coast. The vessel was torpedoed 200 miles from! . shore at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Not a Man Injured The transfer of the American soldiers from the stricken ves-1 sel to escorting British and American torpedoboat destroyers was quickly made without injury to anyone. 1 hey all escaped injury when the torpedo exploded and they | were soon 011 their way to a British port. No Signs of Panic 1 here was 110 sign of panic on board and the admirable be- i liavior of the men was especially gratifying to the officers. Many of the troops came from Chicago and Cleveland and a] large percentage of them were factory hands of foreign extrac-1 tion. Their behavior proved that they had assimilated the true' spirit of the American soldier. . Boat Lifted Out of Water Several soldiers told Ihe Associated Press that thev saw the' German submarine lifted clear out of the watei after one of the depth bombs exploded and then entirely disappear. Something had gone wrong with the troop ship's engines which compelled her for a time to lag behind the rest of the convoy, but the trouble had been fixed up and she was fast catching up with the other transports when a torpedo hit her just forward of the tngine room. Transport Is Beached The vessel at once began to sink by the bow. Many of the soldiers at the time were taking baths. They did not* wait to uress but made for the deck with what little clothing they could hastily lay their hands on. Ihe water was rushing in at such a rate that it was thought the steamer would quicklv founder. To the surprise of most of the soldiers the troop ship did not sink. Some means apparently were found to check the inrush of water and she got near enough to shore to be beached. It >s hoped that the vessel ultimately can be saved. Yankee Soldiers Off Transport Hit by Torpedo in English Rest Camp ♦ By Associated Press An Inland Rest Camp in England, Tuesday, Sept. 10.—The majority of the 2,800 American soldiers from the troop ship which was torpedoed last Fnday off the English coast but was not sunk and upon w hicli there were no casualties, have arrived here none the worse foi their thrilling experience. The men are finding some consolation for the loss of their vessel in the assurance that the submarine that attacked her suf fered a far worse fate at the hands of the avenging destroyers which were speedily on the scene hunting the U-boat with depth charges. To aid in caring for the men here the American Red Cross rushed in large quantities of supplies from London. Transport Third to Be Attacked by U-Boat; Others Tuscania and Moldavia By Associated Press Washington, Sept. 11.—The troop ship torpedoed bv a German submarine and beached on the English coast last Friday is the third vessel carrying American soldiers to the war zone to be attacked with any degree of success by U-boats. The other two vessels were the Anchor Line steamship Tuscania, under charter to the Cunard Line, and the Peninsular and Oriental liner Mol davia. Two hundred and four Americans on the Tuscania and fifty-five on the Moldavia perished. DESPERATE HUNS STRIKE BACK AT AMERICAN AND TROOPS Losses in Mont Rouge Plateau in Three Days Appalling; Try to Recover Ridge Line Taken by Mangin's Troops TWO ATTACKS ABOUT NANTEUIL YESTERDAY Prisoners Taken Fight Well but Show Despondency; Some Remark When Taken, "Thank God, It's All Over" By Associated Press American Forces on the Aimne Front. Tuesday, Sept. 10.—The Ger ! mans this evening' still were attack ing on the Mont Houge plateau with desperate determination. The losses of the enemy in the last three days must have been appalling. Try to Tnkr Itldgc l ine The German attacks whether di rected against Nanteuil, Laftaux or ; Vauxaillon. have been for the recov : ery of the ridge line at Mont De Laf j faux which was captured by General j Mangin's troops, with whom the j Americans are fighting, before the ; Germans realized of what immense • importance it was to them or at | least before they were able to take I adequate steps to defend it. Five Regiments in Attack How the German troops have been j hurried here to attempt its recovery ! is evidenced by the fact that as many as live German regiments were rep resented among eighty prisoners i taken yesterday . , This morning two fresh attacks ' were launched on either side of j Nanteuil. Both were beaten back ' with severe losses. Prisoners Despondent ! Prisoners taken in this region, al ! though they fought remarkably well, ; all showed complete despondency and more than one when captured re i marked: "Thank God. It's all over!" Turks Slay Christians; Priests Among Victims Washington. Sept. 11.—An offi cial dispatch front France says news [ has been received in Paris from j Teheran, Persia, confirming reports | of the murder of Christians by the i Turks. Among the victims were : Father Sou tag, a French Lazarist priest, and several other priests. Come On Everybody, Help Put It Over Tomorrow • ALLIES BATTERING STRONGEST OF THE ENEMY'S POSITIONS British and French Closing in About St. Quentin From All Sides in Face of Hun Counter attacks; Gain Lone British Post PETROGRAD BURNING I Washington, Sept. I I.—A dispatch from the American legation at Christiania to-day said reliable information had reached there that Petrograd was burning in twelve dif ferent places and that there was indiscrimi nate massacre of people in the streets. Secre tary Lansing in announcing receipt of the message said it did not indicate whether the massacre was organized or merely was a re sult of a general state of anarchy. By Associated Press The British again were moving forward to-day toward the Hindenburg line in the one sector where they still are some dis tance from it, near the center of the allied battle front. Some progress was made during the night in the Vcrmand region, where Field Marshal Haig's troops are closing in upon St. Quentin from the north while the French are pushing up from the south. Hun Resistance Battered Down Farther north the British were reported to-day to have gained a foothold in the twin towns of Peiziere and Epehy, two and a half miles from the Hindenburg line opposite Le Catelet. The Germans are resisting strongly here as this section of the line forms part of the defense of Cambrai on the south. Their resistance in this sector also is taking the form of strong counterattacks at Gouzeaucourt, just to the north. They gained a lone British post in hard fighing here last night but otherwise weer completely repulsed. Foe's Counterattack Useless I lie defense of Cambrai is likewise being carried to the ag gressive side by the Germans along the Canal du Nord, where the [Continued oil Pago 2.] CITY'S MANHOOD WILL REGISTER TOMORROWFOR WAR SERVICE Final Details Made For En rollment ofEligibles in Har risburg and Central Penna.; Registrars at Polling Places NO EXCUSE FOR FAILURE, RULES ARE Every Man Above 18 Y'cars of Age and Less Than 16 Must Place Name 011 Lists From Which Drafts Will Be Made Final arrangements have been ] completed for the enrollment to-] morrow of the greatest military re-| serve force in the history of the j lln|ted States. Thirteen million men will register! In the United States. Harrisburg and Dtuiphin county boards are prepared tohegin at 7 o'clock in the morning and continue until 9 o'clock in the evening, to enroll the names of the local manhood coming within the 18 to 45 age limits of the new man power act. All day the youth and manhood of the city and county will stream to polling places, registration booths and draft boards and sign them selves as answering the nation's call for men. Thousands of those that register will be selected for military service. The remainder will by [he same sort of selection remain to " D. Fnrk nnd Diifay M, Sloute. Kphnitii | John >l. Swim. HnrrinlnirK, ( and I,oulnn Simmon*. Washington, D. t'.i Clyde 11. Sehreft'er mid i Kllmabeth I. Burg, IfarrlNliurgi Hurts' B. Flnlier, llnrrl:ihurg. It. i)„ j 2, nnd l.lllle M. Shirk, Progre.xai V\ nohiiigton l\. Hohl nnd Kiln >*. Hellhole, Heading. arrived tn New York on the return trip ;:>si Frioay. coming to his home in this city last night. On Saturday evening he will make his first ad dress in Chestnut Street Auditorium when he will speak to employes of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bend ing Works at the beginning of the fourth Liberty Loan compaign. On Sunday he will speak both morning and evening in the Grace Church. Dr. Bagnell's experiences during his visit to the many troops he re told briefly to-day to a representa tive of the Telegraph. That he investigated every phase of the military situation, the handling of the troops in camp and hospital, the work of the "Y" and Rod Cross and interviewed many hundreds of soldiers was evidenced by his com [Continued on Page 12.]