Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
URg firWMv aivd caJl ike PPjj THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR N. DAVIS, D. D. S. (Copyright, 1818, by tile McClure Newspaper Syndicate) 4' (Continued.) 1 lay down on a couch in my room and my eyes rested on a most fasci nating painting on one of the walls. It showed a rowboat with four men in it going over a waterfall. Ap parently the fate of the occupants of that boat was sealed. Nothing could keep the boat from going over the edge and being dashed to pieces at the foot of the cataract. The look of agony and despair on the faces of the three men in the bow of the boat showed how clearly they realized the helplessness of their position. The man in the stern of the boat was standing up with one foot over the side. He had grasped a frail twig which overhung the bank, but it was hardly enough to stand the strain. Nevertheless, the expression on his face disclosed that, combined with the sense of impend ing danger which possessed him, there was just a ray of hope that this little twig might be the means of averting the catastrophe. The thought came to me that the Kaiser and his supporters were in identically the same position as the man in the stern of that ill-fated boat and that in their U-boat cam paign, upon which they relied so much, they were clutching desper ately at a frail twig which might for a moment delay but could not pos sibly avert their doom. After the Kaiser had had his sleep. I was summoned to his dress jngroom. I got there before he did and on the table 1 noticed a long envelope addressed to "His Majesty the King and Kaiser." It looked very ofticial and imposing, but just •what it contained of course I don't know. The Kaiser entered the room at- Si-ed in a red flannel undershirt! It wag the first time I had ever seen him in such a state of ptebian negli gee, and I received more or less of a !shock. I had been so accustomed to seeing him in uniform, both in pictures and in person, that it had never occurred to me that, under neath that symbol of pomp the Kaiser probably dressed the same as us lesser mortals. I noticed in cidentally that when he put on his military coat he put it on right over his undershirt. Homburg was much nearer the firing-line than Pless. although, of course, at a very safe distance. I CATARRH VANISHES Here Is One Treatment That All Sufferer* Can Kelj Upon If you want to driv) catarrh and jill its disgusting symptoms from Wuur system in the shortest possible go to your druggist and ask for a Hyomei outfit to-day. Breathe Hyomei and it will rid you of catarrh; it gives such quick re lief that all who use it for the first time are astonished. Hyomei is a pure pleasant anti peptic. which is breathed into the lungs over the inflamed membrane; it kills the catarrh germs, soothes the sore spots, and heals all inflamma tion. Uon't suffer another day with ca tarrh; the disease is dangerous and often ends in consumption. Start the Hyomei treatment to-day. No stom ach dosing, no sprays or douches; just breathe it—that's all. Ask H. C. Kennedy. Ii Keep the Gas* Range |J Bright* and Shining || You can do it simply and easily with practically I no work. It will add enormously to the appear- J | ance of the kitchen and will save repair bills. A || solution of warm water and !,! MULE TEAM BORAX will take the dirt, grease and rust spots off in a hurry and keep your range as bright and shining as it was the day I j'ou got it. And this is just one of the ways that you can i J keep your kitchen hygienically clean with Borax, the oldest and best cleaning agent and disinfectant for home use. i 201 Mule Team Borax has a hundred household uses. '' ' ■ .''' ' '■'^—j, TUESDAY EVENING, Hajlrisbtjrg TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 10, 1918, noticed, however, that here anti aircraft guns had been planted, but upurt from that there was hardly any more activity than there had been at Pless. While walking down the corridor I was stopped by an officer and asked who 1 was, but, as a rule, I came und went without molestation and seldom had to show my pass, which one of the Kaiser's adjutants had given me and which permitted me to enter and leave army head quarters for the whole year 1917. When I was driven through the streets of Homburg. both coming from and going to the railroad sta tion, in the Kaiser j motorcar, and the second-man, or bugler, on the front seat, blew the horn, people came running out of stores and from afar to ijet a view of the im portant personage who occupied the Kaiser's own car! of them saluted me or raised their hats, and I thought how angry they would have been had they known they were putting themselves to so much trouble to salute an alien enemy! The ridiculousness of the whole thing impressed me very much. For the moment 1 was part of the play which was ever being made to im press and awe those whom the Kai ser was pleased to refer to as "my people," but whose approbation means everything, even to a mon arch who rules "by divine right." CHAPTER XVI. The Kaiser and Things American Among the Germans generally there is a surprising degree of ig norance regarding conditions in America. The untraveled German has but the vaguest idea concerning our people and our institutions. 1 have had patients of intelligence and education ask me how we are able to cope with the Indians! In view of the extent of German emigration to America and the vast volume of commercial transactions between the two countries, it is almost unbeliev able that such erroneous notions should prevail in these enlightened days, but they do. This fact practically serves to explain how easy it was for the Kaiser and his inspired press to pull the wool over the people's eyes re garding the unimportance of Amer ica's entry into the war. It doesn't explain at all, however, how com pletely the Kaiser himself under estimated us and our power, for I uoubt whether there is any for eigner living, who has never visited America, who knows more about our country than the German Emperor. Indeed, he was more familiar with many of our problems than many of our countrymen, and he fre quently revealed to me in the course of our conversations how thoroughly posted he was on American condi tions. Long before the subject of forest conservation was taken up seriously in this country, the Kaiser pointed out to me what a great mistake we were making in not devoting more attention to it. "Can you tell me, Davis, why you have so many forest fires in your country?" he asked, after a particu larly destructive conflagration in the west had destroyed many acres of timber. "How does it happen?" I explained to him that most of Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service *— * By McManus ■WlS§i 11-L HELLO-!• J9 9 SEND RY VTA>riKr IN TONKiHT A THtt> FiFi't, JMS HATS I PICKED OUT / Evi: n!n' r ? ITVNO Ut>E. <oiN" GOT lal MiLLINERT ' jMhOTT UP HERE RXHT 4 \ / 's > / yL ||gy Ml 1 I|fc|?r 5 A THEbA c E oo | >- | | /t the forest fires came from sparks from locomotives. Careless lumber men allowed the branches which they lopped off the trees to remain on the ground, and when they were ignited by sparks the fire spread to the uncut timber. As the facilities for extinguishing tire in these unpopulated regions was prac tically nil. and the .climate made the timber particularly inflammable, these fires usually attained serious dimensions. "That points out again the ineffi ciency of your form of government," he commented. "You have laws re quiring the railways to use appli ances to arrest the sparks from their engines, haven't you? Why don t you enforce them? Your people don't seem to realize that it takes years to grow a tree. Because you have more than you need to-day, you make no provision for to-mor row. For every tree cut down an other should be planted. If you don't adopt some such measure, the time will surely come when Amer ica will have to turn to Germany for timber.," , 1 smiled at the idea of our coun try having to rely upon German timber, but the Kaiser insisted that at the rate we were using up our lumber resources Germany would soon have a greater supply availa ble than we. I wonder if the Ger mans have been planting a new tree for every one they have ruthlessly destroyed on the continent of Eu rope during the past few years of destrucive warfare! It is a fact, however, that the German laws are very stringent in this respect. One is not permitted to cut down a tree on one's own premises without first securing the consent of the tree commission, and as the "red tape" involved in an ap peal to the German authorities in matters of this kind is most weary ing, such applications are not fre quently resorted to. Another illustration of the Kai ser's familiarity with our national problems was afforded in a remark he made at the time of our financial panic in 1907, which he said should never have been possible. (To Be Continued.) " When a Girl " By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife Chapter XVIII As I whirled through a morning of packing and making arrangements to leave the Walgrave, I kept remem bering that Beatty Bryce was in Washington. I wanted to forget—but there was so much to forget' BitCe ghosts started from every corner of the rcom to haunt me.—> tender words, caresses. My hands insisted on lingering over Jim's clothes as I folded them and packed them; and while my hands did their service, bitter memories made me treble to my very finger-tips. I tried to forget the cold businesslike tone of my husband's first letter— once 1 found myself laughing hyster ically as I thought of that first "love letter"—but in a moment I swung back again to my packing. That kept me mercifully busy. At the apartment I found Evelyn Mason waiting for me. On the black Italian lacquer console table between the front windows stood a Jar of dull pottery filled with deep red peonies. They breathed a fragrant welcome. And Evelyn pouncing upon me with a flutter of kisses, put the welcome into words: Greetings, Anne, dear! I'm so glad to share :n the making of your first home. The posies are Tom's repre sentatives—or perhaps Mrs. Mc- Cusick, the cleaning woman, is! This room is washed and combed all ready and she's working her way back to the bedroom via the kitchenette. We'll give her a few extra Jobs and then run over tc> the Santvoort 10 have lunch with Thomas, and he's coming back this afternoon to give us the benefit C his masculine advice and strength." Evelyn darted about eagerly and helpfully, doing little odd Jobs and giving directions between sentences. "Won't Jimmy be dee-lighted to come home to this cosy little nest air feathered for hi->i"' she cried Her way of talking seemed very ©MAKING THE MOST OF ~ OUR CHILDREN \) A Series of Plain Talks to President of the Parents 'Association. (Copyright, 1918,_by the Parents Association. Inc.) No. 17. The Child Who Runs Away. THE first aim of most parents in Child Training is Control. The instinct for running away is a hopeful one, it shows real initia tion, a desire to disebver and ex plore, but it must be kept within bounds. If you cannot control your five year-old runaway now, you will prob ably not be able to control him ten years later. It is no wonder, then, that the runaway child causes so much concern. • A father writes to met. "Our little boy Is about three years of age. What can we do to prevent him from running Into the street? He has plenty of ground on our prop erty to play in, but the minute we turn our back he runs away. If you run after him, he runs so much With a child of this age. It Is really better to have a fence for the boun dary line because It Is almost too much to expect a child so young to remember not'to cross an invisible line. You might, however, have a place in your backyard, perhaps twenty five feet square, for him to play in most of the time. In this plot, have a sandbox, little tools for him to work with and other playthings. Make this spot really attractive to the child and have R marked off clearly so that he can easily see the boundary lines. Do not try to get the child to promise that he will not run away. Children so young promise things very often when they scarcely know what they are saying and the prac tice of making them promise tends to cause untruthfulness. This method also has a tendency to weaken obedi ence. Simply tell the child where he is to play. Go out to the yard with him, walk around the boundary line inside of which y.ou are willing he should play, saying: "You can play clear over as far as the rope this way and clear over as far as the rope on the other side. Won't that be a fine playground?" Then say in a low confidential tone, "Maybe I'll give you a bigger place to play in to morrow. I shall expect you to play right in here to-day. Don't go out j side the ropes without asking father. [ -~- r ----y_ Yn "' clever to me—she purred like a con tented kitten! Her throaty little vi-.cc, its quick catch with the tiny (" tatch cf malice back of it, were very amusing, but .1 decided I was very g.'ai! that lively 1, liked me. Under her direet'.rn the trunks were hidden away in a curtained cor ner of the large, square bathroom. The Lags were stowed in the d sep window seats of ttie bedroom. Pres ently all signs of "Just , moving in' were smoothed away. The little ice- chest in the kitchen ette was threaded by frost-covered pipes—Evelyn explained the refrig eration plant—and the dumbwaiter system of removing refuse. She pro pelled me through a few simple ar rangements with tlie janitor, the fruit vender and the man who left rolls and milk and then 1 found myself at the Santvoort. After lunch Mr. Mason taxied us about on a shopping tour for linens and household utensils. No one ex pected mo to think for myself—l felt like a very large baby suddenly come into possession of a most efficient Mr. and Mrs. Fairy Godmother. I might have chosen blue striped bath towels. Evelyn selected lavender. When we returned to the apart ment my arduous and brain-taxing share of the work was unpacking trunks. Evelyn insisted upon tack ing up shelf paper, washing ching and putting my linen and enamel saucepans in place. Tom Mason took for his "Job" the arrangement of the living room. They promised that the rooms would be in applepie order by night—and I felt vaguely disappoint ed. It would have been euch fun to have done a little of the nest-bulld ing with Jim but Jim was in Wash ington with—his friends. I was lucky to have such kind friends here in our little home-to-be. There was one deep closet in the bedroom. It had wide' shelves built in and two clothes poles stretched Watch the child very closely at first and the moment he oversteps the line, walk very slowly out in the yard—don't run after him—have him come directly in front of you, and, looking him straight in the eye, say, "Robert, from now on, you are to play inside of these lines. You must not go outside without asking father. Let's go and see what we can make with the sand and blocks." The most natural thing for parents to do is to yell at the child and tell him to come back in a fault-finding way, or whip him or tie him. But these methods are sure to have a bad result. The correct way is to speak confidentially and friendly, though firmly. After teaching the child to respect the boundary lines of the small plot, which you use as a testing ground, you may gradually increase the size, so long as he proves worthy of trust, until the outside boundary line is the sidewalk or edge of the street. If he becomes lax, narrow his border lines until he can again be trusted. If all children were given proper and much-needed early lessons In self-control, the state would not need so many reformatories and jails. ' (Copyrighted, 1918, The Parents' Association, inc.) Heal Itching Skins With Cuticura All drugßlfltn: 80np25, Ointment2skso. Talcum 25 Sample oaoh free of "Cuticura, Dept. B, Bontoa " Get Rid of That Persistent Cough If you are subject to weak lungs, heed the cough as a warning. ECK RLAN'S ALTERATIVE may aid i you in stopping the cough. In addition, it Is a valuable tonic and health builder in such cases. No alcohol, narcotic or habit-forming drugs. Twenty years' successful use. Wlc and Unifies lit nil ilrug <-'• •*■' or from inniiiifiieturer, iiontpnld. AM LABORATORY, across It with hangers all ready to welcome coats and suits and dresses —the shelves on the right for Jim's hats and shoes and boxes; those op posite for my belongings. When 1 had arrunged them, the precious in timacy Oif that "cupboard shared" gave me my first feeling of home. There were bits of shouted con versation now and then, but for the most part we worked In silence, like old friends who understand each other At last Mr. Mason called that it was half past seven and that he would like a little feminine com ment on his masculine home-making ability and an hour off for supper. So Evelyn and I hurried to the door of the living room and there a splen did picture greeted us. Tall, slim black iron lanterns of ancient Venice were sending out flame color lights from their nooks between the windows, where curtains of apricot silk shut out the daylight. Thick white candles burned on either side of the white stone fireplace in the north wall. Cool and gray were the rugs on the floor—soft and brood ing was the high, gray ceiling. Candle light flickered over the apri cot and dull green damask of the chairs. We will win this war— Nothing else really matters until we dol The Flavor Lasts On the refectory table, which was drawn up against the deep couch in the south wall, stood a lantern whose llame colored light was mantled by the wings of iron birds. On a little cloth of damask there was a great bowl of black cherries and another of peaches. The fragrance of coffee rose from an electric percolator. It was beautiful—and homelike. Tom Mason beamed like a happy boy at our praise. "Now I'll run to the corner for some sandwiches, and then we'll have a house-warming supper party." he announced. At that my heart sank. How could I take my first meal in the new home with any que hut my husband? But a minute later I realized how much I owed these good friends—a cold supper, after all their work, was so little to offer! I determined to atone for my moment of ingratitude. "This ii my party—the first in my new home—a little thank-offering to the good friends who have helped me make the home. I'm going to the corner for the 'eats,' " I cried with gay determination, from which I re fused to budge. , A clock in the village was chiming eight when I returned with my pur chases. X noticed it idly. I wondef if I can ever UgllffT listen "idly" when a clock strikes eight. (To Be Continued) ■1" ■ ■ " , ■ 1 Lemon Juice For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try Itl Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you liave a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and com plexion beautifler, at very, trery small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any ''rug store or toilet counter will supp.y three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disap pear and how clear, soft and white ♦ho skin becomes. Yes! It la harm less. 7