Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1918, Image 1

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    Huns Turn on British Southwest of Cambrai; Hinde Endangered; Haig Troops Repulse l
0!or fnftcpcnfteiit '
Poilus Unchecked in
Determined Drive
For Stronghold
of Foe's Line
Yankees Gain Better
Positions South
of the Aisne
' By .Associated Press
Fast progress was made by
♦.he French yesterday in closing
in upon both St. Quentin and
La Fere, important
strongholds along the southern
section of the Hindenburg line.
They are within two miles of
La Fere and within three and a
i half miles, of St. Quentin.
In the region of La Fere the
French are pushing toward the
north of the formidable St.
Gobain bastian, defending Laon.
They have made a considerable
on this powerful
position by direct pressure, in!
the Servais sector to the south
of La Fere.
Poilus Push Forward
The Servais station was cap
tured yesterday and by taking
Briquettay, further south, Gen
eral Petain's troops have ad
vanced to within little more,
than a mile of the town of St.
Gobain, on one of the highest
points of the bastian.
Near Laffauv, around the bend
in the line to the south of
the bastian, the French made some
further progress to the north of the
' Strike at Keystone
The headway thus made in en
circling the St. Gobain positions
constituted the most important
feature of yesterday's operations,
because of the fact that the objective
in this sector unquestionably is the
German base' at Laon, the keystone
of the whole German defensive sys
tem. A more spectacular advance
by the French armies, however, was
effected further north.
Having forced on Sunday a pas
sage of the Crozat canal, on the line
opposite the La Fere-St. Quentin
front. Monday witnessed a rapid
development of the forward push,
until by evening advances of well to
wards five miles beyond the canal
had been scored at some points.
Five Towns Fall
Five towns were taken in this re
gion including Essigny-le-Grand,
directly south of St. Quentin and but
three and a half miles distant. To
the north, beyond the Sommc, Etrll
lers and Roupy were taken, while in
closing in on La Fere the Liez fort,
northeast of Liez, and important
wooded land within two miles of
La Fere were captured.
On the Franco-American front,
just to the south of the Aisne, there
was an improvement in the allied
position, in the Glennes region.
* British Also Advance
On the British front Field Marshal
Haig's troops made headway in their
turning movement south of Havrin
eourt, where the left flank of the
German positions behind the Canal
du Nord, defending Oambrni on the
west, is being assailed. A German
counterattack on the new British
positions along the Hindenburg line
near Gouzeaucourt, southeast of
Havrincourt, was completely re
In Flanders the British are con
tinuing their pressure in the direc
tion of Armentieres, and last night
they achieved advances north and
west of that town. Northeast of
Neuve Chapelle they nlso moved
0 forward
For Harrlsburg find vlclnltyt Fair
to-night find VYriliirxdiiys not
much change In temperature.
For Fiiittern Pennsylvania i Fair
to-night, slightly cooler In
southeast portions Wednesday
fair, continued cool; gentle to
moderate north and northeast
The SuNfiiirlinnmi river and all its
branches will fall slowly.
Temperaturei 8 a. m., 54.
River Stagei 8 a. m., 5.7 feet above
low-water murk.
Yesterduy's Weather
Highest temperature, 78.
l.owest temperature, 50.
Mean temperature, 113.
I Jtormul temperature, U7.
No. 200 14 PAGES Dtt, iLtM HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1918. oni * v K w S ve a ™h .VT;A.m , .B.u I ,Vc ,fi " "tw^ctotb 8 HOME EDITION
Hungarian Count Cries
Peace by Wilson Plan
By Jttsocialed Press
BASEL, Sept. 9 (Monday).—President Wilson's program as a
basis for the negotiations for peace are endorsed by Count Michael
Ivurolyl, president or the Hungarian independent party. A tils
patch from Budupest quoting from an open letter written by Count
Karolyl to his electors to whom lie recommends an early peace,
A decisive military victory, despite Its successes, is a dream
which it is useless to pursue. The prime condition of peace nego
tiations is the democratization of nations and the abandonment
of imperialists' theories. A second condition is that we should not
become slaves to the idea of a "middle Europe," either military,
economically or politically, and that we should not strengthen our
alliance with Germany which would form the lirst step towards
the realization of this central Europe.
"We ought to accept as a basis for negotiations President
Wilson's program."
Inveigles Men to Safety, Then Fights Alone at Fismette; Re
lief Failing, lie Crosses Vesle River; Six Keystone
Special Correspondent of the Public Ledger and Harrisburg Telegraph
Officially Accredited to the American Expeditionary Forces Abroad.
Special Cab le Dispatch
Copyright, 1918, by Public Ledger Co. and Telegraph Printing Co.
With the American Troops tinder •
Foch, Sept. 10.—Lieutenant Horst I
Lutz is an undersized young Ger- |
man, captured by our troops on >
Thursday along with another enemy
officer an<j sixty German soldiers at
the French village of Muscort,-
nestling in a ravine dropping down
from the Soissons plateau to the val
ley of the Aisne river.
Under the prod of our intelligence
section Lutz revealed, first, that he
led one of the enemy companies
which made a fierce attack August
27 upon Fismette; second, that there
was an American officer in this
particular encounter who showed
bravery and resourcefulness which
equaled that of Leonidas at Thermo
This disclosure was the opening
of a chestnut burr of rare Yankee
courage; only our American
Leonidas lives. He was neither cap
tured nor killed. His name is Lieu-
Workers to Be Enlisted Tues
day Under Mrs. Jennings'
Harrisburg will lie one of the first
slopping points for the "Flying
Wedge" of organizers who will tour
the state for the eastern department
of the Young Women's Christian As
sociation under the direction of the
War Work Council.
Miss Helen Steel, of Oil City, who
is awaiting her passports to go to
France, with the Overseas Theatrical
Lea guy, will arrive in Harrisburg
Tuesday where she will hold con
ferences with Mrs. William Jennings,
who has been named as chairman of
district No. 15, by the War Work
Council of the national board. The
counties included are Mifflin, Juniata,
Perry, Franklin, Cumberland, York,
Adams, Lancaster, Lebanon and
The plan of organization will im
mediately enlist- hundreds of women
in the active war program which the
Y. W. C. A. has planned for this
section. There will be county and
district chairmen appointed, a chair
man will be named for each town
and' city, and a chairman-at-large
will be delegated to traverse tlie
rural districts.
Miss Steel will explain how the Y.
W. C. A. has made the azure em
blem the insignia of war work which
has been carried everywhere in
America and France, and has almost
penetrated into No Man's Land from
the first line trenches. She will tell
how the Y. W. C. A. is doing for the
women of this country and France,
what the Y. W. C. A. is doing for the
men. It is caring for the women of
the industrial armies of both coun
tries at the request of the two gov
Jitneymen to Permit
Soldiers to Ride Free
The Harrisburg Telegraph's "Give
'em a Lift" plan got a big boost to
day, when Edward Brubaker, presi
dent of the Harrisburg Jitneurs' Asso
ciation, secured twenty membership
cards and announced they would be
placed on all jitneys operated by as
sociation members.
The cards, which are displayed on
the windshields, announce that any
soldier is entitled to a free ride, by
merely holding his hand. At a meet
ing of the Jitneurs last evening, it
was also decided to retain the five
cent fare, despite the new tariff
which goes into effect on the lines
of the Harrisburg Railways Company.
Men With Him; Orderly Tells Story
I tenant Benjamin E. Turner, of Chi
cago, who has a wife at Pacific
I Grove, Cal., and a mother at lOU
| Northern avenue, New York City.
He is a modest ex-sergeant of the
army, very strong, unafraid of
death, who scarcely one month ago
was given his commission and as
signed to active duty north of
Chateau Thierry.
Ferocious Surprise Attack Begins
in previous cables I have told how
tiny Fismette, across the Vesle river
from Fismes, was a bloody cockpit,
changing hands repeatedly. We
firmly hold it now, the blue-brown
line of heroes having passed well
beyond its shell-riddled walls.
On the morning of August 27,
however, there were just six Ameri
can officers and 190 American sol
diers, in the form of a crescent
around the outskirts of the town,
[Continued on Page 12.]
Labor Problems Hard to Solve
at the Great New
"It is impossible to forecast the
exact date for the opening of the new
million-dollar Penn-llarris hotel,"
said E. A. Johnston, one of the of
ficials in charge of construction
when questioned hy a Telegraph rep
resentative this morning. "I believe,
in view of the present conditions,
(hat we are making exceptionally
fine progress and we hope to lie
ready within the next few months."
Progress on the construction work
bus continued steadily, ulthough dur
ing the past few months the labor
and material scarcity has been a
serious problem. All above the sec
ond floors have been plastered and
the painters are now busy on these
floors, painting the inside and the
windows. On the typical floors prac
tically ill 1 plumbing fixtures have
i been set and all trimwork has been
■finished up to the ninth floor. The
i work on tlie tenth floor will be finish
ed this week, he plasterers are finish
ed with the typical floors and have
begun work on the second floor. The
lounge and dining room plastering
has been practically completed. On
all typical floors the marble and tile
setting is almost finished.
Elevators Running
Two passenger elevators are now
running and a service elevator will
be in running condition by Saturday,
Superintendent Johnston predicted.
The Reliance Fire Proof Door Com
pany has begun work of installing
tire proof doors. Both the Walnut
street and Third street fronts are
now being cleaned and the refriger
ating system is being installed. The
big oven is completed and all re
frigerators have been placed.
Ornamental iron work will be in
place within the next few weeks.
The cement floors in the basement
will soon be completed and the men
expect to start on the sidewalk con
struction to-morrow, it was an
Boys Set Fire to
Gasoline Pump in Street
Quick work on the part of the em
ployes of the Ensinlnger Motor Com
pany, Third and Cumberland streets,
shortly before noon to-day extin
guished a blaze which enveloped a
gasoline pump in front of the store.
The pump was set afire by email
boys playing near It according to
passersby. The damage was trilling, j
Enemy Effort Spent
Says Marshall Haig
in Thanking A rmy
For Victories
and Enemy Defense
Is Shattered
By Associated Press
London, Sept. 10.—"We have
passed through many dark clays. |
Please God these never will re
turn," says Field Marshal Haig,
commander-in-chief of the Brit
ish forces in France, in_,an order
of the day. The commander
then says: "The enemy now{
lias spent his effort."
The text reads:
"One month now has passed since j
the British armies, having success
fully withstood all the attacks of
the enemy ,once more took the of
fensive in their turn. In that short
space of time by a series of bril
liant and skilfully executed actions
we have repeatedly defeated the
same German armies whose vastly (
superior numbers compelled our re
treat last spring. What has hap
pened on the British front has hap
pened also on the front of our allies.
Everywhere Advancing
"Less than six months after the
launching of the great German of
fensive which was to have cut the
allied front in two, the allipd armies
everywhere to-day are advancing vic
toriously side by side over the same
battlefield on which, by the courage
and steadfastness of their defense,
they broke the enemy's assaults.
"Yet more has been done. Al
ready we have pressed beyond our
old battle lines of 1917 and have
made a wide breach in the enemy's
strongest defenses."
Glorious Accomplishment
"In this glorious accomplishment
all ranks, arms and services of the
British armies in France have borne
their part in the most Worthy and
honorable manner.
"The capture of 75,000 prisoners
and 750 guns in the course of four
weeks' fighting speaks for the rtiag
nitude of your efforts and the mag
nificence of your achievement.
Thanks All Hanks
"My thanks are due to all ranks
of the fighting forces for their in
domitable spirit in defense and their
boldness in attack, to all comman
ders and their staff officers under
whose able direction such great re
sults have been attained, and also to
j all those whose unsparing labors be
hind the actual fighting line have
| contributed essentially to the corn
; mon cause. To have commanded
I this splendid army which at a time
I of grave crisis has so nobly done its
i duty fills me with pride.
Dark Hays Gone
"We have passed through many
dark days together. Please God
these never will return. The enemy
| has now spent his effort and we rely
| confidently upon each one of you to
| turn to full advantage the oppor
-1 tunity your skill, courage and reso
j lution have created." ,
$5,000 IS NEEDED
| Expense of Running It Paid
From Station Fund, Al
most Exhausted
Commissioner S. F. Hassler will
ask Council, probably at the meeting
next week, fcx permission to transfer
$5,000 from the water department's
[Continued on Page 2.]
Fred E. Jones Dies of
Wounds After Battle
Fred E. Jones, 20-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jones,
2251 Swatara street, died from
wounds in France on July 22, an
nouncements received by his par
ents from the War Department say.
Jones, who was only 20 years old,
was serving with Company C, Eight
eenth Infantry.
Enlisting in March, 1917, he was
sent to Fort Slocum, N. Y., and
thence to Nogales, Ariz., from
whence he was sent to France in
August, 1917. He was formerly
employed at the lfarrlsbrug Pipe
and Pipe Bending Company. He is
survived by his parents, five sisters
and five brothers, one of whom is
now in training at Camp Meade, Md
The family formerly resided at
[ Hagerstown, Md
Men 19-20 and 32-36
To Be Called First
By Associated Press ,
Washington, Sept. 10. —Provost Marshal General Crowder
announced to-day that the first call to the colors of men who
register Thursday will intlude men in the 19 and 20 year old
classes and in the classes from 32 to 36 years inclusive. Ques
tionnaires will go first to registrants within these specified
age limits and local boards will be ordered to classify them
first in readiness for calls beginning in October.
Young men in the 19 and 20 year classes, General Crow
der said, will be accepted for induction into the students'
army training corps, but he pointed out that the authorized
strength of this corps is only 130,000 men, whereas the total
number of registrants below twenty will be over 3,000,000.
Three-Fourths of Harrisburg's Hotelmen Expected to Quit
Business in February Because of Brewery Shutdown;
Reduced Revenue From Whisky Not Sufficicst
Three-fourths of Harrisburg's bar
rooms will not apply for licenses for
next year, it was estimated to-day.
The Federal regulation prohibiting
the manufacture of beer after De
cember 1 and the absolute prohibi
tion after July 1 is responsible.
With the expiration of the li
censes next February, only the larger
of the hotels will seek new licenses,
it was said in hotel circles to-day.
Counting the fees and Federal li
cense, the cost is about stioo. The
smaller bars would not, with the
loss of the beer revenue, make
enough profit to warrant the ex
penditure, it was said.
According to the opinion of many
Old Stock on Hand Must Bo
Sold at Former
The price of sugar has been ad
vanced one-and-a-halLcents a pound
retail on stock received after last
Monday morning. The price to
householders will probably be eleven
cents. Some grocers will sell it for
ten-and-a-half. The present price is
nine and nine-and-a-half cents.
The increase was fixed by the Fed
eral Food Administrator. It affects
only the sugar delivered to whole
salers in the city after last Man
The sugar held by wholesalers
prior to Monday must be sold to 're
tailers and thence to the trade at
the old price. This means that
grocers must charge only the old
price on sugar bought from whole
salers who had it in stock before
To liccp Tabs
The food administration has the
amount of sugar held by both whole
salers and retailers registered all the
time, so that it is known at the food
administration offices which grocers
may charge the advanced price, and
which wholesalers are selling old
] stocks of sugar.
It is understood that only one of
! the three large wholesale houses has
I any stock of sugar left on hand
I from that held prior to Monday.
Other houses receiving sugar since
then will sell it at the new "price.
Stocks of sugar are automatically
registered with the Food Adminis
trator through the medium of re
turned certificates from grocers.
Imperative Because War Has
Reduced Selling Forces
in Stores
Advisable In previous years, early
Christmas shopping is imperative In
Harrisburg this year. Harrisbxirg
department stores and toy dealers
are preparing for an early season and
[Continued oil Page 2.]
Dr. Bagnell Back From
Europe, to Reach Home
by Tomorrow Evening
Dr. Robert Bagnell will reach his
home here Wednesday evening after
a tour of the French camps as a rep
resentative of the committee on pub
lic information, it was announced
this morning. Dr. Bagnell arrived in
New York City on Saturday morning.
He went to France on a special mis
sion, speaking before the soldiers In
the various camps and giving other
talks under the joint auspices of the
Y. M. C. A. War Work Council and
the <?ortimlttee on public information.
While no announcement has been
made, it is probable that Dr. Bag
nell will preach in his church, the
Grace Methodist Church, on Sunday.
He will tell of his experience among
the boys in camp and afield.
hotelmen, the supply of beer in the
city will be exhausted within ten
or twelve weeks after the breweries
shut down December 1. With beer
gone, most of the revenue of the
ordinary saloon will cease.
While hotel proprietors were
loth to be quoted, it was generally
accepted as a fact that the revenue
from whisky sales will not show a
great profit between the time beer
is exhausted and the coming of ab
solute prohibition. The additional
tax of $8 a gallon on distilled spit -
its and the genernl feeling against
booze is expected to make the num
ber of drinkers of the ever-mount
ing whisky drop off to an inconsid
erable number.
Refuse to Go on Boston Field
Until Grievance Is
By Associated Press
Fenway Park, Boston, Sept. 10.— j
The Red Sox and Chicago Cubs I
I touched off a bombshell toward game
J time to-day by refusing to go on the
held unless the national commission |
rendered an immediate decision to j
their demand for a readjustment of j
the world's series division of the,
money receipts apportioned to the j
A committee of the players had I
met the national, commission earlier,
in the day. The players then came to'
the park and held a meeting in their'
dressing rooms. After a long talk 1
they decided to call the commission i
at once and say that they would not'
go upon the field until a decision was'
rendered. At 1.55 o'clock not a play-!
er had appeared upon the field, and j
there were reports that if the com-,
mission's decision was against a re..
adjustment of the players' share in'
the game that the Sox and the Cubs!
would not go on with to-day's game.!
The commission had promised to|
take the matter under advisement,
| but insisted that there had been no|
! formal guarantee and that any;
change in the division of the proceeds]
! would have to be submitted to thei
club owners for ratification.
The commission gave out figures'
of the probable divison of the play-!
ers' pool of $69,527.70 as follows: i
Winners' share, $23,152.72; losers']
share, $15,435.15; teams finishing!
second in the respective leagues toi
get $1 5,469.91; those finishing third,]
$9,251.95, and those linishing fourth, 1
The commission told the players
over the telephone that the rate of,
apportionment had been suggested]
by the commission to the two major j
leagues, was adopted by the two
leagues and, therefore, the commls-1
sion had no authority to make any!
changes. Chairman Herrmann .told |
the players that if they decided to
strike under the circumstances they
shduld at once go to the gates of the!
park and ask the management to I
stop the sale of tickets. This the]
players had not done at 2.15, when!
[Continued on Page 2.]
Pennsy Veterans Meet
Here With a Curtailed
Program Because of Warj
Between three and four hundred!
members of tho Veterans Association!
of the Philadelphia Division of the:
Pennsylvania railroad attended the
fourteenth annual meeting of the or-;
ganization held this afternoon in the,
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. War time con-i
ditions caused a number g>f changes]
in this annual session, the most im-I
portant of which was the changing!
of the place of meeting from Colum- •
bia to this city. The banquet, al-;
ways a feature for the vets was also j
lacking to-day, in order to conservo!
food. N. W. Smith, Jr., superintend-]
ent of the division will probably be!
elected president of the association,]
to succeed Wlliam B. McCaleb, who!-
is now superintendent of water com- 1
panies for the Pennsylvania system, j
Prof. Francis H. Green, a member
of the faculty of the State Normal :
School at West Chester lectured on '•
"War Conditions in France." A trib. !
ute was paid to the twenty-seven j!
members who died during tho last! ]
year. After the business session the ]
veterans enjoyed an old-fashioned j ]
Maid Is Suffocated in Early Morning
Fire that Destroys Residence of Whole
sale Grocer; Harris Brothers Heroes
Inside of Home Nearly Destroyed When
Smoke Awakens Members of the
Family in Nick of Time
One woman was suffocated
and five members of the Wit
man family averted death only
by a hair's breadth in the fire
which early this morning par
tially destroyed the home of H.
M, Witman, 2101 North Second
street. A stove in the cellar is
thought to have started the
Two of the three children of
Mr. Witman were saved when
neighbors standing On the lawn
beside the house caught them as
they dropped to the ground. Mr.
Witman and the nurse were
saved by neighbors who hoisted
a ladder to the second floor win
dow. A third child had to crawl
)artially out of the window while
she awaited rescue in order to
avoid smothering by the smoke
which poured in .dense volumes
from the window. All escaped
in their nightclothes after being
Montreal —The Canadian Brotherhood of Railway
Employes called a strike to-day demanding that the com
pany recognize the brotherhood by the Dominion Express
Company of Canada. It was claimed that one thousand
i 1"icl .alked out, The the majority of
its employes had refused to join the strike.
London —British naval air forces between September
1 and Sepember 7 made four attacks on German subma
rine shelters and workshops on the docks at Bruges, Bel
gium, says to-day's British Admiralty statement. The
Ostend docks and a motorboat depot at Blankenberge
also were attacked with good results.
Amsterdam—An exchange of views between the Cen
tral Powers and, the Entente was tentatively suggested by
Baron Buna n, the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister,
in an address to visiting German newspaper men, accord
ing to a Vienna dispatch to-day.
Harrisburg —That Harry M. Bretz, of Bretz Brothers,
hardware dealers, now in bankruptcy, knew that seme of
the cattle on one of the farms were removed shortly before
appraisers came to fix values, did not tell appraisers nor
notify trustee, Thomas C. McCarrell, was brought out this
aitcrnocn by J. J. Conklin, attorney for some of the cred
itors, in examining Mr. Bretz. Bretz also admitted he
made po inquiry about the stock. Permission was granted
toMr. McCarrell to sell at private sale a property in Camp
Hill owned by one of the firm members.
Lewistown. Pa.—William P. Stevenson. 66 years old,
of McVeytown, member of the State Forestry Commis
sion, and former Mifflin county representative in the
Legislature, died this morning at his home at McVeytown,
of a complication of diseases. He was superintendent of
the Pennsylvania Glass Sand Company and president of
the McVeytown National Bank.
Daniel If. Wrltor mill Annie Slnirp, York; John Hublnleh imd
I.jubn 11. lllMKinu, Steeltom Ituben 11. Ileern, Jr.. lJnol:i, tint! I.lllliin
11. Wnllnei*, Mnrvavllle; l*enro*r O. Miller nnd Minnie A. Itmer,
Lykcn*; Morrlw V. MeCnhe. ItnrlilMhurK. mid fnrrle K. lift*', lur
lUle; John H. Nye, II it rrlxl>ur*;, nnd Alive It. t.'utely, Winchester,
ar6used from their sleep by the
heat and smoke.
Neighbors Save Lives
But for the quick work of three
men living next door the Witman
family would have perished. Mr.
Witman said after the fire: "If
we had remained in the house
ten minutes longer, there would
have lxten no hope for us."
Mrs. Laura Lockhart was the
woman who was suffocated. She was
employed as maid. She came from
Philadelphia, but has made her
home here for several years. She
will be buried in Harrisburg.
Maid Was Confused
Mrs. Lockhart slept in a room on
the third floor, in the rear of the
house. It is thought her door vv: s
locked. When liremen reached a. i
two hours after the lire was disco -
ered, she was on her knees with h :
body thrown over a chair, while she
apparently had tried to cover her
face with her hands when the chok
ing smoke fumes wakened her. It
is thought the the smoke and crack
ling flames wakened her from a
sound sleep, and she was too con
fused to find her way to the door
and unlock it. Had she been able to
reach the door, it is known that the
[Continued on Page 14.]