Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 09, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
PHI all the lambi IPPI THE PLOTTERS A New Serial of East and West By TlrgUla Tcrkuae T de Water CHAPTER XXXVI Elizabeth checked herself in the : niddle of her speech, blushing furi ously. She remembered that this nan probably knew that her own jrother ifras a physician. Butler also looked embarrassed. He was remembering Dr. Wale. \nd. remembering him, he noticed lis companion's discomfort, and wondered at it. He did not believe a word that Clifford Chapin had said. Tet what was the matter? Why was she so confused ? He longed to relieve her fear of nervousness, to make her relieve that he trusted her implicitly. "Miss Moore," he began, then ce-l railed Clifford's statement that 'Moore" was not her name. If Clifford Chapin could have known the malease that his threats and revelations had produced his small soul would have been at '.cast partially satisfied. As it was. he was now speeding toward Chicago.; feeling that he had failed in his j Right around | | the corner 3 a the druggist or idler in ir.oci ;ise who cm J Supply you with s bottle of thit wonderful DILL'S I Balm of Life J vFor Internal or External Uc P I*!- it iatenui!r at cr.ce, according to ci £ recti ons that come with the bottle, for U en-Tips, colic, dncnterjr. Also use externally f! for'rheumatkm,nev£h, lumbago,swellings of sprains, soreness. Be sure tc have a a bottle cn hard for the emergencies that so K often come in summer. Lj Made by The D:ii Co., Norristown, Pa. B Also manufacturers of thoee rehabie Dill's Liver Pills 1 Dill's Cough Syrup % Dill's Worm Syrup r Dill's Kidney Pills Aik your cr dealer ia moiicir.e j Emphatically Asserts Worn Out, Lagging Men Can Quickly Become Vigorous and Full of Ambition 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS Don't blame the man who is perpet- Cally tired; his blood needs more red corpuscles and his brain and nerves ere craving tor food. Given the right kind of medicine, tiny tired-out, inactive, lagging fel low can quickly be made into a real live, energetic and even ambitious man. So says a student of the nervous system who advises all men and women who feel worn out and who find it hard to get up ambition enough to take a regular job to get a package of Bio-fereh at any druggist. This i s the new discovery that pharmacists are recommending be cause it is not expensive and speedily puts vigor and ambition into people wbo despaired of ever amounting to anything in life. People whose nerves have been wrecked by too rapid living, too much toba co or alcohol, have regained their ? II:— lEjl II IL II II II II II H ll nV " .i j Careful Dry Cleaning J HP HE least expense and the most M * benefit for your old garments IjL is Finkelstein Dry Cleaning. I We not only make your old gar- . j. ments like new, but we save your money for YOU—because your clothes give you longer service, | : ! thereby doing away with the pur- r : chase of new clothes. ■ Send For us at once We will caU For and I deliver all work In 1 MONDAY EVENING, aims at reveuge. which, while a very painful sensation, is much bet ter for a dwarfed soul than is the consciousness of victory over an other. "What?" Elizabeth looked up at the man bending over her, forcing herself to meet his gaze steadily. "Nothing—only." Butler stam mered. "only—l mean—l wish I could help vcu. Something's wrong —and I know you are distressed — and yet I can't be of any assistance to you." Her eyes fell before his. She wanted to talk freely to him. to un burden her soul—yet first she must find out how much he already knew. "I wish I could tell you every thing." she acknowledged wistfully. Then, with a sudden resolution. "Did Clifford Chapin speak to you of my brother?" A Considerate Companion "Tour brohter? What about your brother?" "Didn't Clifford tell you?" she re peated. "Why, no—he did not mention your brother." Butler assured her "I did not even know you had ore. Why do you ask?" "Oh—nothing!" she exclaimed. "It's no matter anyway, just now. I—l don't feel like talking." "Of course you don't!" Butler himself up and spoke briskly. "You are faint for your breakfast, and here I am letting you tallt about everything except what you most need—food. I declare I ar.i ashamed of myself! You just lean back against that tree and close vour eyes until I return. I'll not be long." She did Ins bidding. She was tired and perplexed. For a minute she had thought that the worst would soon be over, was, perhaps, over already. She had far cied that Clifford had told John But ler who she was. From Sutler's bearing he had shown that he felt no resentment at the deception she and Douglas had practiced upon him. If that had been the case, all was well. But as scon as she mentioned her brother, she saw her mistakes. But ler knew nothing of her kinship with Douglas Wade, his physician- All that revelation must yet be made—his indignation must yet be faced—perhaps even the loss of his regard. She sighed wearil.y. Never mind! She would rest how. She would net cross that bridge before she came to it. The warm sunshine drew sweet perfume from the clover. The bees hummed drowsily about her. The shade of the apple boughs above her old-time confidence and wrrr in loss than two weeks. No matter from what cause your nerves went back on you; no matter how run down, nervous or tired out you are. get an original package of Bio-feren at once. Take two tablets after each meal and one before bed time—seven a day for seven days— then one after each meal till all are gone. Then If you still lack ambition; If your nerves are not steady and you haven't the energy that red-blooded, keen-minded men possess, your pur chase money will be gladly returned. Note to Physicians: There is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, it is printed on every package. Hero it is; Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Manga nese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powdered Gentian; Phenolphthalein; Olearesin Capsicum; Kola. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus ~ foroou.-f. roRMt L I .-I 111 I <i I <OT Rio or IT JOV I WHM- DO tOU "EHI ®OWN tiAFETX -1 HAD J owe IW ; IN TIME • I HEAR HER /*S THROWIN A VA"bE. GUTTER <.T RiD OP I 1 , - HOOtsE- <-{ • . COM IN' OP THE bTAIRS OUT THE WINDOW AT MWSHT A ?T AN/fty / jrf-y V— AN' IT SOUNDS LIKtL ME - YOU YRIEO TO j J LL /Bflf fIWI-b .l 111 l ?- shielded her from the direct glare of the sun's rays; a robin whistled I to his mate: a song-sparrow trilled; out his joy in the day and in life. How lovely it all was! And how 1 deliciouslv drowsy it made her! She had slept little last night: her nerves were over-tired. She let her eyelids droop over her eyes, and in t three minutes she was fast asleep. In the farmhouse Mrs. Chapin was preparing a tray according to John; Butler's suggestions. The Farmer Objects "Miss Moore was rather shocked at the sight of that dog lying dead there." he explained. "So she. thought she didn't want any break-: fast. But I persuaded her to ict me bring something down to the orchard to her. I think a cup of your hot coffee and a couple of those biscuits that you cooked for breakfast will be all she wants.' Oh. yes—and a saucer of those big j blackberries." Mrs. Moore liked John Butler. She liked him better—at least with more ease—now that her son was out of the way. Clifford's dislike of him had made her feel almost as. if she was wrong in not sharing it. Perhaps Clifford had been a little peeved because Elizabeth Wade had . not seemed to like the son of the, house better than she did this stranger. Well, there was np ac counting for girls' tastes. And maybe she did care a good deal about Clifford after all. only would not show it. The thought softened the maternal heart more than ever toward Elizabeth. "I guess Lizzie's not very well, anyway." she remarked. "I noticed last evening that she seemed kinder moping." As Butler started across the back lawn, carrying the laden tray, he met Amos Chapin. The farmer eyed him in surprise. ""I thought you were at work." he said. "Where are you taking that stuff?" "To Miss Moore." John replied, calmly. "What's the matter with her that rhe can't cat breakfast in the house without taking a man's valuable time?" Amos demanded. "She was sickened by the sight of your shooting that dog down right before her eyes," Butler replied sharply. . Amos started ,to retort, then thought better of it and went on toward the house. (To Be Continued) Advice to the Lovelorn Bv BEATRICE FAIRFAX SHE WANTS TO BE A NIRSE Dear Miss Fairfax: As mv husband is in France I should like to take up nursing and would like very much for you to help me find an institution. I haw onlv a grammar school education, ar.d I have always felt that perhaps more was necessary. I am twenty one and have no children, so would like to take up nursing very intKh So manv correspondents have ask ed for similar information that I am eoins to attempt something in the way of a "blanket" reply. 1 suppose the call for twentv-flve thousand nurses issued by the Surgeon-Gen eral has appealed to many women as the most efficacious way of "doing their bit." And in responding to the call they are not only showing a proper patriotic spirit, but are put ting themselves In the way of get ting the best possible training for one of the noblest professions open to women. To avail themselves of the offer it will be necessary for ap plicants to have a high school edu cation or its equivalent Due credit will be given for certain courses of studv. All applications should be sent "to The Army School of Nursing, Surgeon-General's Office, Seventh and B streets. Washington. D. C. Blanks will be sent to applicants to be filled. The course is of three vears' duration and cannot be too highly recommended to women of patriotism and intelligence. CHARITABLY DISPOSED At an evening party poetry was being discussed. A young lady asked one of the young men. "Were these poems siened 'Capricorn' yours"" "Yes." "Well. the girls persisted in declaring that they were, but I spoke up for you!" Claims Dandruff Will Cause Baldness If you have dandruff you must got rid of it quick—it's positively dan gerous and wiil surely ruin your hair if you don't. Dandruffy heads mean faded, brit tle. gray, scraggly hair that finally dies and falls cut —new hair will not grow—then you are bald and noth ing can help you. The only sure way to abolish dan druff for gcod is to detsroy the germ that causes it. To do this quickly, surely and safely, and at little ex pense. there is nothing so effective as Parisian sage, which you can get from Kennedy's Drug Store and good druggists everywhere. It is guaran teed to banish dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair, and promote a new growth, or the cost, small as it is, will be refunded. Parisian sage is a scientific prep aration that supplies all hair needs an antiseptic* liquid neither sticky or greasy, easy to apply, and delicately perfumed. If you want beautiful soft, thick, lustrous hair, and lots of it by all means use Parisian sage. Don't de lay—begin tonight—a little attention now insures abundant hair for years Jk* twin. —Adv. HAJUUSBURG TELEGRAPH! THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR X. DAVIS, D. D. 8. (Copyright, 1918, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) (Continued.) In the morning I inquired of the proprietor where the Great Army Headquarters was and he told me it was right around the corner. I told him that I w-as to go there to meet the Kaiser and he then informed me that some officers In two motors had been around looking for me half an hour before. "They first went to the station to meet the 6.15 train, and when they found you were not on that they came here, but you weren't regis tered and I didn't know you were in the place and I sent them away. You can get in touch with them by calling up number fifteen -on the telephone." I followed his suggestion and quickly secured a connection with the Kaiser's Garderobe. His secre tary said he would send right around for me. 1 They came over in a big car. and after picking up my baggage at the station, drove me to the palace. Sentries were posted at the palace gates, but there was no other sign of military activity tnat I could ob se: ve. As we drove through the beauti ful park surrounding the palace I kept on the lookout for marching troops and other evidences of the bustling activity which I naturally expected to find at the Great Army Headquarters of the largest army In I the world's history, but everything | was strangely calm and peaceful. ! and I concluded that they were 1 purposely keeping me out of the i busy section of headquarters. i When we arrived at the palace I i was ushered through long marble i halls, the walls of which were cov | ored with antlers, to a very large I room on the ground floor. There | was a bright red carpet on the floor j and the furniture was in gold and , white of an antique French design. I It overlooked a terrace and one of the most beautiful garden land ; scapes I had ever seen. Lakes and flowerbeds arranged in the most artistic manner stretched as far as 1 the eye could see. golden pheasants were walking on j the lawn some distance away and swans adorned the lakes. Away in • the distance I saw two officers on , horseback cantering across the I lawn, but they were the only sol ! diers in the scene, and there was I absolutely nothing else to indicate j that this picturesque estate id all i its peacefulr.ess and quiet was never theless the center about which the ; whole world war revolved. The Kaiser walked in unannounced. He was dressed in his full uniform. "Isn't it beautiful here. Davis? Did you ever see a lovelier place?" he asked, as he observed me study ing the landscape. Daily Dot Puzzle 4<, 1 4e 4 46 • * ' 43 . . <N. * 42. 0 *44 t?. 47 ! .•* S • . • <f 54 *7 . . iz st> • • 35 34 * 57 - 53 .. * 55 S° '£ 6 *53 27 (yO W •3 20 • *•.4 i • t 3 1 9* ' -64 4 • • ! 7 .65 23 # , 66 21 7 • *' S 14- 2o fcS .67 73 73 * '. 5 . '*>* , 7l # 7o" .16 ! <9 •IB .17 What is Susie doing? Draw from one to two and so on to the end. I told him that the scene was too i beautiful for description, but I did < not tell him what was really in my 1 thoughts. I was thinking of what i my laboratory assistant had said 1 when he returned from the western j front on a furlough: "If the ones j i who started the war could be where] I was just one hour, they would be i, willing to'make peace immediately"'!, "Did you have any trouble in': reaching Pless?" the Kaiser asked., "On the contrary, I got in about! four hours ahead of time, your Maj- j esiy," I said, and I explained to him j how it happened. '"Well, it speaks well for our rail-j way system in wartime, doesn't it? I Who ever heard of a train getting ] in ahead of time these days?" During the course of my work one! of his private secretaries came in' t repeatedly with telegrams and mes-! sages for the Kaiser, and he would usually excuse himself to read them, i Sometimes he would be summoned, outside to consult with important persons who were there to see him, j but he was never gone more than ten minutes at a time. I did not think he looked excep-! tionally well. He seemed to be very j tired and he had very little to say— j in itself an indication that he was i not exactly normal. When my work for | the morning was over and his valet, who had as sisted me, had been excused, the i Kaiser gazed at me for a moment , or two and then, apropos of nothing, burst out with the rather remarka ble comment: "The man who brought this catastrophe on the' : world, Davis, should be strung up | by the neck, and that man is not 1,, as the world seems to think! The j i Czar of Russia and the King of j ' England, when they were at the j ! wedding of my daughter—guests at j |my own house, mind you, and my j blood relatives —hatched this plot) against me. They were envious of ■ my power, but they will now learn j what that power is!" In the same breath almost he made the inconsistent remark: "Eng- j land will never be able to raise an efficient army; it took Germany one ; hundred years to accomplish what • she has done!" How ridiculous it i was to suppose that the Czar of Russia and the King of England ] could have hatched a plot which; neither of them was the least pre-! pared to carry out and which Ger- i many was apparently powerful | j enough to foil! Some time after this, one of the! biggest merchants in Berlin told me that he had heard on the Stock Ex-i change that the Kaiser had made j the remark that the King and Czar ! had hatched the plot against him, j i and as I had repeated the Kaiser's statement to no one, I realized that | he must have told the same thing I :to others. .If this version of the I starting of the war was put into I circulation with the idea of absolv- i ing the Kaiser, it certainly didn't carry conviction even among the ] Germans themselves. The merchant | who spoke to me about it, at any rate, made fun of the idea, and I never heard the point seriously 1 raised by anyone else of influence. Before I left the Kaiser that morning he spoke of the Anglo- j French loan which had beeen float- j ed in America and condemned us severely for countenancing it. When ] I told him that Germany had also f'oated a loan in America, he re- 1 plied: "But ours was only $10,000,- 000, while theirs is $500,000,000!" to which I naturally rejoined that the size of the loan could certainly) not affect the question of our neu trality in floating it. He criticised our bankers who | handled the loan, and when I asked him if he had ever seen the number] i of German names that appeared on the list of bankers who were inter- I ested in it, he said he hadn't read ] the list, but he was quite sure there] was one bank in New York which wouldn't touch it. "That bank j wouldn't touch anything that would be detrimental to Germany!" he added. In the afternoon, after the Kaiser had had his invariable afternoon j nap. I attended him again, and that i night I returned to Berlin. It was] with regret that I left such a beauti- j ful, restful place, for although Ber-1 lin in wartimes was almost death ; like in its quietness, it couldn't excel the Army Headquarters for reetful ! ness. i Several months later I was called to Pless again and the place was just as peaceful as it had been on my first visit. Not even the ordi- NEURALGIA Rub the forehead feip, and temples with H£Majn NEW PRICES-MS.6O* TLAOU j nary precautions which one> might expect to be taken at a place where the Kaiser was sojourning were en forced and I was allowed to travel the entire distance and to enter the palace without ever once showing I my pass. I When I got out of the train I saw j one of the Kaiser's motors there. I j stepped up. spoke to the driver, had ' my bags placed inside and was about |to drive off when another motor. ; with four officers in it. arrived. One iof them asked me who I was and i when I told him. he said there must be some mistake, as the car I was ! in had been sent to meet some of | fleers who were arriving on the i train. | While we were still discussing the | point, a third car came up and the officer who had addressed me then | asked the driver of the third car ; what he was sent for. He said he ; didn't know: he had ben told merely |to drive to the station. I accord ' ingly transferred my baggage from i the car I was in to this third car and was driven off to the palace. We i went through the gates without any \ one asking to see my credentials. | The whole incident was a sad reflec -1 tion on Germany's boasted effl ) ciency. I was shown to the same room I had visited on the former occasion. When the Kaiser entered he stood erect, with his hands to his side, clicked his heels together and sa luted me as a soldier salutes a su perior officer, smiling as he did so. and I knew he was in good humor. ! Xevertheless he had but little to say. His criticism of Mr. Wilson on this occasion I have recorded elsewhere in these pages. | In June of 1917, after the Great j Army Headquarters fyad been re | moved to Homburg v. d. Hohe, and Krenznach (two neighboring "vil ilages), I was called there to see the ! Kaiserin, and three weeks later I j went there again to see the Kaiser. I noticed at the station the Kaiser's private train composed of five dark ! green cars upon each of which was : plainly marked the imperial coat of j arms. The cars had special folding • steps. Two rooms were assigned to me on one of the upper floors of the palace, and my meals consisted of | the same kind of food as I had al- WM/MJMIM STORE OPENS 8:30 A. M.—CLOSES 5 P. M. | Wednesday, Sept. 11—Important 1 1 The Day We Start | | p | Kaufman's 10 Day Bargain Basement Thrift Sale 1 — —: I | Full Details in This Paper Tomorrow | | Bigger Than Ever—More Welcome 1 Wartime Economies in Present Day Needs j§ i I jg • and in conjunction || 1 4 Big Advance Sale Days I | of Fall Merchandise | I Read Tomorrow's Announcement i |Be Sure to Come — Wednesday, Sept. 111 STORE OPENS 8:30 A. M.—CLOSES SP.M. SEPTEMBER 9, 1918. ways had before the war, although a hunger epidemic was raging throughout the country. It was almost worth the trip for the sake of the meals alone. After I had treated the Kaiser in Resinol Don't let that itching skin-trouble P \ fcf/' /jf /AW I torment you an hour longer! Just few N. M ///y mm spread a little Resinol Ointment over \ y / /%%& docs not disappear a3 if you simply gffi soothing,healing ointment rarely fails HI W J j of the unsightly, tormenting eruption, /yijSsSi unless it is due to '.orac serious inter- R- . even prompter results if the sore .Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap contain nothing that could injure or irritate the ter.dercsi I akin. They clear away pimples, redners and M 1 roughness, stop dandruff. Sold by all druggists, J| \ The Horrible Handicap of Poisoned Blood The Innocent Suffer Even Unto the Third and Fourth Genera tions, But Relief Is Now in Sight. It has long been accepted as a matter of course that the sins of the fathers must be suffered by innocent posterity, yet it is hard to become reconciled to this condition. The heritage of physical infirmity is a handicap under which thousands must face the battle of life. Scrofula is probably the most no ticeable of the transmitted blood disorders, though there are other more severe diseases of the blood that pass from one generation to another. No matter what inherited blood taint you may be laboring the morning I went to my room, a I knew it would he 3 o'clock befora he would be ready for me again. He never allowed anything to inter fere with his after-dinner nap. (To Be Continued.) under, S. S. S. offers hope. This remedy has been in general use for more than fifty years. It is purely vegetable, and contains not a par ticle of any chemical, and acts promptly on the blood by routing all traces of the taint, and restoring it to absolute purity. Some of the most distressing cases of transmitted blood poison have yielded to the treatment of S. S. S., and no case should be considered in curable until this great remedy has been given a thorough trial. S. S S. acts as an antidote to every impur ity in the blood. You can obtain it at any drug store. Our chief medi cal adviser will take pleasure in giv ing you without cost any advice That your individual case requires. Write to-day to Swift Specific Co., 433 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. 5