Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 07, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Founded 18S1
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To hear is to conquer our fate.
ONE big wallop to end the war!
And the U. S. A. Is about to
give It.
"With an American army of 4,-
000,000 men in France," says Chief
of Staff P. C. March, "we can go
through the German line wherever
we please."
The army is now almost two mil
lion strong. To get the rest, the gov
ernment has let down the barp—men
18 to 45 (both inclusive), except
those previously registered, are to
furnish the additional strength
needed to push the Huns back to the
Rhine and free the world of Kaiser
ism. i
A glorious opportunity! Small
wonder that Registration Day, Sep
tember 12, will cause such enthu
siasm. For these men were "left out
in the cold" before—told to sit back
while others fought their battles.
"Why can't we fight?" they asked;
"we are physically fit through work
ing In shop or field," or they "hadn't
been back of desks so long they had
forgotten their manhood." How
keenly they felt being "not wanted;"
how they fairly ached to help when
they read the casualty lists.
For, native born or alien, they
realized plainly what they owe to this
country. They realized it was time
to show their gratitude for all the
U. S. A. has meant and done for
them —a life of peace, prosperity and
happiness among men their equals.
And now their chance has come.
Thirteen millions of men must reg
ister September 12. If they do not
register they will not only risk*cer
tain arrest and severe punishment,
but declare themselves unfit to be
called Americans. When the draft
boards discard the physically unfit,
the exempt because of family, the
men in war industries, there must
remain more than 2,000,000 men
ready for training.
These men will give the big wallop
that will end the war. Are you be
tween 18 and 45? Present yourself at
the Registration Place September
12, proudly—as an American should.
If the railroaders are to be excluded
from seeking office under a ruling of
Secretary McAdoo, why not the of
ficials and the employes of the express,
the telephone and the telegrah com
panies and all other utilities now
under government control? it will
hardly be contended that railroad men
are deserving less consideration in
this matter than those connected with
other corporations serving the .public.
IT has been suggested by one who
is familiar with the building con
ditions here that local builders
are probably ready to proceed with
the construction of dwellings for
rent or sale should the embargo on
materials and labor be raised to the
extent of giving them encourage
ment in this direction. Within a
few weeks the large work on the
government building contracts here
will have been finished and this will
release hundreds of mechanics who
will be available for building oper
ations in Harrisburg.
Of course, this need not interfere
with tie plan of the Chamber of
Commerce to procure the services of
a competent housing expert for a
complete survey of the local condi
tions with a view to providing
homes fo# the people who want to
live here. Pending the survey, how
ever, the lifting of the embargo on
materials and labor to the extent of
allowing local builders to go ahead
on their own account would In
large measure relieve the situation.
"Wo must have homes and a way
must bo found to provide them,
either through governmental aid di
rectly or relief for the building
trades In this community.
Harrisburg Is an Important Indus
trial center and It Is obviously nec
essary that homes be provided for
(Our workers and those who ar
seeking residence here. The conges
tion about which we hear so much
Is largely along the Atlantic sea
board and What affects, to some ex
tent, the towns near ports need not
necessarily embarrass this city.
Something must be done and
without unnecessary delay. The
Chamber of Commerce will doubt
less do its part, but the individual
builder would likely get busy in the
event of some relief from the hard
ships and embarrassments of gov
ernmental restrittion. If Washing
ton cannot help Harrisburg with an
appropriation for houses, as has
been in some other industrial
cities, the authorities can at least
help to the extent of raising the
embargo on materials and labor in
this district.
In thb matter of ash and garbage
collection there will doubtless be for
some time difficulty in overcoming the
old conditions which prevailed under
a private contract- Tipping of the
collecting crews and otherwise up
setting dicipline, resulting from
desire on the part of housekeepers to
secure regular collections, have been
responsible for a good deal of the
trouble. Unless there is co-operation
on the part of the people there can
bo no efficient system of garbage and
ash collection.
MAJOR GRAY told the Rotary
Club the other day that the
United States Government se
lected Harrisburg as the site for its
$25,000,000 warehouse development
because it is the best transportation
center in the entire East. Experts of
the War Department visited every
city from Central Ohio to the sea
board. Railroad authorities .studied
the situation. Engineers deliberated
over the problem of locating the
military depots where they would be
most accessible from all points. And
all of them chose Harrisburg.
This should be a hint to manu
facturers and distributors. The gov
ernment's survey should be of im
mense value to them. It was made at
great expense and represents the
concensus of the best expert opin
ion in the country. What is good
enough to meet the demands of
Uncle Sam in the great emergency
ought to be good enough for the
business man in times of peace.
Boiled down to its last essence, the
row in the Democratic party is noth
ing more than was to be expected
under the circumstances. Palmer and
McCormick grabbed the broken-down
machine and made use of it for their
own personal ambitions. It was in
evitable that the hewers of wood and
drawers of water in the party should
get weary of taking orders from the
little clique of office-holders who have
constituted themselves the Democratic
party of Pennsylvania. Also, it is cer
tain that at the first opportunity the
Democratic voters who nominated a
candidate not slated by the bosses
will wrench the organization from
those who have taken it over for their
own selfish purposes. It is an old
scheme on the part of the present
Democratic bosses to shunt their re
sponsibility to others and to blame
Republicans for their own failures.
BERLIN under martial law!
The news has an ominous
Berlin, capital of autocracy and
citadel of militarism, so shaken by
the German defeats that its people
are in a panic! It seems almost too
good to be true.
But there can be no doubt of the
authenticity of the report, since it
is accompanied by the official order
of the general in command.
German idols are beginning to tot
ter. Germans are becoming doubt
ful of the power of their armies,
i Hindenburg and Ludendorf are tot
tering on their pedestals. Another
push by Mangin, Haig and Pershing
may send them crumbling to the
earth. When that day dawns Ger
man morale will follow its false gods
to the dust and the end of the war
will be in sight.
tinues throughout the country
under the auspices of Cham
bers of Commerce and kindred or
ganizations. The foreign-born are
more desirous than ever of becom
ing citizens of the United States and
the instrumentalities which are now
being used to educate them to
Amerifan ideals and an understand
ing of our institutions are having
a tremendous influence, especially in
the large industrial sections.
The United States Bureau of Edu
cation recently sent oyt a letter In
voking the aid of employers and
others in which these paragraphs
The war has brought home to
us the stern necessity of uniting
all people in America and one of
the responsibilities of this bureau
Is the education of foreign
language peoples in the Ameri
can language, citizenship, tradi
tions and ideals, as a certain basis
for an enduring America.
We need your co-operation and
believe that the best way of se
curing it is through such a com
mittee, if it is representative and
if those representing the foreign
born groups are designated by
them, subject to your approval as
to their loyalty, reliability and
devotion to America. They will
thus be acquainted with the vari
ous racial groups and will be able
to reach them In their own
The duties of such a committee
will be to distribute information
in various languages, to send us
information from time to time
and to advise us as to conditions
requiring educational measures.
For years there has been a steady
undercurrent of interest among
thoughtful people regarding the
Americanization problem. After the
war it will be still more Important
to bring Into a united whole all
who claim America as their home.
Already In Harrisburg many school
teachers have taken an Interest In
the education of alien boys and
girls and these report a fine response
and a growing appreciation of the
efforts of municipal and educational
authorities in behalf of these chil
dren and their parents.
By the Ex-Commlttceman
Partisans of Judge Eugene C. Bon
niwell, candidate of a majority of the
Democratic voters of Pennsylvania
for Governor, last night turned the
tables upon A. Mitchell Palmer, the
Democratic national committeeman
from the Keystone State, and de
manded that he resign as official rep
resentative of the Democracy of
Pennsylvania. The ground for this
action is that Palmer had repudiated
the nomination of a clear majority
of the voters of his party after hav
ing written to Judge'Bonniwell ac
cepting the verdict of the Demo
crats as expressed at an open pri
mary in which he was, incidentally,
gloriously defeated together with his
This latest development In the af
fairs of the reorganized and disor
ganized Democracy of the state
whence hails the Democratic nation
al chairman, has made the Keystone
State talked of amkng polittcans
from one end of the country to the
other. The Pennsylvania -Democracy
had been so much advertised as
> beneficently reorganized that "how
when a family fight is smashing all
the crockery people, at Washington
are wondering whether the methods
of the national chairman and his fel
low bosses are not calculated to
create a disturbance elsewhere when
—The latest developments are all
indicative of intention among the
leaders of the rival factions to de
stroy each other, the control of the
Democratic delegation to the-national
convention of 1920 being the prize
of the victor. Briefly they are:
—Bonniwell men demand that Pal
mer retire.
—Palmer reiterates charges against
—Bonniwell will ignore the meet
ing of the state committee here next
—Henry C. Niles charges that Pal
mer is a party wrecker.
—Democratic state committeemen
get ready 'to read Bonniwell out of
the party.
—Both sides get ready for a fight
to the finish.
—The Philadelphia Inquirer In its
resume of the situation says: "A
call for A. Mitchell Palmer to re
sign as a member of the Democratic
National Committee because of his
bolting Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell,
the regularly nominated Democratic!
candidate for governor, came from
the Bonniwell camp last evening.
It was in the form of a statement
from a member of the Democratic
State Committee, Patrick F. Brennan,
a jury commissioner of Allegheny
county, who took a prominent part
£-t the meeting of the state commit
tee and who there vigorously pro
tested against the action of Palme.-
in attacking the nominee for gov
ernor. He charges that he was
choked off in his address at that
meeting by Vance C. McCormick.
the chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, who was the
temporal y presiding officer."
—The Philadelphia Record to-day
says: "It is not considered probable
that Judge Bonniwell will pay any
attention to the summons of the
Donnelly-Palmer-controlled com
mittee and appear in -Harrisburg
next Saturday at noon to show cause
why he should not withdraw as a
candidate for Governor. Judge Bon
niwell's friends declare that he was
nominated by the Democratic elec
tors of Pennsylvania and the State
Committee has no authority to act
as high executioners for the party's
—Senator Edwin H. Vare an
nounced yesterday that he and his
friends will support Justice Alex
ander Simpson, Jr., of the Pennsyl
vania Supreme Court, who is a can
didate for the full term. Justice
Simpson was appointed recently by
Governor Brumbaugh to fill one of
the vacancies on the Supreme bench
and filed his papers yesterday.
—Senator Penrose yesterday de
nied the statement of Democratic
National Committeeman A. Mitchell
Palmer, to the effect that he had
silenced State Senator William C.
Sproul, Republican nominee for
Governor, on the liquor question. "I
have never talked to Senator Sproul
on the issues of the campaign," he
said, "and have not attempted to in
fluence him." Asked Jf he thought
Mr. Palmer's attacks on Judge Eu
gene C. Bonniwell would injure
Democratic chances this year, the
Senator replied: "The Democrats
never had a chance, anyhow, and
the Palmer-Bonniwell row will not
make any difference. Sproul was as
good as elected the day he was nam
—John R. Halsey, Republican
county chairman of Luzerne, has re
signed as he is counsel for a rail
—Many men prominent In politi
cal life attended the funeral of
County Commissioner R. J. Moore
at Philadelphia.
-—lt looks as though B. B. Mc-
Glnnis, Pittsburgh lawyer, would be
named as successor to E. Lowry
Humes as United States District At
torney for Western Pennsylvania.
John F. Short takes his new place
within a few days.
—Although no one seems to know
very much about what will be done
some fifty days ljence about voting
of soldiers, Mr. Thorn Is getting
things ready. He has prepared the
ballot forms and has the return
hooks ready. The latter will be half
the size of the big blotter like af
fairs used the last two years and
patterned afler those for the Spanish
war. Tito belief grows that the army
will run the voting in France in its
own way, but that one or two men
will be sent abroad to look after the
gathering of returns.
—William C. Sproul, Senator E. E.
Beidleman and James F. Woodward,
Republican nominees for governor,
lieutenant governor and secretary of
internal affairs, respectively, and
other Republican condidates 'will
address a Republican meeting at
Collegeville, Montgomery county,
this afternoon. Members of the
county executive committee and
other active party workers. Con
gressman Henry Winfield Watson
and James S. Boyd, candidate for
the State Senate, and Harold C.
Pike, of Cheltenham; Jacob Hamil
ton, Conshohocken; I. T. Haldeman,
of Schwenksville, and Harry S.
Mack, of Pottstown, nominees for
State Representatives, will be
among others present.
—Senator Sproul will soon start
upon a tour of the cpunties. An
itinerary is now being made up by
W. Harry Baker, secretary of the
Republican State Committee. Alle
gheny county Republicans plan to
give a big reception in honor of
Senator Sproul and his colleagues
on the state ticket on September 21.
' ' l\) is ,
Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 7, 1918.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Dear Sir—The Harrisburg Tele
graph having hit the Harrisburg Pa
triot In a fair fight and right where
it hurt, the Harrisburg Patriot to
day says that the Harrisburg Tele
graph "trembles" at it.
This reminds me of some reports
of "victories." After having been
knocked down and made to see stars
the Harrisburg Patriot says the Har
risburg Telegraph "trembles."
This is the usual style of bluff of
the Harrisburg Patriot and it fools
no one. It was properly chastised and
it squeals.
In a wood they call the Rouge Bou
There is a new-made grave to-day.
Built by never a spade nor pick
Yet covered with earth ten meters
There lie many fighting men.
Dead In their youthful prime.
For Death came flying through the
And stopped his flight at the dugout
Touched his prey and left him there.
Clay to clay.
He and their bodies stealthily
In the soil of the land they fought
to free
And fled away.
Now over the grave abrupt and clear
Three volleys ring;
And perhaps their brave young
spirits hear
The bugle sing:
"Go to sleep!
Go to sleep!
Slumber well where the shell
screamed and fell,
Let your rifles rest- on the muddy
You will not need them any more.
Danger's past,
Now at last.
Go to sleep!"
There is on earth no worthier grave
To hold the bodies of the brave
Than this place of pain and pride
Where they nobly fought and nobly
Never fear but in the skies
Saints and angels stand '
Smiling with their holy eyes
On this new-come band.
St. Michael's sword darts through
the air
And touches the aureole on his hair
As he sees them stand saluting there.
His stalwart sons;
And Patrick, Brigid, Columklll
Rejoice that in veins of warriors
The Gael's blood runs.
And up to Heaven's doorway floats,
From the wood called Rouge
A delicate sound of bugle notes
That softly say:
Comrades true, born anew, peace to
Your souls shall be where the heroes
And your memory shine like the
morning star,
Brave and dear.
Shield us here.
Farewell!" •
—Joyce Kilmer, In Scrlbner's
Modern methods of mining and
smelting have made it profitable to
reopen a nickel mine in Norway that
was abandoned half a century ago.
All Canadian locals of the Brother
hood of Carpenters will be asked to
make an effort to have the rate 65
cents an hour by May 1, 1919.
Women munitions workers at Wil
liamsburg. Va., are demanding a
"war shampoo shop." claiming thai
the acids they come in contact with
are Injuring their hair.
When the British Trades Union
Congress meets at Derby in Septem
ber for its annual conference the
membership of affiliated unions rep
resented probably will be more than
It is possible that the Canadian
railways will make a Joint offer to
{ grant certain tncreasea to the shop
employes along the line of those
granted by Mr. McAdoo in this coun
The city of Paris has opened 12
municipal butcher shops in the hope
of lowering the price of beef. They
have met with great success and will
soon begin to sell mutton as well.
When Yank Met Tommy
A MAN doesn't need to carry a
long visage in order to do a
strong thing. And young Amer
ica's invincible sense of humor will
tide him over many a rough place
before this war be done. To me his
unconquerable lightheartedness 1s a
marvelous possession, just as I saw
it on the faces of a regiment of
British Tommies who were return
ing from those terrific shambles in
the Balkans. Their troop trains
stopped beside our own. "some
where in France." Bronzed and
grinning British veterans, young
sters though they were, tumbled
from their box cars—it's jolly riding
for a thousand miles in a box car—
and fraternized with their new allies
from America. As their train pull
ed away they tossed out tins of Eng
lish cigarets. Our boys (Scrambled
for them beside the railroad track.
My first impulse was to resent things
being tossed to them like that, and
to see American lads picking up
cigarets from the dirt. But I
thought again, and the splendid
spirit of it wiped out my cheaper
impression. Here were these Brit
ishers who had been "fed up" on
fighting, welcoming new friends and
Motor Car Accidents
(From the Columbus Dispatch)
The marvel of the ages is that
there are so very few accidents
with motor cars. Every issue of
every newspaper carries accounts
of mishaps; the hospitals know to
day that they will have just about
so many people to-morrow injured
in motor car wrecks, but the truth
is, considering the great number of
machines in use, one cannot under
stand the small number of catastro
phes that take place.
If every car were driven by a
man skilled in handling such me
chanisms, the small number of acci
dents could be accounted for. But,
observe the drivers of the cars.
Girls who are giddy at all times;
women who are nervous wrecks un
der normal conditions; men of poor
judgment generally; people who
could not be expected to think for
themselves —cripples and invalids
and half baked people of every va
See that frail creature driving the
three-ton car down the street at
break-neck speed. She has the
power of seventy-five horses in her
hands. She knows nothing about
the laws of momentum. She doesn't
know whether the car weighs a hun
dred pounds or a hundred tons. She
is ignorant of all things pertaining
to combustion. But she threads her
way through the maze of traffib and
goes to sleep at night as if she had
not done anything wonderful.
It is all a tribute to the perfec
tion and simplicity of the motor
car —and to human intelligence. For,
however thoughtless and careless
these drivers, they still have in their
minds the ordinary rules of the road
and the regulations concerning
traffic. Let us not marvel that there
are so many accidents. Let us thanfc
God they are so few—under the cir
The Price of Wheat
The President's order fixing the
price of 1919 wheat at $2.20, the
same as for this year's crop, is mod
ified by the promise to appoint a
commission which will examine next
spring whether the increased cost
of labor or other considerations jus
tify an advance in that figure. This
is a perfectly fair and just proposi
tion which should be acceptable to
all. It protects both producers and
consumers, as welj as the govern
ment. which, in the event of peace
I before the 1919 wheat is marketed,
might stand to lose a half billion
dollars on the guarantee by the
release of the cheaper wheat from
Australia and other points now kept
out of consumption by lack of
transportation facilities, or, as the
President says, in any event result
in maintaining a high price in our
own country for a long period sub
sequent to freedom in the world's
Nothing will be lost by this ar
rangement, which avoids the risk
of attempting to fix an unchange
able price a year in advance of
the crop. Under the same guaran
tee the producers of America have
raised a crop which has ended the
food anxieties of the world. There
can be no doubt that the same price,
with the assurance of whatever re
vision upward, if any, may be made
necessary by increased cost of labor
and supplies between now and then,
will be equally stimulative to the
dividing their most precious ration.
They had no time to hand around
cigarets on a silver waiter, nor to
order "James, will you serve the cof
fee?" Their train whirled on, they
did what they could and our boys
accepted It with the same generous
Tommy went one way and we
went the other. The English speak
ing cousins had met, had grasped
each other's sturdy hands, and each
of them recognized a real man when
he saw one. Tommy was going
home. We were headed for the
front. There was no gloomy face,
no sour look, and no solemn re
Journeying with our men by sea
and land, living at their camps in
good weather and bad, seeing them
at the front, sitting with them in
their billets, I came to know these
lads. They are men of fine intelli
gence, clear in thought and clean of
life. They are bending every fac
ulty of heart and soul and body to
their task. And I haven't the
smallest possible doubt that they
will ultimately
Convince the Hun
With a ten-inph gun
That he'd better not do it again.
[From the Indianapolis News]
An Indianapolis officer, writing
from a hospital in France., tells how
a French officer pinned a war cross
on his pajamas, and how, without
any warning, one of the nurses hur
ried to his bedside and planted "a
nice rosy kiss on the ugly mug of
yours truly." There is no reason to
believe that this is a love affair.
Doubtless it was a proxy kiss—it rep
resented the feminine members of
his family.
Fiction nurses have been of one
kind. In the illustrations they were
strangely beautiful. Always their
hands ware cool and their uniforms
fresh. Some young millionaire had I
been picked up and carried to the
hospital where the nurse fought for
his life—grim death stalking Just
behind the door. His identity was
not known, but he was a man, wide
of shoulder and small of girth. Ho
had a flat back and his close crop
ped hair was inclined to be curly.
By and by he became rational. The
first thing he realized was the cool
ing touch of the nurse's hand on his
feverish brow. But why continue?
He always married her, and they
lived happily ever after.
Much has been heard about the
splendid service of American nurses
in France. They have worked in
dangerous territory and under con
ditions that would appall the aver
age man. They have had the cour
age to do what they went over there
to do and they have made a grate
ful country their perpetual debtor.
There was so much discipline and so
much need for haste about thoir
work that romance has not had
much chance. Military etiquette
does not provide that a kiss shall be
given with each hot water bottle.
Tet there is nothing so soothing
sometimes and nothing better cal
culated to take a patient's mind away
from his aches and pains. Perhaps
the future will bring forth the story
i from France that some of the nurses
I have been decorated for distinguish
| ed services because they knew when
i it was proper to kiss a patient and
I when It was needful to give him a
j dose of medicine.
[From the New York Times]
Probably nothing calling itself a
government ever received such a dip
lomatic communication as that which
i the murderous Bolshevist govern
| ment has received from Great Bri
tain. It is not the language of one
government addressing another, but
the language of a police officer to a
professional assassin. And it will
strike a responsible chord wherever,
throughout the world, men have
grown tired of keeping up the fic
tion that this pirate crew are a gov.
The attack on the British Em
bassy was ordered by the terrorist
clique that rules in Moscow and Pct
rograd, which has been prepnrlng the
Russian mind for it for some time.
All their measures have been tend
ing in that direction, and the lrttest
dispatches show that they have been
deliberately creating the belief
among their ignorant and brutalized
henchmen that the French and Brit
ish governments incited the assas
sination of Mirbach and Eichhorn
and the attempted assassination of
Worrying Helps the Kaiser
(From the Youth's Companion)
It seems as if there never was a
time when there was so much to
worry about. Many—alas, how
many—of us have to endure daily—
and nightly the thought of the
vague, enormous peril of those we
love, who are at a distance that
makes it beyond our power to cheer
or soothe or comfort them. Beside
this one great worry all others are
insignificant. Yet there are others,
so many others!
Yes, there never was a time when
worries so descended upon us in
flocks and swarms.
We ought to stop worrying at
once, to form the habit of stopping
it. Cool prevision, wise and proper
forethought for coming duties, is
necessary. But we need to stop
tho panicky imagining of vague peril
and unavoidable distress. All such
loose and misdirected Jfort wastes
nerve, wastes brain, wastes energy,
means just so much useful work un
Worrying helps the kaiser.
They rejected k j
aim because he / l/Mi
had flat feet. W y
And you were £r ~
Lucky for you H Ml!Mnji
It's flat feet, not H /W/M | j
flat heads they El ''' Vj. "
/ The popular
■ ln all nelgt-
/ borhoods
one who
Yv—Deliver the
4 goods.
you think
this air wonder
thoughts are of
thero'3 so much "Jt
n? (jJ Say, I'm think-
\ X ing about going
into a big deal
with Blank,
What kind of a
jp> AHHk | man Is he?
*oli, he's like
|j \ (S What kind of
It ) >1 a fish —a shark
Tf j (1 or sucker?
good at driving
a truth home.
thing home. He
started in early , J
life with cows.
: Jggljgj
letting (Etjat
The Increase of clocks In the de
partments of the state government
Is commencing to give concern at the
Capitol. Under the regulations all of
the clocks In the various offices of
the Commonwealth here are owned
by the state and are in charge of an
official clock repairman, who keeps
them good tempered and accurate.
Lately, there have been some changes £
In offices and more clocks have been
added to the list. A halt has been
called upon the acquisiton of time
pieces and hereafter Joseph Pyne,
the official repairman, will have only
700 to watch. This is the season of
the year, says the repairman, when
the clocks behave best, in summer
time, especially hot days, Father
fenn's clocks are apt to speed up
owing to the effect of the heat upon
the oils used, while in very cold win
ter, owing to the habit of people in
leaving windows open at night the
oils grow thick and the timepieces
run slow. The weather is more
equable just now and the clocks are
maintaining their dignity, accord
ing to Mr. Pyne. The official repair
man has been in charge of the
clocks for a couple of decades which
means several generations of men in
politics, according to the ordinary
Harrisburg rating, and in the last ten
years the number of clocks on his
list has doubled. When the Capitol
was finished an effort was made to
use only standard clocks, but the
necessary creation of offices outside
caused others of various types and
dispositions to be installed and they
are all under supervision.
The half dozen or so mulberry
trees which are in the Ca,pitol Park
in front of the State Treasury are
not to be made away with when the
plaza in front of the building is
changed and the terraces created on
the Third street side in accordance
with the plans of Arnold W. Brun
her. These trees are over thirty years
old and will be moved. They are just
now in bloom and attract much at
tention from the children, successive
groups of which have played about
them for years. The trees were right
in the line, but have become such a
feature that they will be moved
The federal government has put a
crimp in reedbird shooting, although
the state allows it, and the black
birds are now furnishing the early
fall shooting. Because of a treaty
with Canada the bobolink is protect
ed, but the game code prescribes an
open season. This being a war year
the federal government wins. Black
birds are being shot in fair numbers
in many counties. This is the favor
ite bird for the young hunter and
many a farmer's boy has been trying
a shotgun. The law does not pro
vide any limit on the bag and early
trials have been numerous, the
weather having kept the birds in
northern districts. A number of
starlings, the European nuisance
which has been multiplying in this
state, have been flocking with the
blackbirds and some have been killed.
Game officers point out that starlings
are not protected and that they are
a pest. Sportsmen after blackcoats
are urged to watch for the starling,
which is slightly different in color
and as to bill. Similar advice is
being given to sportsmen to make
sure this fall of the difference be
tween pheasants and ruffed grouse.
The latter are protected everywhere 4
except Philadelphia and Delaware
counties and some counties protect
pheasants. Attempts are being made
to propagate both birds extensively.
• • *
Col. Samuel Felton, who has been
in charge of important movements
of troops in France and who is com
mended by General March, is a
brother of Edgar C. Felton, for years
president of the Pennsylvania Steel
Company, and has a number of
friends here. He has been president
of big western railroads, but like At
terbury and Kennedy and other rail
road chefs went into the army.
• •
There are now four stars, all of
them for overseas soldiers, on the
service flag at the home of Mrs.
John Y. Boyd, of this city. Her two
sons and two sons-in-law are now
with the American Army in Europe.
They are on various fronts, the last
heard of one, Captain Jackson Herr
Boyd, being that he was right up
where things are thickest. In ad
dition to this splendid record in the
immediate family one of the best
known residents of Harrisburg, over
fifty members of her Sunday school
class are in service. The class is
in the Pine Street Presbyterian
Church, where Mrs. Boyd has been
a worker for years, and is one of
the most active religious organiza
tions in Central Pennsylvania.
• • •
Charles W. Crowther, who has the
job of making out the schedules for
moving the drafted men from Penn
sylvania. has to unscramble the time
tables of something like twenty-five
railroads to get the trains going all
right. Once in a while he has to
go to some town to see what the con
nections are like. In any event he
is acquiring a large amount of
knowledge of what state railroads
are like. The transportation from
this state has been accomplished in
a manner that Is simply wonderful.
Practically no mishaps, plenty of
cars and special train schedules. Mr.
Crowther was formerly with, the
Pennsylvania railroad transporta
tion department and knows the
state, which is fortunate for Uncle
Sam. *
—■Fred Ikeler, one of the Demo
cratic candidates for Congress-at-
Large, used to be in the Legislature.
—William J. Noll, the new Leb
anon county commissioner, has lived
in that county all his life and is well
known to many residents of this city.
—Highway Commissioner O'Nell is
on a tour of eastern toll roads, hav
ing chopped down some bars near
—A. C. Campbell, the Luzerne
county fuel administrator, is going
after bars which sell to miners and
is having a real interesting time of it.
—The Rev. Francis Blackman.
Philadelphia minister, leaves his pul
pit to enter the army's fighting ranks. i
—David H. Lane, the veteran of
Philadelphia politics, is back in Phll
dclphia after spending the summer
at the seashore.
—Clinton Rogers Woodruff, active
in civic affairs in Philadelphia, has
been touring New York state.
—That Pennsylvania will reg
ister next week an army of men
greater than Grant commanded
at the close of the Civil War?
Indians of a dozen tribes consid
ered Harris Ferry as a place to hold
councils In safety and refrained from
attacking it because of their regard
foe the settiers.