Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 07, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 IMPORTANT NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LABOR SHORTAGE AFFECTS CROPS Watermelons, Cantaloupes and Cucumbers Not Grow ing on Clemson's Island V FAMOUS RIVER FARM Visitors Being Entertained in Many Hospitable Halifax Homes During Week Halifax, Pa., Sept. 7.— J. W. Clemson, the well-known islund crucker, who for years has supplied the town with home-grown water melons and vuntaloupes, on Wednes day stated that he did not attempt to grow either watermelons, canta loupes or cucumbers this year on account of a shortage of laborers on his island.— Harvest Home services will be held in the Halifax United Brethren Church to-morrow. —The home of Alfred Bowman, in Third stret, has been' quarantined on ac count of his little daughter, Rosalie, having an attack gt whooping cough. —Mrs. Harvey Boyer and daughter, Grace, of Middletown, are paying a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lentz. —Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward H. Welgel and two children, of Johnstown, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bressler. —Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Rutter and daughter, Elmira, were j week-end guests at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. W. A. Riland. near Speece ville. —Mrs. Alfred Clemson on Sun day accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ryan, of Harrisburg, to Exntoie, Va., to pay a visit to Captain and Mrs. It. M. Lewis and spend a week fishing in the Chesa peake Bay. Williams Huggins, Misses Susan Bair, Daisy Stephens und Bertha Witmer, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Harry Critland, of Phila delphia, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Albright.—Mrs. Sarah Pike is critically ill at her home in Second street.—Professor and Mrs. J. Dale Diehl and little son. Harry, of White Plains, N. J., are guests at the home of Mrs. Diehl's grandfa ther. Harry Brubaker. Charles Hawk, of Philadelphia, spent several days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Kitchen. —Mary Fauber, of Harrisburg, visited Beulah Fauber on Sunday.—Mrs. Amos Sweigard, of Third street, has raised a sweet pepper in her garden that weighs one pound.—Miss Susan Baxter is spending some time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bower, at Millersburg.—Coroporal Charles H. Hoffman, of Washington, D. C., spent Sunday with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Scholl. —Charles D. Bowman, of Aitoona, spent Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H. Arnold.— Roy A. Smith, of Nesquelioning, is spending the week at the Methodist parsonage.—W. L. Buckland and little daughter, Grace, of Springfield, Mass., are spending a ten-day vaca tion with Mr. und Mrs. G. M. Smith. —Miss Mary Buser is spending sev eral weeks at Philadelphia and At lantic City.—Elmer E. Daugherty •spent several days with friends at Mechanicsburg.—Mrs. Robert Wit . mer and little daughter, Olive, of Philadelphia, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Zimmer man.—Aaron Sultzbaugh and son, Elmer, have returned to their home in Philadelphia after spending a vacation with his father, Jeremiah Sultzbaugh. Lcwisberry Sunday School Holds Outing in Wods l.'-wisberry. Pa.. Sept. 7.—On Sat urday afternoon the M. E. Sunday school held an outing in Park's woods. The supper of chicken corn soup could not be served in the woods on account of the storm and rain but was later taken to the home of Mrs. Ella M. Sutton, who lives in the borough, where it was served to a large number of persons. The refreshments, consisting of ice cream, candies, peanuts and pop, were sold in Mrs. Sutton's blacksmith shop. On uccount of the storm only three of the contests were held by the com mittee, D. L. Snavely and the Rev. 1.. L. Owens. The potato race was won by Levi Smith, prize, baseball; Glenn Straley, toothbrush; nail scramble, winners, Stuart Wise, tie holder; Beulah Walker, handkerchief and Blanche Straley, a handker chief: wheelbarrow race, winners, Blanche Straley, mirror; Mary Fet row, spool of crochet cotton and Ethel Krone, box of tooth paste.— The school teachers of Fairview township will hold their first insti tute at the Pinetown schoolhouse on Saturday, September 21.—The Rev. and Mrs. J. McKendree Reily and son, of York, were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Owens, at the Metho dist parsonage.—Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rudisill, of York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Strayer.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hammond, of Washington, were Sunday guests of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sut ton.—The Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Jenkins and daughter, Clara, of Brooklyn, Md., were guests of Mrs. S. E. Millard and Mrs. F. S. Kirk. The Rev. Mr. Jenkins, who was a former school teacher in the bor ough, will serve as a chaplain in the National Army. Miss Prudence Wingard Bride of Prof. Etzweiler Millersburg, Pa., Sept. 7.—Profes sor William H. Etzweiler and Miss Prudence Wingard, well-known Mil lersburg young people, were mar ried Monday morning at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The Rev. Mr. Musselman performed the cere mony. The young couple are now enjoying a honeymoon trip to Wat kins Glenn and Niagara Falls.—Mrs. R. J. Day has returned from a visit to her sister at Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Peck have returned from an outing at Ocean Grove.— The condition of N. M. Warfe, who underwent a serious operation at the Harrisburg Hospital early in the week ,is slightly improved.—H. G. Bogar, for many years chief clerk in tho shipping office of the Susque hanna Coal Company, has resigned his position and has purchased the C. G. Shetron grocery store, in Mar ket Square.—l. T. Miller, a railway mail clerk living in East Ualon street who had been employed at the New York terminal, has been trans ferred to the Buffalo and Washing ton.—A decision has been reached by the Millersburg School Board on the teaching of German lanuguago in the public schols of the borough. Xt has ben cut out.—Miss Ruth Rickert has returned to Haddenfleld, N. J., to resume as a teacher in kintergarten work SATURDAY EVENING, * • Hahrisburg TELEGRAPH! SEPTEMBER 7, ivia. ERECTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Elizdbetlitown Will Have a Complete Gamewell Plant Installed in Short Time CAN PLACE 25 BOXES Kreider Shoe Company Erect ing Large Brick Building on Site of Axle Works Elizabeth town, Pa., Sept. 7. Equipment for the installation of the Gamewell fire alarm system in the borough has been received and will be put in operation as soon as pos sible. It is limited to twenty-five fire alarm boxes. This will be a great convenience in case of fire and will give the exact location at once there by affording quick movement of the fire department.—The Kreider Shoe Company is making arrangements for the erection of a large brick building, 135 feet square on the old axle work site in West High street. It will be two stories high with a basement and all the latest improved machinery will be installed. It will give employ ment to a large number of hands.— Roy S. Wormley and Millard M. Galebach, left for Lancaster on Thursday morning where they joined the rest of the young men that left that city for Camp Greenleaf, Ga.— H. H. Seiders, president of the Friendship Fire Company No. 1, was taken to the General Hospital at Lancaster on Wednesday evening with typhoid fever.—Miss Eileen Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess, held an entertainment at her home on Park street on Tuesday for the benefit of the Red Cross. — Mrs. Barbara Ober, Mrs. Mary Boyle and Miss Mary Wilson spent a day at Hershey.—Misses Ruth Meck ley and Delia Shank spent several days at Mount Gretna.—Bartin Seid ers, Sr., and his son, Harvey Seiders, are seriously ill at their homes at East High and South Market streets. Both are employes of the Kreider shoe factory.—Miss Gene Clover dale, a clerk at the Kreider shoe fac tory is ill at her home in South Poplar street. —Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Crozier are the guests of relatives at West Chester. —J. H. Fishel, of York, spent several days with friends here. Social Held by Epworth League at Mechanicsburg Mecluinicsburg, Pa., Sept. 7. —On Thursday evening a successful so cial was held by the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the lawn at the parson age in South Market stret. Ice cream and pretzels wei-e on sale.—Yester day an enjoyable picnic was held by the Woman's Organized Bible class of Trinity Lutheran Sunday school at Boiling Springs Park. Oeorge B. Hoover is the teacher and the guests included husbands and friends.—Miss M. Pauline Mininger left on Wednesday for a visit of two months with her cousin, Mrs. Marian Burners, in St. Paul, Minn. —Miss Mary Myers returned on Tuesday evening after spending a week in Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mohler, of Mexico City, Mex., are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mohler, West Main street. —Miss Ruth Lloyd left on Tuesday for Philadelphia, where she has accepted a position.—Mrs. E. C. Grunder sold a double frame dwelling house in West Coover street, to George H. Eckerd, of East Locust street.—The Bible and Tract Society met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, South Broad street. — A pleasant session of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Grace Evangelical Church, was held last evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Wolf, a short distance east of town. An in teresting program was given.—Miss Clara Kast left on Monday for 1 Mahanoy City, where she will teach in the township High school.—Miss Margaret Moser, of Upper Allen township, spent several days this week in Philadelphia attending a conference of the county chairmen of the National Woman's Liberty Loan committee.—The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis Bell and daughters, Miss Marion and Miss Lois, returned on Monday from an outing at Ocean Grove. —Mrs. David Brindle and children, of Renovo, are spending some time with the Misses Margaret and Eleanor Brindle, West Main street.—George E. Lloyd was at Philadelphia this week in interest of the Fourth Liberty Loan cam paign.—Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Mercer mo tored to Union connty on Tuesday for a visit.—The Rev. George Ful ton, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, was one of the speakers to the boys leaving for camp on Thursday evening at Carlisle.—Miss Elizabeth Mumper left for Chicago, 111., where she accepted a position in a bank. Juniata County Committee Ready For Bond Campaign Miflllntown, Pa., Sept. 7.—Max well Manbeck has been appointed chairman of the Juniata county Lib erty Loan committee which have charge of selling the county's quota of bonds in the loan about to be floated. No changes will be made in the personnel of the district chair men, as all who served during the last loan have been reappointed.— London Todd and his bride have re turned home after a honeymoon trip to the Western States. —Mr. and Mrs. Noah Suloff and sons Jack and Rob ert, and the Misses Edith and Carrie Van Swerigin, of Cleveland, Ohio, ate guests at the home of the Misses Jane and Matilda Loudon.—Mr and Mrs. Frank Sahn and two children, of Wilkes-Earre, spent several days the guests of the Misses Clara and Belle Rothrock. —Mrs. John Watts, of Belleville, and nephew, Jack Jun kin, are spending some time with Mrs. Martha Junkin—Colonel Henrv Watts, of Johnstown, is spending several weeks with his mother, Mrs. Katherine Watts. —M. P. Crawford, income tax collector, now stationed at Johnstown snd his cousin, George Gore, spent Sunday at the Crawford home he.-e.—Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Espenshade, son Frederick and daughter Anna motored to their home at Pittsburgh on Sunday after a visit with her parents, Mrs. H. S. Seholl and Frederick Espenshade.— Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyd Pabker and son, Bobby and George Parker and Miss Sara Parker have returned to their home from Atlantic City after a week's automobile trip.—Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts and son Wil liam returned to their home at Philadelphia after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hackenberger. BANK OFFICIALS GO INTO SERVICE Teller ant] Clerk at Green castle First National Induct ed For Special Service TOOL PLANT ENLARGED Mrs. Alexander Urquhart Be comes Teacher at Moody Bible Institute Greencnstle, Pa., Sept. 7.—Wal ter K. Minnlch, a teller in the First National Bank, and Arthur G. Fair, a clerk, have been inducted into service and have been sent to Dela ware College, Newark, Del., for spe cial . training. The Greencastle branch of the Landis Tool Com pany's nlant, is being enlarged in or der to get out the extra amount of war work.—Mrs. Alexander Urqu hart, widow of Dr. Urquhart, a for mer pastor of the Presbyterian Church, has been appointed a teach er in the Moody Bible Institute at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Kerney spent thd" weekend at Har risburg.—Miss Kathryn Helfrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hel rick, has returned from the Cham bersburg hospital, where she has been undergoing .treatment, greatly improved in health.—C. K. White and family have returned from a camping trip.—Greencastle has had its second death from infantile paralysis. Anna Elizabeth Cordell died from the disease after an ill ness of three days.—Miss Marie B. Hussong, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Z. S. Hussong, has ben appointed Cumberland Valley ticket agent at Kauffman's. She is the first woman agent in this section.—Mix and Mrs. Elmer Hessler, Philadelphia, were visitors with Mrs. Hessler's parents. —Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Sowell are home from Cape May.—Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, son and daughter, and Miss Elizabeth Warner have re turned to Lewistown after an ex tended visit with Greencastle rela tives.—Mrs. Cornelia Snively has re turned from an extended visit with her daughter at Franklin, W. Va. She was accompanied home by her granddaughter. Miss Katharine Johnson.—Miss Anna Barr li.ls gone to Pittsburgh to take up her medical work. Miss Louise Fisher left Tuesday for North Carolina, where she has been elected a teacher. —At a business meeting of the Travelers' Club, it was decided to take up the study of Modern American litera ture this winter.—The Mission Guild of Grace Reformed Sunday school has sent a generous donation to the Hoffman Orphnage.—Yeoman W. Morgan Cross and Mrs. Cross have returned to Philadelphia after a visit with the parents of Mr. Cross. Yeo man Cross has been doing subma rine duty the past month. —Misses j Mary and Sidney Nill are spending two weeks at Asbury Park.—Mrs. Edgar Frownfelter and son, of Phil adelphia, are guests at the home of IW. A. Lesher. PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Millerstown. Charles Hocken smith and son, of Chambersburg, vis ited his uncle, D. L. Farner, over Sun day. Mrs. C. C. Page and sister. Miss Daisy Walker, left on Sunday for Altoona where they will visit rel atives. Miss Margaret Garman, of Harrisburg. was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Oliver Wright. The Rev. Victor Nearhof, after spending a tw.o wees' vacation at >is home at War rior's Mark, has returned to his work , here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parson, of Port Royal, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Moore and her sisters, the Misses Sarah and Lois Kipp. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp left on Saturday for Harrisburg where they are visit ing their children. Miss Margaret Cook, of Harrisburg, spent several days with her aunt, Miss Ella Tyson. —Miss Emma McCoy, who had been visiting at the home of D. M. Ricka baugh and family this week, return ed home to-day. Mrs. D. L. Farner and daughter, Mrs. Roy Coates, were ut Harrisburg, Wednesday, receiving instructions in Red Cross work. Miss Imelda Maloney, of Johnstown. N. Y„ was the guest of William D. Bollinger over the weekend. Mrs. J. I. Crane, accompanied by her little grandson, "Jack" Lent, has arrived home after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. George Lent, at Perkasie. Harry Kepner and son, Charles Kepner, of Allentown, spent over Sunday with his father, Levi Kepner. James Snyder, who had been visiting W. D. Boiling and fam ily for several days, returned to his home at Philadelphia, Monday. He was accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. D. H. Snyder, who will visit her son for several weeks. Mrs. George McDonald, of Altoona, was the guest of D. M. Rick'abaugh and fam ily, Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Eckels visited her niece. Miss Anna McDon ald at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mace, of West Chester, and Mr. and Mrs. Emory Fry, of State College, were Sunday guests at the home of George Fry. Miss Helen Dtffenderfer, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Robison at Lewistown the past two weeks, re turned home on Sunday. Mrs. Ed ward Rumple and son, Harold Rum ple, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Laura Carter, left Tuesday for her home at Cardiff. Md.. after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rounsley. Miss Margaret Alexander spent several days at Philadelphia in the interest of the Liberty Loan campaign. H. W. Beck, of Mtnersville, spent several days with his family here. Mrs. William Gregg and sister, Miss Cora Brandt were visitors at Newport, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brandt and children, of Har risburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ulsh. on Monday. ITnloit Deposit. Raymond Knigh ton and William Clark, of Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J., visited the form er's grandfather, Jacob Espenshade.— Mr. and Mrs. C. Groft and children, Leroy and Hilda Groff, spent Sunday at Palmyra visiting Mrs. Groff's moth er, Mrs. John Batdorf. Mrs. Sadie Girfin, of Columbia, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. William Phfeils. Miss Leo Reager spent Sunday at Harrisburg visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Rebecca Albright. The Rev. Harry Nye, of Elizabethtown, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kuhns returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hughes and daughter, Eva Hughes, spent Monday at Grantville visiting Hughes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neidig. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yingst and daughter, Esther Yingst, spent Tuesday at Pinegrove. Mrs. Henry Miller and son, Harry Miller, spent Sunday at Palmyra visiting tho form er's brother. Edward Spangler. Philip Kettering and daughter. Cora Kettering, of Annville; Miss Ruth Patrick, and Edgar Zern, of Campbell town, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etter, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner spent. Sunday at Palmyra visiting the former's sis ter, Mrs. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. PeifTer entertained as guests on Monday Mr. andJMrs. Frank Zim merman. daughters Kathryn amd Sa lome, and son, Derrick; and George Lloyd, of Philadelphia; Earl Stauffer and sisterß. Miss Edith Stauffer and Miss Elva Stauffer. of Harrisburg. THKE SONS OF NEWVILLE WIDOW IN UNITED STATES SERVICE v HR9B £1 , '*-•**>• \ WWaBIH , \ aBilH8W—BBIi iß&yjaßr' Mrs. Leah Miller Celebrates Her Eighty-third Birthday Mount Joy, Pa., Sept. 7.—Mrs. Leah K. Miller, of North Barbara street, celebrated her eighty-third birthday anniversary by entertain ing a number of friends at her home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stauffer and daughters, Mary and Leah, and son, David; Mr. and Mrs. Lehman ,-Kraybill, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Miller and daughter, Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Hoffer and two daughters, Elsie and Velma, and son, Mcrl; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stauffer and two sons. Wayno and Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil ler and daughter, Annie.—A birth day party, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, in honor of their daughter. Miss Mil dred, who celebrated her eleventh birthday. Those in attendance were: Mrs. George Myers, Mrs. H. M. Sea man, Misses Alta Gingrich, Mary Kramer, Frances Garber, Mildred Way, Hazel, Ruth, Dorothy. Almeda Kaylor, Elizabeth Yahm, Mabel and Marie Carson, Catherine Seeman and Alice Espenshade.—Mrs. Amos Kay lor and daughter, Miss Florence, and son, Trvin; Miss Helen Seholtz hauer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor and daughter. Dorothy. Mabel Geist weit and daughter, Bernice, were Sunday guests of Neria Kaylor at Beverly.—The Rev. Elisha Safford, of Decatur, 111., will occupy the pul pit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. In the evening he will preach at Donegal Church, and there will be no service at the church here. Elizahrthvllle. After upending a two weeks' vacation with Charles Dei bier and family, the Rev. H. B. Ernest and family have returned to their home at Brie. John Byerly and Stanley Snyder, who are employ ed at Hog Island, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beard und children are spending sev eral weeks here. Miss Anna Woyer has returned to Harrisburg after spending a week with Miss Mabelle Weaver. Charles Bahney, of Pal myra, spent several days with his mother in Broad street. The Rev. Artz, the new Lutheran minister, has moved here and taken up the duties of the former minister, the Rev. H. J. Heilman. Miss Annie Matter, of Washington, D. C., spent several days with her parents here. Salome Sponsler, of Philadelphia, is visiting at J. U. Hokes, in Main street. Pro fessor R. C. Hertzler and family, of Harrisburg, are visiting Murgerums at their bungalow on Acacia Hill. Miss Bather Kerstetter is taking up a business course at Harrisburg. Mrs. Meryl Meckley and two children, of West Milton, are spending a few weeks with relatives here. Miss Florence Miller and Miss Faye Rom berger have returned home after spending a week at Atlantic City. Roy Smeltzer, of Allentown. visited his parents over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rewin Bechtel spent several days with their daughter. Mrs. Charles H. Lehman, of Philadelphia, is visit ing at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fickinger. Miss Cora Bonawitz, em ployed at the Domestic Science Kitch en at Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bon awitz. Isaac Miller, of Millersburg, spent a day with his father, Adam Miller. Blain. Miss Josephine D. Sheaffer has returned from a visit to friends at Landisburg. She left Thursday to attend Pierce's Business College, at Philadelphia. Roscoe Flickinger was thrown from a motorcycle, caus ing a badly sprained ankle. Miss Annie Cromleigh, of Carlisle, is the guest of Harry Kitner. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shumaker, of Washing ton D. C., are visiting the former's father, J. A. Shumaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Livezly and son, James Livezly of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spolm, of Haddon Heights, N. J. motored here on a visit to A. C. Hollenbaugh. Postmaster and Mrs. D. P. Stokes, accompanied by Pro fessar and Mrs. B. H. Rhinesmith, of Ridgway, and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Smith and daughter. Miss Evelyn Smith, of Harrisburg, paid a visit to William Stokes, in Lancaster county. —Professor A 3s Shumaker, Frank Shumaker. Miss Sara Shumaker, the Rev. and Mrs. David Roth, attended the annual love feast at Mount Olivet Church, near Newport. Loy Shu maker, a clerk in the accounting de -partment of the Pennsylvania Rail road freight office, at Philadelphia, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Shumaker. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bower and son, Guy Bower, of Belj wood, were guests of the former's brother. C. M. Bower. Florin. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Inners, of Lancaster, visited relatives here on Sunday. George Flowers and Mrs. Martin Liggins are ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Garber spent a day at Hershey. James McKlnley, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday at his parents' home. here. Mrs. Christian Shatz visited relatives at Lancaster on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Paul, of New York City, spent several days as guests of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittel.— Mrs. Abram Butzer of Rheems, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eich ler. N. S. Grim, employed at Co lumbus, Ohio, motored to Elizabeth town. Mrs. Grim is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittel, of Florin, and fpr many years was the. organist at the United Brethren Church. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ferree and two sons. Donnely and Lawrence Ferree, of Harrisburg, spent a day here. Misses Ethel and Nora Hertzler, of Middletown, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grim, of Mlliersville, spent Sunday with William Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Rife and daughters, Lenora and Ruth Rife; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rife, all of Duncannon, spent Satur day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinley. Patriotic Mother Proud of Boys Who Are in Army Newville, Pa., Sept. 7.—Although a widow aince 1896, when her hus band was caught In a blizzard and killed, Mrs. Howard Koser, of New ville, aged CO ,years, is again called upon to make further sacrifices, this time for the cause of liberty and justice. She has brought up a fam ily of seven children, three of thorn being now in the Army and one in the draft, l'JlB class. Reading from left to right in the above illustration are: John McCrea Koser, aged 23, ooe of the first to go to France with Pershing's Expeditionary Forces. He is a private in Company D, First Telephone Battalion, Signal Corps, United States Reserves, and when last heard from he was a motorcycle dispatch lider. Virginia Koser, at home. She never misses an opportunity in what ever way she can. Harry Koser, aged 30, a private at Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C. Clover (Mrs. Andrew McElwein), living at Newville. Ned Koser, aged 25, a sergeant at Camp Dlx, Wrightstown, N. J. Ellena Koser, at home. She. also, Is very enthusiastic and ever will ing to do her bit. Walter Koser, aged 21, In the 1918 class of the draft and is anxious to join the ranks with his brothers. Mrs. Howard Koser, aged 60, the mother of this patriotic family and who says she is sorry she has no more to offer. Holmes Koser, married and iiving in Newville. He does his bit in agri cultural pcrsuits. New Bloomflcld. Edgar Garber' and Paul N. Fox in training in a t school of motor mechaniacs, at State c College, spent Sunday at their homes here. Miss Mary Prisler, of New York City, leaves for France this week where she will engage in Red Cross work. Word has been recetv- t ed here by Dr. and Mrs. A. R. John ston, that, their son, John Johnston, has arrived in France. Harry Kell has returned to his home here to await call to service in the United States Navy. Lieutenant John A. Magee, of Camp Upton. Long Island, spent Sunday and Monday with his | parents, here. Corporal William F.I Hall, who has been in training at. the I Officers Training School at Camp Gor- I don, Atlunta, Ga„ has been commis- I sioned a second lieutenant. He is aj son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hall, of Blain. Mrs. John Onslager and | son, Williard Onslager, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs. Charles H. Smiley. Griscoin Harper, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Harper, of Washing ton, D. C., spent Monday and Tues day here with his aunt, Mrs. William Harper. Miss Mary Pressler, form erly of this place, leaves New York City this week for France, where she will, serve as a stenographer in Y. M. C. A. work. Banks Lohr, of Phila delphia, is visiting his sister, Mrs. 15. L. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jeftord, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs. Jefford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Nickel. William Gussler and family, and sister, Mae Gussler, of Harrisburg, spent the weekend at home. Miss Annie I. Kell, on Mon day returned to Highstown, N. J., where she teaches. Miss Catharine Johnson left Saturday to resume her duties as teacher at Templeton, Pa.— Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clark and son, of Altoona, spent the weekend at Hotel Rhinesmlth. Mrs. John G. Baker and daughter, of Washington, D. C , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Baker. Mrs. DeSailles Wheeler, who spent the summer with her mother, Mrs. William Harper, return ed to her home at Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday. lilngleNtown, Herbert Cooke, of Philadelphia, was the weekend guest of Miss Jennie Forester. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lynch and chil dren, of Harrisburg, on Sunday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Zim merman. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Jr., 1 and daughter, of Pleasant View, on . Sunday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 C. Good spent several days at At- 1 lantic City. Mrs. John Linebach visited her sister, Mrs. Levi Care, at Lebanon. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, of Camp Hill, spent several days with Miss Mary Seller. Mr. and Mrs. John Buck and daughter, Ruth Buck, 1 'of Harrisburg, on Sunday visited c friends here. Miss Annie Schaner f spent several days as th guest of , Mrs. John Guyer, at Mlddletown. ; Mrs. John Hetrick was the weekend * guest of friends at Lebanon. Miss > Elizabeth Kramer, of Harrisburg, was 1 the weekend guest of Miss Seller.—Mr. J and Mrs. Robert Hocker announce the < birth of a son, Tuesday, September 3. , —Professor Stewart Oyler, of Fay- ' etteville, has returned to take charge ] of our schools. Dr. E. Victor Light, ' of Lebanon, has opened an office in • the late J. L. Bolton's rooms. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Brooke Care and Mr. and i Mrs. Ezra Care spent Thursday at ■ Gettysburg. Mrs. J. F. Hicks spent Thursday at Harrisburg. Captain ' George Hench, of Camp Jackson. S. C„ 1 spent a furlough with his parents, Mr. " and Mrs. McCaleb Hench. Mrs. 1 Hannah Seller, of Harrisburg; and ; Miss Mildred Smith, of Pittsburgh, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Hench. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. George Thompson and small daughter spent Thursday as the guests of Mrs. Annie Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Walmer, of Steelstown, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Leese. Mrs. McAllister, of Harrisburg. spent Wednesday with Mrs. Fannie Care. Miss Grace. ! Smith spent Wednesday with friends' at Harrisburg. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. 1 Enjoyable Party Given For Teacher at Tower City Tower City, Pa., Sept. 7.—A fare well party was held for Miss Emma Lewis at the home of Mrs. Harry Houtz. Miss Lewis is going to Tama qu to teach school. The evening was spent in games and music and refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Elsie Biley, Kathryn Thompson, Lily Houtz, Ethel Kniley, Grace Kuntzleman, Irene Klinger, Emma, Lewis, John Murray, Edward Kline, Paul Schrien er, Martz Schoffstall, of Tower City; Ira Beehtel, Fred Bohner, of Eliza bethvllle; Mr. and Mrs. William English and Mr. and Mrs. Houtz. — Miss Emma Lawlcr accompanied her sister, Mrs. James Fallon, to St. Jo seph's Hospital, Philadelphia, where the latter will undergo an operation. —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CJTiod and children returned from a visit to relatives at Harrisburg—Mrs. Ed ward Harris, of Harfisburg, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dando. William Perkins while at work at West Brookside colliery had his arm cut off by a car. He was taken to the Ashland Hospital. Mrs. Arthur Meyers while getting out of an automobile had her foot badly hurt, —Miss Dorothy Risbe went to Lebanon where she will attend busi ness college.—Mrs. Baier, of Leb anon, is visiting her son here.—Miss Florence Lewis has returned to Har risburg from a vacation spent here with her mother. —Mrs. Robert Lud wig, of South Bethlehem, is visiting relatives here. Wiconisco. Miss Amelia Seip re turned home Tuesday after a ten-day camping trip at Rolling Green Park, near Sunbqry. Cora Krdman spent several days at Klizabethville. Mrs. Ammon Witmer and children have returned home after spending several days at Halifax. John H. Seip and family motored to Kefter's on Labor Day. Mrs. Sara Jane Powell spent several days at Philadelphia and At lantic City. Clara Rowe is home from a visit at Enhaut. George Witmer has returned to Philadelphia after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Witmer. Mrs. Morgan Thomas and children, of Nanticoke, are spending several days at the homo of Mrs. Harry Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. William Seiburt and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, of Harrisburg, motored here Labor Day and visited at the home of George S. J. Keen. — Miss Ethel E. Coles, of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles. Peter Boddoft and family have returned to their home at Philadelphia after visiting Mrs. Emily Buckley. Misses Anna, lies and Mary Davis spent part of the week at Lewistown. John Coleman, of Philadelphia, visited his parents over the weekend. ■— Florence Bate man has returned to Allentown after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clay Keen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster und Robert Koppenhaver spent sev eral days at Philadelphia. Charles W. Thomas and son, of Bethlehem, are visiting at the home of J. H. Thomas. Lewis Stuppy and family spent part of the week at Donaldson. —Mrs. Carrie Slace, of Harrisburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matter. Berrysburg. Miss Elizabeth Henne, of Philadelphia,* is spending vacation with Miss Ella Snyder. St. John's Lutheran Sunday School mem bers had an outing at Hershey Park, on Saturday. James Weaver, of Philadelphia, is spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Martin Weaver. —Francis Stroup, of Harrisburg, vis ited his parents on Sunday before go ing to camp. Miles Lehman, of Sun bury, visited his family over Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Wlllidm Walters, of Lykens, visited friends here over Sun day. Ola Weaver is home after a visit to Philadelphia and Steelton. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Daniel spent a day at Harrisburg and at Hershey Indus trial School. Elmer Sausers, of Reading, spent two weeks in this vi cinity visiting friends. Waldson Lebo has been sent to camp for the second time. New Troop of Boy Scouts Formed at Thompsontown Thom psontown, Pa., Sept. 7. The Rev. Walter Brown organized a troop of Boy Scouts on Thursday evening.—Miss Cora Thompson, of Philadelphia, was a recent guest of Mrs. E. S. Thomson.—Misses Mar guerite Vanormer, of Buffalo, and Miss Mary Weiser were guests of Miss Marguerite Duncan. Mrs. George Krug and Mrs. Edward Fry spent a day at Altoona.—Dr. Wood ruff, of Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, represented the Anti- Saloon League Sunday morning in the Lutheran Church and Mrs. Wil son, of Clearfield, represented the W. C. T. U. on Sunday evening.— J. C. Muller. of Philadelphia, spent the weekend with his family here. —W. I. Hibbs, of Pittston, is spend ing some time with his sister, Miss Maggie Hibbs.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Spicher, of Bethlehem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Spich er. —Mrs. E. E. Thomson and little daughter, of Waco, Texas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shippen Thomson. —Mrs. Israel Ten nis is visiting Mrs. J. Frank Pat terson, at Mifflintown. Schools opened Monday with Mrs. Isabella Lantz, principal of the High school. —B. W. Portzline is teacher of the grammar school, and Miss Mabel j Cunningham the primary school. NEW OXFORD TO REPAIR STREET Residents of Town Will Be Asked to Pay $550 as Share of Cost of Improvement NEWS OF MEN IN SERVICE Simon Stock, of Gettysburg, in Aviation Corps, Meets Brother in England Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 7.—The town council of the borough of New Oxford has been petitioned by a number of the residents of that bor ough to treat the portion of the Lin coln Highway within the borough limits with a light covering of stones and Ugite for a width of twenty feet. A committee represent ing the residents told the council that $3OO had already been sub scribed by the citizens and that fifty dollars more could be secured. Coun cil estimated that the work will cost twelve hundred dollars and agreed to have the work done if the people will raise $550 —Robert Mishler, of Gettysburg, has been accepted" for the Marine Flying Corps and is now taking technical training at the Mas j sachusetts Instittue of Technology, j After ten weeks there he will go to a ground school. Mr. Mishler was I formerly with the Royal Flying Corps and more recently has been in the transport service.—William Eck ert, who was inducted by the local draft board into the veterinary corps of the army and went to Camp Lee some weeks ago. has now been ap pointed a first sergeant.—Wilbur Currens, who lives in the Taney town section, was out driving and had his right leg hanging out of the buggy. Jn some manner the leg was caught in a wheel which drew him out of the bugy, breaking both bones in the leg.—Ray Williams has been accepted for the officers train ing school which will open at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Virginia, Septem ber 13.—Fred Tate, a native of Get tysburg, who is now head of the United Slates Sercret Service in Kansas City, is being earnestly be sought by many of the influential citizens of that city to take the po sition of chief of police.—Mrs. George E. Stock has received a let ter from her son. Simon Stock, who is with an 'aviation squadron some? where in England, in which he tells of seeing his brother, the Rev. Mark Stock, who had just landed in that country as a chaplain with the Unit ed States forces, and of the great joy in meeting each other, although they were together only a few hours. —Horace Stewart, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart, has received a commission as a lieutenant in the navy. He has been in the American Merchant Marine service for some years. In his new work he is sta tioned at New York for the present. Pleasant Party Held in Honor of Virginia Guest Allen, Pa., Sept. 7.—A pleasant gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Souders in honor of their niece, Miss Annetta Souder, of Virginia. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Souder, Miss Annetta Souder, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Diller, of Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold and sons, Rus sell and Robert, of Mechanicsburg; Mrs. Amy Boozer and daughter, Amelia, of Highspire: Miss Lena Herman and John Herman, of New Kingston; Mrs. Jessie Smith and children, Paul and Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Crist Hertzler and daughter, also Emeline Basehore, Frank Wei gel, and Elizabeth Weigel, Gertrude Kreamer, Maude Burtner, Dorothy Bowman, Miss Cora Nicked, Miss Alma Nickey and Harry Zcigler. Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly and< children, visited Mrs. Donnelly's sis ter, Mrs. Brose Yiengst, of near Get tysburg on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Trimmer, of Newville, visited Mr. Trimmer's mother, Mrs. Mary Trimmer.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gross, of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mr. Gross's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Gross.—Miss Ruth Zell returned home Wednesday, after spending two weeks among friends in Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leib spent Sunday at Cham bersburg.—The Misses Cora Nickey and Alma Nickey, Romayne Brandt and Romano Enck spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Edna Straw at Carlisle.—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Landis and daughter, Mabel, ,of Enola, spent the weekend with Mr. Landis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Landis.—Wilbur Brandon, of Phila delphia, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Brandon. —Lloyd Baker and David Stambaugh, of Mechanicsburg, spent Sunday with their uncle, Willis Brindle. BAND AT WIOONISCO Pillow, Pa., Sept. 7.—The Pillow Cornet Band took part in the pa rade at Wiconlsco on Labor Day.— Carrol and Mark Snyder, of Free burg, spent a with their aunt, Mrs. Samuel Leitzel. —Misses Mabel and Rosie Schreffler, who are em ployed at Dalmatia, spent several days with their parents here.— Abram F. Snyder left Tuesday morning to resume his studies at the State Forestry Academy at Mont Alto.—Mr. and Mrs. John Bufflngton and sons spent several days at the home of her parents at Hepler.— Mrs. Dunbar and son, of Philadel phia, are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Willner. —Mrs. Andrew Catherman and son, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Mervine and grandson, of Frack ville, spent several days at Thomas Snyder's. NIGHT I * SCHOOL Two Separate Night Schools One on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. The other on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Same amount of work in either school Absolutely Individual Promotion BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, Civil. SERVICE Beckley's Business College THE Office Training School 121 Market St. Bell 601-lt ' Dial 4016 CAVALRY HORSES TO TYRONE TROOP Capt. McKinney Notified That U. S. Government Will . Send Eight Animals FOR TRAINING SOLDIERS Service Flag With 50 Stars Dedicated at St. Matthew's Catholic Church, Tyrone Tyrone, Pa., Sept. 7.—Captain Ed ward McKinney, commander of Troop C, of the Pennsylvania Re serve Militia, has been notified by the War Department at Washington, that eight cavalry horses have been assigned to the troop and that they will be shipped to Tyrone in the near future. This is following out the pluns of the government. The intention is that the local men may receive the proper drill and practice in horse maneuvers. The War De partment intimates that horses-will be shipped here from time to time until a full quota is on hand for the troop. These horses will be fed and taken care of at the expense of the government. One or two men will have to be detailed to care foi; the animals at all times.—St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church, with ap propriate ceremonies this week, ded icated a service flag that contained fifty stars, representing the young men of that parish who have gone to war. Father Woods, of Philadel phia, preached the dedicatory ser mon.—The High school faculty for the new term has several additions to the corps that are new to Ty rone in Miss Ruth Walters, of Clarion; Miss Marie Kealey, of Jeannette; Miss Ida Reed, of Hunt ingdon; M. E. Meily, of Connells ville, and O. V. Swonger. of Ship pensburg. The schools opened with the largest enrollment in the history of the town. The High school alone showed a slight decrease. On Thursday of this week, sixty-two men were forwarded by the local draft board to Camp Greenleaf, Ogclthorpe, Ga., and to-day eight limited service men were forwarded to Camp Dlx, N. J. This makes a total of 105 men sent from this dis trict within two weeks, and thirty five of them were from Tyrone prop er. This Alls all the demands and quotas the local board has on the docket, and it is not likely that an other general call will be received until the first of October. The class No. 1 is not exhausted and it will be further increased by the registra tion on the 12th inst.—Miss Ella Dysart departed this week for an ex tended visit with friends at Wil mington, Del.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bouse and daughter. Miss Gertrude, enjoyed a vacation jaunt to Atlantic City.—Dr. and Mrs. Lynford L. Cooper and young daughter were guests several days of R. T. Gar- , man and family. Dr. Cooper was the ♦ former railroad doctor at this place, but is now stationed at Wilmington. Del.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goheen, of Ardmore, motored to Tyrone and visited his sister at the latter place, Mrs. Charles Bateman.—Mrs. Jo seph Hand is spending this week with relatives att Pittsburgh.—Mrs. J. has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Strong, at Philadelphia. —James W. Johnston spent several days at Jersey Shoi'e.—Miss Nell C. Graham Is spending her vacation with her parents at Newton Ham ilton. Miss Mary Musser left this week for Philadelphia, where she entered the Jefferson Hospital to tajie up a course in nursing.—Miss Marion Wilson is visiting with friends at Akron, Ohio.—Miss Eliza beth Earnest, accompanied by her ! brother, John Paul Earnest, of Washington, were guests this week | of G. C. Boecking and family.—Mr. Mrs. John Loughery are enjoy ing vacation at Buffalo and Niagara Falls.—Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hoffman and son, James, of Lewistown, spent a day with relatives here. —Mrs. John A. Reiley and four children were visitors at Lewistown during i the week. —Private William Miller, of Washington, attached to the Gen eral War Office, is enjoying a vaca i tion at home.—Mrs. Annie Cuneo, of , Pittsburgh, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeFerle. —J. W. Shauble, of Cleveland, Ohio spent the week in Tyrone. Farmers Convey Product to Harrisburg Markets Enders, Pa., Sept. 7.—A numbes of farmers In this section are usint their automobiles to take their prod uce to Harrisburg and other largt markets where they have a read: sale for their vegetables and fruits at attractive prices.—On account o' being unable to secure a teacher foi Zimmerman's school, the directors are negotiating for a conveyance tc bring the pupils of that school to th< one in town. Several vacancies stil remain unfilled.—Harry Knouff, o: Bearmont, and Laßoss Seiders am George Reubendall, of Williamstown were visitors here on Monday.—Mr and Mrs. James Gipple and Galet Gipple and family, of Lancaster were visitors at the home of C. E Sweigard, on Sunday.—Harry ant Edgar Warfel, of Harrisburg; Misi Katie Warfel, of Williamston, ant Miss Hilda Warfel, of Halifax, wert entertained at the home of their par ents on Sunday.—The Rev. E. E Bender and family, who spent theii vacation at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. James O. Miller, returned tt their home at Annville, on Wednes day.—John E. Enders, who was crit ically ill for several days, is agait at work.