Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 07, 1918, Page 14, Image 14
14 TROLLEY LINE WAS NEGLECTED Charges of Gross Mismanage- : ment Made at Hearing in | Railway Receiver Case Carllile, Pa., Sept. 7.—Charges of , gross mismanagement were made at the second hearing in the applications of representatives and bondholders of the Cumberland Railway Com pany for the appointment of a receiv er for the property. The hearing, which was held until a late hour yes terday, was adjourned until next week when Samuel A. Kltzmlller, of Shlppensburg, the president, could at tend. it being brought out that his j testimony was essential on several | features of the work. It developed by the examination of j George A. Plough, general manager j and treasurer, that more than $-10 - I 000 of the bonds of the company were held in Pennsylvania. It was also j contended by the complainants that j the company owes between $lO,OOO i and $20,000 In back taxes to the state, il Testimony was taken to show that j S. M. Kitzmilier prepared the state ments for the Auditor General's of- | flee and that two of the officers, ac- i cording to Plough, swore to them | with little investigation. Plough in- i volved the president of the line in a ! number of the angles of the busl- | ] ness. It was also brought out that the I company has sold $17,000 in machin- | ery since the first hearing a few } weeks ago. President Kitzmiller, Mr. i Plough stated, prepared all of the financial statements, but he did not \ investigate them, although treasurer. Two men only are employed for | maintenance work on the eighteen miles of track, according to Plough, j Witnesses said that the property is i rapidly deteriorating. D. B. Moist, engineer of the Har- | risburg Railways Company testified j that the lines and poles of the New- I vllle line have depreciated 50 per j cent., and that on a stretch of the j Mount Holly section ties no longer have any holding power. James | Thompson, of the Valley railways, also testified as to the conditions. The hearing was adjourned. The j complaint was also amended to in- i elude only the Cumberland Railway Company, the traction holding con- j | cern. FA!I, TO PAY DOG TAX Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 7.—The 1 County Commissioners have brought | | suit against a number of persons in j Franklin county for failing to pay j j their dog tax. Nine suits have been ! ] entered against residents of Cham- j < bersburg, while five others have been ) entered against Guilford township ) j residents. PASTOR RETURN'S The Rev. R. L. Briscoe, pastor of j Harris A. M. E. Zion Church, has I returned from his home In Mary land. where he spent some time j with his parents, relatives and j friends. He will fill his pulpit morn ing and evening. The 10.45 subject ! will he. "A Spiritual Life," and 8 j p. m., "What Is Life?" Many friends' are welcome. A Splendid Hair Grower and Wonderful Beautifier Found at Last! Shows Results at Once or Nothing to Pay and itch like mad. Kennedy or any good druggist can now supply you with the genuine Parisian sage (liquid form*, which is guaranteed to •gBK. 3^tfH** i quickly and safely abolish every jW* Sign of dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair and promote a new •• growth or the cost, small as it is, WjEw. will be refunded. Thousands r-an t<">- /Vffi tify to the excellent results from Its V~ use: some who feared baldness now sip." glory in their abundant hair, while others who suffered for years with , iJHk. dandruff and itching head got a clean. cool scalp after just a few days' use of this simple treatment. *-JXWB&S&K* NO matter whether (bothered with falling hair, gray hair. matted. " Stringy hair, dandruff. Itching scalp or any form of hair trouble, try Pari sian sage you will not be disap i i-k pointed. It's a scientific preparation jjy that supplies all hair needs an an- BH ,'f tiseptic liquid free from dangerous in- CfcWtt gredients neither sticky nor greasy —easy to apply and delicately per ■ " ■ fumed. The first application will . . , make your hair and scalp look and Women lirllglitcil All Surprised by f ee j jpo per cent, better. If you Quick Action of Parisian hnge. want thick, lustrous hair and lots Here's good news for men and of it. use Parisian sage. Don't de women whose hair is falling out, lay begin tonight. A little atten who are growing bald, and whose tion now insures abundant hair for scalps are covered with dandruff, years to come. Kennedy's drug store. Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! . - One or two doses VlliW ARMY & NAVY <JH J|rt DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ~ will make you feel fen years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach ■P , and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y. pIRST and Second Liberty Loan 49b Bonds are convertible before Novem ber 9th into 4% r r Bonds of the same B exchange and we will be glad to convert without charge all bonds put-chased f MEMBER FEDERAL RE SERVE SYSTEM 1832-1918 SATURDAY EVENING. * &ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 7, 1918. With Choir and Organist Familiar authems will be sung at Market Square Presbyterian Churcli to-morroiv both morning and even ing. Barnby's "O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings" will be the morning offering, a worshipful number lor full choir:. In the evening Tours' "Lord. Now Lettcst Thou Thy Ser vant Depart in Peace." will be ihc offering .it night. At Messiah Lutheran Church to morrow evening Mrs. Florence Coop er Ley will sing, immediately pre ceding the offertory, Huwley's "Just As I Am Without One Plea." Since the retirement of Mrs. Catharine Lee Izer, Messiah Lutheran choir has been without a permanent soprano soloist. Mrs. ,Ley will fill the va | cancy to-moircw. Neidlinger's "Sa- I viour. Like a Shepherd Lead Us," i and Roberts' "Grant We Beseech | Thee," will be the choir numbers. The music at Pine Street Presby [ terian Church to-morrow will in | elude the solo for contralto. Geibel's "O, Jesus, Thou Art Standing," to PHARMACY BOARD PASSES ONE-HALF Fifty Applicants and Twcntv ! five Able to Meet State's Requirements Pharmacy Board At the examinations held in YVil- j liamsport on August 30th and 31st by the Pensylvania Board of Phar macy 50 applicants appeared, 27 for pharmacist and 23 for assistant j pharmacist certificates. 13 phar- j macist and 12 assistant pharmacist certificates were granted. The next examination will be held in Pitts burgh and Philadelphia on Novem ber Bth and 9th. Those successful were as follows: Plinrniaeists Frank A. Murphy, Altoona; Al fred W. Shoemaker, Allentown; David Xathanson. Pittsburgh: Peter Cramer, Edward S. F. Quinn, Ches- j ter; C. C. Turner and Goldie Gold berg, all of Philadelphia: Chester) J. Crowl, Shamokin; Floyd R. Goodhart, Reading; Vincent A. Egan, Plymouth: J. W. Sackaloucas, Scranton; Frederick R. Pritehard, Kingston: Harold W. Griesing, Hazleton. Assistant Pharmacists Anna Ostroff. Norman L. Glenn' and Stanley F. Kaidasz of Philadel phia; Ralph C. Forrest, Pittsburgh; Charles X. Koch, West Hazleton; Lewis Klein. South Bethlehem; Les ter F. Widmann. Lock Haven; ; Walter W. White, Shenandoah. Gerard S. Meat, Allentown; Frank M. Coad, Blairsville: Edwin T. j Brown, Philipsburg; Victor Charles ■ Dettis, Traftord. be sung by Mrs. James G. Sanders. The quartet will sing Root's "Soft Floating on the Air." at the evening service and there also will be a Tor renee number, "Lord. 1 Have Loved tne Habitation of Thy House." The morning postluile will be Harrison s "Gloria in Excelis," a titting eon eluding number. Professor Frank A. McCarrell, oiganist. and choirmaster, is back at the keys. War has taken that splendid basso, j Charles Cassel, from the choir of | Reformed Sulem Church. At the services to-morrow his voice will bo missed in the choir loft. The spe cial numbers will be by the female voices of the choir, Mrs. C. W. My ers and Miss Cassel singing Schneclc er's "In His Hands Are All the Cor ners of the Plarth," at the morning | service. In the evening Mrs. Heisley j and Miss Cassel will sing the well known Lachner "My Faith Looks Up |to Thee." The organ music includes i Bartlett's "Festival Hymn," and I "Pastorale," from Becker's Second ' Sonata. STRIP GERMANY IN MAKING PEACE, ROOSEVELT PLAN Colonel Wouldn't Leave Her One Colony: Break I'p Austria Also Now York, Sept. 7. America's fighting army in France next year must surpass in numbers either the French or British armies there, de clared Theodore Roosevelt yesterday. He insisted also that the Austrian and Turkish empires must both be broken up, all the subject peoples liberated ar.d the Turk driven from Europe. These assertions were made by Colonel Roosevelt in an address he delivered as a part of the exercises hold in city hall in celebration of Lafayette day. the anniversary of La fayette's birth. Referring to France's services to America in the revolution. Colonel Roosevelt declared that in the pres ent war France. England. Italy and the other Allies had rendered simi lar services. The Belgians and the Sergians, he said, had been fighting for America when they fought for themselves. "Our Army on the other side is now repaying part of our debt." con tinued Colonel Roosevelt, "and next year we have every reason to hope, and we must insist, that the fighting army in Fiance from the United States shall surpass in numbers the fighting army in France of either France or England. It is time, and it has long been time, for America to bear her full share of the common burden." Full reparation for the awful cost of life and treasure which Germany has inflicted on the world must be guaranteed by the peace the Allies wtr>. he demanded. "Servia end Rumania must have restored to them what Bulgaria has taken from them," he continued. "The Austrian and Turkish em pires must both be broken up. all the subject peoples liberated and the Turk driven from France. We do not intend that German or Magyar should be oppressed by others, but neither do we intend that they .shall oppress and domineer others. "France must receive back Alsace and Lorraine. "Belgium must be restored and in demnified. "Italian Austria must be restored to Italy, and Rumanian Hungary to Rumania. "The heroic Czecho-Slovaks must be made into an independent com monwealth. "The southern Slavs must he united in a great Jugo-Slav com monwealth. "Poland, as a genuinely indepen dent commonwealth, must receive back Austrian and Prussian Poland, as well as Russian Poland, and have her coast iine on the Baltic. "Lithuania. Livonia and Finland must be guaranteed their freedom, and no part of the ancient empire of Russia left, under the German' yoke. "Northern Schleswig should go hack to the Danes. "Britain and Japan should keep the colonies they have conquered. "Armenia must be freed, Pales tine made a Jewish state and the Sy rian Christians liberated." Insisting that the United States must always he ready to defend themselves. Colonel Roosevelt said: "Any league of nations would have to depend for its success upon the adhesion of the nine nations which are actually or potentially the most powerful military nations; and these nine nations include Germany, Aus tria, Turkey and Russia. The first three have recently and repeatedly violated and are now actively and continuously violating not only every treaty but every rule of civilized warfare and of international good faith. During the last year Russia, under the dominion of the Bolshe vik, has betrayed her Allies, has be come the tool of the German auto cracy. "What early use is it to pretend that the safety of the world would be °ecured by a league in which these four nations would he among the nine leading partners? Long years must pass belore we can again trust any promises these four nations make. Any treaty of any kind or sort which we make with them will be worthless unless our own pre pared strength renders it unsafe to break* it." NEWS OF BIG CONFERENCE AT GRACE M. E. Joint Centenary and Sunday School Training Conference on September 12 and 19 A joint centenary and Sunday school training conference will be held in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, State street near Third, on September 12 and 13. Plans are being made for the registration of several hundred out of town delegates and including the Harrisburg delegates and those in from the near vicinity, the registration is expected to run to at least 800 or 900, The program as* announced, con tains some of the most forceful speakers of the Methodist Church, and will be full of helpful sugges tions and inspiration for those Inter ested In church work. Dr. Morris E. Swartz, the district superintendent sent out an invitation to all the pas tors and their congregations of the various denominations in Harrisburg, inviting them to attend this confer ence as the guests of the Methodist churches of the city. During the morning and afternoon sessions, the conference will be di vided into three special sections, each section taking up a specialized line of work and each delegate or visitor being allowed to select the section they desire to attend. The stereopticon lectures at the two evening meetings, will be well worth while, to say the least. Sev eral months ago a part of these slides were shown to a group of prominent Methodist laymen at the home of E. Z. Wallower, much to the delight of those present. Tne aim of this conference is to take all those interested in church work up to the mount of vision and show them the wonderful opportunities that lie before them in the way of Christian activity, und to help them, in a practical way, to achieve these objectives. ' The following is the program as planned by the Methodist headquar ters at Chicago, and will be given in its entirety in the Huntingdon, Al toona, Williamsport and Bloomsburg districts, as well as in the Harris burg district. Thursday, September 12 Morning Session —9.30, interces sion; 10, centenary address. "Making Democracy Safe for the World," the Rev. John Watchorn; 10.45, "The Centenary Working Program," (a) "In Outline —Vision, Intercession, Stewardship;" (b) "Stewardship Training Conference The Four Weeks' Program in Detail," the Rev. N. DeMott Darrell. Afternoon Session—l.4s, interces sion; 2, address, "The Challenge of the Present Sunday School Situa tion," the Rev. William A. Brown; 2.4 5. address, "The Call to Advance," the Rev. H. C. Wilson; 3.30, sectional conferences, elementary—"The Chil dren in a Growing Sunday School," Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner; Young People—"Organizing the Young Peo ple," the Rev. H. C. Wilson; Adult— "Building Up the Bible Class," the Rev. W. A. Brown; 4,45, address, "The Teacher's Inner Life," Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner. Evening Session—7.3o, interces sion; S, stereopticon and world pro gram address, "The Home Survey and Opportunity," the Rev. John Watchorn. Friday, September 13 Morning Session—B.3o, interces sion and testimony; 9.30, address, "The Evangelistic Opportunity in the Sunday school," the Rev. H. C. Wil son; 10.15, sectional conferences, elementary—"Training the Children in Worship," Mrs. Mary Foster Bry ner; Young People—"The Most Fruitful FMeld for Evangelism," the Rev. H. C. Wilson; Adult—"Recruit ing Adults for the Kingdom," the Rev. W. A. Brown; 11.30, address, "The Teacher's Task," the Rev. W. A. Brown. Afternoon Session—l.3o, interces-l sion; 1.45, address, "The Foreign Survey and Opportunity," the Rev. E. E. Count; 2.30, address, "The Centenary Program 'in the Sunday School," the Rev. William A. Brown; 3, address, "The Centenary Plan of Organization," the Rev. N. DeMott Darrell; 3.30, training conferences, (a) Pastors and Representatives of Local Cen{enary Committee, the Rev. X. DeMott Darrell; (b) Sunday School Workers, Messrs. Wilson and Brown and Mrs. Bryner; 4.30, ad dress, "The Xew Church for the New Day," the Rev. E. E. Count; 5, intercession. Evening Session—7.3o, interces sion and testimony; 8.15, stereopti con address, "A Cross Section of the World," the Rev. E. E. Count. CHURCH OF GOD Pleasant View—'The Rev. George W. Harper, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. Preaching at 10.45, "Doing Our Best." 7.30, "How to Obtain the De sire of the Heart." Fourth Street—The Rev. William X. Yates, pastor, will preach at 11 a. m., "Do Men Need the Church?" 7.30, "Let the Redeemed Say So." Sunday school at 10. Maclay Street—The Rev. William S. Houck, pastor, will preach at 11. "Buy a Sword," and at 8 p. m. "Helping Jesus Accomplish Things." Sunday school at 9.45. Xagle—The Rev. Elmer E. Kauff man, pastor, will preach at 11, "Paul's Prayer For the Collossians." 7.30, "The Third Commandment." Sunday school at 10. Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn crook, pastor, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9.30. Mem orial services for Charles Waltz will be held in the evening. Camp Hill —The Rev. Charles O. Houston, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Keep the Home Fires Burning,"'and at 7.30. "Fishing." Sunday school at 9.30. Annual congregational meeting following morning service at which time a pastor for the coming year will be elected. Green Street—The Rev. *H. S. Her shey, pastor. 10.45, "The Seven Dis pensations." 7.30, "The Birthright. 9.45, Sunday schpol. REFORMED SALEM Morning—"Festival Hymn," Bart iett- duo, "In His Hands Are All the Corners of the Earth," Schneckcr, Mrs. C. W. Myers, Miss Cassel: con tralto solo, "Rock of Ages, Cleft I*or Me," Johnson, Miss Cassel. Evening—Postlude (From 2d So nata in F), Becker; duet. "My Faith Looks Up 1O Thee," Lachner, Mrs. Helsley, Miss Cassel. MESSIAH LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, "Andante front Piano Duo," Dussek; offertory, "Two Part Song," Calkin; anthem,"Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us," Neid linger; postlude, "Postlude in A," Stary. Evening—Prelude, (a) "Pilgrims Chorus," Wagner, (b) "Invocation," Maitly; soprano solo. "Just As I Am Without One Plea," Hawley, Mir. Florence Cooper Ley: offertory, "An dante in B Minor," Rheinberger: an them. "Gwant We Beseech Thee." Roberts; postlude, "Noel," Guilmant. THE CITY Plan Live Program at Zion Lutheran Church The Rev. Dr. S. Wintleld Herman will preach at both services In Zion Lutheran Church to-morrow. The morning theme will be "The Expec tations of God." The evening theme will be "The Method' God Uses in Securing the Allegiance of Men." The discussion of these subjects ought to bo of special interest and helpfulness at this time. Zion cordially invites friends to worship at all her services. The doors of Zion will continue to be open seven days a week for medita tion, rest and prayer. It is desired to serve the city. The Sunday school and men's class will continue to be held in the morning during Septem ber. The Missionary Societies will convene on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday evening. The Wom an's Society will be directed by Mrs. John S. Weaver and the Young Peo ple's Society by Mrs. John E. Wheeler. The Boy Scouts have returned from a most successful camp and will have the regular meeting on Monday evening. The men's religious and patriotic rally will be held on Friday evening, September 27, at which time a speaker of national renown will be present to make the address. Ar rangements arc being made for one of the most intense programs ever undertaken by the church, to be carried out during the fall and win ter months. Dr. Charles A. Boswell Will Preach at Grace Dr. Charles M. Boswell, superin tendent of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, of Philadelphia, will occu py the pulpit at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church at 10.30 o'clock to-morrow morning. In the evening at 7.30 o'clock Dr. George Edward Reed will have charge of the service and will preach on the topic, "Germany's Gain and Loss in the Present World War." Dr. Reed supplied the pulpit of Grace Church during the month of July, and his many friends will be delighted to again have this op portunity of hearing him preach on a war topic. The church chorus choir, under the leadership of Prof. John W. Phil lips. will render some especially tine patriotic choruses at the evening service, while the quartet will sing several selesiions at the morning service. It is anticipated that Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of the church, who has been "Over There" for the past several months, will be home in time to occupy the pulpit on Sunday, Sep tember 15. This is not definitely known as yet. and same will be an nounced in this paper at a later date. Will Dedicate Highspire Church September 15 I The handsome new church editice which is being erected by the con gregation of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, is about completed and will be dedicated with solemn and appro priate services, commencing Sunday, September 15, and continuing until the Friday evening following. An extensive and interesting pro gram is being arranged, which will be taken part in by prominent Lu theran clergymen of Harrisburg, Steelton and Middletpwn. The new church is located on the corner of Broad and Paxton streets and was erected to replace the old building in Penn street, which was! destroyed by fire on the morning of I December 20, 1916. To Open New Sermon Series at Messiahj At the service to-morrow evening] in Messiah Lutheran Church, Sixth ] and Forster streets, the pastor, the. Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, will begin i a series of very vital sermons on "The Ten Commandments and Mod ern Life." Dr. Hanson regards the Ten Commandments as absolutely necessary in the forming of moral judgments and feels that much of the evil in our age is due to the fact the Ten Commandments are not rec-l ognized in public education as they should be. The series will begin with a sermon on "The Vacant Throne." UNITED BRETHREN Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Ly ter. 11 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.50. First—The Rev. W. E. Daugh erty. 11, "Through the Command ments to Christ;" 7.30, "Decisive Battles in Life;" Sunday school, 10. Sixth Street —The Rev. Joseph Daugherty. 10.30, Holy Communion, baptism and reception of members; 7.30, "The Bride and the Bride groom;" 1.45, Sunday school. Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 11, "An Example of Faith;" 7.30, "A Faithful Friend;" Sunday school, 9.30. State—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, and 7.30, "The Untouched Cross;'* Sunday school, 9.30. BAPTIST Market Street—The Rev. W. S. Dunlap. 10.30, "The Influence of | the World on the Church;" 7.30, "The Most Precious Thing in the World;" Sunday school. 11.30. St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham. 6, 10.30, 3.30, 7.30, men's day exercises; Sunday school, 12.30. Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard Os more Pierce. 11, 7.30; Sunday school, 9.45. Second —The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene. 10.30, "Satan's Sifting;" 7.30, "Evidences of Genuine Repent ance;" Sunday school, 12. First—The Rev. William J. Lock- I hart. 10.30, 7.30; Sunday school, 11.45. MARKET SQ. PRESBYTERIAN Morning—Prelude, "Elegie Ro mantique," Diggle; antheni, "O How Amiable," llarnby; offertory, "Song of the Seraphim." Becker; postlude, "Toccata in D Major," Kinder. Evening—Prelude, "Indian Sum mer Sketch," Brewer; anthem, "Unc Dimittis," Tours; offertory, "Pastorale," Bonnet; postlude ."Fu gue in B Flat Major," Bach. PINE STREET PRESBYTERIAN | Morning Prelude, "Andante,"] Renaud; anthem, "Jesus, Thou Joy; of Loving Hearts," Herbert Sanders;! offertory. "Souvenir." Gillette; solo,] "O Jesus, Thou Art Standing*" Gei- i bel, by Mrs. Sanders; postlude, "Gloria in Excelsis." Harrison. Evening Prelude, "Serenade," Mitchell; anthem, "Lord, I have Loved the Habitation of Thy House," Torrence; offertory, "Berceuse," Delbruck; quartet, "Soft Floating on the Aid," Root; postlude. "Allegro Risoluto," Hcllingham. Other Churches Page 2 CHURCHES WILL UNFURL A SERVICE FLAG Wormleysburg U. B. Church to Honor Boys Who Arc Fighting in France Wormleysbnrg, Sept. 7.—The fol lowing program has been announced in connection with the unfurling of a service flag und the placing of an honor roll in St. Paul's United Brethren Sunday school, Sunday morning, September 8, at 9.30: Everybody has been very cordially invited to attend this service in J honor of the boys who have left the j town and church to do service for i their country. Song service: prayer, the Rev. A. j B. Mower; song: Scripture lesson, led by Russell Hummel: music, se lected, church choir; unfurling serv ice flag. Donald and Dorthy Martin; placing of honor roll, A. J. Wright, superintendent; presentation of serv ice flag, Mrs. R. C. Sparrow; accept ance of flag and honor roll, the Rev. A. B. Mower; roll call, David Mohn; song; address, George L. Reed; song; offering and announcements, the Rev. A. B. Mower; closing song; benediction, the Rev. A. B. Mower; A. J. Wright, superintendent presid ing. PRESBYTERIAN Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den, pastor. 7.30, "The Secret of En durance." Sunday school at 9. Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawes, pastor. Morning and evening services. Sunday school, at 9.45 a. m. Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor. 11, "Praising God in War Time." 7.30, "An Adequate Ideal For the Christian's Life." Sunday school at 9.45. Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman. Morning worship, 10. Sun day school, 11.15. Evening worship, at 7.30. Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur tis, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. 11, "A Wonderful Story." C. E. at 6.30. 7.30, "Gas Masks." Olivet—lo, Sunday school. 11, preaching by the Rev. James B. Mac- Clure, "The Evangelistic Task of the Church." 7.30, Pocono night with an interesting program by C. E. dele gates with special music. Camp Hill —The Rev. Paul Martin registrar of Princeton Seminary, of Princeton, N. J. Sunday school, 9.45. No service in evening. Capita". Street—The Rev. B. M. Ward, pastor. 10.45, "Joy After Sor row." 8, "Heed In God's Voice." Sunday school at 12.15. Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King, pastor, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Pine Street—The Rev. John M. Warden, assistant pastor. 10.30, "The Spirit of Christ." 7.30, "If It Had Not Come," the Rev. H. H. Baldwin. TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR FALLEN SOLDIER Memorial services for Charles Waltz, of Penbrook, who was killed on the battlefront in France, July 18, will be held at the Church of God, Penbrook, on Sunday evening. The Rev. Jay C. Forncrook, the pastor, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. J. M. Waggoner. THE REV. WEXTZ TO PREACH The Rev. Bruce A. Wentz, Lancas ter, will preach at St. John's Re formed Church, morning and even inf, September 8. Insists That Frail, Nervous Women Can Speedily Become Strong and Vigorous A Vigorous Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health- Colored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio-feren. World's Grandest Health Builder Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long for. It is safe to say that right here In this big city are tens of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, depressed women who In two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attrac tive and so keen-minded that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio-feren. If you are ambitious, crave success in life, want to have a healthy, vigor ous body, clear skin and eyee that show no dullness, make up yoiir mind to get a package of Bio-feren right away. It costs but little and you can get on original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime—seven a day for seven days—then one after meals till all are gone. Then If you don't feel twice as good, look twice as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you ■tarted, your money is watting for you. It belongs to you. for the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want one penny of it unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physlclanst There Is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, it is printed on every package. Here It is; Lecithin; Calcium Glycerophos phate; Iron Peptonate; Manganese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica: Powd. Gentian; Phenalphthaleln; Olcoresln Capsicum; Kolo. HJ I Promises to keep • I Teeth clean; to J help care sen- V sitive, bleeding f • gams, - - - - M AND DOES IT! # Ask your Dentist. he knows. Onssle A stall druggists and DENTISTS toilet counters. FORMULA r - ! Character Furniture i ! at prices that arc less. None but such a store as ours with the lowest possible overhead expense could offer the quality of furniture we sell at our CUT RATE PRICES. WE DON'T SELL CHEAP FURNITURE BUT— WE DO SELL GOOD FURNITURE CHEAP A Few Specials For the Week 4-piece Walnut Suite in Adam Design as illustrated. Large cases, (P Y nicely finished 9-piece Walnut Suite, 60 inch buffet, 48 inch table, large China cabinet, 5 side chairs and 1 arm chair, genuine blue leather covering • UU 3-piece Davenport-bed Suites in oak, fumed oak or mahogany upholstered in (P O Q *7 /T brown mulGskin or tapestry .... Zr • / KJ Silk-Shade Floor Lamps | beautiful silk shades in rose or gold. Mahogany bases, A 2 lights, I $17.50 | If you have a suite of furniture of any kind with which you are not satisfied, we will dispose of it for you and deliver a fine, new suite of modern design at a minimum difference in cost. 'Phone or write and our representative will call promptly. Our Loiv TjChas. F. Q I Expense Is ! 1+ OOVe Or y °" r £!tg Furniture Company, j Saving r " Credit — 1415-19 N. Second St. !