Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 06, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
DRY BILL FACES UNCERTAIN FATE. IN THESENATE Complication Arises in Fight Over Food-Production Measure Washington, Spt, 6.—A bar that Senator Kellogg, of Minnesota, de clared was nine miles long and which, he said, was making the mu nition workers of Duluth, Minn., less sfficlent in their work, as well as al laying the thirsts of the two dry cities of Duluth and Superior, Wis..' caused the Senate yesterday to adopt a resolution empowering President Wilson to establish dry rones of any sire he wishes around munition plants. This bar of record sire is located, at Oliver. Wis., midway between Du luth and Superior, said Senator Kel logg. He said that it was established , to supply the dry cities and the mu-| nttlon workers from nearby plants. The laws of the state of Wisconsin., he explained, permit one bar to be established in a new town of 250 in habitants. So the town of Oliver was created and a bar opened. The bar. he said, now virtually extends for j nine miles between the two cities. Among other facilities it has at least seven wholesale liquor establishments connected with it to supply whisky; for the munition workers of Duluth.: All of the liquor traffic between Duluth and Superior, said Senator: Kellogg, is being conducted under the license of the bar established at Oliver and there is no way under the laws of Wisconsin to stop it. He introduced a resolution em-j powering the President to establish dry zones of any size around coal; mines, munition factories, shipbuild-; ing plants and any other war ma- i terlal factories. It was adopted im- j mediately and now goes to the; House. In offering his resolution, which; contained the same provisions as' part of the "bone dry" prohibition | amendment recently addeil to the: food production bill by the Senate, i Senator Kellogg intimated that the; food production bill, which the Sen-; ate has been considering all week. : may be held up indeiiniteely in con- j ference, and that the fate of the war; time national prohibition amend ment is not cdTtain. Senator Kellogg's resolution now goes to the House for' passage. If it is adopted in that j branch of Congress dry zones can j be established anywhere in thej country where there are munition ] plants. Romano!! Family Is Reported Assassinated Madrid, Sept. 6.—.4 dispatch from ! London reported the assassination of ! the former Russian Empress and her 1 daughters, but in view of steps taken ' by King Alfonso to obtain the trans- j fer to Spain of the family of ex- ' Czar Nicholas, the report was treated with reserve. r El Sol says the Spanish ambas sador at Berlin conferred on the question of removing the ex-Empress and her daughters from Russia with M. Joffe, the Bolshevik ambassador at Berlin. At the same time a Span ish military medical mission, which : was in Germany in connection with • the exchange of prisoners, left for j Russia and is now said to be with the ; ex-Empress and daughters. El Sol says the ex-Empress and her chil- j dren will come to Spain on a yacht flying the Papal colors and will re- j side in the Magdalena palace at ( Santander. The newspaper adds that j it seems difficult to believe the nego tiations could be continued without the Spanish government learning of the death of the ex-Empress. 150 Hon U-Boats Have Been Destroyed; U-20 and U-44 Among Them London, Sept. 6.—Although the British government does not intend to adopt the practice of giving proof of official utterances made by Its ; ministers, it has been thought de sirable to print in to-day's news papers the names of the command ing officers of 150 German subma rines which have been disposed of in order to substantiate the state ment of Premier Lloyd George in the House of Commons that "at least 150 of these ocean pests have been destroyed." Among the officers named are: Kapitan Lieutenant Schweiger, who. while In command of the U-20, torpedoed the Lusitanla In May, 1915. The U-20 was lost on the Dan ish coast in 1916, but Schweiger sur vived and was in command of the U-80, which was lost with all hands In September, 1917. Kapitan Lieutenant Paul Wagen fukr, who sank the steamer Belgian Prince. July 31, 1917. and drowned forty of the crew, whom he had or dered to line up on the submarine's i deck when the U-boat was about to submerge. His submarine, the U-44, I was sunk with all hands about a fortnight later. Hun Executioner, Enemy Alien, to Be Interned; Pleads "Law of Country" New York. Sept. B.—Gustave Kordes, an official German execu- : tloner, told officers of the Enemy Allen Bureau here that he had not registered as an enemy alien because ! he would have had to submit several ' photographs and "in Germany an i executioner is not permitted to have t his photograph taken." His intern ment was recommended, despite his ; plea that "a man should not be com- ! pelled to violate what is the law of ! his country." GREEN" CROSSES TO MARK PHYSICIANS' AUTOMOBILES Posters will be distributed to doc- ' tors who call at the mayor's office j to-morrow or thereafter to be pasted ! on the windshields of doctors' au tomobiles in order that the traffic i officers will be able to distinguish them and facilitate their passage through crowded traffic. A green: cross will be the symbol of the doc- I tors' cars. It is pionted out that > the green cross will also serve to! distinguish a doctor's car from that' of a slacker on "gasoiineless Sun- I days." They physicians will be ex pected to remove the symbol of I their profession when not on pro fessional calls. CALLED TO SERVICE Howard David Schwarz. 719 North Sixth street, was called by City I Board. No. 1. for immediate military I service. WHEN HOT AND TIRED Hereford's Add Phosphate gives prompt relief to tired nerves It cools and refreshes.—Advertise ment. FRIDAY EVENING. V ■% > . " "The LiveStorr" ■ "Always Reliable" Open All Day ToRIOHOM Will Bfe tllG Open All Day Saturday "Last Day" of Our "Strictly Cash" Saturday Where Everything In Our Entire Stock Is Reduced Except Collars , It's the final "wind up" of the most successful clearance sale this "Live Store" has ever conducted lt didn't take the people long to learn that at Doutrichs they could buy high-grade merchandise at lower prices than the present wholesale cost of wearing apparel and they bought in such great quantities that they lessened our stocks enough to make room for the incoming fall shipments, that's the policy we work on year after year and that's why you can always get good clean seasonable merchandise at all times, we don't hoard the good things we get until they lose their friendship to the buying public We dispose of our stocks in the season for which the goods are bought. It does seem a little unwise to reduce prices the way we do at this "Live Store" when there is such a valid excuse to hold our high-grade stocks for the coming "higher prices" for you know the true worth of the known quality merchandise to be had HERE. Hart Schaffner & Marx & Kuppenbeimer Clothes "Manhattan Shirts" "Monilo "Munsing But we reserve nothing—you can fill every "drawer" in your chiffonier and every "hook" in your wardrobe if you come here to-morrow for we have enough on hand to supply your wants for this "last day" This condition will not always last, however, because sooner or later merchandise will be so scarce Ms that you will only be able to buy in limited amounts We advise you to spend your money now and save the difference and pi keep down the excessive prices that you will be asked by some stores who are not as fully prepared as we are. # Come Tomorrow—Saturday the "Last Day" All '20:22 Suits . . *152 1 All *3s= Suits . . *27:2 jH W/ / \ All 5 2&22 Suits . . 5 192 AH *4o= Suits . . *32:2 • Ml Of? A f. All *3o= Suits . . *23:2 All 54&22 Suits . . *36=2 mjjP M \ i Boys' Suits 1 , Underwear 1 All $6.50 Boys'SUITS... $4.95 All 95c Underwear 79c lE'? All $7.50 Boys' SUITS $5.95 AII?19CII . aq„ Ifi V p4 f AO $8.50 Boys' SUITS $6.95 All $1.25 Underwear 99c Jgg| | j All SIO.OO Boys SUITS $7.95 All $1.75 Underwear $1.39 j| I/JRN& All $12.00 Boys'SUITS $9.75 . t1 ao YkffilßL,,' Y All $15.00 Boys' SUITS $11.75 All $2.50 Underwear $1.89 11H | All SIB.OO Boys* SUITS $14.75 Ail Boys' Underwear Reduced I j Sweaters Reduced For Saturday All $5.00 Wool Sweatees . .$3.89 } an 1 c I All $12.00 Wool Sweaters . $9.75 All $6.50 Wool Sweaters .. $4.95 i; ~ *°' s " ?wea£s .. $6.95 5Q Wool Sweaters SU7S MfW All $7.50 Wool Sweaters.. $5.95 | All SIO.OO Wool Sweaters ~58.95 jah $ i 6 .5 0 Wool Sweaters .$13.75 IfPfT' Y V Neck "Slip Over Sweaters" Reduced ffjjjdjj, Colors Plain, Navy, Maroon, Dark Gray and Combination Colors fif Jf 1 We have about fifty-nine Women's and Misses' light weight "wool" "Shetland" and "Fibre Silk" sweaters to go at 031 j $ "Half Price" in this Last Day Clearance Sale. ' jHpIW All SI.OO Shirts 79c j All $5.00 Shirts $3.89 All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 jj All $5.85 Shirts $4.89 GaBKrfJJRS All $2.00 Shirts $1.59 | All $6.85 Shirts $5.89 All $2.50 Shirts $1.89 All $7.85 Shirts $6.89 ISIS® All $3.50 Shirts $2.89 ;! All $8.85 Shirts .-. $7.89 * 304 Market Street ttXRBIBBURO TELEGRAPH fpoutrich^ SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. 1 Harrisburg, Penna. 1 9