Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 06, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    BELL 1991—-2356 UNITED
Save The Peach
At last the humble peach stone has been exalted to
play a prominent part in this war. For ages it has
helped to fill up about one-third of the basket, only to be
thrown away again as useless. Now the peach stone
saves the lives of our soldier boys in trenches.
About two hundred peach stones will provide enough
carbon for a Gas Mask. Uncle Sam is using about three
hundred tons a day, and wants yours, no matter how few.
Dry and save them for the Red Cross. Also plum
stones, apricot pits, date seeds, hickory nut, walnut, but
ternut and cocoanut shells. Instructions will be pub
lished as to their disposal. Peach pit depositories will
be arranged in every neighborhood to prevent their
Come Early %
—wonderful varieties of beautiful wavy \ V
switches, 28 inches long; price, s JP
$3.95 §
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
These Dresses repre
sent the climax in frocks
that may be appropriate
ly worn about the home,
on the porch, on the
street and for motoring.
Not only are they the
most perfectly fitting
dresses of their kind, but
they have features that
are obtainable only in
these dreses.
The hem at the skirt
bottom is adjustable. To
lengthen the skirt it is
only necessary to pull a
thread. No seams to rip
or restitch.
The first sign of wear
on all dresses occur below
the arms. These dresses
have builtin shields that
double the life of the gar
ments at these points.
$2.25 to $5.50
BOWMAN'S —Second Floor
Modart Corsets Are
ft Poise is the art of holding one's self
i correctly. It is the object of the "set
ting up" exercises of all armies, result
ing in the military carriage so uni
versally admired.
Poise means free breathing, better
health, greater strength and less fa
tigue. Modart front-laced corsets are
poised-designed. The correct poise
they give tjie figure at the time they
are fitted is maintained by the use of
) the lightest clock spring boning which
yields, yet restrains which does
not become "set"—that is, it does not
stay permanently bent.
Modart front-laced corsets are su
premely comfortable.
We ask you to accept a free trial fit
ting of the Modart model that has been
poise-designed for your figure.
Prices ranging from $4.50 to $lO.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Women's Hosiery
Women's thread silk stockings—black, white and colors,
double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops, pair ..$1.75
Women's thread silk stockings—black, white and colors,
double soles, high spliced heels, pair $1.25
Women's fiber silk stockings—plain black and plain white,
double soles, wide garter tops, pair ..SI.OO
Women's stockings—thread silk boot, double soles, high
spliced heel, wide garter top, pair 89c
Women's fiber silk stockings—plain black, plain white,
double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops, pair 69c
Women's silk lisle stockings—black, white and colors, double
soles, wide garter tops, pair 59c
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Give Your Old Rubber
To the Red Cross
Out They Go!
White voile waists with pink or blue stripes—some plain
colors; round, square or V-necks; some with frills and some
have organdie collars with fine ruffling.
Georgette crepe waists with fine embroidery and beading;
some with frills or square neck in white, flesh, maize and orchid
Crepe de chine and satin waists in high or V-necks; white
and flesh—some with fine tucks and embroidery.
Silk sweaters—loose or pinch back and long sash. Shet
land wool sweaters in pink, blue, salmon, and khaki. Either
slip-on or coat style. ALL GREATLY REDUCED.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
It's Time to Buy Fall
and Winter Underwear •
J The cool days of fall will soon
be here and provision must be
made for winter comfort. We've
never been better equipped to fur
nish you with your needs than we
are right now. And this, despite
the acute market shortage of all
kinds of knit underwear. Assort-
SN ments which include all good gar
iments of good kinds for men,
c,\ women and children are at their
' J best now, assuring you of easiest
selection. Our prices give you the
best values obtainable hereabouts,
because we bought before whole
sale prices advanced to their pres-
Munsing and Athena underwear
for women and children fall lines;
medium and heavy weight; vest,
pants and union suits, cotton, silk
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
The New Styles
Good Shoes Always
LTSI f Styles^o Simple
|& J j:| Selected for satisfaction, the new styles
Spr await your early inspection.
The dominant feature of our Fall Style
Showing in our windows and store is the true i
st y le element, conforming in every way with jj jit Seal f u
the recommendations of the War Industries \
All that is good in ladies' stylish shoes is embodied in the fa- )
mous "Dorothy Dodd" footwear, which we feature. There's a (
fame in the name, style in the shoe and service to you.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
The New Fall The
llost Becoming In Years
All the models are so attractive that it won't be a question with you of "Shall I Get a Coat?" but rather, "What
Model Will I Purchase?" For, indeed, a coat is a necessity this season.
Not a single model that has beauty and style correctness to recommend it has been omitted from this splendid show
ing. There are garments made of Velour, Bolivia, Suede finished cloths, Plush, Duvetyn, Silk Velour and other pile fabrics
in knee to shoe-top lengths, with slightly flared skirts, large collars, fur trimmings, large pockets, buttons and belts as fea
tures. Don't neglect seeing this splendid assortment!
Priceys29.so t05185.00
BOWMAN'S—Third Flhor.
fYou have, no doubt, come across many beau- S3
tiful hats in your travels from store to store, but =
| we doubt if you have ever come across any hats g
= more beautiful than the new Autumn Hats 2
2 shown here.
Thousands—yes, we are safe in saying thou- g
g sands. Besides those you see displayed on tables §j
S and in show cases, every large drawer in depart- =
jg ment and other storage space is filled to supply s
= the increasing demand for Bowman millinery. §
Original and artistic reproductions from the s
S most reputable houses who have the best pos- =
£ sible facilities for reproducing the French models. £
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Dress Goods and Coatings
PThis is the great Trial Season
for woolen fabrics of all descrip
commandeered all wools in the
country, and the mills are all
however, we wish to make our
good fortune known to you. We
have received 75% of the biggest
orders we ever placed on dress
goods and coatings for Fall and
Winter of 1918-1919 and at prices
that are a big saving on to-day's
market—the fabrics are select and colors the choicest.
54-inch Jersey Suiting; yard $4.50
52-inch Suede Velours; yard $4.85
54-inch Velour D.uvet; yard $5.50
54-inch Velour Melange; yard $0.95
52-inch Satin Broadcloths; yard $4.50 and $5.00
40-inch Satin-faced Cloth; yard $3.25
40-inch Bengalines; yard $3.25
42 to 54-inch fine French Serges; yard SI.OO to $4.95
54-inch Poiret Twills; yard $4.95
Fur Cloths and Slik Plushes'
Such as Karami, Kolinski, Alaska Seal, Hudson Seal,
Astrakhan and Ponyskin; ya!rd $7.95 to $18.50
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
News Notes For Knitters
A new lot of yarns just arrived—all of the most noted
makes, as Silk Shetland, Germantown, Zephyrs,
Saxony, etc.
We have all the new and desired shades in both
small and large balls exactly what you want at this
time of the year for knitting sweaters, scarfs, etc.
BOWMAN'S —Second Floor.
SEPTEMBER 6, 1918.
A Complete Line of
New Handbags On Display
Owing to a shortage of leather, the number of leather hand-i
bags is limited, resulting in the offering of many substitutes.
Yet, to early shoppers who hold firmly their preference for
leather handbags, our persent assortment offers splendid
Over-night bags, real r"\
Vachette leather—green, blue,
lavender, purple and tan silk
real Vachette leather, sheared J
Size 16x10 inches, $19.00
Week-end handbags
Utility Bags—Duplex safety lock, opens and closes with a
snap, fitted with coin purse, 11-inch frame.
Ladies' purses, back and top strap in all wanted leather.
Seal, Morocco, V achette, etc. Price by degrees from large
variety of new styles SI.OO up to SIB.OO
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
New Fall Draperies
That Wtil Play Their Part
Wonderfully Well
Beautiful assortment of Sunfast Madras curtains for doors
in bjue, rose, green and brown—some solid colors, others two
toned, price $5.50 to $7.00
Sunfast Madras in the desirable shades; 36 to 48 in. wide,
beautifully figured 45c to $1.39 yard
Cretonnes—suitable for any purpose—draperies, cushions,
upholstery lor bags; rich new patterns, yard ./..30c to $1.39
Wonderful assortment of voile, Marquisette and lace cur
tains from the plain hemstitched to the more elaborate Irish
point in the three shades; white, Ivory and Ecru, pair,
$1.39-to $12.00
Heavy Rep for portieres—so inches wide in plain and fig
ured blue, green, rose and brown, yard. sl.lO, $1.35 and $1.50
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Men's Furnishings For
Style and Service
Men's dress shirts—Fine Madras, new fall patterns, soft
cuffs, cfiat style, each $1.50 and $2.00
Manhattan shirts; all of the best materials, each,
$2.00 up to $6.00
Men's neckwear—wide open end—four-in-hand, each,
50c, 65c and SI.OO
Men's soft collars—each .'....20 c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Leather belts—each 50c, 59c, 79c and SI.OO
Monito half hose—silk, 75c; silk and lisle, 50c; lisle, 39c;
cotton, 25c; all have double soles, and high spliced heels. .
Men's Pajamas—percales and Madras silk frogs—each,
$1.50, $1.69 ahd $2.00
Munsing union suits —cotton, short sleeves, Y\ length each,
$1.50 and $2.00
Men's union suits—medium weight cotton, long sleeves,
each $1.79
Men's open mesh union suits—short sleeves and }\ length
(seconds)csch •••••••••••••*••••••••••• • • >>*
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. .
Sale Of
You still have to
morrow until nine
o'clock in the evening
yourself of the special
prices that prevail on
all canning and pre
serving supplies and
Glass jars or tops,
tin cans, blanching
baskets, root beer or
ketchup bottles, fruit
jar wrenches, evapo
rators, canners,
jelly strainers and in
numerable other
things at reductions
that mean a decided
saving. , uil,