2 Cumberland Valley YHOUSANDS USE PLAYGROUNDS Carlisle Civic Club Receives Report on Activities For Beneft of Children Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6.—The com mittee on children's playgrounds of the Civic Club of Carlisle to-day pre sented its annual report. .The Mis sion playground opened June IS and closed August 30, while the Lindner playground opened July 1 and closed August 30. There was 547 children enrolled at Loth playgrounds wni'.e the attendance totaled 7 207. The final exhibition was held on the campus of Dickinson College and about 300 children participated in! games, tableaux and congs. Miss Mary Bosler was chairman of the playground committee of the Civic Club. MAIL QUALITY AND . HEALING ENERGY Would it surprise and please you to swake some morning to tind that your torturing Eczema, your disfiguring and embarrassing skin affection, had wholly disappeared. This has been the experience of many after brief treatment with Pos lam, the quick-acting skin remedy, which possesses the most highly con centrated healing energy, and which is intended and made effective for the very purpose of aiding YOU to have a better, healthier and more sightly skin. Sold everywhere. For free sample ! write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 f West 47th St.. New York City.—Ad vertisement. CHAKLKS ItOBEHr BECKLEY Certificated Shorthand Teacher. Formerly 15 years with the leading business schools ot Philadelphia and New England. Principal of BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE Office Training School 121 Market St. (Kaufmun's Store Uldg.) FALL SESSION OPENS Day School, Sept. 3 Night School, Sept. 4 Select either one of Two Separate Night Schools One on Monday. Wednesday and Fri day nights. The other on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Same work in either school. Absolutely Individual Promotion HAHRISBURU'S MOST THOROUGH BUSINESS SCHOOL Call or write NOW. Hell- UUdR Dial 4016 >■-. jjjMMgfattggo .>■ r * EXTRAORDINARY OPTICAL SALE Until Sept. 7th Inclusive . To advertise my permanent Har rishurg office and the high-class eye work 1 do I offer y.ou a guar anteed pair of perfect vision gold tilled glasses; first quality lenses, including my scientific eye exam ination all for as low as $2.00 Complete Special Sale Ends September 7. Don't fail to take advantage of this liberal offer as my regular prices will go into effect after this offer expires. You save $3 to 85 on glasses. Low prices on all special ground lenses and shell goods. Don't let circumstances stand in your way. Coine see me. Let us talk it over. OfTice hours during sale: 9a. m. to 8 p. m. H. OSCAR IILRICH Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist | Boom 1, Spoouer Building 1 ;i N. Market Squure, Secand Floor Harrlsbnrg, Pa. j Pbila. Office, 1167 Chestnut St. Associated with Dr. D. U. N'oellng FKIIJAY EVENING, MEDICAL CORPS FOR CUMBERLAND j Committee of Public Safety 1 Plans Organization of Vol unteers For Service Carlisle. Pa., Sept. 6.—Plan3 for I organizing a branch of the Volunteer j Medical Service Corps in Cumber i land county are now being worked ! out. It is planned to secure a whole j hearted response on the part of the j doctors from this vicinity. The reg | istration in Cumberland county is be | ing carried out by the department of medicine and sanitation of the Cum berland County Council and Com mittee of Public Safety. _ Dr. H. B. Etter, of Shippensburg, is at the head of the work, while the Carlisle director is Dr. C. R. Riekenbaugh. Cumberland now stands high in the proportionate number of physicians entering ihe service and efforts are j being made to secure a one hundred j per cent, enrcllment. IRON ORE LAND SOLD Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6. Colonel George H. Stewart has sold to Jacob A. Bard, the farm known as the N'ei kirk Ore Bank farm, located along the Cumberland Valley Railroad. This farm wasgnirchased forty years ago by Colonel Stewart from Isaac McHose, who operated it extensively In mining or-e, and who shippen '.lie ore to the Cordelia furnace in Lan caster county. Prior to that time the ere was mined by the Minersvillei Coal and Iron Company and shipped I to its furnace In Schuylkill county, j A. O. CLCB ENTERTAINED Mechanlcsburg. Pa.. Sept. 6.—Last' evening Mrs. Harry S. Michener was hostess for the A. O. Club which was recently organized, at her home in West Main street. The evening was spent socially and refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mrs. W. G. Moyer. Mrs. S. H. Myers. Mrs. Bruce R. Mowery, Mrs. Frank B- Guyer, Mrs. George Dietz. Mrs. i David M. Rupp. Mrs. Robert Neidig, Mrs. Claire Harnish. Mrs. N. L. So ger and Mrs. Harry Michener. CANTEEN WORKERS ACTIVE Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6. Shippens burg, like other towns in the Cum berland Valley, is establishing a can teen for the benefit of soldiers who! visit that town and the many truck I companies which pass through it daily. Comfortable rest rooms will be furnished and a fund for the pur chase of tobacco, cigars and cigarets is well under way. TO ESTABLISH RADIO SCHOOL Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6.—Recogniz ing the pressing need for young men for the radio department. Secre tary Byrne of the Carlisle Y. M. C. A., to-day announced that the radio classes will again be established this fall and winter. Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Switzer, of Water street. New Cumberland, an nounce 'the birth of a daughter, September 4, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sweeney, Miss Carrie Sweeney, of New Cumberland, and Mr. and Mrs. George Umberger, of Williams Grove, motored to Philadelphia to spend the Keekend with relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Krone and daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Ina Britcher, of York, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krone at New Cumberland. Perry Fulke. of Ashland, Ohio, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George At ticks at New Cumberland. Mrs. Thomas J. Fisher, of Balti more; Miss Ruth Fisher and Earle j Moore, of Harrisburg; Miss Helen ! Prowell, of New Cumberland, and Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Grissinger of Me chanicsburg, were entertained Sun | day at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gribble at Shiremanstown. Mrs. W. Tolbert Abbott and her neces, the Misses Jennie and Rhoda Kline, of Shiremanstown, were re cent visitors at Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates and sons Albert and Richard Bates, have re turned to their home at Shiremans town after spending some time with relatives at Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. John H. enter "taincd at dinner at their residence at Shiremanstown on Tuesday in j honor of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Grib i ble, who were recently married. | Miss Laurie Feister, of Shiremans i town, spent Sunday with her sister. : Mrs. A. L. Heiges, at Mechanicsburg. i Mrs. R. E. Wolf, of Shiremanstown, , was a Harrisburg visitor on Wednes ! day. | Miss Helen E. Dick of Lucas. Kan., is the house guest of Miss M. Irene i Stone at Shiremanstown. j Mrs. P. F. Feister, of Shiremans- J town, visited her daughter. Mrs. I George Coble, at Lemoyne on Monday, j Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Berger, of j Washington are spending some time with Mrs. Berger's sister. Mrs. D. Y. I Zimmerman, at Shiremanstown. COUNTY WOMEN ARE^RGANIZING [Continued from First Page.] Derry, Mrs. A. Shenk, Hershey; Hali fax, Mrs. H. Fritz, Halifax, R. D. 1; East Hanover, Mrs. S. Hess, Grant ] ville. South Hanover Mrs. N. J. j Bashore, Hummelstown; Weest Han ! over,* Mrs. D. Mumma, Linglestown, IR. D.; Jackson. Mrs. J. M. Snavely, I Fisherville; Londonderry, Mrs. Wil | liam Reider, Middletown, R. D. 1; Lykens, Mrs. J. Boyer, Gratz, R. D.; Mifflin, Mrs. W. Bonawitz, Berrys burg; Lower Paxton, Mrs. J. W. Swartz, Harrisburg R. D. 4; Middle Paxton, Miss E. Dennison, Dauphin; Upper Paxton, Mrs. G. M. Weaver, Millersburg; Reed, Mrs. S. B. Boude, Halifax, R. L. 2; Rush, Mrs. A. F. Hummel, Tower City; Susquehanna, Mrs. E. O. Hassler, Progress; Swatara, Mrs. J. M. Erb, Harrisburg, R. D. 1; Lower Swatara. Mrs. Sam uel Groover. Middletown, R. D. 8; Washington, Mrs. flmer Romberger, Loyalton; Wayne, Mrs. A. M. Hoff man, Halifax, R. D. S. Mr. ZtZmZmerman has suggested that the various township leaders arrange at once with the school teachers and schoo Idlrectora for the use of the buildings In the evening for monthly meetings and organiza tion sessions. Every egort will be made to have as large a member ship enrolled as possible by next spring so that a permanent farm organisation will be formed ta co operate with other farm develop, ment bodies now existing, 'ENEMY IS UNABLE TO STAND ♦AT ANY POINT j [Continued From Page One.] ! backward march and not halt it again until their old line at the | Chemin des Dames is reached. Chemin des Dames Outflanked 1 Through the continued French progress on the German right ' flank north of the Aisne, however, even the Chemin des Dames line virtually outflanked and the retirement may not stop short of the Ailette. The campaign for Cambrai has halted as faf - as the push on ' the direct line for the city is concerned but the advances which j the Anglo-French forces are making southward along the line j are calculated to work notably toward the success of the main drive. The Somme and the Canal du Nord water barriers have been passed in this sector and the German stand back of the canal in the north may be rendered futile as the enemy left flank on the canal line at Havrincourt is menaced by the drive farther south. i On the Flanders front the British pressure seems likely to drive ! the Germans farther than they apparently had intended going in ; their retirement. Field Marshal Haig's troops are pressing in : upon Armentieres both from the north and south and their thrust j seems likely soon to be considered as threatening Lille, the great | manfacturing center of Northern France, southwest of 1 Armentieres. i With the American Army in France, Sept. 6.—The Germans i last night were destroying bridges and ilooding the country be tween Chauny and La Fere, a good indication that they do not expect to remain much longer in advance of their old line which ran from La Fere to Barisis. During the day their retreat con tinued in daylight east of the Ailette river and their columns suffered very heavy losses from shell fire. Between the Ailette and the Aisne French troops advanced to a line from Margival to Quincy and Chivres, while to the north they occupied Coucy-le-Margival to Quincy and Chivres, while to the north they occupied Coucy-le-Chateau and Coucy -le-Ville, approaching their old line of 1917 around the edge of the hilly wood region of St. Gobain. There they will encounter the formidable defense works the Germans prepared as part of the old Hindenburg position and which perhaps have been further strengthened since the beginning of their retreat. With the American Army in France, Sept. 6.—Franco Amer ican troops reached the south bank of the Aisne last night between Conde and Vieil-Arcy, an eight mile front. American forces dur ing the afternoon occupied the towns of Dhuizel and Barbonal virtually without 'opposition. From the Veslc northward over the plateau the Germans were burn ing everything they could not move northward or which might be of use to the French and Americans. Between the Marne and the Y esle the Germans had left great stores of supplies and ammunition because of their hasty withdrawal. Bridges and Roads Destroyed The Germans had endeavored to destroy small bridges. Engineers quickly repaired the roads. Nothing of military value was found. The plateaus for every few miles was dotted with frames of German airdromes, from some of which the Americans say German raiders who bombed Paris operated. The canvas coverings for the hangars were taken by the Germans when they retired and the wooden frames were so damaged by shells that they virtually are worthless. Again Cut Down Trees Behind the advancing Americans in the desolate valley of the Vesle between Bazoehes and Fismette the Germans burned the freight cars along the railroad and twisted skeletons ot the cars are standing on the tracks The trees along the roadway between Bazoehes and Fismette had been cut down by German s*ws and German shells. The stone houses in Fismette have shellholes in their sides and roofs and some were smashed by German bombers who endeavored to drive out the Americans. Mother of Hero Who Died For His Countrymen Serves With the Flag 'Over There' Paris (By Mail) Down In one of the French port towns is a Y. M. C. A. hut entirely devoted to serv ing the navy. Behind the counter of the canteen is a small, gray-hair ed woman who used to have a boy in the navy. His ship was torpedoed last spring. It sank so quickly that there was time only to cut away two or three rafts. The officers'and crew went into the water together. It was every man for himself. But there was not room on those rafts for everybody. This woman's son. who was an officer, swam from one raft to an •other, making sure that every pos sible man was saved. Then, be cause his raft was sagging with the overweight, he dropped quietly over the side and let himself go down. The navy knows fhat story. It knows that this mother is trying to take up her son's job where he left off—taking care of the blue-jackets. You ought to see the way those boys look at her and speak to her. FIFTY MEN SENT FOR LIMITED SERVICE [Continued from First Page.] Third; James Leo Baker 1327 Sus quehanna; John Walkden. 1507 N. Fifth; David Krater, New Cumber land . Daniel Capin, 201 Herr street, will leave Monday. City Board No. 2 Robert H. Schreffler, 1934 Briggs; Phillip Fissel, 1841 N. Seventh? Wil liam Eitnier, 1856 Swatara; Hugh Alexander Logan, R. D. No. 4. Me chanicsburg; William Edgar Todd 31 S. Fourteenth; Mark Vecchione. 50 Market; Peter Kuchulis. Lynn, Mass.; Benjamin Harry Hecker, 49 S. Elev enth; Charles William Swartz, 1219 Market street. George Ammon Slothower, Cen. Y. M. C. A. Philadelphia, will leave for Camp Dix from Philadelphia this af ternoon and Albert H. Buchannon, Hotel Phoenix. Benton Harbor, Mich, will meet the No. 2 Board quota at Camp Dlx on their arrival. City Board No. 2 Frank R. Klugh, 650 Riley: Nor man J. Rintz. 2204 Logan; Charles E. Davis, Front and Reels Lane; Morris Kautz, Fifth and Schuylkill; James F. Powers, 424 Harris; John G. ! One cup or three 1 I 1 No harm in j INSTANT POSTUM j Con-tains no Caffeine I HARJRIBBURG TELEGRAPH Church, 2005 North Sixth: Howard K. Blessing. 1942 North Cameron: Ralph E. Page, 1614 Green; Harry N. An drews 1742 North Sixth; Joseph V. Hoffman. 2016 Logan. County Hoard No. 1 David L. Hardin. Highspire; James L. Rossetta, Middletown; Howard Sel lers, Dauphin; Charles Andrew Rudy. Rocco Putilese, Steelton. ■County Board No. 2 Charles Dare, Progress; John A. Stoudt, R. F. D. 4. Harrisburg; George C. Gordon Enhaut; Mason F. Bolts, 119% North Ninth street, Lebanon; Mark Slabonik, Enhaut. County Board No. 3 John Geist, Williamstown; Morris Gitlin. Wiconisco: Charles Williams, Halifax, R. D. No. 1; Herbert Kuhn, Millersburg; Rfobert Kline, Millers burg; John Warner, Elizabethville and Howard Bowman, Millersburg. Port Royal-Duncannon Contest Will Entertain P. 0. S. of A. Delegates Duncannon, Pa.. Sept. 6.—The big baseball game between the high class Port Royal aggregation and the Duncannon-Perry county champs will attract considerable interest to morrow from the delegates in at tendance at the annual reunion of the several Perry County P. O. S. of A. camps. Port Royal has made an envixble record this season and has a well established claim to the champion ship of Juniata county. "Bill" Kil ter, a Port Royal youth, former New York Giant hurler, who has been twirling many of the games for the Lebanon team of the Bethlehem Steel League, is expected to be on the mound for the Juniata county aggregation. Manager Duncan expects to have Earl Waltz and "Os" Waltz, two well-known Harrisburg brother-ath letes, as his battery. The all-star Dauphin-Perry players that have done much to make the steel town team's record so good this year, will be included in the lineup. The game will start at 3.15 p. m. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS New Cumberland, Pa.. Sept. 6. The senior class of the High school elected the following officers at a meeting recently: President, Pauline Wright; vice-president, Elma Gar ver; secretary. Miriam Koch; treas urer, Frank Kelster. Three Accident Victims in Hospital; One Loses Legs; Motorist Hits Other Three men are in the Harrisburg | Hospital .■ufTeiing serious injuries as I the result of accidents. Two sus tained fractures. The third had both I legs so badly crushed below the ; knees it was nccessury to amputate, j Harry Gross, uged 24. 622 Clevc j land avenue, York, was the man ' brought into this ntorn j ing at 8 o'clock with both legs crush j ed. .He fell fiom a car in the Enola yards. He is employed as a brake man on the Philadelphia division. John Grove, aged 45, Dillsburg, sustained a fracture of the hip and a compound fracture of the left arm when he fell fifteen feet from a scaf fold and landed on a concrete floor. He was working for the James Black Masonry and Contraeting Company at Marsh Run. John McPherson, West Falrview, aged 31, sustained a fractured shoul derblade and four ribs when he was struck by a motorcycle on the Mar ket street bridge. He works as a brakeman on the Philadelphia divi sion of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Find Germany Army in Rapid Decline With the American Troops in France, Sept. 6.—Every evidence obtainable by the Americans as they press upon the German armies points to the gradual, continuous, and ever more-rapjd weakening morale of the troops and the lowering of their ef fectiveness to a serious point.. The American military authorities draw this conclusion from the action of the German command in shortening the line by voluntary withdrawals, its enforcement of longer tours of duty in the front trenches upon the troops, the combing of the service for infantrymen, the disbanding of storm battalions to bolster up inferior divi sions, and even the use of Austrian troops on the western front. Another Company D Man Badly Gassed in France That Isaac Freedman. 161S North street, with Company D, of the One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry, has been badly gassed in France is the in formation contained in a letter writ ten by Roy Rife, to his mother here, r reedman s name has not yet appear ed on the casualty list. ™ F, £ e ? dman J° ined Company D, of the Eighth Regiment of the old Pennsyl vania National Guard, shortly after the declaration of war. Paul J. Ross, Company D, 112 th Regt., Gassed News of the gassing of a second Company D, One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment man, \*as received late this afternoon. He is Paul J. Ross, son of Mrs. H. A. Ross. He is now con fined to a base hospital in France. Where Germans May Try To Stand Behind Hindenburg Line The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week—September T.th— is accompanied by a helpful Map which shows the present Hindenburg line, and also clearly indicates the line behind it at the River Meuse, which, in the opinion of ex perts, will be where the Germans will make their new stand. It also shows the territory the American troops are holding in Alsace, Lorraine, and along the Vesle, . including cities, rivers, etc. This article analyzes all the important war news of the past week from the Western Front. Other features of great interest to the American public in this number of "The Digest" are: Why American Airplane Production Lags In This - Article Are Presented the Criticisms of the American Newspaper Press Upon the Recent Air-craft Production Report of the Sub-Committee of the Senate Germany's War on the Children How Your War Furnace Can Help Win Soldiers Turning to the Bible the War Food For the War-Winter (Prepared by the U. S. Food Administration) Wanted: A Million Workers Britain Appreciates Our Efforts j Germany Proposes a United States of Europe The Theological Student of the Future Shall We Wear Cotton? In Berlin To-day Undersea Pipe-Lines for All Saving the U-Boat's Victims New Words For New Things Replanting the War Forests Ordering a German National Hymn Joyce Kilmer Current Poetry A Parson's Lonely Daughter News of Commerce and Finance Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Many Half-tone Illustrations, Maps and Reproductions of the Best Cartoons I Read "The Digest" For Authentic News Regarding American Fighters . One subject of paramount interest holds to-day the an accurate and comprehensive form, is to read from first place in the hearts and minds of the fathers and week to week in THE LITERARY DIGEST the mothers of America and of the millions of anxious exact facts regarding our men abroad, their move women here at home, the wives, sisters, and sweet- ments, their various activities, their share of the; fight hearts of the gallant fellows who have gone "over ing, and the measures that are being taken for their there." It is the question of how the "boys in brown" comfort and support —facts drawn from all the author are faring on the battlefields of France, what they itative sources and that may be accepted without ques are doing, whether they are making good and holding tion, forming a continuous history of our part in the their own successfully against the onslaughts of the war that is well worth preserving. Begin studying it Teuton. The one sure way to get this information in to-day. September 7th Number on Sale Today—All Newsdealers—lo Cents [ Distinction tf | ■ITABHrV I lIOAST rFw&sn FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publiihcn of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK ESHELJIAX FAMILY HBIINION Shlrriuuiiatown, Pa., Sept. 6. —Sat- urday the tifth annual reunion of the Eshelman family was held here at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I* Eshel man. Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stoner and fam ily, of near Lisburn; Mr. and Mrs. David Eshelman, Mr. and Sjlrs. Mer vin Eshelman and children D. C. Eshelman, Miss Fannie Eiohelberger and daughters, of Lemoyne; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Eshelman. granddaughter, Mary Morgret, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Eshelman son John, daughter. Miss Mae Eshelman, of this place; Mr. and Mrs. M. Eshelman and family, of Hummelstown; Lizzie Zimmerman, of Lisburn: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gris singer, Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Burdall. of Mechanicsburg Bishop and Mrs. Benjamin Zimmerman, of this place. BOND INSTALMENT PAID Marysvllle, Pa., Sept. 6.—Marys ville School Board recently paid off the tirst instalment on the loan cre ated to furnish some of the funds necessary tor the erection of the large school building, which was dedicated late in 1913. The amount paid off amounted to $4,000 and can celed all of the live-year bonds. DOCTOR PRESCRIBED VINOL For This Poor Mother Who Could "Hardly Drag Around" Glasgow Jet., Ky.—"l am a farm er's wife and was suffering from a nervous breakdown —loss of flesh and poor appetite, so I could hardly drag around and do the work for my family. My doctor prescribed Vinol. It not only made me well and strong, but I have gained in weight." Mrs. S. AE Gray. The reason Vinol proved such a wonderful strength creator in Mrs. Gray's case is because of the beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates and glycero phosphates combined in a pure, na tive tonic wine, which makes Vinol the most successful tonic. George A. Gorgas, Kennedy's Med icine Store, 321 Market St.; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad Sts.; Kitz miller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry St., and druggists everywhere. October 24 and 25 is the date of the GRAND BAZAAR given by the Pythian Home Committee Watch the next announcement SEPTEMRER 6, 1918 CLOSlkti CONTINUED MttrysvlHo, Pa., Sept. 6.—Marys vllle merchants, by mutual agree ment, have decided to continue the Thursday afternoon closing which has been •in vogue all. summer throughout September. tiOOD TOBACCO CROP Marietta, Pa., Sept. 6.—The tobacco crop in Lancaster county is turning out well, and the leaves are large and Ujavy. Many farmers have sold their crops at higher figures than ever. In the lower end of the county 45 cents per pound was paid for Havana. < A New York Tailor § U j v f\ at this store n the originator of •*- hand tailored ready-to-wear clothes, selected this store as the one best place for Harrisburg men to be fitted. He is Jiere in every suit with his label. His designing ability, com fort ideas for men, and wearing service are being enjoyed by men who have always wanted some thing besides a covering for their body. You pay S3O, $35, S4O, $45 and SSO for a FRUHAUF knowing 11 that you get that much in materials. In addition you get real "man style" and a fitting service exclusive with || ' g| M • 11 Schleisner's Men's Shop 28-30-32 North Third Street GUILD TO MEET New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 6. The Otterbein Guild of Trinity Brethren Church will meet at the home of Miss Elizabeth Smaling. on Tuesday evening, September 10. , BELL-AIMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund :r. uey if it fails. 25c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers