10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A XEWSPAPER FOR THE HO HE Founded 18S1 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TEI.EGUAI'H PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square ET. J. STACKROLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER. Business Manager GUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH. BOTD M. OGELSBY, F. R. OYSTER. GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A, Member American Newspaper Pub /VrYICI lishers' Associa aah tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- HBl'W3TaSaf sylvania Associ -1 BBIS BSE M ated Dailies. jpf iliS, 065 8 ABB Ml Eastern office, i Iff? S 3 Story. Brooks & Kg 55 E&S Kl Finley. Fifth 'jm Avenue Building Ji=L£Si§E V® New York City; 'HeJyvyLl ...t-'f Western office. :St]ft3£ Tt> Story, Brooks & r —in .if ~sf Finley. People's C ""-iff Gas Building, ~ Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. . By carrier, ten cents a : 2 *?-* week; by mail. SJ.OO a year in advance. raniAY. SEITESIBER 6. 1918 Vou can only make others better by being good yourself. —HUGH R. HAWIES. PUBLIC UNDERSTANDS THERE is a very general regret throughout this community over the fact that William Jennings, the chairmen cf the Dauphin Coun ty Committed ct National Defense and Public Safety, whose activities in all the important war work have made him deservedly popular with the people, has been placed in a false position by the publication in a morning newspaper of this cit> of an alleged violation by Mr. Jen nings of the fuel regulations. It was stated that he had se cured a considerable quantity of coai for his country home without going through the usual form of submit ting his requirements to the t uel Administrator of Perry county and making application to an authorized dealer. A little investigation would have shown that there had been no violation of the requirements. The facta having been made clear, the second attack this morning be comes malicious and inexcusable. Mr. Jennings may console himself with the thought that he is only one of many men unjustly assailed by the Patriot and its crew of character assassins. Of course, this community knows too well the unselfish and patriotic service of Mr. Jennings to be mis led by a story of this kind. It is unfortunate, however, that one who has devoted so much of his time to promoting the war work of Harris burg and vicinity should have been subjected to the annoyance result ing from such sniping tactics. Democrats who nominated their can- , didate for governor against the Pal- j mer-McCormick machine are not dis- ! posed to permit the bosses to repudi ate the nominee, especially since Pal mer declared his purpose to accept , tfie results after the primary election, j Look out for a lovely Democratic row ] a few months hence. A DISGRACEFUL ROW THE disgraceful Palmer-Bonni-! well-McCormick incident of this week is nothing more nor less, than a carefully concocted scheme to , prevent Bonniwell from running off j with the Palmer-McCormick bacon, j Granted that Bonniwell is the tool | of the liquor interests and that he is' unfit in every way for the high office i to which he aspires—a conclusion reached by a great majority of the voters long ago—it remains a fact that Palmer was ready enough to consort with Bonniwell so long as there was a chance of bending him to the will of the Palmer-McCor niick machine. With full knowledge of Bonniwell's stand against prohibi tion and aware of his personal short comings. the Palmer-McCormick or ganization was entirely willing to ac cept him as their candidate. It was only when they found that he would have none of them that they decided to "repudiate" him. Truth is that at the repudiation game Bonniwell beat the Palmer-McCormick crowd to it by several months. Retention of control of the Demo cratic party machinery in Pennsyl vania Is essential to Palmer and Mc- Cormick if they are to remain the dispensers of federal patronage in the Slate and powerful factors in the administration at Washington. Like wise, the campaign of 1920 is ap proaching and these two worthies must have the State Committee at their beck and call if they are to have a hand in nominating the next Democratic presidential candidate. So when Bonniwell showed signs of gaining strength enough to take over the reins of party control It became necessary that they cut his political throat, and the Incident of Monday Is the result. Rule or ruin has been the Palmer- McCormlck doctrine ever since the two took over the remnant of the minority party in Pennsylvania and FRIDAY EVENING. began to use it as a foundation for their political fortunes. The Bonnl wells. the Painters and the McCor niicks are all as one in this. Each is playing for political place and there is small choice among them. National Chairman McCormick. la menting the degeneracy of his own party in Pennsylvania, says he is "soundly confident that the people of America will elect a Congress of the President's own party." He also sug gests that the American people will not "swap horses while crossing a stream." We fear that Mr. Palmer's partner is not in touch with public sentiment nor the recent trend of events at Washington. He seems to have overlooked entirely the import ant fact that President Wilson has been compelled to depend upon pa triotic Republicans in both branches of Congress for the enactment of vital war measures, which many of his own party failed to support. AWAY WITH ALL SUCH THE Chicago postofflce bomb out rage is proof conclusive of the wisdom of the United States court in sentencing all the 1. W. W. leaders to such long terms in prison as will prevent them from ever again engaging in their nefarious teachings and practices. The Kaiser is no more an enemy of society than the I. W. W., nor is he more dangerous. Perhaps some of the I. W. W. may be sincere in their mistaken views. ; but most of them are simply mali j cious and criminal, for it requires no keen intelligence to discern the errors of their doctrine, which in its las; i analysis is that if property earns no I profits it thoiefore becomes valueless ; and that then collective ownership ' and operation will come about auto matically and each worker will re ceive "the full social value his iabor produces." In this theory of collec tive ownership the 1. W. W. are as one with the Socialists, but they hold j that the Socialistic methods of! working out their aims through popular education and the ballot are ; all wrong and that "direct action" is the only means by which the ' 're- j forms" they demand can be wrought;! "direct action" being the elimination j of profit by any possible method — sabotage, strikes, the bomb, murder,; incendiarism —any means of cutting down profits by reducing production. The great difficulty about procuring j social benefits through the medium i of collective operation is that man j has not been able to devise a method j by means of which the tull "social 1 value" of any worker's labor may be decided in the present highly com-1 plicated system of manufacture and j production. This, then, is foolish and danger ous doctrine of itself, but in the hands of unscrupulous leaders, mai.y of them in the pay of Germany, and others of them murderous toois of Hun propagandists, it might have instituted a reign of terror and over turned the whole industrial establish ment of the nation and rendered us helpless to face a powerful enemy. Fortunately, wise labor leaders and a great majority of the rank and file saw the peri! and avoided it, while the Federal government has succeed- Ed in running to earth most of the responsible leaders. And now. the courts having convicted I. W. W. offenders, their fellows blow up a postoffice building and kill four inno cent spectators. Twenty years in prison is all too light a sentence for such as these- The Kaiser is one extreme, the f. W. W. are the other Public Service Commissioner Ryan seems to have something on his mind. He declare! that A. Mitchell Palmer, joint owner of the Pennsylvania Democratic machine, is in no position to throw stones, and intimates that the Northampton statesman is not all wool and a yard wide. WHERE ARE OUR BOYS? WHERE will the American Army in France strike next'.' That is a question on thou sands of lips. A few divisions arc operating with the British in Bel gium. Several more are pursuing the flying Germans along the Vesle. Beyond that the war dispatches are silent as to the disposition of Per shing's million and a quarter men. Where are they? For what is Foch holding them back? Evidently for a sledge-hammer blow some where at what he deems the psy chological moment. Foch is a pa tient waiter. It is hard to follow hini at that game, but one of these days we rhall hear from our boys and on that occasion the gloom in Berlin will become a shade or two thicker. City Council should move carefully, of course, in enacting housing and other codes, but it does not follow that weeks should elapse before ac tion is taken. THE NEW GAME A WORLD championship baseball! series is row being played- We 1 hasten to make this announce ment lest the important fact may have escaped your notice. The news papers have been abominably negli gent about this. Not a baseball ex tra has appeared and heartless edi tors have crowded the news down to single column displays. No more we read that "the crowd went wild as Home-Run Baker trot ted to the plate," or that the "game opened with Speaker shooting a hot single beyond third." No more the "interviews with the managers," not a word about a "perfect day" or a "heavy diamond." Not a line about the "confidence of Connie Mack" or "the Indian's throwing wing." Not even a record of the runs, hits and errors by innings, hot oft special wires strung into the press boxes. Merely a few lines to say who won, and that's about all. "How have the mighty fallen:" We are watching a bigger game now. The score is told in the "direct hits" of our big shells behind the Hun 1 lines, and by the runs the makinsr toward Berlin. Even Llie most excilirfg baseball is time bosldo 1 it. Not h mere world championship, but the freedom of the world is at stake. IK By the Ex-Committooman Two things stand out very prom inently in the controversy over control which has again broken out in the Democracy of Pennsylvania. One is that the row has reached the alibi stage and the other that Na tional Committeeman A. Mitchell Palmer, face to face with blame for whatever happened to Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell in November, success being out of the question, played a very clever hand in putting the Dem ocratic state nominee on the defen sive. Viewed from whatever angle, it is to be seen that the aim of the rival leaders of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania is to get into van tage position for 1920. The Democratic party is going to have a fight over the nomination for President two years hence. No mat ter whether an effort is made to run Wilson a third time or to make Di rector General of the Railroads Wil liam G. McAdoo the nominee, there will be a battle. It is due In the Dem ocracy. Hence, the desire to control the block of votes Pennsylvania will have in the convention. These fights come around regularly. Harrity and Guffey; Black and Guffey; Palmer and his pals against Guffey and Hall, it matters not who the leaders may be, there are always men to fight over the control of the Keystone State Democratic delegation. And that's about all there Is to the pres ent row. The Governorship has been farther away from grasp of a Dem ocratic candidate than it was in 1914, when some Illusions were rude ly dispelled from the minds of cer tain eminent Democrats by the free j voters of Pennsylvania. ! —The Philadelphia newspapers are ' so much interested in the Bonniwell ' Palmer row that they fail to give ; ] much attention to the passing of dis trict appeal board No. 2, a segment of the draft system which was gener- I ally believed to be Brumbaugh-Vare to the core and which was summar | ily separated from office on direct i orders from Washington after a i series of attacks had been made j against the members by John P. | Dwyer. the managing editor of the| Philadelphia Record, which by the' way. is the Bonniwell organ. This j ' district board, headed by Walter; Wiilard. a friend of men close to the; j Governor, has been a storm center I ! for a long time, the target of political I charges, and its passing is an inter- I esting coincidence. J —All parties named by Palmer in • his series of remarkable charges are , vocal to-day. Bonniwell, Sinnott, ' everyone rises to declare that it is | not so and the replies range from I plain liar to mistaking of a conver | sation. Palmer remains silent and is j reported to be pickling additional rods to lay upon the tlayed back of Bonniwell. Oddly enough, the Judge was in Palmer's home county when the national committeeman smote him and poor telephonic communi cation prevented earlier interchange jof phrases. But now everyone seems j to be within reach of a newspaper l office and the remarks are interest-' i ing contributions to the political his tory of Pennsylvania. —The Philadelphia North Ameri can prints this interesting summary ■ to-day: "'Repudiation of Judge Bon jatiiwell, 'wet' Democratic nominee for i Governor, at Harrisburg, by A. • Mitchell Palmer brought denials ot ' the Palmer charges that Senator 1 Penrose backed the Bonniwell can didacy. Senator Penrose, Judge Bon niwell and John Sinnott, president of i the Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Asso i ciation, of Pennsylvania, issued state- j ! ments yesterday giving the lie to Pal- i mer. Judge Bonniwell telegraphed ; ; TO his headquarters in Philadelphia a | I short, but caustic statement from | Mi'ford, Pike county, where he was 'campaigning yesterday. Delusional j j insanity,' is the municipal court j | judge's description of what he con- i ' siders the ailment of the • ustodian \ of alien property. The J — jge, not i i having read the Palmer statement, i i wa s rather hazy about its contents, j I but he denied them anyway. —The Philadelphia Record gives an inkling of the rattled condition of the Bonniwell camp by charging that Palmer made "a desperate ef fort" to elect to the governorship Senator Sproul whom it styles "his personal friend and classmate at col lege" and then goes on to print the Palmer letter of May 27 in which the national committeeman congrat ulated Bonniwell on his victory at the primary and pledged his support to the ticket. The Philadelphia In quirer notes that Bonniwell says Pal mer has "delusional insanity and gives prominence to the Penrose comment on the Democratic com mitteeman who besieged Penrose some years ago and was chased over his own frontier. The Public Ledger plays up a sharp statement by Senator Sproul to the effect that reports that he had changed his attitude against liquer or been "silenced" were untrue and prints an editorial in which the liquor interests are scotched. All parties it says, look alike to a liquor man. The Philadelphia Press says "Bonniwell must answer" and Its Washington correspondent wires that Palmer reiterates the charges and that Penrose declares them un founded. Republican County Committee and secretary to former Assemblyman William VL Freeman, of Cornwall, was appointed by Judge Henry a member of the Board of Lebanon County Commissioners to serve for the unexpired term of the late Wil liam Herb, of Palmyra. The oppoint ment was concurred in by Commis sioners Gilbert and Hartman, and Is loked upon as being equivalent to the nomination by his party for the full term at the primaries next year. Commissioner Noll had served as Commissioners' clerk for eighteen months and is a past state president of the P. O. S. of A. He is well known here. Notice of the meeting of the Democratic State Committee on Sat urday, September' 14', was sent to Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell. Demo cratic nominee for governor, by Sec retary Warren VanDyke, of the com mittee. together with a certified copy of the statement of A. Mitchell Pal mer before the committee and a copy of the resolution presented by the resolutions committee calling upon him to appear. Some of the nomination papers being filed at the State Capitol have whiskers on them. Yesterday a paper appeared which was of a form ten years old. The man in charge, however, had carefully followed the late requirements of the law and it was in form. It goes into the rec ord. Several candidates filed papers in accordance with forms seven years ago, but not up to date, and they are hastening here to-day to moire chungeS. HAJTRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH MAN! By^mGS Thaaby MY Boy-i\ IfT^OMCV^ jJiSH l If I WOULD H6LP make THE \| f /HJTIITRI 1 EMMY YOU YOUR ) *J*S IN. THE WAFT WORUC R PEMO- | \JH IH HIR ' / / RNWJCE To GO J age. • I VA;OULO ' CRNCR - AWO PUT / YOUR CHAMCE :. / AMD HELP LICK F I WE*-COTAE ITMAT BEAST OF BERLIN/ I | VUOULFC I THE \ \ OPFORTUIUITY THE '^ UFF RM / 1 ET A>WCV I F• . I \ 2^KT L DSFT- £%R 158E6.MM.M6 / -J BO The ,' TRYING TO FRIGHTEN US [New York Times] Germany incorrigibly believes, aft er four years of war, that she can terrorize her enemies. She believes it in the face of her failures in that direction, her failures by air raids, by submarine crimes, by atrocities of every description. She includes us in that belief. Witness the story told by Captain Manuel Quadros of the American fishing schooner Rush, sunk by a U-boat off the Nova Scotia coast. Captain Quadros had a long conversation with the commander of the submarine, and the most inter esting thing he reports of what the German said is this: He said that when his vessel left Germany it was under instructions to sink only three-masters, but that because of the attitude of the Amer ican press orders had come to the Ü boat by wireless to sink everything in sight. In other words, the expert psy chologists who conduct Germany's affairs believed that the more bring ing of the war to American coasts, the mere sinking of a few three masters, would spread panic here. They watched eagerly for the Ameri can newspapers to tind the signs of this panic. Not finding it, it never oc curred to them that America could | not be terrorized. The fault must be, they argued, that the dose was noti strong enough. So now they have or- j dered unrestricted warfare, and no doubt they are again eagerly read- j ing the extracts they get from the' American press to get the first whiff | of that panic. • This would not be so extraordinary if it had not happened so often, with the same result. They tried, for in stance, to terrorize England by air raids. It resulted only in enraging England and stimulating recruiting, j Again it did not occur to Germany that England could not be frighten ed: the thing to do was merely to increase the dose, which they did, with the same result. To this day they must believe that the only rea son France is not on her knees beg ging for mercy is that they have not committed atrocities enough. The only possible conclusion is that they judge others by themselves: they could not possibly hold this delusion so long if that were not the case. It is precisely for that reason that the German generals and press exhibit so much alarm when they see the first faint signs of despondency or irresolution among their soldiers and people, and issue such furious ex hortations to them to be "men" and to be '"stout hearted." "PLEASE" (From the Kansas City Times) New York and New England have generally come to recognize human nature in dealing with motorists. Many towns on main roads put up the sign: "Thickly Settled Kegion i —Careful Driving Appreciated." On | the back of the sign to catch the eye of the driver leaving the town, is the legend "Thank You." Such signs are calculated to get netter results than the signs so com mon In so many Western towns: "Drive Slow U," or "Speed Limit Ten Miles an Hour." The ten-mile an-hour limit is, of course, obsolete and is never respected, except in ex treme congestion. The Eastern way is worth trying. They're Learning Rapidly (From the Brooklyn Eagle) German soldiers are not taught i to use their heads, but they cer- ! tainly have learned how to exercise j their legs. LABOR NOTES The negro is now a big factor in ! the industrial movement, and must j be reckoned with in the future. Queen Elena of Italy has given, ■several thousand dollars of her per- \ sonal funds to help women workers! in Italy. " Organized moving picture opera-1 tors at Trenton. N. J., have secured I an increase ot $4 a week. The new [ rate is now $26.50 a week. Eighty thousand women are now engaged in the canning goods indus tries supplying the War and Navy Departments. Cigarmakers at St. Joseph, Mo., have recently received the second in crease of *1 a thousand since the first of the year. The minimum wage of women in mercantile establishments in Oregon is sll.lO per week ot not more than 60 hours. San Francisco Postofflce Inspec tor's Department has its first woman i clerk in its .forty years ot existence. German Liars Are Busy [From a Bulletin of the Committee on Public Information] REPORTS from, various parts of the country indicate that Ger man p;opagandists are engag ed in magnifying the chances of death which our soldiers face in France. It is said, for instance, that "the average life of an aviator at the front is only seven days." This is a gross exaggeration. Figures from the French and British armies show that the aver age length of service of a "pursuit aviator" at the front is about three months, and one-half of these men are withdrawn for physical deterior ation and loss of nerve. Among ob servation aviators and bombers the percentage of "wastage" is much smaller. The War Department reports: "The 1 probability of uninterrupted service for an aviator is about ninety days, but it must be remembered that less than fifty per cent, of the wastage is due to deaths." The French authorities report that during 1917 the loss in dead, pris oners and permanently disabled amounted to II per cent, of the fighting forces, for the year. Of the wounded in action more than four fifths return to service, many of them in less than two months. As a matter of fact, because of the improvements in sanitation and hospital service the soldier's chances of returning from this war are greater than in any war in the past. Shipyard Workers Safeguarded Similar stories about danger to life or limb in our shipyards are equally false. The Emergency Fleet Corporation has established a de partment of safety engineering, and the work of this department has re duced the percentage of accidents in the shipyards below the average of other industries of the same sort. The statistics of the Depar'ment of Labor from 1912 to 1916 gave the accident rate in shipyards as twen ty-two in one thousand men. The accident rate in the Hog Island ship yards for the month of May was six to one thousand men. Moreover, the government has es tablished a health department in connection with the shipbuilding to THE SINGING SOLDIERS "The men went singing into the trenches."—Press Ditpatch. Singing they go in old-time fashion To the murderous trenches of wasted France; And quick in c.ur souls flares a leap ing pussion Of pride in these Knights of the New Romance. Never a guidon of glory beckons. And war stands stark as a hideous thing. Since with hate incarnate their valor reckons. And yet, as they go to the test, they | 3ing. I i Oh, singing lads in the gloom-choked' trenches, The Heart of the Nation sings with you! Proud is that Heart mid grief that wrenches, Honored ar.d glad in the deeds you'll do. Singing you go; may you singing re turn to us In your carefree, casual Yankee way; And may the flame of your high courage burn to us, Forging th<- sword , i^icf. Peach Stones Help in War (Prom the Phila. North American) Save peach stones and save a sol dier's life. To this appeal of the United States government house wives are already giving heed. Peach stones are used as an impor tant ingredient in the making of gas masks, and that the production of gas masks may in no way be di minished through lack of this raw material, the gas defense division of the United States army has voic ed its need. , Hundreds of grocery and food stores, notified of the government's desire to conserve peach stones and the pits of plums, prunes, apricots and walnuts, have in turn told their patrons. Philadelphia, which is a center for the manufacture of gas masks, is particularly interested in the movement. At the gas mask fac tories in Kensington and Tacony it was said that huge quantities of peach stones are necessary to keep up the output of the gas masks. The Red Cross in this city, it is expected, will be named as the agency to handle the bagging and shipping of the stones. One Reason Why Beef Is High (From the People's Home Journal) The last ten years the population of the United States has increased 18 per cent., while the herds of cat tle that supply our beef have de creased 20 per cent. This is one of the reasons why meat is so scarce. Argentina is. to-day, the most im portant beef-producing country In the world. It produces more than half of the beef supply. OUR DAILY LAUGH TJJH AUTO /tww JH How do you /it/P' 'lke your new Xl mo *orcarT TIF ' I don't know. ! j! I'm sure It's HI Wf much b "r than li •*> ™J\lf 11 "ounds. ON THE HILL- SIDE. (■( -wa Mr. Porker—l i3EjSESk |er me about the C, 1 dearest thing in J I J the market. U I L, I Mr. Ox Yes, "H and the next tvAvi A . thing you know they'll be roast lag you. THE WRONO ANIMAL. Why did you loolt 80 Bhee P' B ' l ffiSt ~ -A / when your hus -1 'rjH band scolded \*jyou? r/ I sheepish—l ' was ( _ I only cowed. MODERN. Have you read 40^1' y"*r~1~l-. the new football P]l| I No, I haven't. KM > I suppose they B9|t I permit the use of WBf LpxJ," ; hand grenades i/VJ ! and asphyxiating "| [M gases. IVV\ THE ONLY idSC-'l D ° 0U " r ' gbt to Quarrel L 'V V J with one's wife r uJTill over tho telo sjßS / /ft" |\ •'! That's the only ||B ' tlme to do it. You \j| can shut her oft li before she can „ get in the last word- SIMPLE WHEN \ A I UNDERSTOOD. V* I HOT/ could he be related to roy- 1(1 I alty so far away in Europe? Vj j'W Just a distant rel- WMlf atlve. Itnmtttg (Stjat If any man gets the Idea that the order for "rideless" Sundays is not going to be observed in the country he is mistaken. There have been some intimations that in the rural districts not much attention would be paid to the decree and that while folks might have uncomfortable mo ments while operating cars in town on the Sabbath they would be able to bowl along Country lanes without embarrassment. People who have been around in Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland and Perry counties the last few days say that nofonly have the farmers and other country •dwellers who formerly used cars for visiting around" become aware of what the national authorities wish and thoroughly in line with the spirit, but that they are not going to let "any city fellers" put it over them by riding in the country. The man in the country who has to travel miles for his gasoline proba bly appreciates what the fuel means more than the man in town who has to go only a few blocks to get a pump. The deprivation of the Sun day "visitin' " in the country is go ing to fall heavily on country peo ple, too. So the chances are that not only will people who ran their cars in the city last Sunday without regard to regulations and got "tag ged keep their cars in garages, but they .will see that others do so. In the country the farmers' boys, who can raise as much disturbance as their city pals, will also be on the watch for slackers. And the "gag" worked by some men who contended that they were doctors will not go v ery far. A man will have to show that he is a doctor if he wants to escape. * # * The State street bridge, which is once more in the limelight because of another of the perennial discov !t , ls structurally weak, furnished an interesting illustration of strength yesterday afternoon. It carried a trolley car, three dump wagons, one of the light and power company s huge trucks and a pleas ure car all at once and without seeming to mind it. The old bridge has been much abused, but appears U! L under the strain of traffic as well as criticism. Members of the Country Club of Harrisburg are having a fine time talking sheep these days. The prop osition was made some time ago that the club help along the wool and mutton supply by using sheep to keep the golf links in order in stead of mechanical contrivances, as „ koep Chairman Samuel C. Todd, of the grounds committee, awake at nights and cause Howard M. Bingaman to blame loss of rec ords on six or seven stalks of weeds missed by the cutter. Now it seems that most of the members of the club are against the sheep, hut some are vociferously for them. It is not a .s u l ß l ion of flrst cost - Tha t is pro vided for. The chief matter is main tenance and whether thg sheep will get in the range of shots by Casper Dull or Major Prank M. Eastman when they in long style. The news from 'Washington that the Council of National Defense has aboutfaced on its attitude against Christmas shopping was hailed with delight by thousands of children in Harrisburg and vicinity. When the move against the shopping was started there was a howl, but it was not the newspapers and the businessmen that swung the tide. It was the youngsters, many of whom brought it to attention of their elders when men and women had no voice. • • * More broomcorn is being grown in Dauphin county than known for a long time, remarked a man at one of the markets this morning. Many of the fields of corn are bordered by rows of broom and there seems to be a future for this kind of corn in this neighborhood. Broom corn has not been extensively grown here abouts, but the high prices for brooms have caused farmers to plant it and in many cases it is worth more than "regular" com. Some of the farmers expect to realize handsomely as people are already around trying to buy it. ♦ * * Agitation for a change of the sea son for blackbirds so that they may be shot during August when the flocks are large and the birds in clined to be troublesome, especially in the Dauphin and Cumberland oatsflelds, and about orchards is be ing heard of about here. The sea son begins on September 1, accord ing to the new game code, and while there are some who believe that the seasons should be allowed to have the test of two years the sentiment in favor of allowing blackbirds to be shot earlier is unquestionably growing. Some of the reports com ing here tell of immense flocks be ing seen in the northern counties the middle of the month, but a very ap parent movement toward the south the last week. In our nearby coun ties the birds have been more or less troublesome and the number is greater than usual. However, it is seldom that they remain in any quantity after September is well un der way and if the sport should be poor this year the Legislature will hear of it. Many Dauphin farmer boys were out with their shot guns on Monday morning to get a try at the birds. Continued reports of good hatching conditions among the pheasants and quail in Cumberland are coming in and the indications are that there will be more quail than usual in some of the counties. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Samuel Rea, president of the various corporations in the Pennsyl vania system, works as hard as he ever did, in spite of the big change. —W. J. Brennen. the Pittsburgh lawyer who was here for the State Democratic meeting, is in Washing ton on matters connected with the Order of Eagles, of which he is a prominent national officer. —Parke H. Davis, another promi nent Democrat, is one of the foot ball authorities of- the country. —Mayor Thomas B. Smith, of Philadelphia, lias been playing golf at Delaware river resorts. —Commissioner H. M. McClure followed the baseball scores closely yesterday. He used to play him self. * DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg Is making parts for naval vessels and plates for the Pacific trade? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —John Harris helped equip the in l7 C 7°s? Pany mUed ln thiS B * cU "