Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Plank Defeated by "Dutch"
Leonard and Any One of
Three Clubs Can Win
Club.— W. L. rtt.
Steelton ~, 11 8 .579
Bethlehem 11 8 .579
Wilmington 10 9 .526
Sparrows Point... 9 10 .474
Lebanon 8 10 .444
Fore River 7 11 .389
Steelton went and did it on Sat
urday. Eddie Plank had a bad day
ard "Dutch" Leonard, pitching for
Fore River, put it over on the vet
eran. 5-0. Meanwhile Joe Jackaor
carried on like a wild man for Wil
mington. helping to down Sparrows
Point, 4-1 Two home runs, the
longest hits ever made at Wilming
ton. one railing over the scoreboard
in centeififeid ant- the other clearing
the left-ti"'d tulek, did the tr'ek.
At that, Dumo.it p'le 'Cfl a good
game. Jeff Test-eat. also starred.!
twirling Bethlehem at Lebanon to a
2-1 victory, and now Steeiton, Beth- i
lehem and Wilmington are so close
that any one may win *ie flag.
The TV ilrningto i team is only arc
game rack of Steo.ton, and it plays
to-day on the D? aware Held. A
victory lor the Uarians will knot
them with Manager Gooige Cocic
ill's crowd. In that case shourJ
Beihlenem win . s game at Fort
River, '.he pennart. wS.I go to JeiT
Tesrcau s team, but snould Fore
River come back with anotner sur
prise as it did in the Stcelton game,
Bethlehem will lose i's chance fo
:he i ti.nant outr'gh:. but will stiil
figure ,n a triple tie, providing Wil
mington can win from Steelton.
It is one of tne closest races on
record. Fore River, the tail-end
team, being three an d a half gam is
back of first place.
Manage ,'hariio Koi. - 'net's Leb
anon tevi l-;s net play to-day,
having p',*t poocd its -*a:ue with
Sparrows Point until next t>atuida>.
This was d ire -n order that the
Sparrows Point steelworkers can
participate in a big demonstration
in Baltimore to-day. Neither Leba
non or Sparrows Point has a chance
for the pennant and itheir post
season game will not affect the
iVhat They Did Yesterday;
Where They Play Today
American League
Washington. 5; New York, 3.
Cleveland, S: Chicago. 5.
Detroit, 7; St. Louts, 5.
St. Louis. 6; Detroit. 2.
Other teams not scheduled.
National League
Chicago, 4; Pittsburgh, 0.
Cincinnati, 5; St. Louis, 2 (first
St. Louis. 6: Cincinnati. 10 (second j
Other teams not scheduled.
American League
W. L. Pet
Boston 74 50 .59"
Cleveland 73 54 .575
Washington 71 55 .564
New York 59 62 .488
St. Louis 58 64 .475
Chicago 57 64 .471
Detroit 53 71 .426
Philadelphia 51 75 .405
National League
W. L. Pet.
Cttioao S3 44 .654
New York 70 52 .574
Cincinnati 66 60 .524
Pittsburgh 64 59 .520
3rooklyn 56 68 .452
Philadelphia 54 67 .446
Boston 52 70 .426
St. Louis 51 74 .408
American League
Cleveland at Chicago.
Detroit at St. Louis.
National league
Pittsburgh at Chicago (two games). I
St. Louis at Cincinnati (two !
#4 You Can't Preach?. (\
f\ You Can't Speak in Public? A
f| That makes no differ
-11 ence. | J
fi The Y. M. C. A. needs fi
if • you for War- Work in |J
Jjf France, if you are beyond Jf
f | draft age. • 51
= i Jobs of every kind are open ;.men for fi
= I all sorts of duties are needed, thousands § J
if of them. • Jf
| | The Y. M. C. A. in France is a bigger f 1
if business institution than the Standard if
fi Oil or United States Steel. fi
/| Uniforms, Equipment and /|
11 Expenses Provided 11
If ' —APPLY— ' - |f
== Y. M. C. A., Harrisburg, Pa.
5 r Bowman & Co., Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. E E
= C'alder Building, Mnrket Square, Harrisburg, Pa.
7||||[|||l' !| l||| l( ||||l' | I|| l|Mll ||I | I||| ||| ||||I | I|| l) | ||l |Hl||| |||||| |[l!l||| |||||| ||l!l|| ||||)||| | I !l||^
If Angleritis Ails You
Consult Tom Marshall
"My nerves are all shot to pieces!"
This complaint comes from the tired.
over-wcrked businessman, whose
habitat is the city and the office at
mosphere surrounding him, is dust
laden and permeated with his fal
i laclous Idea that the universe would
j stop rotating, if he did not remain at
1 his resk. His ears ard attuned to
■ the screeching street cars, as they
I take the curVes, clanging of bells and
| the discordant voice of the conductor
-las he growls out, "Step lively,
• please." On scheduled time he arrives
at his office, a dull sickening lull set
| ties upon his employes and there is
an exodus of those who are not tied
jby duty assignments. Mail opened,
routine work transacted until hjs
homing hour, when he folds his tent
and quietly slips away. Overworked
and peevish, he vents his spleen on
I his office associates. The thought
| never occurs to his mind, that the
i business world would drift along Just
j the same or perhaps better if his
i desk was accorded a few days' test,
j Never arrive at the point where you
are tempted to exclaim, "My netves
are all shot to pieces." Pack your
| little grip, assemble your rods, an- j
wrap and test your lines, replenish j
missing hooks, flies and other acces
sories. Bid those ieft in the oflce
a cheerful goor-by. Cut out, even
in ought, the sordid routine of |
business. "Hie away," to the lakes
and trout streams, where you can
cuddle up in the lap of Dame Nat ire
and be soothed to test by the whisp
ering breeze, the swaying of the
boughs, the gentle lap and break of
the miniature ground swells, as they [
comb the pebble beach along the j
shores. The gentle Zephyrs will i
come floating in over the top of the j
reeds afid tall grass is freighted with j
cxhilerating fisherman's ozone, far
your especial benefit. You will ftel
that life is then worth living, you
have takeh a long, lingering pull on
the latch string, which will open wile
the portals to longevity.
Trolling the lakes for those "mui
kies" or luring the fighting tiger
bass, from his comfortable resting
place beneath those pond lilly leaves,
whipping the mountain streams for
those speckled beauties, or commut
ing direct with the great outdoors,
your fishing efforts will drive busi
ness cares and imaginary troubles
from you. putting your mind zt'
peace with the world.
Many tired businessmen are unable
to diagnose their own cases. Pro
ceeding with their continuous grind,
until they are "called in" for the
final adjustment and the battle roysl
starts in the division of their estate.
Your malady is "Angleritis," whic.i
can be permanently cured by an oc
casional trip in the open, in pursuit
of the finny tribe, who are ever will
ing and ready to match wits with
you. Take my health hunch and im
mediately act. Do it now.
Electric Scoreboard to
Show Plays During the
Coming World Series
Harrisburg and Central Pennsyl
j vania baseball fans will again have
an opportunity to witness the world's
series baseball games thrtllingly re
produced on ar> electric player board
I through arrangements made by Lew
j Ritter to show the series at the
. Chestnut Stieet Additorium.
For several years Ritter has givon
the baseball fans a rare treat in re
producing every move in the great
championship series on his wonder
fully accurate electric board. The
demand this year continues ar.d di
rect communication with the playing
i fields in Chicago and Boston will
' bring the record of every play to
j Chestnut Street Auditorium just a
few seconds aftSr it occurs. Baseball
critics are ot the opinion that there
is little to choose between the Bos
ton Red Sox of the American Lea
; gue, and the Chicago Cubs, of the
National League. A number of for
mer big leaguers with the Bethlehem
Steel Company team at Steelton iike
Chicago's chances. The Boston club
! is mainly made up of former Athle
tic players and great interest w ill
.center in their ability under Ed Bar
row to do what Connie Mack ac
i complished. Mr. Ritter will follow
j the plan of ball clubs and donate
j ten per cent, of the gross receipts to
| the Red Cross. The first three games
! are at Chicago on Wednesday, Thurs
' dav *ra Friday and then the scene
shifts to Boston, starting next Mon-
I dav The games at Chicago start tit
! 3 o'clock >And the Boston games at 2
j o'clock. *
S noodles He Didn't Mean Harm By
/"W HQRSEY [J ] y 'V- T ( HERE-You < / '
IT* Fues 13 T PfTT f rtTTr&X*' V CANTT TREAT C / (//)
\ EATi/M" HIM " ■ * 0 * • Vk< SMIIHAT/ / //k/ WW H6S \WBH|
Heavy Cannonading in
C. 1. and S. Battle
C. I. & S v LEAGUE
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Open Hearth 13 3 .812
Mill No. 2 11 5 .688
Electric Shop 10 6 .62 5
j Universal Mill 10 6 .625
I Mill No. 1 9 6 .600
j Blast Furnace 6 7 .462
General Office 2 14 .125
; Giants 1 15 .063
Schedule For This Week
| Wednesday—General Office vs.
Saturday—Electric Shop vs.
Open Hearth.
Saturday—Mill No. 1 vs. Mill
No. 2.
Mill No. 1 plunged further in the
pursuit of the leaders in the C. I.
& S. League on Saturday and now
registers .6i>o. Four teams are so
closely bunched that there is no
doping how they will finish.
Pitcher Bamford gets credit for the
victory of Saturday, Wrightstone for
the defeat. It was the last game
for Nagle. the reliable center fielder
for Mill No. 1. He leaves for the
army this week. The score was:
AR. R. H. O. A. E.
Seblist, c 5 2 I 6 JL 0
Rodgers, 2b ... 5 0 2 3 4 1
Black, If 5 1 2 3 0 1
Sheesley, 3b.. 4 1 1 1 1 0
Stauffer, ss .... 4 0 1 2 0 0
Hall, lb 4 0 0 10 0 1
Hare, rf 4 0 1 0 1 0
Baeber, cf .... 3 1 2 2 0 0
Wrightstone, p 4 0 0 0 3 1
Totals 38 5 10 27 11 4
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
F. Williams. If. 4 1 3 0 0 0
Bamford, p. 2b. 5 0 0 0 2 0
C. Swartz, ss . 5 2 2 3 4 2
Nagle, cf 5 1 2 1 0 0
C. Yost, 3b ... 5 1 1 2 2 0
Chrissman, lb . 4 2 1 8 0 0
Brownagle, 2b, p 4 2 2 3 2 1
Lippert, c.... 3 1 110 1 0
Raver, rf 2 1 0 0 0 0
Total 37 11 12 27 11 3
Mill No. i, 2010 10 2 5 o—ll
General Office ~ 30000000 2 5
Two base hit—Lippert, 1; C. Yost,
t; C. Swartz, 1; Rodgers, 1. Sacrifice
laits. Raver. 1; F. Williams, 1. Dou
ble plays, Mill No. 1, C. Yost to
Chrissman. C. Swartz to Chrissman.
Struck out, by Wrightstone, 5; by
3amford, 9; by Brownagle. 1. Base
on balls, by Wrightstone, 1; by Bam
:ord, 0; Brownagle. 0. Hit by pitch
er, by Bamford 2. Stolen bases, C.
Swartz. 1; Nagle, 2; Raver, 1; Lip
pert, 1; Seblist, 1; Black, 1; Hare,
1; Rodgers, 1; Sheesley, 1. Pitcher
winning game, Bamford. Time. 1.35.
Umpire. John Hess. e
Copping oft the first four holes, at
Reservoir links, on Saturday, "Heine"
Zimmerman again won the pity golf
championship, defeating Harry B.
Bireiner, eight up and seven to play.
Z minerinan played a strong game
throughout the match, making two
forty-fives and a forty-one in the
first three rounds of the match.
Bofeton clinched the American
League pennant by winning the
first game of Saturday's double
header from Philadelphia, 6 to
1, with Ruth holding the visitors to
three hits. Watson, who was hit
freely throughout the opener, pitched
all of the second game, held Boston
to one hit, and Philadelphia won, 1
to 0. ,
Ruth's all-a.cund playing, includ
ing his terrific double to deep center
field, which just missed entering the
bleachers, featured the first game.
Watson's pitching, some remark
atle catcttes by Jamieson and Gard
ner's hitting stood out in the second
F. M. Troeh, of Vancouver. Wash
wen first place in the Canadian na
tional exhibition trapshooting tour
nament, at Toronto, by breaking 492
clay birds oty. of 500.
Of the various long runs made the
most remarkable was credited to G.
Haley, of Windsor, Ont., who broke
118 birds without a miss. Other long
runs were: H. J. Pendergast, Phoenix,
N. Y., 95' F. M. Troeh, Vancouver,
Wash., 79; C. N. Fish, Lyndonville, N.
Y.. 74; F. S. Wright. Buffalo. 72; D.
Wadsworth, Auburn, N. Y., 61; S. G.
Wcodward. Houston, Tex.. 57.
Four world's automobile racing rec
ords for a half-mile dirt tracks were
brtken at the lowa State Fair, Dea
Moines, lowa. Kd Illingboe drove a
half mile in .31.50 which was 20-lUOths
of a second faster than the former
record. However his mark stood only
a few minutes as John Haugdahl
turned the lap in .31.40.
Ray Lampkln set a new mark of
2.09.80 for two miles, but Illingboe
immediately broke the record again
with 2.08. The old record was
21.14.006. In this time he drove the
first mile in 1.038, lowering the world's
Arrangements have been completed
by Chairman A. S. Black, of the sched
ule committee of the Harrisburg Park
Tennis Association, for a match on
the Reservoir tennis courts, in this
city, on Saturday of this week. The
opponents of the local racket wleld
ers will be a fast team of six men
from the athletic association of the
Altoona Pennsylvania railroaders.
Just who will represent the Har
risburg aggregation has not yet been
decided, but a lineup will be an
nounced shortly.
Supreme golfing honors of the Wo
men's Western Golf Association went
to Miss Elaine Rosenthal, of Chicago,
for the second time, when she defeat
ed Miss Frances Hadfield, of Mil
waukee, 4 and 3, in the final round at
Indian Hill Club. The champion won
the title in 1915. but was eliminated
at the next two tournaments, although
her prowess during that time won the
North and South championship. She
Major League Games
Will End Today
With to-day's holiday Barnes
the major baseball leagues' sea
i son closes with the Chicago Na
: "i tionals and the Boston Americans
winners in their respective organ
izations. The Cubs cinched tho
| National pennant last Sunday,
1 while the Red Sox did not make
sure of their title until Saturaav.
The teams will meet at Chicago
Wednesday in the first gtfme of
the World's Series.
In the National League. Chi
cago. after breaking even last
Sunday with Brooklyn, divided a
six-game series evenly with Cin
cinnati. Tyler blinked the Iteds
with five hits Thursday, while
Mitchell, of Cincinnati, shut out
the Cubs with four hits Friday.
Tyler and Vaughn allowed Pitts
burgh four hits and no runs to
Toney and Perritt did remark
able pitching for New York and
assured the Giants of second place
in the race.
In the American League, Bos
ton suffered two defeats in three
games with Detroit, but took
three out of four from Philadel
Cleveland was held even in four'
games by Philadelphia, won a
double-header from Detroit and
beat Chicago Saturday. Yester
day's victory over Chicago assur
ed the Indians of second place, as
it was announced that Cleveland
would disband after - to-day's
A remarkable coincidence lust
week was that each league played
twenty-five games, scored a toral
of 167 runs and made seventy
nine errors.
The following are the eligible
players announced to-day by the
National Baseball Commission:
Chicago National League Club
—Fred Mitchel, manager; Bar.
ber, Carter, Clark, Deal, Doug
las, Flack, Hendrix, Hollocher,
Killifer, Knabe, McCabe, Mann,
tfter a period of preparation cov-
MarUn, Merkle, O'Farrell, Pas
kert. Pick. Tyler. Vaughn, Walk
er, Wortman and Zetder.
Boston American League Club
—E. G. Barrpw, manager; Ag
new, Bush, Cochran, Coffey, Du
buc. Hooper, Jones, Kinney, Mr-
Innis, Mays, Mayer, Miller. Par
ties, Ruth. Shang. Scott, Shean,
Strunk, Thomas, Wagner and
Marietta, Pa., Sept. 2. A bean
forty-two inches in length was rais
ed in the gaiden of Daniel Mackin
son, just west of Marietta, It was
the longest bean ever raised in Lan
caster county and was perfect In the
had previously sprung into golfing
fame by finishing runner-up in the
National at New York.
Golf tournaments will be the fea
tures at both the local country clubs
to-day, when both the organizations
plan to devote the entire proceeds to
the benefit of the Red Cross. The
pr .'* e , at the Harrisburg Country Club
will be the vice-president's cup, Pre
sented by Walter P. Maguire.
Harry C. Xeale is in charge of this
event and has received quite a num
ber of entries. At the Colonial Club
the tourney will be captained by L
G. Owrey and Samuel Nissley.
.. Ca ® e y Stengel, former outfielder of
the Brooklyn National and now con
nected with the shipyards team is
to-day looking for a small boy who
got away with $5O belonging to the
ballplayer, btengel was practicing at
Prospect Park yesterday. He gave
his money to the boy to hold for him.
After the practice the boy could not
be found. Stengel notified the police.
Harry Hill, who gained fame as a
basketball player In the Penn State
League aeverrfl, years ago, has been
wounded in France according to word
received at his home, in Pittston, Pa
He is a lieutenant in the United States
The Toronto Star attributes the suc
cess of American troops fighting in
France to their previous baseball
training, in an editorial which reads:
"Baseball being the national game
of the United States, there never was
any doubt about the Americans show
ing plenty of dash and courage in
war. Not only do the players show
these qualities, but any country is all
right that can produce umpires who
will go right ahead in defiance of two
infuriated nines and a raging multi
These arguments are followed by
the more familiar arguments that fa
miliarity with the devotion to sports
fosters Initiative and ability to keep
cool in unexpected situations.
In the matter of devotion to sports
the paper says there is little to
choose between American and Cana
dian soldiers.
The return to the fol' of the "Old
Master," Christy Mathewson, will be
one of the features of the closing of
baseball at the Cincinnati National
League Park, to-day. There will be
a doubleheader with St. Louis, air
plane flights and plenty of patriotic
speeches and music.
All baseball fans remember "Lefty"
Russell, who twirled for the Athletics
several years ago, Connie Mack pay
ing $ll,OOO for his release. ./ell,
"Lefty" is hors de combat just now
as a result of getting beaned by a
German bullet while taking part in
an American attack in Lorraine re
cently. He was going over the top at
the time.
With his head copiously bandaged,
"Lefty" is confined to one of the Red
Cross hospitals in the Paris area. He
Is able to be about, however, and is
anxiously awaiting the time when he
will be reported fit for another front
line crack at the Hun
Two Great Left Hand Pitchers
Will Help Cubs, Says Fullerton
o c o o
Q ffl sat J® I
3S S 3
3a | !
si- s i ;
R. F. 814 231 x R. F. 826* 244 x"
L. F 809 227 x L. F.. 826* 218
C. F. 821 231 C. F.. 786 222
Ist B. 827 454 Ist. B. 831 477
2d B. 740 253 2nd B 831 477
3. S. 831 475 S. S.. 828* 477
3d B. 774* 281 3rd B 790" 258
C. .. 812 763 C. . . 791 682
P. .. 738 833 x P. . . 790* 853 x
Totals 7166 3748 Totals 7240 3690
•Less since originally doped.
xGain since originally doped.
just as it is easier to dope stake
horses than it is to figure selling
platers, we find to-day that doping
the Chicago Cubs and the Boston
Red Sox is harder than it has been
to dope any teams in the last twenty
years. If it is a stake horse against
a selling plater the job is easy, but
here we must figure selling platers
on each side, trying to hold place
with old stake horses and run as a
The figures indicate that the
Red Sox havo eighty-six points the
better of the hitting ability, and
eighty-six points* is a small margin.
We find this offset to a degree by
the fact that the Cubs have the
better fielding team by fifty-eight
, The margin is too small to indi
cate any marked superiority for
either team great enough to enable
either to win on straight class.
It figures that the Chicago team
as team is better in that its
strength is more equally divided and
better scattered through the bat
ting order. We discover, too, that
Mitchell has much the better hit
ting arrangement of his team, so
that the Cubs are liable to score in
any inning, whereas you may figure
safely that the Red Sox, when they
score, must do so with (he head of
the batting order up. In other
words ,the Boston club is "dead"
three innings of each game because
the attacking strength is badly
broken when Agnew and Coffey are
to bat, and the team is much less
liable to maintain a rally than the
This doping is funny business.
The fact is that the Red Sox ought
to outfigure the Cubs by at least
250 points on a season, yet so well
adapted is Mitchell's team to meet
the situation now at hand that his
team looks better. This is solely
because of the left-handed batters,
Ruth, Strunk Mclnnes and Hooper,
while the right-handed batters are
weak wallopers.
This would not he so great a
handicap under ordinary circum
stances, but the fact that Mitchell
has two great left-handed pitchers
primed and ready makes the Red
Sox seem to have less hitting power
than it really possesses.
The left-handed pitchers, of
course, will argue that they hit
lefthanded pitching. I never (have
known a left-handed batter who did
not think he could hit lefthanders,
hut the truth is that, with a few
exceptions, I have never seen a left
handed batter whose average against
left-handed pitching was as high as
against' righthanders and, further,
none of them (excepting Fred
Clarke) ever hits against good left
handers, and the reports from tne
Chicago camp are that Vaughn and
Tyler are good.
The change from the North Side
grounds in Chicago to the south hit
Boston considerably. 1 was com
pelled to add points to Hooper's de
fensive value because of the larger
grounds on which he will play and to
deduct from Ruth's value as a but
ter because of the same facts. All
along I have been afraid that Ruth
would upset the dope and the series
j by punching three or four long flies
! over the short fence in Chicago. Not
r that it makes a bit of difference, but
one hates a series spoiled by nits
which are at best iluky and games
won by nigh flies that would bo
caught on fields of average size.
Whether Boston will be affected by
the schedule which compels the Red
Sox to play three games away from
home or r.ot is doubtful. There are
j times when superstitions of that kind
i do affect ".he work of teams and it
is certain that the Red Sox have
not been a strong road team this
year and have been well nigh invin
cible on their own grounds.
The Cubs are helped by getting
away from tfceirown Held. Theynever
liked the grounds and last year had
an idea thaj. they could not win on
the North Side park. They will play
all their games oft their home field,
which, while it appears unfair, does
not hurt, even if it fails to help them.
After the teams move to Boston the
Red Sox will have the advantage in
every way and the Cubs will be
handicanned somewlgit.
It wouTrl be a fairer arrangement
to play on Bmves field, so that each
team would be oft its own field, but
even so the advantage of the field is
more imaginary than real.
It would be well for the umpires
to look over the Red Sox park care
fully. especially to examine the pitch
er's club before the series starts and
thus avoid argument.
Now that we have studied the
position values of each team and!
have rated them as to figures, the
real task of doping comes. We know
now Just what each man is worth
to his club in his position and against
the pitching he must face. The job
now is to apply those values to actual
play and figure what each man ought
to do in each game. There are these
who doubt whether this will work
out. N I have tried it a dozen times
this season, calculating on a certoln
pitcher working against a certain
team. Then I have taken each man
us the bailing order came and tried
to figure what he ought to do against
that pitcher, merely to test out the
theory of dope. It has worked out
so wonderfully well that I have been
able, in almost every test ease In
which I knew the pitcher and the
batters, to come to the actual num
ber of hits made, to pick the bat
ters who would make them and, in
numerous cases, to pick the exact
innings in which scores would bo reg
That is what I am going to at
tempt in this series, and to-morrow
when I get through figuring, I'll tell
you just what the runs and hits will
be in each game.
But here is a warning: this series
will he decided by errors rather than
by hits.
(Copyright, 1918, by the Bell Syn
dicate, Inc.)
West Shore News
West Shore Schools to
Open With Big Enrollment
West Shore schools will open to- |
morrow morning at West Fgirview, I
Wormleysburg, Lemoyne, Camp Hill
and New Cumberland. The state law
compelling all children who have not
been vaccinated in the last five years
to be vaccinated has been enforced
in all district and all pupils who
have not been vaccinated will not be
admitted to school.
Teachers elected by the Lemoyne
board to serve during the term are:
Miss Edith Mumma, principal; Miss
i Catherine R. Dasßer, teacher of
I science; Mrs. Una C. Wood, teacher
of music and drawing: Mrs. E. R.
Koontz, mathematics and history.
The teachers for the grades are as
follows: First grade. Mips Minnie.
I. Stambaugh; second grade. Miss
Martha J. Yencel; third grade. Miss
Mary R. Reeser; fourth grade. Miss
Gwennie Davies; fifth grade. Miss
Margaret Bricker; Sixth grade, Miss
Naomi C. Bentz, seventh grade, Leila
C. Clever; eighth grade. Miss Ethel
L. Clever.
i Wst Fairview school teachers fol
' low : Miss Mary Eshelman, Shippens
burg, first grade; Grace Karper, Car
lisle, second grade: Ada Long, Ship
pensburg, third grade Catharine Cran.
ford, West Fairview, fourth and fifth
grades' Erma Snyder, Carlisle, flflfth
and sixth grades; Pearls Killinger,
Meehanicsburg, seventh and eighth
grades. Clyde Mellinger, principal of
the school last year is now in the
I service.
At Wormleysburg: Prof. John Mc-
Dermond, principal of the high
school; Harley Surface, grammar
grade; Anna Martha Hammelbaugh,
intermediate; Dorothy Bowman, pri
mary grade.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
■ Mnrjvtlle. Pa., Sept. 2.—Charles
Sweger, in training as an auto me-
I chanic. spent the weekend with his
i parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. C. Sweger,
Lincoln street. He had been a mem
ber of the clerical force In the local
preference freight yards.
William T. Keller, a graduate of
the Marysvllle High School. Class of
1918, now with Company L Two Hun
dredth Marine Company. Marine Bar
racks, uaQntico, Va.. has returned to
{ his duties after spending a short rui
! lough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
1 David Keller, Valley street.
I Russell Speck, a fireman on the
IU S. S. Louisana, visited with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Speck on
Saturdav and Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haverstock,
son Gordon, |ave returned to their
home at York, after being guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Snyder at their
home at Shiremanstown.
Mrs. George Romberger, son
George Romberger, Jr, daughters,
| Eleanore and Dorothy, of Harrisburg.
' spent several days with the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brin
ton at Shiremanstown.
Miss Kathryn Zimmerman. of St.
John's, spent several days with her
sister. Miss Pearl Zimmerman at
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zerbe. son
Keith, of Shiremanstown, spent Sun
day with the former's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. James Zerbs at Spring Lake-
Sergeant Grover Blauser, of Camp
Mrt-ritt, N. J., visited his aunt, Mrs.
A. W. Bistllne at Shiremanstown on
Miss Elma Senseman, of Shtremans.
town, is home from a visit at Coates
vllle, Phlladelphian and Lambertvllle,
N. J. At the latter place she was the
guest of Miss Flora Williamson.
Mrs. George Wolfe, of Mechanics
burg. and Mrs. Elizabeth Bentz, of
Dlllsburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Wolfe at Shiremans
Mrs. Percy Zefcring Mrs. Granville
Bcamer, daughter, Miriam Beanter, of
Harrisburg, spent a ay recently with
Mr. and Mrs. George Kauffman at
Mrs. Lizzie Btxler, of Harrisburg,
j spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Eshleman at Shiremanstown.
Miss Charlotte Snyder has returned |
to her home at Harrisburg, after I
spending the summer with her grand
parents at Shiremanstown,
• SEPTEMBER 2, 1918.
Tennis Star Playing
in Championship Singles
k. .'y^* '" *'T" *r.
ICHAVK leu^rAG^^?.
Ichlye Kumagae, the Japanese ten
nis star, who is looked upon as the
probable winner of the thirty-seventh
annual tennis singles championship
tournament being played in the course
of the West Side Tennis Club at For
est Hills. The one man thought to
have the best chance with the famous
Jap is R. Lindley Murray. In a recent
practice game Murray defeated the
Jap by a ( 6-1 score.
Record of Pitchers
in the Big Series
Hendrix 20 6 .769
Tyler 18 8 .692
Vaughn ' 22 10 .688
Martin 4 2 .667
Carter 3 2 .600
Douglas 10 8 .556
W. L. Pot.
W. L. Pet.
Jones 15 5 .750
Ruth 12 7 .632
Mays 19 13 .594
Bush 15 14 .517
World's Baseball Series
Chicago (Nationals)
Boston (Americans)
On' ii':
Ritter's Electric Board
Chestnut Street Auditorium
First Game Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 3 P. M.
Play Safe —
Stick to
because the quality is as good as ever
it was. They will please and satisfy
6 c—worth it
• I
Republicans to Eat
Chicken-Corn Soup
The Harrisburg Republic Club en
tertainment committee is busy to-day
making its iinal preparations for the
big chicken cornaoup supper and
cornroast that will be staged this
evening at the club rooms. 26 North
Second street. Cards will form in
teresting entertainment for the even
Marietta, Pa., Sept. 2. Thomas
Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.
Rich, of .Marietta, made a narrow
escape front being shot by a com
panion. With a number of boys they
were camping in a tent at the Hiest
and homestead and were handling
rifles, supposedly unloaded. After
several times pulling the trigger tho
gun was tired and the ball caught
Rich in the forehead, imbedding it
self deeply. He was taken to the
Lancaster General Hospital where an
operation was performed.
Liverpool, Sept. 2.—A cornroast
was emjoyed Friday evening at Hunt
er and Radle's Grove by Misses Caro
line Mitchell, Mildred Erlenmeyer,
Margaret Stalley, Irene Coffman,
Elizabeth Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. Luth
er Erlenmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wert and William Mitchell.
Marittta, Pa., Sept. 2. Joseph
Musselman, aged 81, the oldest re
tired merchant of this section, died
Saturday night after a long illness.
He is survived by six children.
Wllken-Hiirre, Pa.. Sept. 2. In
creased wages amounting to $200,00(1
have been voluntarily awarded motor
men and conductors of Wilkes-Barre
Railway Company, and to make up
the sum involved the company man
agement will announce the eight-cent
fare in effect on October 1. Contrary
to the case of Scranton and other
cities, Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming
Valley were not Included in decision
of the War Board, which fixed mini
mum rates of pay for employes of the
street railways.
The Harrisburg casualty list to-day
is swelled by the same of Raymond
G. Bumbartner. 9 North Thirteenth
street, which appears in to-day's cas
ualty list as wounded in action in
France. Bumgartner was employed
bv the Pennsylvania Railroad before
the service. His wife lives at the
residence she occupied before her
husband entered camp.
"Cheer those left behind by the
purchase of a player piano."
2112 North Sixth street, adv.