Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 27, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
Serve by Preserving Furniture Sale Fifth Flow HEM- 1001—2336 UNITED * lIAHRISBURG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1018. FOUNDED 1871 _ " : __________________________ ~ " _ — et Furniture Will Move Fast Values—and Success fxhlbi%oT New"lsll During the Next Four Days "Why has this store been so successful? is a question ' which is asked occasionally. And our answer is that we * /* ' tl Stct ly speaking, it is only three and one-half days until . , • i\/l\ " Bie Bowman August furniture Sale is over. But Saturday have always given the best values obtainable, plus good \7 . . evening will more than make up for Thursday afternoon service, good assortments, perfect styles, absolute satis- W\* j T 7UF T \rnff V * rrif yv w T®Pfc Wjr rr?/*j closing, so you really have four days in which to choose fur faction, and honesty in advertising and all statements Big StOCR OT VELVEi dM VELOUR HATS made in the store. ' this sale will increase the volume of -business. Now about values. What you get here is what we say Heavy Velour Hats, in fifteen different shapes. The better kind of velour, with deep, soft nap and ' >ut natura ' that it should. Hundreds of people ... . . , ~ double facing on brim. Inspect the edges and vou will readily see the quality. We could have bought imi- ■ , ave 8 0ne fiom store to store and come back here to buy, and we will give you—always. We buy our merchandise tations that would sell for less, but the style and quality would have been lacking. * then told their friends of the unusual furniure values to be with extreme care, being sure every time to get the These Velours come in Autumn Brown, Allies, Navy Blue, Taupe} Purple and Black. nQ HZ had here, considering these war conditions curtailment of ~ , - ~ . , , Fvrellentvalnps at vPO./D production and increase in factory costs. Their friends have est, newest styles and hnest qualities at the very low- xceucjntvalues, at . CO me and will continue to come until the sale closes Satur est prices! And, instead of trying to see how much we TVimmPrl of day evening at nine. can get for our goods, we mark the lowest possible If you are. in need of a single piece or an entire suite, it is on .Hen,. h*„, „ a . Indjvic ] ua | Becomingness In Various Shapes " - - -• Beauty is expressed in every line of the large Hats Made of Hatter's Plush, in every conceivable shape— T T II —TTl^ill — \ou get real values here every time. We believe in with the soft, drooping brims. Made of Panne Velvet, tri-cornered, straight, flared, and all neatly banded. The square dealing and we give every patron the most thev with underfacings of Copen FMuc and Sand. The well- hats are all finely made, of excellent materials and are . t ,1. • dressed woman to-day expresses much of her. person- priced on the basis of real merit and value— ■- I can get for their money. ality in her millinery. At this store it is easy to find an | ' L=Jki • ■ individually becoming hat that fits your personality as j tn'P Q£l fCO ts'S QrS === * . . though it had been designed especially for you. i ' V ** %J • / V - 0 :I . 1 lmc A Great Collectton Is Here For Your Choosing , and 0 n ° It Includes Every Popular Fancy of the Season 0 .11 ] ° Is Here I 1 Markets Now Are Filled With . Fruit, So Now is the Time to Buy i iirnlf (( This Is the Bedroom Suite Now Displayed in . Your Canning Necessities. 0 " r e are prepared to supply - - *Ay \~ r ) \ I'hp Sgite is unfinished. No stain or varnish on any piece, but in the vour wants. J natural wood just as it comes from the mill. —'l \ j :> 4 Showing the interior construction in detail. See the dustproof par- Mason Fruit Tars, a dozen for pints, titions, the dove-tail joints, the one-piece veneered back and many 3 I Up to 91.13 for other interesting features. -J ij if > \ L T A/ • This Suite shown on the Furniture Floor, finished in Old Ivory and Ideal glass top Fruit Jars, dozen for - // ' j lnd '<vi Gray. August Sale Price, 4 pieces, tSssSSggi pints, up to $1.35 for / • , (t 1 J/5 0(1 T t2 n BOWMAN'S—Third Floor I P 1 1. Tin top Jelly Tumblers, a dozen for V * j 6-ounce, up to 45? a dozen for 8-ounce. Stfirhitio Are Ahi)nv InT)pmnn/l— i ITT A C Mahogany Cane Davenport Suite* Tin CailS-for tomatoes, dozen fcJlCJCfflfllj xlf /m.IWIIjV ill MJ'HIIIUIIU I I ' I i / % % 7ii Davenport with Chair and Rocker to match, tlpholstered in 'lmHk ' T " I *- -®—A- a beautiful high-grade tapestry, with round rosette cushions on •v- •&{ ** ■■■ f to 53.T3 And w Never Fail To Supply The Demand b """ n ' Q, ""' n Ann * PetlM fm J With Best Values Obtainable Bor Labor Day Parade $129.75 Label Books for marking jars l'-if • Women's Thread Silk Stockings—plain black and plain Another lar°"e parade is scheduled for next Moil- Antique Mahogany Dining Suite • white double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops day—a day when Labor, the great industrial army in offii^%Td"n d .n.™ an7Ho^^L'upSlr^'^ Bott ies For Root beer £$ ' \VomenVThread Silk White and colors, b . ack lioys in the trenches, will celebrate its na- August Sale Price, Til double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops, seamless. tional holiday. J hose who require Flag's for this Ip^JOD.UU . /4\ Pair 81)<* gf'cat event will find we are well prepared to supply 1 1 / M Women's' Stockings, thread silk, double soles, high spliced ! organizations with flags ' The Bowman Restwell Mattress, good ticking; all sizes; one or two ,1110 iVCILiIUp ll licels, wide garter top, black, white and'colors. Pair, $1.75 i . . parts. August Sate Price, Women's Stockings fine quality silk lisle, double soles, j l-xlB-inch flags on 30-inch staffs with gilt spears .... slo.oo 1 -pint capacity, with patent stopper, dozen .. f>s? tli ; high spliced heels, wide garter tops. Pair SI.(H) 12xl8-inch flags on 48-inch staffs with gilt spears .... 15# Jelly Strainers 35# to 75# i , Women's Fiber Silk Stockings-plain black and plain white j 16x24 -i nch flags on 36-inch staffs with gilt spears .... 30# Hestwell Boxspring for woodi o,■ iror.beds; well upholstered and * 1 r —JO | double soles, wide garter tops. Pair 50# ! f 1 1 well made; fancy art ticking. August Sale Price, Fruit Jar Wrenches 10# LPChildren's sox—plain and fancy tops—all sizes. Pair, 35# Special prices in quantities. shh BOWMAN'S—Basement. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. | I Last Call For These Final Priced Blouses 1 || f They're what remains of our Summer stock, and, with a large assortment of Fall models due to arrive any day, we must fej H *' iem at ° llCe * ere^ore ' P r i ces ' ll ie season's lowest, are marked on them. 11 ln these War Times, no woman will hesitate to wear these blouses throughout the Fall, and at 110 time this season have you JjC || been able to make such a great saving! They are of the prettiest and best selling Summer Blouses for which Bowman's Waist f| jl Department is famed. . S | Three Groups—s4.29, $5.29, $5.79 | Beautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses, hand embroidered and Crepe de Chine Blouses in white and flesh high and low || %■ handsomely headed. Some V neck with large collars. Others A neck trimmed with fine tucks and pearl buttons sizes 36 to 11 ! with square or round neck. Also several collarless blouses with f /IiBV Several washable Satin Waists in white and flesh, to be g line tucks. Some have frills with fine lace and hemstitching. worn high or low, and some slip-on models. § Sizes 36 to 46. Colors, white, flesh, maize, bisque, orchid, tea 1 s JI . Sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Better be § rose and Nile. t i\o ' here on the first day for best choosing. g BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. L \ TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 27, 1018 3