Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 26, 1918, Image 9

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Commission on the Training
Camp Activities to Stage
Meet at Boston Sept 7
The perfeotly amazing growth of
athletics of *ll kinds In America
since she Vntered the war will be
demonstrated on September T, when
the greatest sporting event that ever
transpired In New England will bo
staged at Harvard Stadium. Boston,
under the direction of the War and
Navv Departments Commissions on
Training Camp Activities.
Representatives from every mili
tary and naval camp in New Eng
l&nd will partieipate in the carnival.
The entries will run into the thou
sands. Many athletic stars now in
the service will compete. President
Wilson haa been Invited to attend.
The folllowirts committee has been
appointed to make arrangements for
the carnival: George V. Brown, dis-1
trict athletic director of the Navy |
Department Commission on Training
Camp Activities; lieut. Leon M. Lit-1
tie. U. & N.: Lieut. Mathewson, U.
S. A., and Hugh C. McGrath. * fit
This announcement came to-day
from Washington and along with it a j
statement from Raymond B. Fos- j
diet, chairman of the War Depart-1
raent Commission on Training Cam p j
Activities, who returned recently |
from the American front in France'
where he made a two months' study;
of the relief and recreational work •
that is being carried on among our >
expeditionary- forces.
"Our soldiers in France." says he. i
'"are the iinest sportsmen In thai
world. Their sportsmanship is mani- i
fasted in everything they do. What l
is more, the sports our men are j
playing overseas such as baseball, j
football and soccer and boxing and I
wrestling are making them better
"Sports probably are the raest pop
ular form of diversion among our
troops overseas. The men piay at
every opportunity, and it seems that |
they instinctively turd to athletics!
for their. amusement. I have seen
soldiers return to their rest billets I
after a 'hard go' in the trenches and
immediately begin to play baseball. |
football and soccer and engage in j
boxing and wrestling bouts tired j
though they were.
"Baseball is the most popular. Onei
day I witnessed a game in the his-|
torie Tuilleries Gardenu in Paris, be- j
tween American soldiers and sailors j
stationed there. The next day up near 1
the front lines I saw troops whoj
were to make an attack on the fol-1
lowing morning playing as long as|
daylight permitted, and I am sure!
each player fought a little better on
the next day as a result of the di- 1
Dunc?rron Wins Title
A of Perry County
Duncannon won the baseball cham- I
pionship of Perry county from Blain j
on Saturday before an enthusiastic j
crowd which was divided in its ap- ;
plause. The Blain Vocational School, 1
which had staged many a clever game .
in the season, was not able to score j
off Pitcher Biever, the Harrisburg;
phenom. who in some mysterious
manner suddenly became a Duncan
nonite. Another familiar form which
had considerable to do with Duncan- ]
non winning. 8-0. was Bobby Clark.'
formerly first baseman at Steelton.
ther. with the Allison Hill League.
Bobby swung the ash for a homer
with two men ahead of him. Dun- |
cannon had a total of 16 hits off the
Blain twirlers, Gibson and Karns.
The score:
R. H. O. A. E.
M. Bower, c, o 0 2 3 0
C. Bower, as 0 7 2 3 1
Spotts. If. 0 0 3 1 0 i
Scheffer, lb 0 0 1 5 0
Gibson, p, lb. ....... 0 15 2 0
Clay. 2b 0 2 0 1 0
Johnson, rf 0 2 0 0 Ck
Anderson, cf. 0 0 0 0 0
Kama lb, p 0 11 1 3 o
Totals 0 7 24 IS 1
• R. H. O. A. E.
waltz, c. 1 2 13 o 0
Deha'n. rf. 1 o 0 0 0
Biever, p 1 i a 2 0
Clark, lb 2 2 5 0 0
Garverich. If 1 4 0 ,0 0 ;
Hinkle. 2b, 13 6 10
>L McC*y, 3b. 1 2 0 2 0 |
Carson, cf, 0 2 1 0 0 1
Anis. ss 0 0 0 2 0 ;
Totals g 16 27 7 0 I
Blain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !
Duncannon .... 32100020 x i ;
What They Did Yesterday;
Where They Play Today
American League
Washington. 6; Chicago. 9 (first!
Washington. 5; Chicago. 3 (second
Other clubs not scheduled. 1
National League
Chicago, 5; Brooklyn, 3 first game).
Brooklyn. 2; Chicago. 1 tsecond
Boston. S: Cincinnati. 7 (first game).
Cincinnati. 2; Boston, 0 (second
game. 7 innings).
SL Louis-New Vork, rain.
American League
W. L. PC 1
Boston % 70 47 .59,
Cleveland 67 52 .562
Washington 67 54 .554
New York 56 57 .496
Chicago 57 62 .479
St. Louis 54 61 .477 '
Detroit 50 65 .431
Philadelphia 4S 70 .407;
National League
w - u PC.
Chicago 79 41 .65?
New York 65 50 .565 :
Pittsburgh 63 55 534
Cincinnati .... 61 57 .517,
Brooklyn 54 65 . 454
Philadelphia ..... .... 50 65 .435 I
Boston ;... 50 68 .424 1
SL Louis 50 71 .413.
American League
Chicago at Washington.
SL Louis at New York.
Detroit at Boston.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
National League
Boston at Cincinnati.
Brooklyn at Chicago.
New York at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh.
In the Central Iron and Steel Lea- '
gue on Saturday 'Open Hearth beat
Mill No. 2 by the score of 14-7. The
battery for the winners were Shade
and Hippensteel and for the losers.
Shearer and G. Swartz. To-day the j
schedule calls for Mill No. 2 versus '
the Giants.
bnoodles .*■;* He Was Staging a North Pole Scene B*y H 11TLQC T~j~()T*CL
' pSwdbr. ! (Vision- DHL'S " ) ( Powder ) . (NOW wil.l. You 7KIP ADDISON
V , "V Ueeftse feu. MtrJ was a Polar.
_ fURS
English Women Smoking Cigarettes
Shock Yankee Soldier-Athles
The English people are beginning
to know America and our dear old
friend, the London Times. "The
Thunderer," which never before re
corded much of American events be
'yond an occasional lynching, now
i devotes columns to Yankeeland.
Here is a remarkably flattering ap
preciation written by one of its high
price contributors which should in
terest every one, even though he or
she take no interest in sports. This
discerning scribe tells:
"Ita precise situation does not mat
ter. It is in England; that is the
important, the wonderful fact. Take
a map and select some high, windy
spot whence you can get a view over
miles of English country, hill and
dale and woodland, and it will do for
the American camp. One other thing
is neded before the imagination can
fully comprehend this portent. The
high. Windy spot must be within
walking distance of an old English
town, which has an intimate place in
our early history and ot?ns as many
legends as would make a book of ro
mance and enchantment.
"Many Americans visited the town
in the old days. They were then in
a hurry, and did not mind what they
paid to get in and out again quick
ly. They used to 'do' the town; and
the townspeople, perceiving their
lavishness and being simple folk,
perhaps, fell into a habit of 'doing*
them. But neither party to the
transaction seems to have com
plained. The town grew accustomed
to being polished off In the course of
half a day or so. while the Amer
icans were delighted at ticking an
other name in their guide books.
"Their successors actually occupy
a 'rest' camp. It is true that they
do not sit down for very long, for
they are on business and rather
pressing business. But every provi
sion is made for their comfort, which
they have made themselves. So it
comes about that, stumbling on the i
camp by chance, a man who has I
known the high, windy spot in the !
days of peace is at first a "little dazed
by the transformation wrought by
war. The streets of huts remind
him of the towns that grow up in a
night in a colony. There is a shock
between them and hallowed history
and tradition, as though some
Smithvillc or Brown's City had Rest
ed In the ruins of Pompeii and were
raising its crest in defiance of the
heavy hand of Time. Then, his eye
lighting on open spaces and certain
mysterious nets, he recognizes the
indefeasible signs of the race. The
squatters have brought their sports '
with them as well as their provi- \
stons. Here they box, and over there !
they chase a ball. With the nets
they fish for physical health and fit- !
Most Solemn of the .Miles
Apparently, the haul Is greaL Of !
the thousands of men in the prime of (
their youth who march along the I
P. and R. Players Meet
Defeat at Lebanon
The Philadelphia division ball team
of the P. R. R. lost to Lebanon on
Saturday to a team made up of Beth
lehem Steel League players, men on
the second string, score 10-0. Light
and Yeiser were stars in the galaxy
and Harrisburgers had small chance
to win. This Lebanon team comprises
Steel League players who are ineli
gible as yet for regular work.
Stroud, formerly of Detroit, was on
the mound for Lebanon, and in field
ing. Stowe and Geary featured. The
R. H. O. A. E.
Stowe. ss, 3 1 1 4 0
Yeiser. If 3 4 4 0 0
Light, 2b, 1 3 3 3 0
Shultz. cf 1 2 2 0 0
Mecherley, 3b 2 1 1 0 0
Beebe, lb 0 0 10 0 0
Mains, df 0 l o 0 0
Lalonge, c, 0 1 8 0 0
Stroud, p, 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 10 13 27 8 0
R. H. O. A. E.
Shafer, 3b 0 2 0 5 0
Thompson, If, 0 0 3 0 0
Levan, cf, p. 0 1 3 0 0
Johnson, p. cf, 0 0 13 0
Geary, es. 0 1 3 4 1
Hippensteel, c. 0 0 4 1 0
Walters, lb, 0 0 9 2 1
Peters, rf. 0 1 0 0 0
Hdiney, *2b 0 0 1 1 1
Totals 0 S 24 16 3
Hby. Division 000000000— 0
Lebanon 201042 10 x—lo
Two-base hits, Yeiser. Stowe.
Three-base hit. Geary. Sacrifice hits.
Yeiser, Stowe. Double plays. Geary to
Walters to Hippensteel: Light to
Stowe to Beebe. Struck out by, John
son,3; Stroud, 8. Base oh balls, John
son. 1. Stolen bases, Lebanon S*.
First base on errors, Lebanon 1. Wild
pitches, Johnson.
Henry Milton is being held by
Post Office Inspector Lucas on the
charge of using the United States
mail to defraud. United States Com
missioner Wolfe has not yet given
him a hearing. Milton is said to have
written to H. R. Anderson, Coates
vllle, posing as his son and asking
for money because he was sick. On
Saturday when he lifted a lettef
with money from Anderson from the
post office, he was grrested.
• Harvey W. Fritz. 1304 Market
street, has been commissioned a sec
ond lieutenant in the Quartermasters'
Corps of the United States Army.
memoried roads, not one seems bur
dened with nerves or an ache. Most
ot them are tali, and ail have the
kind of chest that throws out a
tunic. Nor do they need the Bib
lical injunction to r/foice in the days
of their youth. They exult in the
play of every muscle and sinew. But
behind the lean, brown faces lurks a
notable seriousness. The British sol
dier smiles when he is most earn
est, but these men, on the contrary,
carry the gravity of war in their
keen eyes and set lips. They are the
most solemn of the Allies.
"So much for an impression of
them on the march. At play, they
let loose the wild humor of Mark
Twain, compared with which all
British fun. save the East-ender's
when he is really out for the day, is
prim and even grim. The same man
who talks to you of common things
with the decorum of a finishing
school for young women is changed
into a yelling, gesticulating wild man
the moment he sets foot on the base
ball ground.
"Set down here on this most Eng
lish soil, and staying but a little
while, they study the country. Men
tion the local legends, and you dis
cover that they have formed opinions
on them. They possess quite a nice
sense of where history ends and ro
mance begins. Obe of them, dis
cussing the subject with me. ex
pressed definite views on the burial
place of a renowned hero. This man
was a chauffeur. The whirlwind
pace he drove at may have, given
him leisure for speculation. All I
could do was listen and hold on: so
the theory cannot get Into print. It
was not so fascinating in any case,
as the spectacle of the man himself,
taken from a remote American state,
conveyed over a few thousand miles
of land and sea, and planted on thts
sacred ground to each an English
man his own antiquities. Not arro
gantly, by any means, but with a
winning air of suggestion.
"Arrogance, boasting, 'side,' or
'swank' are all alien to the average
American soldier. If there are more
modest or more shy men on the face
of the globe than these campers-out,
they must live in some as yet undis
covered spot, in the heart of Africa
or at the Poles.
"It is, however, notorious that
America can claim a larger variety
of humanity than most countries.
One casual acquaintance In this
camp came from Georgia, and an
other. who claimed New England as
his home, told how a small census
had been taken of a dozen soldiers
selected at random, by .whom eight
states were represented. It was the
man from New England who let me
into the secret of what shocks the
American soldier in England. Un
less he happens to be familiar with
the hands of the 'idle rich' in big
towns, he is struck either dumb or
into 'language' by the sight of wom
en smoking cigarets."
Tom Marshall Gives the
Definition of "Fish Hog"
Question —How are the gauges of
shotguns estimated?
! Indianapolis, Ind. John Morgan.
: Before the days of micrometers or
other instruments for accurate meas
• uremcnts came into general use,
J spherical balls of lead were fitted to
the bore than weighed up the number
I to the pound then decided the gauge.
There is now a slight variation.
Question —Did German carp come
i front Germany? Are they a good
! table fish?"
Dixon. 111. G. H. J.
About forty-three years since they
! were imported from the land of the
, Hun, they now claim to be natural
j ized or neutral. Thousands of tons of
[ carp are shipped to the Ghetto dis
tricts in New York and other large
'' cities. Carp are good rustlers, scav
engers and breeders, but not good as
j a table delicacy. They are known gs
"Fish Hogs" due to their root
-1 ing proclivities.
Question —What has become of
those veteran trapshots Captain Bo
gardus and Dr. Carver?
Denver. Col. Arch Nilander.
Answer—Bogardus has crossed the
Great Divide, has eliminated wing
I shooting in his present environments.
| Carver is on the Orpheum circuit
j with his diving horses, he has not
j been seen in the trapshooting world
i for many years,
Mrs. Katie Albright. 310 South
j twenty-ninth street, received a frac
i tured shoulder, and her husband, R.
M. Albright, and two children, recelv-
I ed minor injuries when the motor
i cycle they were riding was struck
by an automobile at Progress. John
' Korsno. 431 South Second street, sus
tained a dislocated shoulder when he
wa ? JU ruclc b> " an automobile at Front
and Walnut streets, Saturday night.
For the purpose of financing their
work in this city and vicinity, of
ficials of the Salvation Army, will
stage a "Penny Day" campaign to
morrow. Despite the fact that not
as many workers have been secured
as had been desired, the campaign
will be carried out as planned.
Word have been received by Wil
liam R. Bennett. 228 Emerald street,
advising him of hie acceptance for
Y. M. C. A. service overseas. He is
an agency organizer for a life Insur
ance company. He will sail for
France as soon as a passport can be
World Baseball Title Games
Not Yet Arrangeed, Presi
dent Frazee Objecting
Ban Johnson, who is getting to be
about as unpopular in baseball as the
Hun autocrat is iiF the whole uni
verse, has given out the plans for
the world's series, although, hereto
fore this was always done by the
National Commission. His program
calls for the first three games at Chi
cago, but President H. It. Frazee, of
the Red Sox, said last night ne would
not agree to this, and went on:
"Such a schedule is not only very
unfair to the Boston Club, out it is an
insult to Boston fans and to the best
baseball town in the American
"While it has been the custom for
the contending club owners to toss a
coin to decide upon the place to the
opening of the series. I do not mind
waiving that formality and playing
the first two games in Chicago and
then coming to Boston for two games.
But I am absolutely opposed to play
ing three games in Chicago, 'and
then," as President Johnson says,
'playing the remaining games if any
(whatever that means) in Boston.
"The ideal arrangement would be
to play the first two games on Wed
nesday and Thursday in Boston and
the next two Saturday and Sunday in
Chicago. The schedule as given out
by Mr. Johnson will necessitate the
paps up of both the Saturday and
Sunday dates which 1 think is a big
mistake. The series should so be ar
ranged that each club shall have an
equal chance to win. The expense of
an extra trip between the two cities
should not be considered at all. There
is absolutely no reason for curtailing
the series."
AH over the country baseball fans
who usually attend this great .-nual
contest feel grateful to the Xatio,. \1
League, for it alone is responsible ft r
a series this year. Ban Johnso i
wanted to eliminate it. but the ok'
league took It up with Secretary
Baker and he showed his attitude by
immediately extending the time limit
to Feotembcr 15.
Responding to the War Secretary
baseball rr en arc just as fair, wi
war charity will benefit greatly by a
world series. Many changes will oe
made this year In order to meet war
conditions. Tne reduction of the
price of admission will probably cut
down the revenue, but it will give
more persons a chance to witness the
games, and the crowds this vcar will
le a* great as ev<;.
Last year 186.654 persons attended
the s x games played by the Chicago
White Sox and New York Giants. The
otal receipts were $425,878 nd the
plaers' share was 1152.585.58, each
player of the Chicago team receiving
$3,528.13 and each member of the
Giants $2,548.14. This year the play
ers' share will bo considerably less,
each member of the winning team re
ceiving $2,000 and each member of
the losing team $1,400. providing
their portion reaches $152,894. If it
does not the players' share will be re
duced accordingly. While the reduc
tion of prices may cut intr the play
ers' wnnincrs. it will also ei.dt nnte
the cry about the series being held
purely as a money-making scheme.
In securing the first three games
for Chicago the Cubs appear to-have
a decided advantage over eitnor tue
I'ej Sox or India.-.s. especially the
latter, as Cleceian i is a poor nad
learn. The Red Sox have such a com
fortable lead, however, that they are
ulrswst sure to win and. cons:i.erufg
this, the Clubs' advantage will be
lessened, because Boston is a bett-r
road club than Cleveland. Bost m is
the strongest home club in che Ameri
can League and Chicago will have to
win all three games to obtain much
of an advantage, as all games after
the first three are to be played in
Boston. It was not the advantage or
disadvantage of the start that the
baseball men were figuring or when
th"y decided t) play three gaums in
the first city, but the cost of trans
porting the teams from one city to
the other. This will be a consider- 1
able item of expense, with the in
creased railroad fares this year, and
is going to take a b'g slice of the I
earnings of Ihe two clubs.
Chicago yesterday clinched the Na
tional League pennant by breaking
even with Rrookl.vn while New York,
thfe runner up, remained idle. If Chi
cago loses all its remaining- games
while New York wins all its games
left on the abbreviated schedule, they
cannot overtake the locals, who are
eleven and a half games in front.
Chicago won the first game 5 to 3,
with the aid of erratic playing by
Brooklyn. but lost the second games
1 to 2, when Brooklyn bunched hits
in the fourth Inning. -
Chicago's probable American
League opponent in the world series
will be Boston, which leads Cleve
land by four games and Washington
by five.
The 1918 National League leaders
increased their margin over New
York last week by winning seven
games out of nine, while the Giants
won only two in six. New York won
one game out of three with Chicago
and also with Pittsburgh.
Tn the American League, Boston di
vided two games with Cleveland, but
gained on the Indians by taking three
out of four from St. Louis, while
Cleveland was held even by Washing
ton in four games. The Red Sox twice
won games from St. Louis on four
Authorities Given Names
of 224 Alleged Slackers
The names of 224 alleged loafers
will be turned over to Jacob Llght
ner. of the Federal and State Em
ployment Agency and Labor Depart
ment, by the police department. The
men. all of draft age. have been
rounded Jp by order of Mayof Kels
ter at the request of Federal draft
and employment officers.
Eleven patrolmen were detailed to
the work of visiting poolroom and
other loafing places, and the names
and addresses of the 224 loafers were
secured. Federal officers can not in
terview the loafers, and speedy action
can be taken.
First Basemen in Bij* Series
as Fullerton "Dopes" Them
Offensive Defensive Total
831' 477 130S
Offensive Defensive Total
817 434 1271
Offensive Defensive Total
803 436 1239
Offensive Defensive Total
786 454 1240
The Boston Red Sox, as might
have been anticipated even before
the dope figures were studied, out
figure Uie Chicago Cubs rather heav
ily at first base, while.-in spite of the
apparent weakness of the Cleveland
Indians in the initial position, they
are practically tied with Mitchell's
outfit in comparative values.
The truth is that no student of the
same can, while studying the speed
and the strength of the Boaton pitch
ing staff, even in its present depleted
condition, grant Fred Merkle to be as
good a bail player as his- averages
tliis year would appear jto indicate.
On bare figures Merkle lias) been al
most as good a ball player*'this sea
son as Stuffy Mclnnis, andlit is im
possible that figures shotild make
them so. YeL while we find Mclnnis
slightly below par. we must reckon
that a considerable extent, of that
lpss as due to the fact that* he tried
to be a third baseman early in the
season and this upset his steady
work for a time. Also, in spfte of the
fact tliqt wo know the figures are
not telling the truth about Merkle,
we must allow him part of his im
provement and attribute it to the
confidence and inspiration, which
arises from playing with a winning
team. The rest of his seeming in
crease in hitting ability wo must at
tribute to the fact that the average
of pitching in the National League
this season has been extremely low.
In other words the way in which
to calculate what Merkle ought to
do against the Boston Red Sox pitch
ing is to figure his batting averages
over a period of, say eight years,
and add about six per cenL for in
creased confidence, then calculate
what a batter hitting at that rate is
liable to hit against the pitchers of
the Red Sox staff. If we do that we
find Merkle still rating up as a dan
gerous man in such a series, a% a re
liable and steady veteran.
Mclnnis Leads His Rivals
Again, in figuring Boston against
the Cubs we discover another case
in which the Cub pitchers, especially
Vaughn and Tylor, who are becom
ing more and more important as we
proceed with the dope, cut points
from the Boston's attacking strength.
However, the evening the cunning of
Tylor, with his control and his float
ing twisters, is not liable to affect
Mclnnis nearly to the extent it will
affect the batting of Ruth, nor will
Vaughn's speed and shoots stop him
much. In other words, it is safe to
take Mclnnis' averages against the
good lefthanders of the American
Xewville, Pa.. Aug. 26.—Funeral
services of Joseph Heflleflnger. who
died on Friday afternoon at the
home of his son. Luther Hefflefinger,
of apoplexy, took place this morning
at 10.45 o'clock. Mr. He efinger
was 72 years old and is survived by
his wife and these children: Mrs.
John Richardson, of Oakviile; Mrs.
Jacob Kunkle. of New Kensington;
Miss Rose Hefflefinger and Luther
Hefflefinger, of Newville. Burial will
be made in Prospect Hill Cemetery.
Richard Quigley, 357 South and
Eighteenth streets, employed at the
Central Iron and Steel Company, was
taken to the Harrisburg Hospital
Saturday where he received treatment
for a badly crushed hand.
Bert Ware, 1213 Monroe street,
was sent to the hospital Saturday
night suffering a stall wound which a
woman is said to have inflicted dur
ing a fight. The woman was not ar
National Tennis Stars
Begin Tournament
New York, Aug. 26.—Play in the
thirty-seventh annual singles
championship tournament of the
United States Lawn Tennis Asso
ciation will begin to-day upon tho
turf courts of the West Side Club.
Forest Hills, L. I. The entry list
will inclpde a majority of the
leading players now in this coun
try, more than twenty of whom are
in the service.
The tournament marks the re
sumption of the titular contests
abandoned last season in favor of
a national patriotic s'eries of
matches, which was won by R.
Lindley Murray, formerly of Cali
fornia. but now located at Niagara
Falls, N. Y. The proceeds of the
tournament will be devoted to vari
ous war charities funds.
Murray is numbered among tho
.eighty-odd entrants and is favored
by many to win the singles title,
which was last won in 1916 by R.
Norrls Williams. 2d., now serving
as lieutertant with the American
Artillery in France.
Play will be held daily, beginning
at 1:30 each afternoon, and will
continue through until Labor Day
when the final match will be stag
ed. Twenty-three matches are
scheduled for the opening round
to-day. with forty-one players
holding places In the.secona round
by virtue of drawing byes.
Leaguo and figures that he is just
as strong against Vaughn and Tylor.
Rather it looks to me as if HemiriV
spitter or Speed Martin's curve would
trouble Mclnnis more than either of
the Mitchell southpaws.
The figures leave Mclnnis a con
siderable lead over his rival in the
position, although not as much as
they would show were they to be
compared for an entire season
against all kinds of pitching.
Nothing could be more misleading
than figuring Merkle a .310 hitter
(as he has been this season) or than
figuring Mclnnis a .2 70 hitter (as
he now figures). If we were calculat
ing for an entire season wj would
have to follow these figures. But the
fact is that the ffgtlres practically
ought to he reversed. Mclnnis is a
normal .300 hitter and has been
practically all the time since he
broke in, while Merkle's normal gait
is around .265. Differing conditions
this season, coupled with Mclnnis'
slump while changing positions,
have altered their standing. The
thing which makes them look so
nearly equal for the purposes of tiiis
series is that Merkle is a righthanded
hitter, who hits rather better against
the kind of pitching he must meet
(especially such as that of Mays and
Bush), while Mclnnis' probably hit
ting is cut heavily by the fact he is
up against the kind of pitching
which has proved effective against
him in his own league.
In fielding Mclnnis has all the
Wood at First For Cleveland
In considering the chances of
Cleveland, which we must do even
though they practically are out of
the struggle at this time, we must
use a composite of two players. I had
to figure a composite of Wood and
Boscher in right field, and it looks
as if I will have to figure Wood irj
as first baseman against Chicago's
lefthanders, and as right fielder
against the righthanders, for surely
Fohl will strive to use his full rights
handed swing strength against
Vaughn and Tylor.
Even so, Cleveland does not look
impressively strong against the Cubs
in the first base end of the job. They
compare fairly well at that because,
if the Cubs get against Celveland,
their attacking strength will not be
as strong as it would be against the
Red Sox. In other words, Coveleski,
with his twisting fader and his sharp
breaking spit ball, and Bagby and
Morton with their shoots and speed,
would tend to check Merkle's bat
ting if they do not stop him to a
standstill. They are just the three
kind of men who would stop him,
especially Coveleskie.
To-morrow, being another day, we
will consider the second baseman
and it is violating no confidence to
state we are going to be surprised
to find how weak second basemen are
this season. However, the weakness
os strength does not affect the
chances bf a team much, provid
ed both candidates are weak, as in
this case.
(Copyright, 1918, by The Bell Syn
dicate, Inc.)
York. Pa.. Aug. 26. When this
evening the tablet is unveiled in front
of the county court house displaying
the names of the thirty-two young
men of York, city and county, who
have given their lives for world
peace, it will be the first honor of
the sort paid to its heroes by any
community in the country, so far as
the local committee knows.
Harrisburg had a taste of militar
ism last night when 500 men of the
136 th Infantry swung through the
streets of the city. The men were
enroute from New Mexico to an At
lantic port and stopped here for sev
eral hours while their train waited.
They were headed by a band.
Dr. J. M. Robbins. for more than a
year resident physician at the hospi
tal, will leave Thursday for active
service in the Medical Corps at Fort
Oglethorpe. Ga. He was commission
ed a lieutenant last summer, but was
not called for active duty.
Aaron Jackson. 1203 North Seventh
street, arrested Saturday night on a
charge of bootlegging, received a
hearing in police court this after
noon. It is said he was seen to give
whiskey to soldiers.
fy Cobb Quits Game
in Blaze of Glory
Tyrus- Raymond Cobb, who for
more than a dozen years has been
baseba'l's most sensational figure,
played for probably the last time
at the Polo Grounds Saturday af
ternoon. In another week. Cobb
will retire from the game, and he
told the buzzing, applauding fans
under Coogan's Bluff that by Oc
tober 1 he would be on his way to
France. After the war is over,
Cobb doesn't expect to return to
the game. He is retiring at a time
when he is still the greatest player
in the national pastime, and on
this status he is willing to rest.
Ever since Cobb entered the
American League in 1905, there has
been scarcely a day during the
playing season that the Jewel of
Georgia hasn't done something to
send his name screaming through
the newspaper headlines. In the
present generation of players,
there is none so smart and clever
as the Royston Flash.
Of this, his last appearance tn
the greatest baseball citv in the
country. Cobb was just as sensa
tinnal as he was a dozen years
ago. In the first game between
the Yanks and Detroit. Tyrus
thumped in four of the five runs
which gave the Tigers a 5-to-4 vic
tory. One was a tempestuous
home-run slap Into the rightfleld
august 20, iyr?
Stationed at San Diego
; -
. i
wp y m
Simon J. Snyder, son of Mrs. Louisa
Snyder, 554 Forrest street, is now
stationed at the United States Naval
Training Station at San Diego, Cal.
He enlisted on June 24.
Lebanon Prepares For
P. 0. S. of A. Convention
Lebanon. Pa., Aug. 26. Lebanon
is prepared to greet and entertain
the thousands of visitors who are ex
pected next week for the annual
meeting of the Pennsylvania State
Camp, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri
A resident and native son of Let),
anon county. G. H. Moyer, of Pal
myra, who as State President, will
preside over the sessions of the
i Lebanon meeting,- has seen to it that
the State camp meet in Lebanon has
been widely advertised throughout
the state and at the same time, as a
member of the general committee on
arrangements, has been active in pro
viding for the entertainment of the
many thousands of visitors.
Wednesday's session will be mark
ed by the unfurling of a service and
an honor flag, indicative of the fact
that 22,445 members of the order in
Pennsylvania are in the service of
the country in Its Army and Naval
branches. Among the distinguished
men of the state who will be here
for the event will be Congressman
William H. Coleman, McKeesport; Su
perior Court Justice John W. Kep
hart. State Auditor General Charles
A. Snyder and Judge Koch. Pottsville;
Judge A. W. Johnson, Lewisburg;
Judge John M. Garman Wilkes-Barre.
A reception is planned for Senator
Penrose at the Hotel Weimar and the I
Elks' Home.
Pillow, Pa., Aug. 26. —On Friday
evening the young folks of town
hiked into the country about one and
one-half miles where the?' held a
cornroast and marshmallow toast at j
Witmer's Ford along the hanks of
the Mahantonga creek. The follow
ing are those who enjoyed the pleas- i
ant occasion: AH. and Mrs. Joseph |
Witmer, Misses •Florence and Llllie.
Hokp, Clara Undercuffer, Edna'
Heckert. Fay Klinger, Hattie Went-!
zel, Estella Schieffier, Emma Boyd, j
Beatrice Kopenhaver, Carrie, Irene
and Margaret Snyder, Lottie Dockey,
Mabel Spotts, Elma Keene, Abe
Snyder. Roy and Ray Miller, Earl j
Gottshaii, Harry Gessner, Homer I
Baker, Sara Buffington, Frank Wiest, I
Liithec Smith, Floyd Spotts, Charles
Lehman_ahd Lee Deppen. The last
two young men are leaving for Camp
Lee, Petersburg, Va., to-morrow.
Play Safe —
Stick to
because the quality is as good as ever
it was. They will please and satisfy
6c— worth it
If Lebanon Laces Bethlehem
It Will Mean Flag For
Cockill; Red Cross Profits
Lebanon, 6; WiJfcngton. 0.
Other clubs not scheduled.
W. L. Pet.
Steelton 11 7 '.611
Bethlehem 10 8 .651
"Wilmington 9 9 .500
Sparrows Point .... 9 9 .500
Lebanon 8 9 .471
Fore River 5 11 .353
Lebanon beat Wilmington on Sat
urday while Steelton and Bethlehem
were playing their Kcjl Cross bene
fit game and Lebanon's victory
pushed the Harlan lads down fur
ther in the column, so that they are
hardly a menace now to Steelton's
pennant winning. Next Saturday
Manager Cockill tackles Fore River,
and by all tokens he should be able
to conquer the tailenders. On the
same day Bethlehem will have the
very tough Lebanon outfit to down
and the way Lebanon is going now
the chances are she will win another
one. If this happens, Steelton will
have cinched the flag. Jess Buckles
was the whole show at Wilmington
on Saturday, only three men reach
ing third ba>=c. Fortunately, Steeltor.
does not have to encounter him
again. Her last game will be on Sep
tember 2 with Wilmington.
Saturday's benefit tilt was a grand
success, for nearly 3,000 turned out
to see the home club play Bethle
hem, and besides those, many hun
dreds bought tickets who did not
witness the frolic. George Pierce,
the clever southpaw, looked better
than any time In the season, and
Baumgartner pitched good ball, too.
Young Nield, the fast outfielder for
Conklin, was a hero In this bicker
ing, while Edmundson and Pierce,
with thundering three-base hits, and
Knight with timely single, sparkled
at bat. Steelton and Bethlehem were
so successful that they will play for
the Red Cross again at Bethlehem
on September 7. More than $l,OOO
was taken in at the Cottage Hill
is the subject most people are
talking about just now.
We loan
on furniture and other securi
ties for just such emergencies.
Call and see us today.
Employes Loan Society
Room 206 Bergner Blag.
Licensed and bonded
by the State.