Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 26, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
R<?adii\cj fsrWM\ ojvd all ike EsrgsiKj j|P|| THE PLOTTERS A New Serial of East and West B> Vlrgliii TnknM Vrnj de Water I'H.m'LK XXX "Are you coming out on the front porch, dear?" Elizabeth started nervously at the sound of Mrs. Chapin's voice in the door of the kitchen. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" the matron added, suddenly remembering that Elizabeth had not assisted at tho departure of the son of the house— "Clifford's gone and you never told him 'Good-by!' " The girl smiled. "You mean he net er told me 'Good-by,' " she cor i'ected. coming out into the hall. She immediately regretted her words, for she saw that the devoted mother feared her son s negligence had hurt this young thiug. "That's too bud," Mrs. Chapin toothed. "1 guess he was so full of [getting oft that he never thought .a thing about it. No doubt he'll send .some message back by Mr. Butler." Elizabeth smiled again. "You .must not suppose that 1 mind, dear .Mrs. Chapin." she said. "To tell the 1 truth, I stayed in the kitchen on purpose. When people who love one another are parting, strangers are best out of the way. I know I do not want anybody around when I have to say good-by to my dear brother." j Mrs. Chapin gasped, then laughed. | "1 declarel" she exclaimed. "I've ; been so careful lately not to men- i tion jour brother that I was ac- I Anally scared when you spoke of ' him. "I forgot there wasn't any- . body around but you and me —and | Pa" —as Amos Chapin appeared in j the doorway. What's that you're , talking about?" he queried. The wife explained, adding: "Mr. ; Butler's always on hand latelj', so i that I've got out of the habit of talk- j ing about Dr. Wade. But I don't I think he suspects a thing." "Y'our son does," Elizabeth in- I formed her gravelj'. "He told me , he did." Amos looked startled. "Cliff told ! you that—did he?" "Y'es." she answered, moving to- j ward the stairs. "I think I will go up to bed now, ilf j-ou will excuse me. I am tired, and it's getting late." A Family Scene "Wait!" Amos detained her. His : eyes betraj'ed anxietj-. "What did j Cliff say?" "Oh." with assumed indifference. | "he did not saj' very much. He was evidentlj- under the impression that my brother had no right to send me here to board. He said something to j the effect that I ought to be ashamed , of his action—or mine—l don't re ember which. It occurred to me ' that Douglas would hardly be 1 pi i?ed by your son's attitude." She was watching the farmer as \ Fhe talked, noting the effect of her I Tenia rks. Had she wished to cause I r\ Re s i no 1 will clear your skin Xo one knows the humiliation of be- don'tbegintomakeablesseddifference. in;; a "wall flower" better than the girl They also help to make hands and arms with a red, rough, pimply complexion. soft and white, and to keep the hair If your skin is not fresh and smooth, live, glossy a;.' 1 free from dandruff, or has suffered from an unwise use of AH drafgwoind dealers In toilet goods sell R<". c >smetics,trv ResinolSoap and Resinol jf°| Rmitwl Soap Yo a hrtt - . ' - . r . .. , them! Tnal free. Wntr Dept.s->, !• , Ointment for a week and see if they more, Md. gj ' ' iillßilMWWifflilMMjl 1 FALL OPENING ■ ===== = 111 cga MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. is the day upon uSm which the Fall Term, for both Day and Night B —= School, will begin. m Standardized Courses M LJ HQ By enrolling here, you have the opportunity of = taking standardized courses approved bv the United —■ WBj States Bureau of Education—first-class teachers, ~~ and good equipment. 1 Decide and Arrange Now ( Owing to the great demand for young men and JH ■ women with business training, there are many fca " who will enter commercial schools this Fall, and nS| you will be assured of a place, if ycHi arrange early. B '■sS! Call upon us; we shall be pleased to advise you. -^5 School of Commerce B ™". I Harrisburg Business College Central Pcamsylvanta's Leading Commercial School =j= Troup Building 15 So. Market Square Bell, 485 Dial, 4393 IIHIIIIHiIIIIIIIIHIIWIIIBIIiHIIIIHI MONDAY EVENING, him discomfort, she fcuuld have been abundantly satisfied with the I results obtained. , ( Amos hushed angrily, then paled i slightly. "Cliff talks like a fool some , i times!" he burst forth. "I wish he'd ; mind his own affairs!" | I "oh. pa!" Mrs. Chapin pleaded | tremulously. How can you speak ! so of the boy, and when he's just j gone away, too." , | Tears rushed to her eyes, and her | voice broke. Elizabeth stepped quickly to her . [ side. "There, there!" she murmured, "I | J am sorry I said what I did in your ! , presence. 1 know it was hard for ; you to let your boy go, and we 1 won't talk any more about any ! thing concerning him." "ies, we will, too!" Amos Chapin | declared. "Mother, you d best go on ! upstairs or outside it you can t let 2 me say my say without fussing." "All rignt, pa," the mother con- : j quoted her emotion by a mighty ef- | ; tort. "I, won't say another word. 2 I know as well as you do that Citf- i ; ford does sometimes speak without ! i thinking. But he really don't mean ' i any harm." "1 didn't say he did mean harm." j her husband retorted. "Bin nils- j J chief is sometimes done when it's j not meant. Now," turning to Elizu ! beth as she stood at the foot of the stairs, "just what was it that he j | said to you?" Alius Is Apologetic "Really." the girl tried to speak carelessly, "I cannot recall his ex- I 1 act words. I paid too little atten tion to them, I suppose. 1 did not 2 worry about them, for, as I re- j i minded him, this is my brother's ' > farm, and 1 feel that he has a right to 1 j have me stay here under any name ior guise he chooses to give me. 1 Were I to pose as one of the royal ! family"—with a little laugh—"that I would be his affair and mine, and" — j laughing more heartily and naturallj' j —"the affair of the royal personage ! whom I elected to personate. "1 | know," sobering suddenly, "that Douglas has an excellent reason for what he is doing this summer. So I i simply carry out his directions. I ' trust him perfectly. I have taken it ; for granted that others would do i 1 the same." ] "Of course, of course they do," ! ' Chapin hastened to reassure her. "I suppose Cliff was kinder peeved because I hadn't explained to him 2 the truth about things. But it was 2 none of his business." "That's what I thought," Eliza | beth said. "And I am sure that my i brother would agree with you and j me on that point." Amos took a step forward, his ; I face working nervously. "Why 1 I bother your brother about a silly 1 Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service *— * By McManus Tfj I IFTHJST PWton f I'D LIKE To HAVE. \ P "OIE PUPIL | HOW CAN *NV 1 x I „DO-R A- Mt ,* | htsnrjzzrj- •' * • L?J I r w " ~~i 11 ~ boy's speech?" he argued. "Just let It pass. You know," nppeallngly. "that I've done my best to carry out your brother's wishes this sum mer- —now haven't I—even about having his new-fangled farmer chap ; here—though 1 didn't see any real need of It." "The Improvements that have re sulted prove that there was a need of It." Elizabeth observed. "Yes, yes. I see that." Amos ad mitted truculently. "And as all's well, why say anything about that little slip of Cliff's? Everything's going right here, so right, indeed." he added hopefully, "that I don't think there's the least need of your brother coming on to look the farm over this fall." (To Re Continued) Plenty of Protective Food Milk and the leafy vegetables (cab bage. cauliflower, Swiss chard, col lards. Brussels sprouts, lettuce, cel. ery, spinach, onions, are known as the protective foods. A diet without them may be low in mineral salts. "See that you use milk and some of the leafy vegetables every day." says the United States Food Administra tion. Breakfast—Cantaloupe, war bread toast, honey sweetened jam, cold milk to drink. Lunch Combination vegetable salad, fish mousse, frozen custard. Dinner—Cold bouillon, cold tongue, creamed new potatoes and peas, cab bage salad, fresh fruit sauce, oatmeal cookies, iced coffee. Sugar-Saving Sweets Stuffed Fruits and Popcorn Stuff dates, figs and raisins with nuts, candied fruits or soft sugarless candies. These may be cut in small sections and dipped in chocolate. Make popcorn balls and peanut brit tle with corn syrups. Popcorn may also be used to form a considerable portion of fondant, fudge, molasses taffy, and other candies made from corn syrup, maple sugar, molasses or honey. Daily Dot Puzzle uy-'' "* 33. C .£* W 3fe 'K" 4 ,S7 "\ 25 * 1 3 • & ° 8 J* 7. *39 to ,fe >.21 IZ *8 . 4o i • * *a -C i % 14 9 i ? . •"" *^2 , 6 . '5 41 V'VK* i * lfa V\ ? 4 --%3S ' '•■ ' *43 When you come to flfty-four Then a flies near your door. Draw from one to two and so on to the end. AFTER SICKNESS Mrs. Page Tells How Yinol Restored Her Strength and Stopped a Cough Brooklyn, Conn. "Pneumonia left me weak, run-down and with a cough for which X doctored for six months without getting better. A friend from Virginia asked me to try Vlnol, It healed my cough, gave me a good appetite, I sleep well and feel well and strong."—Mrs. Thomas Page. Vlnol owes Its success In such cases to beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese poptonates and glycerophosphates, the oldest and most famous body-building and strength-creating tonics known. George A. Gorgas, Kennedy's Medicine Store, S2l Market St.; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad Sts.; Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, ISJS Derry St., and druggists everywhere. HABIUSBURG TELEGRAPH THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR N. DAVIS, D. D. S. (Copyright, 1918, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) (Continued) Just after the English passed their | conscription law 1 was called to see j the Kaiser at the Great Army Head- I quarters, which at that time were !at Pless. Although the war had i then lasted two or (hree times as ] long as the Germans had expected, the Kaiser masked the depression i he must have felt by putting on a i bold front. "How foolish for England to start ' conscription now." he declared. "She ; thinks she can accomplish in a few months what it has taken Germany ! a hundred years to attain. Armies and officers cannot be developed over night. AVe have never stopped pre ! paring since the days of Frederick j the Great!" "Yes, your Majesty, but the Xorth ! Crn States in our Civil War put in conscription two years after the be ginning of the war," I suggested. "But just look how long your war i lasted." the Kaiser replied quickly. "This war won't last that long. The Allies will feel what the power of Germany is long before English con scription can avail them anything!" "And while England is slowly building up her insignificant army," | the Kaiser went on. "she will see j America's navy and merchant ma- I rine constantly growing and the dol lar replacing the pound as the unit of the world's finance. No, Davis, England will soon be sick of the war and will look with fear upon America's growing power!" The inspired German press ridi culed the possibility that England could build up an army by conscrip tion. Pictures of loafers from Hyde Park, London, were printed in the German papers as ludicrous samples of the kind of material out of which England was trying to form an army, and the suggestion was made that she would put the Turcos and Singa lese in the front trenches and keep her Amateur army in the rear. The French army was too gener ally belittled, and the Russians were believed to be absolutely negligible. The French army was so poorly equipped, it was pointed out, that the officers had to go to the field in patent leather boots, and on the 0 MAKING THE MOST OF r\ OUR CHILDREN V A Series of Plain Talks to /3|\ Parents vljg JBy Ray C. Beery, A.8., M.A. J y' President of the Parents Association. / (Copyrighted, 1918, by The Parents Association, Inc.) 11. I)o Your Children Chatter or Do They Know How to Listen? WE ALL know funny stories 1 about the . "dreadful" children who talked too much when the minister or some other important personage was a guest at dinner— and some of them, alas, are all too true! You may enjoy your children's chatter just because they are your children and you love them, but when there are guests you often be come painfully aware that it is only chattering after all. So the ques tion arises whether children should sit at the family table. One mother writes: "I have spoken with various moth ers of well- behaved children and find they admit that talking at the table may increase the child's vo cabulary but assert that, no matter how well young children be trained, they could not use judgment and the practice had to be discontinued. What plan would you advise me to adopt? As a regular policy, children should sit at the family table, but they should learn not to monopolize the conversation. Sentences and si lences —these are beautiful. Teach your children to speak when they have something to say—not just to think aloud. "Why don't you say something, Laura?" a grownup ask ed one little girl in my presence. "Because," the wise child answered. "I have nothing to say." Thir child at least was not a chatterer. For the sake of the health of the adults as well aft for the sake of the joy of the children, weighty matters should not be discussed at the table. This too often is about the only time when all members of the fam ily meet together and It should be an especially happy time. In order to guard against too much talk at the table by children, when there are guests, say something like this to them: "Mr. and Mrs. Brown are going to be here tor dinner to- Russian front only the tlrst line men had guns, the others being armed with clubs! All this may have been true, of course, but the remarkable thing about it was that the German gov ernment circulated the reports as widely as possible, never realizing apparently, the raw inconsistency of enlarging upon the total uupre paredness of the English, French and Russians to wage war while they obstinately contended that it was the Allies and not the Germans who started the conflict! Eventually, officers and soldiers returning from the western front on furlough or passing through the country en route from one front to the other, brought the report of the defeat before Paris. Soldiers who participataed in that disastrous retreat wrote from the new trenches to their friends and relatives telling of the terrible experiences they had undergone, when they went for days with nothing to eat but raw pota toes and turnips which they picked from the fields. When these reports finally spread through Germany the people began to realize that their generals in the west were not meeting with the same success that von Hindenburg had had in the east and von Hin denburg became the idol of the peo ple immediately, a fact that was very distasteful to the high command. The Kaiser's dislike of von Hin denburg was of long standing. He had never forgiven that general for the mistake he made during mili tary maneuvers in peace time when by a brilliant stroke of strategy he had succeeded in capturing the Kaiser's forces, including the Kaiser and his who.e staff! When war was declared, Hindenburg was a retired citizen in Hanover and he would have remained in that capacity if the Kaiser could have had his way. The fact that Hindenburg lacked social status and was particularly gruff in manner no doubt had much to do with the disfavor in which the Kais er held hlnj. In the early days of the war, however, when the Russians were sweeping into East Prussia, the high night. We shall enjoy having theml and all of us will have a good time together. You will want to listen well to what they say, for to-morrow I shall ask you what was the most interesting thing talked about, and to the one who can tell it best I shall give a present." Let the present be something thant can be shared, such as candy, or a new game. Make it very clear why the prize is given. If there is only one child in the home, reward him for remembering the conversation of the guests. This method has a double value. First, it teaches the children that conversation should be interesting. Second, it makes them listeners in stead of talkers. With young children Just begin ning to talk, of course, this could not be done. It is a good plan, when very young children are allowed to be at table with guests, to allow them to have all of their meal at the I time that the first course is served and then excuse them from the table, as a many-course dinner tires them. , If parents habitually use good judgment in their speech and action in the presence of their children, and also use correct methods of training, the children will be found to exercise good judgment also. The great mistake, made by so many parents, is to think of children as a nuisance. "What shall we do with the children?" is a common expression in some homes. And the children generally succeed in mak ing their presence well known. The better way is to speak to the children beforehand, lodging some positive suggestion, and in a co-oper ative spirit establish in each child a mind-set in favor of the desired con duct. Gain the confidence of the •hlldren and then tell them what you expect. If confidence is really established they very likely will re spond to your expectations. command felt itself compelled to dismiss the German general who was responsible for that defeat, and Hindenburg was hailed by the peo ple as' the one man who could stem the tide. The Kaiser was accord ingly compelled to acquiesce and Hindenburg was placed in charge of the army in the cast. How com pletely he vindicated the confidence the German people had in him is already well known. He swept the Russians Into the Masurian Lakes and snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat. His success onlj' Increased the Kaiser's dislike of him and everj' obstacle was placed in his way. For nine months the Kaiser withheld sufficient troops to enable Hinden burg to follow up his successful campaign, all the available men and supplies being sent to von Machen sen and von Falkenhayn instead to give them an opportunity to distin guish themselves and gain some of the glory and popularity which von Hindenburg seemed to be monopo lizing. It is reported that at this period 'the Kaiser suggested certain tactics to von Hindenburg and that the gen eral responded by unbuckling his sword and offering to give up his command. Gladly would the Kaiser have accepted his resignation but even that imperious monarch dared not so antagonize public opinion. He yielded to his recalcitrant general and from that time on allowed him to go his own way. Hindenburg's star was now in the ascendancy. Von Moltke. the Kais er's favorite, had popularly disgrac ed himself by the failure of the Ger mans at the Marne and by the suc cess of the Belgian and English armies in escaping from Antwerp over a single pontoon bridge. His place as commander in chief was then given to von Falkenhayn. the reason given for von Moltke's re tirement being his "failing health." Then came the failure of the Ger mans at Verdun and the approach ing entry of Roumania into the war on the side of the Allies, and Falk enhayn in turn fell from grace. The high command at this time tried to prevent the Kaiser from talking to Hindenburg but he was so worried over the military outlook that he called Hindenburg and Falkenhayn to him for a conference. It is said that the latter tried to take the cen ter of the floor and do the talking, but although he was higher in com mand, Hindenburg told him to "shut his mouth," adding: "When I fin ish talking to His Majesty you may begin." Then he pointed out to the Kaiser some of Falkenhayn's great mistakes, remarking: "Who ever heard of a general attacking his en emy at his strongest point"—refer ring to the campaign against Ver dun. The Kaiser was apparently so im pressed with Hindenburg's argu ments that, distasteful as it was to him to do so, he appointed the peo ple's idol as commander in chief in Falkenhayn's place. Jealous as he was of that general's popularity, he One More Week Only QUR Biggest August Furniture Sale will positively close August 31st. Prices will then go back to former prices with out further notice. If there is anything you need in the furniture line GETBUSY make some money by buying NOW. Don't delay. BROWN & CO. 1217-1219 North Third Street Uptown's Big Home Furnishers AUGUST 26, 1918 was alive to his military genius and proud of his success, and now that he was at the head of the arm, the Kaiser's spirits appreciably revived. (To Be Continued.) IX CHARGE The soldier who believed in camou flaging unpleasant news in his letters home, was scribbling a note to his mother as he rested on his wa>- to the guardhouse surrounded by his guards. "Dear Mother." he wrote; "I'm quite well and goin- strong. At present I'm in charge of a squad of men." His mother was delighted. wmmm/m/wmmm/iwmmmmm 1 Extra! Extra! Extra!! 1 WAIT 1 I Wednesday has a Suprise i I in Store For You 1 1 200 WASH DRESSES $o 95 1 oOn Sale Wednesday at. J= l| j|j Details in This Paper To-Morrow ||j Emphatically Asserts Worn Out, Lagging Men Can Quickly. Become Vigorous and Full of Ambition 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS Don't blame the man who Is perpet ually tired; his blood needs more red corpuscles and his brain and nerves are craving for food. Given the right kind of medicine, any tired-out, Inactive, lagging fel low can quickly be made into a real live, energetic and even ambitious man. So says a student of the nervous system who advises all men and women who feel worn out and who find it hard to get up ambition enough to take a regular Job to get a package of Bio-feren at any druggist. This 1 s the new discovery that pharmaciets are recommending be cause it is not expensive and speedily puts vigor and ambition into people who despaired of ever amounting to anything in life. People whose nerves have been wrecked by too rapid living, too much tobacco or alcohol, have regained their BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes ; Indigestion. Druggists £ refund money if it fails. 25c 9 j c UNDERTAKER ITM • Chas. H. Mauk Vo™ 1 I'ItIVATK A3IISCEA.NCK PHONE* old-time confidence and enttgy ] n lean than two weeks. No matter from what cause your nerves went back on you; no matter how run down, nervous or tired out you are, get an original package of Bio-feren at once. Take two tablets after each meal and one before bed time—seven a day for seven days— then one after each meal till all aro gone. Then if you still lack ambition; if your nerves are not steady and you haven't the energy *that red-blooded, keen-minded men possess, your pur chase money will be gladly returned. Note to Physlclansi There is no secret about the formula of 810-feren, it Is printed on every package. Here it is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Manga nese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powdered Gentian; Phenolphthalein; Olearesin Capsicum; Kola. 5