Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 26, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
4 NTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS lURPRISE PASTOR WITH DONATIONS lembers of St. Mark's Lu theran Church, West Fair view, Arrange a Party Members of St. Mark's Lutheran Jhurch, of West Fairview, gave a iurprise pound party in honor of heir pastor and his wife, the Rev. Mr. ind Mrs. Charles Lantz. A pleasant ivening was spent with an address >y Groff Shaeffer. of Wormleysburg, md response by the Rev. Lantz. Chose present were Miss Jennie Sslinger, Mrs. Kate Smith. Mrs. Mil on Smeltzer. Mrs. William Smeltzer, diss Lillie Freeland, Mrs. George Wil tar and sons, George, Robert and Joe Vllbar; Mrs. William Boughter, Mrs. Lndrew Schraedley and daughter, dargaret Schraedley; Mrs. Freeland, drs. Bernard Gladfelter, Mrs. X. W. lattter, Miss Emily Smith. Mrs. Ed vard Stair and daughter. Dorian itair; Miss Lillie Boughter, Miss | darion Matter. Miss Clara Hoover.! diss Winifred Boughter. Miss Evelyn, datter. Miss Pauline Wilbar, Miss largaret Smith, Dale Anderson. Groff 1 ihaeft'er, of Wormleysburg; Theodore) Salinger, George Fenica! and the Rev. aid Mrs. C. H. Lantz. ialdeman-Rowe Wedding at Bridegroom's Home Miss Lucilda Rowe and Albert i ■rant Haldeman, both of this city, ! rere married this morning at 10 j 'clock at the home of the bride [room's father, Filmoro Haldeman. ! 26 Race street. The Rev. Elmer E. lauffman. pastor of the Xagle Street Ihurch of God, performed the cere lony. The bride wore a dark blue georg tte crepe gown and white feather sqque hat. Brideroses formed a beau- Iful corsage bouquqet. After a wedding trip to Philadel hia, Atlantic City and New York, Ir. and Mrs. Haldeman will reside t the home of the bride's parents, I 635 Fulton street. HOUSEPARTY AT VALLEY GLEN Miss Mildred Sheesley, Miss Helen Cochenderfer, Miss Catharine Mar in, Miss Mable Kramer, Miss Rhea Fright, Miss Elizabeth Watts and ittle Virginia Sheesley, chaperoned y Mrs. J. 11. Sheesley and Mrs. ieorge Martin are spending the week n a house party at Valley Glen. TAKING AN AITOMOBII.E TRIP Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Mr. md Mrs. J. B. Longenecker and Miss Cera Longenecker. 324 Mac-lay itreet. and Mr. and Mrs. N. I"). Everett, 1120 Susquehanna street, are on an luto trii> to McConnellsburg and Bed ord Springs. They will be the fuests of Sirs. G. I'. DufTey at her iummer home. Valithorpe, for a lme. Mrs. Sara Hoy Scott, of 253 Boas itre-t. is visiting her cousins. Mr. md Mrs. George W. Mattis, at Asbury 'ark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Malhorn. of 3213 forth Front street, have returned lome after a two weeks' trip through few England. Mrs. John S. Boas, of 124 Walnut itreet, spent the past month with her ■datives, Lieutenant and Mrs. Andrew 5. Bissett, of Washington. D. C., at )cean Beach, New London, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gross, the Sisses Lenore and Mary Gross, and iliss Helen Heckert motored to Cham lersburg yesterday. Paul Littlefield. general secretary if thb Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce, is home after attending he Erie Exposition last week, leav ng for Washington to-day. Mr. and Mrs. David Scattergood rent home to Cleveland. Ohio, this norning after a week's visit in this i Icinity. Sergeant Harold H. Black and his! rife who was Miss Jeanne L. Hoy, I ;ft last week for a trip to Buffalo' nd Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Hermes A. Plank, of | North Thirteenth street, spent the' ust week in Atlantic City. Miss Margaret K. Oyster, of 212! tate street, is home alter visiting Irs. Joseph Thropp, Jr., in Trenton, f. J. Miss Elsie Duncan and her sister, liss Ruth May Duncan went home to j luffalo, N. Y., this morning after a , ortnight's visit among relatives in i own. George W. Thompson and Luther O. 'hompson. of Rlmlra. are guests of heir sister, Mrs. Andrew D. Ritter, f Market street. Miss Florence Carroll, who has been isiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W, . Carroll, of 7713 North Second treet, for a short time, has gone to elaware Water Gap for a ten-day taw before returning to Philadelphia c resume hbr work. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Richards, of 333 Derry street, have returned ome from Atlantic City. I make all eye exami nations personally and guar antee every pair of glasses that I fit. 12 N. Market Square Second Floor* Front. Open Saturday Kveningj, to 8 o'Clock FESKREI for Fnomslcd F::rniture Hemovei dirt, Mains mad mark* from enameled furni ture. baby cnrriuKCM. metal beds, plate blimn, mirrors, etc. Manufactured and sold by Hoover Furniture Co. 1415-10 NORTH SECOND ST. Mrs. M. Pfuhl SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 STATE STREET HARRISBURG, PA. A complete graded course of instruction in the study of Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory, Harmony and History of Music. Diplomas Upon Graduation TERM OF 1918-1919 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 9, 1918 ' For terms and further information apply irf person or by mail to the above address. MONDAY EVENING, m RECITAL AT ST. ANDREWS CfflßCfi, PENBROOK MISS MABEL SCHLOSSER MISS VIOLET MOYER Class No. 6 of the St. Andrew's Reformed Church, Pcnbrook, will give a recital Tuesday evening, Au gust 27, at 8 o'clock, In the church auditorium. Miss Violet Moyer, vocalist, and Miss Rachel Schlosser, elocutionist, both of Penbrook, will render the following program: Part I—"Home Road," Carpenter: "Bowl of Roses," Clark: "Boat Song," Ware; "Racoon Lullaby," Weldllng er; "Years at the Spring," Beach, by Miss Moyer; "The Governor's Last Levee," Cox; "How Did You Take It?" by Miss Schlosser; "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice;" "Samson and Delilah," Saint Saens; "I Hear a CHILDREN ENJOY BIRTHDAY PARTY I Five-Year-Old Has Youngsters i to Help Her Celebrate the Festal Day | MILDRED THELMA HOFFMAN Little Miss Mildred Thelma Hoff ! man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. | Hoffman, of 1727 Green street, was ! pleasantly surprised on her fifth | birthday, Saturday afternoon. Twenty-one little guests attended. | Games and music werfe enjoyed with i favors and prizes. Decorations in i patriotic colors were used and re t freshments were served to the fol j lowing little guests. Helen Freedman, Pearl Cohen, Sara j Shaeffer, Bernice Mall, Betty Har i nish, David Katz, Miriam Kramer. : Mary Jane- Smith, John Smith, Mil | dred Hoffman, Helen R. Hoffman, i Beatrice Zuckerman, Herman Zucker man, Silvia Zuckerman, Sidney Cop j linky, Dorothy Freedman. Robert I Freedman, Bertha Buch, John Wen- I rich, Samuel Hoffman, Earl Alex ! ander. | Among the older guests were Mrs. ],M. H. Hoffman. Mrs. J. B. Hoffman. Miss Anna Blough, Mrs. Joseph Cop i linky. Miss Rose Hoffman, Mrs. Harry ; Zuckerman. Mrs. J. Alexander, Mrs. J. ; Kreamer, Mrs. A. Freedman, Mrs. J. | H. Hoffman. Mrs. John Smith. Serve Chicken Soup Supper to Party of Young Folks Miss Margaret Hoover, of 1926 State ! street, entertained a party of young | folks at th£ Itockville home of her grandfather, A. S. Hoover. After games, music and singing. Mrs. William Hoover served a chicken I corn soup supper to the guests,' who included: Miss Ellen Garverich, Miss Kathryn Grove, Miss Alice Albright, Miss Minerva Pannebaker, Miss Sara | Garverich, Miss Katheryn Lingle, ! Miss Ruth Currey, Miss Helen Det -1 teling. Miss Myrtle Murphy, Miss Mar garet Hoover, A. S. Hoover, Edwin j Salada, J. M. Aucher, Erb Runkle, i Karl Shriver and John Miller. Crescent Club Surprises Three of Its Members A surprise party was given at the home of Mrs. C. E. Hall, 1945 North Fourth street, by members of the Crescent Club, in honor of Mrs. C. E. Hall, Mrs. James Eastright and Mrs. Wilson Ebersole. The committe, pre senited each one with a handsome cut glass vase. The evening was spent in music, games and a number 1 of readjngs by members of the club. I A buffet supper was served to the 1 following guests: j Mrs, C. E. Hall, Mrs. James East- I right, Mrs. Wilson Ebersole, Mrs. i Louise Kramer..Mrs. Maud Cooper. I Mrs. Ben Olewine, Mrs. Ross Yapel, I Mrs. B. B. Beistel and Master Charles Hall. , Thrush at Evo," Cadman; "WIU O' the Wlzp," Uprose; "Blavo Bong," Del Reigo; "Fiddle Dahce,' Goed-evo, by Mies Moyar. Part IX—"Our Folks," Parkon; "In a Friendly Sort of Way," Rlloy; "Young Follow, My iAd," SorvlcOi "Postal Paul," by Mian Bchloeeor; "When the Boys Oomo Homo:" "A Long, Long Trail:" "Brntle, Hmilo, Smile," by Miss Moyor; "Maimed or Perfected," Zoathcm; cutting from "Comrade In Whlto," by Mlee Bchlos ser; "Thou Art to Mo," Chadwlck; "The Yellow Hammer," Lohrnan; "If You Cross the Hill," Molloy; "Ecstacy," Rummol, by Miss Moyer. A silver collection will be takon for the bcnellt of the church. P.R.R. EMPLOYES ENJOY PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Mcndenhall Entertain at Their Summer Home, "El Roma" The employes of the Cashiers' and i Timekeepers' Department, Pennsyl- I vania railroad, spent Saturday at the j summer home of C. H. Mendenhall, I El Roma near Cly, Pa. Various games and contestts fur- i nished afternoon amusement for the j picnickers. Sara McLaughlin and ' George Hepford were the champion j quoit pitchers. The coffee race was \ won by Mina Crawford. Later in the evening a cornroast I and marshmallow roast were enjoyed, i Those at the picnic were; Miss Helen Martz, Miss Ethel Walter, Miss I Mary Joyce, Miss Esther Wise, Miss j Catharine Dalton, Miss Mina Craw- I ford, Miss Frances Corbett, Miss Dor- I othy Keller, Miss Anna Romberger, | Miss Edna Burger, Miss Sara Mc- I Laughlin, Miss Marguerite Menden hall, MisS Doris Mendenhall, Miss Mary Mendenhall, Millard Landls, George Hepford, J. Edward McMan amy, Reynolds, Askin, Henry Menden hall, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mendenhall, Mrs. M. A. Mendenhall. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grunden. of 22 North Fifteenth street, leave to-night for a weeks' stay in Atlantic City. Clifton Schutt, of 12 North Fif teenth street. Is spending several days with his ftunily in Newark, N. J. Miss Dephine Stewart, 1413 Market street, is spending some time in At lantic City. ARMY CHAPLAINS HERE | Chaplain J. C. Nicholas, former pastor of the First Lutheran Church, of Chambersburg, who Is now work ing among the soldier lads at New port News, Va„ spent yesterday with friends in this city on his way back to camp after a leave of absence spent with his family and relatives in Chambersburg. Chaplain Robert J. Wolf, who has been stationed at one of the train ing camps in Kentucky has been transferred recently to Camp Made, Md. Chaplain Wolf spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wolf, of 1426 Regina street. Miss Evelyn Hckenbarger, of Lewisburg, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George S. Parker, of 1403 Bora baugh street. Mr. and Mrs. John Witmoyer and children, of 234 North Fourteenth street, are home from Mt. Gretna, where they spent the month of July and part of August. VISIT SOLDIER LAD Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Burtnctt and Miss Frances and Miss Florence Burtnett, 2023 N,. Sixth street, and Mrs. Ellen B. Bishop, of 1631 North Second street, motored to Camp Foot, Va., Saturday, to spend the week end with Clarence B. Bishop who Is attached to the Engineer Corps, at that training camp. Private Bishop has teen in the army service about a month. AT INDIAN TOWN GAP Mr. ami Mrs. O. P. Beckley, and family, of Oak Park Coloney, with their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Shatzer, Edwin L,. Shuey, Jr., Miss Sarah Shuey, Miss Kauch, and Mr. Mc- Candless, of Springfield, Ohio, mo tored to Indian Town Gap, where they will spend some time at the Bcckley Cottage. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Gillan, of Greencastle, were receht guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Elliott, of 1506 State street. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fair and fam-i ily, of 150 Sylvan Terrace, left Sat urday for an extended motor trip to Baltimore and Frederick, Md., and other points of interest through that state. Miss Kuth Kraybill, Miss Violet Cassel,, Howard Fraim, Claude Hart man,, mortored to Kaglesmere over the weekend. Miss Winifred Moyer, 108 North Thirteenth street,. has' returned home after spending the summer at Fish erville. Miss Lockie Collins, who has been on an extended trip through the East, has "returned to her home, 513 North! Thirteenth street. Potato Growers Meet at Beaufort Farms Friday A potato growers" field meeting will be held on E. B. Mitchell's Beaufort farms, five miles north of Harrisburg on the Linglestown road, arranged by the Farm Bureau in co-operation with Mr. Mitcifell on whose place a potato spraying demonstration has been conducted throughout this year The purpose of this demoistratlon is to observe the result of spraying with Bordeaux mixture compared ; with no spraying. It will be held Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Au gust 30. During the afteriioon I7r. E. L. Nix on, of State College, who is in charge of plant disease work, will address the growers on the subject of losses by plant diseases, emphasizing parti cularly potatoes. nARRDSBURG TELEGRAPH HAVE CORNROAST AT ORR'S BRIDGE Young People Enjoy Hike and Murshnuillow Toast on Saturday Night A number of young people took tho car to Oysters Point Saturday night and from there hiked to Orrs Brldgo. In tho party were Miss Blanche Hockort. Miss Clara Oar brrleh, Mien Ruth Hooker, Miss Eunice McElheny, Miss Elizabeth Ebersolc, Mlas Mary Hoofnagle, Miss Mabol Kramer, Ml si Kathryn llalnley, Miss Kstella Richards. Miss Martha Trulllnger, Miss Carrie Walker, Miss Ruth Mentzer, Miss Margaret Myers, Miss Josephine Zugg, Miss Wilt, Miss Elizabeth Borvls, Miss ElUaboth Bohaffcr, Miss Faye Russler, Miss Anna Russler; Gllbort Kennedy, "Htutz" Benft, "Percy" Mohurguo, "Bill" Snyder, Charles Henderson, Stanley Major, "Bill" Gurbcrlch, Hayes MoClellon, John Heck, Ellis Packer, Gordon Dorr, Calvin Holtzman, George Meyers, Forrest Novlnger, Herman Wagner, William Garvorlch, Harry Btauffor, Clarence Meteor, Wilson Murnma. They spent tho evening playing games, rousting corn and toasting marshmallows. Mrs. Edward Connor and son. David, of Octornro, Md., are spending a few days with Mrs. G. W. Bpeak man, 709 North Seventeenth streot. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Kast. 2205 Bellc vue road, spent the weekend at Mount Gretna. Miss Lorna Brandt, 124 Locust street, Is at her summer home In Mount Gretna. H. O. Miller and Miss Martha Mil ler, of 2321 North Third street, and Mr. and Mrs. Harper W. Spoirg and son, Richard, of 226 Emerald street, are at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gage of Old Orchard, have returned home after a short tour through the New England states and a few days' stay In Atlan tic City. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Richards and children, Betty and Karl, Jr. have returned home. 1822 Park street, after spending the weekend at Pen Mar. Miss Sara C. Nunemaker, of 332% ■ Crescent street, Is visiting Miss | Paulino Huuck, who Is spending the I month with relatives In Kennet | Square. Mies Pauline Kast. 2205 Bellovue ! road, Is the guest of Miss Lorna Brandt at their cottage in Mount Gretna. LABOR SHORTAGE Because of the shortage of labor, officials of the steel plant said this morning It will be Impossible to com plete No. A blast furnace before Oc tober 1. This furnace was to have been completed early this month. Perry County School Teacher Reaches France ' " '' ' " •' CLEVE HOFFMAN Liverpool, Aug. 2 6.—Cleve Hoff man, of Company C, Three Hundred and' Fourteenth Infantry, son of Mr. j and Mrs. Joseph Hoffman, is another i Liverpool boy to arrive safely over sea. Young Hoffman is a graduate of Carson Long Institute, New Bloomfield. He was one of Perry county's school teachers and was lo cated at Coulter's school, in Liver i pool township. 3,000 DILL PICKLES FOR ROMPER DAY Biggest Program m History of Event Being Prepared Under Direction of V. Grant Forrer Tho biggest Romper Day that of er was is being planned, for next Thursday by V. Grant Forrer, as sistant park eupei inicudcnt, who, away back in 1909, was the first to suggest this royal, wholesome romp for Harrisburg children and lirst to suggest to the late Samuel Kun kel that he donate funds to supply eatables for the youthful merrymak ers. "This is the happiest day of my life," declared Mr. Kunkel on the first celebration. He was then a member of tho Park Commission, and that he spoke from his heart was manifested when his will dis closed that he had left $7,500 the interest of which is now used to provide a dinner for multitudes of children. Romper Day—or Kunkel Day, as it is now to be called —is one of the big outdoor events in the United States. Originated here by V. Grant Forrer, the idea has been accepted all over the country, and many cities are now imitating Harrisburg. Few persons, even they who attend, un derstand what it means to dine as many as 3,500 at one time. This wus the number that sat down last year, and the attendance Is expect ed to be about the same on Thurs day. Being war times, there were some new essentials to be taken care of this year, among them the assent of the food commissioner, and he finally gave his O. K. to the follow ing supply: 3,000 sandwiches, of MEN ORDERED FOR SPECIAL SERVICE Cumberland County Boards Sending Large Number to Irfbtitutea and Colleges Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 28.—About bov. enty-flve young men registered on Saturday for service with the two Cumberland county local boards. Work of classification will be begun at once and they % will probably be needed to meet some of the late Sep tember calls. District No. 1 board will send a number of men Into special service this week. On August 30, George 8. Koser, of Mechanlcsburg, lenves for Camp Greene, S. C, On the following duy Lawrence Miller, of Bhlrernans town, leaves for the Polish National Alliance College at Cambridge Springs for Rpeclal training. On Sep tember 1, James Thornton, of Camp Hill, loaves for Doluwure College, Newark, Del,, and Edward R. Nog ley, Carlisle R. D, 6, and Harry H, Bwolgert, New Cumberland, leave for Spring Garden Institute, Philadel phia. From District No, 2, Walter L. Garland and Paul Y, Kelley, go to Camp Greene, both from Cartisle. James Ilcetem, Carlisle, goes to Mad ison llarrucks, Buckctts Harbor, New York. A big entrainmcnt will take place to-morrow evening when 109 men leave for Camp Lee. A meeting will bo held In the afternoon under the auspices of tho Cumborland County Council and Commltteo of Public Hafoty. James L. Young, president of the Cumberland ounty Kunday Srhool Association, will present Tes taments; the Rev, Georgo L. Fulton, of Mechanlcsburg, will explain the allotment plan and work of tho Red Cross, and Major A. C. Bachmeyer, In charge of tho new rehabilitation hospital here, will make tho prin cipal address of the day. To prevent any confusion and trouble In connection with the de parture of tho men, tho Cumberland County Hotclmen's Association has decided to close all county bars be tween 2 and 7 o'clock on Tuesday. Marines Ordered to Salute Wounded Members of Corps Washington, Aug. 26.—Major Gen eral George Garnett, marine corps commandant, announced to-day that In the future all wounded marincH returning from France will be en titled to a salute from all other ma rines. regardless of tbe rank of the wounded man. According to a statement. Issued by the marine corps headquarters, three marines out walking met a private who was hobbling along on crutches, having lost a log In service In France. The three stopped and saluted, pay ing an Instinctive tribute to the wounded veteran. This was the be ginning of !* custom that is growing so rapidly that it was brought to the attention of General Harnett, who said: "It Is a beautiful tribute to the spirit which prompted the wounded man's sacrifice and I readily give my approval. While no official order will be issued on tbe subject. I shall be glad to see the members of the ma rine corps thus show respect to their wounded comrades." The wounded man will not be ex pected to return the salute, a nod of the head, a smile or the mere recogni tion of the fact that he Is being sa luted being sufficient acknowledg ment. Civil War Veterans Hold Reunion at Indian School Carlisle, Pa„ Aug. 26.—Voting to give their full support to war moves, survivors of the famous Company A. of the Two Hundred and Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, held their annual reunion on the bandstand of the Carlisle Indian school here. Sergeant 8. D. Ziegler, of Newvllle, was elected president. The other officers are: Vice-presi dent. Harry Hershman: secretary. B. F. Corman; corresponding secretary, S. M. Goodyear, an honorary mem ber. William Bearden, a Confederate veteran, was also present. CONTRACT LET FOR REPAIR OF BRIDGE The contract for repairing an in ter-county bridge over the Juniata river at Clarks Ferry was awarded by the Dauphin and Perry County Commissioners here to-day to M. L. Grossman at his bid of $1,932. Gross man bid $1,287 for the concrete work and agreed to finish It In twenty-four days and he offered to put up tho steel work in ten days at a cost of $6 45. Peter Lehman submitted the only other bid. Former Judge J. W. Shull. of Perry county, who is that county's solicitor, and Charles Swafrz. the chief clerk to the Perry County Com missioners, represented their homo county. Perry will pay one-seventh of the cost. AUSTRIAN'S IN FRANCE British Front In France, Aug. 26. —The capture of one officer and tour gunners of an Austrian battery con firms the presence of Austro-Hun garian artillery on the western front. ham and beef; 1,200 crackers; 8,000 pickles; 3,000 bananas; 225 gallons of lemonade; 500 pounds of ice and 100 pounds of sugar. There is Just a chance that the kiddies may" have to be satisfied with corn sugar, But what of it. Corn sugar is cheap by the ton, and it nourishes one. and that's the main object of food. A plate and napkin, as usual, will be furnished each diner, but if mother and father -are apprehensive that John or Sally may be very hungry after tho sports, it is suggested that something extra in the way of eats be contributed by parents. The great city outing is to start promptly at 8 a. m., when the Har risburg Traction Railways will have plenty of cars at each playground to carry the youngsters to Reservoir Park. It is understood that the chil dren assemble at the nearest play ground and be ready at that hour. Festivities are to wind up at 4.30 and the cars will be lined up to take everybody home. Romper or Kunkel Day has been celebrated every' year excepting In 1916, when the infantile paralysis scare advised its elimination. Many recall the other scare in the first year, when preparations were made to feed 600 and nearly 1,000 turned up. It was a tragic situation and it seemed that only a miracle could come to the rescue. But a job that might have balked any restaurant did not bother the park folks, who eventually of all. Former Telegraph Man Military Mayor of a Recaptured French Town LIEUT. JOHN C, SWANK Lieutenant John C, Swank, former assistant sporting editor of the Tele graph, -whoso home is in Lancaster, where ho was ft star on the football team of that city, has been selected as military mayor of a recaptured French city. No details of the selec tion have yet been received In tbe United States. Swank recently ar rived overseas after being In train ing at Cninp Meade for almost a year with the Three Hundred and Six teenth Infantry, Lieutenant Bwank won a commis sion of second lieutenant at tho Re serve Officers' Training Camp at Fort Niagara, N. Y. ( to which place he went from tho Telegraph. He has been receiving honors in rapid-or der since his training dayk at Fort Niagara. Through sheer ability and close application to military studies Bwank was appointed first lieutenant j recently while at Meade. Superior i officers have spoken of him as an of ficer who has the confidence and re- | spect of his men and who is liked by all of his comrades. "Johnnie" displayed the same spirit In France us he did as a. mem ber of the I>ancaster High football team as its star quarterback. Bwank is 23 years of ago and was recently married. His wife was a Harrisburg girl. She now lives In Lancaster. Mrs. Schleisner Files Injunction Suit Against Miss Sachs, ex-Employe j Mrs, Hannah R, Bchlelsner of the William B. Schleisner Store, Third I street, has begun Injunction proceed ings in court against Mary Sachs, a . former saleswoman in the. Schleisner store, declaring that ths saleswoman i signed papers and agreed to remain | with the Schleisner firm for a period j of five years from January 1, 1917 and J that she has broken the contract. | Moreover, Mrs. Schleisner alleges that Miss Sachs Is arranging(to en gage In a competitive business; has induced at least one Schleisner store employe to quit. NEW BILLS HERE The new $1 and $2 Federal Reserve bank notes, issued under the Plttman Act, passed last April, have made their appearance In Harrisburg, a full supply being at the Harrisburg First National Bank. Railroad Notes W. D. Bowers, freight engineer on the Middle division, who has been confined to his home for several weeks, will report this week for spec ial duty. - All Pennsy commissary .cars In this district are now doing service on sol dier trains. Federal officials say they meet every requirement In transpor tation of soldiers. "Safety First" will be the one big subject for discussion at the Septem ber meeting of the Friendship and Co-operation Club. Reading employes have started a campaign for a get-together club. Plans for a new spur of tracks run ning from White House Lane to the Ordpance Depot are complete. Pennsy passenger crews are break ing all records for overtime. Harris burg men are being deadheaded daily to Altoona to bring special trains east. Eighty-one Pullman chair cars, which the Pullman Company had in storttge at Altoona, have been com mandeered and are being converted into day coaches at the Pennsylva nia's sbops for use on the West Jer sey and Seashore Railroad. Regulation coach seats are being installed. Penbrook Boy, Reported Wounded Several Weeks Ago, Died on July 19 CHARLES H. WALTZ Charles H. Waltz, Company L, 9th Infantry, died In France on July 19 from wounds suffered while in action notification received by his father. E. K. Waltz, of Penbrook. ears. Waltz was wounded In the action of the pre ceding day and notice of this was re ceived several weeks ago. Waltz in France since August 26, 1917, enlist ed on March 28 1917, and received his training at El Paso, Texas, and Syracuse. N. Y. RGas Ranges All Styles and Sizes, Up-to-the-Minute Features Hade nt Mlddletown For Sale by Your ILealfr nad Your Gna Co. STOVE WORKS- AtJctUST 26^19W' RAILROAD NEW CARS BRING FREIGHT BOOST . Anthracite Shipments Show Large Increase} How Money Is Being Used New freight cars are earning with , a rush, Daily arrivals are bringing : a big decrease In the present short age. Coal cars are having the pref erence at the big plants. Federal of ficials want no idle ears and inspectors are keeping a close watch on all rail road sidings, American builders, so far this year, have delivered 48,656 ears of ail de scriptions to the government. Most of them went to the Allies or to the military railways in France, Of this number 10,694 have been coal cars which have been put into active ser vice in this territory. Traffic tension has been eased by this new rolling stock. The car increase is also good news for the mine workers, for the realize, that an increased number of "empties" at the mines means the possibilty of more pay in their envelopes. Where the !if T i^tnl A government report shows that a large proportion of the 897,199,000 au thorized this year for construction of now sldtngs and industry tracks was for spurs to coal mines. This aids in the quicker handling, loading and shipping of coal to market. That the car movement has materi ally aided production and distribution Is found in reports to A. H, Smith, Region Director of Railroads for the eastern territory. Transportation of anthracite in June was 7,084,775 gross tons, as compared with 6.857,669 tons In June, 1918, an increase of 227,166 tons. Last month also showed an in creased tonnage over July, 1917, of I 360,523 (tons, which shipments amounted to 6,724,252 tons. | The total shipments for the first , four months of the coal year, April to July, Inclusive/ amounted to 27,- 208,073 tons, against 26,283,113 tons for the same period of 1917, an In crease of 934,960 tons. Tickets on Railroads Are Now Interchangeable Orders effective to-day have been Issued by Regional Director Mark ham, making tickets between com mon points. New York to Washing ton, Interchangeable and good on trains of either the Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltimore and Ohio Rail road. Philadelphia and Reading and the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The new ruling covers oneway and round-trip tickets of all classes and mileage tickets, but does not apply to commutation tickets. The order refers specifically to tickets between the following com mon points: New York, Newark, N. J.; Elizabeth, Trenton. Philadelphia, Darby, Ridley Park, Eddystone, Ches ter, Wilmington, Newark, Del.; Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Baltimore and Washington, War Conditions Cause Phila. Division Veterans to Eliminate Banquet Because of war conditions, no ban quet will be held this year by the Philadelphia Division Veterans' Asso ' elation. At a meeting held some time ago to decide whether the annual meeting and banquet should be held at Columbia, as voted last fall, mem bers voted to eliminate the banquet and to hold the annual meeting at Harrisburg. This will take place at 1 2:30 p. m.. on Tuesday, September 10, ' at the P. R. R. Y. 11. C. A. here. W. B. . McCaleb is the president of the or ganization, and H. J. Babb is the sec retary. . During the past year twenty-two \ mtmbers of the association died from various causes. Of these there were twelve pensioners, two inspectors, two passenger conductors, one agent, one assistant freight trainmaster, one . track foreman, one shopman, one ' switchman and ope freight brakeman t ' Some Gossip of the Men in the Marysville Yards L William L Roberts, of Marysville. has been enrolled as one of the Penn sylvania Railroad employes, and is now doing switching duty in the Marysville yards. , .. Amos Keller, merchant, is another . Marysaille man who has gone on duty 1 as a switchman in the Marysville yards. _ . , Alfred Waggoner. fireman, and : Myrle Sellers, clerk, in the Marysville yards, are on vacations this week tn [ New York City and Atlantic City. Chester I- Wallace, of Marysville. recently sent to Syracuse. N. Y., for , limited service as an automobile me chanic. by the Perry County Draft Board, more recently sent home be cause of physical disabilities, has again taken up his duties as a brake man in • the Marysville preference freight yards. MRS. WALTER lUGLEK DIES Newville, Pa., Aug. 26.—Mrs. Wal ter Bigler, aged 37 years, died at her home in Fairfield street, on Saturday morning. Mrs. Bigler was a mem ber of the Church of God. She war the mother of eleven children. Be sides her husband, these children survive: Leroy, Earl, Frank, Cloyd, Edna, Paul, Owen and an infant child one week old. Burial was made this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the New ville Cemetery. j| n When We Ars Passing |I: The eyes of men and women 111 alike undergo a decided change. The type begins t.o blur, the figures begin to ■ H dance, we "drop" a stitch. This Is nothing to alarm you. It is a perfectly natural condi tion. Anyone who can do I l| without glasses at forty is an exception. If your eyesight is changing, restore it to normal by wearing glasses, which we H Mj will gladly supply after a care- . H Hi Eg g ful examination. I I Gfohl.Binkenbach&Bous* II; OPTOMETRISTS ?R * "BIJRQ 8 T 'PA RUMBLES Staxfifig d the Crew* WMBWMMmttittWt rwttdftm<fa tM* 1 i>r™ first to go-attar IAH-tfr-tn'-if' 'jfll H. 247,, 3l SBl. Ertgteewf® for MS, 8<2*.4591 M Flretrien for 218, SSL ij." Conductors for 247, 818, Brake men for 842, .811 891, Brakemen - up! Smith, Carper, He ader. Middle DlrfiiiM—7be IS flTerW Orel to go after 1.30 o'clock! 15, 28, 887, 216. 344, 249. 308, 85, Fireman for 15. Brakeman for 35. Engineers up: Leib, HawTt, Firemen up; Morris, Hubbert, Mar ket Sheaffei'/ Conductors up! Biggane, HofTnagle. Brakemen up! Roush, Deckord, Linn, Wingart, Manzello, George, Rhea, BakeT. Yard Hoards-Engineers for 1-7 C, lOC, 2-4 C, 26C. • Firemen for IC, 6C, 4-7 C, 5-7 C, 10C, 11C. 23C. Engineers up! Coxerly, Mayer, Tholter. Snell, Bartolet. Getty, Bar key. Sheets, Baif, Eyde, Keever, Keever, Ford, Klerixnr, Crawford. Firemen up! Kelt Kheam, Miller, Wert. Yost, Kilmer, Farner, Martin. Shant, Jones, Foles, Matter, Smith. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 124 crew first to go after 1 o'clock! 128, 352, 107, 302. Engineer for 128, Fireman for 128. Brakemart for 124 (21, Engineers up! Steffy, Condren, Staufferr, Karr, Bingley, Kline, Young. Brown, Shoaff. Firemen up! Folk, Myers, Keeler, Clark, Craver, Brakemen up: Burns, Christ, Funk, William, Etzwiler. Middle Division—The 303 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock! 235, 240, 243. 232, 247. Firemen for 303, 235, Yard Board —Engineers for 145, Ist 126, 3d 126, 4th 129, 137, 2nd 104, 118. Firemen for 3d 126, 2nd 132, 137, 112. Engineers up! Balr. Brown, Zeid ers, Fenicle, Ewing, Barnhart, Han lon. Firemen up: Hall, Blessner, Weav er, Fake, Ready, Bruce, Wallace, PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Hall, Fleam, Kennedy, Gibbons. Firemen op! Everhart, Shaffner, Copeland, ARhouse, Middle Division Engineers up: Robley, Miller, Riley, Alexander, Keane, Buck, Firemen up: Arnold, Gross, Sheats, Zelders, Dunn, Shee.sley, Fletcher, THE READING The 1 crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock: 70, 19, 20, 61, 54, 64. " Engineers for 61, 70. Firemen for 1, 16, 20, Conductor for 61. Flagmen for 54, 70, 1, 20, Brakemen for 54, 61, 70, 19, 20. Engineers up: Bruaw, Dower, Lex, Anspach, Boyer, Kohl, Barnhart, Bil lig, Bordner, Wunderllch, Bowman, Beecher, Mlnnich, Ruth, Moyer, Hart- ' t man, Crawford. Firemen up: Cllne, Mereney, Lehj man, Erb, Schreffle.r. Conductor up: Half. ' Flagmen up: Fleagle, CTaybangh, ;' Filbert, Lelrmer, Kabbyshaw, Frantz, ' ( Lineweaver. Gardner, Sbtreman, Wal -1 ker, Pletz, Fillmore. Brakemen up: Troupe, Smith. Wilt, Bowman. Long. Lehman. Noggle, . Epler, Burtnett, Wray. Runkle, Neely, Cullison. Huntsberger, Fauber, Adair I Your Greatest : Heritage are [Your Eyes A little, strain or defect In'them will cause unmeasured trou ' ble. Of course, the trouble may be readily corrected with the proper glasses, but the main thing is to be sure that you GET the proper glasses. * You will necessarily have to go to a reliable optometrist. Our reputation, for conscien [ tious work is your guarantee. ; I WILL HELP TOtT TO GET THE GLASSES YOU NEED AT LOW COST AND YOU MAY PAY FOCR THEM AT CONVENIENT INTERVALS J. S. BELSINGER Registered Optometrist 212 Locust St. Next Door to Orphean