Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 26, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 FIRE. PROTECTION FOR CAMP HILL Campaign Launched to Raise $2,500 to Liquidate Debt on Company's Property V ' Lcmoync. Pa., Aug. 26.—The Clti v ens committee appointed to solicit fy. funds to pay interest on money bor bored by the Lemoyno Fire Com -pany as part payment on the build ing erected several years ago will Vv; meet this evening to discuss plans j>c*.for launching a campaign to raise $2,500 to poy the debt against the company and retain fire protection for the borough. Unless residents hr come to the aid of the company K this borough will be without fire *' protection and a vigorous campaign >\ will be waged to secure the amount - • necessary. - The citizens committee is cora- K posed of E. H. Waters, chairman; ' Irvln Jleighes. I. W. Appier, C. E. i Ensminger, Walter Woods, Noah Be ntz, Ralph Crowl, Edward Pal mer, Samuel Leach and Herbert Long. The committee appointed to confer with council to ask assist ance is composed of Dr. J. W. llow - man, L. M. Bricker, Irvln Heighes and I. W. Appier. It is reported that several of the -- officials of the fire company intend to resign to make way for new ma terial. This move will likely elimi nate the contention between coun cil and the- fire company which has existed for several years. Unless this move is taken. St is understood, council will not give any financial assistance to the move to put the company in running order again. Ex-Burgess I. B. Kauffman Dies at His Marietta Home | ISAAC B. KAUFFMAN v— lh .Marietta. Pa., Auff. 26.—0n Satur day morning at 2.45 o'clock, death S; claimed Ex-Burgess Isaac B. Kauff y> man. at his home, 146 West Front street, after an illness of only two days. r> Mr. KaufTman until Thursday had been about as usual, and attended to bis gardens in Fairview street. He e. was born in Manor towhship, Lan -- caster county, March 11, 1543, ana when a young man came to Marietta. His parents were among the pioneer V-*' farmers of Manor township, Mr. •v Kauffman was in the seventy-sixth V year of his age. For forty-three years, he was affiliated with the - Pennsylvania Railroad Company, en tering the employ of the company in 1867 as a laborer, two years after his return from the Civil War. In IS7I he was made track foreman, and in 1908 on account of his age, was retired on pension by the com pany. In June 19. 1866, he was married, and twelve children were born to the union. He served an enlistment in the Civil War. in Company E, One Hundredth and Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, which company was commanded by the late Colonel E. D. Roath, of Mar ietta. He was elected burgess of Marietta in 1914 by a large majority. He is the second ex-burgess to die within a year, the other being Donald C. Duffy. He was a member of Ashara Lodge , > No. 398, Free and Accepted Masons, and of Donegal Lodge No. 108, Knights of Pythias, is The following children survive: Mrs. Rettew, wife of George Rettew, i Sr., Marietta; Henry T. Kauffman, Royalton; Mrs. Minnie Luchenbach, South Bethlehem; Mrs. Laura, wife of Alonzo Filby, Marietta; Edward Kauffman, Marietta Kauffman; Joseph C. KaulTman. Moore; Harvey Kauff man. Columbia; Mrs. Mary Perkins. Fort Leavensworth, Kansas; Elmer Kauffman, in the United States Navy; diss Mertie Kauffman. at home. | Corn will Kelp i I bring Vic-fcory i = and Peace I 1 POST I 1 TOASTIES 1 1 u & J are "the mos"fcdepend- = H able and delicious =§ ee form in which* corn = = is served. |1 Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii MONDAY EVENING, Pittsburgh Man Killed by Car at New Cumberland New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 26. —A man, who was identified by friends to be William King, aged 40. of Pitts burgh, was fatally injured when struck by a Valley Hallways car at Seventh and Bridge streets, Saturday afternoon. Until late yesterday the nume of the man was unknown. According to an eye-witness, King came out Seventh street, purchased a newspaper from a boy at Seventh and Bridge streets, and stepped onto the street car track in front of the on-- coming car. King was knocked on the fender, and before the motorman could bring the car to a standstill he was rolled under.the front truck. It was necessary to Jack up the car to remove him from beneath the car. He was taken to the Harrlsburg Hospital, where he died a few min utes after being admitted. Physicians at the institution found that King sus tained a broken neck, fractured skull, badly lacerated face and hts right arm severed. The body was turned over to Under taker Charles H. Mauk. and is being held pending word front Pittsburgh. Coroner Ecltinger is investigating. POLICE COURT CONDUCTED SLIPSHOD [Continued from First Pago.] i was no attempt on the man's part I to commit an assault, the alderman J apparently- hesitated to pronounce i Judgment. The attorney did not say, and the aluerman did not ask. what i the man's actions might indicate. Because the alderman had apparent : !y intended to hold the man for : court, ho was not even heard. In pronouncing Judgment on a colored woman who was fined $25 in police court Monday on a drunken and disorderly charge. Householder 1 sentenced her to a fine of $2O or thii - • ty days in jail, but added that he would remit it if she would move I out of town. Chief Wetzel said she j i would move to Steelton if she left town at all, added that a dozen ! officers could corroborate the testi | mony of the officer who arrested nor I that she was a chronic offender, and I the man who had her arrested was | present with his testimony, but on | the affirmation of the same attorney 1 that she was innocent, and that the ■ prosecutor had .been drinking. Householder pronounced the reduced sentence with the promise to remit it if she left town to-day. It has beer, almost customary in j police court for the magistrate to I accept the advice of the attorneys on | the judgment to be pronounced. Deaths and Funerals i MRS. ELIZABETH JJURKIIOLDKH Mrs. Elizabeth Jane fllirkholder, aged 86, died late Saturday niglA at the home of her son, John E. Burk holder, 2144 Penn street. Funeral services will be held Tuesday even ing at 7 o'clock, the Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, officiating. The body will be taken to Rendersville I Wednesday morning by Hoover and | Son. where burial will be made. Mrs. ! Burkholder was a former resident of ; Bendersville. She was well-known j here. MBS. CIN DA KEEFER Mrs. Cinda Keefer, aged 85. died Saturday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Harvey J. Herman, 212 Reily street, after a long illness. Funeral services will be held Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock in the funeral parlors of Hoover and Son and burial will be made in the EaS Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs. Keefer was a former resident of Mercers burg. She is survived by her daugh ter. MRS. MARY ANN SPANCAKE Mrs. Mary Ann Spancake, aged 66, died Sunday noon at her late resi dence, 3469 North Sixth street, after a long illness. She was the wife of Thomas Spancake. Funeral services will be held Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock with the Rev. Mr. Davis, of the Coxestown Methodist Church, | officiating. The body will be taken to Pinegrove, Schuylkill county, where further services and burial will be made on Thursday. GEORGE JOHN ORTH George John Orth. aged 81, died Saturday evening after a short ill ness. He lived at 1322 Green street. Funeral services will he held Wed nesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, the Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, of ficiating. Burial will be made in the East Harrlsburg Cemetery. Mr. Orth was a charter member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, and the oldest shoemaker in the city, having been engaged in that profession for more than fifty years. He is survived by a granddaughter and a great grand child. JAMES A. HARTMAN The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, will officiate at the funeral services for James A. Hartman, aged 42, who died at his residence in Summerdale, Saturday. The services will be held to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Hartman was an employe of the Harrlsburg Telegraph. MANPOWER BILL GIVEN A CLEAR TRACK IN SENATE Passage of Draft Act Expect ed; Prohibition Is Laid Aside By Associated Press Washington, Aug. 26. —A clear track was given in the Senate to-day to the man-power bill, passed Sat urday by the House, broadening the army draft age limits to 18 and 45 years. When the Senate convened under a long standing agreement to take up war time prohibition. Senator Sheppard, of Texas, prohibition ad vocate, moved to temporarily lay that measure aside. It was agreed to and debate on amendments to the man-power bill was resumed with passage late to-day or to-morrow expected. In discussing the draft bill Sat urday, Senator McCumbep, Repub lican, of North Dakora, demanded why the Navy Department has not prevented the U-boat raids on fish ing trawlers off the Newfoundland coast. Penrose Criticises Daniels Senator Penrose, a menfber of the Naval Committee of the Senate, said ho could give the answer. "It is easily demonstrated that the Secretary of the Navy lost at least] three months," he said, "and very! likely much more of time, before he got started on his naval pre paredness, and this fleet of destroy ers, which ought to have been got ready long before they were, are now being built, and very few of tliem have been turned out. "It has been due to the procras- j tination, in my opinion, very largely of the Secretary of the Navy, who for some reason or other was unable to reach conclusions or decision about the matter submitted to him. At least 150 days elapsed before even the preliminary contracts were awarded." Senator Chamberlain interrupted to call attention to the fact "that the Navy has done magnificent work in convoying ships." Assails Baker Also Senator Penrose then assailed Secretary Baker for what he termed was "an evasion of the necessity for enlarging the draft" before Congress recessed. He said: "I would take this opportunity, Mr President, to address an inquiry to the chairman, because he is pres ent, as he generally is - Many of us were called upon a few weeks ago to vote against what is known as the Fall amendment and other amendments looking toward the en largement of the draft ages. Within a very few weeks after we had thus voted in the negative on the sup posed request of the War Depart ment that such legislation was nec essary, we were called here unex pectedly and at great inconvenience to meet a complete change of front on the jfart of the Secretary of War, and encountered a situation in which the Secretary and his military ad visers recommend the very proposi tion that we were asked to vote against. I do not know whether this inquiry has been addressed to the Senators in the Senate or not. I have not been present all the time during the debate. I should like to ask him whether he has any infor mation in the hearings of the Sec retary of War or any other which would explain this complete change of front on the part of the depart ment." "I do not know," said Senator Chamberlain, "that there is any other explanation for it than that which the Secretary of War has given, either in the form of inter views with the members of the committee or possibly in the testi mony that they concluded to enlarge the military program and that en largement takes over more men per month than they had been taking in the past. In order to do that this legislation became more imperative than was expected to set men into service. "Now I was in sympathy with the Fall amendment and so stated on the floor of the Senate. I thought myself we ought to have passed that, but I yielded my Judgment, as I stated to a number of Senators, at the request of the Secretary of War and the chief of staff." "Explanation an Evasion" "With all due respect to the chair man of the committee, I do not con sider the so-called explanation of the Secretary of War is anything but an evasion," Senator Penrose said. Senator Chamberlain agreed with him. "The Senator seems to agree with me," Senator Penrose continued, "and I sympathize tyith the position he is in, in being compelled to call us here together in three weeks to meet a complete reversal on the part of the War Department. Certainly BAmusBtJRG 8595598. TEI JEGR JGPH: .on first impression It would Imply un absolute failure to comprehend the military requirements which Is almost beyond reason." Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, of Nebraska, said the Army program was enlarged at allied war confer ences and the man-power bill was submitted immediately after the size of the enlarged Army was decided upon. Senator Penrose continued: "Well, the chairman of the Com mittee on Military Affairs rather confesses that the Secretary of War has made no solid explanation of this matter, and it does not seem to me that the explanation of the Senator from Nebraska is satisfying to a serious-minded person—that a conviction as to the size of our Army was not known three weeks ago, when thousands of men were being I killed every day and our Armies were threatened with defeat and dis aster: that some mysterious inter national roundup had to be made before they knew whether or not we needed two million or three mil lion one way or the other. Suspects Procrastination "That may satisfy the mental cali ber which seems to prevail in the councils of the War Department, but it will certainly not satisfy the great mass of the American people. That Secretary Baker did not know we needed an Army of four million | men two weeks ago is too ridiculous a statement to pass without a chal lenge. "I am more disposed to th'nk that they did not dream that tlity could get the troops over so speedily as they have done or that the fatal de fect of procrastination prevailed, which I have observed In many of the departments, and even In this body, as, for instance, when the ma jority failed to have a quorum the other day for the consideration of this measure, or that element of per sonal vanity that insists that sugges tions must emanate from the de partment. "Now within three weeks I am Called upon to stultify myself and vote for the pending bill, which en larges the. draft, including the provi sion lowering the draft age to eight een and other features. I intend to vote for it, but I intend to be more cautious in the future and to listen to the passing requests of the War Department with a view of not being again in the same position of having to reverse my vote in a matter of the magnitude involved in tle ques tion whether the Army shall be four million men or (ne and a half mil lion men in a period of three weeks." AFTO BREAKS PORCH New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 26. There was considerable excitement here on Saturday evening when an automobile driven by a woman was going out Fourth street and the lost control of the machine. It ran into the porch at the home of George Zimmerman, at the corner of Reno and Fourth streets, tearing off the railing and a board. Mrs. Zimmer man and her several small children were sitting on the porch but were not hurt. The fender of the car was broken. BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL Marysvllle, Pa., Aug. 26.—The Women's Bible Class of the United Evangelical Church is planning for a talent social, to be held on the church lawn on Friday evening. September 13. At the reorganiza tion of the class Mrs. Emma Bellers was elected president; Mrs. Alfred I Miller, vice-president; Mrs. C. D. | Pewterbaugh, teacher; Mrs. C. W. Heishley, assistant teacher; Mrs. W. H. Kocher, secretary; Mrs. A- G. Eppley, correspondent secretary, and | Edward Foose, treasurer. IRON DIVISIONS THICK OF BATTLE [Continued from First Page.] our company that were there have reported. "It was something awful, and your prayers pulled me through. God cer tainly answered them. It is impos sible to describe it. They shelled us ! all night Sunday and came over early Monday morning. Shells were dropping every second all around us. Some were killed and many were wounded by the shrapnel during the night. We lay there all night with gas masks on. "I was out eleven days and lost everything I had but rifle, side arms and gas mask. I had not had a wash or shave for eleven days. I was a sight when I reported at brigade headquarters this morning. I had not slept since Saturday night, and this is Thursday. I did not eat from Sun day supper till Wednesday noon. "I was between their first and sec ond lines from Monday about noon till daylight Wednesday, when 1 managed to slip through by swim ming a creek and joined a French outfit. I was alone after Tuesday evening; two others who were with me were wounded, and I thought I was the only one left but ten others; had reported back ahead of me." He Died Game Two brothers, sons of John Mc- Fariand, of New Brighton, were in Company B, another heroic unit which suffered heavily in the 110 th Infantry. One of the brothers was killed. "Don't worry too much, dad," the survivor writes home to their father. "He died game. He held his rifle in his hands, and there were seven dead Huns in front of him." Private Kenneth F. Kressler, of Easton, is with a French ambulance unit. He relates these Incidents of the Marne battle; "On the afternoon of the 17th a much-beloved priest of our division, while going over the top with his men, was wounded three times in the body with machine gun bullets, and his right arm so badly shattered with shrapnel that since then it had to be amputated. "Along with a young doctor I went out to bring him to the first-aid post. When we brought him in a crowd of soldiers crowded around the car to see the man who had so completely won their hearts by his unselfish de votion to duty. Among the number were two badly wounded soldiers, one an officer and the other a pri vate. "As the stretcher on which the priest lay was drawn from the ambu lance the wounded officer laid his hand on the pallid cheek of the priest Then the private took the un wounded hand between his two blood-smeared hands. They both muttered something to the priest Several stretcher bearers turned from the scene with moistened eyes -■-the first time I have seen a soldier shed tears. Hun Cruelty to Prisoners "Here is the story <>f an American soldier, a cook In an infantry com pany. When the fight began he grab bed his rifle and went out to meet the oncoming Boche. Meet them he did, six In number. In an open space in the woods. Two he killed with his rifle and one with bis bayonet. The other three ran, shooting as they went. "They hit him twice below and once above the knee. He fell and lay quite still for a while. After a while he crawled toward his line, only to meet more Boche, who took him pris oner. "When the Franco-American forces assumed the offensive on the second day of the fighting the Boche beat a hasty retreat from some' positions, making It necessary to leave behind wounded prisoners. As our forces ad vanced they, of course, found these men. "One of these was the American cook. During the seventy-two hours he was a prisoner they did not give him food or dress his wounds. The wounds were dressed at" a French station by a doctor of our division. The log which the doctor said could easily have been saved, will have to be amputated." Raymond S. Hartman, of Mount vine, describes his experience with Hun gas. "We had a dugout made, into which we went while the heavy tiring was going on," he writes. "A shell i came right down through It, killing three and injuring three. After tak-1 ing them to the hospital, we came. back and put up a new gun. \ "Our corporal was sitting back of the gun, and Keller, a boy from New Philadelphia, stood on the left side' of the gun, with another and myself on the right. A big shell burst right in front of the gun, injuring the cor poral and Keller so badly that they died as we were taking them to the hospital. That is when we got the gas. Believe me, i sure had a nar row escape. The Lord sure did help me." Blinded in Gas Bombardment John Ceplinski, of Reading, was caught in a gas bombardment and blinded. "X saw a streak of daylight several days ago, however," says a letter which a Red Cross nurse wrote for him in a hospital, "and now T have hopes of recovering my sight." lAeut. Cecil Sn;r., of New Castle, writes that he was in No Man's Land for four days, and without water for two of these days. He took refuge in a shell hole until he could escape to the American lines. Ldeut. Adolph Tlmm. of Mahanoy City, with Company EJ. 112 th In fantry, says his company was so busy chasing the Germans that he did not take his clothes off all dur ing July. The infantry made such progress that the kitchens were un able to follow them, and they went for sixty-six hours without a meal, fighting all the time. "Every fellow here feels that he can kill a dozen Germans," writes Robert H. Fielder, of Packerton. Frank Walton, of Lansford, writes: "I know for a fact of a certain doc tor treating a wounded Hun in an emergency hospital. There was a pistol lying nearby on the floor. When the doctor turned Ins back the Hun was caught reaching for the pistol." Three sons of Peter "W T . Guilday, secretary of the draft board at Ches ter, are in the same company in France. After a recent engagement, two of them, Delaney and Felix, re turned to their tent, but Tom was missing. The two brothers searched the field of the recent battle for hours, final ly giving the task up as hopeless. When they returned to their tent, they found Tom there. All three brothers have been gassed. Details of how Sergeant Brewster C. Schoch, of SellnsgroVe, Head quarters Troop of the Twenty-eighth Division, met his death have been received In a letter from Lieutenant Timothy O. VanAlen, of Northum berland, a member of the same unit, he says: "I was within forty yards of Ser geant Schoch when It happened and [MKfWI ALL OVER FACE Scales Formed, BurriedTer ribly. Cuticura Healed. "Small pimples began breaking out on my forehead and soon spread all over my face and I was ashamed to go out. The pimples were very large and of a bluish color, and they came to a head. I pinched them and scales formed, and they burned something terrible. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti cura Soap and Ointment. I thought I would try them, and I used nearly two cakes of Soap and a box of Oint ment when I was healed." (Signed) Miss Clara Mae Burleson, Eldred, Pa., March 19, 1918. Why not use these fragrant, super creamy emollients for every-day toilet and nursery purposes and prevent these distressing skin troubles ? Btmpl, Sack Frw bv Mall. Addrcsa post-card: "Catlcura, Dept. H, Bostaa." Sold everywhere. Soap 26c. Ofntnent 26 and 10c. Talcum 26c. Hanagnrannnp y > ft- r ■ r. . ' j '''* : CHARLES ROBERT BECKLEY Certificated Shorthand Teacher. Formerly 15 years with the leading business schools of Philadelphia and New England. Principal of BECKLEV'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE Office Training 'School 121 Market St. (Kaufman's Store Bids.) FALL SESSION OPENS Day School, Sept. 3 Night School, Sept. 4 or phone for reservations now. The registration la In creasing very rapidly. Nearly 200 in Day and Night School now. _ This Is the Greatest Busi ness School in Harrisburg Bell IMR Dial 4010 saw him Immediately afterwards. Our headquarters were located near a railroad and also near a bridge, so that there were three good tar gets for the aviator. We heard his plane and—American-like —exposed ourselves to look him over. He was flying low and dropped several bombs, one of which exploded quite near and killed Sergeant Schoch and killed four others. This hap pened on the evening of July 29. The next 'morning we gave ljim a decent burial and the grave was duly marked and registered. I un derstand that Lieutenant Colonel Fetxer's body will be placed by his side." SPUTTER'S 25c DEPT. STORE: | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, bat Because Qualities Are Better | Unusual Bargains Will Be Found Here Tomorrow, Tuesday Tomorrow is'our regular monthly "BIG BARGAIN DAY"—2S cent day —We are offering great* reductions on odd lots of merchandise, the quantity of which is limited, the quality unlimited. This is YOUR opportunity to make the most of a quarter. But—you must come early if you want to make your selections from a full stock; the article you want may be "sold- out" if you wait. 39c value Corset Covers, I I 39c value Dross Shields, 39c value OUed Floor Mops, Tuesday 25c I I Tuesday 250 Tuesday 25c j 39c value Bust Forms, 39c value Hair Brushes, .. 1 39c value Colonial Glass Foot- I Tuesday 25c Tuesday 25c I ed Jelly Dish, Tuesday 2Se j 39c vulue Sanitary Aprons. I I 39c value Baby Pants, . . | Tuesday 25c I I Tuesday ..' 25c $1.50 untl $2.00 values Ladles' , Cntrimmed Hats, . 'i ——_—— Tuesday 2Be 39c value Men's Suspenders, I 50c value Wlilte Satin Colluts, 1 Tuesday 35c | Tuesday . 7 25c I $2.00 and $2.50 values Ladles' I 39c value Men's Lisle Hose, j | 35c value Organdie Collars, i Tuesday l Hat8 ' I Tuesday 35c I | Tuesday 25c I —— _ I 50c value Men's "Work Caps, j i — VH j„„ xet 1.,i„.t Cniin, — $l.OO and $1.50 values Chil- I Tuesday .... 7 ■ 25c I | Tuesday . . , . Tuesday . Trimmed Hat *' | 35c value Ladies' Vests, | . - , — t 1 Tuf day 2Cc 1 50c value La\ allicrcs, I 75c ami $l.OO value Ilies* I Tuesday 25c | Hat Trimmings, j 19c value Children's Vests, | —t uesday a ß c 1 Tuesday 2 for 25c | 39c value Earrings, T °"" l,y ' >■" ••••■•!; I S9c value Ladies' Black and I 10c value Infants' Vests, White Hose,' I Tuesday — —s— for - 5< * | 35c value Latlies' Belts, | " r 2Sr I Tuesday 25c I I 39c value White Net, I 39c value 30-inch Stamped I Tuesday -5c ■ 50c value Brooches, Tuesday 1 cntor P ,eces > I Tuesday 25c LlUe "" ly 189 c value Allover Embroidery, I Tuesday 26c . 45c value Cull Bins, Ti 2 f-orc!" r#> SWn,P^! I Tuesday 25e „ Corset Covers, with floss, I 42c value Emb. Flouncing, | * Tuesday — - for 25c I Tuesday 25c | I 49c vulue Beads, I ; I Tuesday 25c I I 59c value Stenciled Scarfs 39c value Cluny Laces, | Tuesday 5 C Tuesduy 25c . I 49c vulue Watch Fobs, . . I ' ,— — r— | Tuesday 25c | 25c value Staini>ed Pincushions 50c value Cliildren's Parasols, Tuesduy . 2 for l>x. Tuesday 25c ______________ ''' —' 150 c value Purses, 1 Tuesday 25c | 50 c value Stamped Made up 39c vaiue urnr mitia. Children's Gowns Handkerchiefs, • —— : —. Tuesday 25c Tuesday 25c I Joe value Cldldren's Aprons, —| Tuesday 2Bc : , 59c value 3tt-inch Silk I S9c value Bathing Caps, _ - p nlimv , Tuesday 25c 35c value Bonnets. TiirndiiT yard ' -r- . i Tuesday 25c | '" e " a " y ' ynrd 2Bc i 11 — c.„. — "j-"-®* • ———————— T...a. y u. 1 35c value Ladies' Colored Handkercltiefs, 39c value Cart Clips, I 75,. value nilr 1 Tuesday "... 3 fur 25c LI Tuesday 25c I Shirting, | I 39c value Satin Kibbons, I 39c value Bootees, I „ n value -tn-lnet, Fio-..r,i I Tuesday 25 I Tuesday ... . _ 25c I 9C value, 80-lncß Figured Tuesday, yard 25c I-39c value Hair Botv Ribbons. I S9c value Children's Drawers, Tiiesdny 25c Tuesday 25c r : __ ! ou ■ 1 "5c vnlue Linen Finish Pongee 50c value Stamped Made-up 39c value Children's Knit Tuesday, yard 25c Children's Dresses, with floss, Waists •'f d ** Tn " dny 250 75c value Plain White ______________ Skirtings, 36 inches 39c Stamped Huck Towels. j 33c value Curtain Scrim and Tuesday, yard 25c Tuesday 25c I Mnrouisetto. 36 inches wide. —Tuesday, yard 25c .... : _ _ ________________ 69c value White Voiles, Plain 39c Mude-up Cretonne Cushion anrt Figured, 36-inches Slips, 59e value Plain White Tennis Tuesday, % yard 25c Tuesday 25c Cloth, Tuesday. yard 25c 1 rrrz _.— 33c value Plain White Huck | 35c value Shopping Bags, I : Towels I Ttusdav 25c I 39c value Silver Plated Castor Tuesday 25c 1 SctSj '— Tuesday . . 25c r-n : —— 35c value Ladies' Fancy Round 33c value All Linen Toweling Garters, , Tuesday, yard 25c Tuesday 25c I 7c value Jelly Molds, — ~~ — "" ———— "™ —— ~~ —— ~~* I Tnesday 6 for 25c I . . ________ 29c value Unbleached Mnslln, I 39c value Mirrors, . . I , 36-inchcs wide I Tuesday 25c I 39c value Glass Vases, I Tuesday, yard 25c Tuesday 25c | I 35c value Fancy Combs, , • 17c value Mercerized Napkins I Tuesday 25c I | 39c value Coaster Sets, Tuesday S for 25c —————— | Tuesday 25c 39c value Fancy Garter I I 89c value Ready Made Sash I Elastic, I 15c value China Salt Cellers Curtains Tuesday 25c I Tuesday 3 for 25c | Tuesday 25c I ■SOUTTER'S lc to 25c Department Store ere vef y Bargain Day 215 Market St Opposite Courthouse AUGUST 25, ISTSa THE VARIETY V I Jrßr* x N OF pESIGN \ we offer give the most complete r choice to those seeking a monu •- SBM / ment. Whether It be a "storied i "cjEu J urn" or a plain but imposing stone. Hp _ ii ggi®WV<— ■ \ you will find us ready to execute I your order to your complete satls- JH COULD 1 |Yh3 faction. We do not confine our- I i (Wr\ selves to costly memorials, but are ' ■ ' r* equally ready to fill orders for the BP—|— MBl?lKiaA ' — simplest stones, p,— 1. B . DICKINSON '! ,~X i L, /jffflk BOTH PHONES > " 505-513 N. 13th St.