12 565 AMERICAN CASUALTIES ON OFFICIAL LIST Many Men of Keystone State Wounded on Field of Honor Washington, Aug. 26. Tie War Department announces 565 casual ties in three lists, one Sunday and -wo to-day. summary shows the ca.-> jaltiej tabulated at fo'.low>. Killed in action 112 Missing in action. "1 Wounded severely 217 Died of wounds Died from accident and other causes 1" Died of disease 1 Died of airplane accident.. 1 Wounded, degree undeter mined 93 Total <o Names of Pennsylvanfctns carried on the triple lists follow: KILLED IX ACTION Corporals Felix M. King. Washington. Charles R. Arm burst. Greensburg. I William L Curry. Philadelphia. j Letser A. Wineman. Derry. Leo M. Gront. Philadelphia. Robert I. Igo, Derry. Privates Francis A. Bender, Altoona. Walter Ellsworth Gewehr, Coal dale. George Knott. Bradenville. Neal W. Phillippi. Latrobe. Robert Sollonberger, Williams- j burg. Walter E. Smith. Philadelphia. DIED OE WOI'XDS Corporals Clyde L. Lytle, Shamokin. James Emanuel Mclntyre. Punxsu- • tawney. Private Oliver Shoemaker. Bangor. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeants Harry W. Goudy, Chester. Robert William Nell, Mt. Holly Springs. Privates George R. Gosner. Philadelphia. John L. McGuire. Pittsburgh. Vasily Potoehny. McAdoo. Robert B. Roriek. Sunbury. Edward J. Sparks. Philadelphia. Jesse Frederick. South Bethlehem. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED DIED OF WOUNDS: NOW REPORTED WOUNDED Lieutenants Walter W. Craig. New Bethlehem. Oeleth Eber Mellinger, Ephrata. Leon F. Roemer. Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant W. L. Munro. Jr.. Pittsburgh. Sergeants John M. Deeds. Ligonier. George H. Dunn. Latrobe. John A. Katora, New Derry. Edward McDonald. Pittsburgh. Earnest Wasid Belknap, Erie. Edward Otto Peterson. Tidioute. Privates Domlnlck Sepponni, Mildred. Bugler Raymond E Egan, Philadelphia. Mechanics Ardo C Smith, Philadelphia. Ollie Waller Mackel. Rochester i Mills. , WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Sergeants Edgar F. Baker. Blairsville. Robert Fisher. Philadelphia. Ardo C. Smith. Philadtlphia. Corporals Frank M. Barkley, Livermore. Hugh N. Coxe. Schuylkill Haven. James M. Siekels. Sunnyside. William H. Hayes. Pottsville. George A. Berdanier, Brackville. i Seott Harold Albaugh. Kellettville.! Edward H. Dickie, Indiana. Frank W. Youngfleish, Pottsville.; Musician Conrad Wiihelm Pearson. Dußois. i Mechanic John A. Br.serman. Johnstown. j Privates William Btlborough, Colwyn. Rtchard Scott Boyer, Shermans dale. James C. Campbell, Glen Riddle. Samuel H Croushore. Grapevllle. Howard J. Johnston. Tarentum. David Alexander Serene. Ford City. Henry Studer, I.eetsdale, William A. Sutton. Easton. Elmer C. Feaster, Huntingdon. Norman Llneous King, Corry. Cloyd Melvin McCallster. OakviUe. Willis Madison Miller, Dußois. Floyd J. Robblns, Carbondale. Paul Stevens Smith, Lebanon. William H. Blubaugh, Waynes- Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. / Theharrisburg Academy A COUNTRY DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL REOPENS MONDAY, SEPT. 23. The New Junior School Plant for young boys Is the finest In this section of the United States. This Department accommodates young hoys from six to twelve years of age. as day and resident, pupils. The Senior Department com prises six years of scholastics work and is designed to prepare young men for entrance to any Collage or University. The School provides: Small t'lßNNes. Individual Instruction. Military Training, All Para Air Sports. The time required for n pupil to complete his preparation for college entrunce depends solely upon his ability, and industry, For new catalog, Dormitory floor plans, and additional detailed in formation, communicate with ARTHUR K. BROWN, If radmanter, P. O. Bex SIT. Ilell Phone 1371-J. RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. CHESTER HOUSE. 15 & 17 S. Georgia Ave. nr. Beach. Two squares from Reading Station. $2 daily; JlO up weekly. Mrs. T. Dickerson. Leading High-Clnes Moderate Rntc Hotel ALBERMARLE Finest bathing, etc. Coolest location -4000 feet porches; 100 large, cooi rooms; elevator; fine table, fresh vegetables and sea food: catering to those seeking high-grade accommo dations without the excessive cost. $12.50 Up Weekly; *2..50 Up Dally, Booklet. Ownership Management J. P. COPE. CONTIN ENTAL , Tennessee ara. near Beach; always open; prt I rata bath*; running water in room*; elarator; I excellent t*ble: white service: oreheatra. I Am. plan: POO op d*ilv: 117.60 op weakly I Booklet*. Gartuce M. WALSH DUNCAN | •3 np dally t $lO ap weekly, Amer. ptaau *1 ap daily, European plan. OSBORNE Pacific and Arkansas aves. Safely Constructed Bldga. Wide Halls & Stairways. Elevator, Private Batha, Banning Water In Rooms. Bathing from House. Free use of Bath Houses with Shower Baths. Excel lent Table and White Service. Or chestra. Garage. Booklet and ft. J Auto Map. PAUL C. ROSECRASS. MONDAY EVENING, Germans Are Firing Ammunition Dumps London, Aug. -'6.—The official | correspondent with the Australian forces in France telegraphs: "The Germans are retreating, fighting rear guard actions. On Saturday night ammunition dumps could be seen burning everywhere. "About 12.000 Germans have been captured by the Australians' alone since August IS, a much greater number than all the Australian Casualties." I boro. i William Doda. Carbondale. Renatd E. Gibson, Latrobe. Merle L. Beers. Dayton. Saf Cruciand. Aultman. John .1. Doyle, Ernest. Walter D. Giffen, Volant. Charles Haines. Shamokin. John X. Hilliard. Prospect. Dalphnu Jacobs. Trevorton. Milfcrd D. Klahr, Schuylkill Ha ven. Anson -Moore, New Stanton. Harry E. Reber. Schuylkill Haven. Frank Ross. New Castle. Joseph R. Smith, Conshohocken. Peter Toir.as. Chester. Harry G. Weber, Philadelphia. I.eroy Wcigle. Weiglestown. Harry Benjamin Deaven, Pino Grove. Ira Deemer, Apollo. Clarence E. Gosser. Charles 1. Sands. Jersey Shore. Albeit A Barr. East Emporium. Arthur F. Carey. Pottsville. George W. Duby. Pottsville. John G. Farley. Mincrsville. James P. Forsha, Blairsville. Harry E. Keller. Schuylkill Haven. Harold J. l-ciser. Pottsville. Bernard .1 McGilvery, Johnstown. Russell il. Palmer. Blairsville. Charles T. Reed. Blairsville. Torrcnce A Scarborough. IJoyd. Wilbur H. Soanor. Crcokside. Walter Shimskey, Earnest. John T. Tofpson, Erie. Robert A Baugaman, Saltsburg. Wagoners Glenn C. Morrison. Waynesburg. John A. Knarr. Schuylkill Haven. Eugene Router. Philadelphia. Physicians Soon to Form Medical Service Corps Physicians planning for the organi zation of the Daupnin county branch of the Volunteer Medical Service Corps are becoming more active and are expected to have the plans con sidered informally at the next nionth- Iv meeting of the Dauphin County Medical Association. This will be held on Tuesday, September 3. Several prominent physicians are expected to present further details concerning the organization of such a unit. "It is a gentleman's agreement" says the coming issue of the Academician. of the Dauphin County Medical Society, "upon the part of the civilian doctors in the t'nited States who have not vet been honored by commissions in the Array or Navy, and a representative Board > of Governors consisting of officials of the Government associated with lay members of the profession, in which the civilian physician agrees to offer his services to the Govern ment if required and asked to do so by the Governing Board." AMERICAN FINDS BROTHER CRUCIFIED [Continued from First Page.] ; the uniform of a Salvation Army re- I lief worker. Doctor Howard went to France several months ago to make a per [ sonal investigation of the need for| war relief work at the front, and has returned to file his report with mercantile organizations in St. Louis. The story of the crucifixion, as well as details of further unbe lievable savagery practiced by Get man troops upon American soldiers who have fallen into their hands, is contained in tabulated documentary evidence grthered at first hand. Doc i tor Howard's statement, which was [ issued by the publicity department I of the Salvation Army, in part, says: Brother's Death Avenged "Let me cite an instance of the i Huns' Bestiality. A. B. Cole was a young American resident at 49 Pros | pect street. East Liverpool, Ohio. "July 15 found him a sergeant In the American army and at the front. His brother. A. C. Cole, is a private in the same cofpany. When July 21 came the Americans in a certain sector wera hammering back the i Hun with terrific daring and force. ! A. B. Cole went over the top that day. The brothers were separated In the fighting, but later on A. C. Cole, the private, fighting his way past a half-wrecked outbuilding on a farm that had been swept by the conflict, came upon an American ! soldier spiked try bayonets through hands and feet, stone dead, of course. 1 The bayonets were German. Cole ! saw It was his own brother, took | down the crucified man. asked only I that the body be laid aside to get [ Christian burial, which was later at tended to, then plunged on forward, and before that day was over he had I evened up the score. "A. C. Cole survived and later at ! tended his brother's funeral. I can i not give the details, but the Amer ican boys are satisfied with the pen | nlty Fritz paid for that piece of 1 flendlshne3s. Prussian Guards Annilillaed Doctor Howard told of the annihi ' latlon of the crack Prussian Guards 1 |by the American soldiers. "I stood < j w-ithin a cltv block of one of the ' j points of attack," he said, "and saw I I the flower of these Boche fighters 1 | rush forward. I saw Americans tear i ( into them and I don't believe it is I j profane to say that I saw our men < ! from the United States simply knock i ! the hell out of them. There isn't i enough left of that picked Prus- I j sian Guard to-day to make a respec- l i table link of sausage for a cannibal, j That particular contingent was wiped | off the map." OUTLINES WAR WORK i War-time activities of the Associ , ated Aid Societies will be outlined in a pamphlet now being prepared by • John H. McCandless, general secre- 1 . tary, it was announced this morning. The pamphlet will be ready for dis tribution next week. BAND REHEARSAL I | The weekly rehearsal of the Steel i ton band, which was scheduled for to i morrow evening, will be held to-ni<"ht ■ in the band hall, in South Front street. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator —Ad. GRAFT MAY BE REVEALED IN THE HUGHES'REPORT Aircraft Scandal Shows Per fect Mania For Tinker ing and Ineficiency Washington Aug. 26.—The report of the Senate Military Affairs Com mittee on the aircraft program and the publication of startling evidence before the committee Is simply pre paratory to the big smash which Is expected *o come this week with the report of the lnvestlgatlton c on ducted by Charles K. Hughes. Members of the Senate Investigat ing Committee, who refrained from pursuing questions of personal or criminal responsibility In the matter of aircraft production, but could not help but see the outcropplngs In the course of their investigation and other investigators who have gone over precise!} the same ground cov ered by Mr. Hughes, confidently pre dict a report from him that will de mand Immediate and sweeping action on the part of the department of justice. What they have found and what they say Mr. Hughes has found Is in part: A trail of graft that runs through the aircraft production program from the .'-cginning up until the present time. Sabotage proved and certain, cou pled with criminal acts in produc tion of aircraft, negligence and In competency that can only be arrested by the strong arm of the luw. Profiteering extravagance and criminal waste of materials of al most inestimable value to the speed ing-up of aircraft production and its consequent effect upon the strength and effectiveness of our troops in the battle line Favoritism and high pay for supervision of work by persons wholly incompetent for the task, and inspection that was a farce and noth ing short ot contributory to murder in giving tht stamp of approval at the factor.' to machines that would prove man-killers when tried on the flying field. A singular grouping of men of Teutonic blood or extraction in im portant positions in aircraft produc tion plants anil the rotation of skilled workmen of the same class fyotn one aircraft plant to another. One of the astounding things about the aircraft scandal is the fact that those responsible for the blunders and worse made in the past seem ingly have paid not the slightest at tention to the early criticisms and disclosures concerning their tactics. They have acted as if absolutely secure in their positions. Detailed exposures, most serious and circum stantial in their character, were treated by them with silent contempt. They denied nothing. explained nothing, reformed nothing. Tliis Washington mania for put tering an 3 tinkering with every war device obtainable seemingly is in curable. and it may be doubted if the severe condemnation expressed by the Senate Military Affairs Com mittee will have much effect on those who there indulge in it. It seemingly makes no difference if the particular device which falls into the hands of these official engineer ing "experts" has long since been perfected by home or foreign de signers. Not to Strangle Auto Building During the War Washington, Aug. 16.—Differences between the government and auto mobile men on the amount of cur tailment necessary in the manufac ture of passenger cars to coincide with the steel requirements of the war program .lave been settled satis factorily, Chairman Baruch, of the war industries board, announced to day. Passenger automobile manufacture for the last half of the present year will be cut 50 per cent, as the result of an agreement entered into by the board's special committee on auto mobile negotiations and the Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce, rep resented by Hugh Chalmers and Al bert Reeves. The agreement in effect provides that no manufacturer of passenge,r cars shall produce in the second half of this year more than 25 per cent, of the number of cars produced by him in the entire year of 1917 c Concerning the production of pas senger cars after December 31, 1918, representatives of the board were able to make no promises and again warned members of the industry to get their plants on a 100 per cent, war work basis if they were to be assured the preservation of their or ganizations. RED CROSSTCT MEND UNIFORMS [Continued from First Page.] ters in Philadelphia to the local chapter received last week, details of the new task are explained. The telegram says: "We have arranged with army headquarters to send to several chapters large amounts of soldiers' worn clothes for repair. Clothes will be thoroughly cleaned before leaving here. Mostly breeches, blouses and underwear. Need sewing and patch ing. Thread, buttons and material will accompany shipment. Can your chapter handle several thousand gar ments per month? Call us on phone if you wish particular information before deciding." In response, Mrs. Lyman D. Gil bert, chairman, immediately wired that Harrisburg chapter and aux iliaries will be able to handle a thousand articles a month. "It is necessary to have workers volunteer at once for this new task confronting us," declared an official. "We want all workers possible and we need them badly." CAN MAKE RIVER NAVIGABLE HERE [Continued from First Page.] for foundations for our dams. In the Susquehanna the rocks lie so close to the surface that we would have to blast their surfaces off. Do not let anybody lead you to believe other wise—the Susquehanna, while it may never become a great electrical power stream for the reason that the fall is not sufficient, can be made a navigable stream at a very reason able cost and when the war is over I Intend to come back here to take this matter up seriously." Major Gray, in addition to the Mohawk operation, had charfee of the great Harlem watershed develop ment which experts say was a bigger Job than the Panama canal and he is an authority on engineering prob lems having to do with water con- SAimiSBURG telegraph; SEN. SPROUL SOUNDS KEYNOTE OF PARTY'S STATE CAMPAIGN Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Makes Speech; Wins Popular Approval; Pennsylvania to Play u Big Part in Nation's Crisis Tta* Republican state campaign in Pennsylvania was opened on Satur day at the historic woods in Lehigh county which has been the scone of the Inauguration of every contest of state-wide Importance since tho time of Daniel H. Hustings' cumpatgn for tho governorship. Senator William | C. Sproul, the candldato for govcr- j nor, who was the chief speaker, made his address on the theme of na tional service, pointing out that Pennsylvania was going to play the same glorious part that it had since the French and Indian war and thut the Republican party and its news papers, which had been the Presi dent's mainstay in lighting tho war would continue to extend support, but at the same time reserved the right to moke constructive criti cism. The Senator's speech, even more than his platform, seeais to have won popular approval. Upon his arrival in Allentown Sen ator Sproul. with Senator E. E. Bel dleman, nominee for lieutenant go>- ernor, and the other guests, includ ing Speaker 11. J. Baldwin. Chaplain S. G. Zerfass and Thomas H. Garvin, chief clerk ol' the House; Auditor General Charles A. Snyder and Dep uty Harry S. McDevitt; Superior Court Justice John W. Kephart and Congressman Thomas S. Crago, were taken in charge by a local commit tee, headed by Senator Horace W • Sckantz, county chairman, and were given a short auto ride through the county, which was followed by a re ception and luncheon at u local hotel. Later they were driven to the county meeting, where speeches were made by Senators Sproul and Beidie iv.an, Chaplain Zct'fass, Congressman Crago ami Senator Sehuntz. The meeting was presided over by former District Attorney Fred B. Gernerd. The resolutions adopted by the meeting are of the win-the-war va riety; they denounce profiteering and the waste of millions in airplane construction, and strongly indorse the Republican state and local tick ets, as well as the administrations of Senators Penrose and Knox. In his speech Senator Sproul said: "If the people of Germany knew their politics as we do ours and real ized their strength they would not blindly follow corrupt and degener ate leadership into the slaughter house of their hopes, to find them selves, execiated and accursed of mankind, perishing as a nation in the red tide ot butchery and barbar ism their own villainous militarists have let loose. We are glad we are American politicians, especially glad in this year of crisis and of trial, and, moreover, we are more than proud of the fact that we are Re publican politicians, for if ever any party, since political parties were first heard of. has conducted itself with honox* and credit, the Republi can party has so honored itself in the present great national emer gency. Never in the history of any land has there been such an example of patriotism without regard to par tisanship as has been shown by the Republicans of America since our nation has been drawn into the great war. The P.epublican leaders in congress and in the states, the Re publican press and the Republican people, have not followed in the preparation of the country for battle and in the prosecution of the war— they have led. "The Republican leaders in state craft. in finance, in business and in the everyday work of carrying on this war. may not have been invited into the management of matters for the administration, but they didn't have to be invited in—they jumped in While ir. this country the ad ministration has not formed a non partisan cabinet and invited the leaders of all parties to sit in coun cil, as is the case in Great Britain and in France, and our government, within it3elf. is still conducted upon a strictly partisan basis, the great bulk of "the real work—the heavy work of prosecuting the war for America and democracy—is being done by Republicans—patriots who may be working without official titles and without definite authority, and. maybe, for a dollar a year, but they are on the Job and are getting away with it. 'A very distinguished Democrat— at least, he claims to be a Democrat, although the titular heads of the party in the state seem to be in doubt as to his party status —in a speech here in Lehigh county a week ago to-day, claimed for the Demo cratic pax'ty not only all the credit for the preparation of the war and the great things which have been ac complished in mobilizing men and munitions and money for winning the victory which we are sure to have, but, if he was quoted aright, criticised the Republicans for their attitude toward the President of the United States. Republicans Firm "My oUI-ime friend and worthy opponent ought not to raise that is sue—that is one issue that cannot be successfully raised in this cam paign. The Republican party ar.d the Republican press have been so devotedly patriotic that the issue of partisanship has been entirely lost sight of except by some Demo crats. The Republican people of the United States have been so absolutely forgetful of partisan lines and have so loyally supported the government in all of its activities, that the Presi dent and the administration have been given the most comprehensive powers ever granted to any constitu tional ruler upon the face of the earth, "without stint or condition, and have been free, without hindrance or embarrassment, to carry out the mightiest program of offensive war fare ever undertaken since history began. "Many Republicans may have felt, they may still feel, that it would have been better and broader na tional policy if, in a time of crisis, when every energy and every inter est of the republic must he mar shalled for duty and sacrifice, that the great minds of all parties ahould be brought Into the administrative branches of the government, and the cabinet strengthened and the people unified for the great undertaking. But they haven't sulked nor held back on that account and the very unselfishness of the Republicans of this land has made it unnecessary to form a coalition cabinet here, a con dition unprecedented under similar conditions in any other nation. If we patriots w would.-not be. Republicans, and the adminlstra- i tion at Washington, the people of j this republic and our Allies in the j great war tnny be thankful, and we, surely may be proud, that the Re-1 publican altitude in this crisis has been correct and patriotic to the letter. Hod wo been as partisan as; some of our critics, there might have been a different tale to tell. State Is Mainstay of Defense' "And Pennsylvania—what of her?; Tho issuo of what Pennsylvania is | doing in the great national crisis; has been raised. Pennsylvania stands j firm now as she has always stood, the, very mainstay of tho national de-j fensc. The great Republican state, j this veritable empire of a common-1 wealth, has done more within her-| self for carrying on this war than j any five Democratic states in the; Union. Pennsylvania alone has given more of her effort, more of her skill, 1 more of her wealth and more of her | men than all of the half dozen states combined which furnish the chair men of tho big committees in our Democratic congress. "And, my friends, in glorified sor row let it be said that more of the sons of Pennsylvania have given their lives already In this struggle of the ages than have been contri buted by any of her sister states., We have our shortcomings in Penn sylvania, we have some weak spots thut must be 'strengthened, some faults wc will correct, but lack of loyal effort for the winning of this war is not one of these. Don't let us hear that question raised again! Tariff Not Dead After saying the tariff is not a dead issue, the Senator remarked: ! "And some other Republican policies sound good right now—Republican - policies that were particularly popu lar in Pennsylvania. The upbuild ing of the navy—where would we be ; 10-day without the navy which was built up entirely by Republican ad ministrations against bitter opposi tion upon the part of the very ele ments now in control of the Demo cratic organization. Only three years ago the present secretary of the navy saw no reason for an increased naval program. He is paying dollars now | for ships he could then have built, j for dimes and have prepared our [ shipyards for the mighty task that is now upon them. "And here in Pennsylvania, from | time Immemorial, we have urged 1 some sort of encouragement for our merchant marine, that we might have ships to sail the seas and men ; to man them, but our precious Democrats .were against this, tooth and nail, and enough timid brethren from the west were found to join them in defeating any definite action. I A few million tons of ships with a | big force of trained soldiers would have been mighty handy lately and would have saved this nation thou sands of lives and billions of dollars. Too Much to Do to Adjourn Politics "Aqd yet now my optimistic friend from Philadelphia wants to give the Democrats credit for our shipbuilding program. Hindsight is , a great thing, if it is not too far be hind. but Republican foresight is in j finitely better. "So, my friends, we will not ad j journ our politics just yet. Some- I times in the Legislature some fellow 'who has got all he wants and is | afraid ihe other fellow may turn a | trick moves to adjourn? It is a fa miliar parliamentary play, but we'll not adjourn now. We have too much ; work to do. We have to send Re -1 publicans to Washington to help the | administration through with the great task before our nation—and we will help them and keep on help , ing, we will make our sacrifices and . bear the burden. We will do all ! we can to win the war, devotedly and ] unselfishly and when it is over we I will he on hand to solve the mighty j questions then arising with Repub- I lican courage and Republican pa- I triotism. When all the power we ; have so generously given into the j hands of the federal government is ! returned to the states and to the peo | pie, as it must be returned in large ; portion if our government is to con j tinue as it has been in the past; when i the readjustments are made with i other nations and with our own peo [ pie, then is when the real test of our I democracy, our faith in our institu j tions, our devotion to our ideals, wil' j come; then is when we will need our wisest heads and our most cour ageous spirits on guard." Upper Enders Get Hot Afternoon Drill Drafted men of the upper end of ' the county, including the thirty 'seven men who will leave to-day for I Camp Lee, had a strenuous series of j drills at the hands of Harrisburg Re serve details Saturday. Captair. j F. H. Hoy, Jr., and a detail drilled j forty men in fhe streets of Millers.- I bu'rg and then went to Loyalton pic ! Nic where the men from Lyker.s, j Loyalton, Elizabethville. Gratz and i Berrysburg were assembled and j drilled. Captain L. V. Harvey and 1 his detail drilled men at Halifax and i Williamstown. Each drill lasted two . j Owing to a misunderstanding, the j instruction of men of older years ! was not started at Elizabethville, but will be undertaken next week when drills will be held at several towns in the upper end and also probably at Hummelstown. Bracing German Morale by Lies of Submarines Washington, Aug. 26.—As an ex ample of the desperate situation In which German leaders find them ] selves In trying to keep up the mor [ ale of their people. Secretary Lan- I sing to-day cited a report in the Ber lin Zeitung am Mittag on August 20, j which said: "According to American papers fourteen American transports which left the United States in June were torpedoed and sunk. Seven hun dred and twenty-two men lost their lives." The Secretary said he believed this absurd report to be at the direct in stigation of the German Intelligence Office. Such propaganda, he said, doubtless was due not only to the reverses that the German army has been suffering on ahe western front, but also to te the situation through out the eniDire. which is reported to ,be bad, , J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Graceful Lines and Splendid Service Are Built Into These New Coats For Fall I Of all the Fall Coats that we have seen for a number of seasons, those which we have adopted for this season are the most, attractive 1 from a style and service point of view. Some of the styles intended for cold weather are trimmed with collars of handsome fur, but those which foresighted women will buy early are finished with collars and belts of artistic designing. Lasting value and dependable all-wool the women who fill their Fall coat needs from this representative showirop^ Careful early-season tailoring is a vital part of every garment that is now ready for inspection. We want you to see these New Coats while they are still fresh from the tai lor's hands—and we want you to try them on without having the slightest feeling of an obligation to buy. The most favored range of colors is completely shown in weaves of a quality which may not be forthcoming as the new season advances. ' Complete sizes are ready for misses and women. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Autumn Hats of Rich Lyons Vel vet in Hundreds of Smart Styles —Never have we greeted a new season with such yT a showing of Modish Millinery as marks this ad / vance Autumn display. Close to 2,000 Hats are A'Jmj \ in stock or waiting to be checked and marked, af \ fording an unprecedented variety of smart and \ graceful models in richest qualities of Velvet, ■ \ Hatter's Plush, Pile Fabrics, Duvetyne, Panne \ Velvet an< l other fabrics of fashion for Fall. Deserving of special mention are the fashionable Hats of Black Lyons Velvet / at $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50, in j Tricornes, Turbans, novel flared styles, / K$L / bigh crown effects and picture styles. \ M / While there are hundreds of Black Hats, there \ " '/ f are colored models aplenty, featuring the new \ <(S- /r / shades in Artillery Red, Peacock Blue, Khaki, • iff / Taupe, Brown, Green, Terra Cotta, Navy and \'/ y/ Beaver. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front. This Is the Last Week of the August Furniture Sale This is not merely stating a fact —it is giving fair notice that the time to buy good Furniture at such savings is short-lived, and with S its passing will come regrets from those who failed to take advan- / x£f tage of the sale's values. A . s , A A great "deal can be accomplished in a week, however; so don't -1 . A fail to note whether your home needs new furniture —one piece or ' X many. Instances typical of August Sale savings— Brown Fiber Chairs and Rockers, covered with tapestry, with \ |l wl/jy-E 1 loose cushion seats $10.95 \ l| Yt/jWlfjl Three-piece Brown Fiber Suite, for den or library, including \ "V chair, rocker and settee, covered with tapestry $40.75 1 Three-piece Livingroom Suite of chair, rocker and 78-inch dav enport, covered with tapestry of oriental design $90.00 Mahoganv and Walnut Bedroom Suites of four pieces $129.00 Solid Mahogany Bedroom Suites of four pieces, in post-Colonial design $165.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. Inexpensive Dress Cot- Satins Highly Favored j. -v. ov,ri For the Fall Season tons in Checks and Complete readiness in Dress and Skirt' , . Silks is announced for this week, btripes Satins of good quality in Fall's most fa vored street shades include Marine, Taupe, Kiddie Cloth, in woven stripes and solid Prune, Wine, Blues, Slate and Black, 36 colors of fast dve for children's rompers and inches wide; yard $2.00 , . |,w Satin Imperial, 36 inches wide, in street shades; women s house dresses; yard yard $2.50 Chiffon de Chine, a lightweight satin, in street 30-inch Dress Ginghams, in stripe patterns. shades; yard $2.50 v - r( i 30c Jurzo Satin, a weave with a rich, high luster; " " , yard $2.75 Dress Ginghams, in fancy plaids, stripes, checks Nancette Satin, with a twilled finish, 36 inches and solid colors: yard 35c and 39c wide; yard $3.00 00 . 1. . a BLACK SATIXS I)E LUXE Drapery Cretonnes, -8 and 30 inches wide, yd.. Satin Duchesse, 36 inches wide; yard, 35c $1.50 to $2.75 Crepe Meteor Satin, 40 inches wide; yard, Japanese Crepe, in colors and white grounds; $2.75 and $4.00 vard 39c French Satin Florence, in black block patterns for skirts, 36 inches wide; yard $2.75 1 A complete showing of Percales is now ready French Riveria Satin. 36 inches wide; yard. for the Fall season at, yard 29c and 39c $3.00 i lor 1 Victory Satin. 54 inches wide; yard $4.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dive 3, Pomeroy &■ Stewart, Street Floor. AUGUST 26, 191$
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers