10 YOU WANT TO SELL THAI AUTOMOBILE? CALL BELL 4100 r SPeatbs /GHLEISGV On Saturday. August .'4. at 6:30 P. M.. Sophie, wife of Herman L. Fehleisen. aged 65 years and 3 days. Friends and relatives can view the body at the home of her daughter. Sirs. George C. Tripuer. 2510 North Sixth street, Monday evening. . Funeral services will be held Tues day afternoon, at 2:30. from St. Michael's Lutheran Church, stieet. Burial in the Harrisburg Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited to attend without further notice. LOST AM* FOVXH DOG STOLEN' From W. Harper s ; farm in Millerstown. Alk u te ' f >V ,Ar brown spot on eye and bach, o" • Makes peculiar noise when breath, jng. Answers to name of Hount. Reward for information that w ill leaa to its return. John A. Durand, * 1 : Chestnut street. City. . ' INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkep.ng. Penmanship. Affllt. et • DAY AND NIGHT St Ht>OL ALL Y LA-t -•Enter any time. Bell 694R Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 321 Mkt. St. Chas. R- Beckley. I'^ Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. ATTEND the OLDEST and business school in Harrisbf,F. tired ganized in I>^4 Uully C H,,iidins School of Commerce. Troup Bu . - j 35 South, Market Square school ai summer. Send for catalog. Be Dial 4393 J • ' HELP U AXTF.D —MALE W ANTED Boys for soda dispen sary* at Sweetland. 331 Market street. 15 CARPENTERS AND 50 LABOR ERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY At the" Aviation General SUPPB Depot. , Middletown. Pa. Apply at Main uate. 'Good wages. , MEN WANTED To learn the au- ' tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands o. men -are wanted in the United states Arm> for such work as driving an ~ re ,' ja ,"." ing. Auto Transportation Schoot. -ov South Front street, jsteelton. RELIABLE BLACKSMITH, familiar with sharpening steam drill steel. Isang J°"; Steady work. Good pay. Apply ROOM 1. SECOND FLOOR. HERSHET BLDG.. Front and Market Streets, Or see MR. McGEE at Walton Quarry. Lemoyne. ELDERLY MAN To do cleaning end take care of boiler at night- Ap ply Kcyal Laundry, 1354 Howard street. . CITY BANK Desires capable man e.- assistant cashier. Address J.. .001. ,t d|e of Telegraph. TAILORS WANTED Good pay. Can make from Sdg to $4O per week. Apply to Louis. 414 North Third street. WANTED A bright boy. over 16 years, to learn printing business. Ap ply H. A. Fry. Composing Room. Har risburg Telegraph. WANTED A good, sober and I nest man to drive a team on a farm. A", opportunity for a colored man and wife. Best of references required. Ad dress Karthaus. Clearfield County. Pa. LABORERS WANTED, AT ONCE. Apply to F. C. LEW IN. Penn-Harris Hotel. • ORDER PACKERS WANTED j Apply SWIFT & CO.. Seventh and North Streets. DRIVERS WANTED -f 35c per hour. Apply B. F. Hoffman. Seventh and Camp streets. Monday morning. S4O to $6O PER WEEK WE WANT SEVERAL MEN TO MANAGE TERRITORY IN SUB- ; I'RBi OF HARRISBCRG AND : NEARBY TOWNS. MEN EX- ' PEKIENCED IN DRIVING TEA ! WAGONS PREFERRED. W. & H. WALKER 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET. „ WANTED Two young men to , work in office and shipping depart- : jlr.ent. Good chance for advancement. ;Apply to National Biscuit Co.. 1370 SH oward street. LABORERS WANTED Apply to S. W. SHOEMAKER & SON. SEVENTH AND HARRIS STS. WANTED Insurance agents. Good j , debit can be collected in two and a 1 Jhalf days. Rest of week can be de moted to canvassing. Salary, $l5 and commission. Apply Room 17, /Cameron Building, from 8 to 4 A. M. ;-and 4 to 8 P. M. WANTED Handy man for small *e*e-trical plant. Must be able to j. climb. Apply 300 Commonwealth .Trust Building. PAINTERS AND HELPERS On a automobile work. Steady employment t for good men. Apply Crispen Motor I : Car Co.. 311 South Cameron street. : .1 MEN WANTED To load stone, 29 ' cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per : sweek. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax- I tang. Furnished Houses FOR RENT ' We have several very desirable I furnished houses for rent. The lo : cations are fine and the rents are 1 I right- We would he much pleased J to interview persons interested in f this class of rental property. ! Miller Brothers & Co. ! Member Hbg. Real Estate Board Locust and Court Sts. 1 * MONDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED—MALE , ! BAKER WANTED—First or second 1 hand, on bread baking. Apply E. M. j J Schell's Bakery. 1512 Derrv street. j DRUGGIST Registered Manager. I at once, to have practically full i charge. Good hours and good pay. Bell phone 3974R, or call on E. C. Smith, 98 North Eighteenth street. Harrisburg. Pa DRUGS A-l N. J. Registered Manager, at once. Permanent. Refer -1 encea HARRY' B. LEEDS. Atlantic City. N. J. j LABORERS WANTED 35c peri 1 hour. Call at Camp- Curtin School Bldg., Sixth and Woodbine. Tuesday, at 7 A. M. Ask for Plumber. | BELL BOYS WANTED Apply j • Senate Hotel. v j DRIVER FOR OVERLAND DELIVERY CAR. One with delivery experience preferred. Must furnish ref erences. ASTRISH'S. 308 Market Street. j BASS SINGER WANTED For | church choir. Apply 1013 North Third /'.r,-!. j WANTED OFFICE MESSENGER THE BELL TEL CO. OF PENNA.. Sixth Floor. Johnston Bldg.. No. 19 South Second St. WANTED A first-class porter for store. None other need apply. Call ! between 6 and 7 P. M.. at Rose's, j Second and Walnut streets. , WANTED—Two good, strong boys to leaiji a trade.. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrlrturg. Pa. AT ONCE * Automobile MeVEnics to work in the most modern garage in Central Pennsylvania. Apply MACS GARAGE. 117. 119. 121 S. Third St. ' Hi : I.l' WA N i hiI)—FKM.V LE LADY WANTED To work in sta tionery store. References required. Apply 329 Market street. W .ANTED Experienced sales ladies for the candy counter. Refei ence required. Apply Sweetland. 331 Market street. WANTED Girls to work in office. : Apply in own handwriting. K.. care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls to work in lamndry. Apply Keystone Laundry. Harris and Wallace streets. CAPABLE GIRL WANTED For housework. No washing or ironing. Call 1522 State street. WOMAN For washing and iron ing. Call 1522 State street. 10 LADIES TO SELL TOILET GOODS. PLEASANT. PROFITABLE WORK FOR CITY AND SUB URBAN TOWNS. PRESENT LADIES ARE EARNING $16.00 TO $22.00 PER WEEK. \Y. & H. WALKER 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET. WHITE LADY WANTED For , light housework a couple hours each I day. Good pay. Apply Alva Hotel. ! WANTED Experienced typist, for ! permanent position, with some cleri j eal work attached. Slate age, experi ; ence and salary expected. Apply Em erson-Brantingham Implement Co., ' j Tenth and Market streets. ! GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE j EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg in i September. Government Clerk. ; Teacher. Inspectress. Research Clerk, 1 ! Typewriter. Salary, $1,20-2,000. Ex perience unnecessary. Women desir- i :ng Government positions write for :ree particulars to J. C. Leonard (.for mer Civil Service Examiner), 661, ; j Kenois Building, Washington. TWO EXPERIENCED WAIT-1 I KESSES WANTED, AT ONCE Ap- j ply Manhattan Restaurant, 317 Mar- I ket street. i CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS— ' Harrisburg in September. Govern- • ' ment Clerk, Teacher, Inspectress, I Typewriter, Bookkeeper, Research [Clerk. Preference given women. Sal-' ; ary, $1,200-$2,000. Experience unnec-' essary. Women desiring Government 1 Positions write for free particulars. : Raymond Terry,tformer Civil Service- Examiner), 46. Columbian Building, ! '■ Washington. j | THREE EXPERIENCED COOKS WANTED, AT ONCE Apply Senate ! Hotel. WANTED Experienced sewing ! ladies for alterations in women's 1 ready-to-wear apparel. Good chance ! and good pay to the lady who wants ! to take up fitting. Will be Instructed by the most widely-known fitter. With ! six months' experience can earn from j $25 ar.d up per week. Apply at once to 1 : BLOOM'S. 19 North Third street, Har j risburg, Fa. HOSIERY KNITTERS WANTED On 209 needle cotton half hose. Ex j cellent pay. Steady work. It will j pay you to inquire. New Cumberland I Knitting Co, New Cumberland. Pa. ! EXPERIENCED GIRLS WANTED—| For sewing. Apply at once to Louis. ! ■ 414 North Third. WANTED Experienced stenog- ' ; rapher, with knowledge of bookkeep- 1 I lug. Good opportunity with growing j j concern. Apply New Idea Hosiery Co, Fourteenth ana Mayflower streets. YOUNG GIRL WANTED For Ice Cream Parlor and Confectionery. Ex perience not necessary. Permanent, position with chance for advance- 1 ] ment for right party. Address, giving age ana reference of former employer, to Box J. 6982. care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced Weavers. Also beginners. Apply I HARRISBURG SILK MILL Corner Second and North Sts. HOSIERY LOOPERS WANTED On 176. 200, 220 and 240 needle. Good i ; pay. Steady work. Apply at once. | New Idea Hosiery Co, Fourteenth I ; street and Mayflower avenue. . 1 WANTED Sewing machine op- ! erators and learners. Easy work send , ! best pay. Harrisburg Apparel Co, i Sixth and Herr streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and FemaTe ! ASSISTANT CREDIT CLERK. MALE. CLERK FOR MEAT SHOP. MALE OR FEMALE CLERK FOR GROCERY DEPT.. FEMALE APPLY STEELTON STORE CO, STEELTON, PA. I HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female, WANTED—CIerks. 16 to 35. to work iin grocery store. Good wages. Excel j lent opportunities. State reference, i i Adress S, 7161. care of Telegraph. j EXPERIENCED Border on hos-1 iery. Apply New Idea Hosiery Co.. j Fourteenth and Mayflower streets. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE YOUNG MAN 20 years old. wishes position as driver of 'light truck or delivery. Address F. L J, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as night I watchman by reliable white man; can furnish references. Address O, 3211, care of Telegraph. j SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe I WANTED —By colored woman, i ! day's work. Inquire 1160 South Cam eron street. WANTED Y'oung woman wishes work as housekeeper; capable of tak ing full charge of house. Address J, 7556. care of Telegraph. WANTED Y'oung woman desires , position as stenographer; high school and business college education. Write I Box O. 7554. care of Telegraph. * • -=•—• : ROOMS FOR RENT i FOR RENT Two very pleasant 1 third floor rooms, furnished for light housekeeping No children. Refer ences required. Bell phone ISOSR. PLEASANT Furnished front room for gentleman. Use of bath. 131 Herr street. FOB RENT Five-room flat and bath, on first floor, with furnace and | range. Rent. $2O. Possession Sep : tember 1. Inquire E. O. Shaffner. 107 ! i Boas street. / j FURNISHED ROOMS One large room, with use of kitchenette and bath, or four-room apartment, ele gantly furnished. Call 1253 Market ! street. \ . 1 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms ■ on second floor; all conveniences and . use of phone. Call Bell phone 1218 M. LARGE furnished room on second i floor, suitable for two or more per- j sons. Apply 9 North Front street. I LARGE, furnished front room, suit- ' , able for light housekeeping: also a 1 large rear bedroom; all conveniences. Apply 7 North Thirteenth. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT— S2.SO per week and up. Rooms with hot and cold running water. Apply Wilson Apartment Hotel. 143 South Third street. LARGE, second-floor, beautifully furnished room, all conveniences and phone, in private family. Refined . neighborhood. Call 3542 M. or 26 North Eighteenth street. ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED Couple would like to rent one or 1 two rooms, furnished or unfurnished ' with a refined family. References ! furnished. Answer P. O. Box 612. WANTED By man anC wife, two or three large furnished rooms tbed- i room, livingroom and den) with pri- j vate bath. Location preferablv, but j not essential. Front. Second or State j streets. Address Box K. 6944. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. . i ROOMS—BOARD—WANTED | GENTLEMAN"—Requires "plain-fur ■ r.ished,_ comfortable bedroom in or near North Front street! also plain, > wholesome morning and evening meals, served on tray if desired." May 1 reside for years. Kindly state rea- 1 sonable. but satisfactory terms, to i Box P. 6620. care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS 1 OR RENT FOR RENT. AT PAXTANG A ' four or five-room apartment, all con- , veniences; excellent condition. Ad- , dress "A." care of Telegraph. APARTMENT Five rooms and 1 bath. Large porch. Locker in cellar. ! N'o children. Apply 221 South Thir- ' teenth street MODERN FIVE-ROOM APART- ■ MENT With pantry, and bath: River front Also furnished room and bath, in one of the most exclusive apartment houses in Harrisburg. Ap- J ply J. B. Hoflert, Front and Forster j | streets. , REAL ESTATE EUR SALE FOR SALE New brick stuccoed! j house, on Moore street, near car line, j | in Camp Hill, seven rooms, all im- ! i provements. steam heat gas kitchen, i laundry, screened throughout. Imme- t ! diate possession. Will take Liberty' ! Bonds as part payment 1 Also 1810 Susquehanna street Har-1 I risburg. Pa. YV. F. Kendall, 228 North Third St. 1 ! or Brinton-Packer Co. , FOR SALE AT A LOW FIGURE Six fine residences. Nos. 1201. 1203. 1205. 1207. 1209 and 1211 N. Fourteenth St All improve ments. paved street sewer, water, gas and electric light Capital City Construction Company are desirous of clos ing out these most desirable . properties. Apply to M. B. COWDEN, Commonwealth Trust Co. Bldg, Or in the evening to E. C. FIRST, 606 North Seventeenth Street THREE 2^4-story brick bouses, lo- j cated on Y'ernon street; 6 rooms, ' j water, gas and electric light Price. | $1,850.00 each. Easy terms. Lincoln . Realty Co, 1129 North Seventh street. | FOR SALE A few bargains to j ready buyers. Immediate possession. 610 Oxford street. 2127 North Fourth Etreet. 1931 Manada street j 738 Twenty-sixth street | Raysorville Heights. Some of the above can be bought on { very easy terms. ROUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. 307 Kunkcl Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION To 1912 Bellevue Road, brick, 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, combination lights, chestnut finish, side entrance, drive alley in rear. Price. $3,400. H. G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street | 14 PROSPECT STREET A cor -1 ner property with all modern im provements. Including steam heat, can i Sbe bought at a reduced price. H. G. ! j Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street j 1 2118 N. FOURTH ST. 3-story ! j brick 9 rooms and bath front I porch rear driveway—IMMEDIATE I POSSESSION If sold before Septem ber 1. Price Is right BACKENSTOSS BROS, Russ Bldg. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. ' FOR SALE. VERY CHEAP One of • the nicest cottages along the Susque- ! hanna River, between the Rockville i Bridge and Marysville. between I street car line and river In Seidel's Woods. Electric lights and all i m . provements. This is a very pretty cot tage. and can be used for all-year around hoihe. Price, 32.700 on easy terms. Apply J. K. Kipp, Marysville Fa. HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH I To advertise an article is to bring it to the light for consideration and comparison. The merchant BE -1 LIEVES in the things he ad\ fertises— j and the conscientious merchant does not sell anything at all YY'hich would j not stand the test of ad\-ertising. i J i J ' , 1 1 j t i : t ~ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —Frame house, two lots. 30x165. Bargain. BY4 Pt cent, in vestment. Chance for big increase in 1 J value. Apply Store. 1117 North Third street. - - , FINE SUBURBAN HOME Three- I 1 storv; all improvements; vapor heat;' electric ligh.ts; hardwood finish; large i lurches; lawn and lot about one acre; ■ fruit and shade trees; shrubbery, etc; ! along State Road; 5c car fare to city. Easy terms and payments. YY'ill take I city property as part pay. Possession ' soc't. C H CORDER. 7722 Green Street. i Bell 560 J. Rents' Collected. j 1543 MARKET STREET 1843 . " FOR SALE 11-room house, with all modern lm- ! provements. 1 Lot extends from Market to Zarker street. Inquire on the premises. j POSSESSION AT ONCE Two and ' three-story bricks, all improvements, I steam heat, electric and gas. Easy terms. c H COKDER 1722 Green Street. Bell 660 J. Rents Collected. CITY AND SUBURBAN HOUSES cheap and easy terms. Some two ! torv bricks, all improvements. $lOO idowh. 2 H -story frames in West ! Fairview. Enola. Lemoyne. Paxtang I ! end Steelton. from one to two bun- ! sred dollars down, all improvements i : a ,7;;° .sssm 1712 Green Street. Bell 56CJ. I ■ " Rents Collected. $3 000 WILL PURCHASE a brick ' house on Lexington street 9 rooms and bath gas steam heat porches. Bell Realty Company. Berg | ner Building. $5 000 WILL PURCHASE a corner property at Paxtang. 10 rooms both gas electric light steam beat lot. 60x120. Bell Realty Co, j Bergner Building. FOR SY.LE No. 32 Soutly Seven teenth street brick house, with 9 rooms and bath steam heat. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. NO. 422 HARRIS STREET Cor- j i ner property for sale at $2,450 9 ; I rooms and bath. Bell Realty Com ! pany. Bergner Building. J , SE\"ERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON 1 VERY EASY TERMS Now is your j 1 opportunity to own your property. Get • particulars and let us show you the properties. Bell Realty Co, Bergner j Building- FOR SALE 156 Linden St.; 3-storjr frame dwell ' lng: S rooms; water in kitchen; gas; porch front; extra large lot; available : for colored people. Price, $1,800.00. 284-story frame dwelling, located 'on Locust* St, near Lincoln, Camp i Hill; 6 rooms and bath; all improve ! n.ents. Including vapor-vacuum heat; ! hardwood floors, porch front, rear and 'ide- lot with a frontage of 406 feet; land 151 feet deep; 140 fruit trees.! ; Price. $5,000.00. .. . i i 15 Acres; located 3Hi miles north- 1 east of Harrisburg; large stone dwell ! ing: frame bank barn; buildings in 'good condition; well and running' water. Price. $4,200.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO, Second and Walnut Sts. | 34 PROSPECT STREET Over- j looking Reservoir Park; 3-story brick, i semi-detached, side and rear en- ■ traTtces. good condition. All improve- > ments steam heat gas and elec- | trie. Immediate possession. Price! right. Inquire at 30 Prospect street. TWO frame dwellings, newly paint ed 6 rooms and bath, large back yard, situated on South Fourth street. Steel ton. Apply Regent Theater. City. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as rent. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth Street Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. • Ileal Estate For Sale—Suburban i 284 ACRES Truck farm; 5c car I fare from Harrisburg; a new 6-room i house; all necessary outbuildings, I peach orchard and plenty of fruit; 1 $2,900. Call at 107 Chestnut street, I Harrisburg. John A. Durand; no in . formation over the phone. I SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW —All improvements, gas. lot, 6ux176, lon Chestnut street. Camp HIIL Cash or terms. Apply Dial 5648. J. F. I Herr.pt. Camp Hill. ! SEY'ERAL COTTAGES AND BUN ' GALOWS FOR SALE along trolley ! i line, close to city. Cheap and easy | ! terms. Ail improvements in. Also I Building Lots in city and suburban. < Easy terms. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Harris burg. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT A two-and-one-haif story brick house at 2317 North Fifth • street, with all improvements, com : pletely furnished. Inquire of Fred |c. Miller, Attorney-at-Law. 31 North 1 Second street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell ! phone 307 J. HKAI, ESTAT&—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth I and Curtin streets. Possession of 1 Fifth street houses about July IS. i 1918. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Second. , Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED ' WANTED, TO RENT Good, mod ern five or six-room house or bunga low. in desirable location, on high ground; suburbs or edge of town pre ferred. C. E. Bell, care of Elliott- Fisher Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED j Several small houses wanted on easy 1 terms. Apply C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell 560J, WANTED By October 1, small house, with all modern improvements ' in vicinity of Steelton. Only two in family. Phone 4299J Bell, after 6 i ■H2L ! 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, u i I cheap. What have you to offer! Chas. I Adler, 1002 North Third street. I 1 ' OFFICES AM* STOREROOMS | FOR RENT in the Commonwealth Trust Company Building, largo, roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, 222 Market Street. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable, for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail i business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street, i | Apply to Louis. 414 North Third. j I STOREROOM. 1202 N. THIRD ST.—f ! 95 feet deep Shelving, ready fo- busi ! ness. Y'ery light, pleasant room—sky j iig'nt. In the best locution, near the ' largestMarkethouse. three goodßanks i many good Stpres. Next door to . Ileagy Bros. Motorcycle and Sporting Goods Store. Possession at once. An. I piv at Sible's Garage. Cumberland and I Third streets. FARMS " SMALL FARM OF 14 ACRES, at Shellsville for sale cheap, or will ex ' change on city property. Farm is on : State Highway. Bank barn. 3-story j brick house, spring water. Buildings in Al shape. j cH. CORDER. 1722 Green St, Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. ! FOR SALE A productive Fruit ! and Truck Farm of 19 acres. Loca tion, Gettysburg Pike, west Dillsburg. York county. S-room house, cold- I i storage cave, barn, hog and chicken houses, good fences; 400 15-year-old , apple trees. 400 peach, pear, plum and I quince trees; large variety of berries. Annual income. $2,500. Price, $6,000. $3,000 can remain at B per cent. pos session April 1, Address Box 27, care of Telegraph. FARM 77 acres. 60 acres elear and 15 acfies in big timber. Cash price. $2,000 for quick sale. John A. Durand. 107 Chestnut street. THE CASSELL FARM One mile north of Progress, is, for sale, with or without crops. AN ill consider an! exchange on Harr sburg property. H. i G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALI? At a reduced price. I a nice, single house, in Washington | avenue. Washington Heights. Third I house from Camp Hill Trolley Line, i Price. $2,500. 75 per cent, can remain !as a mortgage. Seven-roomed house. I i nice yard to a drive alley. Garage in I ' rear. Key next door to property. Ad ! dress J. K. Kipp. Marysville. Pa. | ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A i ! farm within 15 minutes' ride of the! i city in a good location. Address J". K. ! Kipp. Marysville. Pa. FARMS FOR SALE * Any size you want, from 1 to 200 acres each. 8, 11, 15. 30. 45, 70 80 100, 150 and 200-acre farms from 284 to 10 miles to Harrisburg. Some on State Roads. All have good buildings orchards and running water. Easy ac-' cess to city. / C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 660 J. X2-ACRE FARM For Sale. Possession at once, 4 miles east of Linglestown. on ths Manada River. Old house. Good barn. Very productive. 100 fruit trees. A very I good Truck. Poultry and Hog Farm. 1 Fronting beautiful on main road. ; Eeauiiful Farms Joining. Price. $l,- 500. We can help finance this farm. C. B. CARE. Care's Grocery. Linglestown; 409 Market St.. Harrisburg. 100 ACRES With necessary build ings. large orchard. 6 years old; 3 miles N. E. of Harrisburg. YVill Be il at a bargain. Possession can be given soon after -purchase. For full infor mation, call 1700 North Second street. 71 ACRES Farm with 8-room house; nfew bank barn. 38x62; all I buildings are in ttrst-ciass condition; i 4. horses. 4 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves, ! 1 big bull. 6 pigs, 26 guineas. 90 big j young pullets, 40 ducks, 18 to 20 tons hay. 45 bushels of wheat, 226 bushels oats. 13 acres of corn. 2 acres of pota toes. 200 fruit- trees, mostly apples; over 100 wine stalks; all garden truck and all implements. 1 new box wagon. 1 second-hand box wagon. I Jenny Lind. 2 spring wagons, 1 new cultiva tor, double; 3 plows, 2 spring harrows, 1 mower, hay rake. 4 sets of harness. 1 new sleigh, 1 new Deerlng binder, everything on farm except furniture at $7,900. eight miles from Harris burg. Call at 107 Chestnut street; John A. Durand. No information over the phona 105 ACRES All buildings in O. K. condition, house. 11 rooms, bank barn 46x79. hay shed. 30x35; pig stall, 16x40; all necessary outbuildings; 2 horses; 4 mules; 7 cows; 1 bull. 3 heifers; 4 calves; 5 hogs; 16 sheep; 21 turkeys; 34 guineas; 9 geese; 8 ducks, 30 hens; 30 pullets; all Implements In first-class condition; 40 to 50 tons of hay; 400 bushels wheat; 1.800 to 2,000 bushels corn; 450 bushels oats; timothy seed In barn to thrash; one acre of po tatoes; all kinds of truck: all ktaids of fruit; all kinds of berries; price. $lO,OOO for cash; fifteen miles from Harrisburg. Call J. A. Durand, 107 Chestnut street. farms For Sale or Exchange ] 75-ACRE FARM FOR EXCHANGE j on city property with garage or j i room on rear of lot for garage. John ' | A. Durand, 107 Chestnut street. City, j 1 FOH SALE—>IISCEI.LAN FPUS PEACHES i First-class Canning Peaches can be had at Green and Ma clay Streets All Week. Call and see same. We are sure ] they will please you. Will i deliver same. i ] (Signed) WEST END ELECTRIC AND ] ] CYCLE CO.. I 234 Maclay Street. ■ I i WILL sell my dlnlngroom furniture 1 for $5O cash, on account of leaving " i city. Call 340 South Thirteenth street, or 335 llummel street. j AIREDALE PUPPIES 2 months 1 old. $5.00 and $lO.OO. 1011 North ; Front street. ■ S5 HOMER CARRIER PIGEONS ' FOR SALE. CHEAP. Call at 230 Broad ! street. J FOR SALE Four Hundred Locust , Posts Stored within fifty feet of State Road! at Perdix. Apply to A. C. : Young. 34 North Second street THE STORE lust across from Y. W. C. A. is worth mowing. We are Famous for our Low prices. Give us a trial. ! Straw Hats 98c up I Men's Suits ....$7 50 up I Boys' Suits ....$3.95 up j Men s Trousers $1.25 up | Union Suits 95c up : \ Men's Shoes • * • $1.98 up I OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. Open Every Evening. ! BOOKS 20.000 new. old and rare • | books, 5c up- Aurand s. 925 N. Third. ALL kinds of Disc Records bought, i sold and exchanged. N. Brenner, 1315 ; North Third street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED SOLD EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR PHEUM THEATER. ; BOTH PHONES. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and : sold reasonable. S. Refkin, 407 Broad 1 street. Bell phone 3370 J. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call : . Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. | 824-832 North Seventh street ■ i CLOTHES AND SHOES Don't ! throw your old clothes and shoes away. I pay highest prices. Drop postal, or call Bell phone 4160 M. We " will call. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. ' High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and : sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street Will call, city or country. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Factory to make from 500 to 2.000 dozen work shirts. Same i to be made in a very neat, clean. | workman-like manner. For such a 1 shirt we offer an exceptionally good ■ price. If interested, write Spaide j Shirt Co., Butler, Pa. WANTED, TO LEASE, a Motion Picture Theater, equipped, in or about Harris burg. Address, giving full particulars, to BOX K, 7500, Care of Telegraph. j BUSINESS PERSONALS RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP, GENERAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. 1 BELL 3995. DIAL 5854. | IDO any kind of electrical"repair ing motors fixtures wiring i fans door bells, etc., at reasonable 1 prices. Drop me a card. William C. | Hoover, Central Hotel. . Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers ; for estate. P. H. Caplan Co., 206 Mkt. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz.; double edge. 25c doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert and Sons. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, ' 119 Market street. Money to Loon WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of Jtine 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans i a specialty; business confidential; ! payments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN AT LEGAL RATES On furniture, real estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under the supervision of the Banking De partment. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3 North Market Square, Established 1904. MONEY FOR COAL and other necessities, advanc ed to honest working people, without bank credit, at legal rates on furniture, real es tate or guaranteed notes. Buy ' your coal now. Help the Gov ernment and Insure comfort for yourself and family next Winter', and incidentally, save money. We give you twelve months to pay the loan if you wish. You pay only for the actual time you use the money. Hours, 8 to 6, Satur day evenings until 9. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN A INVESTMENT CO. 1 204 Chestnut Street. Musical TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefiully repaired by an expert only. , OYT-ER'S, 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your sesvice at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. AUGUST 26, 191? 1 Musical ] | TALKING MACHINES of all kinds ! repaired by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 280411. or 1504 Howard avenue. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES FOll BALK FOUR GOOD WORK HORSES. S. W. SHOEMAKER & SON. Seventh and Harris Streets. . Hauling autl Moving WE MOVE anything to any point, local 'or rong-distance. open and covered auto trucks. Experienced furniture handlers. Rates reasonable. Phone Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. Motor Express. 1427 North Third street. Bell phone 1479 J. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Ruin and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvln Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone IGR-6. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piuno moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 817 Capital street. Both phones. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivel's. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2266. WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or team. Go anywhere. Rates •Reason able. Phoues. CONRAD BROS.. 445 Broad street. WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANY TIME We have a 2-Ton Denby Truck for Hire to do General Hauling. DAYTON CYCLE CO., Dial 4900 913 N. Third St. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—-Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper Co..Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private roofs. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS " WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 630 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell 4748 J. Dial 3907. SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. . RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1306% N. Sixth St. AUTOMOBILES ONE OVERLAND FIVE-PASSEN GER TOURING CAR In good con dition. Call 1740 Derry street. PACKARD ROADSTER Good runnihg order. A good buy for one who can appreciate a fine, high-grade used car. Price, $450.00. Apply MAC'S GARAGE, 117, 119. 121 S. Third St VELIE TOURING CAR FOR SALE. ' Apply BLACK S GARAGE, 205 South Seventeenth Street FOR SALE 7-passenger Overland, early 1917 model, five wire wheels, Continental motor. Will sell cheap. Address F., 6952, care of Telegraph. REGAL Touring. $250.00. Studebaker touring, $385.00. Oakland touring, $400.00. Harley-Davidson motorcycle, $76.00. HORST, Linglestown, Pa. SPECIAL ON SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES These Tires are N. F. C. Stock. 32x4% Q. D. Ribbed Silvertown.s42.B9 32x4% Q. D. Safety Silvertown.. 45.05 33x5 Q. D. Ribbed Silvertown. 53.65 33x5 Straight Ribbed Silver town 60.99 38x5% Q. D. Ribbed Silvertown. 70.37 32x3% Straight Bead, Smooth.. 18.18 33x4 Straight Bead. Smooth.. 24.12 33x4 Straight Bead. Safety... 25.20 35x5 Straight Bead. Smooth.. 39.69 37x5 Straight Bead, Safety... 41.94 40x4% Q. D., Smooth 25.00 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 N. Third St. Dial 4990. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILOIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,65c 6 gallons Aor Arctic. Gallon... .70c If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Mobiloll, A, B, E or Arctic, gallon .; 90c DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 N. Third St. Dial 4990. 1917 ALLEN ROADSTER. Model 37. Car sold new for $935. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address s., 7436, care of Telegraph. AUTOS SOLD FOR CASH. NO SALE—NO PAY. Free storage in modern garage while on sale. Reliable demonstra tion. Terms reasonable in case of BaIe *CYCLE & AUTO SUPPLY CO.. 107 Market Street. Bell 3858. Dial 3590. # USED CAR BARGAINS 1914 Ford Touring. Excellent con dition. Bargain to quick buyer. 1917 Overland Chummy Roadster. All new tires. Perfect condition. Newly painted. MAC'S GARAGE. Ford Service Station. 117, 119, 121 South Third Street. WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. 1914 KNOX Racing Car. In good con dition. 1916 Chalmers Roadster. In A 1 con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Phones. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCK FOR SALE CHEAP 1 2-ton Mack truck, complete with body, and some 1-ton trucks —are all good bargains. International Harvester Company of America, Truck Dept.. 619 Walnut street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A Schiffman. 22-24-26 t North Cameron street. Bell 2532. [ Men to Aid in Rushing Penn-Harris Construction Determined to rush the construc tion of the new million-dollar Penn llarris Hotel, contractors in charge of the building have asked for every possible effort on the part of the mell under them. Many of the laborers work Sunday and a ten-hour sched ule has been inaugurated. With these plans in their favor, men in charge of the work think that the hotel will be finished by November first. The huge bake oven has been fin ished. Laundry machinery is being installed and plasterers are busy. Virtually every room has been plas tered uii to and Including the tenth lloor. Tiling has been placed In tho bathrooms as far as the eighth floor. Radiators are being set and painters arc at work. All doors have been hung and many of the transome are already placed. Almost all of the work on the cement stralrs between the sec ond and tenth floors have been fin ished and locks and other hardware arc now being placed throughout the building. An idea of tho Immensity of the structure may be gained by the fact that there are to be 250 bothrooms in the hotel. In these bath rooms virtually all bathtubs have been set and other accessories are going into place rapidly. AUTOMOBIIiES MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey, Splitdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, c.-.rburetors, etc. A. Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS GARAGE FOR RENT In rear at 528 Camp street. Call at 1225 North Sixth street. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros. Garage, 244 S. Front St., Steelton. 6,000-MILE STANDARD MAKE TIRES sold at a reduction of 30 per cent, oft list Dial phone 6938. H. L. F.nders, Auto Supplies, 239 South Cameron street MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES FOR SALE Two-cylinder Excelsior Mo torcycle. In good condition. Call on f GEO. A. MEYERS, 1700 State Street. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson Mo torcycle; 1913 model; twin-cylinder; good tires; good mechanical condition. Will demonstrate. Sold cheap. Ap ply 203 Nectarine street MOTORCYCLE PARTS WANTED for cash. Both Phones. 107 Market street. BICYCLES AND PARTS WANTED i for cash. Both Phones. 107 Market street BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. AT.!, WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990. Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK, 912 N. Third Street Dial 4990. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS TO BRIDGE PIERS OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. HARRISBURG. PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg, * Pa., until two o'clock P. M., Tuesday, September 10, 1918, for furnishing all labor and materials for Urn construc tion of Pier No. 1, reinforcing Pier No. 2 and south abutment and rip rapping Piers No. 3 and No. 4 of bridge over the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, at Laceyvllle, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, as indicated fully In the plans and specifications prepared by W. B. Pax son. of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. Plans, specifications and bld&ng blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS TO PIERS OF LACEY VILLE BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL Secretary. In the Court of . Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, No. 732 January Term. 1918. Re Tak ing of land in the Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, by the School District of the City of Hxrrlsbutg. for school purposes. To; ALL owners, lien creditors and persons otherwise interested In the lands taken: YOU are hereby potifled that the viewers appointed by the-Court In the above proceeding to view and examine the premises taken by the School Dis trict of the City of Harrisburg and to estimate and determine the damages. If any. sustained by the Owners by reason of the taking thereof, will file their report In the said Court on Sat urday, August 31, 1918, when and Where you may examine same If you so desire. The property so taken by the School District of the City of Harris burg comprises property of Anns 8. Simonettl, Maurice Price Simonettl, Delia May Simonettl and John G. Orr. Trustee in Bankruptcy of Homer R. Simonettl, Bankrupt, owners or re puted owners, fronting 68 fest on Walnut Street and 186 feet on Fifth Street, and property of Mary N. Nagel, John F. Nagel, Ida C. Nagel. Mary A. Nagel and Susan Nagel, owners or re puted owners, at the corner of Fifth and Strawberry Streets fronting 26 feet on Fifth Street and extending back 105 feet along Strawberry Street. E. EARL GRAEFF. E. CLARK COW DEN, PAUD G. SMITH, i Viewer*. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers