Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 24, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 MILEAGE RECORP MADE ON U.S.TIRE Florida Bus Driver Tells of Exceptional Mileage He Ob tained From Royal Cord Twenty-five thousand miles on ft United States Royal Cord Tire is no longer an unusual performance, but the manager of a bus lino operat ing In Florida has turned In ft rec ord of a Royal Cord which has mftdc 25,421 miles under exceptional cir cumstances. This tire was part of the equip ment on a 4,400-pound bus running between Tampa and Lakeland, 155 miles a day over brick, asphalt and clay roads. It ran 8,052 miles on ft rear wheel before a puncture came. It was then shifted to a front wheel for a run of 7,700 miles and again back to the rear, where It lasted for 9,669 miles more. The owner of the bus states that he has nine United States tires which have been In use several months and have averaged 15,000 miles each. The Royal Cord which made the 25,421-mile record has been replaced by another Royal Cord that has al ready run 20.000 miles. How are your look pretty bad? uldn 'i you have them reflnished If the cost was reasonable? Phone us or drop us a card and have our representative call. When you find out how little it costs you will certainly have the work done. We replate, polish and re pair art metal fixtures of every description. Automobile Work a Specialty When It's Auto Supplies and Accessories You Need—GET THEM AT P. H. Keboch's 111 Market St. Successor to FIIONT MARKET MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY Retail Dept. WHY WASTE TIME AND MONEY in buying and waiting for ; automobile parts from the factory? We carry a complete j stock of second-hand parts of all kinds for any make of car. Springs Carburetors Magnetoes Batteries Gears Crankshafts Axles, etc. , All Sizes Used Tires GIVE US A TRIAL Used Cars Bought and Sold Chelsa Auto Wrecking I A. SCHIFFMAN, Prop. ■ 22-24-26 N. Cameron St. Both Phones STEPHENS SALIENT SIX t\ A "-r "-- PRICE, sl(i7.- . l X :~sm- , K. O. B. MOLINE "\ ■■•**■ , N — ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES J. S. Sible, Jr. THIRD, AT CUMBERLAND ST. BELL 1555W The Apperson Anniversary Model * Tourster '* V ' ' ' • ' • '3 <f-. £'ij,'". ' ' THE MOTOR WITH 80 LESS PARTS E. L. Cowden DISTRIBUTOR Bell Phone 4458 108 MARKET ST. "SATURDAY EVENINQ AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY IS PRONOUNCED ESSENTIAL AND WILL NOT BE CLOSED DOWN Tv the Editor of the Telegraph: You will kindly fkvor the Motor Car Industry both In the sales, and the equipment by printing the follow ing article in the Baturday Issue if you think same is satisfactory, The dealers had a hearing last Friday, August 16th, before the War Industries Board, and came out with the Information that the third larg est Industry In the world Is not going to be put out entirely. It Is believed that r the factories Will be permitted to build about twenty-flve per cent, (if the cars that were built lajjt year, and there are many reasons why they are Justified In holding this belief. Tho War Industries Board author ises the following; "At a meeting of the War Indus tries Board before which appeared a committee of twenty-flve leading au tomobile dealers from various parts of the United States representing the National Automobile Dealers' Associa tion, It was statedt "1. While no order had been Issued by this board canceling motor car production, and no definite order of curtailment could bo given until the automobile manufacturers had sub mitted Inventories of present stock, tho board has already suggested to automobile manufacturers that they undertake to get war work oven up to one hundred per cent. If possible, by January 1. 1819, Automobile manufacturers have already accepted war orders aggregating between $8,000,000,000 and $8,000,000,000. "2. The War Industries Board rea lizes the Importance of a continua tion of all possible Industrial aotlvlty so far as It can be brought about without Interference with the war program. "3. All automobile dealers, how- i ever, should put themselves as rapid ly as possible on a war basis so as to be ready for whatever curtailment becomes necessary. "4. The War Industries Board has not classed the automobiles or any other industry as nonessential, and, In determining the standing and posi tion of any and every Industry, It will be guided solely by the war re quirements and needs as distinguish ed from the wants of the civilian pop ulation. "5. In view of the fact that war requirements of steel and rubber ap parently exceed the supply, making automobile curtailment necessary, the war service committee of National Automobile Dealers' Association has agreed to recommend ways and means to stop unnecessary use of passenger cars and increase their utilitarian uses." The cause of rumors coming from Washington seem to be due to the fact that the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce tactics and operations at Washington were more or less antagonistic to the War In dustries Board on account of their not being able to gain their confi dence. which had been a very clean cut piece of bungling on their part. When Hugh Chalmers demanded sixty per cent, of the normal steel required and at a time when the War Industries Board in the face of the Germans advance, was trying to give the war Industry 20,000,000 tons of steel in the period when there were only being produced 16,000,000, this was a more or less of an unpatriotic attitude and after a session on July Rubber Compound Rubber compound is an automo bile tire protector. If used as di rected, having been tested by a wide use, more or less upon the road, the manufacturer feels confident that a wide knowledge of its merits will largely increase its demands. The facts of good results, in prolonging the life of the tire by increased toughness of the fiber of the rubber, adds many miles of life to the tire, which materially reduces the cost of the improved rubber tire. It is a valuable consideration to the owner of the automobile. It applies to the solid truck tires also with the same good results. It will preserve and keep leather, curtains and top of the automobile and can be Used with good results on the body and wheels of the same. Adam Orris, Manufac turer, 318 West Main Street, Mechan icsburg. Pa. 18th between the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce and the War Board, the War Board told the Auto mobile "manufacturers that they were to take Inventories of steel on hand, and report promptly and the board would then decide regarding steel. Up to the present time, the inven tories have not been made, or at least have not been given to the War Industries Board, This has caused further bad standing for the industry at Washington. The board further charges that this co-operation has been withheld, that no one has worked With the War Board, and all the approaches of the Automobile Chamber of Commerce have been bargaining, and not co operation, As regarding tax, the Na tional Automobile Chamber bf Com merce opposed taxation claiming that a tax on cars could not be psas ed on to the consumer) and would seriously Injure the many factories, and the effect would be disastrous. Yet, a three per cent, tax was Im posed because the Ways and Means Committee was compelled to raise a revenue from every possible source, and the majority of the people con nected with industries felt that any Industry the else of the Automobile could well help win the war by pay ing taxes. • The Chamber of Commerce again opposed taxation when a suggestion was made recently that a further tax be Imposed on all automobiles, but Inasmuch as they had cried wolf on the previous tax proposed, their op position to the latter suggestion did not carry any weight with the com mittee who threw In the face of the Chamber of Commerce a statement of a year ago that the tax could not be passed on to the consumer, and would be ruinous; and the National Automo bile Chamber of Commerce was com pelled to admit that this was not prooftrue. This "bucking the line" on the part of the Chamber of Commerce had brought the War Board to the point where they Were antagonistic to each suggestion made them, and only through the. spirit of co'-operatlon as shown by the National Automobile Dealers' Association who not only agreed with the war committee, that they were not opposed to a taxation, but threw their cards on the board, and assisted the Ways and Means Committee to prepare a bill which placed a tax upon horsepower of 5,- 000,000 cars being run in this great country of ours to-day. By this CO; operative spirit towards the War In dustry Board, and a definite and high er form of representation at Wash ington such as the type as repre sented by men like Vesper and Peake, we have obtained the approval of the War Board, and the result was a statement to the public press of this country which is the first thing of its kind that has come out of Wash ington. It was done at the specific request of the dealers, and declared that no industry is nonessential. It gave the Motor Car Companies the state of legitimacy; it has shown and helped clarify the much muddled minds regarding the automobile in dustry. This War Board has the big Job of winning the war. and In sacrificing industry if not necessary, and it is doing the Job to the best of its abil ity. The members of the War Board appreciate a spirit of helpfulness and co-operation, and are willing to re pay In kind. To our local dealers, the writer In vestigated throughout the country, and would suggest that dealers cut down overhead, reshape their plans, and get on a basis that will come nearest to getting them by, even if no cars at all are received. The big city dealers will be the hardest hit, but all of them—big and little— should think automobile thoughts— trucks, tractors, farm light, and the rest—they should centralize in one location, pay attention to the equip ment business, and specialize on re pairing and replacing defective parts or in ineffective parts. The last suggestion from Wash ington regarding nonessentials men tions the fact that the accessories business of the automobile industry is not nonessential, and that employes at these places will not be exempted. We do not know what they refer to, as the word "accessories" has been entirely thrown out ot the automobile industry. Parts that are sold by Supply Companies such as that In which the writer is interested in are known as automobile equipment. We are rendering- service, and are furnishing supplies and equipment al most hourly for the purpose of aid ing and winning the war. We are sending to factories who are supply ing us with materials on a basis of twenty-flve to fifty orders from the War Department. Issued to us through the different divisions and contrac tors. Tours very truly. FRONT AND MARKET MOTOR SULLY CO. T. B. WILDERMUTH, Pres. THE TIRE FORD OWNERS ARE GETTING 10 AND 12 THOUSAND MILES OUT OF STERLING Guaranteed 5,000 Miles Plus Free Repairs Keystone SajesCo. G. O. GOLLING, Manager 108 MARKET ST. HAJUUSBURG TBLEGRAPIt NEW ANNIVERSARY APPERSON IP • .;v T >■*.vit*^P W -l ~^xggttH| The above photograph Is that of the new Anniversary Model Apper son Tourster. the original of which Is in the showrooms or the local dis tributor) 19. L. Oowden, at 108 Mar CHALMERS CO. IS MAKING CARS Official Agent Denies Rumors and Points to Recent Prog ress as Best Evidence In spite of repeated donlale, mis chievous troublemakers persist In their efforts to annoy and handicap Chalmers dealers throughout the country with rumors ,of drastic changes In the program of Chalmerß production. The Arst thing Walter E. Flandors did In September, 1917, at the time he assumed the management of the Chalmers Motor Car Company, was to "nail the lie" that said Chalmers production would be stopped or cur tailed. In a sweeping challenge he said further that Chalmers cars would not only continue to be manu factured, but In as far as Interna tional conditions would permit, Chal mers production would Increase. Since that time both Mr. Flanders and Mr. Toner have repeated the statement In emphatic terms, and yet, after nine months of strict ad herence to the original program, Chalmers dealers still complain of these groundless errors. The following positive assurance Is from an open letter dated May 13. 1918, and sent to all Chalmers deal ers and distributors by L. A. Smith, assistant director of Chalmers sales: "We do not and never have had any Intention of even the sllghest letup in Chalmers production, unless through Government curtailment. The Maxwell Motor Company is a separate organization from the Chal mers Motor Car Company, and the Anancial strength and experience of the Maxwell Motor Company have simply been placed behind the Chal mers factory, which will serve to in sure more Chalmers motor cars and a stronger Chalmers organization, and not a discontinuance of the-line. "For the past six months the Chal mers Motor Car Company stands fourth In the United States in the number of six-cylinder motor cars produced and sold at a prtce of $l,OOO, Just as Mr. Flanders advised would be done. "Please dispel any thought that we are going to stop manufacturing Chalmers motor cars." Training Mechanics to Take Fighters' Places Vacancies caused by the enlist ment of workers from the Cadillac Boston distributor's repair shop are being rapidly Ailed by men beyond the draft age, who are being trained for the work. In a corner of the repair shop has been set up this mechanics' training school. The Instructor is a mechan ic, who possesses both the ability to work with tools and the faculty of imparting his knowledge and the fruit of hig experience to others. Each student is provided with a set of tools, paying for them at ac tual cost. He also'signs an agree ment relative to his wages, provid ing that his services are found satis factory after he has Anlshed train ing. The pay is on a rising scale until the end of his Arst year, when he Is to receive the sum which hi' services are worth to the employing company. The Jobs are made more attractive by provision for a bonu" for the Arst two years of employ ment. The school has been under way for three months, and the initial re sults have been very successful. In several Instances men have alread> been graduated into the regular work in the main shop. First Halifax Boy to Enlist Is in France ' v *'.;■* :> GEORGE WERT George Wert, who enlisted shortly after war was declared against Ger many. and was the first Halifax boy to enter the United States service, has arrived safely in France, he writes to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wert, of Halifax. Only 19 years old, he en rolled in the Aviation Section, and was sent first to Fort Slocum and later transferred to Fort Leaven worth. He sailed from Hempstead, L. 1., in July, 1918. Army life is charac terized as "great" by Wert, who says that the soldiers are well cared for and that "he feels proud to help Uncle Sam whip the Kaiser." ket street. This car has created con siderable comment on the streets due to Its nobby appearance. It Is a 'light blue color. Tne seats in it are ad justable for four passengers. HURLBURT TRUCK OUTPUTLARGER Making More Cars Now and j Expect to Increase Fa • cilities Located right In the heart of the great manufacturing district of New York City, with ideal opportunities for boat shipments to every part of the world, for which the company has been able to prepare to the min ute, the Hurlburt Motor Truck Com pany, with a huge plant at One Hundred and Thirty-third street and the Harlem river, New York, has de livered Its output In the past largely to the users In the metropolitan dis trict and to foreign countries. Now tftat the company has been re- Ananced and has sufficient capital to make It independent in every way, the Hurlburt truck is to be marketed in the national Aeld, and the output of the factory will be greatly in creased to care for the home con sumption and expert demands. "We are shipping our trucks," said W. B. Hurlburt, president of the company, whose vision less than ten years ago was not faulty in foreseeing the fu ture demand, "to England, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Calcutta, Bombay, Portugal, Spain, Island of Sumatra, Martinique, Porto Rico, Cuba, Argentina, Chili, France and to many other countries. There are now' over 800 of our trucks in the metropolis, and customers who start-" ed with a single unit of our make but a few years ago are to-day ordering equipment from us to completely motorize their business. An incident of this is the order we have Just re ceived from the Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Company. This concern in stalled three trucks of our 3 *4-ton model four years ago. then added Ave more Hurlburt trucks two years ago, and this is their order for an Installation of Afteen trucks of the Ave-ton model and two of the two ton model, amounting in value to $72,000, to which will be added the three per cent, war tax. That is but one of the many proofs we have had of the value of our prduct, for many large orders of this character have been taken of late in competition with well-known makers." SPANISH BOY TELLS OF U-BOAT EXPERIENCE The exciting tale of his experiences ; as a shipwrecked sailor, Aoating for ' two hours with only a piece of mast for support after his ship had been torpedoed, was told by Pancop Ren, i a nineteen-year-old Spanish boy, at | the police station last night. Ren said he was on the top deck j of the ship San Pugas, bound for > this country, when he heard the cry ] that submarines had been sighted. He j declared when the torpedo struck the I ship he was blown into the air, and | when he landed in the water started i swimming with only a piece of mast | for support. A crew from another | ship picked up the sailor. He will j he sent to the Spanish consul at i Baltimore to-day. BRETZ HELD FOR COURT Harry M. Bretz, bankrupt lawyer, j already under $1,500 bail on one em- j bezzlement charge, was held under i $5OO on a second charge for his ap- j pearance at the next sessipn of court by Alderman A. M. Landis, of the j Sixth ward last evening. Franklin 1 Wertz, 1420 Green street, charges] Bretz with embezzling $l,OOO. < ypjafTHE TEST OF TIME IS THE ONLY TRUE TEST! I|l|f Tho I X SELECTINQ a motor truck you IT IS ALIKE adaptable for all kinds rp , Standard Ihe Gold Standard 1 naturally desire to eliminate, as *of work—in the city, on country GOld Standard of Vnliif>s ar as P° ss 't>loi the element of un- roads or on the mountain trails. Qt y allies I r " r " 5 certainty. ' |N BUYING a "Speedwagon" you Y"E motor truck will either con- 1 obtain a truck the quality, the -j ape| serv © or "'aste a lot of valuable dependability and the low upkeep of iylWwwL Spj ||j P en^' U tj| n j W^ ie " ler j" which are known quantities. lj , 5| IN THE accompanying illustrations ]j"i '4 DEO reputation for reliability is y° u se © fh e "8-in-l" convertible M T a known factor in the motor truck body, adaptable to all kinds V® world. It has been gained by years of businesses. It is a big money of dependable use. saver. P— THE Reo "Speedwagon" is a pio- ""THE demand for these cars Is —"■•rj * neer ofi its type. It has been in use 1 great—far greater than the sup r~*~i for years, unchanged. It is not a flash ply—so the only way to be sure of ijWfcJk in the pan, but a proven utility. getting a Reo is to see us today. ~ HARRISBURG AUTO CO tm FOURTH AND KELKER STS. W DUPLEX AND IfURLBURT TRUCKS -IEEMAN AND CI ' EVEIjAND TRACTOKS ... :r ; . .;. / ... • , .-../r i. 1 ,. '• , ..... - iff-.-liir-ir iii * - . .• . '■ , i&< ■ i i i" li S 'l'twwS"• >'~* t : i BREAKS RECORDS WITH_PACKARD Ralph De Palma Drives Car to Impressive Victory at Sheepshead Bay The most Impressive victory ever scored by driver and car In a speed way contest was achieved by Ralph de Palma and his aeroplane-motored Twin Six In the International Sweep stakes at Sheepshead bay, where all Ave events and four world's records fell before the prowess of the Italian pilot and his Packard, The only rea son why he did not set Ave new wnrld'6 records may be that the Afth already Is held by de Palma and his mount. This clean sweep of a Aeld that Included the star drivers of England. Belgium, France and America crowns a season In which de Palma has ad vanced from one triumph to another, The winning of 160-mile races ap parently has become a Axed habit with him, and he has amassed a col lection of world's records for all sorts of distances involving frorri a minute to six hours running. • Experienced observers of motor car performance on the speedways believe they know the sciontlAc rea son for de Palma's sudden and com plete shaking of the 111-fortune that spoiled his pursuit of victory In pre vious years. With his hands on the wheel of a car that has the reserve power to maintain any desired po sition In the long grind or to Aash up to Arst place In the sprints, the Italian faces event after event with conAdenee that he need not put all Into bufsts of extreme speed, to the imminent Jebpardy of his tires. This theory is borne out not only by the victories he has won but by the fact that he has a perfect tire record for the whole season. The car with which he is winning is a special speed chassis, designed by the Packard, and equipped with the Arst aviation-type engine de signed and built by the Packard. It happens to be one of two models ex prersly designed by the Packard en gineers for speed; because It Is what they produced two and a half years ago In their Arst experiments look ing toward an aviation engine. The other model —three times its size— is the one with which Wlllard A. 5-Passenger Touring ' $925 l 3-Passenger Clover-Leaf ®QOC! Roadster Pi7AU Ensmineer Motor Co. THIRD and CUMBERLAND STS. Bell Phone 851& The Cadillac's reputation for durability and ease of con trol is known from coast to coast and even In foreign countries. Doesn't it ease your mind, these strenuous times, to know that the bother of repair shops and the worry while driving over the roads have been eliminat ed when YOUR car is a Cadillac? Do YOU own a Cadillac? CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. 311-315 S. Cameron St. AUGUST 24, i9i& Rarlor set the new world's record of 130.43 miles per hour at Sheepshead bay a year ago. When they were designing de Palma's engine, the Packard englners were thinking of the speed and range necessary to the airplane—and de Palma proves they gained their objective. Not less impressive is the demon- iPG OftS Satisfied Buyers |\ . y | lo> - rold th tro r ubl. he no <££ R fig comfort, if you follow §£ ' l KD the rout*, wtiish lead* EVERY KNOWN MAlffi iffIBBHWE " i i condition -. Conrenient Termi Arrangtd nt&f, 4-pam., ♦y'cl**y| 101* CADILLAC tmirlns, 4-ps„ ex- I9lft-I7'l Touring Icellent mechanical condition! used earn and Roadster*, all tnodela; only 5 months. ftplendlrf cofialtldji! a* IoW as 1360 1911 MARMON Touring, 7-p., cord 1911 RBO 4-cl, Ro*dl*f, A 1 con tires, wire wheels, 9 extra tires flitlotij vfg perwofftti} gooC hill „ fcnd wheels. Climber 'UM'i' 1911 DOUIiB Sedan, perfoot oondi- 1IT PACKARD Tvrin (H* Mnumaloa, tlonf new tires, lots of extra*, a alao 7-pasrt, Touring body* like nWJ snap. a bargain. 1918 PACKARD 8-36 Touring, 7- 1918 BAXOX SIX Cbpmmy RoadoWr, pass., like new; mechanically Al, 4-pass , small tlrss! fully equipped, st a sacrifice, 1918 flt/FMOBlLfft Touring, mn 3000 1017 WIKTON RIX Touring, miles} tires Ilk# n#W; perfect oon- A 1 condition} splendid equipment} dltlon. et a bargain- 1018-17-19 HfJfCft Roadsters and 1917 HUDSON Roadster Buper-glx, Touring cars, 4- and #-ovl. models, used only a short time} lots of Iftfgs <fl4gtlon, at low prices, extra equipment 1917 HTIJTSC 4'pAgs. Touring, wlra 101 A- 17-IC. DOIK.K Roadsters and wheels, cord tires, very fast; Will Touring cars, large selection, lip- sacrifice- J top shape, as low as ..-..,.,4626 1917 WffßlPPfl-BOOTH Chummy 1917 MITCHELL 4-pas*. Chummy Roadster, 4-pass., tip-top condition; Roadster, Al shape, equipped with very clasov- bumper, shook absorbers, alio 1917 ('IfAtVERS Light Bis Touring* covers - ...1776 small life* -6676 1918-17-1(1 CHANDLER Touring cars, 1018-17-19 MAXWELL Touring oars Chummy Roadsters, large selection, and Roadsters, fully equipped; as equal to new; low prices. low as *,................... $376 GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA CI.ORED SUNDAYS. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN. AGENTS WANTED. % Copyright registered. 191S Don't Trust a Quack Doctor You wouldn't put your health in the hands of a a natural bpgi UNTRAINED doctor. You wouldn't want your teeth filled by a cor respondence school dentist! And you don't want your battery cared for by an untrained man—even if he says he KNOWS ALL ABOUT BATTERIES. Doctoring batteries is a profession with us—we are trained battery experts and we recognize and treat all of the common battery ills. Your battery ought to be tested—and you ought also to learn about Threaded Rubber Insulation— the most important battery improvement in years. Don't forget to ask for the booklet "A Mark with a Meaning for You." Front Market • Motor Supply 109 Market Street | stration which this car has afforded I of the factor of safety built Into its, It came through the stress of de Palma's six-hour run at 102.6 miles per hour still in such shape as to bring down the world's records for all distances from two to fifty miles '■ In competition.