Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 24, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Founded 18S1
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Make my mortal dream* com# true
With the work I fain would do;
Clothe with life the weak intent.
Let me he the thing I meant.
— John Wiiittikb.
THE milk dealers of Harrlsburg
have patriotically agreed to the
zoning system prescribed by
local food administration.
This means more than a mere
change of route. It involves the
giving up of customers some of the
dealers have been serving for years
and the rerouting of all the retail
milk dealers In town. None of the
small dealers will be disturbed, so
far as the operation of their wagons
Is concerned. Each will bo permit
ted a number of customers sufficient
to consume the average number of
quarts of milk ho has been selling
each day. A few of the larger milk
dealers will be able by the now ar
rangement to. reduce the number of
their" delivery wagons, but the
amount of milk they are selling will
be the same, which will bring them
returns in the economies effected.
Indeed, in the loi\g run, with the
federal food administrator's guar
antee of pay behind them, the milk
dealers will be all the better for the
change. But, like every other transi
tion in the business world, the
change will be accompanied by mis
givings and a certain amount of un
happiness. The milkmen realize
this, hut they realize also the neces
sity of conservation and they have
•unselfishly agreed to do what Is
deemed best to meet the situation.
They are to be congratulated upon
their patriotism.
"The United States can win In 1919
with 3,600,000 men," says general
March. Then by all means let's have
'em and cut short the debate.
TAKE thg enemy firmly In hand
and be steadfast In prosecuting
the war," is the Kaiser's latest
advice to his troops.
But, BUI, dear, have you consid
ered how difficult It is to take an
"enemy firmly in hand," whan said
enemy has you firmly by the scruff
of the neck and Is using the point
of a number ten hob-nail trench shoe
upon that portion of one's anatomy
best designed to accommodate the
France decorates Halg, says a
cablegrarq, and Halg has decorated
the Bavarian Crown Prince—with a
black eye.
FROM the safety of a warship an
chored a ralf-mlle or more from
shore, beneath the friendly guns
of Kjondstat, Trotzky and Lenlne,
the two erstwhile leaders of the Bol
shevlkl In Russia, solemqjy declare
war on the United States. That they
are themsolves little better than ex
iles, that they so far mistrust the
Russian people that they have trans
ferred their capital from Moscow to
the narrow confines of a battleship
with steam up ready to flee at a
moment's notice, and that they can
no longer command the armies of
the Soviet government to do their
bidding, make atpolptely no differ
ence to this pair of pro-German ad
venturers. That they have no sol
diers back of them does not pre
vent them from declaring war upon
the most powerful nation on earth,
for their declaration Is Intended for
political purposes only and with no
thought of an armed conflict
The Bolshevlkl leaders have be
come simply German tools. They
j will do what Germany bids and
nothing more, and Just now It Is tot
Germany's Interests to make It ap
pear before the world, if possible,
that the Russian people are antago
nistic to the effort of Amerlaa and
her allies to frustrate German plans
for what practically amount* to the
1 ' x
annexation of that empire. That Is,
that can come of this lat
est ' Lenlno manifesto.
The Bolshevlkl loaders are un
done. The •world 1b not yot certain
If they are ltnaves or merely chil
dren In International politics, but It
suspects they are Bomewhat of both.
They started out by promising all
manner of Impossibilities. They ap
pealed both to the Impecunious and
the unscrupulous. ''We aim to cure
every evil of which humanity Is the
heir," they told the world. Every
thing was to be lovely. Care was
to be banished and sin abolished.
Human depravity was to be legis
lated out of existence and life In
Russia, if not for the whole wide
world, henceforth was to roll along
merrily as a purling brook through
a pleasant landscape. Land was to
be taken from Its owners and given
to the landless. Th® rich were to be
made poor and the poor prosperous.
It was a big dream, but like most
dreams it was Impossible of realiza
The Bolshevlkl leaders forgot that
two or three men might want the
same piece of confiscated land and
that those who had been required
to give up their holdings would bo
loft in the same hopeless state as
the landless ones who were bone
fitted by the new order. The Bolshe
vlkl tried to bring about the mil
lenium by rule of government and
to enforce their ultra-democratic
rulings by force of dictatorship. They
took to themselves more centralized
power than the Czar himself ever
possessed, and the end of the para
dox of an advanced socialistic dem
ocracy, bossed by two self-appointed
servants of a foreign autocracy, was
doomed to failure from its Incep
The next step In Russia must' be
a popular government, or series of
local governments, created by pop
ular will and owing allegiance to a
central government, somewhat after
the manner of the United Sfates,
having the backing of allied armies
intent only upon restoring Russia to
the Russians. Sanity must follow
the folly of the past year or the
great nation will fall to pieces. The
mightiest force for good in Russia
to-day is the unselfish Influence of
the United States, against the
dying Bolsheviki have raised their
palsied hands.
Bill and his fellow-cutthroats are
showing signs of distress, but the
Allies are not through yet.
THE allied peace terms laid down
by Senator Lodge in the United
States Senate yesterday doubtless
were not intended to bo regarded so
much as a new peace program as
they were to constitute a warning to
Germany that the President's po
litical opponents are If anything
more far-reaching in their war de
mands than the President himself.
Bastcly, there is not very much
difference between the fourteen es
sential points enunciated by Presi
dent Wilson and those of Senator
Lodge, save that the Senator is
more emphatic, and he leaves no
doubt as to how far he would go
before laying down the sword.
With his assertion that there can
be no peace short of a German mili
tary defeat, and that the war must
be carried to German soil, there can
be no doubt that he has voiced the
opinion of a vast majority of the
American people. To that end we
a:-e pledged and to that end wt u>-e
willing, one and all of us, to lay
down our lives, for to make peace
before the German military machine
has been shattered beyond repair or
to permit the present German gov
ernment to have a voice in the
framing of peace terms would be to
Invite another war, to be waged at
Germany's own pleasure and # upon
terms vastly more favorable to the
Central Empire. Such a peace would
be Intolerable and would be far from
guaranteeing the President's dictum
that we are fighting to "make the
world safe for democracy."
No, tho President a#B Senator
Lodge are not so far apart as the
difference in their stated war alms
might indicate on first reading. If
the President desired any guarantee
on tho part of the minority party
in Congress that he would have Its
unstinted support in carrying the
war to a successful conclusion, ho
has It In this statement by Lodge,
spokesman for the Republicans on
the floor of the Senate. That the
latest demands are more vigorous
and more definite than the Presi
dent's own peace tenets is merely a
pledge of utmost sacrifice, If need
be, to place the world upon a per
manent peace basis and to Insure
the principle outlined by the Presi
dent as essential to that end.
Senator Lodge's terms of peace
are those of the American people.
The melon-chollo days have catfie.
GEORGE CREEL says that peo
ple are flooding the depart
ments at Washington with let
ters asking all sorts of questions
about government business. He
thinks that If they would read his J
official bulletin they would And the
Information they seek. It is our guess
that If all the people of the country
read the official bulletin they would
find so many things to arouße their
curiosity thafc they would write twice
as many letters of Inquiry as they
do now.
The people will stand for no
gouging for heat or light, and It would
be unwise to attempt It. •
By the Ex-Commltteeman
What many men who follow polL
tics in Pennsylvania will regard as
the final notice of Judge Eugeuo C.
Bonniwell, candidate of the Demo
cratic voters for governor, to the
bosses of the party that he will run
his own campaign and have no rela
tions with the official organization
of his party appears In the Phila
delphia Record to-day. The Record
has been the organ of the judge and
has minced r.o words at any time in
assailing the Federal jobholders who
are in charge of the machinery of
the party in the state.
In announcing that the Bonniwell
headquarters will be opened in Phil
adelphia to-day the Record says:
"Anticipating little assistance from
the Donnelly-Palmer state commit
tee and • the Donnelly-owned city
committee, the friends of Judge Bon
niwell have been insistent that he
conduct his own fight A city com
mittee will bo organized and the gu
bernatorial fight will be carried Into
every ward and division in" Phila
delphia. Within a few weeks meet
ings will be held and representatives
chosen from the forty-eight wards
in the city. No attention whatever
will be gjven to the Democratic out
fit at Tenth and Walnut streets,
which has done everything possible
to embarrass Judge Bonniwell in his
fight for governor. A complete state
organization will also be formed.
Every county will be represented
and competent committees wi'l be
named to take charge of the con
test in many counties. Judge Bonni
well will campaign in each of the
sixty-seven counties and, beginning
next week, he will tour the state." I
—State headquarters have not
had any word from State Chairman
McLean, regarding the data for the
meeting of tho state committee, but
people at the windmill are now in
clined to think that it will be around
the first week of September. It was
learned yesterday that when the
state committee meets a final effort
will be made to have ex-Congressman
J. Washington Logue jvithdraw as a
candidate for lieutenant-governor.
Mr. Logue and Judge Bonniwell hold
entirely opposite views on the liquor
question and the Philadelphia Rec
ord says "those who have at heart
the interest of the party are unani
mous in the opinion that the former
Congressman shpuld withdraw."
Logue, however, does not intend to
quit, says the Philadelphia Evening
—All Republican roads in Eastern
Pennsylvania led to Neff's, near Al
lentown, to-day as the state candi
dates are to be the speakers. It will
be the opening of the Lehigh cam
paign and start things moving.
—W. Harry Baker, secretary of the
Republican state committee, is at
Eaglesmere for a few days' rest.
—Philadelphia is a regular politi
cal bubbling spring these days. The
Inquirer says that It has been dis
covered that "needless city 'em
ployes" keep up the tax rate, while
the Bulletin notes that women drafts
men are being appointed. The Pi-ess
announces that the members of the
Recreation Board who Incurred
Mayor Smith's jlispleasure have final
ly resigned as a protest, while the
Record hammers the city adminis
tration because the real estate men
had to go to Senator Vare to see
about keeping down the tax rate.
And in the midst of it all John P.
Dwyer, secretary of one of the local
draft boards, batters district appeal
board No. 2, which is supposed to be
.close to the throne, because in his
opinion It has failed to meet the re
quirements. Mr. Dwyer Indulges in
an attack to-day that makes some of
his other efforts in that direction
seem tame.
—lt is said to be unlikely that
Governor Brumbaugh will permit
any more changes to be made in the
Game or Fish Commissions, although
some *of the little fellows up the
state have been getting busy again
in efforts to wreak spite.
—Reading people-are getting to
gether to have a nonpartisan drive
to defeat Representative James H.
Maurer for re-election.
—Recent appointments of Justices
In Allegheny and other western coun
ties have all been made upon rec
ommendation of Highway Commis
sioner J. Denny O'Neil.
■ —Grave doubts whether the next
Legislature will not be called upon
to make an appropriation for main
tenance of the state highway sys
tem beyond the revenue from the
automobile and other motor vehicle
licenses are being expressed here.
This is one of the problems brought
about by the war and Highway Com
missioner J. Denny O'Neil says he
thinks it may have to be done. In
come from automobile licenses this
year will aggregate $4,000,000, but
owing to the curtailment of produc
tion, wearing oiit of cars and prob
able storing because of cost of op
eration, tho revenue next year may
not be as great. Mr. O'Neil sayß
that labor and material have risen
Immensely and that they will be high
next year, while due to the constant
changes work is some times hard to
handle in rapid time. Wear and tear
due to army truck traffic and the
great amount of motor travel
brought about by the railroad situa
tion; the difficulties attending get
ting men to operate stone plants and
to keep constantly on the highways
to patch holes are other factors,
while at least 200 miles of toll road,
practically all of which needed im
mediate repairs, were bought in the
last year and a half and 300 miles
more nyiy be acquired in the next
eighteen months. The second class
townships of the state are going to
ask for almost $2,000,000 to pay up
the arrears due on the cash road
tax bonus and the construction pro
gram will call for heavy appropria
tions unless the $50,000,000 bond is
sue is adopted. Bids received lately
have been at almost prohibitive fig
ures, but some sections of road call
for prompt repairs, especially wherd
counties are willing to co-operate
with expense.
This Would Appeal to Her
(From the Toledo Blade.)
One good woman wants us $0
start an anti-tobacco campaign as
soon as alcohol is put out of busi
ness. We are thinking of writing
her a personal letter, asking her to
•Join us in fighting an anti-tea cam
paign to u finish before attacking
tobacco. "
. ■ 1 J |
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Prussia of the Balkans
[From American'Revlew of Reviews]
In July, 1915, the Bulgar General
Angeloff issued a pamphlet, "The
Hour of Bulgaria." We quote:
"Besides the signal services which
Germany renders to us by the de
struction of France and Russia, she
shows us also the unique way where
by we can realize the hegemony in
the Balkans. The nation which as
pires to hegemony must prepare to
fight against all her neighbors. The
German example shows us that we
cannot attain to hegemony except by
violence. If we do not obtain it we
cannot be true Prussians of the Bal
What Bulgaria longs for is a thor
ough Prussianization of her institu
P. Oswald, a German publicist,
writes: '
"The role of Bulgaria in this war
has consisted in joining Turkey to
Germany. As the road from Ham
burg to Bagdad goes through Sofia,
and as Bulgaria forms the link be
tween Orient and Occident, she can
now profit by her geographical posi
tion and fulfill her destiny in the
The Nazodnl Prava of May 19,
1910, gives the alms of Bulgaria in
a true light:
"It may be that the Bulgarian dip
lomats will be soon summoned to
give their opinion at the peace con
ference, after the war. They must
expound the theories at the founda
tion of the Bulgarian claims—claims
already sufficiently consolidated by
force of arms. They will discuss deti*
nite plans as to the future of Serbia
and as to our relation to our neigh
bors. On these questions, "especially
on the question of Serbia, our veri
table enemy, our diplomats must be
instructed to be above all severe and
inexorable. They must put aside all
sentimentalism, every humanitarian
consideration, and every softness of
heart. The existence of a Serb state
under whatsoever form that may be
is equivalent to a prolongation of
troubles in the Balkans. This state,
which since its Independence has
not ceased to be a nest of disorder
and dissensions, must be exterminat
ed from the face of the earth. It is a
superior necessity for humanity, and
especially for ourselves and our
Paper Saving Campaign
[From Easton Daily Free Press]
The War Industries Board is about
to promote a new campaign for sav
ing paper. Publishers, stores, homes,
hotels and factories will be asked to
co-operate. Few other commodities
have risen in price as much as pa
per. But there really is plenty of pa
per stock in the country, if the public
will only help to conserve it.
People have felt that paper is a
material of so little value that it is
not worth any one's time to try to
save it. Now when they attempt to
buy paper for business or personal
use they are the results of this policy
of waste. The paper item is a big
charge not merely on the business of
publishing newspapers, but on prac
tically every industry in the coun
An enormous amount of good pa
per is wasted in wrapping parcels
needlessly. A large part of the ar
ticles sold in stores could just as
well be taken home without wrap
ping. But if you ask the clerk if you
shall not take your purchase home
unwrapped, he (gels that the article
would not presert an appearance
that would be cremtable to his store.
Customers should insist that paper
be not wasted in ways that serve no
useful purpose.
All old newspapers and circulars
and booklets should be carefully
saved and sold to the ragman, or
contributed to some society that is
collecting papers as a money earn
ing proposition. Most households col
lect large amounts of papers in the
form of letters, circulars, handbills,
etc., that are commonly burned. They
should be neatly folded so that they
cgn go in with the saleable bundles
of papers.
1 Unless the public shall be educated
up to the form of economy. It Is in
evitable that all kinds of paper for
business and personal use shall rise
to higher prices. Also that newspa
pers and all other periodicals will
have to sell for more money.
Just the Way We Feel
(From St. Douls dlobe-Democrat)
Don't be too sanguine that the
war will end soon, we are advised:
but we can't help feeling pretty san
guine when we have got the enemy
to wishing it would.
Amid Pleasant Surroundings
(From the Syracuse Post-Standard)
The Missouri mule will feel at
home in Bray,
The Heroic Czecho-Slovaks
(By Walter Littlefleld)
THE declaration of the British
government last Tuesday recog
nizing the Czechoslovaks as an
allied nation—as a geographical, po
litical, and military entirety—not
only creates a belligerent state in the
heart of middle Europe amid Ger
man Austria, Magyar Hungary, and
Prussian Germany, and recognizes
the legality of three armies, one in
Siberia, one in France, and one in
Italy, but the prestige of the power
uttering it, whose protecting wings
have through the ages shielded po
litical refugees from Bohemia and
Moravia, is such that it deals a vital
blow at the very foundation of the
fabric of which the Dual Monarchy
is composed. It is worth while, if
merely as a text, repeating in full:
"Since the beginning of the war
the Czechoslovak nation has resist
ed the common enemy by every
means in its power.
"The Czechoslovaks have consti
tuted a considerable army, fighting
on three different battlefields, and at
tempting In Russia and Siberia to
arrest the Germanic invasion. In
consideration of its efforts to achieve
independence, Great Britain regards
the Czechoslovaks as an allied nation
and recognizes the unity of the three
Czechoslovak armies as an allied and
belligerent • army waging regular
warfare against Austria-Hungary
and Germany.
"Great Britain also recognizes the
right of the -Czechoslovak National
Council as the supreme organ of
Czechoslovak national interests and
as the present trustee of the future
Czechoslovak government to exercise
supreme authority over this allied
and belligerent army."
t One of the most ill-advised phases
of the international policy of the
Allies was, for a long time, to assume
the status quo ante of Austria-Hun
gary as a political integrity to be
dealt with after the war. The Pa%t
of Rome, April 9-11, changed ail
that. Here not only the Jugoslavs
received official recognition but dele
gates of the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks,
Rumanians and other subject races
of the Hapsburgs pleaded their in
diviflual causes and were heard. The
debate at Rome cleared the air. It
had been different in 1848, when all
had been, fighting at cross-purposes
and were played off against each oth
er by Budapest and Vienna until
German Austria and Magyar Hun
gary reconstructed the empire In
1867 and divided the subject races
between them. Then they fought
blindly and with mutual jealousies.
Now. thanks to the Pact of Rome,
they are not fighting blindly. They
are fighting to destroy the dual I
Only Way to Win the War
(From the Kansas City Star)
There are two ways of prosecut
ing this war. One way is to make
every possible effort to do it now,
and the other is to proceed some
what more leisurely an< do it late.
The obvious advantage from every
standpoint, social, military, indus
trial and economic, Is to put forth
every effort in this country and win
the war as soon as possible.—From
Secretary Baker's statement before
the House committee on military af
fairs yesterday.
Rightly spoken, well said!
So good, trsdeed, that the country
has wondered why Secretary Baker
didn't say it a year or more ago.
There is only one way to win the
war—and that is the way Mr. Baker
recommends. There are not two
ways. The theory that it can be
done by "proceeding In a leisurely
way and do it late." all but cost the
Allies defeat. We tried that way and
found it disastrous.
Now that we have found the
right way, Secretary Baker will find
the country squarely behind him in
every plan to follow that way with
all the force the United Sta'es can
command. t
Maybe It's the Brain
(From the Kansas City Star)
It is feared some of the Kansas
City girls have very weak constitu
tions or will powers or something.
A girl on a Treost car was heard
yesterday to say: "Gee, I'll be glad
when I get home and can take this
fiink sweater oft and put on some
hlng cool."
Other Things to Think Of
It is a desperate undertaking at
this season for any ambitous candi
date to seek to arouse popular inter
est in politics.—From the New York
realm of the Hapsburgs, and thanks
also to the asylum offered by the Al
lies their directorates have debated
and have agreed to postpone the in
ternal questions, which annihilated
their common purpose in 1848, until
after the war. • • ♦ Theoreti
cally Bohemia was and is still an in
dependent kingdom, and Francis Jo
seph even promised to be crowned
King at Prague: but Bismarch's in
fluence, prevented this. Since then
the Czechs have maintained a eon-1
stant struggle against the Hapsburgs
and the ruling races in Austrfa, as
well as against the influence of the
German Empire, which regards them
as a great obstacle to its plans.
The bulk of the nation long fought
for antonomy within a federalized
Austrian Empire and under the
Hapsburg crown, but the reign of
terror with which the people's reluc
tance to take part in the present war
was met strengthened those who
demanded complete independence.
Thousands of military executions,
great numbers of confiscations and
arbitrary imprisonments angered the
people, whose soldiers were already
going over to the Russians and Serbs
in great masses. Finally, in Novem
ber, 1915, a committee of exiles in
Paris demanded complete independ
ence and unity of the race, and this
policy at once received overwhelm
ing support in the Czechoslovak
•The Czechoslovak National Com
mittee, which was thereupon organ
ized in Paris, consisted of Dr.
Thomas G. . Masaryk, professor of
philosophy at the University of Pra
gue, president of the committee, and
probably destined to be the first pres
ident of the Czechoslovak Republic:
Dr. Edward Benesh of the University
of Prague, and Dr. Milan Stefanik,
a noted astronomer, now a colonel in
the French aviation service* Branch
es of the organization were estab
lished in the various European capi
tals. and another branch in the
United States, where the Czechoslo
vak population strongly 'supported
the national movement. Dr. Mas
aryk has been in Washington for
the last few months.
France recognized the independ
ence of the Czechoslovaks and the
authority of the national committee
as a provisional government on July
1. The example was followed by
Italy, and now by Great Britain. The
end of the war should see the Czech
oslovak people free for the first time
since 16201 Their international policy
at present Includes a close alliance
with the Poles and Jugoslavs, and
they will undoubtedly welcome the
establishment of a league of nations
to guarantee the freedom of the peo
ples of Europe.
A Word to Mothers
(Froyi the Phila. State Journal)
We doubt if there was ever a time
in all the history of the world when
there was so great a need for moth
ers of girls to exercise a watchful
outlook as right now. The mother
of a girl in her teens in this period
of great war must be very much "on
' her job," if you will excuse the
slang, In order to make sure that
her daughter is developing into fine,
sweet womanhood.
The dangerous influences are in
numerable, and only, a few of them
are directly connected with the war.
There are, of course, the tempta
tions that come from the proximity
of camps, the mistake of the girl's
attempting war work for which she
is unfitted, etc.. etc. But there are
also the more insidious dangers aris
ing out of the very spirit of our age.
It is a very fast age. We are all
doing more, getting about at a
swifter pace. There is more cafe
dining. There are more reasons or
excuses for young girls to be seen
on the street. And the downtown
streets are not good places for young
girls who have no definite business
there. And then, too, we literally
travel faster, by our motor-driven
vehicles. And that fact constitutes
the- young girl's worst menace/ An
automobile or motorcycle ride within
a comparatively short time can take
the young girl much too far from
home for safety. The mother of a
girl has some difficult problems to
solve, and much dependseupon their
right solution.
Might Send Wife's Relatives
(From the Boston Globe)
The kaiser now has an opportu
nity to reward prominent subjects
whom he does not like, or with
whose behavior he is more or less
displeased, by appointing them to
diplomatic posts in Russia.
AUGUST 24, 1918.
The Fish Hog
[The Lancaster Examiner]
The following clipping from a
newspaper was called to the atten
tion of The Examiner by George W.
Hensel, of Qqarryville:
"The newspapers of the country
have almost everwhere been a pow
erful force in crystallizing the senti
ment for the protection by proper
laws of fish and game as important
recources of the Commonwealth.
"A New Jersey editor, a thorough
sportsman, says Wild Life, recently
received from a reader who desired
to take fish by questionable means a
letter that contained this request:
" 'Please advise me how to dyna
mite a stream.'
"The newspaper man sent the fol
lowing advice:
" 'Four sticks of dynamite are
sufficient. Tie them securely round
your neck, attach fuse, light it, and
run as fast as you can away from the
water, to avoid injuring the other
snakes and reptiles.' "
h, His praise the
/ umimWßVl;itf\ world
\ Is glad to tell
( C Who does one
I ILi 1 •*- does it
It would save
a lot of trouble. xgi
What would? |F
If we were all
as honest as we
expect the other
fellow to be. r xlllv
How did they
entertain you
last evening?
I don't under-
They didn't
servo a thing to
Turtle—My, I
Ky never saw any-
lij Vfil thin* to eqilal
the agility of
11l those skyscrap-
vj er mechanical
3amtitto (Eljat
The State street bridge over the
Pennsylvania railroad was built In
1874 and ever since the city and the
railroad have been trying to move
about the icsponsibllity for Its con- £
ditlon with a few tiyers toward mak
lng tjie trolley company the burden
bearer. At last accounts the city
seemed to have been given the job.
At any event for over forty years
the - officials of the municipality and
the company have been wishing it
had never been built. One time lp
the days of the old select councl'
an eminent attorney, representing
the company, was informing th
city lawmakrts that the company
had nothing to do with the bridge,
whereupon one of the council bland
ly asked the lawyer if he had his
initials on his handkerchief. "Of
course, of course, now that's a fool
question," he replied with a wither
ing glance. "Oh. very well, I Just
noticed that the bridge bore the in
itials 'P. R. R.' and I thought that
meant ownership," came back
councilman. "No. sir," retorted the
lawyer, when he got his breatK,
"That's where you're wrong. The
'P. R. R." up there is to indicat*
who gave the bridge to the city."
That same idea of "passing the buck'-
went on for years and finally tfco
city fathers found they had to pay
for repairs about once in five years
and if the railroad wanted anything
real bad the councilmcn would man
age to get It to bear part of the cost.
When the trolley line was run out
State street and over the bridge the
traction company began to get tag
ged. Of late years the city has had
to pay for most of the replacements
of I-beams corroded by gases from
locomotive stacks, and every tin>#
the job appeared to be well done
some new structural weakness wouljJ
be discovered and things would have
to be done all over again. City coun
cilmen declined to discuss the bridge
with any degree of equanimity to
day and said that theii. hoped the
new monumental viaduct would be
provided for as soon as the Legisla
ture of 1919 could enact the re
quired statutes and arrange for the
sh{tre of the state.
State draft headquarters Is rap
idly getting; to the point where it
can take care of any situation which
arises. Between answering inquir
ies as to whether there are vacan
cies for chefs in divisions on the fir
ing line to quieting the fears of one
legged men that they may be in the
next draft the staff of Major Mur
doek is able to cope with anything.
Yesterday afternoon the wife of a
draftee arrived at the headquarters
with a desire for specific informa
tion and a restless baby. She landed
beside the desk of L. K. Lafean. the
chief of inductions, and the baby
joined in the discussion. Before she
left one of the members of the staff
was at hand to take care of the baby,
remarking that she had had some'
experience in that line. About the
same time Chief Clerk Keenan was
out front trying to convince a gen
tleman' that what he wanted Was
brassards not an article of apparel
sounding something like that, but
.not worn on the arm.
Pennsylvania's blackbird season,
the first of the fall seasons for small
game, opens on Monday, September
2, although the first day of Septem
ber is the. real date under the new
game code. As Sunday hunting is
forbidden- the gunners will have to
start out on Labor Day. Blackbirds
may be sho£ without limit and from
all reports there will be plenty to
shoot. "Reports coming here are
that there is an unusual number of
blackbirds and that they have got
ten together in immense flocks," is
the statement made at the Staae
Game Commission offices, In the
northern tier the birds are still about
and in southern counties they have •
become a nuisance in oats and veg
etable fields. Their numbers and
activities have caused some men to
suggest that it would be a good plan
to start the blackbird season on Au
gust 1 to thin them out for a few
years. The season used to begin in
October,, by which time the black
birds were safely in the southern
fields, but September 1 was agreed
upon. There are now plenty of birds
and they are in great flocks in agri
cultural regions. State wardens have
been sent to Greene county to in
vestigate the shooting of robins by
some people who got mad and pro
ceeded to kill off blackbirds because
of the damage they were doing.
These people did not secure a per
mit from the State Game Commis
sion officers, where it could have
been had for the asking, after filing
a statement of damage, being done.
In other sections farmers have been
given the right to kill the black
• • •
Col. Maurice E. Finney, who was
commander of the old Eighth regi
ment when it went to war, and who
is on the advanced lines in France,
has sent to friends in this city a Ger
man helmet and other trophies. They
are placed In the Harrisburg Clu\j.
—Col. T. J. Keenan. of Pitts
burgh, is chairman of the commit
tee to arrange for instruction for
drafted men in that city. The colo
nel is a member of one of the district
—John W. Cramer, city clerk of
Johnstown, has been given charge
of the new municipal bureau of in
—Public Service Commissioner
William A. Magee will return from
Canada next week.
—\Villiam P. Ennis. regular army
colonel, advanced to be brigadier
general for the war, is a son of Gen
eral William Ennis, stationed hero
some years ago as recruiting officer.
—General C. T. O'Neill, who re
cently reutrned from Camp Wads
worth, is taking prominent part in
war work.
—General R. L. Howze, recently
promoted, was formerly stationed at
a camp near here.
—W. H. Dithrich, well known to
many legislators, has been commis
sioned a lieutenant in United States
cavalry. He .lives in Pittsburgh.
—Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia,
is taking a firm stand against the
proposed government tax on muni
cipal bonds.
—George Harrison Fisher, promi
nent Phtladelphtan, is in Maine.
—Lieutenant R. S. Davis, who is
doing things as an aviator, is the
old State College football manager.
—F. A. Howard, Chester City food
administrator, says that his job has
many strenuous features.
—That Harrisburg steel is being
nsed for some of the new gov
ernment warehouses at ports?
—Blast furnaces in this city were
making iron for cannon balls when
Leeis scouts were on the J. her side
of the Susquehanna. ,