Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 24, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
jjjjfll cJi iKg Esrcaj^i I "When a Girl j Marries" By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorb ing Problems of a Girl Wife. CHAPTER -VI (Copyright, 1918, by King Features Syndicate, Ino.) "Do you think that you will tsike the little apartment Cousin Tom just showed you?" asked Evelyn Ma son with an eagerness I couldn't un derstand. She was guilding her roaster through the heavy afternoon traffic of the Avenue and her wistful, little face had a look of competence and assurance that I'd never before seen it wear. She appeared suddenly to be one of those people who know what they want — : and go after it. I wondered what she wanted of me! • Then, as if in answer to my un spoken question, Evelyn turned to mo. In a second the dimples flashed ot about her soft red lips and her ryi s widened in that childish smile of hers. "You think it is—an intrusion on my part—this interest in your fu ture abode. Anne, dear, let me ex plain. i Jim Harrison and I were next door neighbors when we were kid dies. That was before the Harrisons lost their money—and we piled up ours. Jim is trained to luxury. After he gets over this soldiering craze of his, he's going to want it again. Cousin Tom likes you; he's offered you a bargain—those two stunning ly furnished big rooms with bath and kitchenette between. It will be easier to keep Jimmie at his own fireside if you have a beautiful apartment like the one you just saw." An ugly little shiver ran down my spine—why should I need lux urious surroundings to keep my hus band at home—lvoitldn't our love do that? A movement later Evelyn was guiding her car up to the entrance of the Walgrave. "Won't you come to tea?" was just forming on my lips, when I saw two figures swinging into the broad door way of the Walgrave—Jim and Betty Bryce. A New Suspicion Only a week ago I had been on the verge of liking Betty Bryce. but now suspicion took possession of me again. If Jim was too busy to go house hunting with me, why had he time for Betty Bryce? Perhaps he "▼had lunched with her. had spent the | afternoon with her. Shame goaded my anger to great er fury. Suppose Evelyn had seen him! I glanced at her, but she was absorbed in the problem of bringing the wheels of her car in line with the Air and moisture-prooi packages keep all the aroma stored in GOLDEN ROAST COFFEE 30c lb. At All Grocers R. H. Lyon Importer Harrisburg liniiniiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiißi | FALL OPENING | 9 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, is the day upon = which the Fall Term, for both Day and Night School, will begin. m Standardized Courses = By enrolling here, you have the opportunity of S taking standardized courses approved by the United States Bureau of Education-—first-class teachers, and good equipment. I Decide and Arrange Now I Owing to the great demand for young men and ISS women with business training, there are many mm who will enter commercial schools this Fall, and |S| 9H you will be assured of a place, if you arrange early. Call upon us; we shall be pleased to advise you, School of Commerce I and . Harrisburg Business College s Central Pennsylvania's lx-ading Commercial School W == Troup Building . 15 So. Market Square Bell, 485 Dial, 4393 ItfllllHlllllillllMiiiiflllllHllllßlllHll SATURDAY EVENING, Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus IF fOO WANT *N D(CUSF To iIT fViT .it -ft OOCrOH v 7"] WELL -HOV DID ) WELL - ACTED bO - GU?>T - A MX TOOTH- \vJ\, THE EXCUSE J REM-- SHE THOUGHT I 1 —) OUT OF MV TEETH A I H"* .MOST SEE A WORK LAST f WOZ TOO SICK. T 0 CO „n GtP Ni' ft JONKHT - ANT |£i2JSJ- DeSw-. f I NI4HT- OUIWOWOA ) ZDc TO PULL OUT %OHe MORE- C/KH T DENT.ST CKLL- j" \J y curb. I thanked her for all she'd done for me, murmured a few plat itudes about hoping she would lunch with me soon, and fairly rushed into the hotel after Jim and Betty. Two or three minutes of hysterical dash ing up and down corridors brought me face to face with them in the door of the tea room. They greeted me with delight,, which—though I hated myself for it—l felt was clever acting. Betty and fny husband ordered Orange Pekoe with lemon and toast Melba. I chose ginger ale—but the mere fact that they were ordering in unison and that I had struck a dissonant note gave me an added feeling of being the outsider. "Anne, Betty's been telling me about her splendid new plan. She's going to travel about the country for three months doing welfare work In the camps. Isn't that great? Wouldn't you love to be foot-loose, Mrs. Harrison, and do something big like that for your government?" Perversely I began to wonder if Jim would like to he "foot-loose." Every time he met Betty Bryce I sensed In him a certain restlessness. I hated my words almost as they formed in reply to Jim's question. They were catty, but they seemed fairiy to say themselves: "Oh, I'd feel so conspieuo is trav eling around camps—alone and un chaperoned." Mrs. Bryce laughed good-natured ly. The Great Bargain "Of course you would, you dear young, thing. But I'm an old stager. Two' years of driving an ambulance in France makes me feel like a big sister to every soldier in the world." So that was where Betty and my hoy had come to be such friends — on the battlefields of France! I wanted to tell Betty how wonderful I thought she was; I wanted to ask her about her work—but I couldn't find words. Instead I began talking eagerly—too eagerly and too fluent ly—about the great bargain Tom Mason had offered me. Jim and Betty exchanged glances. My husband spoke questionlngly: "Tom Mason! Where under the sun did you meet him? Why should he rent us two magnificently fur nished rooms for only seventy-flvo a month' That's—what do you think. Betty?" I felt humiliated. Evidently Jim didn't think me capable of a clever bargain. He doubted my judgment; he asked Pitty's opinion. She lean ed forward now, eager and delight ed —"forcing her opinion on us again." as I told myself. "I offer you a better bargain, my dears! Oh", it's providential! My work is going to keep me out of town until October. I haven't time to get my place into its summer clothes or to find a good caretaker. So here's where you can, do me a real favor. Children, I appoint you 'caretakers' for Betty till she comes back in Oc tober—and helps you find " a little nest of your own." Jim's eyes lighted, as he cried: "Betty you're a wonder! That is just what we want, isn't it. Anne?" I held my voice to cold steadiness —but I coula feel the blood burning in my cheeks. "I hardly see how we can accept Mrs. Bryce's offer, dear," I said. "If Mr. Mason's seventy-five a month looks like—charity to you, what is an apartment rent free?" There was a breathless moment — that ugly word "charity" fairly ex hailed poison gas. Suddenly Betty Bryce rose and laid her hand on mine. "l'm off children. I've an appoint ment with an army colonel and a Red Cross captain! So I must rush. Don't come, Jimmy Boy, my car's at the door. Here are the extra keys to my little place. I'm going to count on finding you there when I come back." She tossed the keys on the table between us. They flashed up at me in cool violence—like hers. How dared Betty Bryce fling her unwel come gift 3 at me! Angrily I pushed them away from me. Jim's eyes. darkened to steel gray—to black as he stared at me across the little table. Then he picked up the keys, studied them quietly asd spoke—not to me—but to himself! "What a wonder Betty is! That's the offer of a real friend!" He slipped the keys into his pock et. 1 felt as if they were locking me out of his heart. To Be Continued. You'll Never Miss the Sugar Bowl "Hot corn cakes and maple sirup, oat meal with dates and cream, hot muffins and sliced peaches." If any of these things were called to you early some morning you would not hesitate a minute about coming to the breakfast table, would you? They all sound as if they would "hit the right spot." There is not one of them which requires the presence of the sugar bowl on the breakfast table. Breakfast, by common consent, has come to mean a meal which lowers the sugar bowl by inches. Ci%eal covered with sugar; coffee with a grainy sediment in the bottom of Jhe cup; fresh fruit with Its natural flavor almost lost under the heaped-up sugar. These have been the common dishes at breakfast in the late lux urious years. Sugar has not always been consid ered a breakfast necessity. Many of us can remember how surprised our grandmothers were when we heaped sugar on our corn meal, mush: "You 'don't need sugar on mush," they would say, remembering days when white sugar was not so plenti ful. "If you must have flavor try a little grated nutmeg. It's good." Sugar 'on the breakfaast table Is a matter of taste, not bodily need. It adds flavor to a good many foods and spoils the natural flavor of others. It has been used more and | more indiscriminately, until the | American breakfast eaters have come to sugar almost everything but their eggs. Many foods which are served at the morning meal are so highly flavored that the addition of sugar Is pure extravagance. CofTee has a flavor of its own which needs no Improve ment; fresh fruits are highly flavor ed and already contain sugar. To foods such as cereals, which may taste "flat," the addition of a little fruit or sirup makes sugar un necessary. The real epicure, prefers salt. Sugar is often used simply be cause it is on the table. Leave the bowl in the pantry and see how little it is missed. EASY ENOUGH TMH TOB IS A* EASY ll AS IT LOOKS I n simple device fob straiwing FRUH JUICES FOR TELCT WAKING. /"WWL was AMOXX Conn>e,\ m—/ t WMHIN-!ON,PtC \__ This is one of the suggestions in the free book on Canning and Dry ing issued by the National War Gar den Commission, Washington, D. C. Send two cents for postage on your copy. FEET WOULD SWELL Kidneys and Stom ach Were Out of Order says Mrs. S. Green, 2551 South Elev enth street, Harrisburg. "My stom arh was bad, after meals would bloat and had pain, was nervous, had rheumatism and pain In back and limbs. "My feet would burn and Bwell, could not sleep at night, in the morning I would feel stiff and sore. Sanpan changed all that and I am well once more." Sanpan Is being introduced at Keller's Drug Btore, 405 Market street, Harrisburg. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR N. DAVIS, D. D. S. . (Copyright, 1918, b> the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) (Continued) When Kiau-Chau fell he again criticised the United States for not having stopped Japan. "How can your President allow Japan to increase in power at the expense of a white race?" he asked, indignantly. "Now China is lost to the world forever. America is the one power that could have prevent ed it, but now Japan has got her fingers on China and she is lost to us forever!" After we were in the war, the Kaiser expressed to me his opinion that our object in taking this step was four-fold: "First," he said, "Wilson wants to save the money you have loaned to the Allies. Second, he wants to have a seat at the peace-table. Third, he wants to give your army and navy a little practical experience—unfortu- nately at our expense. And fourth, and principally, he wants to prepare for the war with Japan which he knows is inevitable. .The Japanese are the ones which your country must look upon as its real enemies." A German officer of high standing told me just before I left Berlin that America had made the great mis take of sending ammunition, guns and supplies to Russia, via Japan, because Japan had just retained the finely-made American articles and had dumped on Russia a lot of good for-nothing material of her own in their stead. "My advice to Amer ica," he declared, "is to cut the throat of every Japanese in America and get rid of the internal danger." He did not suggest cutting the throats of all the undesirable Ger mans who were in Alnerlca, and who had already demohstrated that they were far more dangerous than the Japanese had ever been. Whether or not the Kaiser and the Germans generally really be lieved that America was in danger of attack from Japan or that there was bound to be a titanic conflict be tween the white and yellow races for the domination of the world, I don't know, but I have often heard I that for many years the Japanese army has been trained by German officers and, as I have previously pientioned, vast amounts of ammu nition and guns were furnished them. • Undoubtedly the profit the Ger man munitionsmakers made on their contracts with Japan was an Impor tant consideration, but the probabil ity is thaC, the principal object of Germany's conduct in this connec tion was to be in a position to watch military developments in Japan. What better measure could be con ceived for gauging a prospective en emy's strength than by assisting in kts developments? What a splendid opportunity it afforded' posting spies and otherwise obtaining mili tary information against tVe day when it might prove of the utmost value to Germany! In another chapter I have referred to the excuse the Kaiser gave for having supplied munitions to the Russians in the Japanese-Russian war when I urged that was a parallel to our course in supplying munitions to the Allies—which so embittered the Kaiser and the Ger mans generally against us. "When we helped Russia against Japan we were a white race against the yellow race—don't ever forget that—don't ever forget that!" Along the same lines he fre quently condemned the English and the Allies generally for having ac cepted the assistance of Japan in the present war. The idea that a white nation could ally itself with a yellow or J was little short of ab horrent to him, according to the way he spoke. And yet in the face of all the Kaiser had said and done in the years gone by to warn the world against the menace of the yellow races and despite the horror he had expressed at the thought of any white nation allying itself with a yel low one, on January 9, 1917, before we had .declared war against Ger many, before we had even broken off diplomatic relations, the German Foreign Secretary, Zimmermann, who was simply a tool in the Kais er's hands, sent to Herr von Eck hardt, the German Minister to Mex ico, through Count von Bernstorft, what is undoubtedly one of the most Infamous notes which ever emanated from the fofeign office of a first class power. Fortunately our gov ernment was able to intercept it and brand forever the perfidy of which the Kaiser was capable. So eloquent is that note of the hypocrisy of the Kaiser that I can not do better than reprint it iiere, that it may be read in connection with the Kaiser's repeated expres sions on the subject of "Yellow Peril.". The note runs: "On February 1 we Intend to be gin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America. U this attempt is not successful we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give general finan cial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Me:.ico, Texas and Arizona. The details- - .re left to you for settlement. You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States, and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own in itiative, should communicate with Japap, suggesting adherence at once with his plan. At the 4ame time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan. Please call to the atten tion of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless subma rine warfare now promises to com pel England to make peace in a few months. Zimmermann." CHAPTER IX The Kaiser's Confidence ,f Victory About twelve years go J - .ttended the German military maneu />rs at Liegnitz, in Silesia, having been in vited by some journalistic friends of mine to accompany them in the mo tor allowed the press. The military representatives of England, France, America and other countries .were there with the Kaiser's staff to wit ness the display of Germany's mili tary poker. Apparently they were very much impressed, for I heard afterwards that one of the French officers who had been present had written a book in which he said: "With such an arm, Germany could 'annex France in six months!" I happened to mention this fact to the Kaiser shortly afterwards and his significant comment was: "Six months! I should hope so. It wouldn't take that long!" The confident belief that when "Der Tag"—the'day—finally arrived, Germany would crush her enemies and accomplish her object within a few months at the outside was held not only by the Kaiser but by the people generally and their conduct when the war broke out clearly dis closed it. When Germany's manpower was mobilized, no one in Germany be lieved it would be very long before they would all be back and every effort was made to make their few weeks of active service as little ifk some as possible. "Liegesgaven," gifts of love, consisting of clothing and food of every description, were forwarded to them by their relatives and friends in the most lavish man ner, although, of course, at that time the German commissary was able to satisfy all the soldiers' re quirements. One of my patients told me that she had sent seventeen hundred pounds of sausages to one regiment within a week an-d when I asked her why she had been so generous she replied that her chauffeur was a member of the regiment! The extent to which the coun try's resources were squandered in those early months is evidenced by the fact that the soldiers had such an excess of ill-fitting woolen wear ing apparel that they used many of the knitted articles as ear-pieces and cover for their horses. No one had the slightest idea that the time might ever come when the whole nation would be clothed in paper! At this late day it can hardly be necessary to establish how thor oughly prepared the Oermnns were for the war. but an incident which occ-rred in the early days of the conflict may not be out of nlaco to show the self-satisfled and confident attitude which all the Germans as sumed. Two officers sitting at a table In an out-of-door cafe shortly after the war began overheard one of several ladles who were passing remark: "Look at those officers sitting there drinking. Why are they not at the j Jor p/Indigestion^ Ga&Sour Stomach.^ Papdmated Fhnden <£veJ (Surprising' relief In from five to ten minuted in. moat money refunded if it doedn'tr Cbhf Qjt.atJzajfgsls. U — —-I front fighting?" One of the officers got up and, approaching the ladies, said: "Our work was completed months ago. We worked from early morning till late at night on plans which our armies are now carrying out. It is our time to rest." The resistance that France would be able to put up was always verv lightly estimated, and if the inter vention of England was at all taken into consideration, the compara tively small army she could place in the lielc'. was regarded as but a drop in the bucket compared with the well-traine-i German horde that was ready to sweep across the border. How could England's 80,000 men cope with Von Kluck's 500,000 or the hastily mobilized French armies resist the thoroughly prepared, equipped and well-disciplined Ger man warriors?" It is really not to be wondered at that the Germans firmly believed that they would bring the allies to their knees within a comparatively few weeks and that the conquering German armies would celebrate Se dan Day, September 2nd, in Paris. That actually happened is of course too well known here to require re cital, but I know that the Germans B Equals 25c Worth of B B Ordinary Laundry Soap I An 8 oz. package of 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips has the same washing value as 25c worth of ordinary H laundry soap and costs about half the price. Economy No. l t When you use 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips you have no soap cutting to do. Economy No. 2. The Borax ■ ■ in these Chips softens the water—helps the soap do better Hj work and thus saves rubbing. Economy No. S. 1 ■ You don't have to use another cleanser when you I; M use 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips, because' Borax is the ■ H greatest known cleanser on earth—a natural cleanser. 1 B ■ 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips contain 25% Borax — ■ ig| no other soap product has such a large amount of H Borax. It's the Borax with the soap that does the work. "Ik H 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips make your clothes fgf ■ hygienically clean and sweet smelling. They will not B H shrink woolens or mar the daintiest laces, chiffons, etc.; K I Saves Time, Labor and Expense. I rri AUGUST 24, 1918. were kept in absolute ignorance of the marvelous resistance the allies were able to put up in those critical days of August and September, 1914, und to this day the majority of Ger mans have not heard of the Battle of <he Marne! The only newspapers I was able to get at that time were German publications, and there we read daily of how the French were running like rabbits, how their morale was brok en and how the advance on Paris was progressing much more rapidly than had been anticipated. The pa pers came • out with such flaring headlines as "Sieg auf Sieg"—Vic tory Upon Victory." "Woods of Com piegne Burning," "Fall of Paris Ex pected Hourly!" The streets were thronged with enthusiastic crowds waiting for bulletins, and automo biles distributed extras free of charge. • It was several weeks after the Battle of the Marne when I hap pened to notice in an obscure cor ner of one of the German newspa pers, a German translation of a short item from a French newspaper stating that a number of Parisians had made Sunday excursions to the battlefields to collect German souve nirs In the form of helmets, swords and guns. The thought naturally arose: "How could people from Paris collect souvenirs from an ad vancing German army? The Ger mans must be retreating?" but it was many days before I secured an English newspaper which confirm ed my hope. As the months went by and the war still continued it must have been quite a problem to keep news of the actual happenings from get- plete control did the government have over the press that they suc ceeded in sustaining the confidence of the Germans that the war would soon be over and the German cause would be triumphant. (To Ite Continued.l 'artSM HEALS ECZEMA On little boy when six weeks old. On face and back in a rash. Itched so badly had to put gloves on hands to keep him from scratching. Clothes would stick and had to bathe him twice a day. Very cross and fretful. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In a short time saw a great change and now he is completely healed. From signed statement of Mrs. H. Woods, 2059 E. William St., Phila delphia, Pa., Jan. 20, 1918. Most skin troubles might be pre- I vented by using Cuticura Soap and I Ointment for every-day toilet purposes. | | Banplt Each Free by Mall. Address post-card: "Caticora, Dopt. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.. Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 60c. Talcum 26c. 5