Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 22, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Summit Wins Another?
Albion: Victims, 5 t<_ 3
W. L. Pet.
Summit 23 2 .920
Swatara 17 10 .629
Alblons 8 16 .333
Crescent 4 21 .160
To-night's Schedule
Swatara vs. Crescent
Pounding the old horsehide for a
total of eight bases. Summit won
from the Albions last evening by a
6-3 score. Timely hits and gilt-edged
fielding gave the Summits a total of
twenty-three hits. The line-up and
Ab. R. H. O. E. E.
Carson, c 4 2 1 5 0 0
Delantin, ss ... 4 0 1 3 1 0
Swartz, p 4 0 2 3 1 0
Dreece, lb 4 0 0 4 0 1
Mercurio, 2b .. . 3 0 0 2 1 1
Bria, 3b 3 1 2 1 1 0
Bender, rf 3 1 1 1 0 0
Changler, cf ... 3 0 0 1 0 0
Knobb, If 3 1 1 1 0 0
Totals 31 6 8 21 4 2
Ab. R. H. O. E. E.
Stauffer, cf .... 4 0 1 1 0 0
Heagy, rf 4 0 1 2 0 0
Books, p 3 0 0 2 2 0
Michlevitz, ss.. 3.0 0 2 1 0
Snyder, 3b 3 1 1 1 1 0
Hocker, 1b.... 3 1 1 6 0 0
Zimmerman, c . 3 1 1 5 0 1
Shaffer, 2b 3 0 0 2 1 0
Haehlen, If 3 0 1 0 OJ>
Totals 29 3 6 21 5 1
Summit 101200 I—s
Albion 010000 2—3
Two-base hit, Delantin; three-base
hit, Caruson, Swartz; sacrifice hits,
Swartz, Knobb, Shaffer, Delantin;
double plays, Summit, 1, Swartz to
Delantin to Dreece; struck out, by
Swartz, 5; Books, 7; base on balls,
off Swartz, l; Books, 3; left on base,
Summit, 3; Albion, 3; stolen bases,
Caruson, Bria, Knobb, Heagy, Sny
der; innings pitched, Swartz, 7;
Books, 7; time, 1.26; umpire, Walt
George Walters, sos Franklin
street. Corning, N. Y., is in the Har
risburg Hospital suffering with a ,
fractured skull as the result of a fall
off a roof while he was at work for
Black and Company, Marsh Run, yes
terday afternoon about 3 o'clock.
Victoria Theater]
COMlNG—Monday, Tuendoy, Wed
nesday, A iik list 126, 127, 128
EiiKUKfinent Extraordinary.
'Pershing's Crusaders'
Admission 10c and 15c and war tax
t |
Playing High Class Vaudeville j
A Charming Oriental Novelty |
s—Other5 —Other Big Acts—s
World Famous Balloonist
and Parachute Leaper
Ascensions Afternoon a Evening
I"Birth of a
Acknowledged everywhere as the world's greatest achieve
ment in motion photography.
If you have never seen this wonderful play, don't miss this
bargain opportunity—if you have seen it, you will want to
see it again at these prices.
10 and 15 Cents
Mon., Tues. i r\ rj q
and Wed.:-: Aug. O-<5 O
ADMISSION—IO and 15 Cents and War Tax
High Class Vaudeville.
To-day, to-morrow and Saturday
"The Birth of a Nation."
Monday and Tuesday Constance
Tulmadge in "A Pair of Silk Stock
t To-day Pauline Frederick in "Fe
i dora."
t To-morrow and Saturday Sessue
I Hayakawa in "The Bravest Way."
To-day Norma Talm&dge and
Jewel Carmen in "The Children in
the House," and "A Fight for Mil
' lions."
Friday—Jane and Catherine Lee in
1 "Doing Their IJtfc '
1 Saturday—Lois Weber in "The Scan
King Kelly, Balloon Ascension, and
"The Birth of a Nation" is due for an
engagement of three days at the Colo
nial. commencing
No Advance In to-day, when D.
Price* for "The W. Griffith's
Birth of a Nation" mighty spec
tacle, will be of
fered. This is the great attraction
which has broken all records in New
York City and has also to its credit
record runs in Boston, Chicago and
elsewhere. In the story proper 18,-
000 people and 3,000 horses are seen.
The story tells in thrilling detail the
relationship that the rise and fall of
slavery in this country bore to the
making of American history, It is
one of the greatest achievements ever
seen upon the American stage. Prices
for this eng--ement will be regular
Colonial prices.
The play that held all Europe spell
bound during the latter part of the
last century, has
Flnnl showing been brought back to
of "Fedora" life again by the
at the Regent famous Players-
Lasky Corporation
on the screen. Its title is the same,
"Fedora," and the famous star in this
picture is Pauline Frederick. This is
the same story, by Victorian Sardou,
that Mme. Bernhardt won such splen
did praise from the crown heads
of Europe. Pauline Frederick, por
traying the same scenes on the screen,
is winning no less praise. It is show
ing to-day for the last time at the
Regent Theater.
To-morrow and Saturday, the great
Japanese star, Sessue Ha.vakawa, will
be seen in a great Japanese story,
"The Bravest Way." This is a story
that shows the great loyalty of the
Japanese for a friend. It is played as
Majestic Theater
A Travesty in Four Acts
"For Pity's Sake"
A trnveaty on the old-time melo
drama with n company of elßht.
Supported by four other well
aelected Keith feuturea.
* *
P. MAGARO, Owner and Manager
Final Showing To-day
"The Bravest Way"
Adininxlon 10c and 13c and war tnx
graceful and exquisite as only the ]
Japanese can act.
"Children in the House" is the title
of to-day's attraction at the popular
Victoria Theater,
Norma Talmud" and, as its title
ut the Vlctorlc. suggests, it is the
sort of picture
play that interests from start to finish
because one of the most interesting
things In the world is children. It is
said to be the type of play that holds
Interest with a vise-like grip—makes
you obvious to your every surround
ing—strikes every chord of human
emotion and makes you live the story
as it is gradually unfolded upon the
screen. To-day, also, William Dun
can will be shown in the third part
of the thrilling serial, "A Fight For
Millions." entitled "The Secret Stock
ade." ,For to-morrow. Jewel Carmen
will be featured In "The Fallen
To-day and Saturday King Kelly
will make his famous triple parachute
drop at Paxtang
Paxtnng Park Park. This is Kel
nnd Park Theater ly's challenge
stunt. He defies
1 any other aeronaut to even attempt
it, and up to date none of his com
petitors in the game have shown any
disposition to try the trick out. In
order to use three parachutes In a
single drop, it is necesskry to get the
balloon at least a mile above the
earth. At this height it is all up to
the judgment of the aeronaut, as he
is too far above the earth to work
on signals. . At this altitude any mis
hap could only result in one thing,
and when one looks over the compli
cated rigging used for a triple para
chute drop, he realizes the chances
the aeronaut takes. It all seems very
simple the way King Kelly explains
it—but it's his job, and the average
man is willing to stay on the ground
and let him have it all to himself.
The vaudeville show at the park
theater furnishes an hour and a half
of solid enjoyment.
John F. Short Slated
For U. S. Marshal
Pittsburgh, Aug. 22.—Democratic
leaders here announced yesterday
that B. B. McGinnis, of this city,
would be named to succeed E. Lowr.v
Humes as United States attorney, and
that John F. Short, of Clearfield, a
well-known newspaperman, would
be the successor of Joseph Howley,
United States marshal.
They said Attorney General
Thomas W. Gregory had agreed to
make these appointments, and that
the nominations of McGinnis and
Short would be sent to the Senate by
President Wilson before the end of
August so the new officials may take
up their duties September 1.
It is understood that Neil W. Mc
| Gill, of Meadvllle, will succeed Mr.
McGinnis as Assistant United States
New Policy Is in
Force at Camp Lee
Camp Loo, Va., Aug. 22.—The pol
icy of sending every man to France
who is physically fit for overseas
service is now being established at
this place. In the depot brigade more
than 3,000 enlisted men are needed
as a training nucleus. Each company
is allowed permanently sixty men,
around which incoming recruits are
trained prior to transfer to the re
placement camp. These consist of
one first sergeant, one mess sergeant,
supply sergeant, twelve line ser
geants, twenty-four corporals, three
mechanics, two buglers and twelve
first class privates. These men aid
the officers in the development of the
new men.
! Mrs. Mildred L. Ommert obtained
a permit from the building inspector
to-day to build an addition to the
property at 729. South Nineteenth
street, costing S6OO.
Magic! Peel them right off with
out pain or soreness
\J /J
Don't suffer! A tiny , bottle of
Freezone costs but a few cents at
any drug store. Apply a few drops
on the toughened calluses or "hard
skin" on bottom of feet, then lift
those painful spots right off with
When you peel off corns or cal
luses with Freezone the skin beneath
is left pink and healthy and never
sore, tender or even Irritated.
: Treat Colic, Craiups and
Dysentery at Once
Only a little delay and it may run into
cholera-vnorbus or other ailmentt and become
a menace to life. Take at once a doce in
ternally, a* directed, of
Balm of Life
(For Intaraol and External Uaa)
You'll ee iff retulti at once. Your
druggist or dealer in medicine hat it. Abo
invaluable at a liniment for rhcumatitm,
neuralgia, lumbago, twellinga of all torts,
aprains, coreneae. Full directiona with bottle.
Made by The Dill Co., iNorriitoWn, Pa.
Alto manufacturer! of thoae reliable
Dill's Liver Pi'ls
Dill's Cough Syrup
Dill's Worm Syrup
(Dill's Kidney PUls
For tale by good druggirta and dealert in
% medicine.
Thm hind noiAtr a/aao/i hmpt
Surely They Aren't Going to Object to Their Own Chickens
Coming Home to Roost!
' js .J' l ' %
. -A --WljisfiL r PRECEDENT^
Sixteen From Pennsylvania;
C, L. Jenkins, Mansfield,
Is Severely Wounded
Washington, Aug. 22.—The double
list of Army casualties contained 391
names to-day divided as follows:
Killed in action 32
Missing In action 130
Wounded severely 162
Died from accident and other
causes 2
Died of wounds 6
Wounded, degree undetermined 48
Died of dise.'.SQ 4
Prisoner 1
Total 391
The following Pennsylvanians are
Killed in Action
Sergeant Harry J. Donahue, Phil
Sergeant Charles Rearden, Sharps
Private Daniel J. Wansie, Kulp
Wounded Severely
Private Colie L. Jenkins, Mans
Corporal Alois Zopancie, Hackett.
Missing in Action
Private Frank Staniski, Philadel
Private Archie L. Rowley, Warren.
Private Henry Simons, Philadel
Private John Sobonski, Scranton.
Private John T. Stinson, Philadel
Private John Deprez Meve, Phila
Private James Ralph Strouss,
Private Anthony Boknos, Scran
Private Michael Mikalonis, of
Private Israel Pinchefsky, Phila
Wounded, Degree Undetermined
Private William L. Gardner, Phil
The Marine Corps casualty list
contained six names, of whom IJve
were killed in action and one died of
wounds received in action.
Shimmell Community Red
Cross in New Quarters
New workrooms have been se
cured by the Shimmell Community Red
Cross Auxiliary. They are located in
the lodgeroom on tne third floor of
the Flatlron building, Nineteenth and
Derry streets. The change was made
necessary because of the fact that
the room in the Shimmell school build
ing which they had been located will
be needed as a class room during the
school term soon to open. The aux
iliary rooms in the new quarters will
be open to-morrow from 10 a. m. to
5 p. m. All the old workers are re
quested to turn out to-morrow and
new workers are needed since the
auxiliary has a large amount of work
on hand.
William Boehm, of this city, who
was arrested by Patrolman Keys last
night on the charge of driving an au
tomobile while Intoxicated, will be
given a hearing In police court to
day. He was committed to the Dau
phin county jail last night.
Draft registrants who are sent
home from training camps because
they are physically disqualified for
active service overseas, will be re
classified so that they see service In
special limited classes. Local boards
have been notified to place these
men in classes so they can be called
for service in this country.
"Cheer those left behind by the
purchase of a player piano."
2X12 North Sixth street, adv.,
Letter to the Editor
T I the Editor of the Telegraph:
•Theodore B. Klein, who died just
a month ago, on July 22, would to
day, had he lived, have celebrated
his 87th birthday. On each August
22 since Mr. Klein reached his 80th
milestone, the Telegraph has made
a note of his birthday and published
his picture.
To-day many of his friends, old
and young, are thinking of him 'on
that farther shore." "As the gate of
tnemory swings back upon its golden
hinge," they remember the grasp of
his hand, the sound of his voice, the
glance of his kindly eyes.
"Dorio" Klein was the truest type
of Christian gentleman, a "gentle"
man—pure in thought, young in
spirit, kind in action. Always mind
ful of those in sorrow or suffering,
he never forgot to give the cheerful
smile, or the sympathetic word. In
his quiet way, often unknown to any,
he sought out the humble souls in
need for comfort and strength. The
atmosphere of his presence was a
benediction and where his shadow
fell was blessing.
On New Year's Day, it was his
custom to visit the shutins of his ac
quaintance. Here and there through
tihe city he wended his way, always
warmly welcomed by the friends
whose homes he honored with the
New Year's call.
As president of the Dauphin
County Historical Society, he will be
remembered for the vividness of his
recollections of old Harrisburg, its
persons and places and happenings—
for the mellowness of his diction in
describing those scenes of long ago—
and for the clear-toned, vigorous
spirited voice in which he delivered
his addresses.
During the past winter and spring
of failing health and weakness, and
often suffering more than any one
knew, he was always brave and pa
tient, strong in his mentality, active
in his interests, thoughtful for others
and as was the habit of his life —
forgetful of self—keeping up to the
end with the last remnant of strength
that he might never be a burden,
and, at the last "sustained and sooth
ed by an unfaltering trust, he ap
proached the grave like one who
wrapped the drapery of his couch
about him and lay down to pleasant
dreams." •
The friends who knew him will
remember to-day as the birthday of
one whom they loved and honored,
whose quiet, sweet, helpful presence
will be sadly missed.
Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach,
Heartburn, Gum On Stomach, Etc.
Indigestion and practically all
forms of stomach trouble, say medical
authorities, are due nine times out of
ten to an excess of hydrochloric acid
in the stomach. Chronic "acid stom
ach" Is exceedingly dangerous and
sufferers should do either one of two
Either they can go on a limited and
often disagreeable diet, avoiding
foods that disagree with them, that
irritate the stomach and lead to ex
cess acid secretion or they can eat as
they please in reason and make it a
practice ta counteract the effect of the
harmful aciu and -revent the forma
tion of gas, sourhess or premature
fermentation by the use of a little
Blsurated Magnesia at their meats.
There is probably no better, safer
or more reliable stomach antiaclu
than Bisurated Magnesia and it is
widely used fdr this, purpose. It has
no direct action on the stomach and
is not a digestent. But a teuspoontui
of the powder or a couple of nve
grain tablets taken in a little water
with the food will neutralize the ex
cess acidity which 'may be present
and prevent its further formation.
This removes the whole cause of the
trouble and the meal digests naturally
and healthfuly without need of pep
sin pills or artiflcial digestents.
Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag
nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask
for either powder or tablets. It never
comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and
in the bisurated form is not a laxa
tive. Try this plan and eat what you
want at your next meal and see if this
Isn't the best advice you ever had on
. "what to eit." G, A. Gorgas, I
. ,'f. v
Bernhardt, Hun Author,
Heads Lys Plains Retreat;
Badly Hit in Big Drive |
By Associated Press
London, Aug. 22. The present;
series of German defeats have in- j
volved a German officer who perhaps j
is better known to the reading pub
lic of the allied nations than .al
most any of the German generals.
He is General Bernhardi, the author
of the famous books' which so frank-'
ly revealed Germany's war aims. He I
commands the Fifty-fifth of the Sixth j
army, which had been steadily driven j
back by the British across the plain [
of the Lys towards Armentieres.
The B'ifty-fifth ccfrps has been bad- |
ly hit in endeavoring to hold the,
Merville salient confronting the For- |
est of Nieppe. It lost many positions j
and was badly shaken by the enfilad
ing fire of the British batteries as it
For The Leader Bargain Store's
Great Round-up Sale Which Begins
Saturday, Aug. 24th and Ends Saturday, Aug. 31st
The sales we have held this season have been
nothing short of bargain sensations, but the sale
3 about to start will certainly greatly outdistance
Think anything we have eve attempted for the reason
In these of in- that the bargains will be greater than ever,
creasing prices it: will bave become k nown as "the Store that
pay an> man to * 10 saves the workingman money" by reason of the
twice before he. spends fact we invariabl unde rsell.
his hard-earned dollars.
People Who think about How we can undersell—BECAUSE we oper
economizing are • the ate totally different from all other stores. We
people we want for our buy auct i on stocks, bankrupt stocks, sheriff's sale
steady customers stock, manufacturers' surplus stocks or odds and
—we 11 save them ends, anything or any way to keep the price
mone . v - down for you. Besides, we're out of the high
rent, high price section.
Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Men's, Women's and Children's
Wearing Apparel and Shoes Will Be Sold at
Surprisingly Low Prices
No matter what you may need, WAIT for this great ROUND-UP SALE
—it will pay you—and pay you well.
Friday Specials
$9.66 $7.66 $5.66
The Leader Bargain Store
443 MARKET ST. At the Subway. Open Evenings. 443 MARKET ST.
Local Boards Induct
, Men Into Service For
Special Work Overseas
The Paxtang county board this
morning announced the names of
several of its registrants who have
been inducted for service in the
army. They will be given special In
struction as auto mechanics. The
young men were voluntarily In
Jonas U. Rudy, will go to Cam
bridge Springs, September 1, for
service as an auto mechanic. Robert
M. Maulfair, Hershey, will be sent to
Newark, Del., for instruction as an
auto mechanic.
Clayton Max Muohle, Paxtang, also
volunteered his services and will be
sent to Newark, Del.
George M. Muth, Hummelstown,
volunteered for immediate overseas
service, and has been inducted by the
board. He will serve as a draftsman
in the aeronautic corps. The draft
board will send him to Sackett Har
bor, N. Y„ August 29. He has been a
draftsman on the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad.
The board announced the names of
the two white men who will be sent
to Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C., for
special limited military services.
They will be sent Friday, August 30,
Sat, Says_J~*hysician
Stomach, (broubles
Warns against starvation diets and strong drugs, which may
weaken tne stomach and thereby do far more harm than good.
Says "Food Cure"" is only true way to overcome indigestion,
gas, souring of food, etc.
A HIGHLY irritated acid stomach is
/-A\ a good deal like an open sore on
A your hand. If you keep rubbing it
and irritating it, it may never get well, but
let it alone and nature will soon make the
cure. Every time your food sours and fer
ments, causing poisonous gases and acids,
It further irritates the stomach walls, just
like rubbing an old sore, consequently you
go on having indigestion because your
stomach never.has a chance to get well.
. Starvation diets weaken the system,
this in turn weakens the stomach and
aggravates your stomach troubles. What
a dyspeptic needs, in my opinion, is food,
good food, plenty to eat, but of the right
kind. A dish of milk toast may, on account
of its bad combination of starch with
caesin, cause ten times as much distur
bance in a super-acid stomach as a piece
of roast beef; and the highly recommended
soft boiled eggs may, on account of the
large quantity of fat in the yolks, cause
serious indigestion, gas, etc.; while cold
white meat of.chicken, thoroughly masti
cated, will digest in the same stomach
without difficulty. Stomach sufferers often
suffer from an irritable temper, nervous
ness, dizziness, gas, etc., about two or
three hours after eating, due to the irrita
tion of the stomach walls by the accumu
lation of excess acid in the stomach after
the food, or most of it, has passed out. In
such cases the very best remedy, in my
opinion, is food, more food, but of the
right kind. Try eating some cold white
meat of chicken (thoroughly masticated)
with a little hard toast at 4 P.M., and be
fore going to bed, or drink some milk
mixed with water and see how this takes
up the excess acid and keeps it from irri
tating your stomach. But don't take
milk and chicken both. If you do you
mayi get into trouble. Never take milk or
ice cream with meat or acid fruits if your
stomach is weak and don't take coffee
with a meal, and better not at all. Take
weak tea made by yourself by pouring hot
water on dry tea and at once pouring it
off. Don't let it stand. If you do it will ex
tract tannic acid, and this is very bad for
the*to,mach. Eat fresh fish (no salmon nor
sardines), roast or broiled or cold meats,
at 7 o'clock In the evening. In a spe
cial, along with the quotas of the
other two county and the three city
boards. They are: Charles M. Stepp.
Enhaut, and Norman B. Nornhold,
City board No. 1 will send three
men. They are: William J. Putt,
Camp Hill: Gratin Grant Glace, Sun
bury; and Robert Henry Thomas, of
1317 North Front street. This board
sent James N. Stewart, 1408 North
Second street, son of John K. Stew
art, formerly deputy state supefin-.'
tendent of public instruction, to
Camp Glen, Burney, Md. at 1.10 this
afternoon. He will loin the Engineers
The other boards did not announce
their quotas of special limited men
for Camp Greene. They are: city
board No. 2. three men: No. 3, four
men: county board No. 1, three men;
No. 3,' three men.
The festival to have been held at
Fourth and Dauphin streets Friday
and Saturday evenings by the Reily
Fire Company has been postponed
until August 30 and 31. The post
ponement was due to the death of
Mrs. Mary Stroh, mother of seven
sons, Harry, Charles, Fred, William,
John, Crist and Arthur, all members
of the company.
hard toast (no fresh bread), stewed fruits,
green vegetables, baked or mashed pota
toes. If you want ice cream take it be
tween meals with hot tea, never with a
meal. Once your stomach gets well you
can eat most anything and it will digest,
but until it gets well (until the sore has a
chance to heal) be careful of the chemical
combinations of foods. Remember the
most important thing is to avoid irritat
ing your stomach. (Keep from rubbing the
sore until it gets well.) If at any time you
should notice an excess of acid or should
suffer from gas, dizziness, souring, or
belching of food, take from two to six tab
lets of Pepsinated Panzen to help your
blood neutralize tha excess acid and give
increased strength to the pneumogastric
or big stomach nerve so as to give your
stomach more power to digest food. Pep
sinated Panzen is not a secret remedy and
contains no strong drugs.
It is a strictly high class ethical product.
The composition of its formula is given
below so that you may ask your own doc
tor or druggist about it if you wish. Pep
sin Saccharatum, Magnesie Calcinee, Nat
jicum Bicarbonat, Menthe Poivree, Clous
Aromatique, and Oxalate de Cerium. Pep
sinated Panzen should be kept constantly
in the house by every acid-stomach sufferer
and used at the very first warning—symp-
toms such as drowsiness after eating, a full
heavy sensation in the stomach, gas, or
distress of any kind. It should be taken
with milk or ice cream to help break up
the curds.
Pepsinated Panzen is recommended,
however, only to help your blood neutral
ize the excess acid in your stomach and
give your stomach increased power to
digest food; the real and true cure must
be looked for in what you eat and how you
eat, rather than in drugs or starvation
diets. Always be sure to eat slowly and
masticate your food thoroughly. Further
information on proper combinations of
foods will be given in articles which are to
follow this. Pepsinated Panzen can be ob
tained in this city at 27c from
Croll Keller, G. A. Gorgas, J. Nel
son Clark and other druggists.