Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Saunders Allows but One Hit
While Teammates Wal
lop the Leather
Pitcher Saunders, of the Appleby
team, rolled the vacuum cleaner over
the "Baptists last evening on the
Island diamond, registering a shut
out. 4-0, Appleby has team-work
now and is going along like General
Mangln through the Huns. Her hit
ters rapped consecutively when hits
counted and so clever was Saunders
that only two of the Tabernacle Bap
tists reached second, and only one
managed to tap a scratch hit. Har
risburg in another season certainly
ought to produce some de luxe ding
ers and they will haave plenty of
chance, for whatever happens to "pro
fessional baseball the amateur brand i
is going to increase in popularity by \
great leaps. It is the idea! athletic j
pastime for 'a city. Last night's bat
tie in the New Industrial League was j
as lively and attractive as any big- j
league event and the Appleby mana
ger is to be congratulated for pulling
his team together in such "formidable
On the IVest End ground there was
a different scene staged by Suburban
and the Belmont Juniors, also of the
Industrial, whose hungry clouterS"
hammered the horsehide all over the
salient. The final count was 13-11,
in favor of Suburban: the hits were
12 and 10. Cook, of Suburban, laced
the longest drive, a homer in far
center, and Davies also cracked one
for the circuit. Both pitchers were
unable to halt the debauch of bat
work. The scores:
R. H. O. A. E.
Swartz. lb 0 0 4 0 0
D'Sare's. ss. 0 0 0 3 0
Simone. c. .'. 0 0 8 0 0
Tromb'o, 3b, 0 0 0 0 1
Ander'n, 2b 0 1 3 4 0
Rudy, p 0 0 0 1 0
Stahl. If 0 0 2 0 0
Fox. rf, 0 0 0 0 0
Demma, cf, 0 0 1 0
Totals 0 11 8 8 2
R. H. O. A. E. !
Levan. lb ... 1 2 2 0 1'
I-tck, 2b 1 2 4 1 0
Benfer. c 0 0 10 o 0 ]
Garber, If 1 1 0 0 0
Light'r. ss 0 0 2 2 0 !
3b 0 1 3 1 0
Keen, cf 0 10 0 0
Kinch. rf 0 0 0 0 0
Saunders, p 1 1 0 0 Oj
Totals 4 8 21 6 1 1
Baptist 0 0 0 <T 0 0 o—o
Appleby 201 10 0 x—4 j
Three-base hits. Lick and Keen.
Struck out. by Saunders, 11; Rudy, 6.
Hit by pitcher. Lightner. Time. 1.10. j
Umpire. _M. Simone.
R. H. O. A. E. j
Coken, 2b 1 0 0 0 l!
T*oper. p 2 2 1 1 0 I
Hocker. cf 2 2 0 0 1 J
Ba'gar'r, lb, 3 3 3 0 1
Beatty, c 2 212 l o
Shirey, If, 1 o l o 01
Clark, ss. 1 l l 3 oi
Cook. 3b, 1 2 0 0 0 '
Belsin'r. rf 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 13 12 18 5 3 !
R. H. O. A. E. I
G. Davl's, rt. ........ 2 3 7 1 Oi
Rosen'r, p 1 o 0 2 0 !
T. Dav's, lb 3 3 0 0 0 '
Kline'g. 2b 1 2 0 0 0
Fissel, ss 0 0 2 1 0
Gruber, 3b 1 l i o 2 j
Matter, If, 0 0 0 0 0 !
Cane, cf 2 o 0 0 0 i
Black, c 1 i 6 o 0 ]
Totals 11 10 16 < J j
Suburbans 4 0 1 1 5 2 13
Belmont 1 3 1 5 0 I— ll
Three-base hits. Beatty, Hocker.
Gruber and Black. Home runs. Cook,
and Davies. Struck out. by Cooper. ;
9; by Rosenberger. 8. Base on balls.
Cooper. 2; Rosenherger, J. Hit by
pitcher, Cooper.
"Don't Be Swindled Out
of Your Liberty Bond,"
Commerce Chamber Warns
"Don't be swindled out of your |
Liberty Bond." says a warning is-1
sued by the Harrisburg Chamber of !
Commerce. Placards will be printed ;
and distributed and display adver- j
tisements printed in Harrisburg pa-J
pers within the next „ several days I
advising patriotic citizens to keep
their bonds.
"Don't trade." the notices advise, i
"If anyone tries to trade you out of
your Liberty Bond—Don't trade," it I
"If tempted to consider a trade!
take the trader to the nearest bank '
and ask the banker to check the
value of the thing offered," it is de
:la red.
Proceeding, the liberty Bond
holder may read in part, "If you ab
solutely must have the money, your
bond can always be sold for cash in
the open market and the dailv pa
pers will tell you what it is worth.
"Keep your bond until the end of
the war. Go without something vou
need rather than sell it. Your bond
is your substitute on the fighting
front. To part with it it takes vou out'
of the fight.
"Instead of selling the bond you
own buy another to keep the first
one company," the advice concludes.
Boy Falls 42 Feet;
Is Not Seriously Hurtj
N'orristown.—While climbing in a'
window for a neighbor .without a
key. George Shane, 9 years old, fell,
forty-two feets to a cement pave- i
_nent and was picked 119 uncon- 1
"clous. but is not seriously injured, •
it Is said.
World's Series to
Start September 4
It is almost assured now that '
the series will start on September I
4, according to well-advised unof- '
ficial information. Chairman Herr- !
mann has received word from both '
Chicago and Boston to the effect
that the local draft boards would
not interfere with the members of
these two teams for-the period of
time in which It might take to
play the series. The National
Commission, meeting now in
Cincinnati, expected to give out to
day the schedule with usual de
j tails of umpires, playing rules, j
j eligible?, scores, and league rep- I
| resentatlves.
Snoodles Snoodles Evidently Believes in Hooverizing By I~f 11 flf?CffO fCI
gKi"—' ( LITTLE BOY ?! 77 l 1 ~ ~
mmm /Please 6ive . / "THAT-5 /WO NICE WAY ! ] [ . )
[ Me I Yoo MGVEG SAW ANY < -/ > _
, ; * 0 ' _ £ <*/* ism. j
Yankee Rooters Rave Over EVers
at First Game on French Soil
The Knights of Columbus War
News Service has received a special
cable dated Paris, August 20. saying
that Johnny Evers had landed. It
"The star of a thousand memor
able American baseball struggles
stepped from a transport Into France
on Thursday, and on Sunday after
noon he was out there covering the
midd'e bag for the Army Ambulance
team with such pep and ginger in his
movements that the Soldier team,
leaders in the now famous Paris
league, took the short end of an 8
to C score.
"The ring of Evers' bat against the
good old-fashioned horsehide sound
ed almost as merrily to the crowd of
yelling doughboys who cheered his
playing as it used to back in the good
old days of the Tinker-to-Evers-to-
Chance combination of the pennant
winning Chicago Cubs. And among
the boys in khaki who did the cheer
ing was more than one loyal Cub
rooter who yelled himself hoarse at
the exploits of the red-headed player
from Troy, N. Y.. who has come
across seas in the uniform of a
Knights of Columbus secretary.
"The effect of Evers' entry into
the athletic work of the Knights
among the American fighting men
already has had results. The last of
the eight runs which Johnny helped
the Army Ambulance team to scoro
scarcely had clattered across the
plate, when the stalwart frariie of
another American baseball hero
bobbed up in the crowd and the pep
pery Evers was shaking hands with
the equally indomitable Hank
Gowdy, among the very first of the
major league baseball players to get
into khaki and' who has been over
here so long now that his soldier
companions say he speaks French
without/even a trace of the Yankee
accent acquired during his years of
service with the champion Boston
team, which he quit to get into the
war league.
"Out of that first conference be
tween Evers and Gowdy, which was
held with a crowd of whooping, yell
ing soldiers camping on their trail
were made for a series of games at
American hospital centers as a
U-Boat Officer Had
Theater Seat Stubs;
Old Friend Appears
Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 21.—A
story indicating that an officer of
one otithe German submarines oper
ating off the American coast, may
have attended a New York theater
on the night of August 8, was dis
closed here yesterday by the wife
of a well-known New York play
wright and prominent member of
the summer colony here. She was
:ynong those who rendered assist
ance to the fishermen brought to
the island August 11 after a sub
marine had destroyed their vessels
the previous day off Georges Banks.
One of the fishermen, a member
of the crew of the Lena A., told her.
she said, that he was questioned by
the German petty officer, who board
ed the schooner. During the conver
sation, they talked of New York, and
the fisherman asked the German if
he had ever been there. The officer,
he said, smiled and showed checks
for a Broadway theater, dated
"Thursday evening, August 8," two
days before the attack on the fishing
In telling the incident the woman
explained that the story had slipped
her mind until it was recalled to her
by reports from Washington that
the raiders were believed to have
landed men on these shores. Her
story was corroborated by another
prominent resident of the island,
who also Interviewed the fisherman!
New York, Aug. 21. —Old newspa
per readers recognize these days a
friend long standing in the U-boat
skipper who was supposed to have
landed on the Atlantic coast and
gone to the theater here. They said
that he was probably the same au
dacious German who landed on the
Irisn coast and went to the theater
in Belfast, or was it Dublin? At least,
his methods were the same. In both
cases he came to shore In a col
lapsible boat, and in America as in
Ireland, he carried the stub of his
ticket to show' that he had actually
witnessed "a very good perform
ance," to use his own words.
The fame of this German officer
spread to the United States at the
time of his exploit in Ireland more
than two years ago, even though the
British Admiralty declined to accept
responsibility for his movements, or
even to confirm the accounts of his
land travels. The British newspa
pers. however, took him quite seri
ously, and voted him a jolly chap
with lots of sporting blood, while
the American newspaper correspond
ents stationed in Londoh also be
lieved that he was not a myth and
cabled long accounts of his theater
There is very good reason why the
German skipper should transfer his
activities to New York. From all ac
counts, he has seen most of the good
shows in Ireland, and the attractions
here are sufficient to induce any hon
est sailor to abandon his ship for
one evening, at least.
The U-boat skipper in New York
appears to be the logical war-time
successor of the now discredited sea
serpent that used to be dragged out
of its lair In the dogdays.
niean3 of entertainment for wounded
Yankees who, so far, have not been
ahle to enjoy many outdoor diver
sions. Army officers, French and
American, are enthusiastic over the
scheme and the games, it is under
stood. soon will be under way, with
Fver.e as one of the star players, and
with Gowdy in the lineup also, when
ever the old Boston catcher can drag
himself out of the trenches long
enough to exchange a gas mask for
the old steel face covering used be
hind the bat.
"Evers already is laying plans for
bringing over here what ever of the
champion American teams wins the
approaching world series. If they
come, the world's series winners
won't have things all their own way.
With 'Evers and Gowdy as a foun
dation. the Army lads have enough
major league material to put a real
toanf of contenders in the field
against the world champions, and it's
a hardy lot of. ball players who are
wearing the khaki in Uncle Sam's
legions. The suggestion to have the
world series winners come to France
for a set of games with an all Army
team has aroused a tremendous
amount of interest among the sol
diers. and the American officers are
as enthusiastic over this suggestion
as they have been over the arranged
for seiies of games that are to be
played for the entertainment of the
wounded boys in the hospitals.
"Evers' advent into the work that
is being done for the soldiers along
athletic lines by the Knights of Co
lumbus has lent new spirit to the
task. He played in Sunday's game
with all of his old-time skill and
the roars of the rooters could he
heard for many miles beyond the
field where the game was played.
Already Evers, because of the bril
liant game he put up, has been
dubbed by the soldiers 'Big Bertha.'
which is the name they have given
to the long range gun that has been
shelling Paris intermittently. But
there were mighty few Americans
in Paris on Sunday who knew wheth
er the original 'Big Bfertha' was pil
ing shells into the French capital or
not. They were all too busy ming
ling their shouts with those of the
soldiers at the ball game."
Six -Pennsyivanians
Prisoners in Germany
Washington, Aug. 21. —Names of
three officers and twenty enlisted
men of the American Expeditionary
forces, held in Germany as prison
ers of war, were made public to-day
by the War Department, with the
camps where they are held and their
home addresses.
The Pennsylvanians are:
At Camp Darmstadt Privates
Raymond E. Berry. Salona; William
A. Dickey. Mill Hall; Lee G. Wil
liams, Castanca.
Camp unknown—Private Lewis
W. Gibb, Lock Haven: Lieutenant
Edward R. Taylor, Bellefonte; Lieu
tenant William Brown, Scranton.
No Wool This Year,
4 U. S. Official Warns
San Francisco. Cal., Aug. 21.—"fhe
Army, Navy and Red Cross require
600,000,000 pounds of wool and the
country's production this year will
be 280,000;000 pounds, consequently
ro wool will go into clothing for
civilians this year, said Lewis Pen
well, United States wool adminis
trator, who arrived here from Ore
Mr. Penwell addressed a gathering
of wool men and declared, owing to
the demand for war purposes, no
tonnage could be spared to bring to
this country wool for civilian cloth
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What They Did Yesterday;
Where They Play Today
Yesterday's Results
Cleveland, 8; Boston, 4.
Other games scheduled were play
ed Saturday.
Chicago, 7; Boston, 6 (11 innings).
Phillies, 3; St. Louis, 0.
Pittsburgh. 10: New "fork, 2.
Brooklyn, 2; Cincinnati, 1.
Standing of the Clubs .
W. L Pet.
Boston 67 46 .-593
Cleveland 65 50 .565
Washington 63 52 .548
Chicago 55 57 .491
New York 53 56 .486
St. Louis 63 58 .477
Detroit 40 63 .437
Philadelphia 45 6S .39S
W. L. Pet.
Chicago 74 39 .655
New Y'ork 64 48 .571
Pittsburgh ; 60 -53 .531
Cincinnati 56 56 .500
Brooklyn 52 60 .464
Phillies 49 61 .445
Boston '.... 48 64 .429
St. Louis 48 70 .407
Schedule For To-day
Chicago at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Boston.
Detroit at New York.
Cleveland at Washington.
Boston at Pittsburgh.
Brooklyn at St. Louis.
New York at Chicago.
Phillies at Cincinnati.
Fair Food Prices
The following statement, revised to
August 20. regarding fair prices for
food necessities, was issued to-day by
the local Food Administration.
Consumer prices are figured on a
quotation of "cash-and-carry" basis
Credit and delivery prices may be
higher. The Federal Food Adminis
tration has no authority to fix prices.
,If your retailer charges more on a
"cash-and-carry" basis than the prices
named below, report him by letter to
the Federal Food Administration.
Chamber of Commerce.
should pay
Navy (pea), rb, 15 to 16c
Gray (marrow), lb 13^
Lima, lb 17 to 18c
White (marrow), lb 17 c
Creamery, lb 50 tp 55c'
Creamery, L-tb. prints, lb.. 50 to 55c
City Market. 1 lb 45 to 50c
Oleomargarine, lb 30 to 35c
Package of 2% lbs., pkg... IS to 20e
Bulk, lb 8)4 to 7c
City Market, tb 7 C
Fresh, doz 45 to 49c
City Market, doz 45 c
Wheat Flour, 12-tb. bags.. 80 to S5 C
Corn Flour 7 to 9c
50-50 War Flour (1214-lb.
bag) 80 to 83c
Rice flour, tb 13 to 14c
Oatmeal and rolled oats. lb. 7 to 8c
Rice (whole), lb 14c
Rice (broken), lb l 4c
Edible starch, lb 10 to 12c
Milk . t
Evaporated, small cans ... 6 to 7c
Evaporated, large cans 12 to 14c
York State, lb 30 to 35c
Country, tb 30 c
Pure, tb 29 to 33c
Substitute tb 26 to 28c
New, per half peck 24 to 35c
Granulated, per lb 9 to 9Uc
The following are the authorized
substitutes for wheat flour: Hominy
corn grits, cornmeal, corn flour, edible
cornstarch, barley flour, rolled oats
oatmeal, rice, rice flour, buckwheat
flour, potato flour, sweet potato flour
and soya bean flour.
I Crescent in First Game
"Bursts All Over Field"
W. Ij. Pet.
1 Summit s 22 2 .916
S Swatara 17 10 .629
Albions 8 15 .347
Crescent 4 21 .160
Crescent, which played its first
game in the Allison Hill Junior
Leagtie, last evening, taking up the
burddti of the Monarch club, para
lyzed a big crowd of spectators by
beating Sumfhit, the phenomenal
i club which lias only lost twice the
; whole season. As the local chroniclers
' say: "Crescents burst all over the
field." This evening Summit clashes
with Albion. The score:
Ah. R. H. O. A. E.
Laverty, c 4 0 0 5 0 0
Swartz, p 4 0 1 2 1 0
Gearyt lb 4 0 1 5 0 1
Shaffer, 2b 4 0 1 1 2 0
W. Dreece, ss .. 4 1 1 3 10
| Waltsmlth. 3b .. 3 0 1 3 1 0
I I.eaman, If 3 0 0 0 0 0
; Hobbs, cf 3 0 0 0 0 1
IL. Dreece, rf ... 3 1 1 2 0 0
i Totals 32 2 621 5 2
Ab. R. H. O. A. E.
Martin, 2b ... . 4 0 0 1 2 0
McCleaster. rf . 4 0 0 0 0 1
Bowman, 3b ... 4 0 1 11 1,
Winks, p 3 1 0 3 1 0
O'Donnell, If ... 3 1 1 0 0 0
; Blitz, ss 3 2 2 2 3 0
1 Haehlen, lb . . 3 11 6 0 0
I Day, cf 3 2 2 1 0 0
Duncan, c 3 1 1 7 0 0
Totals 30 8 8 21 7 2
Summit . 010 01 0 o—2
Crescent 010124 x —B
Two-base hit, Geary, Day: sacrifice
hits, Swartz, Day, McCleaster; double
plays. Crescent, 2; Summit, 1: struck
out, by Swartz, 6; Winks, 8; base on
balls, off Swartz, 1; Winks,- 5; left
on base, Crescent, 4: Summit, 5; hit
by pitcher, McCleaster, Lutz; stolen
bases, McCleaster, Bowman. Winks,
Lutz, 2: Swartz, Shaffer, W. Dreece,
Waltsmlth; passed balls, Laverty, 2;
inning pitched. Swartz, 7; Winks, 7:
time. 1:20; umpire, Ungdr.
Prohibition Now
Sweeps France |
Washington, Aug. 21.—The prohi
bition wave has struck France* —the
land of wines, champagnes, rum and
cognac. Backers of the "demon"
once would have thought that France
would be the last country to sur
render to the "drys," but the war
and especially the coming of the
American Army have wrought an
economic change that astounds
Frenchmen. Not the least unexpect
ed feature of the case is the support
given by the French public.
Before the American Expedition
ary Forces began to arrive about a
year ago French barrooms kept open
at night as long as they wanted to or
as long as they had customers. The
American authorities, having in
charge troops which came from a
country which denied them the priv
ilege of drinking at any time, imme
diately announced restrictions on im
bibing for soldiers. The French civil '
authorities follovred suit and provid
ed definite closing hours for all bar
rooms. Tn some cities this is as early
as 9 o'clock.
Drinking Time Limited
American soldiers are allowed to
drink only light wines and beer and |
these must be consumed only be- '
tween certain hours, generally be- !
tween 1 and 3 p. m. and 5.30 and 8 '
p. m. The time for drinking varies in I
different camps, depending unon the |
occupation of the troops. Working '
units may drink only after working ''
hours, while other outfits may have i
an hour or so in the afternoon to '
get a thirst quencher between drills i
No wonder trapshooting is so popu
lar. Harrisburg marksmen, and this
city lias some stars, cannot stop talk
ing about John Henry, the barber at
Elkhart, Ind.. who recently won the
Grand American Handicap at Chicago
in a (leld of 598 of the tinest handlers
of the shot-gun in America. Henry did
this with a brand-new, single-barrel,
low-price shot-gun. Furthermore,
John Henry was rated a compara
tively poor shot, only an 82 per cent,
average man. Ho had other obstacles
to confront him, for this was only
his second registered tournament.
Yet John Henry triumphed over the
scores of shots who think nothing of
smashing 95 to 97 per cent, of their
targets straight through the year,
men whose shotguns were made by
the most skilled gunsmiths and cost
from $lOO to $5OO, men who have had
the means to shoot several days every
week right, through the year.
All of which proves that high aver
ages. wealth, leisure, costly guns, do
not alone assure victory in trap shoot
ing. Keen eye. steady nerve and de
termination are the best instruments
of victory. Speaking of the democ
racy of the sport, one marksman ob
served: "I have in mind one squad
which had, in order, a multi-million
aire, a carpenter, a college professor,
the Governor of a big state and a rail
road conductor."
Walter Johnson, of the Washington
club, leading pitcher of the American
League, yesterday was on an equal
in number of games won this season
with Jim Vaughn, of Chicago, the
leading pitcher of the National
League. Both have won twenty-one
Johnson's twenty-tlrst victory came
Monday in the fourteen-inning game
with St. and was also his eighth'
extra-inning victory. The Washing
ton club has played twenty-four over
time contests this season, being the
league leaders in this respect.
Just prior to his departure from
Roston with the Cleveland club for
Washington, last night. Tris Speaker,
the famous outfielder, announced his
intention of enlisting at the close of
the present season. Speaker will ap
ply for entrance to the Ground Avia
tion School at the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology in Boston.
John Dundee, of the West Side,
and Tommy Touhey, the tlame-haired
idol of Paterson, met in their fourth
ring battle at the Armory A. A.. Jer
sey City, and the question of fistic
superiority is still unsettled. Dundee
had a slight shade the better of the
milling Monday night; he also had a
shade under his eye where "Tommy"
slashed home a volley of hooks and
jolts. But there was nothing decisive,
and Touhey wants another chance.
I The last word in feminine sports
! manship comes from Australia, where
it appears that girls are now being
employed as jockeys. A New Zealand
I paper says that "there was recently
!an *exeiting incident at Riccarton
I (Christchurch) during training opera
| tions. Vascular, with a young girl in
the saddle, and Red Book on the lead,
broke away from the center of the
course and made a bee line for the
scraping sheds."
When Clark Griffith, foxy leader
of the Washington club, has to use
i Chase Is Accused
By Three Giants
Three members of the New
j York Giants have filed affidavits
j with John Heydler, acting presi-
I dent of the National League, sup
-1 porting serious charges made by
Christy Mathewson against Hal
\ Chase. The case is in the hands
! of Heydler for decision.
One of these players who has
testified against the former Cin
j cinnati first baseman who has
been suspended for the rest of
the season by the Reds, is Ross
Young. Another is Pol Perritt.
The identity of the third has not
been made known.
McOraw and Larry Doyle also
have conferred with August
Herrmann and Matty in refer
ence to the charges, but neither
one has filed an affidavit.
It is said that Perritt made a
grave accusation against Chase in
his testimony. It is understood
that on July 17, when the Giants
visited Cincinnati for a series,
Perritt was approached by Chase
prior to the first game of a
According to Perritt, Chase
asked him which of the two
games he would pitch. Perritt re
plied that he did not know. To
this Chase is supposed to have
"I wish you'd tip me off, be
cause if I know which game you
will pitch and can connect with
a certain party before game time,
you will have nothing to fear."
The affidavit continues that
Perritt whrned Chase not to ap
proach him again. He reported
the conversation to Manager Mc-
Graw. Incidentally, Perritt pitch
ed the first game and won, 2-1.
According to the Giants, who
are here for a series, the Cincin
nati players knew early in the
season that Chase was not giving
his best. This resulted in a spirit
of unrest among the players of
Matty's club.
"It is a shame that a player of
Chase's ability must face such se
rious charges," said Matty yes
terday. "Yet it would be a greater
shame for Mr. Herrmann and
myself, in possession of the facts
which we have at hand, to allow
Chase to continue in baseball."
The Evangelical-Kiwanis game
which was called off will be played
at the, West End grounds this even
ing aLtfhe usual time. It was an
nonncai at nooc *— "*
AUGUST 21, 1918.
tlie hook on one of his pitchers be l
cause of the hurler's wildness, he
proliably has a quiet little l'eminsecnt
laugh all to himself. For Griff, back
in the old days, hurled one of the
wildest games ever staged. It was
against the club Grift is now pilot
ing, too. _
Griff was pitching for St. Louis in
the old American Association days.
He tackled the Washington club one
day and either went blind or some
body kept'moving the plate. 11c walk
ed fourteen batters and took time
enough to hit - couple. He was so
wild, too, that the opposition couldn't
get a good swing at the elusive ball
and he held them to three hits and
won his game, 3 to 0.
Kntry blanks for the National A. A.
U. track and held championships, to
be decided in the new stadium at the
Great Lakes Naval Training Station,
September 20 and 23, were mailed
yesterday. Blanks were sent to 3,500
athletes scattered in Army and Naval
camps and in universities and ath
letic clubs throughout the country. It
is expected the total individual entry
list will exceed 500. The Central A.
A. U. alone will send 250 performers
to the meet. Kntries close September
1-1. This meet wil be the greatest ever
held in America and of more interest
to this country than any Olympic
Golf is getting to be so popular
and universal that after while there
will be mort golf stories than base
ball. The season contest is on full
tilt now. Other day one amateur told
how his drive had cut off a bird's
head so quick and clean that the bird
kept on flying. Only when he tried
to find his way home did he discover
he had lost his head. Now Mac Do
nald Smith, former Metropolitan chani
pian, comes along with a yarn of
the 1914 games when he established a
new record of 278 strokes for seventy
two holes. He relates:
"Coming to the eighth hole, which
was of the elbow variety, I sliced my
drive so that the ball went to the edge
of the fairway directly behind a thick
patch of wood that made the curve
in the line to the pin. To attempt to
loft over the woods was to try an al
most impossible recovery. The con
ventional thing—a shot that probably
ninety-eight out of 100 golfers would
make —would be a short recovery to
the middle of the fairway.
"But it so happened that there was
a formidable stone fence on the other
side of the fairway, right at the el
bow of the' line. It was very tempt
ing. I decided to take a long chance
and play out against that fence, hop
ing the ball would bounce fairly close
to the green. Under ordinary condi
tions T would not dream of trying such
a difficult shot. But everything had
been breaking so well that I went
ahead with it. Playing a low mid-iron
stroke the ball went straight to its
mark on the fence and it caromed all
the way to the middle of the green,
where only a short putt was necessary
to get a three for the hole, which
otherwise would undoubtedly have
cost at least five strokes. >
"This was truly a remarkable freak
shot. I would not suggest that golf
ers. unless they felt very lucky,
should try to rebound from stone
fences as the best way to get to the
Red Cross Benefit
Game by Steel League
Teams at Steelton
The Steelton ana Bethlehem teams
of the Bethlehem Steel League will
meet in a regular league contest on
the Cottage Hill grounds on Saturday
afternoon in a game for the benefit
of the Steelton Red Cross. The game
is scheduled to start at 2.30 o'clock.
The Bethlehem band is expected to |
be present to furnish music. Final I
arrangements will likely be made j
By Associated Press I
New York, Aug. 21.—Liberty 3 % '
per cent, bonds reached the new high '
record of 101.60 at noon to-day.
| Play Safe —
Stick to
because the quality is as good as ever
it was. They will please and satisfy
6c—worth it
( . Makers
French Premier Believes Vic
ton,' Will Come to Allied
Arms in Year
By Associated Press
Paris. Aug. 21.—1t is the belief of
George Clemenceau, the French
premier, that a complete triumph will
tie won during the present year by
the arms of the entente allies, and
that the war will have ended before
another year has passed, according
to the understanding reached by Uni
ted States Senator J. Hamilton Lewis,
of Illinois, of remarks of the premier
during a lengthy conversation with
him. The Sist of the conversation
with the consent of M. Clemenceau,
has been given to the Associated
Premier Clemenceail paid high
tribute to President Wilson as a con
structive leader and said he was
greatly impressed with Newton P.
Baker, the American secretary at
war, as a man of great resources.
The premier declared that when ttie
American troops arrived, uncertainty
existed as to whether they could
bring their undoubted courage Into
immediate action after having been
trained to a life of peace. The tir4t
showing of the American troops nttd
untaxed France with their bravery
and soldierly perfection, he said.
The premier • declared that tha
work of the American troops on the
battle field did more to terrorize Ger*
many than any other thing the enemy
has met. Ho said France had every
confidence now that this war was
on the way to immediate victory.
Senator Lewis said Premier Clem
enceau gave him messages to Presbj,
dent Wilson and the people of thA
United States.
Wnsliington, Aug. 21.—Naval rifle
ranges during tlte past week qualified
2,273 marksmen, 1,078 sharpshooters
and 603 expert riflemen and set new
records for range efficiency.
.On twelve ranges operating 661 tar
gets, 74,714 twenty-shot courses were
fired, giving an average of 113 per
cent, in range efficiency, the full use
of all targets during normal shooting
hours constituting 100 per cent.
During the week 1,611,000 rounds
of ammunition were fired, 300,000
rounds over any previous week.
The Navy Department announced
to-day that present ranges are being
considerably enlarged and five new
ranges established.
Goal I
is the subject most people are
talking about Just now.
We loan
on furniture and other securi
ties. for Just such emergencies.
Ca'll and see us today.
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by the State. B ,