Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
all ike jjjPjl The Plotters A New Serial of East and West By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER XXVIII. (Copyright, 1918, Star Company.) Although Elizabeth Wade was de termined that Clifford Chapjn should have no word with John Butler that night, she had reckoned without her hostess—as she was to discover later. Clifford did not return immediate ly to the veranda after his talk with Elizabeth. He was too much excited to be willing to face his parents and Butler just yet. He was also deep ly chagrined. He had been so sure of his ground, so secure in his self conceit, that his breath had been taken away by Elizabeth's recep tion of his accusation. f-he had not had the grace to be 1 lightened or ashamed. She evi dently did not realize that he could make things very painful for her if he wished. He did not explain even to him self how he would do this. But he went down to the shed where he kept the hired automobile, mutter ing over and over— "She'd better look out! She'd bet ter look out!" • * The car would serve as a reason for his staying away from the house until he could gain sufficient calm ness to appear as usual. He would explain that he had come down here to get the machine so that it would lie ready when he wanted it. As he worked about the automo bile. making sure that it was in good order, he thought out his prob lem. He Tries to Fathom It There must be some reason why this girl was so territleyd by the danger threatening her. She must care very little for Wade if she was willing to have his reputation to say nothing of her own ruined. Perhaps there was another man. Clifford Chapin stopped short, struck by an idea that seemed to illuminate everything. Now he understood. The girl had designs upon John Butler! He recalled trifles to which he had paid scant attention at the time of their occurrence. He remembered how Elizabeth Wade had spoken in a confidential aside to John Butler one evening when Clifford was about to take her driving. The pair had seem ed on remarkably good terms even then. He had it now! He saw through it all. Butler had supplanted Wade in the girl's esteem Butler was a richer man than was the young phy sician. And she had dared to defy and warn him Clifford Chapin! She was such a fool that she fancied he would let her get away with this kind of stuff! Well, he wouldn't! Consideration for his parents, and their position with regard to the own er of the farm, made it seem unwise to divulge to them just yet what he had discovered. But he would let Butler understand the whole thing. He would make an opportunity to "put Afim wise." He would get back at "hat girl in a way that she least sus pected. So she thought she could afford to defy him. did she? She knew he was New, Positive Treatment to Remove Hair or Fuzz (Beauty Xotes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of delatone for removing hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In two or three minutes it is rubbed off. the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. Xo failure will result if you are careful to buy genuine delatone. W3oB|ph "To make stronK. keen, red - blooded Ameri cans there IK nothing: In my experience which I have found >u valuable ax or- Kanic Iron—Novated Iron." nava Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly phy xieluu of tiellevue Hoxpltal (Outdoor Dept.l, .New York, aud the Westches ter County Hospital. Novated Iron often Increases the xtrenutli and en durance of weak, nervous, run-down people in two weeks' time. It is now belliic used by over three million peo ple annually, liieltitlinK such men as Hon. I.exile .VI. Shaw, formerly secre tary of the Treasury aud ex-Gover- Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results For real, downright, harassing, discomfort, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, erup tions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes, and other treatment applied exter nally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person be ing afflicted with any form of skin disease whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, it is but log ical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for pimples. * , _ I BUSINESS PAYS Today BUSINESS is the one BIG OVERSHADOWING VOCA ■ TION. Get ready for it. Get ready for a big place in the business ■ world. Complete one of our ACCREDITEE) courses, follow it H industriously and earnestly and your final SUCCESS is assured. We have thousands of young men and women in good post- H ttons, earning good salaries and achieving promotion constantly ■ —and is this not the highest test of a good school? Enter Any Monday—Ask For Free Catalog SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND HARRISBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST ■ TROUP BUILDING 15 S. MARKET SQUARE BELL 485—DIAL 4303 WEDNESDAY EVENING Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service *-* By Mci | going away this evening and sup-1 I posed that hfe would have no chance to divulge the truth to the man whom ! '■ she had fooled as she had tried to l ! fool him. He would show her her j | mistake. It might not be an easy thing to' get the ear of John Butler without making a scene. The only way for Clifford to do this would be to per- 1 | suade his mother to help him. She ' j was so unsuspicious that she would do his bidding unquestionably. He Leaves the Car Getting into the car, he drove it up to the front gate, stopping there in | stead of going up to the front door. j "Why did you leave the car down j there. Clif?" his father queried, when , j the young man came up on the ver anda. "You might as well have driven I it into the yard." "It's so dry here on the house! ; drive that it would raise a cloud of! dust over you people, so I thought I might as well leave it out there." ; Clifford evaded. He took a chair close by his ( | mother and, under cover of the gen- | ; eral conversation in which Eliza i beth led with an ease that maden- I ed him he made a request. ! "There's a little matter of busi ness 1 want to talk to Butler about," he murmured. "I would like to get j 1 the girl out of the way before I do! ! this, as I don't care to have her over- ; hear what I say. Just before I leave' i you might call her into the house for! 1 a minute.' That would give me a j chance for a word with him here. I I guess you can arrange it. can't you?" "Is anything wrong?" Mrs. Cbapin! i queried anxiously. ! "Oh. no." he assured her. "Nothing ; wrong. Everything's all right." His mother sighed with relief. "You're a dear boy not to say any thing more about that silly matter i i you was talking about this after ! noon." she said gratefully, patting ! his hand as it lay on the arm of his chair. The night was dark, so Clifford j did not object to this caress, for the : others could not see it. He was al- i 1 ways self-conscious and resentful t | when his mother gave vent to any] affectionate impulses or demonstra- j ; tions in public. "Oh, that's all right," he rejoined ' softly. "I did not want to make j things disagreeable for you and Pa. j | But for that, I'd have spoken mv mind." I I "It's best you shouldn't.'.' his i mother observed in the same tone. ! "It would only have started trouble I between Pa and Douglas Wade. | Just now Pa wants to keep on the ! right side of him. I don't see why he shouldn't keep on good terms i with him all the time. He's a nice! young man." To this remark her son made no i reply. He would not disturb his unsophisticated mother's peace oft mind. (To Be Continued.> nor of lonai former L'nlt ed State* Senator Ricb ard Holland Kenney of Delaware, at present Maj or of the 17. S Army) General John 1,. Clem IKetlred), the drummer boy of Shiloh. who wan sergeant In the U. S. Army when only 12 years of agei also I nlteil States Judge G. \V. At kinson of the Court of Claims of \\ n.sliington and others. \uxated Iron Is dispensed by nil good drug gists everywhere. blotches, sores, boils, rough, red and scaly skin, is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pollu tion that break through and mani fest their presence on the surface of the skin. People in all parts of the country have written us how they were com pletely rid *>f every trace of these disorders by the use of S. S. S., the matchless, purely vegetable, blood purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and puri fies and cleanses it of every vestige of foreign matter, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indicates per fect health. Write to-day for free medical advice regarding your ca3e. Address Swift Specific Co.. 443 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.—Adv. THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR X. DAVIS, D. D. S. . 4 (Copyright, 1918, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) (Continued) A German U-boat had sunk a British vessel upon which were some of the relatives of the crew of the liaralong. The crew of this U-boat was subsequently captured by the j Baralong, and according to reports j in Germany they were harshly : treated. Then it was reported that the Baralong had been captured and | that Iper captain and crew would be summarily dealt with. "I hear that we have captured the j captain of the Baralong." the Kaiser declared to me at that time. "If we; can prove that he's the man, we'll. lix him!" The manner in which the Kaiser spoke left no doubt in my mind that! the direst punishment would be: meted out to the unrortunate Brit- i ish captain. j Booty is undoubtedly a legitimate j incident of war, but it is legitimate . only as an incident. Otherwise booty j becomes loot. In any event, when i invading troops seize private prop- j erty it is customary to pay for it. j That the Germans were good takers but poor payers is revealed by two incidents which the Kaiser narrated to me. and the keen enjoyment "he | derived front them can be fully un- ; (ierstood only by those who know j how much the Kaiser appreciates! getting something for nothing. "Rumania wanted our gold for food products," he told me. "They demanded pure gold, and they set enormous prices on their wares; but we needed what they had to sell and we were ready to pay even the j outrageous prices they demanded. | And then they foolishly declared j war on us, and we got it all for nothing! When I spoke to Hinden-1 burg about the contemplated cam-1 paign against Rumania he said, | 'This will be a very interesting cam paign.' It was. We got all we! wanted and din't have to pay a penny for it." The Kaiser beamed all over as he contemplated the results of Ruma- ! r.ia's entry into the war. When the German troops entered Tarnapol. Russia, at a later time, they captured vast quantities of American-made supplies. "We were just figuring what this 0 MAKING THE MOST OF. ~ OUR CHILDREN \) A Series of Plain Talks to President of th. Parents Association. (Copyright, 11118, by the Parents Association, Inc.) Xo. 9. Do Your Children Like to Read? YOU are laying the foundations. of real contentment for your | child when you lead him to, know and love good books. The i child who likes to read is easily j amused, the youth who reads learns,] the man or woman who loves good; books is never without friends. •And books feed the imagination,. make treasure houses of the-mom-! ory, keep the dream faoulty awake, j The old education crushed the child's; imagination; the new education fos-1 ters it, knowing it is the child's most' priceless heritage. Unfortunately many children learn i to enjoy trnsh while many children never learn to take an interest in books of any sort. Those children are indeed to be pitied who grow up with a pronounced dislike for read-; ing good books. Here is an example. A mother > writes to me: "My nine-year-old daughter enjoys being -read to a great ' deal and I enjoy reading to her, I but my four-and-a-half-year-old ] twins do not enjoy it and rebel I every time a book is brought i forth. How would you deal with the situation?" Use suggestion in this manner: 1 With a new. attractive little book In your hand, suddenly appear to be ] very much amused. Laugh aloud so' that the boys' attention will be at tracted to jou When they look up] at you, as much as to say. "Well, what is It all about?" say, "Oh, this) is the funniest story! Little Jack j here started to ride a big dog andi when the dog started to run—-Come over and sit by mother a minute and we'll hear the rest of the story." The boy's naturally will do this. Now. in a very enthusiastic way, t read several short passages whirhj involve a great deal of action and,l when the boys are keenly attentive, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH seizure amounted to, and my army uoetors were strutting around as if they owned the world," declared the Kaiser, "when one of my officers was approached by a group of long haired, greasy Jews, who claimed that these supplies belonged to them. 'They are our private prop erty; we bought them and we should be compensated if you take them,' they contended. 'Did you pay for them?' my officer asked. No, we didn't pay for them, but we gave our notes,' they replied. 'Then, said my officers, 'when you take up those notes we'll pay for these stores; in the meanwhile we'll just take them.' We secured bandages, serums— everything in fact that we needed so very badly, and we got them all for nothing!" I did not know at that time that the German army lacked medical supplies, but later 1 saw paper bandages in use. I have previously referred to the Kaiser s defense of the use of Zep pelins against Paris, London and other nonmtlitary cities. He de clared that it was proper to make war on civilians, because England was endeavoring to starve Germany. On one occasion I pointed out to him that in 1870 the Germans had besieged Paris and had starved its population. "The' cases are entirely different," he answered, hastily. "Then we were besieging a city, and the civil ian population had plenty of oppor tunity to evacuate it before the siege began. England is besieging a whole nation, and trying to starve my women and children, who have nothing to do with war." I couldn't help thinking of - the "whole nations" which had been [ absolutely crushed under the Kai ser's heel—of Belgium, Servia and ' Poland. ; The Kaiser never admitted that i the destruction of the Lusitania was | r result of special instructions from I hint to the U-boat commander, but j in discussing the general subject of I submarine warfare he asked: "What right have Americans to | take passage on these vessels, any iway? If they came onto the battle field they would not expect us to I cut the story short at a most exciting j point, saying that you wish you I could finish it now, but you have to i attend to something in the kitchen. ; They, of course, will want to know j what is to happen next in the story, i And they probably will ask you for | the rest of it. Always manage so that they will ! be anxious for you to read to them ; more than you do. Always speak of - reading to them as a privilege, not I in so manv words, of course, but | through suggestion. Since they have < been in the habit of rebelling at the j idea of reading in general, it would be well at first to refer only to some particular book which you are teach ing them to likes. After using the correct method for a while they will ; enjoy hearing you read anything that ; they can get you to read. You might have the children make; < a book of their own. Furnish ma-1 ; terial for them to cut out animal pic ! tures and pictures of children and l | paste them in a scrap book. They will take delight ,in cutting pictures ! out of old magazines. Help them to| i write little expressions about the -mi-! ; mals. This will make the first reader i at school seem more interesting to ! them when they come to study it, j because the plan of pictures, fol | lowed by descriptions, is used in the I readers. It is natuval for mothers, who' have trouble interesting children, to: say, "Don't you want to listen to me read a while? Come on, sit, over here, I won't read long." But! this, obviously, is wrong. Children j should never be coaxed. The method prescribed is correct because it tends to create a desire ■ i in the child's mind'for the thing! I that you want Very little, if any thing. is gained by having children! j read, or listen to others unless theyj want to do so with all their will. i stop firing, would they? Why snould they expect any greater pro tection when they enter the war zone at sea? "Don't ever forget," he went on. "a bullet from a pistol would be enough to sink one of our U-boats. How can we stop and board vessels we encounter to ascertain whethe they are neutral and not carrying contraband? If what appears to bo a neutral should in fact prove to be a belligerent, or if a belligerent should heave to in response to our submarines, how can we safely send a boarding party over when a rifle shot from the vessel in question would send vis to the bottom? Ob t iously, if America persists in send ing munitions to the allies, there is but one thing for us to do—sink the vessels." When I suggested that while the \ ulnerability of the submarine un doubtedly lessened its value in con nection with the right of search which belligerents have under inter national law, still the law ought to be observed, the Kaiser interrupted me hastily with the remark. "International law! There Is no such thing as international law any more!" In that assertion, of course, lies the answer to all the questions which have arisen in connection with the conduct of the war. If the Germans recognized no international law but were guided solely by their ideas of expediency and the demands of "Kultur," then the whole course of the war became perfectly clear. The use of poisoned gas, the de struction of unfortified towns, the desecration of churches, the attacks on hospitals and Red Cross units, the countless atrocities committed against civilians and prisoners of war, require no other explanation. No such thing as international law any more! CHAPTER VII Domooruoy's Worst Enemy The great military machine which the Kaiser had built up during the first twenty-six years of his reign "for the purpose of maintaining peace" was constantly itching for war. There was a feeling among the militarists that while it was all right for the Kaiser to assume the role of the | "Prince of Peace" during the period !of preparation, it was possible to ' overplay the part. He so frequently | referred to the fact that his sole | purpose in maintaining a large army ! and navy was to maintain peace that the warlords of Germany began to fear that perhaps he might mean it. It was a grievous blow to the war party iri Germany when all their ef forts to precipitate a war in 1911 over the Moroccan affair fell down because of Austria's failure to back up Germany. Although they had no slight opinion of Germany's military Daily Dot Puzzle U 3 !' • 31 32 j ~7 *' 3 . 3 %..'•* ' "*• ? '-3 3 Z} 9- 39 * 6 '5 22 • 4o • - lOt A 4 18 H #4l 21 * i a • |# fc '. 4 'K Ml .15 .43 I • I& v. I ' 4S • 52 At SI Ml A California Wax Wing To trace will be the next thintf. Draw from one to two and so on to the end. power, it was considered dangerous to provoke a war without Austria's co-operation. It was better to wait until Austria could be forced into it. Germany readily acquiesced in the annexation by Austria of the Servian provinces of Bosnia and Herzogovina, which naturally embittered the Ser vians. because it was believed that thereby Austria would the more easily be coerced into the war which Germany intended to start when the opportune moment arrived. The murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the successor to the Austrian throne, and his wife, by a Servian on June 29, 1914, gave Germany the excuse for which she had been waiting so long to start a European conflagration and found Austria as anxious for war as her ally. But even had Emperor Franz Joseph shown reductance to plunge his nation into war and had Austria refused to chastise Servia for the murder of the Archduke I doubt very much whether the Kaiser would have allowed that event to have gone unavenged. It touched him in one of his most vulnerable spots. The sanctity of royalty is one of his most cherished ideas. He felt sponsor for the mon archies of the world, as we feel spon sor for the democracies. A thrust at a throne was a stab at the Kaiser's heart, and with or without the co operation of Austria, I firmly he j iieve he would hax - e gone to any lencths to have avenged the crime of Sarajevo. It is true that the Kaiser sent a [ message to the Czar of Russia in i which he pointed out that Austria | ought to be allowed to chastise Ser- I via without interference from the I other European powers, remarking, i "We princes must hold together," but there can be no doubt that that was very far from the outcome dear est to his heart. If, indeed, the pun ishment of Servia had been accom plished without war, the Kaiser would have been a most disappointed man. and if Russia had failed to mobilize her troops, which gave Ger many a pretext for crossing the Rus sian border I haven't the slightest doubt that Germany would have prodded Russia into war. anyway knowing that France would follow! ! bjiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiwßiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiwMn H M | When Living Room Furniture j | Is Sold at Our Low Sale Prices J I Its Buying Time For Thrifty Folks j | AS EXAMPLES OF THE SAVINGS OFFERED WE QUOTE j j | THE FOLLOWING: j M 3-Piece Tapestry Living Room I Queen Anne Davenport Table— Suite Mahogany frames— solid Mahogany regularly regularly $160.00. Sale $25.00. Sale Price ip&U >r ' ce William and Mary Davenport . M 1 2-Piece Tapestry Livinß Room $35 ■ Suite-Mahogany frames- larly $30.00. Sale Price V" g a loose cushion upholstery Library Table Mahogany fin- g regularly $200.00. Sale ish regularly $17.50. Sale jg p Price / Price T p =i n- -T- r• • „ Library Table—solid Mahogany . _ ■ Fri BU,ar ' y s3B ' s °' Si " ■ I larly $230.00. Sale Price.... &W '££ 'l soUd Maitogl' § =§ Chesterfield Davenport, uphol- any Gothic design (in win- == == stered in rich blue Velour— C* 10C dow) regularly $60.00. \CA §= H regularly $150.00. Sale Price.. $r Sale Price fr*** = gj' A Deposit Reserves Any Article for Late Delivery | North Market Square | jfauiiiin mi iiiiia7aiiiiiiiMiNiiiiia?MnnmiTmis^ k . s ■ i JgL. a, - AUGUST 21, 1918. "Der Tag," (the day) had come for which Germany had been planning and plotting for forty years and nothing on earth could now inter fere with the execution of the pro gram. How firmly the Kaiser was wedded to the dynastic idea and how deeply he abhorred the spirit of democracy was revealed throughout the whole course of his life, and in his con versations with me he frequently gave expression to views which dis closed how thoroughly he believed in the "divine right of kings." I saw him shortly after Wilson's election in 1912. "What will America ever accom plish with a professor at its head?" he asked, sneeringlyi "Davis, your country will never be truly great un til it becomes a monarchy!" On another occasion, he sneered at conditions in England. (To Be Continued. Good News For Diabetes Sufferers Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy produced astonishing results for Mr. Friqurt who had given up in despair. Following is a voluntary and as tonishing statement from Mr. Jules Friquet, of 511 West First street, Los Angeles, Cal. This certainly is evidence of the beneficial qualities of Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy and more convincing than anything we could say. Read this: "This letter is the best proof that 1 am still alive. Your medicine is a miracle to me. My weight was reduced from 157 to 114 pounds when I left the hospital. I left there August 6 in despair. Hun dreds of people that knew me said I would never live to return to my studio. After leaving the hospital, I saw your "Ad." in the paper. I Hair On Face De^flliraefc Ordinary hair growthe oaf, neck, and arma auon become coarae and briatly vrhen merely removed from the surface of the akin. The only romt-'ion-acnae way to remove objectionable hair la to attack It under the akin. DeMlracle, the original annltary liquid, doea thla by absorption. Only genuine DeMlracle bos a money-baek guarantee In eaeh package. At toilet counters In HOC. tl and 92 sizes, or by mail from us in plain wrapper on re ceipt of price. rprr book vrlth testimonials of highest nnthoritles, ex plains what causes hair, why it Increases and how IleMlrncle de vitalises it, mailed In plnln scaled envelope on request. DeMlracle, Park Ave. and 120 th St., New York. began its use and at once com menced to improve, and now every body is saying to me that I 100 l better than ever before. I tip tin scales at 132 pounds and I am bacl working again to the astonishmen of all. I feel splendid and peopli say I am looking better every day 1 must tell you that every word '. have written is true, and I can provi it by hundreds that knew of my con dition. Jules Friquet, 511 Wes First street. Los Angeles. Cal." Warner's Safe Diabetes Remed; is made from herbs and other bene ficial ingredients and has been oi the market forty years, a true indi ration of its value. Get a bottli to-day. Sold by leading druggists every where. Sample sent on receipt o ten cents. Warner's Safe Remediei Co., Dept. 266, Rochester, N. Y. 5