Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Friends of Miss Ethel K. Bald
win Entertain at Reservoir
Park in Her Honor.
Mrs. Luther docker, of Wcstvllle,
N. J., who Is spending the month
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.
lliegle, of 1448 Market street, arrang
ed a pleasant little picnic and mis
cellaneous shower yesterday after
noon at Reservoir Park in honor of
Miss Ethel K. Baldwin, whose mar
riage to Raymond C. Baker
an event of the very early autumn.
The guests enjoyed knitting, vari
ous pleasures of the park and a real
out-of-door supper. Following the
supper the guests surprised the bride
eleet when they heaped a huge mound
of daintily-wrapped packages upon
the table telling her they were gifts
for her new home.
Among the friends of the bride-to
be who made the prenuptial event a
delightful one for her. were Miss
Nelle Shrum, Mrs. Wayne Heckert,
Mrs. John Losey, Miss Violet Cole.
Miss Grace Daniels. Miss Mary Wilks,
of Carlisle; Miss Mnrjorie Luts. Mrs.
Arthur Shsul, Mrs. C. Riegle and Mrs.
Harry Baldwin.
Our Big Optical Sale of
Double Glasses
For Ten Days Only
In spite of increased prices
on all optical goods, we are
giving you the beneiit of this
most extraordinary price for
bifocal glasses. Gold-filled
frames, guaranteed, either nose
glasses or spectacles, for see
ing far and near, regular value
being $7.50, during this sale
A $£3.00 A
Eyesight Specialists
3-0 Market St. Over the Hnb
Open Wed. and Snt. Evenings
Hell Phone 43t!-J
Sec Vs to See Better
*> < i
g | Workmen are hustling and
i hustling with the finishing touches £PI
i hk v to the artistic ceiling which will $ |ji!
0 < beautify this new store.
pi l Then will come the electricians < |=g
Ite I —and then the new cases and fur- > Jjjjfaj
II ? In the meantime, many early > HI 1
? shoppers are selecting new frocks tA £
§||| anc? bonnets from our exclusive ||^f
Mp models, which are being shown in Igjj
1 our temporary quarters on the ipl
|| j 210 North Third Street |||;
I When We Are Passing
I The eyes of men and women I
alike undergo a decided ■
change. The type begins to
blur, the figures begin to H
dance, we "drop" a stitch.
This is nothing to alarm you.
i It is a perfectly natural condi
tion. Anyone who can do
f without glasses at forty is an
exception. If your eyesight is • K |
changing, restore it to normal
by wearing glasses, which we
will gladly supply after a care
ful examination.
. j 1 B
j ■ ■MMBMiMiIiI
Sergeant Charles Roeder
( Over With Pershing
■■■> < >
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Rocder
| have received word announcing the
! safe arrival of their son. Sergeant
j Charles H. Roeder, across the waters,
i Before sailing for France he was
I stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas,
with the Fifth Regiment Engineers
Corps. He was formerly an em-
Iploye of the Packard Motor Car Com
| pany.
Regular Story Hour
With Illustrated Tales
The Story Tellers League will hold
its regular weekly story ' telling
hour Thursday, August 22, at 10
o'clock in the gymnasium of St.
Paul's Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Harry Keffer, president of i
I the league, will preside at the meet- i
ing. A story will be told by Miss I
Dolores Segelbuunt. Mrs. W. N.'
Yates will tell several stories and;
illustrate them on a large black ■
Singing and games will follow thei
program. All children are invited \
to come. The parade will start, as
usual, at 9.45 o'clock from Green
and Woodbine streets.
Mrs. Rachel Black, 1109 Penn
street, is spending the week at Lo-1
cust Valley farm, near Mechanics- j
burg. Mrs. Black is 81 years old,
and the widow of the late Matthew I
Bracken Black, for many years aj
machinist in the employ of the Penn-j
sylvania railroad.
! A. H. Phiel, a Chambersburg!
business, was in Harrisburg
\ to-day on bis way to the farmers i
I picnic at Williams Grove.
Wedding of Miss Fissell and
Corp. Otto Takes Place
in Camp Upton
The wedding of Miss Edna May Fis
sell, of Carlisle, anil Corporal John
H. Otto, of Huntsdale detailed in the
columns of the Carlisle Sentinel Is of
loc'al interest due to the fact that
both young people are well known in
this city.
According to the Sentinel the wed
ding ceremony was performed in ihe
Main Hostess House at Camp Upton,
N. Y., Monday. August 12, in the pres
ence of about 100 guests, including
soldiers, and distinguished visitors at
the camp, among whom were Maude
Adams, Mrs. Mansfield, and Private
Edward Collins, of the 88th Division,
the pianist of Madame Schumann-
Helnk. who played the music for the
bridal party.
Mrs. Otto, a daughter of Mrs. James
McGonegal, of South Hanover street.
Carlisle, Is a well-known trained
Corporal Otto, is a son of the Jus
tice of the Peace and Mrs. W. P. S.
Otto, of Huntsdale. He Jias been in
the Army service, over a year during
which time he has been located at
the Fort Sam Houston, Training
Camp. Recently he was transferred
to Camp Upton. N. Y„ where he is
awaiting orders to sail. He is at
tached to the Telegraph Battalion of
the United States Signal Corps.
Miss Katherine Underwood, 642
Boyd street, has gone to Sykesville,
Md., to spend the remaining days of
August with her sister, Mrs. John
Graham Melville.
Miss Edna Bistline, 2211 Jeffer
son street, is visiting Miss Marjorie
Diller, East Penn street, Carlisle.
Augustus C. Faller, bridge and
building inspector for the Pennsyl
vania railroad, has returned from a
visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Conn Faller, South Hanover street,
Sergt. Schlothauer Is Home
From Camp Crockett, Tex.
Sergeant Paul Schlothauer, of the
United States Quartermaster's Pi
vision. who is located at Camp
I Crockett, Texas, has returned to
. camp after a fifteen days' furlough
| spent at his home in Landisville.
; During his leave of absence he vls
|ited relatives in Lancaster and va
rious nearby places and relatives
j and friends inHhis city and suburban
towns. During his stay in this city
he was a guest at the home of his
uncle, A. L. Geyer, qf 1916 North
Third street.
Sergeant Schlothauer enlisted in
the army at the outbreak of the war
and this is his first furlough in the
interim of his two years of service.
He is well known here where he has
[frequently visited.
Miss Lena Garfinkle, formerly with
jthe Glmbel Brothers store in Phila
delphia is now connected with the
Schleisner Store Company, of this
city. During her residence in this
city Miss Garfinkle will make her
home with her brother, Dr. B. M.
Garfinkle, of 1219 North Second
Mrs. John S. Vaughn, of14 South
Fourth street, has gone to Atlantic
City for the remainder of August and
the months of September and Oc
tober. From there she will leave for
Connecticut to visit at various places
and Boston. Mass.; where she will
spend a month.
Miss Carrie Colestock, of 1237
Chestnut street; Miss Mabel Bishop,
of 318 Crescent street, and Miss Susan
J. Riegel, of Steelton. are home after
a two weeks' stay in Atlantic City
and Wrlghtstown, N. J., where they
visited at Camp Dix.
Miss Geraldine Shover, Miss Made
line Shover and Miss Claire Eugene
Shover, of West Pittsburgh, have re
turned home after spending the sum
mer with their grandparents. Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. Adams, of 2056 Swa
tara street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Motter
and son, Marlin, of 2108 Brookwood
street, are spending some time in At
lantic City, N. J., and Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Landis, of
1816 Boas street, are spending the
week in Sunbury.
Mrs. E. Curzon Fager, of 25 South
Front street, is home after spend
| ing some time with Miss Mary Jor
i dan. of Altoona.
Penbrook Youth Arrives
Safely in France
Corporal Arthur E. Aungst, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Aungst,
Penbrook, has arrived safely in
France. He enlisted May 30, 1917,
before which time he was employed
at the First National bank. He is a
, member of Company C, ,sth En
For Enameled Furniture
Removes dirt. Mains a■ d
murks from enameled furni
ture, baby cnrrlugeH, metal
beds, plute almix. mirrors, etc.
Munufuctured and Hold by
j Hoover Furniture Co.
1 J
< ,
William H. Steckley
Celebrates Birthday
William 11. Steckley celebrated his
| eighty-fourth birthday pleasantly
yesterday at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Margarie E. Pairchild, 2016
Wallace street
Mr. Steckley has been a lifelong
resident of Harrisburg and Daaiphin
county. He is enjoying the best of
health. His many friends extend
Some Special Events
at the Hotel Conewago
Many guests are now registered at
the Hotel Conewago. Mount Gretna,
where dances and card parties are
almost nightly events. The chicken
and waffle suppers served there every
Thursday and Sunday evening con
tinue to Vie most popular.
Many attractions are being planned
for Labor Day and a card party and
dance will be given in the Hotel Audi
torium, Saturday. August 31.
Owing to the numerous requests,
.the hotel will "remain op&n this year
duriiig the month of September, and
reservations have been made by many
to enjoy the fall season at the beau
tiful Gretna resort.
The numerous affairs at the Inn are
arranged by Miss M. Emilie Patterson,
acting hostess at the Conewago this
Miss Kathryn Cleckner
Entertains Her Club
Miss Kathryn Cleckner entertained
the C. A. I. Society at her home, 1530
Green street, Monday evening.
The girls spent a social time knit
ting. Later refreshments were serv
ed. The next meeting will be held
at Reservoir Park.
The following members were pres
ent: Miss Helen Hargest Hoffman,
Miss Helen Levy, Miss Mildred Shees
ley. Miss Elanor Jones, Miss Ethel
Forney. Miss Emma Keeny, Miss Lil
lian Speakman, Miss Katheryn llpeder,
Miss Elizabeth Watts, Miss Katheryn
Miss Adeline Paul has gone to Camp
Missisquoi, Highgafe Springs, Vt„ to
be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
J. Piatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heftelflnger
and Miss Emma Frantz. of Hampton,
Va., are the guests, of Harrisburg
Miss Kathleen Johnson has returned
to her home, Lochwillows, Paxtonia,
after a visit with Miss Kathleen
Mackin, of Retreat, Pa.
Mrs. Robert A. Russell and daugh
ter, Miss Julian Hope Russell, of
Knoxville, Tenn., are spending some
time with Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Russell,
of Steelton.
Mrs. Harriet Hauck and daughter,
Miss Pauline Hauck, of 1614 Berry
hill street, are visiting relatives in
Kennett Square, Pa.
Mrs. A. L. Getfer, of 1916 North
Third street, spent yesterday with
relatives in Lancaster. |
Mrs. Margaret McClintic and Mrs.
Isabelle Buhen and children, Mar
garet and Billy, of Mifflin, are the
guests of Mrs. Edna Dunbar, 224
Maclay street.
Miss Laura Alice Stewart, of Phila
delphia, and L R. Titsworth, of this
city were united in marriage at 10
O'clock this morning by the Rev. Har
old H. Baldwin at his residence, 612
North Second street.
The bride wore a gown of dark blue
crepe de chine with hat to match,
and carried a bouquet of bridal roses.
The Bridgegroom is special agent
for the Hartford Fire Insurance Com
pany of this cityy. They left im
mediately for a honeymoon trip of
two weeks after which they will be
at home to their friends In this city.
Among the guests entertained re
cently by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kel
ler at Summerdale, were: Mrs. James
O. DeLancey, Mr. and Mrs. William
DeLancey, and Miss Laura DeLancey,
of Carlisle; Mrs. David Hollenbaugh,
Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller,
Mrs. Samuel Foltz and children, Park
and Martha Foltz, Mrs. Charles Hoyer
and children. Oliver and Moran
Hoyer, of Harrisburg; Miss Mary
Brickn.er, of York.
Mrs. B. W. Zarger and daughter,
Miss Marjorie Zarger, of Newark, are
visiting the former's parents, Mr.\
and Mrs. William B. Zug, 1711 Mar
ket street.
F. R. Stevens, agricultural direc
tor, Pennsylvania State Chamber of
Commerce, spent a short time in Har
risburg last week.
Mrs. Ramsey and daughter. Miss
Janet Ramsey, of St. Mary's, Elk
county,, are visiting Mrs. Edna Dun
bar, 224 Maclay street.
Mrs. Daugherty and daughter,
Mrs. Bthel Bitner, of 3 4 North Sev
enteenth street, are spending the
month at their cottage in Mt. Gretna.
Mrs. A. A. Brough and children, of
1849 Whitehall street, are home af
ter a several weeks' stay with friends
in Mt. Gretna.
Mf. and Mrs. Willis McCoy, of Sha
mokin, motored here for a visit with
Miss Margaret Atkinson, of 537
Peffer street, is home after a vaca
tion spent at Atlantic City.
Miss Helen McCaleb, of Walnut
street, who has been spending her
vacation on the Vassar Farm,
Poughkeepsie, will return home next
week for a visit with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Corpman. of 17
North Fifteenth street, are enjoying
a stay in Atlantic City.
Mrs." M. A. Jones, of Mifflintown,
is the guest of Miss Margaret Flurrie,
New Cumberland.
Miss Gertrude Ziegler, of 1901
Forster street, is spending several
weeks in Sunbury and Selinsgrove.
Wright's Orchestra
Colored, of Columbus, Ohio, will
sing and play for dancing at Sum
merdale Park Thursday, Friday and
i Saturday evenings, August 22, 23,24.
Admission, 40 and 60 cents.
Tells Germans More Than 20
Per Cent, of Its Merchant
men Are Destroyed
Madrid, Aug. 21.—Spain will utilize |
German vessels now in Spaniteh ports |
In place of Spanish ships sunk by j
German submarines and will continue j
to observe neutrality.
This decision is announced in an j
official statement issued after a meet- |
ing of the cabinet at San Sebastian, j
The Spanish ambassador at Berlin |
has been Instructed to inform the
German government of this action.
The cabinet statement reads;
"In the course of the recent meet
ings held at Madrid the government
considered the international- situa
Lose Ships and Sailors .
"As a consequence of the subma
rine campaign more than twenty per
cent, of our merchant marine has
been sunk, more than one hundred
Spanish sailors, have perished, a con- i
siderable number of sailors have
been wounded and numbers have
been shipwrecked and abandoned.
Ships needed exclusively for Spanish
use have been torpedoed without the
slightest pretext, serious difficulties
resulting to navigation.
"The government has believed It
is unable, without failing in Its es
sential obligations and without set
ting aside neutrality, to defer the
adoption of measures necessary to
guarantee Spanish maritime traffic
and to protect Spanish crews and
Will Scl/.e Interned Vessels
"Consequently, the government has
decided to address the Imperial Ger
man government and declare that
owing to reduction of tonnage to Its
extreme limit, it will be obliged in
case of new sinkings to substitute
therefor German vessels interned in
Spanish ports. This measure does,
not imply the confiscation of the
ships under definite title. It would
be only a temporary solution until
the establishment of peace when
Spanish claims also will be liqui
"Our Ambassador at Berlin has re
ceived instructions bring this de
cision to the notice of the German
government. The Spanish govern
ment does not doubt that the Ger
man government will appreciate the
circumstances determining this res
olution and will recognize that Spain,
in holding to the neutrality she has
practiced since the beginning of the
war,/ has sacrificed many of her
rights and legitimate conveniences
when it has been possible without
affecting the dignity of Spain and
her national life.
"The decision of the government
to assure for itself sufficient tonnage
which is indispensable to its exist
ence, does not affect its firm resolve
to maintain strict neutrality."
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Strong Sny
der, of Sheridan Road, Chicago, are
guests for a few days of Mrs. Isaiah
Snyder, 1008 North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Barker and daugh
ter, Miss Barker, of Regina
and Reservoir slreets, are spending
some time at their cottage, The
Shellbark, Stoverdale.
Miss Lucetta Steppe, of Sunbury,
has returned home after spend'ng
the summer with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ziegler, 1901
Forster street.
Willis McCoy, of Shamokin, re
turned home after a visit with his;
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. W.
Geesey, of 16 North Fifteenth street.
James P. Mangan has returned
to his home in Parkesburg after a
visit with relatives in this city.
"When David returned from thej
slaughter of the Philistines, the
women came out of ail cities of j
Israel, singing and dancing to meet j
King Saul, with tabourets, with joy, j
and with ir.cti uments of music."
2112 North Sixth Street, adv. I
Your Eyes
Are Your World
Have you ever tr.'ught how
much worry ar.J pain you
would have if vour eyes be
came useless? Not a very
happy thing to contemplate.
We havs all thj modern optical
instruments with which to
examine your eyes and deter
mine their exact conditions.
We'll tell you the truth about
your eyes.
Registered Optometrist
213 I.ocuot St. Next Door to Orpbeum
Funeral Flowers
less than any other
place in town.
A Beautiful Spray 88c
A Handsome Wreath $3.98
814 N. 3rd St. 157 N, Front St.
Harrisburg Steelton
Authorities Reticent on
Hearing of Pilferers
Justice of the Peace I. W. Matter
before whom a dozen Wormleysburg
residents were given a hearing on a
charge of pilfering coal cars on the
low grade line of the Pennsylvania
railroad at Wormleysburg would not
say who the citizens were nor could
| the names of the trespassers be ob
tained from railroad company offi
At any rate a dozen or more West
Shore residents were given a hear
ing last evening on this charge, and
according to reports were fined and
( severely reprimanded. The West
Falrvlew Justice when asked by n re
porter what tines were imposed he
■ replied, "$lO, which were all ro
• mitted." Further than this the
squire would not discuss the pro
| ceedings.
: Investigation of trespassing
(and coal car pilfering was conducted
I by men from the office of Captain
Barclay of the Pennsylvania railroad
I police force. According to Captain
Barclay detailed reports of the in
vestigation have not as yet been
made and he was unable to give any
further information in the matter.
Major Clyde J'. McConkey Just re
turned from France, was yesterday
the guest of his sister, Mrs. H. H.
Baldwin, 612 Nortli Second street.
Major McConksy has been detailed
to this country as an instructor in
our army cantonments for a few
Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, but Because Qualities Are Better |
Tomorrow, Thursday, Will Bring Four
Hours of Active Merchandising Through
Th ese Extraordinary Values
Store Closes Tomorrow, Thursday, at Noon
S9c value Ladies' Union Suits; Thursday,
48 $
50c value Ladies' Union Suits; Thursday,
35c value Ladies' Vests; Thursday .. 350
25c value Children's Gauze Drawers; Thurs
day 170
25c and 50c value Elastic Belts; Thursday,
50c value Vanity Boxes; Thursday ... 37$
50c value Pocket Books, all colors; Thurs
day 35$
25c value Slightly Soiled Belts. Thursday,
19c value Ladies' Fancy Linene Handker
chiefs; Thursday 110
39c value Children's Parasols; Thursday,
35c value Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs;
Thursday, 6 for : 250
39c value Bathing Caps; Thursday .. 250
5c value Pearl Buttons; Thursday, card, 30
10c value Shoe Trees; Thursday, pair .. 70
10c value Children's Hose Supporters;
Thursday, pair 70
10c Hair Nets, with elastic; Thursday, 3
for 100
3c value Hooks and Eyes; Thursday, card,
10c value Cabinets of Wire Hair Pins, as
sorted; Thursday 80
10c value Dressing Combs; Thursday ..70
5c value Tomato Pin Cushions; Thursday,
•17c and 19c value Curtain Scrims in Rem-
nants, 1 to 2 yards; Thursday, yard . . C>o
35c value Dress Ginghams, fancy plaids;
Thursday 290
$l.OO value Silk Stripe Skirting, 33-inch
width; Thursday 750
10c value Colored Braids, slightly soiled;
Thursday 10
5c value Asbestos Iron Holders; Thursday,
39c value Lace Trimmed Scarfs; Thursday,
75c, value Stenciled Crash Cushion Slips;
Thursday 500
42-inch stamped Pillow Cases; Thursday,
pair 850
15c value Hand Crocheted Doilies; Thurs
day 190
Lot of Sheet Music; Thursday 30
15c value Kleeno Floor Polish; Thursday,
15c value Hollow Handle Forks; Thursday,
25c value Soiled Collars; Thursday ... 150
50c value Soiled Collars; Thursday .. 250
50c value Jabots; Thursday 380
25c value Organdie Collar and Cuff Sets;
Thursday 190
89c value Enamel Dish Pans; Thursday,
Lot of 50c value Fancy China; Thursday,
25c value Cut Floral design Water Glasses;
Thursday 150
25c value Cut Floral design Sherbet Glasses;
•Thursday 190
25c value Sherbet Glasses; Thursday . .190
Sale of White Austrian China for Decorating
At Especially Low Prices
Large Salad Dishes 250 I Candleshades, each 150
Cream Pitchers and Sugar Bowls, each, Oatmeal Bowls, each 150
250 | Salts and Peppers, each 90
Ramakins, each 150 | Assortment of odd pieces, each ...... 50
B lyll Department Store
Vl"?/ Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market St Opposite Courthouse
AUGUST 21, 1918.
Williamstown Mine Strike )
Settled by Arbitration;
William, town. Pp., Aug. 21. —Af-■
tcr being on a strike which shut,
down the entire plant .since August;
12, the fort.v-tlve drivers at the Wil
liamstown mine of the Susquehanna j
Collieries Company returned to work
this morning. Striking for increased]
wages, the men returned to work at
the old scale of wages.
Their decision to return to work !
was reached late lust evening after:
they had met with Secretary Gor-!
man, of Hazleton, of the Anthracite ;
Board of Conciliation. Because of!
the lateness of time at which the
decision to return to work was;
reached, only about fifty per cent, of,
the almost one thousand workers are;
at their duties to-day. The rest nrei
j expected to return to-morrow. On I
lan average day, 1,000 tons of coal j
! are produced at the Williamstown i
! mine.
Lock Haven Soldier Captive I
in German Prison Camp j
Washington, D. C., Aug. 21. j
Among the Pennsylvania soldiers;
held in Germany as prisoners are:
Raymond E. Berry, Salona; Wil-j
liarn A. Dickey, Mill Hall;' Lee G.!
Hanna, Castanea; Lewis W. Gibb, j
Lock Haven; Lieutenants Edward R. j
Taylor, Bellefonte; William Brown, I
25c value Lavalieres; Thursday 150
29c value Light Percales, 25 inches wide;
69c value Plaid Voiles; Thursday .... 330
10c and 12c value Venise Insertion; Thurs
day 50
25c value Venise Bandings, slightly soiled,
Thursday 10$
39c value Children's Sandals; Thursday,
19c value Ladies' Black Gloves; Thursday,
59c value Ladies' Fancy Stripe Hose;
39c value Plain Moire, Fancy Stripe and
Floral Ribbon; Thursday 200
15c value Baby Caps; Thursday 3$
$2.00 to $2.50 value Ladies' Trimmed
Hats, lisere, leghorn and hemp; Thursday,
25c value White Duck and Khaki Hats;
$1 Children's Trimmed Hats; Thursday,
$2 and $2.50 value Children's Trimmed
Hats; Thursday 49^
25c value Peanut Hats; Thursday ... . 70
50c value Peanut Hats; Thursday 130
39c and 50c value Fancy Millinery Trim
mings, Thursday 90
75c and $l.OO value Millinery Trimmings;
Thursday j 9^
Ladies' Trimmed Hats, lisere, leghorn and
hemp; $3 to $3.50 values; Thursday,
10c value Filet Lace and Insertion; Thurs
day V 50
value Dust Caps; Thursday 90
35c value Children's Aprons, sizes 2, 4 and
6 years; Thursday J9O
50c value Boys' Pants, sizes 6 to 14 years;
Thursday 290
29c value Children's Skirts; Thursday, 190
50c yalue Aviation Hats; Thursday . . 290
25c value Corset Covers; Thursday .. 150
35c value Kleen-O Oiled Floor Mops;
Thursday 250
85c value Brocaded' Silks; Thursday .. 590
$l.BB value Silk Foulards; Thursday, $l.lO
88c value Silk and Cotton Foulards; Thurs
day • 590
39c value Plain and Dotted Silk Mousse
line ; Thursday ; 290
$l.OO value Silk Shirtings; Thursday, 590
65c value Silk and Cotton Poplins, short
ends; Thursday 390
$1.50 value Sailor Hats; Thursday .. 590
$3-50 to $5.00 value Sailors; Thursday,
50c value Men's Canvas Working Gloves,
with leather palms; Thursday 350*
Val Laces and Insertions; Thursday, yd.,
50c value White Voile Waistings, 36 inches
wide; Thursday 350
50c to $l.OO value large size rtiadeup Chil
dren's Dresses, stamped; Thursday,
350 to 750
50c value White Rompers; Thursday, 390
HAM'H I. I'l l HI. TO
Ralph I. I">cihi. eashier of tl'o
Hummelstown National Bank, has
been elected loan teller of the
Mechanics Trust Company and will
take up his now position on Septem
ber 1. Jfis successor at the Hum
nielstown institution has not yet been
Mr. Deihl succeeds Wayne Singer
at. the Mechanics Trust. Mr. Singer
has gore to Bloomsbnrg where ho
has taken up the duties of treasurer
of the Columbia County Trust Coin*
Sergeant Charles E. Beck, of Head
quarters Tank Corps stationed atj
Gettysburg, spent a short furlough
with his father, David Morris Beck,
2206 Jonestown road.
We offer you a guaranteed M
pair of perfect vision gold filled ■
glasses, first quality spherical 8
lenses, for
Sechrist, $3.00 |
Eye Sight Specialist
9 N. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) H
Over Five Years at This Address H