Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Cumberland Valley
Mechunicsburg Chapter Will
Have Charge of Main Fea
tures at Grove Tomorrow
Mcclwnicsburg, Pa., Aug. 21.
Tomorrow at the second annual
Farmers' and Industrial Exhibit at
Williams Grove, from August 19 to
24, an effort will be made for a big
lied Cross day in charge of the Rev.
H. Hall Sharp, chairman of the
Meehanicsburg chapter. At 2 o'clock
in the afternoon a Red Cross parade
will be held in which workers from
Meehanicsburg, Dillsburg, Bowmans
clale, Williams Grove and farming
districts will participate as well as
three bands, and all exhibitors.
Addresses' will be im
mediately after the parade from the
speakers' rostrum by Prof. Charles
Richardson, a representative from
the national headquarters of Wash
ington, D. C.. whose message will
be full of interest with the latest
data from the national capital on
the war situation and the great mis
sion of the Red Cross. Also Cap
tion Frank Schwab, an English offi
cer will speak. He belonged to
Kitchener's "first one hundred
thousand," and h a member of the
British Field Artillery. He has had
long service in France and also in
Egypt. It is hoped that one of
Pershing's men will be present. A
good representation of the Mechan
icsburg chapter will "tag" the crowd
ind sell Red Cioss funs. In addi
tion an interes-:nr, feature will be
the booths from which fortunes will
be. told. About 200 dolls will be on
sale as well as ice cream, and cold
Street Sweeper Dumps
Refuse Into Automobiles
Carlisle. Pa., Aug. 21.—Carlisle j
auto owners who have been prepar
ing to go after a supposed practical !
joker with guns have been much 1
relieved by the arrest of the man who j
has been tilling the tonneaus and ■
seats of cars with dirt and debris ,
swept from the streets.
For several days past cars left j
parked for some time in the center |
of town were found filled with street i
sweepings. Ownesrs thought they j
saw the hand of a practical joker j
and vowed vengeamce. The mys- |
tery was cleared tip yesterday after- j
noon when Fred Boyer. a street em
ploye was seen to empty a can load
of sweepings into the auto of a local
He was arrested and held. He has
been acting strangely and his mental
attitude will be the subject of ex
Finding of Honey Solves
Sugar Problem For Family
Mechnnlcsburg, Pa., Aug. 21.—The
sugar problem is solved for some
time for John Culp, Jr., of near Rox
bury, by a large swarm of bees which
gave him honey enough for a long
time. The bees were working in the
cornice of the roof, making it dan
gerous for persons to be in that lo
cality, Finally, Sir. Culp decided to
get rid of the insects and with the
assistance of John Myers, of Mechan
icsburg, succeeded in opening the
cornice and to their surprise re
moved about forty pounds of honey
and the next evening practically the
same amout was obtained. The find
is of especial value at this time,
when sugar is scarce.
Returns From France to
Train Men at Camp Dix
Carlisle. Pa., Aug. 21.—After serv
ing valiantly in the trenches in |
France, Sergeant Ray Finkenbinder,
formerly of Carlisle, has just return- I
ed to this country to aid in training 1
new men. Relatives have just learn- |
ed of his transfer through letters,
he being the only member of his unit
to be selected for such service. Ser
geant Finkenbinder is now stationed
at Camp Dix as a specialist in bay
onet work and bomb throwing.
Mechanlcshurg, Pa.. Aug. 21.—0n
display in the window of the insur
ance office of Happle and Swartz is
a German helmet, which is attracting
the attention of the people. It was
sent here by Colonel J. Weir Gris
singer from France, to his wife, who
is spending some time with her
father, John M. Underwood. West
Main street. A huge deep dent in
the crown of the helmet 1s probably
self-explanation as to why the wear
er parted with his head gear. It
looks as though the butt of a gun had
done the work.
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—-Ail
Builds Health
Saves Fuel
Conserves Wheat
Saves Suo,ar
, lessens Work
Deliciotis-Ecoiiomical J
Home of Co. G, Eighth Regi
ment, Held by ex-Members
of Command During War
Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 21.—T0 care for
the Armory here, used as the home
of Company G. Eighth Regiment. Na
tional Gqards of Pennsylvania during
the absence of the members in active
service in France, former members
of this organization and of the Gobin
Guards Association, the civic organ
ization of the company, have formed
themselves into an association.
The Armory here was built by pub
lic subscription and was the property
of the Gobin Guards Association, a
civic body, membership in which was
also vested in the men in service
with Company G, of the Eighth Regi
ment. When a man ceased to be a
member of the 'Eighth, through trans
fer or discharge, his membership in
the Gobin Guards ceased. As a con
sequence, when Company G was mus
tered into Federal service, as the
bylaws are interpreted by a num
ber of former members, the Gobin
Guards Association went out of exis
tence. '
The new organization contains
many of the famous guardsmen of
other years and is headed by W. G.
Speck, of Carlisle, for many years
lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth.
[Continued from First Page.]
schooners sunk by the Triumph have
arrived here.
Sinks Three Vessels
Vessels known to have been sunk
by the converted raider are the Una
P. Saunders, of Lunenburg; the A.
Piall Andrew, of Gloucester, Mass.,
and* the Francis J. O'Hara, of Bos
Captain Wallace Bruce, master of
the A. Piatt Andrew, said on his
arrival here that his vessel was
help up by the Triumph yesterday
afternoon and that he and his crew
were given ten minutes to leave the
ship. The Germans then sank her
with bombs.
Crews Reach Port in Dorics . .
The raider than bore down upon
the Una P. Saunders and the Fran
cis J. O'Hara and sank them like
wise. The dories carrying the
crews of the three vessels reached
here at 10 a. m. to-day. The fisher
men say that while making for this
port they heard firing and believed
other fishing vessels were sunk by
the raider.
Captain Myrrhe, master of the
Triumph, who landed here with his
men this morning, said he was told j
by the captain of the submarine
which captured his vessel that his
was only one of six U-boats operat
ing on this coast.
"We intend to destroy the fishing
fleets," the German commander said
to Captain Myrrhe.
An Atlantic Port. Aug. 21.—A Ger
man submarine late yesterday seized
the big fishing trawler Triumph.
The crew, who have reached shore
safely, said they believe the Germans
intend to use the trawler as a raider.
The fishermen reported that the Ü
boat is "playing havoc" with the
fleet of fishing vessels on the Grand
The Triumph was halted on the
fishing banks by the U-boat and the
crew was permitted to take to the
dories. The fishermen said the
trawler still was afloat when they
last saw her. An .armed guard of
Germans had been placed aboard
and no preparations were being
made to sink the ship, the Triumph's
men said. This led to the conclusion
that the Germans intended to use
her as a raider.
The Triumph is owned by the
North Atlantic Fisheries Company
and is one of the crack boats of the
Boston, Aug. 21.—Fishermen here
said to-day that if the German sub
marine made use of the trawler
Triumph seized yesterday as a raider
they would have to recoal the craft
at least every ten days. The Tri
umph is manned entirely by a Ca
nadian crew and is owned by a Ca
nadian company. The vessel is 125
feet in length, 15 feet deep with a
22-foot beam, and registers about
250 tons gross.
Fishermen said ;he scene of the
attack undoubtedly was oil the
western b/nks, off the Nova Scotia
■ coast, in the open sea and outside
the three-mile zone of Canadian
waters. New Englahd vessels have
not visited the western banks since
German submarines were first re
ported in the Bay of Fundy several
weeks ago.
Glotictster, Aug. 21.—The message
from Captain Bruce, received by the
John Chisholm Corporation, owners.
made no reference to the sinking; of
the schooner by the trawler Tri
umph, seized yesterday by'a German
"Sunk by submarine yesterday, 3
p. m„ all safely landed," It said.
The A. Piatt Andrew, a vessel of
141 tons gross, sailed from here Au
gust 9.
Boston, Aug. _2l.—Confirmation of
the reported cincture of the trawler
Triumph by a German submarine
end the arming' of the craft a3 a
raider was received by naval authori
ties to-day. The trawler as press dis
patches had indicated, was equipped
with two guns and a wireless out
[Continued front First Page.]
board No. 1, 15 men; No. 2, 39 men;
No. 3, 37 men.
The quotas follow:
City Board No. 1
Samuel Naylor Farmer, 1429 North
William Horace Knisely, Savoy
George Roy Gaist, 1317 Pike.
Charles Henry Hertz, 1124 Mont
• Herbert Franklirt Hess, 611 Cum
Earl Clifton Miller, 413 Broad.
John Frederick Trace, 1810 Green.
Herman Beard Lutz, Washington
John Richard Davis. 2137 Moore.
James Franklin Foltz, 245 Chest
nut, Sunbury.
Louis Cohen, York.
Eugene Ralph Lutz, 593 South
Earl Francis Hoover, 212 New
street, South Bethlehem.
John MaeAtee, 1086 South Ninth.
Thomas Henry Schoffer, 143
Morris Yeoman Feagley, 315 Mar
James F. Doran, 415 Cumberland.
Leroy Frank Buford, 314 Verbeke.
Oranzio I'anosetti, 313 Cherry.
Edward J. Connell, 13 40 South
James Herbert Anderson, 13 20
DeForrest Motter Lescure, SO3
North Second.
Milton Jacob Holtzhopple, 1539
Michael Acri, 113 Dock.
Robert Raymond King, 120
Charles David Porter, 1502 North
Charles R. Howland, 820 North
City Board No. 2
Lester Bender, 620 Hamilton.
Harry A. Colestock, 1237 Chestnut.
Solomon S. Emanuel, 125 North
Dr. John L. Arnold. 1509 Market.
Clarence E. 'Allison, 2138 North j
Lester J. First. 55 North Tenth.
William A. Gilbert, Carlisle.
William H. Lehr, 1329 Berryhill..
David H. Burn, 1312 Walnut.
Maurice C. E. Fillmore, 27 For
Thomas B. Schmidt, 58 North
William B. Wenrich, Jr.. 1211
Luther C. Wurster, 1807 Market.
Earl G. Moser, 1534 Walnut.
Merl B. Hess, 1333 Liberty.
Merrill H. Caton, 28 Evergreen.
Clarence S. Whisler, 75 3 South
Charles B. Jacoby, South Twenty
Norman M. Eberly, 48 Balm.
Clarence N. Bell. 13 42 State.
John A. McMullen, 13 North Thir
Carol F. Marks. 620 South Thir
Peter T- Yokes, 5 Grace/
George E. Beshore. 1218 Market.
City Board No. 3
David I/. Sweger, 1427 North
Howard Miller, 1941 North
Dontenick Longo, 1727 North
Howard M. Campbell. 328 Kelker.
Howard B. Yost, 1827 Susque
Harrv C. Siders, 11509 Logan.
Givin M. Harvey. 236 Muench.
John A. Cormier, 241 North
Twelfth street. Philadelphia.
Lawrence'C. Rexroth, 1519 North
Robert James Lusk, 2160 North
Walter Mower. 1934 Fulton.
Ray Clinton Clay, 630 Relly.
Cloyd Dean. 1217 Julia.
Walter Ray Shaffer, 2401 North
Carl E. Fry. 642 Reily.v
Stcelton Board
Enna W. Reigel,' West London
derry township.
Hiram W. Slesser, Middletown, R.
F. D. No. 2.
Fred Stickle, 370 Christian street,
Elmer Stauffer, 1511 North Sixth
street, Harrisburg.
Howard Wei rich, 58 State street,
Charles Blair Hartman, Railroad
Y. M. C. A„ Freedom.
Orville Frank Beidel. 30 South
Third street. Steelton.
Paul Francis Flury, 255 Spring
street, Middletown.
Guiseppe Guerrise, 339 South
Fourth street, Steelton.
Walter Stauffer Seiders, 328 Mul
berry street, Steelton.
John Nicholas Borrel, Highsplre.'
Earl Benjamin Fishburn, Middle
William Carl Bausman, Middle
town, R. F. D. No. 1.
Charles Edward Pugh, 248 South
Second street, Steelton.
John Henry Seitz. Royalton.
Elizabcthvillc Board
Harry Saiada, Lykens.
Paul Jury, Millersburg.
Jake Lenker, Millersburg, R. D.
Herman Smith, Halifax.
John Prenzel, Halifax.
Roy Rutter, Millersburg.
Aloysius Platzer. Ljikens.
Samuel Snyder, Elizabethville.
Forrest Evans, Wiconlsco.
Robert Orndorf, Millersburg.
Ray Hoffman, R. D.
Monroe Welker, Tower City, R. D.
Lester Enders, Enders.
Alvn Sheets. Enterline.
Guy Klinger, Gratz.
Lawrence Hartman, Berrysburg.
Harry Reisch, Halifax.
Stanley Cresswell, Loyalton.
Charles Kelker, Spring Glen.
Charles Hetrich, Elizabethville.
Homer Umholtz, Gratz.
John Etzweiler, Millersburg.
Walter Ramer, Gratz.
Thomas Cook, Lykens.
Joseph Graham, Williamstown.
Charles W. Miller, Williamstown.
Jacob M. Shade, Gratz, R. D.
Lee Zeigler, Elizabethville.
Clem Koppenhaver, Berrysburg.
Lee Smeeder, Millersburg.
Frank Sultzbach, Millersburg.
Joseph Shuttlesworth. Williams
Charles Link, Millersburg.
Steven Raho, Williamstown.
John Murray, Williamstoyn.
William Haln, Elizabethville. R. D.
Charles E. Sweigart, Halifax, TT.
D. 2.
"Music is "B old as history and
from the era of the first of the kings
lo too piesent timemusic has ev>r
held an Itonoied place in the life
el the peoples of the earth."
2112 North Sixth Street, adv.
/ J
y /V,
To the friends, relatives and
families of Pennsyl
vania Soldiers in
- ■ ■ Frame:—
s i
• * ' / . 1 '
ON SUNDAY, August 25, the PUBLIC LEDGER will issue a special Pennsylvania
Hero Section, devoted to a description of the heroic deeds with which Pennsyl
vania's soldiers have distinguished themselves in France.
% *
It will be the first complete publication of all the stories of individual heroism
that have been reported separately by Raymond G. Carroll, the news associations and
official dispatches. ,
It will contain photographs of Pennsylvanians killed, missing, decorated or to be
decorated —an Honor Roll of undying fame.
It will give the history and personnel of Pennsylvania regiments in the firing line
<■— where they organized, where and when they were trained, when sent overseas, what
they have done in battle.
There will be letters from soldiers in France to their "home folks" over here,
letters telling just what our boys think of it all.
In future years this supplement will become a treasured memento in every
Pennsylvania home fortunate enough to possess a copy. <
Nothing like this Hero Section has been published since the war began.
Every home with a man in the army will want one or more copies, regardless of
ordinary newspaper preferences. This demand is certain to quickly exhaust the edition.
To avoid disappointment, notify your dealer immediately to reserve your copy.
' :
AUGUST 21, 1918.
Meeting to Enlarge Camp
Hill Red Cross Branch
Camp Hill, Pa., Aug. 21.—A rally
to encourage enlargement of the
present membership of the Red
Cross Auxiliary and to create a
stronger get-together spirit will be
held in the Methodist Church to
morrow evening at 8 o'clock. An
effort is bqtfig made to have Cap
tain frank Schwab, of the English
Army, and Professor Charles Rich
ardson, of the Red Cross National
Headquarters at Washington, to
speak. Burgess H. C. Zacharias Is to
preside at the meeting. Community
singing, conducted under the leader
ship of Mrs. E. O. Pardoe, will fea
ture the meeting. Red Cross workers
from Harrisburg headquarters and
delegations from West Shore towns'
are expected to attend.
Canning Demonstrations in
Perry Start at Marysville
Marysvillc, Pa., Aug. 21. The
first of the series of eighteen food
cunning demonstrations arranged for
Perry county during the latter part
of August by food Administrator
Dorwart, of Newport, will bo held
here tWis evening on the Methodist
I Episcopal Church lawn. This lecture
and demonstration, scheduled to
start at 7 o'clock, will be given by
Miss Mary Whiting, of the Pennsyl
vania State Farm Bureau Extension.
To-morrow afternoon Miss Whiting
will give a demonstration at New
Buffalo and in the evening she will
be at Duncannon.
Marysvillc, Pa., Aug. 21. Miss
Adella Smith, daughter of Mr. and
i Mrs. C. B. Smith, of Dahlian street, [
will leave to-day for Philadelphia, j
where she will enter the German)
Hospital for training as a nurse. She
was graduated from Marysville High
school in June and is the second
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Your Hair
When you wash your hair, bo I
careful what you use. Most soaps
and prepared shampoos contain too
much alkali, which is very Injurious,
as it dries the scalp and makes the
hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap, and beats the most ex
pensive soaps or anything else all
to pieces. You can get this at any
drug store, and a few ounces will
last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with wa
ter and rub It in, about a teaspoon
ful Is all that is required. It makes
ail abundance of rich, creamy lather,
| cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
] easily. The hair dries quickly and
I evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
I bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han
' die. Besides, it loosens and takes
j out every particle of dust, dirt and
I dandruff.
member of the class to take up nurs
ing as a profession. Miss Alda Gault
is also in training in a Philadelphia
Liverpool, Aug. 21. —G. C. Shuler
was taken to the Harrisburg City.
Hospital to-day for treatment.
About a month ago Mr. Shuler was
injured while stopping a runaway
team and injuries sustained then to
gether with a general breakdown
necessitated his removal to the hos- A
Certificated Shorthand Teacher,
formerly 15 years with the
leading business schools of
Philadelphia and New England.
Principal of
Office Training School
121 Market St.
(Kaufmun's Store Bldg.)
Day School, Sept. 3 "
Night School, Sept. 4
Call or phone for reservations
now. The registration is in
creasing very rapidly. Nearly
200 In Day and Night School
This Is the Greatest Busi
ness School in Harrisburg
Bell 00411 Dial 401tt