Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 16, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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The Kaiser frequently accused tho
Americans of being dollar-worship
ers and tho English of being ruled
by Mammon, but that he himself
Was not totally unmindful of tho
value and power of money was
clearly revealed by tho manner In
which he catered to people of
wealth in recent years.
The richest man in Berlin (|nd one
of the richest in Germany was a
Hebrew coal magnate named Fried
lander. The Kaiser ennobled hint
and made him von FriedJander-
Fuld. Another wealthy Hebrew to
whom the ' Kaiser catered was
Schwabnch, head of the Bleich
roeder Bank, one of the strongest
private banks in Germany, and he.
Girls! Make bleaching lotion
if skin is sunburned, !
tanned or freckled j
'1 I , lITI II - L '
Squeeze the Juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and
completion beautifler, at very, very
small cost
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of Orchard
White for a few cents. Massage this
sweetly fragrant lotion into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles, sunburn, windburn
and tan disappear and how clear, ]
soft and white the skin becomes.
Yes! It is harmless. •
Best For Backache,
Rheumatism, Luihbago
Wonderful 20vli Century Liniment Can
Now lie Obtained at All Drug
Stores. Is Guaranteed.
The shooting, tearing pains of Neu
ralgia. Sciatica and Lumbago are
speedily relieved, while Headache. I
Toothache and Earache simply flee, j
Heavy colds and sore throats that)
threaten pneumonia and tonsilitis j
may be cured in a single night—and 1
r.ot only is 20th Centuary Liniment j
the relief needed ui such cases as this, j
but in practically any painful condi
There's nothing injurious in 20th
Century Liniment. No burning, no
grease or stain. It contains such
well known remedies as Camphor,
Menthol, lodine (in non-colorable
form) and many other ingredients
prescribed by the highest medical au
thorities in the land, things that
bring soothing relief and real Joy to
stiff ajid tired out muscles.
Give yourself a brisk rub with 20th
Century Liniment at night for one
week and if you don't feel years
younger after following the simple
directions, take it back to the drug
gist's and get your money back.
Step into the nearest drug store on
your way home and get a bottle. If
results are what yon want make an
effoft to get it.—Advertisement.
High Grade Steel Bed
**•" 5? r 5" 'J s*" $" C Spring and j|
j J j : Mattress L
This bed is all steel tubing made plain and substantial
—enameled white.
The spring which we offer with this bed is all steel
and a good one.
The mattress is as good as any person could wish, is
soft tojD which assures solid comfort and is covered with
a good grade of ticking.
Saturday Only
$l.OO Cash—soc a Week
The Only Store in Harrisburg That Guarantees to Sell
on Credit at Cash Prices
Watch the Little Pimples;
They Are Nature's Warning
Unsightly and Disfiguring Sig
nals of Bad Blood
Don't close your eyes to the warn
ing: ■which nature gives, when un
slightly pimples appear on your face
and other parts of the body.
Not only are these pimples and
splotches disfiguring, but they lead
to serious skin diseases that spread
and cause the most discomforting
Irritation and pain. Sometimes they
fortell Eczema, boils, blisters, scaly
eruptions anjl other annoyances that
burn like flames of Are, and make
you feel that your skin is ablaze.
When these symptoms appear on
too. was ennobled, becoming von
A number of other wealthy He
brews In Germany wore also hon
ored by the Kaiser In another way.
Although ho was averse to visiting
the homes of private Individuals
who lacked social standing, he de
parted from his rule in their favor
and visited their mansions ostensibly
to view their art collections, but
actually to tickle their vanity.
Shortly after Leishman became
American ambassador to Germany,
the Kaiser called on me.
"Your new ambassador's daughter
Is the best-looking young lady who
has attended our court in many a
day," he declared. "Half a dozen
of my young staff ofllcers are very
anxious to marry her. Can you
tell me. Davis, whether these Lelsh
mans have money?
If the Kaiser despised the Ameri
can propensity for money-making,
he was certainly not averse to ac
quiring American dollar^.
He told me onco tha. every trip
the Hamburg-American liner "Amer
ika" made from New York to Ham
burg resulted in transferring $150,-
000 from American to German
pockets, and added: "We're mighty
glad to got some of your American
money, I can tell you."
Of the Kaiser's versatility I had
convincing evidence. In his con
versations with ma we usually wan
dered from subject to subject in the
most haphazard manner, and he in
variably displayed a surprising store
of information on every topic we
touched, and I am not vain enough
to believe that ho was so anxious to
make a favorable impression upon
me that he prepared for these dis
cussions In advance.
Indeed, the Kaiser discussed so
freely almost every subject that sug
gested itself that I often wondered
what his advisers would have said
had they overheard our conversa
tions. His readiness to talk to me
was undoubtedly due to a tendency
he had to trust everyone with whom
he came in Intimate contact. For
a man who was apt to have so
many enemies, he was less suspi
cious than any one I had ever met.
He seemed to trust everyone, and
his sense of security loosened his
tongue and made him more talka
tive, perhaps, than was always dis
The Kaiser was very fond of
listening to and telling stories with
Unsightly Hair
DeMlracle, the original sanitary ,
liquid, la truly a revelation In
modern science. It Is Juat as
efficacious for removing coarse,
bristly growtlx; as It is for ordi
nary ones.
Only genuine DeMlracle baa a
money-back guarantee In each
package. At toilet counters in
OOc, II and |2 sizes. or by mail
from us in plcln wrapper on re
ceipt of price.
FREE book with testimonials of
highest authorities ex
plains what cansea hair on face,
nerk and arms, why it Increases
and how DrMiracle devitalises it,
mailed in plain sealed envelope on
request. DeMiracle, Park Ave. and
120 th St., New York,
any part of the body, take prompt
steps to rid the blood of these disor
ders. And the one remedy which
has no equal as a purifier is S. S. S.,
the purely vegetable blood medi
cine, which has been on the market
for more than fifty years. It is sold
by druggists everywhere.
If you are afflicted with any form
of skin disease, do not expect to be
cured by lotions, ointments, salves
and other local remedies, as 'hey
can not possibly reach the source of
the trouble, which is in the blood.
Begin taking S. S. S. to-day. and
write a complete history of your
case to our chief medical adviser
who will give you special instruc
tions, without charge. Write at
once to Swift Specific Co., 441 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.—Adv.
a point and would frequently Invite
mo to tell him any new ono that I
might have heard. borne of the
stories we exchanged were more or
less risque and would be out of
place in these pages, but I do not
mean to intimate that there was
anything very much amiss with
them. They always amused him
very much and ho was quick to
catch the point.
He told me a story once that he
thought was particularly good:
A father and son were sitting In
a beer garden arinking. They had
had perhaps more than they could
well handle, when the son asked:
"Father, how will I know when
I'm drunk?
"When those two men sitting on
yonder seat look like four men to
you," the father replied, "then, my
son, you will know that you are
"But. father." tho son replied,
"there Is but one man on that seat!"
Speaking of intemperance sug
gests a word or two about tho
Kaiser's habits In that respect. He
told me that for yorfrs the strongest
drink he had indulged In was an
apple champagne which contained
no alcohol, and which was spe
cially prepared for him. The reason
for his abstinence was given to me
by ono of my patients who was In
a position to know whereof he
He said that when the Kaiser was
a younger man he had been accus
tomed to indulge in strong liquors,
and sometimes drank to excess. On
one occasion, while on his yacht in
Norwegian waters, ho had imbibed
somewhat too freely, and while
under • the influence ordered the
captain to steer a certain course
which would have placed the vessel
in serious danger. To have dig
obeyed would have meant incurring
the Kaiser's displeasure, as his
command was law. , Rather than
risk the destruction of the vessel
and Its occupants, however, the cap
tain disregarded tho Kaiser's
structions and then went ashore,
procured a bicycle and rode down a
hill which carried him over the edge
of a precipice to his death. The
shock of this tragedy, the story goes,
turned the Kaiser against liquor of
all kinds, and he has never since
The Kaiser's sense of humor fre
quently exhibited itself. He told rrre
of a conference between representa
tives of all the powers regarding the
selection of a king for Albania after
the Balkan war. Some of those
present thought the incumbent
ought to be a Catholic, others in
sisted that a Greek Catholic was
essential, still others maintained
that a Mohammedan would be most
It seemed quite impossible to
come to any agreement as to Just
what religion the King of Albania
should profess, and the Kaiser had
ended the discussion, he said, with
the suggestion:
"Well, gentlemen, if a Protestant
won't do, and a Roman Catholic
won't do, and a Buddhist is out of
the question, why not select a Jew
and call him Jacob the First? He'll
have his throat cut, anyway, in three
months!" '
The powers did not select a Jew,
but the Prince of Wied, the Kaiser's
nominee, was put on the throne, and
within a month or two afterwards
had to flee for his life.
In referring to Roosevelt's patri
otic offer to lead an army in France,
the Kaiser declared that he admired
him for his courage and zeal.
"I hear," he said, "that he is now
on his way to Italy. It is too bad
we did not postpone our offensive
there. Perhaps we might have cap
tured him. Wouldn't Teddy lot>k
funny in a gas mask?"
Shortly after the U-boat Deutsch
land made its successful trip to
America, the Kaiser called on me.
and he was in a very Jocular frame
of mind.
I happened to mention to him
that I planned to go to America the
following summer in connection
with the porcelain tooth I had pat
"Well, it won't be necessary now,
Davis," he comented. "We can
send the Deutschland over and
bring back a boatload of teeth!" *
"Fix my teeth well, Davis," he
declared on another occasion, "so
that I can bite. There are lots of
people I would like to bite!" And
lie snapped his jaws' together in a
way that would have "boded ill for
the victims he had in mind, al
though his remark was evidently
more facetious than vicious.
To the late Putnam Griswold, the
opera singer, whom he had just seen
in the part of the King in "Aida," he
said: "You play the part of a king
so well, Griswold, I am sure you
would be my most dangerous com
petitor!"—a compliment whose full
significance can be appreciated only
by those who know how keenly the
Kaiser enjoyed playing the king
himself and how incessantly he
played it.
The courtesy and affability which
the Kaiser almost invariably dis
played in his delations with me did
rot prevent him on one occasion
from showing his indignation when
I touched upon what was evidently
a very sore point—the part that
America was to play in the war, al
though he always claimed to be un
perturbed about the American situ
He had pointed out that America
at that time had only 30,000 men in
France and he believed that tho
U-boats would effectively prevent
any great addition to our forces
abroad, if, indeed, they ever left
our shores.
"As a matter of fact, however,"
he added, "your countrymen would
be very willing, no doubt, to fight Tor
their country to protect it from in
vasion, but I don't believe you'll
ever get many of them to leave
home to fight abroad. America will
really be a very smalf factor in the
war, Davis!"
"Your Majesty is underestimating
the .power of America," I replied.
He turned on me indignantly, and
in his most imperious manner ex
"We underestimate no one! We
know exactly what we are doing!"
How seriously he was mistaken in
this respect has since been suffi
ciently proved.
No matter how gloomy the out
look for Germany, the kaiser sel
dom showed concern. It is true
that whenever things "were going
wrong, as when the Russians in the
early part of the war were sweeping
everything before them in their ad
vance on the Carpathians, he and
the rest of the royal family kept as
far in the background as possible,
hereas when the German cause
was triumphant, as In the case of
the offensive against Italy, he could
not make himself too conspicuous
at the front.
But even when adver- \
sity was greatest, the Kaiser always
put on a brave front. At such times j
X have seen him stop in the street, i
after leaving my office, and before J
the hundreds of people waiting out
side to greet him, ostentatiously p"t
a eigaret in his mouth and light it,
that everyone might notice how
steady his hand was and how little ;
he was worried by the turn things j
were taking.
At the same time, on one or two
occasions rfftor, thu war Btarted, I
noticed that he acted differently
when in the dcntul chair than had
been his custom when everything
was serene.
Before tho war, he woqld talk to
me Incessantly during my work
whenever its naturo enabled him to
do so, and yet when I was all
through and had hammered the last
piece of gold Into his tooth, which
I sometimes made instead of a cast
Inlay, and announced, "Now, your
Majestry, I am through," ho would
frequently remark:
"Do you know, you ham
mered exactly 136 pieces of gold
into that tooth. X counted them!"
After the wan however, he paid
little attention to what X was doing
for him, and I assumed that his
mfnd was far away, turning over
perhaps some of the dire problems
with which his people were beset,
or contemplating some of the mlseey
he had caused, and I did not dis
turb his reflections.
The Kaiser once boasted to me
that not a building was erected in
Germany, nor a bridge built, not a
street opened, not a park laid out,
but what the project was first sub
mitted to him: He kept posted on
everything that was going on, not
only in Germany, but in the world
at large, and, as far as he was able,
he endeavored to have his finger in
every development of world-wide
importance. I cannot imagine that
he was less interested in what his
countrymen were doing' in connec
tion with the war than he was in
their achievements in time of peace.
If, he did not actually order the
sinking of the Lusitania, therefore,
I am convinced'that he was thor
oughly aware of ,the plan to blow it
up and sanctioned it. That he could
have averted it if he had been
prompted to do so is clearly indi
cated by another incident which left
a very deep impression upon me.
I was informed by one of the Ger
man aviators that plans had been
made to drop gas bombs on London
which contained a deadly gas which
would penetrate the cellars of
houses in which civilians were in
the habit of hiding during air raids.
Shortly before this hideous idea
wag to be put into effect the papers
announced that bombs of this char
acter had been dropped by the allies
on Baden-Baden, but that, fortun
ately, they had fallen in a clump of
woods in the center of the town and
had failed to explode, which had
given the Germans an opportunity
to take them apart and ascertain
their nature.
The purpose of this announce
ment, of course, was to forestall the
storm of condemnation which the
Germans knew would follow their
use of the bombs on London—a
ruse which they had invariably em
ployed whenever they contemplated
some fresh violation of the rules of
international lnw and tho dictates
of humanity.
It happened that one of my pa
tients who resided in Baden-Baden
called to see me the day after the
bombs had been dropped on her
town, and she told me all about" it.
"The aeroplanes which dropped
the bombs had been flying over the
city all the morning." she declared.
."We thought they were our own
machines out for practice and paid
r.o particular attention to them.
Then they dropped the bombs and
they landed in the woods, and we
knew we had been attacked. What
a dreadful thing for them to do!"
What a foolish thing for allied
aeroplanes to do—to spend a whole
morning studying the layout of the
town and then to drop those deadly
bombs on a clump of woods where
they could not possibly hurt anyone,
and how careless of the Germans
not to molest them while they were
engaged in their devilish work!
But the point I wanted to br>s
out was this: these. gas bombs were
never used on London!
"Just as everything was in readi
ness for the raid," the officer told
me regretfully, "we received orders
direct from the Kaiser to hold off —
I saw his signature to the order.
Of course, there was nothing for us
to do but comply, but if we had
had the Kaiser there, I believe we
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair In
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, maaes the hair brit
tle, and is very harmful. Just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure
and entirely greaseless), is much
better than the most expensive soap
or anything else you can use for
shampooing, as this can't possibly
injure the hair..
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
teaspoonfuls will make an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, and
cleanses the hair and scalp thor
oughly. The lather rinses out easily,
and removes every particle of dust,
dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and it
leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy
and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It Is very
cheap. and a few ounces is enough
to last everyone in the family for
surely did relieve
that eczema!
Pack up some R esinol Ointment in
his "old kit bag." Nothing is too good
for him, and he will need it "over
there" where exposure, vermin, con
tagions, and the exigencies of a soldier's
life cause all sorts of skin irritation,
itching, sore feet and suffering.
Resinol Ointment etope itching almost Instantly.
It heals little sores before they csn become big
ones. It assures skin comfort.
For saU by all tUaUrx.
would have strung him up by tho
neck! We still have bombs,
however, and you may be sure they
will yet be used!"
For some unknown reason the
Kaiser stopped the use of those
lethal gas bombs for tho time being.
Why didn't be move to save the
women and children on. the Lusl
(To Be Continued.)
Germans Use Skeleton
Torpedoes in U-Boat Work
Ail Irish Port, Aug. 16.—Tho Ger
mans in their extremity to make
their raw materials for munitions go
as far as possible have stripped their
torpedoes until they are bare as skel
i etons compared to the Jo rtAer eificl
| ent mechanisms.
It seems that the Idea of the Ger-
I mans Is to gain the highest possible
j explosive power and to eliminate the
| delicate and expensive propelling
and steering appartus. This has been
! done at the cost of accuracy and
range of fire an 4 at the same time
! enhances the danger to the U-boats
[ by forcing them much closer to their
target than would be necessary if
the older type of torpedoes were
used. But it has resulted in a great
saving of copper and brass and
doubtless has facilitated quantity
Under normal conditions a torpedo
Good Generalship Wins
The BIG DRIVE IS ON! We are forging ahead at a great
rate. Hundreds of men have availed themselves of the LARGE
SAVINGS our FINAL AUGUST Sale has brought to them.
Men are looking ahead these days. And it is well that they are.
are we * Our stock must be cleared at the end of each sea
son and we do not hesitate to put a price on these suits that will
Our $25, $2B, $3O and $35 Suits
All sizes for men and young
v.M:W , men and in those snappy new
materials that are the best to be
, had. If you are hard to fit—cqme
and see how EASY TO FIT you
' really are. .This sale is a revela
i Kool Kloth and Palm Beach Suits 4iC QC i
i That Are Worth Today $lO to $l5 at *pOJ7O j
t There are lots of summer suits on the market but they are not all made alike. These I
I are mdde to fit and look good and are as dressy as any summer suit you could get. Get ?
| one now. Next season's price will be much higher. 1 j
| "Metric" Shirts at $2.00 and $2.50 T
Made of Superb Madras in New Patterns
Why do we sell Metric Shirts? Because they are right. They fit to a "T." Their colors j
I are guaranteed fast. They are of a quality that stands up well in the wash tub. They meet j
j the requirements of the men who dress in good taste. And they are always to be found !
1 in choice patterns and iq big variety. We have all sizes.
Parents Can Save on Boys', Suits
Ready For Saturday /£| -
Seventy-five Boys' Suits That Were \
$7.50, $8.50 and $lO.OO ' % fe—.
These are suits that can be worn "all the year round. We clear out our boys'stocks B M
the same way in which our men's are cleared and will hold on to this policy as long as V Iffli
we possibly can. Some people do not think that it is good business to cut prices in PI ■
these times but we want new stocks at the beginning of each season and this is the /?Q *
way to have them. fcS '
i -
Harrisburg's Specialty Store For Men and Boys —3lo Market st.
should be effective at 2,000 yards or
more, but the Germans now seldom
fire more than 600 yards, and when
they believe they are comparatively
safe they approach much nearer
than that to their Intended victim.
Await Maj. Gen. Carter to
Head Meade 11th Division
Cnmp Meade, Md., Aug. 16. —Ma-
jor General Jesse Mcl, Carter, ap
pointed to command of tho Eloventh
I division now in process of organiza
tion here, is expected to be here Im
mediately and assume command of
the division. A great many promo
tions among officers are expected in
a few days.
The Eleventh division will, in all
probability, spend the winter train
ing period in France. There are now
more than a sufficient number of
men in the training battalions of the
One Hundred and Fifty-fourth depot
brigade to fill all of the units of the
new division.
The quartermaster and ordnance
departments will equip and supply
the regiments for service overseas,
and when Thanksgiving day rolls
around the men will eat their turkey
back of the lines in France.
A school for typists for the sani
tary corps is to be opened in con
nection with tho medical supply
depot school.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
AUGUST 16, 1918.
U. S. Cuts Interest Rate
on Loans Made to Farmers
Wasliingtou. Aug. 16.—T0 aid fur
ther In financing crop movements,
the war finance corporation yester
day reduced from six to five per
cent, the annual Interest rate on
short-term advances to banks to
cover loans made to farmers or mer
chants for marketing wheat and
other crops. .
These advances to banks, limited
to four months, are made up to sev
enty-five per cent, of the loans to
i: SPRINGTEX is the underwear / . ,
!> with a million little springs in its
j| fabric which "give and take" X 2? \
11 with every movement of the XT" ' \
i! body, and preserve the shape of — N
the garment despite long wear <J % : J
j; and hard washings. ft \ f^ : H
<[ It is the year-around underwear, light, l;l if \ II
!> medium or heavy weight, as you like. iMdKV \|f M' - ''WiiAw
"Remember to Buy It — V ; - VHk* — -Ml
]J You'll Forget You Have It On" . f|T'3\'''
Aek Yoar Dealer
! Sales Room: 350 Broadway, Hew Ysrk - r i~ JuStem
Amazing Relief
From Indigestion
can be obtained In from two to five
minutes by taking a teaapoonful of
llt-urnta Powder In a little hot water
immediately after eating or whenever
pain la felt. Thousands who have
tried It aay there Is nothing like IH
nenla for Indigestion, gastritis, acid
ity and despcpsia. Got a 50c bottle
to-day of Geo. A. Oorgas or any othar
good druggist. Be sure to ask tmr
ni-ni-nlu, the kind that is guaranteed
to stop pain in 5 minutes by tha
watch, or your money back for tha