Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Steelton Foreign Organiza
tions Will Greet Czecho-
Slav Troops
Members of Steelton foreign or
ganizations representing thousands
of Southern Slavs and Czecho-Slo
vaks. have started a move to wel
come the army of Czecho-Slovaks
when they reach Harrisburg enroute
from Russia to the Macedonian
One member of the Sokol compos
ed of Croatians said to-day his lodge
is willing to participate and lend all
the aid within its power toward giv
ing a suitable reception for the men
on the way to join the allies.
No definite program has been "on
sidered but it is believed that by
the time the troops reach Harris
burg a suitable demonstration can
be given to show the good will of the
Steelton residents to the countries
which are fighting against the dual
monarchy, and to arouse still greater
patriotism among the foreign popu
Is Ready to Prove
Himself Innocent, Says
Howard of Gov't Charge
"My books and accounts are in
absolutely good order, and I have
asked the government representatives
to make a thorough examination of
them which I know will give my
firm a clean bill of health." said
George E. Howard, of the Pennsyl
vania Sales Company, to-day.
Howard, together with Charles P.
Prince, formerly president of the
Harrisburg Lumber Company, and
Howard H. Fraim. also connected
with the Pennsylvania Sales Com
pany. was summoned before United
States Commissioner Wolfe to explain
the alleged presentation of a bill to
the amount of $>>.190.79 said to have
been for lumber which was not de
livered to the Middletown ordnance
Howard said to-day he had made
no effort to collect any money for
any goods which had not been de
livered and that he can easily show
every connection he had with Middle
town work to be absolutely open and
above board. "Somebody has made a
serious mistake." he said to-day.:
"and until I can get a hearing I
must rest under the charge. The in-;
> estigation was to have been made
Monday bv Government Representa- j
tive Stark, of Philadelphia, but be
cause of the publicity given to the
matter I have telephoned him to-day
asking that he come here iinme- 1
diatelv and straighten out the tangle 1
in order that 1 may be relieved oft
the stigma under which the charge!
has placed me."
The hearing proper was set for
Friday. August 31, but Howard said
to-day he desired to get the matter!
over with as -soon as possible. The
men have given bond for their ap-!
pearance when wanted.
Youth Dies From Shot
Wound; to Hold Inquest
John Purcell. aged 13. son of Mr
end Mrs. John Purcell, of 506 Xorth :
Second street. Steelton, died at the!
Harrisburg Hospital early this
morning from wounds received |
through the abdomen by a rifle j
bullet. The wound was received j
Friday afternoon while young Pur-!
i ell was shooting with a boy friend. |
The gun was discharged when the:
boy fell from a fence while shooting !
birds. Coroner Eckinger will conduct j
an inquest later. Funeral arrange-1
ments have not been completed.
Fritz Haller. aged 42. died at the
county almshouse yesterday. He j
will be buried Friday morning, j
Services will be held in St. John's i
German Catholic Church.
While a number of workmen last i
evening were razing the remains of i
an old barn in South Front street |
which had been destroyed by fire >
several weeks ago. the structure!
toppled and fell in the path of an j
approaching street car. The car j
crashed into the debris, causing'
slight injury to Motorman Arnold j
and some damage to the car.
"A chain is no stronger
than its weakest link."
This same logic holds
good in a motorcar. A car
is no stronger than its
frame and running gear.
The new Hupmobile is as
strong and sturdy as mod
ern engineering can make
"The Comfort Car"
Harrisburg Agency Co.
R. J. CHURCH, Mgr.
• •• at •••
Sharp Reductions
In Order to Reduce Stocks
Sale Closes Saturday, August 17th
109 S. 2nd St.
Black Cats, Tank Corps Champions, and Birdmen From
Middletown Will Play on Friday Evening
The Black Cats, baseball oham-,
pions of the Tank Corps at Gettys
burg. will play the Birdmen from the I
Middletown Aviation Field on the I ;
Steelton grounds, Friday evening. The I 1
proceeds of the game will be given j 1
to the Soldiers' Club, an organization ;
being formed to build a structure for ' 1
the entertainment of soldiers at Camp
Colt. Gettysburg.
Eddie Plank, the noted pitcher, will j '
be the umpire at the game. Enoch.; i
of the Tank Corps, will twirl for the
Black Cats. It is said that Enoch, i i
who has gained renown as a pitcher. 1
recently refused a tempting •offer :
from the Pittsburgh Nationals, pre- j i
ferring to wear khaki instead of a m
baseball uniform. I ]
Other players will be ex-leaguers. ' i
Men in Rolling Mills
Walk Out; Return When
Increase Is Explained
Two hundred employes in the
i rolling mills of the local plant
.of the Bethlehem Steel Company
! walked out this morning because
i ct a slight misunderstanding of the
new wage scale which went into ef
fect to-day. The men refused to
return until an agreement had been
11 made.
. | After a three-hour conference be
tween officials of the plant and sev
' oral representatives of the workers,
j most of the men returned, but sev
eral still refused to resume their
1 work.
Although the strike only lasted a
j comparatively short tme. it caused
| much inconvenience throughout the
' whole plant, as many of the other
I departments were forced to discon
, tinue work until the rolling mill
| employes returned.
The new wage scale which was
announced last week and which
went into effect on August 1 gave
a 10 per cent increase to all laborers
: throughout the plant and a propor
tionate increase throughout the
j other departments. It was about
this increase as it would affect the
men in the rolling mills which
caused the trouble this morning.
Lieutenant Herman E. Shelley, of
: Company I. Pennsylvania Reserves,
is spending a short time on the rifle
, range in Ml Gretna, Pa.
Trifling damage resulted from a
fire which was started by a spark
thought to have been blown from
! a furnace and landed in the roof
jof the steel foundry in the steel
I works.
Funeral services for Virginia T.
Croup, small daughter of Mr. and
i Mrs. G. M. Group, will be held to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock, at
j the residence of John Schlessman.
I 536 Bessemer street. She died yes
terday morning.
May Arrange Next Week
For Engineer to Study
Coal Land Valuations
: Dauphin County Commissioners
| may go to Wilkes-Barre next week
I to arrange for the employment of an
' expert mining engineer to make a
j study of coal land valuations in Dau-
I phin county, in order to have official
I data to be used in raising assess
ments of coal company properties.
| Luzerne county officials a few
I years ago after a court contest suc
ceeded in increasing coal land valu
i ations and since that time have had
I in the employ of the county expert
• ngiueers to take charge of the work.
The Dauphin commissioners said
; the." will be unable to increase valua
| tiens and win their case in a court
j suit unless expert testimony is se
cured. They will go to Luzerne coun
i ly probably next week to study the
j method used there.
It was also announced that plans
| for a modern contagious disease hos-
I pilal to be built and maintained by
j Lebanon. Dauphin and Lancaster
'counties soon after the war, is being
I considered by the Dauphin County
i Commissioners. A conference will
probably be held in a few weeks with
j officials of the other counties. A site
!in the mountains south of Hershey
j has already been considered.
Pains in the Back, Kidney
and Stomach Troubles
Have Vanished
Since Using Tonall
I Mrs. Catherine Kltngler, living on
Rural Route No. 2, Lebanon. Pa..
! Las used Tonall with great benefit to
j herself, and feels it her duty to
; make this statement for the read
' ing public.
"I had for years pains in my back
j and I suffered from kidney and
j stomach troubles. I fell some years
ago and never fully recovered. This
I circumstance did not help my condi
"Hearing people talk about Ton
: all and reading about it in the
' newspapers, and because Charles E.
, Boger. druggist at Lebanon, recom
mended Tonall. I began using it, and
! must say It has done me a won
; derful amount of good. I am feel
| ing so much better that I shall con-
I tinue to use it.
""I recommend Tonall for ailments
! of the stomach and kidneys."
This testimonial was given Au
gust 3. 1918.
Tonall is sold at the Gorgas Drug
| Store, Harrisburg. and at the Her-
Ishey Drug Store, Hershey.—adv.
Lieutenant Floor is manager of the
Aviation Depot's team and Lieuten
ant Harris manages the Black Cats.
Lieutenant Harris is known as the
father of baseball in the Philippines.
During his years of service there be
built the first ball park there and
through his efforts a league was
formed, which is still in operation. He
"discovered" Ed. Smith, now a promi
nent baseball writer.
The Fflday night game, it is prom
ised. will be a fast one. Efforts are
being made to have the Girl Scouts
sell tickets. Boy Scouts will dis
tribute advertising matter and busi
ness firms and other organizations of
Harrisburg and Steelton will co
Faber E. Stengle Now
| Ready to Fight Huns
Faber E. Stengle, son of G. A.
Stengle, Oberlin, has arrived safely
overseas according to word Just re
j ceived by his friends here. He was '
i widely known here, being former su- j
pervising principal of the schools of |
Swatara township. He was assistant
superintendent of the United Breth
ren Sunday School at Oberlin; presl
! dent of the Christian Endeavor So-
I ciety. and a graduate of Lebanon
t alley College. He also took a spe
; cial course at Columbia University.
He is in Battery F. "of the 312 th
t Field Artillery. 79th Division. He
was stationed at Camp Meade and
i sailed early in July. His father is
; the proprietor of a general store at
i Oberlin.
Voluntary Increase For
Harrisburg Railways Men
At a session of the board direc
tors of the Harrisburg Railways
Company yesterday, a voluntary in
crease was given .he motormen and
conductors, the second within a
The boost which is eective to-mor- i
row, provides for an hourly increase
for first year men to 36 cents, second
year men 37 cents, and 3 8 cents for
all men employed for more than two
years. This is an average increase of
five and a half cents an hour.
The directors also made the max
imum wage obtainable at the end of
two years instead of five, as in the
past. The increase will add SIOO,OOO
to the annual operating expenses.
Charged with speeding, thirty-six!
Harrisburg autoists have been or
dered to appear before a justice of
the peace at New Cumberland to
answer charges brought against
1 them. Information was made yes
! terday by the state through the con
stabulary. It is understood that
more than fifty violators of the
speed law from various parts of the
state have been named to appear.
Two Harrisburgers will attend the
! annual national encampment of the
I Grand Army of the Republic to be
•held at Portland, Oregon, next
i week. They will go on the train
j which leaves Philadelphia and ar
! rives here at 6.30 this evening,
i George W. Rhoads. past commander
! and chief of staff to the department
| commander, and Daniel W. Cox past
j grand commander, are the two Har
risburg men who will attend the en
The appeal by the local jltneurs
, from the ruling of the Public Service
; Commission barring them from oper
, attng on the city streets, was filed
j with the prothonotary of the superior
| court yesterday. The appeal con
-1 tests the legality of the Public Ser
j vice Commission to stop the jitneys
j from running when a municipal or
j dinance permits them to operate. The
i Jitney men also seek to have the ap
-1 peal act as a stay in the Commission's
j ruling.
The fears for the safety of Major
| Claude Rhinehart and Lieutenant
I Creary. aviators who left Mineola, N.
1 Y., for Dayton. 0., and who were
| thought to have had an accident in
| this vicinity, were alleviated yester
day when word was received that they
had landed at their destination. They
| were forced to land on an island in
• the Susquehanna near Sellnsgrove to
' make repaid*.
A special meeting of Canton Har
risburg, No. 54. I. O. O. F. will be held
' in the lodgerooms at Third and Cum
i berland streets to-morrow night. The
purpose of the meeting ia to arrange
plans for a trip to Easton to attend
, the meetings of the Department Coun
j cil of Pennsylvania. All members
have been requested to be present at
I the meeting.
Horsford'a Arid Phosphate
Healthful, and most agreeable to the
taste. Refreshes and Invigorates Use
It In place of lemons.—Advertisement.
Dr. Edward P. Davis, of Phil
adelphia, President of
U. S. Corps
[ Washington, Aug.. 14.—Dr. Frank
; Martin, of the advisory commission
I and chairman of the general med
ical board. Council of National De
fense. yesterday announced a plan
whereby every physician in the
United States, not ineligible by rea
son of "unprofessional conduct, mor
al unfitness or professional inapti
tude." will.be enrolled in the volun
teer medical service corps, under the
council of notional defense. Dr. Ed
ward P Davis, of Philadelphia, is
president of the corps.
The plan which has been largely
discussed by Philadelphia physicians,
is enlargement of the Sscope of the
corps so as to include in its member
ship every physician not already
commissioned in the government
service. Hitherto only those who,
because of over age, physical dis
ability, dependants or essential home
needs, were not eligible for service
in the medica. reserve corps of the
Army or Navay, were admitted.
Several Philadelphia physicians are
on the central governing board of
the corps, others were added when
the enlargement was decided on and i
include, besides Dr. Davis, Dr. John
D. McLean, vice-president of the i
corps. and Dr. William Duffield |
The object of the corps is to fill
Army, Navy and public health needs,
as well as civilian needs and to make
possible the most efficient conserva
tion and use of medical resources.
Enrollment of virtually every physi
cian in the country who will be as
signed to work in the general gov
erning board, will make this pos
sible Doctor Martin believes.
President Wilson yesterday sent
a letter to Doctor Martin in which
he voiced his approval of the plan.
He said: It gives me and opportuni
ty to express to you, and through I
you to the medical protession, my I
deep appreciation of the splendid I
service which the whole profession j
has rendered to the nation with I
great enthusiam from the beginning
of the present emergency.
"The health of the Army and the
Navy" the President concluded,
"the health of the country at large,
is due to the co-operation which the
public authorities have had from
the medical profession. The spirit
of sacrifice and service has been
everywhere present, and the record |
of the mobilization of many forces
of this great republic will contain
no case of readier response or better
service than that which the physi
cians have rendered."
Ready For Big Picnic
of Chamber of Commerce
Everything is in readiness for the
biggest "back to the land" movement
that has ever taken place in Harris
burg. Perhaps not the biggest in
point of numbers, but certainly the
biggest in spontaneity and enthusi
The occasion is the annual Cham
ber of Commerce picnic at Gauda
loupe. John W. Reily's summer home
back of the mountains at Fort Hunter.
If you want to see a curious sight, get
into one of the cars donated for the
day to the Harrisburg Chamber of
Commerce and go and see business
men. store managers, bank presidents,
secretaries and merchants "gamboling
on the green." pitching quoits, play
ing ball, and doing all kinds of ath
letic. boyish stunts. It's going to be
the real thing. There never was such
a picnic, is what a couple of hundred
of Harrisburg's progressive business
men are going to say when they get
back from this one.
The cars will leave Market Square
at 12:30.. They don't profess at the
Chamber offices to be able to tell
when they're going to return. They
are only thinking of the good time to
be had during the afternoon and early
evening, and can't take the time to
think of the homecoming.
Incidentally, the eats are going to be
fine. Not just a skimpy, little lunch,
but continuous eats for anyone that
gets hungry, or for anyone that is
hungry all the time It might be add
ed that the lunch will conform to the
Food Administrator's idea of what a
wartime lunch should be. For in
stance. there will be no sugar in the
coffee. It's $1.50. the picnic, and cheap
at that, the committee claims.
Hot Weather Affects
Fruit and Truck Crop
Philadelphia, Aug. 14.—Complete
temperature data for the week are
not available, the Weather Bureau!
reports, but with the information atj
hand it seems probable that it was
the warmest week on record for this]
state. TKe maximum temperatures]
were above 100 degrees in nearly allj
parts of the state, and exceeded 102
degrees in fully one-half of the state.
Good rains occurred at most places,
but a few counties are still dry. The
heat caused orchard fruits to drop
badly and also damaged tomatoes
and other truck crops.
Corn is growing rapidly wherever
sufficient rain occurred, and general
ly improved some during the week.
Early potatoes are being dug gen
erally and in a large part of the state
they are yielding less than half a
crop. A few sections report potatoes
as fair to good, and for the state as a
whole there will probably be from
two-thirds to three-fourths of a nor
mal yield. Pactures and meadows
are improving wherever the rainfall
was heavy enough to relieve the
droughty conditions, but the second
crop of hay will be light in most
Oats harvest is nearly finished and
the crop has been gathered "vith
little or no loss due to weather con
ditions. Wheat and rye threshing is
about finished and some oats have
been threshed. Buckwheat is in good
to excellent condition and promises
a bumoer crop. The acreage is in
creased slightly In most sections
where this crop is grown and there
will probably be a material excess
above a normal yield for the state.
Plowfng for fall seeding is in full
swing in the central and southern
Members of the Harrisburg Furni
ture Dealers' Association motored to
Carlisle, last '-ht. where thev had
dinner at the Hotel Cumberland. A
large percentage of the membership
was present. After the dinner rou
tine business was transacted. Frank
B. Downey is president of the asso
By Associated Press
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 14. Five men
lost their lives through a "flare-up"
.In three dryer houses of the Trojan
Powder Company, this morning. No
cause was assigned, but there is noth
ing to indicate any abnormal condi
tions, officials of thS company say.
. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad.
Rutherford Yards Big Factor
in Handling Soft Coal
For Nattion's Use
Rutherford yards figured in Read
ing's big record for soft coal traf
fic. All bltumlnious coal comes from
the west and is handled at Ruther
In June the road established a new
monthly record of 2,140,440 tons. July,
however, eclipsed the former figure
by approximately 30 per cent. Last
month the Reading carried 2,700,000
tons, a gain of close to 600,000 tons
above its previous best month.
In the last three years the Read
ing has come ahead fast as a carrier
of bituminous. From official figures
the company hauled 17.412.34S tons
in 1915, 15.764.750 in 1916 and 20.-
133,791 in 1917. For the first seven
months of this ?ear the road has
transported 13.000,000, broadly speak
| ing, compared with 11.827,805 for the
: same period last year.
Rutherford Leads
The greater part of this tonnage
is being bandied over the line be
tween Harrisburg and Allentown. the
bulk of which originates on the Bal
timore and Ohio and Western Mary
land. For the .development of this
business the company several years
ago widened its trackage on the Har
risburg-Allentown line by construct
ing spurs at convenient Intervals.
At the present time this branch
at places is a four-track line, while
no definite program is under way
for a uniform four-track system in
this section, it is understood the bi
tuminous tonnage ultimately will de
mand a four-track line clear through.
Xationul Figures
As a national proposition, the haul
ing of bituminous the first seven
months of this year has greatly ex
ceeded that for the corresponding
period of 1917. Figures announced
yesterday by the railroad adminis
tration state that from Jan. 1 to the
beginning of the second week of July
224,572 cars were used to carry bi
tuminous. compared with 113,144 last
year. Based on the leaping figures
of the Reading, making up a national
deficit of 80,000.000 for this year's
war program will rest, largely, not
upon the failure of the roads to trans
port it, but upon the family of opera
tors to get it above ground.
Railroad Expenditures
Reach Half Billion
Washington, Aug. 14.—0f the $500,-
000.000 authorized by Director Gen
eral McAdoo for expenditures this
year for railroad improvements and
extensions only $55,526,000 had been
spent up to July 1 and one-fifth of
this, or $15,632.000, went for addi
tional yard tracks, sidings and indus
try tracks. For main tracks, rail
roads spent $12,003,000; for freight
and passenger stations and office
buildings. $8,648,000. and for bridges,
trestles and culverts. $8,047,000.
This report, covering 141 of the 168
first-class railroads under Federal
control, made to the director general
to-day by Robert S. Lovett, director
of the railroad administration's di
vision of capital expenditures, does
not include the millions spent under
the railroad administration's $500,-
000,000 car and locomotive building
program. Reports for July and Au
gust are expected to show rapid pro
gress toward completion of exten
sions and improvements
Other aggregate capital expendi
tures of the railroads were shows as
follows; Shop buildings. engine
houses. $6,360,000: rails and other
track material. $6,149,000: shop ma
chinery and tools, $3,446,000: signals
and interlocking plants. $2,670,000;
water stations. $2,236,000; electric
power stations, $2,313,000.
Joe Washington. 1400 Current
street, was arrested by Patrolmen
Carson and Hollands at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon on the charge
c,t having narcotics in his "possession.
A leak in the water main at Ruth
erford made it necessary to turn off
j the water supply to Penbrook at 10
o'clock yesterday morning, but the
stream was flowing again at 4
Captain Charles A. Delapp, Ordnance
Department. United States Army, has
arrived in Middletown in advance of
the soldiers who will take over the
warehouses there in the near future.
About 400 soldiers will be assigned
here shortly, with more to follow.
Field Artilleryman
Ready For the Huns
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lewis, of 73
North Seventeenth street, have re
ceived word that their son Arthur O.
Lewis has arrived safely on foreign
soil. •
He enlisted In January In the
Aviation Corps was stationed at Kel
ly field, Tex., St. Paul, Minnesota and
Memphis. Then he was transferred
to Heavy Artillery and moved to
Camp Meade for a short time before
sailing with the Three Hundred and
Twelfth Field Artillery, Battery B.
He was formerly a student of
Tech and was working for his father
with the Harrisburg Leather Pro
ducts Company
In Service For Fifty-three
Years; Drummer Boy in
the Civil War
Arthur A. Wells, for 63 years a
conductor on the Reading, died Sun
day at his home in Reading. He was
placed on the pension list last De
When the Civil War broke out, Mr.
wells, a boy of 14. joined the colors
as a drummer. He first enlisted in
Company C. of the 167 th Pennsyl
vania Volunteers. At the expiration
of his enlistment he received an hon
orable discharge, but shortly after
joined Company I, 196 th Pennsylvania
\ olunteers. with which he served for
some time. He joined the colors
for the third and last time on Janu
ary 14, 1865. when he joined Company
D. of the 213 th Pennsylvania Volun
teers. which was organized at Read
ing and later mustered in at Phila
delphia. While in the service he
served under Captain John Kennedy,
commanding Company D; Captain
George 1. Rowbotham, commanding
Company I, and Captain Peter Y.
Edelman. commanding Company C.
Works For lieudlng
After the wur he secured employ
ment with the Reading Railroad as
an apprentice in the machine shops.
\A hen a call came for volunteers to
go on the road, he was engaged as
brakemen. From this position he
was promoted to baggageman and
later conductor. During the last 35
years of his life he acted as conduc
tor. His regular run was from this
city to Allentown.
During his three enlistments in the
Civil War Mr. Wells saw much ac
tive service. It was a great griev
ance to him that he missed the battle
at Gettysburg by two days. His reg
iment had been ordered to come to
the aid of the Union Army, but in
spite of forced marches arrived too
late for the fighting.
He was a member of the following
organizations: DeMolay Command
erv. No 9, Knights Templar: Knights
of the Golden Eagle, Castle 49: Sr.
John's Lodge. No. 435, Free and Ac
cepted Masons: P. & R. Relief As
sociation, P. & R. Veterans' Associ
ation, and the Union Veteran Legion.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division The 124
crew first to go after 3.30 o'clock:
119, 116,
Engineers for 124, 116.
Fireman for 116.
Brakemen for 119, 116.
Engineers up: Weker, Rennard,
Firemen up: Thompson. Clark.
Graham, Kirk.
Brakemen up: McKelis, Mechan,
Garlin. Hannan, Weiger.
Middle Division —The 31 crew first
to go after 2.15 o'clock: 17, 26. 29, 27
21. 229. 36.
Engineer for 17.
Firemen for 17, 26, 27, 21.
Conductors for 27. 21.
Brakemen for 31 (2), 17, 21.
Engineers up: Swigart, Earley,
Snyder. Dunkle, Leffard, Kauffman,
Blizzard. Leiter, Kreiger, Hawk.
Firemen up: Holslnger, Horning,
Warner, Delancey, Sheaffer, Shearer,
Hubbert. Haskins, Switzer. Cook.
Conductors up: Bennett, Rhine,
Beggan, Corl.
Brakemen up: Leonard, Beers.
Fenicle, George. Myers. Bowman.
Yard Board —Engineers for 1-7 C,
1-14 C. •
Firemen for IC, 1-7 C, 5-7 C 11C
12C, 23C.
Engineers up: Revie. Ulsh, Bost
dorf, Schife, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey,
Cooxerly, Maeyer, Sholter.
Firemen up: Heckman, Shambaugh,
Laurer, Rupley, Bartley. Kling, Lake,
Staff, Moses, Myers. Kistler, Mum
man, Rhine, Newkirk, King Bell,
Swope, Kell, Beard.
Philadelphia Division The 251
crew first to go after 1.45 o'clock:
250, 237. 252, 222. 228, 226, 221. 240
Engineer for 206.
Firemen for 228, 206.
Conductors for 52, 22, 28, 06.
Flagmen for 52, 06.
Brakemen for 28 26.
Conductor up: Ebner.
Brakemen up: Gotshall, Garverich,
Miller. Trayer.
Middle Division —The 102 crew first
to go after 2.3 Oo'clock: 116, 121, 123,
224, 106.
Engineers for 102, 116.
Firemen for 102, 116.
Conductor for 116.
Flagmen for 123, 121.
Brakeman for 102.
Yard Board —Engineers for Ist 126,
3d 126, Ist 129, 112.
Firemen for 3d 129, 4th 129, Ist
102. Ist 104.
Engineers up: Fenicle, Baip, Brown,
Quigley, Potter, Barnhart, Ewing.
Firemen up: Kline, Hall, Wallace,
Cristofaro, Price, Foke, Weaver, Bles
sner, W. S. Ready. Cofif, Miller, Bruce,
Philadelphia Division Engineers
up: Lindley, Kennedy. Osmond, Gtl
lums, Lipp.
Firemen up: McNeal, Cook.
Middle Division Engineers up:
Firemen up: Shetts, Zeiders.
The 68 crew first to go after 11.45
o'clock: 53. 72, 2, 63, 14. 65, 20, 23 58
70. 19, 6,' 7, 60. 71, 57. 73, 55.
Engineers'for 53, 54, 95, 65, 70 71
1, 2, 6, 9. 94, 18.
Firemen for 93, 94, 95, 97, 60, 63,
65, 68, 71, 72, 73, 6, 9, 19, 20.
Conductors for 54. 95. 90, 2.
Flagmen for 54, 62. 70. 6.
Brakemen for 53. 54. 63, 70. 6.
Engineers up: Crinister. Barnhart,
Moyer, Linn. Little, Bream, Felix,
Firemen up: Leach, Kline, Tanner.
Mintzer, Raystone, Cooper, Keller,
j Becbtel, Rife, Yeingst,
! Looker.
Conductors up: Hetrlck, Fessler,
Flagmen up: Kichman, Gulden. Mc-
Keever, Lehner, Kauffman, Hoffman,
Brakemen up: Clepper, Young, Lo
gan, Kendrick, Runkle, Shireman,
Schooner Captain, Twice
Torpedoed, Finally Lands
Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 14.—Cap
tain James A. Nickerson and his crew
of five men from the fishing schoon
er Reliance sunk by a German sub
marine oft George's Banks on Satur
day morning, went through the un
! usual experience of being torpedoed
twice. They told theft: story when
they arrived home here last night.
When the Reliance was sent to the
• bottom they got away In a dory and
early In the afternoon were picked
up by the fishing schooner Kate Pal
mer. That evening the submarine
sank the Palmer and Captain Nick
erson and his crew again took to
their dory. They rowed until Monday
morning when they were picked up]
by a third schooner.
AUGUST 14, 1918.
Charge of Heroes Through Deadly Barrage Is Described j
by an Archbald Corporal, Who Declares Losses in the
Twenty-eighth Are Heavier Than Reported
JOSEPH MURPHY, of Archbald.
corporal In Company A, One
Hundred and Ninth Infantry,
had written a letter to his parents.
r * Mrs - Tnomas Murphy, de
scribing the part thy Twenty-eighth
fPennsylvania) Division took in the
Allied offensive on the Marne, and
making it appear as though the
casualties of the One Hundred and
Ninth may have been far heavier
than the official dispatches have as
yet shown. The letter Just received
from Murphy, who is in a hospital
in ,f r&nce > reads as follows:
"The battle began Sunday night
before midnight. The barrage they
sent over us was the worst anybody
has experienced since the war began.
The Germans started the drive, and
we countered and gave them a dose
of their own medicine. We let them
cross the Marne. and then mowed
them down and followed them up
and drove them back a distance of
seven or eight miles upon a twenty
five-mile front, taking thousands of
prisoners. Our division was in sup
port, and their artillery surely did
cut up the support. I was gassed
three times. I wore a gas mask for
six hours. I really don't know how
any of us came out of the barrage
Badly Cut Up
"The boys were falling along side
of me, and I gave up all hopes of
coming out alive. When morning
dawned all we could find of our
company was about forty men. The
sergeant gave the order for us all to
take cover and be ready to assemble
at a minute's notice. It was im
possible to take cover, for fire swept
every inch of our section. Just as the
sergeant finished speaking over
comes a shell and knocks off four of
the boys standing ten yards from
"We couldn't do a thing only to
take all they gave us, so I told the
few that remained it was suicide to
stay there, and if they were willing
to follow me, I would take a chance
on getting them out. I do not know
how we did it, as all the roads were
covered with the fire and strewn with
dead horses, but I managed to get
through without losing a man.
"Then I began to feel awfully
weak, and the next thing I knew I
was in a hospital. I do not know if I
will be able to get back to the lines
again, as this gas is awful stuff. A
person thinks he is all right, and
then all of a sudden falls over dead.
"Stanley Neary, who is the best pal
I ever had, was wounded four times.
We roomed together in Allentown
and were like brothers. His home
is in Carbondale."
Lackawanna Men Down
. Corporal Henry Wood, a Scranton
boy, reported killed in action, was
kneavn as the youngest member of
the old Thirteenth Pennsylvania
Regiment. He enlisted when only
fifteen years old. His mother, Mrs.
Gertrude Bierwirth, resides at 53 4
Forest court, Scranton.
That Raymond McGregor, of
Rlakely, another member of the One
Hundred and Ninth Regiment, was
wounded in the Marne offensive, is
told in a letter received from Elmer
Leek, also of Blakely. Leek tells of
taking part in the battle and of hav
ing McGregor brought to a base
Private George Richardson, nine
teen years old, of West Pittston, has
been reported gassed in action July
15. He is in a base hospital. Rich
ardson was a member of the One
Hundred and Ninth Artillery, but
before he sailed for France was
transferred to Company F, One Hun
dred and Third United States En
gineers. He served on the border
with Battery B, of Pittston.
William O'Donnell and Samuel
Siglin, both of Avoca, have been
gassed in France. They were mem
bers of Company E, One Hundred
and Third Engineers. Siglin enlisted
in Scranton last summer and is now
in a base hospital.
Altoona's Dead
Two Altoona boys have been killed
in the fighting around Chateau
Thierry, so their parents have been
notified by the Adjutant General's
office, Washington. Alton Chamber
lain Cole, nineteen years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster Cole, was a
private in Company A. Twenty-eighth
Infantry. He was in the High school
when the United States entered the
war, and promptly enlisted April 16,
1917. Six weeks ago his parents re
ceived a letter from him saying that
his commander had asked for volun
teers for dangerous work; that he
volunteered, went through with it,
and was cheered for his valor by his
comrades. His brother, Charles Ed
win .Cole, is a member of Company
G, Seventh Infantry, now in France.
Donald Leroy Gearhart, nineteen
years old, killed in action, was a
son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gear
hart. He enlisted in Company G,
One Hundred and Tenth Infantry,
July 3, 1917, and came from a fam
ily Of soldiers. Two great-grandfa
thers were in the Union Army in the
Civil War, one being killed in battle
and the other dying in Anderson
ville prison. An uncle served in the
war with Spain and died in the Phil
ippines. Nine days before leaving
Altoona for camp Gearhart married 1
Anna Maude Kfearney.
York Boy Wounded
Mrs. Annie Strickland, of York,
was advised yesterday that her son,
Charles H. Strickland, was severely
wounded in France July 23. He is
23 years old and a drummer. He
was employed at the Schmidt & Ault
paper plant prior to his enlistment.
Word was also rfeceived by Mr. and
Mrs. David Ross, of Goldsboro, that
their son, Russell L. Ross, was bad-,
ty Injured at the same time Strickland
was wounded, both being members
of the Fourth Regiment of Infan
try. Ross is 22 years old and had
been employed by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company at Goldsboro.
Warren Weller, the Boyertown sol
dier wounded in action, is the son
of Jonas Weller. He was hit in the
arm by a shell. Weller was one of
the first drafted men to leave Boyer
town. Daniel E. Reffpert, son of
Augustus Reppert, was wounded
somewhere in France. He enlisted
two years ago and was at Panama
until seven weeks ago. He has two
brothers in the Army, William Rep
pert and Peter Reppert.
Joseph Yanuzzi, 22 years old, a
draftee, who left Hazleton November
last, was killed on the French battle
front July 15. His parents are resi
dents of Italy. Before entering the
service Yanuzzi was a steam driller
at the Benjamin s'trippings.
Vincent Farley, of Blackheath,
Schuylkill county, has been killed in
France, according to information re
ceived by his mother, a widow,
whose only son he was. Farley was
a member of the Regular Army and
made a fine record in Mexico.
Mrs. Mary A. Walker, of Shatno
kin Dam, Snydar couivtv 'y la *,
ceipt of a let™* -rima her son, Prl-
vate Arthur Walker, telling the cir
cumstances of his recent wounds in
France. Walker is a member of
Company D, 103 d Engineers. They
were engaged in a bridging opera
tion in the early stages of the Chat
eau Thierry drive. "A bomber from
an airplane was trying to get us,"
he writes, "but we kept speeding
along with the work until 'Fritzie'
blew our whistle. One of his bombs
struck the bridge, and down wo
went with the wreckage. However,
I expect to get back on the job soon
again, bridging the way to Berlin."
Johnstown Casualties
Two Johnstown boys serving in
Company F, 110 th Regiment, have
been severely wounded, according to
telegrams received last evening. Ser
gant Dan P. Davis and Sergeant
Charles Pinder were wounded July
29. Davis is a son of former Sheriff
and Mrs. Elmer E. Davis and is 23
years old. His brother, Herbert N.
Davis, is a sergeant in the same
company. Pinder is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Pinder and Is 23
years old. His brother. Lieutenant
Clifford Pinder. has just been sent
to Oklahoma after ten months' serv
ice in France, with the Seventeenth
Artillery. Another brother, Thomas,
is in training in the coast artillery
at Fnrt'ess Monroe. His sister. Miss
Ethel Pinder, is nttached to Red
Cross headquarters in New York.
John W. Helwig. 19 years old. of
Norwood, Lancaster county, was
killed in France July 15, He was
reported as missing last week. Hel
wig enlisted in Company C, Fourth
Infantry, at the outbreak* of the
war, and was transferred to the
110 th Regiment. His grandfather
was killed in the battle of Fred
ericksburg during the Civil War.
William Brenner, 16 years old, of
Marietta, youngest soldier, was re
ported last night as killed in France.
He was attached to Company C,
110 th Infantry, and enlisted in April,
The War Department notified Mrs.
Jane Love, of Girardvtlle, yesterday
that her son, James Love, 22 years
old, was severely wounded in France
July 15. He volunteered early lri
1917 and was sent ahroad last Sep
tember. He was an expert account
ant and an athlete.
Sick U. S. Soldiers at
Noted French Resort
Hcadqunrtors American Troops
With the British Forces in Franco,
Aug. 14.—Some of the "new" army
men who have fallen ill or met with
accident in France are convalescing
in bracing air that cost seaside vis
itors from $5 to S2O per day each be
fore the war. They are living in a
place that was once the favorite re
sort of royalty where a new mixed
Anglo-American hospital town of 2,-r
000 beds has sprung up on a high
and dry promontory facing the sea
and overlooking a handsome bay, a
popular bathing beach and a little
port into which picturesque fishing
smacks bring mackerel every day to
be sold at auction on the quay.
William Shorthose, son of William
the Conqueror, brought the port into
history by using it for the embarka
tion of the forces with which he tried
in vain to wrest the throne of Eng
land from his brother, William Ru
it would gratify all the home
friends of these American boys to see
how they are being cared for, and
| how they begin to thrive as soon as
their passing ills are conquered.
Discoverer instructs drug
gists everywhere not to
take a cent of anyone's
money unless Bio-feren
doubles energy, vigor
and nerve force in two
Any man or woman who finds that
they are going bacaward, are not as
strong as they used to be, have lost
confidence in their ability to accom
plish things, are nervous and run
down should take two Bio-feren tab
lets after each meal and one at bed
tlme. , .
Seven a day for seven days.
Then take one after each meal un
til the supply is exhausted.
Then if your nervousness is not
gone, if you do not feel twice as
strong and energetic as before, if
your sluggish disposition has not been
changed to a vigorous active one, take
back the empty package and your
money will be returned without com
No matter what excesses, worry
overwork —too much tobacco or alco
hol —have weakened your body and
wrecked your nerves, any druggist
anywhere is authorized to refund your
money on request if Bio-feren, the
mighty upbuilder of blood, muscle and
brain does not do Just what is claim
ed for 4t.
Note to Physicians: There is no
secret about the formula of Bio-feren.
it is printed on every package. Hero
It is: Lecithin; Calcium Glyeero-phos
phate; Iron Peptonate: Manganese
Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powri.
Gentian; Phenolphthalein; Olearesin
Capsicum; Kola.
Keeps Teeth Clean
and Gums Healthy
Specially indicated
for treatment of
Soft, Spongy and Bleeding
All Draggiata and Tails t Counters.