Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
' GERMAN LEADER BEGS HIS AIDS TO ECONOMIZE MEN Xaptured Enemy Order, Sign ed "I.udendorff," Admits Retreat Necessary By Associoted Press With the British Army in Prance, Aug. 14.—A captured enemy secret order signed "LudendorfT," lays stress on the necessity of economis ing men. The order asserts that the two elements essential to the future conduct of the war are to "maintain everywhere our fighting strength and the spirit of offensive." The document wus issued late in Xu ne. "It is essential,", says the order, "that all commanders of whatever rank, as well as all troops, should be imhued with the Idea that the ■war cannot be won by a stubborn defense, but only by a further suc cession of vigorous attacks. "It is absolutely essential that we should avoid our old fault of at tacking in too dense formations and we should reduce our casualties by every possible means." Cannot Hold Lines The order is frank in explaining that, because of the reduced Ger man strength, it frequently will be Impossible to hold continuous trench lines and recommends instead the creation of centers of resistance. The doctiment warns commanders that should the enemy obtain a foot bofd within the German lines the? Removes Hairy Growths Without Pain or Bother (Modes of Today) It is not necessal-y to use a painful process to remove hairy growths, for with a little delatone handy you can keep the skin entirely free from these, beauty destroyers. To remove hair, make a stiff paste with a little pow dered delatone and water. Spread this on the hairy surface and in • about two minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. To guard against disappointment, be caieful to get i"?al delatone. Nervous Wrec k Live Wire Makes Everybody Sit Up and Take Notice One of 'our big league ballplayers lad be?n going back for some time. matter how hard he tried he rould not get his old-time Pep and Ginger into the game, it was uphill Work all the time. He was one of those honest, hard-working fellows and it finally got his "goat." his nerves went bad. he commenced to run down, could not eat or sleep and kept steadily slipping. Doctors and 1 rutdicihes were of no help. One of his many admirers said to him. "Why not try Phosphated Iron, everybody is boosting it." Grasping at the last straw, the poor fellow took a try at it. The way he came back was an "eye opener," he was there in every de partment of the game, his nerves wrre like iron, he could hit the ball and was no time getting back to the three hundred mark, while his base running and fielding were great. Discussing the blatter with our reporter he said. "Would you believe It I could feel the Iron charging my blood with health and strength, while the way the Phosphates steadied and renewed my nerve I force was almost too good to be lieve. " Phosphated Iron took hold ot me right from the start and sure] did make a new man of me. and you can bet I carry a good supply on all my trips." Doctors will tell you that you must have plenty of Iron and Phos phates in your system if you want pure red Mood and steady nerves of iron. Every one who is run down, nervous, tired and has that "all in" feeling should try Phos phated Iron and you will never be without it again. Specftl Notice—To insure physi cians and patients receiving the gen- Pine Phosphated Iron we have put up in capsules only, so do not allow dealers to substitute pills or tablets. Insist on the genuine in capsules only. For sale in Harrisburg by G. A. -Gorgas 16 North Third street nd Pennsylvania Railroad Station. Don't buy a new brass bed, chandelier, auto lamp, etc., until you have learned how satisfactorily and reasonably we can repair and refinish your old ones. The quality of our work as sures you of the utmost satis faction and the reasonableness of our prices assures you of a' saving that is well worth while. Phone us or drop us a card today and have our representa tive call tomorrow and give ypu an estimate on replating. repol ishing and refinishing work that you have to be done. OPPORTUNITY] For Loyal Men and Women. ) If you have good appearance.! education, tact, determination to I , ' win success, are a convincing • talker, honorable and loyal, and i i can visit New York, you will be i " taught free of charge how to earn i SSO or more weekly at pleasing i work. Inquire or write for par-1 • t.iculars to I DENBY SALES j CORPORATION j 1205 CAPITAL ST. A-ITTTTT.LT... , L FOR i I Ifjk Lll CORNS ■ v wja mtm bunions CALLUSES Immediate Relief —25 cents GORGAS DRUG STORES liai f ■ —• WEDNESDAY EVENING, cannot consldor too carefully wheth er a counterattack Is necessary or worth risking a large number of lives. The value that the Germans placed on ground that they havo lost Is seen in a captured order signed by Gen j eral von Hutlor, drawing attention I to the difficulties In Germany's eco nomic situation and calling on his troops to assist in affording all pos sible relief In regard to food sup plies. The order is dated before the opening of the present offensive by the Allies. Ix>ot Occupied Territory The document admits that the ra tions are "lucking in variety" and calls on the troops to "exploit the occupied territory and thereby re lieve the homeland from sending us supplies." "Now and during the coming weeks." the order continues, "the crops on the territory occupied and conquered must be harvested. Vast stretches of land and huge fields un der good cultivation, promise us a rich harvest." ! Concrete Ships Win Approval of United States Atlantic City, Aug. 14. —The un qualified declaration that the United States Shipping Board is convinced of the practicability of concrete cargo carriers and proposes to build them upon a more extensive scale, was made yesterday by H. J. Bru- I nier, of San Francisco, supervisor of concrete ship construction for the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Mr. Brunier said: "Forty-two concrete ships provid ed t for in our present program are onl'y a beginning, for more are to be provided for as rapidly as practicable now that their practicability has been established to the complete [satisfaction of the Emergency Cor poration. "Experience has demonstrated I that the concrete ship is not only ilighter but costs less than wooden vessels. The Faith, our tfrst re-en forced concrete craft, cost little moie than $32 a ton deadweight, butsher successors probably will cost as high as SSO a ton. Wooden ships to-day the government from SB7 to SIOO a ton deadweight and some much higher. Steel ships cost $125 a ton deadweight and upward. These figures are for hull alone." Coinage of Cents Doubled in Year New York. Aug. 14. 'The an, nouncement from Washington that 445,000,000 one-cent pieces were coined by the Government in the fiscal year 1918, lends interest to a compilation by the Natiohal City Bank of New York regarding the country's growing demand for these little coins, of which the 1918 out put was the largest on record. The bank's statement shows that that number of one-cent coins manu factured bv the mints of the United States from 1793 to the end of the fiscal year 1918. was 3.483.000.000. while the number issued in the last six years is, in round numbers. The number of one cent pieces coined never touched the 100.000.000 line in any year prior to 1907; the annual average from that time to 1918 was nearly 100,000.000 per vear; in 1917. 213.500,000, and in 1918. 445.228.201 pieces. It is quite probable that out of the 3,483,000.000 one-cent pieces coined by the Gov ernment. not more than about 2.400,- 000.000 are now in existence, or at least in circulation. Mother Burying One Son Hears of Another's Death Oil City, Pa.. Aug. 14.—while Mrs. I Jennie Willyoung. of BullyhUl. near Franklin, was attending the funeral yesterdav afternoon of her son. George P. Willyoung, who died in Oklahoma from fever, a message was received by the family from the War Department announcing that her son, Fred Boswick Willyoung. has been killed on the western battlefront in France. July 3. Fred Willyoung left Franklin April 4, 1918. with selectives for Camp Lee. Virginia, and after be ing in training six weeks was sent to France. He is survived by his mother and one brother. Charles Willyoung. both of Bullyhlll. Short Leave Soldiers May Not Get Cut Fares Washington, Aug. 14.—Plans to grant reduced railroad fares to sol diers on short leave from camps are under consideration, but the Railroad Administration advised Senator Cal der, of New York, yesterday in re sponse to an inquiry that It seri ously objects.to the step at this time because of the difficulty of providing adequate transportation facilities for the increased travel. At present only soldiers on fur loughs travel at reduced rates. CUTICURA HEALS j mm w; Itchy. Then Irr Sore Erup tions All Over Face and Head. t I "My houble began with an itchy scalp, and I scratched it causing it to become inflamed. Then it broke out in sore eruptions which spread all over my face and head. They were so itchy that I scratched, thus irritating them and causing bleeding. I got very little sleep, and my neck was a sight. "Then I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and I used about three quarters of a box of Ointment with the Soap when I was healed." (Signed) Miss Miriam H. Ayrton, 4122 N. Bth St., Philadelphia, Pa., March 22,1918. For every purpose of the toilet Cuti- i cura Soap and Ointment are supreme. Sampla Etch Trt* by If*ll Address poet-card "Ovttcar*, Dtpt H. Boston." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c I WAS WEAK \ AND NERVOUS Would Get Numb and Dizzy Says Mr. E. W. Ewell 137 Balm street. Harrisburg. "I was Just about nil in, the least exertion fagged me out. I was subject to dizzy spells, would get weak and nervous, could net sleep well nights. At times a numb feeling would creep over me, after which I would feel chilly. "I ran the gamut of the usual treatments without result. I saw Sanpan advertised and decided to try it, and it worked wonders for me. in fact I feel perfect." Sanpan is being introduced at Keller's Drug Store, 405 Market Street, Harris burg. BIG FARM SHOW TO BE ENLARGED ■Plans For Midwinter Exhibi tion Well Under Way in Many Sections An elaborate display of small grains and the different forage crops will be an added feature of the State Farm Products Show which will be held at Harrisburg on January 21, 22, 23 and 24. under the auspices of the State Department of Agri culture and allied state organiza tions. In addition to the corn, fruit, po tato. vegetable, wool, poultry, eggs and dairy products which have fea tured the display during the past few years, the executive committee at a meeting this week decided to feature a small grains display show ing wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, barley and soy beans, with displays of a peck each. The forage crop display will show the different types of hay, consisting of alfalfa, timo thy and the clovers. The poultry and egg display will bo much larger than last year and efforts will be made to enlist greater interest in the industry and to bring about a much larger number of poultry 'keepers next year. Every indication points that the corn ex hibit will be at least twice the size of last year. The corn from the vari ous counties will be collected by the County Farm Bureau agents and sent direct from their offices in or der that the county displays may be kept together and the classification will be more complete. The increased interest in the sheep industry throughout the state prom ises to make the wool end of the show one of the most important and an educational feature will be added' by showing various types of sheep | from which the clip or fleece has i been taken. The sheep and the| fleece will form an Important part cf the wool display and farmers be able to distinguish the value of the different breeds as to their wool giving qualities. The apple display will have a number of additions and some change in the entry list, but prom ises to attract many growers who have not exhibited at former shows The new State Potato Growers As sociation is planning one of the larg est display of potatoes ever held in the state. Four Fire Companies to Attend Convention; Find Acid-Eaten Hose Four local fire companies will par ticipate in the events of the State Firemen's Convention at Lancaster Septehiber 18. The companies will take pEfrt in the parade. Each com pany will be accompanied by a band, j The companies which will send dele- I gations are the Shamrock. Royal, I Allison and Camp Curtin. The decis ion to participate was announced at a meeting of the Harrisburg Fire men's Union last 'evening. i It was announced at the meeting that two new sections of hose be- j longing to the Mt. Pleasant company! had been tampered with and acid ] eaten, as in the case of the hose be- 1 longing to a Sfeelton fire company, j j The tampering was discovered some | time ago. but no clue to the perpe | trators has been "discovered. Complaint was made that no nlace [ had been niade for the accommoda ; tion of the equipment of the Mt. Ver | ion and Citizens' equipment. Their I houses were torn down in the Capt ! tol Park extension plans. Represen- j I tatives from Middletown and High- j spire companies were at the meet j ing. Willis Will Make Race Against Cox in Ohio By Associated Press Columbus. Ohio, Aug. 14.—For the | third time in six years, Frank B. j Willis. Republican of Delaware, and i James M, Cox, Democrat, of Day ■ ton. will oppose each other for the I governorship at the November elec-' ! tion in Ohio this year. This was de- I oided at ihe state-wide primary elec ! tion held yesterday. Willis an avow ed dry. defeated Edwin Jones, of Jackson, and John H. Arnold. f Columbus, by 25,000 to 50,000 votes, according to estimates based on com plete but unofficial returns from ap | proximately half the precincts of the state. Cox and all Democratic state officers were renominated with out opposition. Cox and Willis will ! meet again this fall, each with a 1 victory to his credit. In 1914 Willis] defeated Cox. then governor. In 1916 Cox defeated Willis, then gov. ernor. Queen of England Saves Fruit Stones to Cure Gassed Men • • London, Aug. 14. The London' Times publishes the following which! may be of interest to American | housewives during the fruit canning! season: "The Queen recently read of the discovery of a valudble specific for! gas poisoning in which nut shells and ! fruit stones are used, and having | ascertained that these waste products l were required by the government,' she gave instructions for the saving of all such material in 1 the royal es tablishments. The first consignment was sent frcm Buckingham Palace when eight Boy Scouts called with a trek cart and collected four baskets of fruit stones and nut shells. The Scouts will pay a weekly visit to the palace, and to clubs, restaurants and hotels in Westminster." VISITING NURSE PRAISESTANLAC! Miss Mamie Rutter, Herself Bene fited by Famous Tonic, Ad vises Its Tse by All Who Are Run Down. Miss Mamie Rutter, a visiting nurse, whose home is 13 33 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa., says, "When I say that Tanlac should be taken by everyone who is suffering from ■ stomach trouble, or who is run down, I am speaking from ex perience antj not from hearsay. "For I myself was a sufferer from a particularly distressing form of stomach trouble. "Tanlac was recommended to me and I can truthfully say that it gave almost instant relief. Since taking it my headaches have disappeared: the trouble in my stomach seems to have been corrected, for I no longer have that sourness or pain. More over, I found that Tanlac was a splendid blood purifier and a fine tonic for the whole system. In fact I found it more efficacious than any other remedy that I have ever used." Tanlac is now being introduced here at the George Gorgas Drug 'Store. ELAjRRISBUTtG TELEGRAPH LATEST CORN FOE VERY EXPENSIVE Zoologist Sanders Gives Infor mation About the Corn Root Aphid General complaints from some sections of the state of damage be ing done the rorn by the torn root aphids have been reported to the Department of Agriculture within the past few weeks. Rotation of crops is the only method of Obtaining relief from the pest, according to Economic Zoolo gist J. G. Sanders. Professor San ders says: "We have had considerable com plaint this season about the corn root aphids. This insect has un in teresting iife history. If the nests of the small brown ants, which are so abundant in cornfields infested with corn root aphids, be carefully exam ined during the winter, there will be found stored in the "nest many small black aphid eggs. These the ants move up and down according to the weather, the colder it is the deeper they go to keep the eggs in unfrozen ground. "In April and May with the ap pearance of smartweed and foxtail grass the eggs begin to hatch. The ants at once get in touch with the roots of these plants, and preparing a place for them, bring the aphicls to feed upon these roots. Later they are transferred to the corn but should the field not be planted to corn the aphids will feed upon the roots of pigeon grass or purslane. "In May the second generation of aphids commence to appear both winged and wingless forms. This and succeeding broods are produced by agamic females which do not re quire sexual intercourse to give birth to live adults. These multiply very rapidlv. One of these agamic females commences to reproduce in eight days after birth. "These are herded on the corn roots by thcTants who milk them by stroking them with their antennae. The aphids respond to this gentle caressing by exuding a honey dew upon which the ants greedily feed. "In late September and October true males and females are pro duced which mate and later eggs are laid which the ants carefully store in the ground and from which aphids hatch the following spring. "The only method of obtaining re lief from this pest is to rotate crops." Service Flag in Honor | '• of Fifty-nine Soldiers New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 14. — | On Sundav morning at 10 o',clock at j Trinity United Brethren Church. a| service flag in honor of- the fifty-1 nine young men of the church. Sun- j day school and families of the | church, who have been called to the Army and Navy will be unveiled. Ail program of special interest will be j ■ rendered. The parents, relatives and ! friends of the young men and the Grand Army will be honored guests. The Rev. F. Berry Plummer, of Car lisle, will deliver the principal ad- " dress. Special music will be render- j ed by the Sunday school orchestra j and church choir. LITTLE GIRL RI'RN'FP New Cumberland. Pa.. Aug. 14. i Private funeral services were held | for Evelyn May Livingston yester- j day afternoon In charge of the Rev. j David S. Martin, pastor of St. Paul's i ; Lutheran Church. Musical selections were rendered by members of the ; choir. Six little boys, members of St. Paul's Sunday school, were pall- ( bearers. Burial was made at Mt. i Olivet Cemetery. j PICNIC \T BOILING SPRINGS i New Cumberland, Pa.. Aug. 14. On Saturday the Sons and Daughters of Liberty will hold a picnic at Boil- J ing Springs. They will hold a meet ing on Thursday evening to make arrangements. ' Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Edward McCaully, of Philadel phia, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hoover at New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hutchinson, of Gettysburg, are visiting the Rev. A. R. Hutchinson in Reno street, New Cumberland. The J. B. G. Club of New Cum berland, who have been camping at Mt. Gretna, have returned home. The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Ayres, of New Cumberland., were at Carlisle yesterday. Miss Sara Myers, of New Cumber land, is visiting friends In Philadel- 1 phia. Miss Emma Heevern, of Balt.l- * more, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clifford Getter at New Cumberland. * William Water, of Newport News, Va., and Mrs. Kate Wagner, Wash- ® ington, D. C., are visiting their sis ters, Mrs. Mary Bates and Miss Susan Bate, at Slitremanstown, there be ing a period of forty-nine years since the former saw his sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Meloy. of Mechanicsburg, and Mrs. William Brown and children, Delbert, Don ald and Kathryn Brown, Mr. ,and Mrs. Kent Brown and son. Kenneth Brown, of Hunterstown, were enter tained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McKonly at Shire ma nstown. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Ainsworth, Mrs. Norman Miller, of Cedar Run, and the latter's husband, Norman L Miller, of Fort Pierce, Florida, were j entertained at dinner on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sara "Strong at I Shiremanstown. Mrs. R. M. Crumpton has returned' I to" her home at Seattle. Washington, after spending some time with her niece. Mrs. Blain A. Bower, at Shire manstown. Master Curtis Spangler, of Wells ville, is spending some time with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William Bentz at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. William Corman, or Shiremanstown, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Deckman at Milltown. Mrs. James Glessner and son, James, Jr., of Harrisburg, are spend ing some time with Mrs. John M. Rupp, at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Harry Spahr and Miss Alice Pheiffer. of Philadelphia, are visit ing Mrs. Spahr's parents and other relatives at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Roy A. Allen, of Merlden. Conn., is the guest of Mrs. B. A. Bower, of Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfe, daughter Eldolne and son Howard, Jr., of Lemoyne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Brubaker and other relatives at Shiremanstown. HELD ON SUSPICION Edwin Brown, aged 18. and Hay wood Moston. aged 16, both colored, were arrested this morning on sus picion of attempting to steal an automobile which was standing In I front of a residence in Emerald 'street. SCHWAB ORDERS FULL SPEED IN EASTERN YARDS Demands That Atlantic Coast Equal Western Plants in Increase of Tonnage Philadelphia, Aug. 14.—T0 speed up production of the eastern shipyards and to point out the necessity for putting every ounce of energy and enthusiasm into the great task of building a bridge of ships across the Atlantic, Charles M. Schwab, director general of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration. called a meeting of ship builders in the east. The meeting will be held at Mr. Schwab's office in this city next Mon day and will be attended by the heads of ail the large yards on the Atlantic coast. With his character istic energy and enthusiasm. Mr. Schwab said yesterday: Must Increase Tonnage "We want speed, the eastern yards must enthuse. They must increase production. They must put all their efforts into the task. . 1 want them to speed up and that is why I am calling this meeting. "I want to see the yards here, as well as those on the Great Lakes and Pacific coast. I want to speed up the eastern yards, and I am making every effort to get production in those yards on a par with the western plants." The Great Lakes Engineering Com pany, which is building ships for the Fleet corporation at its yards at Ash tatklla, 0,, and Eoorse, Mich., i:| ninety days ahead of its program. It will launch six ships of 4,000 tons deadweight this month. A. C. Pes sano, chairman of the company, was a caller at the Fleet corporation yes terday. making a report of progress and calling for more steel. Steel Situation Improves The steel situation is coming along very well, according to Mr. Schwab. While the yards on the Atlantic coast are fairly well supplied, those on the Great Lakes and Pacific coast are not getting shipments fast enough to' keep up with their advanced produc tion schedule, according to the direc tor general. "The War Industries Board," con tinued Mr. Schwab, "is working with us in a most satisfactory manner. While we could use more steel, they are giving us all that we could ex pect at this time. "There are to-day In the United States 450 ways that are turning out steel ships. They will absorb all of the resources of the country for the present. I have endeavored to bal ance the ship production with the steel resources, including the manu facture of engines, boilers and shaft ing and the numerous minor parts that go to make up the complete and fully equipped vessel," MILITARY DRILL FOR ACADEMY CLASS [Continued from First Page.] most universal demand, made upon the Academy for a period of more than two.years. It is officially announced also that Miss Helen Reese, an expert dietitian has been employed to manage the Academy's new dining room and kitchen. Miss Reese is a graduate of Prexel Institute in Philadelphia, and has had several years' experience as a dietetic. The purpose of the Academy man agement is to provide their masters and pupils with well prepared, prop erly balanced meals. The diet of the younger boys will be somewhat dif ferent from that of the older pupils. The entire food problem-is to be worked out on a scientific basis. Will Open New Building It is stated to-day that the new junior school building, containing the beautiful refeqtory will be ready for occupancy when school begins in September. The 150 last year stu dents and the scores of new pupils already enrolled will be agreeably surprised when they assemble for their first lunch. The dinlngroom is one of the finest In this section of the country. The beamed ceiling is two stories high. The walls are of symetrically pointed stone flocks with chestnut panellings extending eight feet from the floor. In the west end of the diningroom is a beautiful Indiana limestone fireplace, with the school crest skillfully en graved on the central stone. The din ing room is 33 by 70 feet, and will accommodate comfortably 250 peo ple. The new school kitchen Is 27 by 45 feet and is sanitary in every par ticular. It will be equipped with the most modern culinary appliances purchasable. The Academy has made a big stride fortwird in the completion of this much needed building, and It is quite in order that the new plant should be placed in the hands of an expert dietitian. , I The Program Nowadays Is to Save! Grape-Nuts food fits in fine with this idea. No fuel re quired to prepare; n6 sugar needed; there's no waste; and the use of bar ley, in its. making, conserves wheat. Grape-Nuts is economical, nour ishing and delicious. Try a package. GOOD WEATHER IN HARVEST SEASON J. Aldus Herr Gives Some Advice Regarding Next Season's Crop The wheat and much of the oats crop of Pennsylvania has been har vested and not in a long time has there been such favorable weather for the gathering of these two crops. In certain sections of Pennsylvania there is generally a little lull in farm work following the wheat and oats harvest. "I would advise all farmers wher ever possible just as soon as they possibly to plow their soil that will be sown to winter wheat," says J. Aldus Herr, farm adviser of the State Department of Agriculture. "I would plow it deep and cultivate it once or twice soon afterwards. In the preparation of a good seed bed not all depends on plowing, or in other words, the turning of the fur row, but after you have that part of the work done the actual prepara tion of the seed bed only begins. It is by periodical harrowing to reduce the particles of soil which will greatly help to retain the moisture and also to give good capillary at traction which would aid very ma terially in the germination of the seed. "Many farmers have learned by sad experience during the last year that much of their soil lacked mois ture after the grain was sown and the wheat did not germinate end stool as it should to prepare it to go through the conditions of a severe winter. This cadi very materially be improved by a thorough preparation of the seed bed harrowing, har rowing and harrowing. I actually believe that one-half of our diffi culties are caused by our own neg lect in not plowing our soil soon enough and giving it thorough cul tivation. We are inclined to have our soil too loose and much of the wheat becomes covered too deeply, hindering it from quick germination and proper stooling. "The wheat plant requires certain protection during the winter and the fields should be fairly well covered with growth before the ground freezes up for the winter. This helps to hold the snow and protects it from the winds and freezing win ter weather. "My experience has been that the earlier we plow our ground for any crop, granting, of course, that the ground is in good condition to plow, the better will be the prospects for a good crop. A vfery large percent age of farmers take no precaution whatever with their seed ' wheat. This is very vital and should be given great consideration. It has been the writer's custom for quite a number of years to have his seed wheat graded thoroughly. Some millers are equipped to do it for the farmer at a cost of about two cents a bushel. In some communities there are small machines owned hy individual farmers who make it a business to clean seed wheat going from farm to farm and charging a few cents per bushel for the work. This certainly Is a good practice." JSmmumZ H4HK, S ,.UHG. BKDNESIJAY, AUGUST 14, 1018. ' FOUNDED IH7I A Summer Sale of Manhattan Shirts Complete Line of Manhattan . Shirts Includes Choice Pat- l ;i I•: T TcJ terns In Finest Materials slbl;: 1 j! ill This is the big sale men have been ac- /1 ) jj jl j 111 customed to wait for because the values Wf { flj II f//ff / [[lvM offered are always sowell worth while |/ } jj/ //}// I { Z/Sul and assortments comprise all the finest JJ f /Jf ///// Hi! I / personally selected patterns in the famous Ti flli t(I ■? f ■-/' ? fin Manhattan shirts. ■ V Beautiful silk shirts and the most excel- I 1 lent percales and madras at reductions I that will average twenty-five per cent. & Now selling at — • —————, SI.SS, $1.85, $2.15, $3.15 __ $3.85, $4.85 . lI^gJEBL Bathing Suits For Men and Boys Take advantage of the warm days while the water is fine. I ave bat *"ng suits to suit your requirements, whether you wish the most modest in price or those of better quality. Boys ' Bathin g Suits, one-piece . 59£ to $2.50 / V Men's onc-piece Cotton Suits. Each SI.OO f f Men's two-piece Cotton Bathing Suits, short sleeves, $1.39 ( KdtniW {jW Men's all-wool, one-piece Bathing Suits navy, black or ( fl fi <0 Oxford trimmed. Each $4.98 7 j H Men's Bathing Trunks $2.00 V|, / W Jerseys, white or khaki $2.00 2jJw Children's one-piece Suits, plain colors and fancy, _ $1.25 and sl.7® . BOWMAN'S—Main Vloor. ~ ■ , ■ --m AUGUST 14, 1918 Herbert K. Curll Will Remove His Family to Chicago; Is Promoted Herbert K. urll, formerly man ager for th elnternattonal Harvester omi>pny at this point, recently ap pointed assistant general manager of sales in the motortruck depart ment for the entire United States, returned yesterday from Chicago after having traveled 10,000 miles ♦hroughout the west and northwest since leaving here in June. Mr. Curll is removing his family to Chi cago, where his office is located. He has resided in a handsome home at 808 North Seventeenth street for the past several years. Mr. Curll is a prominent member of the Harris burg Rotary Club and is a general favorite in business circles through out Central Pennsylvania, where he Is well known. Draft Finally Catches Arkansas Committeeman Little llook. Ark., Aug. 14.—Wal lace Davis, Arkansas member of the Democratic national committee, wns placed in Class 1 of the draft by a local board yesterday after orders had been received from General Crowder to reopen his case. The lo cal board placed Davis in Class 1, but the district appeal board grant ed him deferred classification after Governor Bropgh had appeared n Davis' behalf. The case was then brought before the attention of Gen eral Crowder. Davis, who is 28. is the son of the late United States Senator Jeff Davis and formerly wns state attorney gen eral. The case had attracted wido attention and had caused the circu lation of petitions asking for the re moval of the district appeal board. RECEIVE DRAFT P.AT.T. Local draft boards this morning received notice of the call for 1,400 men for special limited military service at Camp Green, Charlotte, North Carolina. The men will be entrained during the two days movement beginning August 30. The boards will receive notice of the quotas within a few days. FOREIGN LETTERS The following foreign letters re mained in the Post Office, at Harris burg, Pu., for the week ending Au gust 10: Frank Di Cola. J. S. Rlddler, Lillian Stegman, Crivatc R. Thompson. FRANK C. SITF,S, . Postmaster. Warner's Safe Remedies A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877 8 CBS Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. | p£u Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. S liiP! Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. - EyS Warner's Safe Nervine. 1 big Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness) The Reliable Family Medicines Sold by lending druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of 10c. WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO., Dept. 266, ROCHESTER. N. V. Alkali in Soap Bad For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully. If you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and pre- , pared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, maken the hair brittle, and ruins it The best thing for steady use Is Just ordinary mulsifled cocoanut oil (which Is pure and greaseless), and Is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thor oughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsifled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. \ N '"r Druggists Price Advance For over a year now we have succeeded in main taining our old prices, principally by virtue of a big increase in sales, which reduced our over head cost. , For our fiscal year end ing July 1, 1918, our sales amounted to over a mil lion dollars—an increase of 58% over the preced ing year. *We had hoped to bridge the war period without a change in prices on Vick's Vapoßub but we find that our econ omies do not keep pace with our rising coats. It is with sincere regret, there fore, that we are forced to announce an increase, ef fective August 1, which will make it necessary to retail Vapoßub at 300, 600 & $1.20 THE VICK CHEMICAL CO. Greensboro, N. C. 3