Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 TO PAY TRIBUTE TO DEAD LEADER (Continued From First Page) i , hastened by an attack of acute indi gestion. Burial will be in the Har risburg Cemetery where the service will be in charge of Perseverance Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M. Tiie active pallbearers will be: V. H. Rerghaus, Jr., A. Boyd Hamil ton, F. B. Musser, W. T. Hildrup, Jr., E. Z. Gross, Frank C. Sites. The following will.be honorary pall bearers: J. Murray Africa, Edward ■Bailey. G. Irvin Beatty, C. H. Berg ner, B. F. Burns, Casper Dull, W. M. Donaldson, Bishop Henry Dirling ton. Dr. V. H. Fager. J. R. Fletcher, Spencer Gilbert, Dr. George A. Gorgas, W. L Gorgas, H. E. Hershey, Lane S. Hart. George D, Herbert, Daniel C. Herr, Dr. Hugh Hamilton. William B. Hammond. Wm. H. Henderson, Wil liam Henderson, M. W. Jacobs, Wm. Jennings, Judge George Kunkel, Chas. A. Kunkel, Solomon Kuhn, Judge J. S. M- McCarrell, Donald Mc- Coriflick, Joseph Montgomery, Walter Maguire, Lesley McCreath, B. M. Nead, Dr. John Oenslager, Warwick Ogelsby, Frank Payne, A. S. Patter son, H. C. Ross, George F. Ross, John K. Royal, George Reily, Dr. Chas. S. Rebuck, E. J. Stackpole, Dr. Silas C. Swallow, Jas. A. Stranahan, F. Eu gene Walz, C. A. Wilhelm, E. Z. Wal lower. At a largely attended meeting of the employes of the Harrisburg Post Oilice last evening, presided over by Postmaster Frank C. Sites, resolu tions on the death of the former post master were adopted. As a mark of respect the post office will be closed to-morrow morning from 10 until 11 o'clock. The employes of the office will proceed to the residence and view the remains. Stamp windows, however, will be kept open for the accommodation of the public. The resolution adopted by the post office employes read: "Whereas, Almighty God in his wise Providence has seen fit to call to rest the Honorable Benjamin F. Meyers, former postmaster; and, "Whereas, His kindly treatment of the employes of the Harrisburg Post Office during his administration as postmaster, as well as his respect for and interest in the employes which continued after the close of his term of office, has endeared him to each one of us; therefore be It, "Resolved, That we extend to his family our sincere sympathy, and that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Clerks' and Carriers' Associations of the Harris burg Post Office." The committee included: Chas. H. Hoffman, W. H. Wood. Jr., E. E. Fry. Harry C. Young, Richard- H. Weaver, J. M. Dailey. PICNIC AT HAWTHORNE HOME Dauphin, Pa., Aug. 13.—Owing to the inclement weather the picnic of the Sunday school class of the Pres byterian church, taught by Miss Bertha Sellers, scheduled to be held yesterday under "The Elm" was held instead at the home of Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. The afternoon and even ing were spent in games and danc ing. A delicious picnic supper was served to Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. Miss Elizabeth Poffenberger, Miss Bertha Sellers, Miss Ethel R. Forney, Miss Naomi Young, Miss Virginia Wallis, Miss Sarah Margaret Hawthorne, Miss Kathryn Hummel, Miss Dorothy Kramer, Miss Annabell Hummel and Harry Young. TUESDAY EVENING, Can Make Sugarless Apple Butter; Receipt by College Experts Sugarless applebutter Vnay sound as Impossible as hamless ham and eggs, but the Food Administrator, that wizard of provender and cookery, de clares that applebutter made without sugar can be as good as the kind grandmother used to make, if the proper procedure is followed in using the substitute he herewith suggests. At the same time he sounds a hopeful note for the future of the sugar situation. "Applebutter isn't going to be a minus quantity this year, even though sugar is," he said. "Pennsylvania I State College has come to the rescue of the applebutter makers this season, through the Department of Home Economics, which issues the following tried and tested receipt: "Take one-half as much white corn syrup as thick apple pulp, add one teaspoonful of cinnamon to each quart of the mixture and make otherwise exactly as the applebutter is made with sugar." Simple, isn't it? But it produces the' right result. Incidentally, the Food Administra tor added this morning, all kinds of canning may be done without sugar, the system being what is known as "sugar pack." The local Food Ad ministrator will supply information and details upon request, and the newspapers have carried full infor mation. Fruits canned without sugar may be readily sweetened when used, and the supply of sugar promises to be more plentiful later in the fajl and early winter. Hotel and restaurants are also urged to use no sugar in canning, as they use a very considerable amount of stigar each year in this manner. Not using it at this time will greatly aid the local situation. Railroads to Employ Thousands of Women Washington, Ang. 13.—Thousands of women will be drawn into railroad employment within the next, few months to take the places of men entering the Army and going to oth er industries, according to plans now being formulated by the railroad administration. Women are to be employed extensively as clerks In railway offices, as expert account ants, ticket sellers, station agents, crossing watchers, car cleaners and to some extent as track laborers. This course will not result in the dismissal of any men, since the de mand for workers in nearly all fields uf railway employment already ex ceeds the supply. The general policy of the railroads will be to pay the same wages paid men for similar service. BLAIN Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kline and baby, Arlene, of Waterloo, Ia„ are visiting D. H. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. William McKce and dughter, Marguerite, of Hamler, 0., are guests of R. M. Smith. Dr. W. H. Flickinger. of Pitts burg, is home on a vacation for two weeks. Mrs. E. P. Miller and two daugh ters, Miriam and Choe, and Miss Rose Kell and Miss Florence Cooper, of Plainficld, returned home Sunday from a visit with the families of R. H. Kell and R. B. Kell. F. B. Kistelr and daughters. Misses Gertrude and Frances Klstler, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Miss Mary J. Kist ler, Mrs. A. F. Bucher and Miss Hazel Baylis, of New York, are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Caroline Kistler. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Swartz and baby, of Harrisburg, visited S. G. ' Smith. More Than 200 Plan to Turn Out For Big Picnic "I enclose herewith a check for $1.50 which I understand is enough to become a member of the bunch. Skinnay." This is the note received by-the secretary of the Harrisburg Cham ber of Comerce from a West Shore bank president this morning. It shows the spirit of the local busi nessmen who have received the in vitation to atend the annual mcnic at Guadaloupe. the summer home of John W. Reily. Thursday. The auto mobile which will furnish transpor tation to the members will leave the Square Thursday at 1.30, and they won't return to the city of care and worry until every businessman has forgotten his troubles for at least seven or eight hours of unconfined Joy. "If you aint sent in your 'septance, you better do it right away. It costs a dollar and a half now. and if you don't tell 'em your goin' till the day of the picnic, they may soak you two dollars and a half, an' nen you may not get nothing to eat, and besides there may not be any room left in the carriages, an' you can't get there by train you know" is the message "The Bunch" has ad dresße<T to "Skinnay"." "Skinnay" is each member of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, and more than 200 "Skinnays" have heeded the urgency of the invitation inviting them back to the "Land of Real Sport." Newport Lad in Camp Hospital With Gas Burns Newport, Pa.. Aug. 18.—With two Newport hoys already killed in the war, another believed to be a pris" oner in the hands of the Germans, a fourth his now been gassed, and is in a hospital In France. He is Harry M. Rush, a private in fo. A, Ninth United States Infantry. Writing from Camp Hospital 14, he states that he is In the hospital, suffering with gas burns received in a German attack and that at that time he was unable to walk. He said that he expected to be out in a few days. • HOGESTOWN GRANGE PICNIC Mcchttnicsburg, Pa., Aug. 13.—0n Saturday, August 17, the second an nual picnic of Hogestown Grange will be held in Big Head woods. There will be short addresses by prominent speakers. The commit tees on sports have several lively games, and also a baesball game. The usual grange dinner will be served. BRAZILIAN FREIGHTER ASHORE An Atlantic Port, Aug. 13. —A Bra zilian freight steamer ran ashore on the New England coast during a heavy fog to-day. The tide was re ceding at the time and observers be lieve the vessel is in a dangerous position. One report was that the steamer was evading a German sub marine. MIILERSTOWN Mrs. Harry Nabors and son, of Philadelphia, are visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Rowe. Miss Louise Tabb, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her brother, V. B. Tabb, and family. Miss Laura Knight spent several days at Harrisburg. Mrs. B. M. Stahl and children, of Mount Wolf, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. "H. Wert. Mrs. Annie Wilson, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday at the home of D. M. Rickabaugh. The Red Cross Auxiliary will hold a vegetable sale in the square this evening-. The Newport band will fur nish music. Mrs. Huldah Knight, of Duncan non, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Page. BABJRISBURG TELEGRAPH Three Brothers Now Serving in Great War *- - vzm\ |HH|BH| ■'\ aS < $ ;* GEORGE R. WENNER MUlersburg, Pa., Aug. 13.—Mrs. Elmer S. Wenner, of East Union street, has received notice of the ar rival of her son, George Raymond Wenner, of the Signal branch of Ihe 216 th Aero Squadron, overseas. Mrs. Wenner has three sons In the Army, the oldest, Orlan, being a recruiting officer in the United States Army, stationed at Ironton, Ohio; the sec ond son, Norvln, a member of a Ca nadian regiment and who was both gassed and wounded in France and is now in England. George is the youngest son. Six Business Buildings Burned at Littlestown Gettysburg, Aug. 13.—Half a busi ness block in the center of Littles town was destroyed by fire yesterday, the blaze evidently starting from in cendiary origin. The fire started in the tailoring establishment of Howard McDonnel. Six houses* were destroy ed and for a while a part of the town was threatened. The Hanover Fire Department was called to ex tinguish the flames, $7,000 Raised at Carnival For Lewistown Red Cross Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 13.—At the big Red Cross carnival held in this place over $7,000 was raised and over $6,000 of it will be clear money. The Henderson Fire Company took in $2,291.44 Miss Kathryn O'Hard won the honor of queen of the car nival and got a diamond ring. The flro department is elated over the success of same. The Sacred Heart Church raised nearly S6OO. NO ACTION YET TO MAKE TOWN DRY (Continued From First jPuge) terfered in anyway with the work of the Harrisburg police department. We thought it our duty <to confine the duties of the ordnance police to the necessities of the Mlddletown ordnance depot. "When the question arose regard ing a five-mile zone to include Har risburg in certain restrictions, we did not favor it, out of regard for the people of Harrisburg and that it in volved police matters concerning the Harrisburg police force with whom we desired to work in harmony. Not withstanding our kindly feelings to ward Harrisburg police and an ever readiness to co-operate, we not only failed to receive co-operation, but dn !a number of occasions our police and employes here have been treated dis courteously. "Existing conditions in Harrisburg are just the kind that result In plac ing a commissioned officer and pro vost guard in charge. Harrisburg is fortunate in having important mili tary depots In close proximity to the city. It is necessary to have sol diers and ploice guards, important to preserve order, and is an encourage ment to well-behaved, orderly labor ers and mechanics. No rowdyism is allowed, liquor is barred and there is no gambling. "The policeand firemen employed at the ordnance depot are carefully selected men. They are uniformed, and well disciplined, and have had Regular Army, National Guard, State Constabulary training. Men of this caliber are always given first consideration. "The police and firemen employed formed so they could be distinguish ede from civilians, and we have per sonal pride in their work and feel personally responsible for their be havior. No one ever need question as to where they belong. The uni form tells it distinctly. The lieuten ants And sergeants are sworn and bonded deputy sheriffs of Dauphin county. The Harrisburg police know this, and instead of lending their aid have on a number of occasions made it unpleasant for ordnance depot men. and shown no Inclination to co-operate in keeping good or der." Federal Authorities to Stop War Garden Thefts The Federal authorities, under the Dauphin County Food Administrator, hav>e taken over the investigation of i alleged war garden thefts, and will prosecute such offenders to the limit, it was announced th(s morning. Food Administrator McCormick was at the hearing in police court yesterday when a man charged with robbing the produce from a war garden was given a hearing, in order that the offender would get the limit of the law. He was held under S3OO ball for court. To-day the Food Administration was investigating other reports of looting of war gardens. One case in Pen brook was investigated and it is like ly tha an arrest will follow. I SIX ARRESTED The police drew six offenders In their net last night for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. They were; John Phillips. Andy ' Smith, Paul Boomfleld. William Holmes, James Smith and George Reed. Boomfleld Was charged with drawing a razor and flourishing It. He was arrested at Seventh and Herr streets. MRS. Frances Ketterman, 93 Years Old, Is Dead MRS. FRANCES KETTERMAN [ Mrs. Frances Ketterman, aged 93 | years, died early this morning at the i home of her daughter and son, Miss | Barbara Ketterman and John Ketter man, 1850 Park street. She lived in Lancaster county for many years, later coming to this city. She was born in Germany and came to Amer ica about 60 years ago.' She was in tensely patriotic, expressing her love for her adopted country upon many occasions. She is survived by the following children: Miss Barbara Ketterman and John Ketterman, 1850 Park street; Miss Elizabeth Ketterman; seven grandchildren and three great great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held to morrow evening at 7 o'clock at the home, the Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, officiating. The body will be taken to Masonvllle, Lancaster county. Thursday by Hoover and Sons, under takers, where, further services will be held and burial will be made. Anna Held Dies After Many Weeks' Illness New York, Aug. 13.—Anna Held, the actress, died here late yesterday. She had been 111 since April of a rare malady known as myeloma, a disintegration of the spinal marrow, and her condition was reported sev eral times as critical. ' She rallied repeatedly, however, and until attacked by pneumonia a few weeks ago was regarded as on the road to recovery. Her physi cians said that only her remarkable will-power had prevented her from succumbing long ago. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Halifax, Pa.. Aug. 13.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wertz, of near town, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mar garet Wertz, on Sunday, August 11, 1918. AUGUST 13, 1918. RECUPERATING AT HOSPITAL Mrs. K. W. Rilling, of Erie, Pa., is the guest of her cousin. Miss Louise Slothower, of 214 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. Rilltng's mother, Mrs. George Senseman, of Erie, is at the Polyclinic Hospital, where she is recuperating after a serious operation. t J "•"VStev"- Hart Schaffner & Marx Fall Clothes Are Ready They are all-American, without flabby adornment; with no accessories that ar§ not genuine .utilities. They are all-wool and fast colors. They are America's Finest Clothes. H. Marks & Son Fourth and Market "The Daylight Clothing Store" MARRIED HAPPINESS ROINED BY QUARRELS Families Are Broken Up Because of Nerve Doctors claim a man or woman with a strong nervous system has complete control of happiness. It is only those who are played out by overwork, worry, excesses, and thoughtless dissipation that are quarrelsome and disappointed in life. Do not condemn them, their nerves are starved, they are depleted cf life and energy and no thought is given to supply them with food nerve energy to make them calm, strong and controlable. The foolish waste of nerve force turns a cheerful happy person to the grouch that acounts for so many separations. Nature requires aid and Phos phated Iron is necessary in such conditions of nervousness, because it contains the vital elements of iron fadiM* Age Advances the Liver Requires o|"'r " Rsf occasional alight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE yO&pri'TTLr LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. I PILLS. Genuine ' signature Colorless or Pale Faces Carter's iron Pffls RETURNS TO PITTSBURGH Mrs. Charles Lauth, of Pitts burgh, has returned to her home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Isaac Parsons, of' 231' South Nineteenth street. Mrs. Lauth had been called to this city by the death of her father, Amos Wright. and phosphorous and powerful veg etable extracts, the very "food help" the nervous system must havo if we are to correct degenerate mus cles .that sleeplessness and tired, all-in feeling, lack of energy, ambi tion and cheerfulness. Phosphated Iron get sat the root of these troubles because it feeds the blood and nerve centers, it doe 3 this naturally and persistently, and cannot fail to strengthen your vi tality, energy and renew the effi ciency of body and mind. Special Notice—To insure doctors and their patients getting the genu ine Phosphated Iron, we have put in capsules only. Do not allow ilealeis to give you tablets or pills. For sale in Harrisburg bv George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station