Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
6 HARRISBIIRc TELEGRAPH 4. NEWSPAPER FOR THE HONE Founded ISSI Published evenings except Bunday by THE TELEGRAPH FRIXTIXG CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLE Preside* t and Editor-in-Chief T. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GCS M. 6TEIXMETZ. Managing Editor A R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH. BOYD M. OGELSBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEIXMETZ. ! Member of the Associated Press—The ! Associated Press is exclusively en- i titled to the use for republication of I all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper : and also the local news published i herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved, j if Member American r . _ Newspaper Pub- | lishers Associa- i rC- tion. the Audit j dPTTL..iII Bureau of Circu- BSNJg"E'jA lation and Penn- | Ai sylvania Associ- , mMSIBI g aled Da '" es - CSS SS £SSB IMEastern office, ; ! f!Ff § ?s! 3 Story. Brooks & S2§ S £9B W Finley. Fifth IsSB? M Avenue Building •6£L?IS{SB IS New York City;' f"Western office. > nffiSut Story, Brooks & Finley, People's, tgj.r"'"tP Gas Building. Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. ______ 1 By carrier, ten cents a V ' week: by mail, $5.00 \ a year in advance. MONDAY. AFGrST 12, 19IS = ! Possession is nine points of the i la if * self-possession is ten. — AXON. HOW THE BOYS BENEFIT REPORTS coming from the army cantonments where the young ( men being called up for service j are that almost every man who can show the results of military training • is getting promotions. There are in stances known where young fellows j who had drilled in cadet corps and] boys' brigades and remembered what! they had been taught were made; "nw-coms," while men who had ex-' perience in the drills of home de-, fense organizations speedily rose to be sergeants. Almost every man ] who drilled with the Harrisburg Re- ! serves last summer and winter and! went into the service is holding a commission or is a sergeant or cor poral. Men who served in the Re serve Militia or the old National Guard have been snapped up. while those who were in the Regular Army get choice assignments. All this is because thera is a dearth of men with military experi- j ence in this country' now to drill the men coming in. The great majority; of youths responding to the call to: the colors are raw. Many of them have never been away from home and In addition to the realization that they have been sent to a place where highly specialized work is taught they are generally badly rat tled. It Is the serious side of mili tary service that affects them. And this is aU'the more reason why the young men, and the older men, too, 1 of draft age, should have some ] knowledge of what to do. The members of the upper end draft district, officially Dauphin Lo- i cal Draft Board No. 3. with head- j quarters at Elizabethville, with a live committee of instruction, is setting a pace for the whole county and It is regrettable that Harrisburg boards! have not progressed as well. This upper end board named its commit- j tee of Instruction, called its boys to gether and had talks for them within a few days after the army authori-. j ties urged that it be done and Sat-! urday for the second time they had, their boys drilled. The example of! Elizabethville board and its alert members and committeemen ought l to commend Itself to every other! board, not only in Dauphin, but ad- j joining counties. Steelton board has} organized as have some here, butj Elizabethville has been working its organization for over ten days. If the Kaiser keeps on he may be 1 able to eat his Thanksgiving dinner in Berlin—if it so happens there is any food left in Germany. That Lloyd George talk is Just the kind to get the German "goat." Let's have more of it. THE USES OF ADVERSITY RESTRICTIONS upon the use of 1 meats having been raised.' doubtless there will be a re sumption of meat consumption upon! an enlargsd scale. But many of us : have learned that we can get along' with much less meat than we for-! merly thought possible—if we! thought at all about It—and feel the! better for our abstinence. We are beginning to understand that a re stricted diet need not be an un wholesome diet and our education in the U6e of substitutes promises to be physically beneficial as well as pa triotically necessary. Our next initiation into the mys teries of conservation bids fair to be in the nature of revision of view as to what is necessary in the way of clothing. Next year if a man insists on all-wool garb his only means of gratification will be the O, D. uni form with which your Uncle Sam uel bedecks his gallant sons who fare forth to do battle with the Hun. "Buy now" is not advertising adv:ce. Within a few months the govern ment will be telling you what you may and may not buy", and you will be wearing cut your old clothes or maeJtiy complying. But who shall MONDAY EVENING, say we shall be the less happy or comfortable for that? "Sweet are the uses of adversity." The way the Americans are beating the Huns Indicates that the Pennsyl vania German boys over there have their "Dutch up." BENJAMIN F. MEYERS THE death of Benjamin F. j Meyers takes from Harrisburg] a figure whose shadow, evenj after years of retirement, was cast large upon the life and activities of the community. Mr. Meyers was a journalist of the old school; schol arly, picturesque of phrase and. fig ure, independent of thought to a j marked degree, fearless and vigor-1 ous of expression. Prominent in the. business life of the city and a leader j of the Democratic party of State-, wide power, it is for his newspaper j work that he will be best remem bered. During his editorship, the Pa triot and old Star-Independent reached a circulation and influence equal to that of any of the interior newspapers of the State. Throughout his active newspaper career in Harrisburg, the success of no public movement was fully as sured without the support of his able and fearless pen, and many were the] Democratic campaigns that {Would have fallen flat but for the stinging j lash of his editorial urgings. Sar-j casm, railery, bitterness of speech. [ all were his and he knew how to use! them to the utmost, but beneath all j lay a kindly heart and a spirit ever: ready to servo a fellow in distress! or to champion a worthy cause. Benjamin F. Meyers left such a mark upon Harrisburg as few men have made or will make. Thou sands of people were guided by his editorial opinion and even those who 1 differed with him politically or on! other matters of public moment, re spected him and admired the staunch courage and the love of fair play that were his chief characteristics. His j death will cause nothing but regret on the part of those who knew him. And to think how funny talk of an ice famine sounded last spring. WHY NOT COME IN ? PENBROOK wants Harrisburg to supply it with water, and Su- | perintendent Hassler says it is 1 physically possible to do so. The way for Penbrook to go about j meeting this desire is to apply for i admission to Harrisburg as a part of / the city. Annexation is the answer. I The people of this city would wel- j come the people of their smaller j neighbor to the east and would glad- ! ly extend to it the advantages of j water, sewers, fire protection, police patrol, etc., which the people of the j recently annexed territory to the ' north and east now enjoy. But it will be the concensus of j opinion that we cannot as a city af- i ford to sell our water at prevailing j rates to any residents outside the j city, except as a means of relief in grave emergency. Harrisburg tax payers have spent millions of dol lars on their water and filtration sys tems. The water rates do not cover interest on these investments. The amount charged the property owner for water is intended to meet run ning expenses, sinking fund and in terest on floating debt. Whatever surplus remains goes into improve ments. Harrisburg has cheap water now because its people for many years' have been taxing themselves' in one form or another to pay for their water plant To sell water at cost to a neighboring community would be both unfair and unbusi ; nesslike. But Harrisburg wants Penbrook to have good water and plenty of it. Beyond doubt if Penbrook is willing to become a part of Harrisburg the way will not be difficult. Eventual ly all the suburbs must qome into the city and those which come in early will receive most benefit. Come right in, Penbrook, the water's fine. PATRIOTIC CAMP HILL C'AMP HILL is doubly active in war work. Since long before the war started it has had tn enterprising and a hard-working branch of the Emergency Aid and now it is to have a Red Cross Aux iliary. The Emergency Aid has ,ent thousands of dollars' worth of sur gical dressings to Europe and has provided large quantities of knit goods for West Shore soldiers in ihe training camps and abroad. And now that a Red Cross Auxiliary is to be established, the patriotic lit tle community may be depended upon to double its beneficent exer tions. Waiter! Waiter! A steak, medium, with potatoes. SPEED UP POSTMASTER SITES announces the good news that Dauphin county the past week surpassed Philadelphia in the sale of War Sav ings Stamps per capita. But we have no reason to become "chesty" over that. We are still far enough be hind in this line of war endeavor to cause us to blush for shame. The quota of the county for the year is $3,000,000 and we are still beneath the $700,000 mark; $2,300,- 000 to go and less than five months in which to do it. If we are to do ourhare and go "over the top" in this movement as we have in all others, we must begin to buy War Stamps in three times the amounts we have been putting into them and keep it up until the end of the year. If we don't do that Dauphin coun ty will be classed among those that have failed to do their part. General Haig is demonstrating that if the British were licked last spring they didn't know ist ToUtict Lk K^lcdKin By the Fx - Committeeman Representations that if registra tion day under the new draft law is fixed for September 5 it will fall upon the first day for personal registra tion of voters in all cities of Penn sylvania has been made to the office of Provost Marshal General E. H. Crowder, In Washington, and people here are awaiting more definite in formation. While September 5 has not been fixed it has been indicated as the day in messages from the War Department and men active in poli tics are in a quandary about it. There will be three registration days this fall, all cities having the same day, and as it is proposed to utilize the experienced men on elec tion boards, reigistrars and others familiar with people of their re spective districts the collision in dates would make trouble. The other registration days are September 17 and October 5. and as this is a gubernatorial year and many changes in residence have been made by men because of war Industry the regis trars will have much to do. The developments in the case of district appeal board No. 2. in Phila delphia. whose removal has been recommended, are being watched with interest here, but none of the state or draft officials will discuss the matter. —Philadelphia newspapers are printing articles which indicate *hat some people have an idea that Wil liam H. Ball, private secretary to Governor Brumbaugh, has been in some way responsible for the con tinuance of the board in office. The Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday gave considerable attention to this angle of the situation and the North Amer ican to-day in a signed article by Einar Barfod says in part: "Full responsibility for keeping district appeal board No. 2 in office and shielding it against the consequences of its serious "neglect and failure," punishable with imprisonment un der the selective service law, now has been placed with Governor Brumbaugh and his secretary, W. H. Ball. It Is now charged that Walter Willard. cliairman*"-of-district appeal board No. 2, is private counsel for W. H. Ball, secretary to Governor Brumbaugh, and that Secretary Ball has not only been instrumental in keeping the Governor from agreeing to the demand of the federal author ities for the dismissal of the district board, but that Secretary Ball even has usurped considerable draft set vice authority which in no way be longs to the office of secretary to the Governor. Secretary Ball, accord ing to letters given out by Secretary John P. Dwyer. of the Overbrook draft board, pot only has shown a remarkable tendency to procrasti nate and thereby obstruct a fair and honest administration of the selec tive draft service law. but even has gone so far as on at least one occa sion to sit in judgment on charges as if he were the high and supreme draft official of the state." —Lycoming county is lining up for the' Republican ticket early. On Sattirday at Williamsport the County Republican Committee held its an nual meeting and elected Albert E. Wilkinson county chairman. William K. Bastian, vice-chairman: Harry Dingier, treasurer, and Lee Berry, secretary. Emerson Collins, Deputy Attorney General, made a rousing speech, advocating and forecasting the election by a tremendous major ity of Senator William C. Sproul for Governor, together with the whole Republican ticket down to the last man. Mr. Wilkinson, who is state highway superintendent for the dis trict, succeeds George P. Stryker. —Scranton has turned to soldiers for her officials. Colonel E. H. Rip ple. newly-appointed Director of Public Safety, has assumed his du ties with the announcement that every fireman and policeman in the city will be required to comply to the letter with the rules of the de partment. The former commander of the Thirteenth Regiment suc ceeds Arthur Davis, whose sudden resignation is still the talk of the town. Colonel Ripple says he is planning no shakeup among any of the fire or police officials, but that he will insist on hearty co-operation. —An Altoona dispatch to the Phil adelphia Inquirer says: "Blair coun ty is preparing to give at the next election one of the greatest majori ties for Senator Sproul and the whole Republican ticket that was ever re corded in its history. Chairman Wil liam H. Orr and his fellow members of the county committee are already at work and from the splendid re ports being received by them from every precinct it is safely predicted that the Republican ticket will sweep the county by at least 4.000 major ity. These figures sent by Chairman Orr recently to Secretary W. Harry Baker, of the Republican State Committee, are based from all ac counts not only on the popularity of the candidates on the ticket, includ ing Senator Sproul for Governor, who has a large personal following here, but also upon the harmony ex isting within the party." —The Insider, writing in the Phil adelphia Press, says: "After all, W. Harry Baker, of Harrisburg. known to the public as the Secretary of the Senate and to those in touch with politics as the man who makes the wheels go round in the state organi zation, is not to be snatched out of the state and drafted by National Chairman Will H. Hays as an aid in the national campaign. Dispatches were printed in the papers last week saying that Baker was to go to New York to help Hays. While this in formation was given out in perfect good faith by the organization, events have since shaped up differ ently. The proposition was a great compliment to Baker, however." —Bar associations in six coun ties in northeastern Pennsylvania have indorsed the candidacy of Charles B. Lenehan, of Wilkes- Barre, for a place on the Supreme Court bench of the state. Luzerne was the first in line. Republicans and Democrats joining hands to in dorse the Lenehan candidacy, inas much as one Democrat will be elect ed to office. Lackawanna followed, with Susquehanna. Wayne, Wyoming and Sullivan next in line. A Wilkes- Barre dispatch says: "Indications are that Columbia. Montour and Bradford will get on the Lenehan bandwagon, giving the Wllkes-Barre man the backing of practically the northeast section. Lenehan is pre paring for a state tour. He plans to cover the greater portion of the state. He will make his own appeal directly to the voters wherever pos sible." The Song of the Dime Tinkle, tinkle, little dime. Come into this bank of mine. Every cent you leave by chance Helps to purchase food for France. —Khaki Komedy, by Sergf. MaJ- Edward D. Rose (Howell Publishing Co.) HARRISBURG lljSSfc TELEGRAPH WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND BY BRIGGS Be friendly! Give him a lift by joining the Glve-Em-a-Lift Club. No charge.. Call at the Telegraph office and get your card. free. "Whence Cometh My Help" ! [From the Pittsburgh Chronicle- j Telegraph.] Though often in sore distress, thej faith of David never wavered, and it j must have been in an hour of trial when he said: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence; cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven | and earth."- As it was with David, so it has been with numberless thousands who ; for days and nights have been pass- \ ing through an ordeal of heat. From! homes where anxious parents have: watched over little sufferers prayers, have gone up for relief from the su-j perheated atmosphere that was en dangering the lives of loved ones. From the alleys and congested dis tricts, sorely tried by the abnormal conditions, young and old alike have sent up pleas for alleviation of their miseries. From the toilers in the mills, in the highways and byways and on the farms, there have gone forth supplications for relief lest: they perish. From the gardens, the orchards and the cattle ranges there have come prayers for help in the time of great need. Meanwhile, as the sufferers prayed, the heat waxed worse and wonse, and to many it seemed that relief would be withheld until too late. But io! in the middle of the night a storm arose, lightning purified the air, life giving breezes swept through the slums, through the mills and out over the country, and rains quenched the thirst of the cattle and put new life into the withering fields. The prayers of all had been ans wered. Now that the nation is passing through a terrible ordeal of fire and blood it is well to remember the words of David". "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." And in God's own time the prav ers of those who suffer because of the fiery trial of the war will be ans wered. Men Without a Country Every leniency has been shown our conscientious objectors. There has been a prolonged and careful ex amination of each individual case by a court especially appointed for its broad and humane outlook. Now this court recommends a Jail sen tence ranging from ten to fifteen years for the two or three hundred objectors who have rejected non combatant service. We hope that this report will be approved and the objectors sentenced accordingly. Im prisonment is. if anything, too mild and honorable a sentence for the grave offense committed. The man without a country escapes cheaply with a fifteen-year imprisonment.— From the New Tork Tribune. LABOR NOTES Oregon State Industrial Welfare Commission has Increased the mini mum wage of women employed in Industry. In 1911 Boston leather handlers were paid 112 a week. Through or ganization their pay is now 923 a week. Laborers in the employ of the Ewebridge (Ireland! District Council have demanded higher wages. Warren S. Stone has been re-elected chief of the Brotherhood of Engin eers in triennial conference at Cleve land. Women Sre to be trained and or ganized for household duties in Eng land. and under present arrange ments a wage scale or $7.50 for a 48-hour week has been determined upon. From the district centers skilled "domestic orderies" are to be i supplied to households for a desired number o*. .hours each day. Newspapers and the War [From the Fourth Estate] I The newspapers are not seeking any particular credit, says the Birm ingham News, for what they have done, are doing and expect to con tinue to do to help win this war. They have very ably and very fully press-agented the actions of others, most of whom deserved the praise. They have told the public repeat edly what this or that man, this or 1 that organization had done, but a3 a rule they have kept pretty qu,et about what they themselves hive i been doing along patriotic lines. '• Most of them have told the puo l-.c trequently about the patriotism of their employes. Many of them carrv service flags at the mastheads oi their editorial pages. Nearly ail of of them have boasted about how much their employes had given to Bed Cross and Y. M. C. A. and how many Liberty Bonds they had bought. \ But, alter all, that showed nothing except that the atmosphere around tbe ortice was right, encouraging em ployes to do their part. This editorial is written wi'.h the I idea of taking off the mask of mod : city lor ;he moment for the nows- I papers of the United States. Without *.no splendid, unfaltering, self-sacrificing co-operatiou r.f the newspapers /of this county, the war could not have been prosecuted six months. Without the unstinted gift of the kind of publicity that untold mil lions could not have bought, not a Liberty Bond issue could have been floated; not a hundred thousand re cruits could have been mustered; How Germany Treats Negroes [From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch] It is true, as stated by a writer iin the letter column, that the ne groes have good cause to fight against world domination by Ger many. History has shown that in Africa Germany has treated the na tives worse than any other govern ment which has that conti nent. Belgian individual cruelties in the Congo caused indignation in Bel gium and compelled the Belgian gov ernment to investigate and put a stop to them. But in Germany's treatment of the natives, extermi nation of whole tribes was the pol icy and this policy was not onjy ex cused but exalted as right by Ger man publicists. In the case of the Hereros, in Southwest Africa, General von Trotha issued this proclamation: "The Hereros must now quit the soil. If they refuse, I shall force them with the gun. Every Hererp, with or without a weapon, with or without cattle, found in German territory I will have shot. I shall not look after the women and children, but will drive them back to their own people or shoot them." The German pastor, Schowalter, wrote in 1907 that as a result of this policy about fifteen thousand Hereros died of hunger on the desert. Almost the entire Herero tribe was destroyed. And Dr. Rohr , back, imperial commissioner for Southwest Africa, reported that "the question is solved. The Hereros have lost their land, but that cannot be regarded as tragic, owing to the splendid fertility of the land, which is now fiscal." That is to say, it paid. This is the German test. Old J. C. Aby Brutalized Now that Field Marshal von Eich-] horn, German commander of! Ukraine, has been assassinated at Kiev, we hope in a short time to hear that some bouquets with bombs in them have been thrown at Lenine and Trotzky-—From the New Or leans States, the draft, in itself a revolutionary proceeding for a democracy, could not have been instituted; food could not have been conserved; coal could not have been saved —none of the thousand and one things that ulti mately will spell victory could have been achieved. It has been patriotism, pure and undefiled, that has been the chief motive power in this co-operation. The newspapers could have printed every line of real news about the war and still have left the country cold to these great enterprises. Increased advertising has come to the newspapers, some one will say, perhaps, in connection with great patriotic campaigns. And yet there is not a newspaper in this country that has not given a hundred times more patriotic publicity than it has been paid for. There is not a newspaper in this country whose gross receipts from patriotic advertising will amount to one-fourth of its increased burden of expense purely on account of our participation in the war. The newspapers ask no credit, want none. They have done only their duty. They expect no laurel wreaths, they want none. They ex pect no special consideration from the government; they have had none, they want none. The newspapers will go along, pursuing the same general course, hoping, fighting, praying, working for victory, giving a liberal share of the only commodity they have to sell —space—giving their all, their very existence, if need be, to win this war. TRADE BRIEFS Estimates place the 1918 wheat crop of western Greece at 3,360,000 bushels, an increase of 20 per cent, over the size of last year's yield. Favorable weather conditions have also bene fited the corn and barley crops. Cigaret making machinery is in demand in Bolivia. Good quality tomato seed is needed in the Mazatlan, Mexico, consular dis trict. Seedsmen who are interested in this market should communicate with Consul W. E. Chapman, who may be addressed Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mex ico. An agency Tor the sale of offlce supplies is wanted by a Spanish con cern. Machinery for making saddle and slipper felts is in demand in Aus tralia. Needlework transfer-designs for pillow tops and literature relating to the arts and crafts are wanted in New South tt'ales, Australia. The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce will supply detailed in formtion about these needs. Consul Thomas D. 'Edwards sug gests that farmers in northern New York and New England could find markets for their surplus scrub tim ber in tbe Cornwall, Ontario, consular district. Firewood /old at 312 to 315 a cord in that section last winter and prices will be higher this year. Wood may be sent into Canada free of duty except the war tax of 7V4 per cent, of the cost. There is a market in New Zealand for office supplies, particularly type writers, furniture and labor saving devices. The British government will buy from sheep producers in New Zealand their entire wool clip for this and following seasons until one year after the war. Payment will be made at prices fixed by official valuers and all shipping expenses will be borne by the British government. Popular Kind of Liberty "Freedom to do what they ought not do," remarked the man on the car, "is the only kind of liberty that appeals to some fellowa"— From the Toledo Blade, if AUGUST 12, 1918 L 1 PENNIES [From the New York TribuneJ It is easy to be heroic in large matters. Only trifles can torment the spirit. Of all the ills that inflation and a depreciated currency have brought upon us, we are often tempted to say that the nuisance of having to find an extra penny or two pennies for all the things that used to cost a nokel, or the botheration of receiving three or four pennies out of a dime, is the most trying. We may resignedly if not cheerfully pay J9 for a pair of boots that three years ago cost $5; S3O to S4O for a suit of clothes that eighteen months ago cost S2O; t:o cents a pound for a porterhouse steak, and so on through all the list. But there is something in the hig gle-haggle of the six-cent imposition that stirs the inner depths. And yet there seems no escape from its very wide extension. It is all very well to talk about the watered stock of our street railways and other corpora tions; but if they are not even earn ing current expenses and are headed straight for bankruptcy, it is not a question of surplus stocks or bonds. It is a question as to whether wo shall have cars in which to-ride. The plain fact is that operating expenses, like food and clothing and all the rest, have risen from 50 to 100 per cent, in two or three years. This mfuns that even if there was a handsome proiit in a nickel fare be fore there is in many instances noth ing left now at all. , There seems hardly any escape from the nuisance of the pennies un less we discard our nickels and dimes and go back to "York shillings" and half-shillings, or agree on a straight rate of a dime for everything that formerly cost a nickel. This we might call the standardization of in flation. The only alternative we can see is to fix not merely the price but the quantity of everything that every human being consumes, the number of ctgarcts each one shall I smoke, the number of times ner week he or she may go to * movie or Coney Island, and the color, form and size of everything we wear, eat or drink. The latter is the socialistic ideal. SPROUL [Philadelphia Public Ledger! With all this talk about Senator Sproul, there will be some who will want to know some of the details of his life history. He was born in Lancaster county, Frank McClain's home, on September 16, 1870. The Senator is president of the Chester Daily Times, chairman o' the Penn Seaboard Steel Corporation, presi dent of the Chester Shipping Com pany, the Ohio Valley Electric Rail way, the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railway and the General Re fractories Company; he is also direc tor in several banks and other busi ness enterprises. He is a trustee of Swarthmore College, a director of the Pennsylvania Training School For Feeble-Minded Children and chairman of the Pennsylvania His torical Commission. He was first elected to the State Senate in 1596. Of course, his political activities have been varied as business endea vors. A short time ago, when it began to appear that the Sproul boom was to develop serious proportions, tne situation was discussed with A. Mit chell Palmer, Democratic national committeeman and reorganization and Wilson leader of Pennsylvania. When they were in Swarthmore Col lege, Palmer and Sproul were room mates. So it was lightly suggested to Mr. Palmer that, in view of these circumstances, he might be tempted not to work so hard as he might tor the Democratic nominee for Gover nor against Sproul. Mr. Palmer laughed heartily and said: "When we were at Swarthmore, I used to lick him regularly." Often Senator Sproul and Mr. Palmer are seen together in social assemblies. 1 OUR DAILY LAUGH YOUNG PHILOSOPHIC. "D'ye know, I think teacher c'n see behind her." "Well, she said her eyes was go ng back on her." AT THE AFTERNOON TEA. The Commission Man Some fancy stock here, eh? Tho Packer—Reminds me of the ipeclalty market: Tongues active! Brains weak! FAMILY REPARTEE. He—You haven't a thought above l new fall hat. She—And you haven't a thought rorth mentioning under your old me. CUTTING UP. Freight Auditor —"Were you in on t when our directors cut the melon? Cashier —No. But I cut some Cg ir when they put the payroU , | lamtfiuj (Eljat I ==============^=============^ Few men in Harrisburg were more called upon to give advice or whoso opinion on personal matters was more sought for a long period of years than the late Benjamin F. Meyers, who died yesterday at his home upon the River Front Ri3tng because of brains from the position of a country editor to be a com manding figure in the journalism of the second state in the Union and a power in political matters, Mr. Mey ers was visited by many a man who now occupies an assured position in ; j not only this but other communitica In the more than two score years over which his work was spread in Harrisburg he attracted attention by the vigor of his writing and men who are now on the biggest newspa pers in the land and serving world wide news-gathering organizations were amog his pupils or those who had gone to him to guide them. Mr., Meyers used to say that so many people came to him for advice bo cause he was human. Certain it is that every editorial sanctum which this veteran of the quill, and it was a very sharp one, too, occupied in his extended career in Harrisburg, was visited' by more newspapermen, would-be newspapermen, failures as newspapermen and come-back news papermen than any other. It dem onstrated his place in his profession. The whole city knew a master wrote "snap shots" in the old Star-Inde pendent and men about the Patriot office in the by-gone days would rush to get the first papers off the old flat bed press to read who was "getting it" from the "old man" as the ir- I reverent called him or "Mr. Meyers," as the rest designated him. For years Harrisburg "sat up" at the breakfast table over the Patriot edi. torials from Mr. Meyers' pen and when he merged the Star and tho Independent and entered tho even ing field it was a treat to read his column. When any article seemed to stand out from the rest of the old Fourth street sheet it was generally one from the pen of the chief end the whole town enjoyed it. • • • It was after he had gone to tho South Third street building, tho old "State Printing Office," as so many call it yet, that Mr. Meyers became I much sought after by budding jour nalists. And his advice to them was the same. "Now you go home and read: read all the history and good writing that you can get," he would say. And then he wc"ld add, "They don't print so many I jks nowadays that you need to disregard the old masters." He urged reading of his tory and good books and there are many in newspaper offices away from the Susquehanna who are thankful that he did. Mr. Meyers was fond of sprinkling his writings with Latin. Greek or French quotations and no one was ever able to pick him up | a jot. He knew them, read them in leisure hours, enjoyed them and used to throw them in here and there for the rest of us to puzzle over. But they were always carrying their mes sage. Similarly, use of quotations from the English classics, so little employed in these days, was a char- <4 acteristic of Mr. Meyers. And who will forget those phrases, "Now stick [ a pin right there" and others with i which he would emphasize a point. * * * In his own office Mr. Meyers was , a kindly critic of the writings of his i staff, although it must be confessed | most of the men he admonished I promptly forgot and trusted that "the next time" they made a break j the "old man" would be too busy to ! notice. Once in a while he would j storm into the local room with some I particularly violent use of bad Eng j lish or employment of an Idiom j marked with a big black cross and i inquire of the luckless writer I whether grammar had ever been taught him. Alderman George D. j Herbert, who was managing editor under him for years, used to occa sionally be presented with a copy of the paper with the bad form, gram matical breaks and crass mistakes carefully marked. "Boss" Herbert generally felt worse than tho cul prits and when Mr. Meyers had gone he would hide the paper. But some times even he had to call over tho offending scribbler. The late 'Wil liam Rodearmel, dean of correspond ents; the late George M. Wanbaugh, long a brilliant figure himself in state newspaper work and men now living worked under Mr. Meyers at different times and often expressed wonder that he did not throw them out of the office for what they wrote. But that was not his way. If ho was too busy to mark up tho whole paper he would put a ring around some glaring break, thunder his wrath about the office in general and then as gently as a mother tell tho man who wrote it where it was wrong. When he praised the wholo staff perked right up. Service under Mr. Meyers was like going to school for many a reporter because he used to say that, after all, he was ono himself, only a little older, who had read more. • • • When anyone spoke in Harrisburg of "Mr. Meyers" everyone knew that it was Hon. B. B. Meyers. His long career as party leader, newspaper man and businessman in this com munity brought him into contact with people of every class and all you had to do was to mention "Mr. Meyers" and people knew who was meant. Tho old men among the folks active in politics knew him by the abbreviation of his first name, but to the people of Harrisburg he was "Mr. Meyers." And in the state at large the name of Mr. Meyers was associated with Harrisburg journal ism so long and so brightly that for a quarter of a century reference to newspaper activities here invariably brought mention of the scholarly writer who passed a"way yesterdiy. It comes to few men to be as closely identified with a city and its life to be spoken of almost in the same breath. Yet, in newspaper work and Democratic affairs that was Mr. Mey ers' good fortune for many years. 1 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE f —Senator William E. Crow, who is improving after a recent severe operation, will go to the mountains when able to be removed. He has had letters and telegrams from men all over the country congratulating him on his recovery. —State Fire Marshal G. Chal Port is recovering from a recent illness at his cottage along the Raystown branch of the Juniata. DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg is making leather goods for the United States Army as well as many other tilings? HISTORIC HARRISBURG Heavy shipments of corn and wheat used to be made to Harris burg for storage in houses along tho River Front a century ago. Much it came down the river' on arks.