Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Girl, Who Recently Won Suc
cess in the Musical World,
Is Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sutzaberger.:
of Mechanicsburg. announce the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss
Marietta Sultzaberger to Harry K.
Beitzel, the son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. Beitzel. of Meehahicsburg.
Miss Sultzaberger is the young ar
tist pfaniste, whose playing at the
Emergency Aid Benefit given at the
Orphcum theater :n May created such
a furore of enthusiasm.
This enabled her teacher. Miss
Laura Appell. to confer upon Miss
Sultzaberger the unusual honor of an
"Artist's Diploma" at her graduation
in June. Miss Sultzaberger has been
elected an active member of the Wed
nesday Club and plans to resume her
musical activities after her marriage I
in November.
Her fiance, Harry Beitzel. i 3 inter
ested in the ice business of the firm
of his father, D. J. Beitzel, of Me
chanicsburg. He is a member of the
Business Men's League and a .gradu
al of N rristown College.
Young Couple Wed
Saturday at Parsonage
Miss Emma F. Eckert, of Hershey.
and Charles E. Jamison, of Rock,
Schuvlkill county, were married Sat
urday. August 10. 1918, at the par
sonage of the Christian and Mission
ary Alliance, the Rev. W. H. Wbr
rall officiating.
The couple were attended by Mr.
and Mrs. William Basehore, of Pal
Miss Eckert, who was employed at
the Hershey Chocolate Company, is,
well known in this city.
Mr. Jamison is in the Fnlted
States Army and has been stationed
at one of the training camps for
nearly a year. He expects to leave
soon for France.
Mr. and Mrs. Curry H. Smith, of
Penbrook,' announce the birth of a
daughter. Mary Pauline Smith, Sun
day, August 11, 1918. Mrs. Smith
was Miss Mary Regina Badeker, of
York, prior to her marriage.
Mr. an i Jits. Jay C. Saltzgiver, of
223 North Second street, announce
the birth of a daughter. Lola Jane
Saltzgiver, Friday. Aug. 9, 1918. Mrs.
Saltzgiver was Miss Lola Heisler,
of this city before her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. William Julius, of
Connellsville, announce the birth of
a daughter. Louise Creep Julius,
Thursday, August S, 191 S. Mrs. Ju
lius was Miss Ruth Creep, of this
city, prior to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Goodyear, 153
Sylvan Terrace, announce the birth
of a daughti r. Marguerite Elizabeth
Goodyear, Tuesday, August 6, 1918.
Mrs. Goodyear was formerly Miss
Anna King, of this city.
M A I!
P For Enameled Furixiturc
Hfmove* dirt. Mnins nn d
marks from eaamrled furni
ture, baby car rill Ken. metal
beds, plate class, mirrors, etc.
Manufactured nnd sold by
Hoover Furniture Co.
L '
Our Big Optical. Sale of
Double Glasses
For Ten Days Only
In spite of increased prices
on all optical good 3, we are
giving you the benefit of this
most extraordinary price for
bifocal glasses. Gold-filled
frames, guaranteed, either nose
glasses or spectacle's, for see
ing far and near, regular value
being $7.50, during this sale
G s£*.oo A
Eyesight Specialists
320 Market St. Over the Hob
Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings
Bell Phone 42G-J
See l to See Better
' > < "
Miss Ethel M. Neff and Frank
A. Xoneinaker Are
Quietly Wed
A quiet wedding was that solemn
ized Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Neff, 194S Kensington street, when
their daughter. Miss Ethel Martha
Neff, and Frank Alan Nonemaker,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John None
maker, of Wormleysburg, were
united in marriage.
The Rev. W. H. Dailman, former
pastor of the Fifteenth and Market
streets Baptist Church, performed
the ring ceremony.
The bride, who was unattended. ;
wore an attractive gown of dark :
blue taffetas with touches of white \
satin and a picture hat of black'chif- ;
lon. Only the members of the im- j
mediate families were present at the i
veduing service.
Mrs. Nonemaker is an accomplish- j
■fed musician. Mr. Nonemaker is a ,
mechanical dentist at * the Harris- i
burg dental laboratory.
After a wedding trip to Fhiladel- i
rhia and Bethlehem, Mr. and Mrs.
Nonemaker will be at home at 1948
Kensington street after September 1. j
Miss Frances Ebel
Will Be an Autumn Bride
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Ebel, of'
201 Kelker street., announce the en- j
gagement of their daughter. Miss i
Marv Frances Ebel, to Mark Gruell,,
of LancastA. The wedding will be !
an . vent of the autumn.
Miss Ebel. who received her educa- i
tion at the Barrington and Seller,
schools of this city, is now holding a
position in the office of the engineer l
' ■ its, Bethlehem Steel Company, at
Mr. Gruell. a son of Mrs. Ada C.
Gruell. of Laaenster. is chief Army
Inspector of the Ordnance Department
at l-nrce, I'nited States Army. He is,
at present located at the Steelton
plant of the Bethlehem Steel Com
pany. j
The Misses Helena C. Tracy and
Margaretta F. Etter. attaches of the
Roll Telephone Company, are spend- j
ir.g the month of August at St. |
Joseph's-by-the-sea, Sea Isle City.
New Jersey.
Mrs. Margaret Morrison and daugh- <
ters. the Misses Lizette and Mary,
Morrison, of Duncannon. are the,
guests of relatives in York.
Miss Lillian G.iithers, of Frederick,
Md.. is visiting Mrs. J. N. Cecil,' 805
N. Sixteenth street.
Mrs. Elizabeth MeClure, 1713 North
street, has returned after visiting
in New York state.
Mrs. Mable Miller, of 1514 State
street, spent the weekend in Wash
ington, D. C.
Mrs. Joseph Smith. 1618 State
strc, t, spent the weekend in Mt
Gretna. ,
Mrs. D. C. Gibson, of Frederick.
Md.. visited with Mrs. J. N. Cecil, 805 ;
North Sixteenth street, a few days
last week on ber way to Altoona.
Mrs. Whiteside, of Syracuse. N. Y.,
a former resident of this city, spent!
a short time with Jlrs. H. & Boyd. I
1625 Nprth street, on her way to visit i
in State College.
Pennsylvania War Relief
to Hold Monthly Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the 1
Pennsylvania Railroad Woman's Di-'
vision for War Relief, Department!
No. 7. wMI be held to-morrow after- i
noon at the P. P., R. Y. M. C. A.. Reilv :
street., at 2 o'clock.
A full attendance is desired, as the '
organization hopes to accomplish a
worthwhile amount of work as its '
share in the great and urgent cause. !
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Eby, 2012
North Second street, are spending
a short time at Saranac Lake Vil-1
lage. after attending the wedding of
their daughter. Miss Mvra Eby.
John D. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. |
Edwin F. Paul. SI North Sixteenth
street, a Technical High School trad-'
uate of 1917. is now with the Engi
neers Reserves at Washington bar
Mrs. Emily P. Hertig. of 1800
North Third street, mother of Dr.
Louise 11. Taylor, pleasantlv cele
brated her birthday yesterday at
•'old Springs cottage where she is
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Preston
wont home to Toronto, Canada, to-;
day after a short visit among rela
tives In the West End.
P.obert V Montague, of the Don
aldson. left this morning for a
week's stay in Philadelphia and
Miss Jean of Baltimore
is stopping for a while with her cou
sin, Miss Grace Bender, of Pnn
Mrs. Herbert Price Hunt, daugh- 1
ter of Charles B. Ising. of Shire- i
manstown. received a cahle that her
husband, Lieutenant Hunt, who has
been in command of his company <
since in France, has been wounded
Lieutenant Hunt is the son of Col
onel Charles P. Hunt, of Philadel
The following girls, all employes of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, spent the
weekend at a houseparty at Atlan
tic • City: Miss Anna M. Romberger,
Miss Sara E. McLaughlin. Miss Dor
othy M. Keller. Miss Julia W. Craw
ford. Miss Kathryn M. Dalton and Miss
Mary C. Joyce.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kitchen, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis G. Orr and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton E. IJanner and family.
Miss Isabella Sanderson and Miss Jo
hanna Dwyer motored to St. John's
Springs yesterday.
Miss Peace F. Rogers, of Cleve
land, Ohio, is a guest of her aunt,
Mrs. M. Luther Wilson,'.of North
Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Linton
! and son, Thomas Linton. 1007 North
Second street, leave this week for
Atlantic City, making the trip to
Philadelphia by trolley.
George T. Harland and son, Clar
ence G. Harland. of Brooklyn, have
started home after a brief stay
among relatives in this city and
—] Gas Ranges
i- -i j All Styles and Sizes,
"j Up-to-the-Minute
r 4 Features
Made at Mlddletown
For Sale by
Your Dealer and Your Gaa Co.
Strawbecker-Sinith Wedding
Is Solemnized Satur
day Morning
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith announces j
the marriage of her daughter. Miss j
Eva Jeanetta Smith, of 1816 Regina
street, to Earle William Strawhecker, |
of Reservoir street.
The wedding took place Saturday
morning at the parsonage of the Park i
Stbeet Evangelical Church. 1613 Mar- j
ket street. The Rev. A. E. Hangen. !
pastor of the church, performed the
service using the ring ceremony.
The bride who was unattended,
wore a filmy gown of white Georgette
beaded in pear! and a large drooping ,
hat of white maline and Georgette.
Following the ceremony the young ,
couple left for a wedding trip to
Philadelphia, Atlantic City and vari-,
ous points of interest through the
Mrs. Strawhecker, who is an ex
pert milliner has been identified with !
various shops in the city and just
before her marriage was connected
with the Bell Telephone Company.
Mr. Strawhecker. a son of Daniel
Strawhecker. of Berrysburg, is at
present in the employ of the Harris- :
burg Pipe and Pipe Bending Com- :
Mr. and Mrs. Strawhecker will be 1
at home to their friends at 1816 Re
gina street after August 15.
Little Manzella Johnson
Is Just 6 Years Old
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Turns pleas- '
, antly entertained at their home, 53 :
\ North Tenth street, the other even
' ing. in honor of their niece, iittle i
i Miss Manzella Johnson, who cele- ;
bra ted' her birthday.
The iittle guests spent a merry
: evening making the celebration a
happy one for the little six-year-old ;
Miss Johnson. The children win- j
ning prizes for the contests were: )
Marguerite Young and Kenneth
Those enjoying the good time
birthday party were: Misses Mary
, Foultz. Eva Young. Marguerite
Young. Beatrice Eckelman, Elyvan j
! Stahlman,■ Hettie Turns,. Margaret
Ixioker. Carry Marky, Eleanor
| Smith. Hazel Curnes. Kenneth
Brown, Elmer Looker, Louie Marky. j
Gilbert Marky and Charles Raffens- 1
Mrs. Earl Foultz. Mrs. John Foultz
jzna Miss Margaret Myers assisted
| Mrs. Turns in entertaining the chil- !
Mrs. George E. Yokum and son. |
"Buddie" Yokum. of 530 South Six- j
teenth street, are visiting at Mount .
Gretna for a few weeks as the guests :
of Mrs. Yokum's parents, Mr. and 1
Mrs. John Ohmacht, of Lebanon, Pa. I
Joseph D. Scott is visiting his par
! ems at 510 South Thirteenth street.
Mr. Scott is now in the employ of
: he Goodrich Rubber Company, Phil
adelphia. as an inspector.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Forney, of
I 30? Crescent street, are home after a <
visit to Camp Lee. Va.. where they i
spent some time with Stewart G. |
Forney, of Company D, Infantry Re
! placement Camp.
Miss Catherine Wilhelm. of 1,05
Green street, left this morning for a
| two weeks" vacation in the Poconos
and at 'he Delaware Water Gap.
Mrs Margaret Morrison and daugh
-1 ters. Miss Lizette Morrison and Miss
Mary Morrison, of Duncannon. were
! repent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
* Cowdrey. of Highspire.
1 Martin Cook, of Boston, is the guest
| of Mrs. James D. Hawkins, 1207 North
' Third street.
! Mrs. Charles Miller and little daugh
ter. Joyce Miller, of 25 North Fif
! teenth street, are home after a sev
eral months' visit with relatives in
Martinsburg. Va., and Pen Mar.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hocker.
of Westville. N. J.. are the guests of
1 Mrs. Hooker's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
|C. J Reigle. of 1448 Market street,
during the month of August.
| Carl Peters, who is attached to the
i Aviation Corps of the Army, and at
present doing inspection work in that
! branch of the service at Tyrone, spent
the weekend with his parents. Mr and
; Mrs. John E. E. Peters, of 137 North
' Thirteenth street.
Miss Maude Gilbert, of 1531 Swatara
: street, is speding two weeks in Butler,
i Pa.
Miss Mae Messersmlth. of Zarker
street, has returned to her home after
a visit in Newport, Pa.
Mrs. Eli Goldstein, secretary of the
Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society, an
nounces that the regular meeting of
that fg-ganization. which was to he
j held Tuesday, August 13, Is called
off on account of the heat.
Mrs. Clarence Lover. 1609 Market
street, leaves to-day for Pasadena.
California, to join her husband,
Lieutenant Clarence Lover, who Is an
instructor at an Army Balloon school
in Arcadia. California.
! The Rev. J. W. Miller, of 1726
j Regina street, preached at Stover
j dale camp this morning.
Word was received to-day an
j nouncing the safe arrival In Franco
' of Bion C. Welker, former city edi-
I tor of the Telegraph, with Batterv F,
I 311 th F. A., 79th Division.
Harrisburg Young Folks NVed
at Summer Resort in Little
Church Among Woods
Miss Myra Eby, the daughter of j
i Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Eby, of 2012
i North Third street, and Eugene M.
i Craighead, the son "of Mr. and Mrs.
| Charles Craighead, 204 Harris
j street, were quietly married Tues
] day, August 6, 1918, at the church
j of St. John's in the Wilderness, at
I Paul Smiths. The Rev. Harvey Klaer,
pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian
] Church of this city, who accom
! panied them to Saranac Lake, per
: formed the ceremony.
Miss Eleanor Eby, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and Wil
liam H. Tally, of Pittsburgh, was
best man.
Both the bride and bridegroom are
I graduates of the class of 1912 of
! Central High School. Miss Eby is
also a graduate of Lasalle Seminary,
! Boston. Mr. Craighead was gradu
; ated from State College in 1916.
Miss Eby has been working in the
1 Public Library. The bridegroom is
with the Naval Reserves, stationed
at Chelsea. Mass. Prior to his en
listment he was doing experimental
' work on infantile paralysis at the
! medical school in Boston.
The newly-married couple wifl
spend a week camping at Saranac
j Lake and then will reside in Boston
j until Mr. Craighead is called for
I service in France.
Both the families of the young
] couple attended the wedding, also
many friends from this city motored
! up and were guests.
Mrs. Mary Eckert, of Philadelphia,
is in the city spending some time
with her mother. Mrs. Isaac Welt
mer, 347 Boyd street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris. 1915
Park street, have returned after a
visit with the latter's sister in Yon-
I kers. X. Y.
I Miss Carrine Higgins, a teacher in
j Hood College, spent a few days with
! Mrs. J. N. Cecil, 805 N. ■ Sixteenth
I street, before returning to her home
| in Texana, Texas.
In France With Co. I,
One Hundred Twelfth Regt.
Xew Cumberland, Aug. 12. — Rob
b%rt Cook, a member of Company I.
One hundred and Twelfth Infantry
Regiment, who has been in France
1 for several months, wrote home he
ils well. Mr. Cook was stationed at
. Camp Hancock, Augusta .Georgia
' fore leaving for France, and is a
son of George Cook, Sr., of Fourth
Summerdale Park Dances
■ Sourbier's Orchestra this week.
• Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
. evenings. Admission, 25 and 50
cents. • 1
Three Regular Classes of Boys
to Compete in Track and
Field Events
Plans for the annual playground
track and field meet which will be
held August 22. at 1.30 o'clock in the
afternoon at Island Park, were an
nounced to-day by J. K. Staples, city
playground supervisor. There will be
three regular classes of boys to par
ticipate and also a special senior
The lightweight class limit Is that
boys must be under 75 pounds: mid
dleweight, under 90 pounds; heavy
weight. under 16 years of age and i
if no proof of age under 130 pounds:
senior class, under 19 years and un
der 160 pounds; age estimated as of
August 23, 191 S.
The events will include a high
jump: running broad jump: three
standing jumps; 50-yard dash, for
lightweight; 60-yard dash, middle
weight; 75-yard dash, heavyweight;
100-yard dash, seniors; relays for
each class.
Other announcements made by Mr.
Staples follow:
"Points will count: First place, 5:
second place. 3: third place, 2 fourth
place, 1. In relays the points will be
doubled, but no points are to be
given the team finishing last, unless
I there are more than four running.
"No boy shall take part in more
than two field events or in more than
a total of three events. Relay counts
as one event.
"Entries must be in the office of
the supervisor Tuesday, August 21,
at 9.30 a. m.
"Two changes In entries and three
changes from class tb class will be
allowed to each playground in each
class and may be made on the field.
"Ribbons will be given to winners
of first, second and third places."
Recovers Stolen Auto
in Woods at Kingston
The automobile which was stolen
from the Lyrch garage last Friday
afternoon was found in the woods
near Kingston. Chief of Police
Houser. who was notified, sent for
the machine which was brought
back to the borough. The thieves
who stole the auto broke into the
garage in the afternoon anld remov
ed it. They have not been arrested.
The funeral of John E. Felker.Sr..
who was drowned in the Swatara
Creek, on Tuesday evening, was held
from the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Felker, 'Sr., on
Saturday afternoon, at Hillsdale, in
the Geyer Church. It was one of the
largest funerals ever held in that
neighborhood. The Sunday school
of the church of which he was a
member, attended in a body. The
| pall bearers were, Samuel Books.
Lloyd Geyer. Rubin Geyer, Glen
Shultz, Harry Habig and Walter
Shultz. The Rev. E. F. Castetter,
assisted by the Rev. John Brinser, of
Elizabethtown, officiated. Burial
was made in the cemetery adjoin
ing the church.
The funeral of Robert Judy, the
nine-year-old son of Mr and Mrs.
George Judy. Catherine street, was
held from the parents home this
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Burial
was made in the Middletown ceme
The funeral of Mrs. H. O. Keener, |
who died at Atlantic City last Tues
day, was held from the home ofher i
mother, Mrs. J. W. Dewalt, North |
Union street, on Saturday morning. .
The Rev. T. C. McCarrell, pastor of j
the Prqsbyterian church officiated.
Burial was made in the Middletown i
Miss Kit Heininger. formerly of
Middletown, and Miss Eulieve Marr,
both students of Duff's College, at
Pittsburgh, are spending their Au
gust vacation with the former's par
lents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heininger.
17 West Susquehanna street. .
John Deible and Homer Painter,
two of Middletown's draftees, who
were sent to Camp Lee, Va., two
w ( eek£ ago. have been discharged
on acocunt of not passing the exam
The J. T. K. Club was entertained
by Mrs. Raymond Gilbert at the
cottage of her sister. Miss Peck, at
Stoverdalc. Those present were
Mrs. C. L. Lindemuth, Mrs. J. E.
Keifer, Miss Oma Lujz, Miss Emma
Brennerman. Miss Ruth MeXair,
Miss Charlene Fishel, Miss Rp
maine Kinnard, Miss Martha Swartz,
Miss Agnes Markley, Verna Keifer,
Mrs. Raymond Gilbert.
Elmer Dasher, of Royalton, was
arrested by Special Officer John
Moon on complaint of Burgess Gin
grich, at the aqueduct bridge,
charged with being drunk and dis
Howar E. Myers, of South Cath
erine street, spent the day at Phila
delphia. He was accompanied
home by his daughter, who had
been at the Wills Eye Hospital .for
the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, of
Chambersburg, are spending some
time in town a sthe guests of the
latter's sister. Mrs. George Carr,
South Wood street. They were ac
companied hofne by Miss Margretta
Carr. who' spent the past month at
Chambersburg with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeChaplain
and two children, of Hotter Exten
sion. are visiting relatives stt Scran
The funeral of the late Mrs. Laura
Geesey, who died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Books.
Allentown. on Thursday morning,
was held this morning In the old
Lutheran Church, in North Union
street, at 9.30 o'clock. The Rev.
James Cunningham, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, offici
ated. Burial was made in the Mid
dletown Cemetery.
Leroy Snavety, a member of the
machine gun company located at
Camp Custer. Battle Creek. Mich.,
is spending a ten-day furlough In
Keeney's Flowers
less than any other
place In town.
A Beautiful Spray 08c
A Handsome Wreath $3.98
814 X. 3rd SV 157 X. Front St.
Harrisburg Steelton
NEW Y. M. C. A.
Plans Made For Week's Exer- J
cises in Opening Place of
MarysvlUe, Pa., Aug 13.—Plans <
for the formal opening of the new j
| Marysvlllo Y. M. C. A. have been j
completed. Exercises will start on I
Monday evening and continue every J
evening during the woek. President j
Amos M. Fisher announces.
When the announcement that the |
Pennsylvania Railroad would build i
no more Y. M. C. A.'s during the ■
continuance of the war. Burgess \
Fisher announced that he would re- j
model the old Central Hotel proper-1
ity, which he had recently purchased.!
and establish an institution similar j
Ito a Y. M. C. A. This announce-:
ment was issued over a month ago. i
Since then his arrangements have;
gone merrily forward. Pool and |
checker rooms have been construct-1
ed. and shower bathes installed. A|
tennis court is now being built andj
a basketball floor will be built.
Other improvements are contem
State Senator Scott S. Leiby, of
Marysville and ex-Judge James W.
Shull. of Xew Cumberland, will he
speakers on Monday evening's pro
gram. Charles Shumaker, a Marys
ville boy who recently, returned,
home after serving for eight years]
on submarine chasers, will give a|
short address on submarines. Other]
amusements have been provided, j
Tuesday evening's program includes
a checker match at 5.30 o'clock be-]
tween "Eddie" and "Trickie" Beam.
A pool exhibition is scheduled for]
Wednesday evening. Prof. John i
Reber. of Harrisburg. will give an ]
exhibition of fancy pool shooting. :
Eater in the evening he will play aj
match of three games with a fast]
Marysville shooter. The name of ]
the man who will oppose Reber has'
not yet been announced. Thursday]
evening the Marysville Jazz Band l
j will hold the center of the stage.
Friday evening has scheduled fori
•it a big dance on the commodious]
! porch of the building. Music will j
> jbe furnished by the Marysville Or- \
j chestra. .Saturday evening will be]
carnival night. Open house with I
! lots of confetti, is promised.
Standing of the Crews !
Philadelphia Division The 122 1
] I crew tirst to go after 1 o'clock: 116,
115. 123. 128, 102, 119.
. j Engineers for 116. 128.
]l Firemen for 102". 113. 116. 119, 128.
Brakemen for 15, 116,- 118,' 119,
] 128 12).
j Engineers up: Slipe, Rennard, Con- |
1 dren, Houseal, Snyder, Brown. Blank
| enhour, Grantz. May, Baston.
Firemen up: Keeler, Clark, Trickes,
: Dickover. Stauffer, Vuchity, Craver,
i Gara. Graham, Fox.
' Brakemen up: Belford. Forrest.
! Bair, Halliert, Kauffman, Wachtman.
j Leya.
Middle Division —The 214 crew first
i to go after 1.30 o'clock: 17, 27, 20. 37,
; 21. 29.
Engineers for 17, 27, 37, 29.
j Firemen for 17, 20, 37, 21.
Conductor for 27.
Engineers up: Earley, Blizzard,
! Kauffman. Rowe, Leffard, Hawk,
! Kreiger. Leib, Nissley.
Fireman up: Johnson.
| Conductors up: Biggane, Rhine,
I Crimmel. Carl.
Brakemen up: Deckard, Shearer,
I Shall, Mulhallen.
Ynrd Board—Engineers for 23C,
1 ] 30C.
I Firemen for IC, 5-7 C, 11C, 12C, 23C.
I Firemen up: Lewis, Gruber.
Philadelphia Division The 228
i crew first to go after 1.15 o'clock:
' 226, 230, 223, 205, 233, 201.
I Engineer for 291.
;; Firemen for 226, 228.
j Conductors for 223, 205. "
] Brakemen for 223 (2), 205, 233.
1 Brakemen up: Vitullo, Sheffier, Mc
r I Laughlin.
Middle Division —The 121 crew first
to go after 2.30 o'clock: 116, 123, 119,
' j 124-
Engineer for 116.
Firemen for 116, 119.
Conductor for 116.
Flagmen for 121, 123, 119.
Yard Hoard —Engineers for 3d 126.
' Firemen for 3d 129, 4th 129, Ist
' 102. Ist 104.
' Engineers up: Quigley, Barnhart,
Ewing. Zeiders.
Firemen up: Kline. Hall, Wallace,
1 j Cristofaro. Price, Bish, Bitting, Bles
] sner. Ready, Coff.
Philadelphia Division Engineers
[ up: Kennedy, Gillums, Lippi, Hall,
Pleam, Gibbons.
Firemen up: Everhart, Naylor.
Middle Division Engineers up:
' Keane, Crane, Crimmel, Graham,
. Keiser, Crum.
J Firemen up: Sheats, Zeiders, Fritz,
' • The 68 crew first to go after 1.15
o'clock: 14, 22, 61, 51, 7, 56, 21, 6, 19,
. 54, 66.
Engineers for 1, 6. 9, 18.
l Firemen for 68, 9, IS, 19, 21, 22, 25.
f Conductors for 36, 1, 9. 18. 25.
Flagmen for 54, 56, 61, 6, 9. 18, 25.
Brakemen for 54. 56, 51, 66, 65, 9,
f 18. 19. 21. 25.
, Engineers up: Beecher, Hammer
* stien, Strieker, Jones, Sassaman,
Fleagle, Lower. Dowhower, Motter,
) BruaV. Motter, Wynn.
Firemen up: Looker, Weise, Sheetz.
, Yeingst, Bachtel, Leach, Grimes.
Kautz, Deardorf, Mcßeth, Kresgre,
Morrison, Deckert.
Conductors up: Baddorf, * Hall,
Flagmen up: Wampler, Hess,
I Brakemen up: Heln, Spies, Runkle,
Hay, Wolfe, Leabold, Mackey, Reeder,
' Heagy, McCabe, Epler, Cullison, Lees,
j Daugherty, Weaver, Neely.
I make all eye examin
j ations personally and guar
antee every pair of glasses
j that I fit.
12 N. Market Sqdare
Second Floor, Front.
AUGUST 12. 1918.
Steelton News Items
Commissioned as Captain in
Medical Service, Will Go
to Camp Wednesday
. | Dr. Joseph L. Gallagher, recently
; I commissioned as a captain in the
I Medical Reserve Corps, will leave
'ion Wednesday for Fort Oglethorpe
[ i where ho will report for duty the
! following day. Dr. Gallagher is 51
years of age and at the time he vol-
J! unteered his services he was highly
, j commended by the recruiting officers
> I for his patriotic spirit. He has one
1 j son, Edmund, in the service in
France with the engineers.
Last evening the Holy Name So
j ciety of St. James' Catholic Church
j tendered • him a farewell reception
! in A. O. 11. hall, Nortel Front street.
I Hundreds of friends attended and
j during the reception lie was pre
sented with a tine wrist watch. Cap
tain Gallagher has practiced medi
cine in Steelton for some time. Since
locating here he had charge oC the
| choir of St. James' Church, and last
j Friday evening he was entertained
I by the members of that organiza
Carloads of Ice Reach
Borough, Ending Famine
Several carloads of ice reached the
# borough to-day ending a famine of
1 two days and a shortage of almost a
week. The care were opened early
this morning and the retail and
wholesale dealers jvere supplied for
their usual customers.
Much inconvenience was felt on
Saturday and yesterday by the scar
city of this product as the ice cream
fountains had to be closed and food
could not be kept over night for
Sunday consumption. Much food is
■ said to have spoiled throughout the
borough because of the famine.
j Witmer, Bair Witmer;
? Walnut, Near Second i |
| |
s Special For Tuesday f
and Wednesday
i in fine quality Gabardine, Linen, Treco and Russian Cords. |
| Majority are large size waistbands from 30 to 38 inches. |
< Only a few sizes below 30 inches. |
| s3.so'White Crash Skirt $5.95 White Gabardine |
; | with novelty pocket and Skirts with button-trimmed S
< tailored belt, waistbands side pocket; waistbands 28 j
131 to 38 inches. Spe- to 32. Special $4. 75 |
' | cial .... $1.50 ?
!$3.50 White Gabardine $6.50 White Gabardine S
Skirt with novelty pocket and Pure Linen Skirts; |
and. wide belt! Spe- novelty pockets and belt. J
cial $2.50 Special • $4.05 |
$4.50 White Gabardine • „ |
and Russian Cords with \i* i. ,r f .. c J^? nen S
tailored turn - over and an( f " nc Gabardine Skirts; |
patch pockets; waistbands waistbands _8 to 37; ma- $
31 to 38. Special . . $3.50 J ont y , tailored pockets. |
— ' Special s;>.9o $
)[ $4.95- White Gabardine 5
£ Skirts with button-trim- $8.95 White Triicot f
*; med pockets and crosso\er Skirts with tailored belt; £
| belts; waistbands 27 to 38. waistbands 25 to 32. Spe- £
% Special .{..> cial W. 75 |
j $3.25 Fine White Gabar- |
$ dine Skirt with button- $6.9 5 Hand - tailored |
S trimmed pocket and nar- Skirts, in fine Gabardine""" |
£ row belt; waistbands 36 to and Pure Linen; gnaran
£ 38 only. Special .. $2.25 teed shrunk proof; waist
£ —— 7TT- TTT T- bands 29 to 38. Special,
| $3.9.i White Gabardine . $5.50
j Skirts in four styles, tailor- *
' I ed flap and novelty pockets $7.95 Pure Oyster Linen
"I _ button trimming. Sizes and guaranteed " prcshrtink
31 to 38 only. Spe- gabardines; waistbands 31
| cial to 38. Special ...... $6.25
| $4.75 Fine White Gabar-
| dine Skirts ; waist bands 30 $9.75 pre-shrunken Gab-
J to 38; novelty patch pock- ardines and tricot; waist
-2 ets and neat belts. Spe- bands 30 to 34. Special,
;! cial ; $3.75 $6.05
New Fall Jersey Dresses
Novelty Top Skirts
Tailored Suits, Coats and
i| Witmer, Bair and Witmer I
17 From Steelton Are
Accepted For Service <
The completed list of the boys who j
j took advantage of the last oppor
tunity to join the United States Army I
i last Friday end enlisted at the Steel- 1
■ ton recruiting office as given out by'
j the Harrisburg recruiting offlco latoi
j Saturday includes 21 men who ap
plied for enlistment and 17 men wrho(
were finally accepted and sent to(
Columbus barracks Saturday even-]
ing. The names of the 17 boys ac-i
cepted follow: Rodger W.
! Steelton; Truman E. Uodfong, Mid-4
j dletown; William B. Lindemuth,|
| Steelton; Mclvin 11. Krout, Steelton;!
| Raymond O. •Sutzaberger, SteoUon:|
[ Earl A. Hartman, Steelton: Russell]
! Behman, Steelton; Harry M. Spink,;
| 29 North Eighteenth street. Harris--,
[ hurg; Robert E. Thompson, Steeltlin;]
j Donald B. Stouffer, Steelton: Nelson
; P. Harclevode. Steelton; William B.t
Kenney. Steelton: Leo Callaghan,.
j Steelton: Charles R. Good, Steelton:!
j Robert J. Belt, Middletown; Clarencoi
IH. Keller, Junction City, Ohio;
I Dewey W. Morrett, Steelton.
Chief of Police Grove and Patrol—
, man Samuel Bowermaster, of the lo-
I cal police department, both of whom
[have been suffering for th past sev
[eral days with Injuries to the hand
I and arm, are recovering and are
! filling their usual duties. Patrol-.
I man Bowermaster who was bitten oil*
| the back of his .hand by a colored,
woman returned to bis duties this;
morning after an absence of several]
;! Why Worry With
Defective Eyes?
,1 You need your eyes all the time.
A small defect will give you
many days and months of
i trouble and annoyance. But
the defect can be remedied if
I taken in time.
[ | Our facilities are the most mod
ern, improved type and with
our long experience in optical
work yon are assured of the
highest class of service. Let
us examine your eyes.
[ i Registered Optometrist
I 212 Locust St. Next Door to Orphcum
3 ■