Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 TIMELY NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS Cumberland Valley TOUR OF STATES BY FARM BUREAU Cumberland County Growers to Inspect Methods and Conditions on Trip Carlisle. Pa.. Aug. 12. Arrange ments have been completed by the Cumberland County Farm Bureau for an extensive automobile tour for Cumberland county growers, to give them an insight into conditions and methods used in other sections. It is the first of a number of educational plans fostered by the Farm Bureau. The route will be through parts of Pennsylvania. Maryland. West Vir g.i a and Virginia, and the tour will open on Monday. August 19. conclud ing August 21. On Monday orchards in the neighborhood of Waynesboro and in the Smithburg belt will be vis it.'! and the night spent at Waynes boro., On Tuesday Adams county will be vfsited. with trip over the Get tysburg battlefield in the morning and d parture for Winchester. Va„ byway of Harper's Ferry, in the afternoon. Thursday will he given over to tours in Frederick county. Va., and on Fri day the route will be to Hancock, Md. Members of the Virginia State Horticultural Association will accom pany the Cumberland countians on the return trip on Saturday. STRUCK BY SLEDGEHAMMER Wnynesboro. Pa.. Aug. 12. Victor C. Martin, son of X. B. Martin, edi tor of the Daily Herald, came near be ing killed while at work in one of the munition factories at Hagers town. Md. He was assisting in get ting a large boring tool from the bar rel of a rifle or cannon that had he come fast. While holding on to the tool another man was striking it with a sledge, when the barrel turned. That caused the sledge to glance and Mr. Martin received the force of the blow on his forehead, which knocked him three feet and rendered him un conscious for one-half hour. A deep sca'.p wound was inflicted. DELIVERY TRI'CK DAMAGED Carlisle. Pa . Aug. 12.—Quick work with sand and mud saved from com plete destruction, on Saturday, a large delivery truck of the Schmidt Bakery, of Harrisburg, which caught tire at New Kingston while coining to Car lisle. Residents of the section aided the driver in extinguishing the blaze. The truck was damages considerably. If He Drinks Give Him TESCUM POWDERS Secretly Any mother, wife or sister can stop the Drink Habit, if she wants to do so. Thousands of women are happy today because they gave their husbands, sons or brothers "Tescum Powers." The powders are taste less and harmless and can be given in either liquid or solid food. You take no risk as Tescum Pow ders are sold under a steel-bound money-refund guarantee by J. Nel son Clark at SI.OO per box, or six boxes for 15.00. Day And ■ NIGHT SCHOOL! Open all Year ■ GREGG OR PITMAN' 1 ■ SHORTHAND. TYPE- ■ ■ WRITING. BOOKKEEP- ■ ■ IXG, CIVIL SERVICE ETC. ■ START or CONTIXCK ■ a your course NOW. We save I ■ you time and make you I more thorough. Beckley's 1 OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL I § Several prominent educa- g H tors recently said, "It's the ■ a only really modern Business I a School in Harrisburg." Charles R. Beckley, 1 Principal 121 Market Street Emphatically Asserts Worn \ Out, Lagging Men Can Quickly Become Vigorous and Full of Ambition 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS t>on't blamo the man who Is perpet ually tired; his blood needs more red .■orpuscles and his brain and nerves are craving for food. Given the right kind of medicine, • any tired-out. inactive, lagging fel low can quickly be made into a real live, energetic and even ambitious man. So says a student of the nervons system who advises all men and women who feel worn out and who find it hard to get up ambition enough to take a regular job to get a package of Bio-feren at any druggist. This 1 s the new discovery that pharmacists are recommending be cause it is not expensive and speedily puts vigor and ambition into people who despaired of ever amounting to anything in life. People whose nerves have been wrecked by too rapid living, too much tobacco or alcohol, have regained their GREAT OLD REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES S. S. S. Clears Skin of Erup tions, Drives Poisons From the System Get it fixed in your mind that skin eruptions. Scrofula, Eczema, burn ing. itching skin, and all skin dis eases are due entirely to impure and infected blood. If the trouble was on the outside of the skin, by sim ply washing and keeping it clean you could obtain relief—not even ointments, lotions, and salves would be necessary. Agree with us in this belief, and your trouble can be re lieved—you can be entirely restored to health. S. S. S. is a purely vege table treatment that you can secure from your own druggist—it is a blood tonic that will purify your blood and cause a most decided MONDAY EVENING, GOLD FOUND IN MOUNTAIN BROOK Residents of Buena Vista and Cascade Region Excited Over Yellow Metal Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 12.—Some | residents of the Buena Vista and l Cascade region claim to have found ! something which if not gold looks I for all the world like it. In a little mountain brook that leaps out of ; the high cliff overlooking the Cas j cades they found sundry small frag , ments of metal that have all the j appearance of real gold nuggets. i They are having them assayed, and. j if found to be the real thing, a gold j fever will break out on South Jloun- I tain compared to which the copper ; epidemic of a few years ago was | but a mild influenza. The finders of the precious metal ! aer carefully guarding their finds I and will make no definite move to consolidate their claims, by grub | staking and otherwise, till they have i the real thing. . UNUSUAL CRIES IN MOUNTAINS Waynesboro. Pa., Aug. 12.—Re-' • markable occurrences and unusual j sounds coming from the mountains | between Mt. Quirauk observatory j and the section around Cascade and ! Lake Royer are shrouded in mys ; tery. and residents of that vicinity : have called on the sheriff of Wash ington county, Md., to have the ' mountain searched for a woman. ; who it is believed is demented, held I captive or lost in the mountains. ! and whose cries have been heard at j intervals the past several days. ARMY STUDENTS ON TRIP i Waynesboro, Pa.. Aug. 12. —■ Sev , enty students from the United States Army Training School, at Camp Hola ■ bird. Baltimore, under the command of ■ Major Lewis and Lieutenant Couch man. passed through Waynesboro on Saturday on motorcycles. A total of | ion men comprised the unit, counting ' the occupants of the commanding of ficers' cars, service and kitchen ear and the two occupants of each of the thfrty-ftve motorcycles. WILL OBSERVE LABOR DAY Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 12. All Waynesboro employes in the local fac tories will, for the first time in the history of this city, observe Labor Day. Slonday. September 2. as a holi ! day. The local union committees at a meeting Saturday took the flrst steps in planning for a hie celebration here on that holiday. The event will start i with a monster parade in the morn , mg. at 9 o'clock RAISED PRIZE PUMPKIN Liverpool. Pa., Aug. 12. —Rev. G. :C. Cramer, pastor of the United ; Evangelical church of this borough. has raised a prize pumpkin measur ! ing fifty-four inches in circumfer ence in his'war garden this season. SON SENDS HELMET Hummelstown. Pa.. Aug. 12. John Yingst who lives south of town.' received a helmet which was taken from the Germans by his son Chaun i cey, 'who is serving in the United States Army in France. Mr. Yingst has three sons who are overseas. GIRI S ARM BROKEN Dillsburg. Pa., Aug. 12.—Miriam ' Phultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shultz, broke her arm on Thurs day evening. She had accompanied ! her parents to the home of her grandfather, who had died during the afternoon, and while there slipped on the single tree of a wagon and fell. WRIGHTSVTLLE BOY WOUNDED Marietta, Pa., Aug. 12.—The par -1 ents of Albertus Abel, of Wrights : ville, received a letter from a nurse i in a French hospital, in which she says that their son was wounded in an engagement during July, and is in | a serious condition. NEW MANAGER AT COLLEGE Marietta. Pa., Aug. 12.—The Rev. , I. W .Taylor assumed his new duties as treasurer and manager of the i Eiizabethtown College. For ten years ;he was the superintendent of the 1 Xeffsville Brethren Home. old-time confidence and energy in lesa than two weeks. No matter from what cause your nerves went back on you: no matter how run down, nervous or tired out you are. get an original package of Bio-feren at once. Take two tablets after each meal and one before bed time—seven a day for seven days then one after each meal till all ara gone. Then if you still lack ambition: it your nerves are not steady and yoih haven't the energy that red-blooded, keen-minded men possess, your pur chase money will be gladly returned. Note to Physicians: There is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, it is printed on every package. Hero it is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Manga nese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powdered Gentian; Phenolphtbalein; Olearesin Capsicum-; Kola. abatement of your trouble, and finally make you entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S. was discovered and given to suffering mankind. During this period it has proven its remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic, and has re lieved thousands of cases of disease caused by poor or impure blood, and chronic or inherited blood diseases. You can be relieved, but you must take S. S. S. Take it if only pim ples appear, for they denote bad blood, and may be followed by the sufferings from torturing skin erup tions. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S. from your druggist. If yours Is a special case, write for expert medical advice. Address Medical Director, 43 8 Swift Laboratory. At tanta, Ga. PRIZE WINNERS AT BABY SHOW Cups Awarded to Successful Competitors at Child Wel fare Exhibit Meeluiulesburg. Pa., Aug. 12. ! Interest to a marked degree was manifested by the Mechanicsburg people and those of the vicinity in j the baby saving show and child wel- i fare exhibit under the chairman ship of Mrs. N. W. Hershner. and! held afternoons and evenings of j Friday and Saturday in the high! school building. The heavy downpour of rain. ' howover, Saturday prevented what [ would probably have been the larg est attendance, as many people from | nearby towns' and country had > planned to attend that evening. Until that time, seventy-nine i babies had been weighed and meas- J ured. with the result that Vance j Stanley Moyer, the 18-months-old | son of Dr. and Mrs. William G. Moyer, South Market street, and | Ada V. Martin, the 20-months-old j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster | Martin, West Main street, came j nearest the standard measurements i and won the silver cups. To the i former was presented the cup given j by the Thomas Printing House and to the latter that by the Woman's; Club. Other babies coming near the standard were Jean Davis. Elva Mary Getz. Samuel Zufall Jr., Al bert Stahl. Henry William Ford, of Mechanicsburg. and Keith Zerbe, of Shiremanstown. , - | Among the speakers were Dr. | Harvey B. Bashore, Dr. Karl Shaffle and the Rev. Dr. T. J. Ferguson., Pasteurized milk samples were dis-1 triublted by Ryder Brothers West j Shore Dairy, of L;moyne, and a' I short talk given as to the benefits j i cf its use. LIVERPOOL Mrs. C. E. Walters, Philadelphia, ! is here taking care of her mother- ' i in-law, Mrs. Nettie Thompson, who has been il! for several weeks. Miss Cqrrie Brown of Harrisburg' is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. j ; Frank Brown. Prof, and Mrs. A. E. Deckard ofj Marysviile are visiting relatives here. Mr. and ?>Tr. E. J. Kirtz wero at j New York Isst week to bid good-by; 1 to their son. Edward, who is now on. ! his way to France; another son is! ir. France. Miss Nellie Shuler, of Girard Col lege. Philadelphia, is visiting here, i with her mother Mrs. Caroline! Shuler. i HUMMELSTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Abner Demmy, and i two children of Oberlin. spent yes- ; terday with Mrs. Demmy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deimler. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Kilmer spent the weekend at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartz. of Pal-: myra. spent yesterday with Mrs. '• Hartz's mother. Mrs. Christian Bals-j ,baugh. Mrs. Ossman. of Goldsboro, is spending several weeks at the home , of D. E. Mack. i' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cassel, Harris fburg, spent yesterday with Mrs. I Cassel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam . uel Allwine. Mr. and Mrs. John Leibig. of Leb- 1 anon, are spending several days with the family of Frank Keller, i Harvey Buch and family, of I Eiizabethtown. are visiting at the; , home of M. F. Nissley. Miss Barbara E. Kline spent yes- j ; terday at Lemoyne the guests of Mrs. Rebecca Rltner. f John Reaser visited friends in Harrisburg on Saturday. Mrs. Darius Mack and daughter. Miss Annie, left on Saturday for Pittsburgh, where they will spend the week with Mrs. Mack's son 1 Homer Mack. Miss Mabel Updegrove. of Harris-! ; burg, spent yesterday with Mrs. Sam- ! uel Hartz. ! Gilbert Killough, of Baltimore, is l : visiting his mother. R. R. Deimler and family of Har-i risburg, spent yesterday with rela-• tives in town. Dauphin Girl Goes to Army Camp as Nurse HH MR ■ 9 ft L JO MISS KATHARINE LONG Dauphin, Pa.. August 12.—Another star to be added to Dauphin's ser vice is that of Miss Mary Kath arine Long, oaughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Lane Long, who left last week for Camp Wheeler. Macon, Georgia, as ' a Red Cross Army nurse. Miss Long: is an alumna of the Dauphin High I school, and in 1917 graduated from! the Memorial Hospital at Mount! | Pleasant, Pa She was head night! ! nurse at a private hospital at Gale-! | ton. and at the time of her enlist ment was nursing at the Lewistownj hospital. Miss Long's brother Ord- j nance Sergeant Raymond Long, is a' member of the Twenty-eighth Divi sion Headquarters, now in Franca. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH D. F. CLUB AT KAMPKOMFORT Mrs. Raymond Gilbert Hostess For Big Party of Young Folks at Stoverdale Stovprtlale, Pa., Aug. 12. —Mrs. j Raymond Gilbert entertained the D. | F. Club, of Mlddletown, at her cot- j tage, Kamp Komfort. A supper was served to Misses Martha Swartz. Ro- j maine Kennard, Ruth.McNair, Oma j Lutz, Charlene Fissel, Agnes Mark- I ley, Verona Keiper, Mrs. John Kei- j per, Mrs. Lloyd Lindemuth, Erma , Brenneman and Mrs. Raymond Gil- , bert. Mrs. Emory Fisher, Sr., of Emory | Villa, is spending some time at her Harrisburg home. Mrs. Harry Barnard, of Plainfiald, j X. J., is spending some time at the ; Fern Cliffe. Miss K. E. Landis, of the Poly- ! clinic Hospital, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stauft'er and son, Robert I Lee Stauft'er, of Harrisburg; Mr. and j Mrs. Xeal Miller, Miss Helen Mfani fold and Herbert Brown, of Pal- ' myra, are occupying Wood Haven j cottage. Misses Emma Smith, Eliza Buck, | Mildred Rupp, Xora Wolf, Emma | Wolf, Mrs. M. R. Swartz. Claude i Rupp and Harry Wolf, of Chamber j Hill, are occupying the Hill Inn. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Beard, of High spire, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Dift'enderfer, at the Idylwyld. Dr. W, B. Kirkpatrick, of High spire, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kiefer, and family. Dr. and Mrs. Frapk Kitzmiller, | sons, Frank, Jr., Robert and Jack ! Kitzmiller, and daughter, Janet Kitzmiller, of Harrisburg, are oc- • cupying their cottage, Creek View. Miss Elmira Weaver left on Fri- [ day for her home in Harrisburg aft- i er spending three weeks with her j aunt, Mrs. Nelson Johnson, at Sel- j dorn Inn. Frank H. Knisely, of Harrisburg, j and Elwood George Ruth, of High spire, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Edwin J. Knisely, at Sweet Rest. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yingst and : daughters, Dorothy and Evelyn ' Yingst, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. j Raymond Gilbert and Earl Geyer, of j Mlddletown, are spending two weeks i at Kamp Komfort. Master Edward Benson and Pier-, I son Jones, of Harrisburg, spent a ; day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Can- J ning at The Edgewood. Mrs. Harry Horner and son, j Bruce, of Baltimore; Misses Grace j and Pearl Horner, of Hummelstown, . spent a day with their aunt, Mrs. J. I L. Cole, at the Georgeanidn. Misses Jane Bomgardner, Ruth Light. Katherine Brinser, Mary Brin ser, Annie Burkholder, /Josephine ! Burkholder and Mary Light, of Hunt- j nielstown, are accupying the Hillside during camp. Mrs. Lillie Stover and daughter, j Pauline Stover, of Hummelstown, are occupying The Acorn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Habbyshaw, Jr., and daughter, Dorothy, of Hum- | melstown, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. [ Ed Habbyshaw, Sr., at Happy Inn. Mrs. Walter Sides entertained Mrs. j John Hoke, of Camden, X. J.; Mrs. | Lloyd Lehman and son, Bruce, and j daughter, Erma Lehman, and Rus- | sell Workman, of Highspire, at her j cottage, Zowie, on Friday. George Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- J thur Henry and daughters, Lila and j Marion Henry; Mrs. EUf.er Draw baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brown and son, Marshall Brown, Jr., of Harrisburg. were guests of Mrs. G. E. Henry at the Wohelo. Ralph Diehl, of Paxtang. and Miss Bertha Wise, of the Harrisburg Hos pital, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Witmer, at the Clyfrest. Mr. and Mrs. John Keefer and j sons, Howard and Donald Keefer, of | Highspire, are occupying the Wetzel j cottage. Mrs. Ella Glatfelter. Mr. and Mrs. j W. J. Albright and daughter, Marie ; Albright, and George Reed, of Mid dlesex, motored to the grove and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. V al ter DifTend'erfer, at the Idylwyld- RF.n CROSS CARNIVAL I/O wis town. Pa., Aug. 12.—A Red Cross carnival was held on Friday and Saturday in Xorth Main and East and West Third strets. There were about a hundred different kinds ot amusements and the fire department took a big interest in the event. The j Lewistown drum corps, the Burnham j community band and the Frederick Wicke Concert Company, helped to enliven the occasion. HOW MRS BOYD AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton. Ohio. —"I suffered from n trouble which caused me 11111111111111111 l much suffering, j UUfJll I and two doctors' decided that I would have to go through an -BtTB operation before j WC| ~ IE I could get well, fewe' mother.' 116"* who had been j helped by Lydia \ IjMr _iyj E. Pinkham'a JiU IF"'. Vegetable Com- I . pound advised f ' me to try it be ' * fore shbmitting an operation. It relieved me from my troubles so j I can do my housework without any j difficulty. I advise any woman who i is afflicted with female troubles to j give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable i Compound a trial, and it will do as much for them."—Mrs. MARIE j BOYD. 1421 sth St. X. E„ Canton, O. I Sometimes there are serious con- ! ditions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the' other "hand so many women have; been cured by this famous rbot and I ■herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's; Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was nec essary—every woman who wants to avoid an operation sHuld give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to j Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., | Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result' of many years' experience Is at your . service. For Sldn Soreness of infants and children you can find nothing that heals like Sykes Comfort Powder j Leading physicians and nurses have used and endorsed it for more than 25 years. 25c at the Vlnol and other drug stores The Comfort PowderCo,, Boston, Mass. PATRIOTIC SONS IN CONVENTION York County Camps Send Representatives to Big Meeting Dillsburg, Pa., Aug. 12.—The York County P. O. S. of A. convention was held here on Saturday in the Dills burg opera house. There were thirty five camps represented and an at tendance of ono hundred and six members and a number of visitors. : Sputter's 25c Department Store : ► Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, but Because Qualities Are Better J k 25c value ¥ I|" "jl" j¥ \ SIT T mi 59c value " Oriental Laces I I | Em* Jf\ | f B \ ft, 1 M 60-inch wide < ► nipping Price. I I ll%| 1 n I I#l \M \ Brown Sheeting., ; 9c 11 ** VJ UJA Jf[ ) ) '"'47 c'"" * ► 10c value • V 1 M V S ' * y Filet L.aces *^ c va^ue * ► and Insertion Remnants of . nipping Price, White Goods *■ 2 ClipplDK Price, 4 y 15c value. ' 20c 1 k Venise Bandings __ _ . * ciippins Price, _ _ F*\ \ m s SI.OO value : OR R 0 W VZ5 s *■ X enise Bandings ® j y ClipplDK Price. ; 39c value 1[ * 10c Prices Have Been Sent Downward to Send Sales Upward J ; Narro\^ a pfain | in This Big One Day Event For Tomorrow, Tuesday 29c 1 * Ribbons Seasonable merchandise—just the sort of articles that you want 88c value 4 ► ciippins pace, | r ight now —makes up pot-pourri of items that have been subjected- SlIk p a^ ard ° tton i to a downward revision of prices, giving your money extraordinary Clipping Price* j ► 15c value purchasing power here to morrow. 59C < , Taffeta Ribbons, ———________——— l y 3-inch width 5c value. j 75c value I 25c value j 29c value 25c Value j . va'^e cupping Price, Tomato Pin Men's Nainsook , Fancy Ladies' Bonnets, Stamped , otton 1 Cushions Athletic Union China Plates j s'lightlv soiled I Pin Cushions ; _ Cllpnlng Price, SuitS Clipping Price, Clipping Price, j Clipping Price, I Clipping 1 4 25c value 3c cupping price, j 19c 7c 39c h. „.? r^ 5S ' e . r . C . b _ 6sc ... 15c value 1 15c value. 85c value 1 cupping I rice 15c .value ; lac value. 3oys> Crocheted Brocaded Silks j 19c Hair Pins, va li r I Dutch Pants Doilies cupping Price, i *" —— 3 on card \ ,f. j Boxes clipping price, cupping Price, r"u ► 50c value Clipping Price. Mens Wash j Clipping Price, >7 lA r d"C ► Combination ; Q r ' Four-in-Hand AUC J y Suits Ties i 29 c value 15c value SI.BB 1 . cupping Price, , - , cupping Price, Children's Stamped value c Hp r.mhc lie oc value. Sandals Collars ; Silk Foulards j vilaSS 1 Clipping Price, Clipping Price, Clipping Price, 4 ► —— Clipping Price. Spoon Trays IK- 11ft 4 ► Parasols 9c LadTes' ' cupping Price, !££ JL C _ _M£_ K cupping Price. Union Suits 2ffc value 10c a 2:, c 39c and 69c A ► m 10c value cupping Price, i Baby Caps \alue value J 21c C pw On O O ' ————— Clipping Price, Instruction T? 4. r 1 ' 38c 15c value. 3c Books Re^"i S ° f i * 35c value r „ ~Kleen-O Polish cupping Price, \ oiles 1 OJC vdiuc Clipping Price, cq r va liiP . „ , | —————— Clipping Price. V ► Ladies' Initial p . s ' c lu , e ' cupping Price, 45c value 5 C j ► Handkerchiefs | T t • afll ® s j Qr Aviation Caps j— — —— ' y clipping Price, / r Union BUItS Clipping Price, 35c Value ZUC . 25c __________ Clipping Price, - 29C All Linen , 1 9 c value ' i Toweling $2.00 and $2.50 i 15c value Pearl Buttons —•——— China Dishes value rill rj"p ' rltc ' value Ladies' Linen j cupping Price, 15c value. clipping Price, Percale Aprons Trimmed Hats Handkerchiefs i Card Ladies' 39c Clipping Price, Clipping Price. < ► cupping Price, Gauze Shirts _/C • 19c and 25c j 7Qr s ' 11c Clipping Price, devalue. „ Value f J : 5c value. 12V*C Hollow Handle $2.00 value ] ► Soiled Belts Basting Cotton I jTTThM cn.„.Midd.es —\ U ~*£* j , fri,,. Ladies . 9 sue I-jve - 1 ► 10c SpDol Gauze Shirts, jq OC OUK * 1 2c r ,? :t , ra S l Z f 15c value 17c value $1.50 and $2.00 J ► 50c value. cupping i nee. White 50c value. Mercerized va l ue y \ anity C ases 35 c value. 25C . China Plates Children's Napkins Sailor Hats j cupping Price, Slightly Soiled | cupping Price. Stamped Dresses "I'o'f/ Fr ° C ' cupping Price, 27c Organdie Collars' 25c value lOr blue and tan 12'/2C 79c 1 ———— • Clipping Price. Children's cupping Price, _ < ' 50c value. |3 C Gauze Drawers, 15c value 25c Pbin White $1.50 and $2.50 < . f i ■ s,zes Salts and , Huck Towels value < Pocketbooks -0 c va j ue cupping Price, Peppers 9c va^ue - cunning pnee, Panama Hats 4 y Clipping Price. Sli htl Soiled 17 r ! cupping Price, Stamped Towels J OJ/ cupping Price. , 37C Satin Collars 1/C IQ C g c g c value ' OC 25c value 4 * 10c value Infants' 39c value. Light Percales 75c and SI.OO ► Cuff Pins ! OiJC Gauze Shirts Kleen-O Oil r- j t®' cupping Price, value : -r-r"- ...mops. isc Chd r' s < ■ ' C - Work Shirts 15 C < •<•'<"' r.ic 2 Sc value 0i1,,.,. ph„. ' y cupping Price, _ ZOC 19c Figured Voiles 29c 1 , - value. I Clipping Price, 5c value. OOC Children's 39c value 25c value. j "J L o t of "* Stocking Gauze Shirts Aluminum Stamped Card 25c value. < Darners - c value cupping Price, Handle Forks Table Covers | 50c value. Trimmings 4 : 'Clipping Price, j CUpp.ng Prlc. Clipping Price, PlaidV oi'le 9 CllppU,. Priee. , y 3C I Shirts and —j. — 25c "'oo ,r,ce ' 1 9c j Drawers, 17c value 0 - , 33c T . * 3c val " e broken sizes Cut Glass 50c value e C u j rn ? * y Hooks and Eyes Sherbets rT Stamped 39c value. 50c value, ► cupping Price, " ' ; Overalls Baby Pillows Dress Ginghams j Trimmings ► Card Garment Q.* ees Cllpplß* Price, Clipping Price, Clipping Price, Clipping Price, lc 29c 11c 39c 15c 29c ! 19c ' 1 1 ; Soutter's lc to 25c Department Store * ► K 25^)| Where Every Day Is Bargain Day : 215 Market Street Opposite Courthouse ; \ AIAAAAAAAAA AAA A A AA A A A The convention was called to order by J. J. Klugh, president. W. S. Ylngllng acted as secretary on ac count of the regular secretary, A. D. Swarts, having been called into war service, fc. L. Oberland was treas urer; H. J. Giadfelter, vice-presi dent, and D. L. Hoke, master of forms. The president made the following appointments: S. P. Shearer, con ductor; W. C. Reever, inspector; O. E. Prick, guard; H. A. Ingelfritz, as sistant secretary, and the Rev. J. N. Foust, chaplain. C. E. Cook, of the local camp, and representative of the York county Second legislative dis trict, made the address of welcome. W. A. Sinnes. president of district No. 5, made the response.-The Rev. AUGUST 12, 1918. | H. E. Crow, pastor of the Dillsburg I Methodist Episcopal Church, offered i the opening prayer. The president announced the fol lowing committees: i Credentials. A. J. Hershey, B. A. : Shrener and Fred Aldinger. Committee on district presidents' I report, C. A. Hlbner, F. B. Heilland, I C. C. Bair. E. F. Six, J. W. Reieker I and H. E. Jenkins. Auditing committee, Charles F. Pomeraning, Steward Miller and C. I E. Klinedinst. Appropriation. E. E. Houseman, J. ; W. Sflyder and O. E. Frick. I Resolution committee, J. G. Glad j felter, B. E. Myers and H. E. Erhart. j The Ladles' Aid Society of the i Dillsburg Lutheran Church furnish ed the noon meal. The election pf officers, resulted as follows: President, H. J. Giadfelter: i ■ vice-president, D. L. Hoke; master oft forms, A. J. Hershey; secretary, W. S, Yingling; treasurer, K. L>. Ober lander; district president, first dis trict. L. Mercer; second. C. J. Shelter; third, "W. C. Reever: fourth, C. A. Wentz; fifth, B. L,. Resh; sixth, W. H. Lorbet. West York was chosen for the next place of meeting. During the after noon addresses were made by E. S. Brooks, J. Calvin Strayer and the Rev. J. N. Faust. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists ; refund money if it fails. 25c