Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 05, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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Escadrille M. S. P. 156, J
Secteur Postal 12, |
May 31. 1918- j |
~ear Mother: The last days have .
jbceu tilled with tennis and swim- :
ining. which don't soxmd warlike
at all, does it? It Is though, ,espe- j
'ialiy the tennis, for its every bit as ;
as what Sherman said war was, ,
but after diving in our private foun- j
tain one forgets such warm trltues. i
You remember the chateau we lived j
in last winter and the big fountain
in the grounds 1 told you about:
Well we swim in that fountain now
and aside from an excess of mos
quitoes and the water being very ,
cold its great! but there is always!
something to take the joys out of
life, only these mosquitoes take more
than that. , J
And now we have changed air->
planes again, getting Spads this time, l
which we hope to have working in- ,
side of a week. I refer to the new
one of course, because to-morrow we
begin training on severhl old planes i
ot the Spad type in order to learn ;
the motor, which is very necessary,
as it is as delicate as it is powerful
and requires continual watching on
the part of the pilot. The Moranes,
am sorrv to say. have been given
up, owing to their weak construc
tion which would not stand the
strain "chasse work entails, I say
sorrv because not only was it fast,
but so small that as one pilot said,
it could be maneuvered around a
clothes pin. which is some quick
turning you will admit and what ,
was more to the point, had the
Boches scared with its enormous
racket and quickness. But as they
continued to break in the air. we
were finally forbidden to fl> them.
1 -209 VfALWOT ST. j
July Finds Us Ready to
Offer You Splendid Shoe
Values at Exceptionally
Low Prices.
Limited quantities and
broken sizes brings out trem
endous price cuts.
Black Patent Pump* with
plain pointed torn and I.oui*
hceln: full covered. A shown.
Black Kid Oxford* with
. 2 Plain receding toe*. Leather
* I,outs heel*. An honn,
niack Dull Calf Pumpa with
narrow long vamps or short
vamp style. Kxeellent £4.00
values, at
Woman's Dark! I
i|, Brown Kid
Vk Boots. Made of
ll TOT rleh dark
k brown kid)
A soft and flex
ible. l.l ß ht
turn soles.
High I.ouls
■t VL heels. Just likr
• Picture; 7.00
values at
t Men's Black
WW Calf English
Lace Shoes.
Gocdyear welts,
And now I can hear Dad assert '
tl\at here was where my guardian ,
angel got in her work, for you re
member how much trouble I had
with my planes, not getting into the
air as much as I wanted at all.
Anyway, here we are with Spads and
I sure hope the motors work. Don't l
knew yet whether I'll get a two-gun (
or lone-gun plane.
Worst In the World
Tjie stores in Chalons are the j
worst places to buy anything. 1
tried to get some sleeveless jerseys
there the other day. You should
have seen what they showed me: j
They only had one slse and that j
must have been modeled after Taft
or Irvin S. gobb. And the funniest j
part of it was that the clerk thought ;
| it would tit after it had been washed. |
i Naturally, I allow for sprinkage j
! when buying clothes, but not that i
| much, lor no matter how many !
. times it were washed, it would i
j never shrink a foot. So not wishing j
Ito buy a dress I left. Another thing
1 need are pajamas. Being partic-
I uiar—and broke I can't get any. If
jit wculd not be for shocking my I
I feminine admirers. I might propose
; they send me a pair of silk, or near
! silk ones, as something useful in;
helping win the war.
There ar4 a large number of
troops Algeria camped near
here, whose curious costumes and j
customs are very interesting, for '
they wear those big white turbans
which so much resemble a "Char
lotte Russe" with their twisted and
| curved effect. Not only that. • but
some of them wear complete robes
of white and with a long stick to
complete the effect look much like
the Mohammedan priests I have
often read about. They might easily
be that too, for some of them I
j know belong to the Islam faith.
I How? Well, while walking to the
| tennis court last night. I saw one
: kneeling on his brayer rug facing
Mecca, which is east, I believe, go
ing through all of calisthenics.
Having often read of their partic
ular way of prayings, but never hav
ing seen it occur, 'I stopped and
saped with interest. Not believing j
| in that faith I was naturally amused
jat the manner of his prayer. First
! he stood erect like a soldier, facing !
: Jflecca and then aftersome medita-
J tion. sank to his knees and bumped
; his head on the ground—that's
; where the rug came in. I guess, for
the performance never varied, as
he continued, rising, meditating,
kneeling and bumping his head.
Finally I continued on my way, my
■ curiosity fairly satisfied, but after
going half a mile —and I wasn't
walking fast either —I looked back,
and their was our faithful friend 1
just recovering from another bump
on the head.
Hani Work
He seemed sort of weary, and I
did not wonder after all that ex
: erclse. What with all his head
bumping he should have had the j
headache. Just from his next move
; one would think so, for he held up
..his hands—but not for long, as he
' soon began rising and falling and
1 bumping again.
j Golly! that sure was a long prayer,
I and he sure worked hard enough to
! deserve an answer.
' Don't count on that permission so
j soon, for just now permissions are
forbidden to America. Indeed I
will be lucky If I get home by Sep
tember, although I am hoping for
: August.
Thanks for the clipping in the
Typographical Journal. It surely
i was a complete and condensed his
tory of my life since I "broke" into
the flying game. I literally did
break into it, you know.
The author of that piece was sure
right when he said flying ran In the
family, and then quoted Dad's flight
from the top of a barn to prove it.
As you say, things that parents wish
, ed %o do have a way of coming out
' in the children, when you remark
that many things coming out in
your daughters you often wished to
; do. Yes indeed! You sure do shock
At* wrlUng this in the cool of the
i evenitig wtth my back against a pine
i tree, Jbut have to stop mow on ac
count of darkness and mosquitoes.
| Golly! but those mosquitos can
make good landings, and they are
;as fearless as a Frenchman and as
I cruel as a Hun, which is combination
enough to lick any man.
It seems the Printers' Union of
lNew York City has not forgotten
i me either, for in their local journal
appeared a picture of yours truly
with some of the letters. It was
some writeup, and my former boss;
in New York sent me the paper.
Wait until I get a Boche and !
-]then watch me crow. Oh boy! Won't i
it be a grand and glorious feeling? II
Now that I am actually going to j
; fly again and with a thoroughly i
1 tested airplane, I have hopes of j
; accomplishing my "bit" and knock I
'■ a Hun out of the blue —Here's hop- j
And do you know, I am rather
proud of little old Dauphin, with j
her $40,000 contribution to help r
I chase the Kaiser off the earth. Even
jif I haven't put her on the map
i by this time, that commendable sum |
shoul<j. and it cure Is worthy of a >
! celebration.
Received a Harrisburg Telegraph |
tell of the flight of a French-j
' man over Harrisburg. From what i
I could gather from the paper I
the airplane must have been a \
Nieuport. And I can well believe
what a sensation he caused when he j
started to do "stunts."
' •• :
Marries His Step-Mother;
Now Daddy of 7 Children
Gloucester City, N. J. Houston
Richards, a 19-year-old boy. residing
at 1203 North Sartain street, Philadel
phia. secured a marriage license at
the office of City Clerk Redfleld. t.o
marry his own stepmother. Mrs. Cath
j arine Richards, who is 22 years old, ;
and resides at the *ame address.
Four years ago Mrs. Richards mar
ried the young man's father, who was
45 years and the father of five chil
. dren. The msrrlag® resulted In the
birth of two more dhildren, making
Seven in the family. 'The father and I
husband died a short time ago and ,
the oldest son fell in love with his •
stepmother. They decided to get mar- ;
rled and keep the family together. ,
They came here a few days ago snd
j arranged for the license under the i
laws of New Jersey, and It was" grant.- ;
ed to-day and they Will be married 1
at the parsonage of thq First Metho->
dlst Episcopal Church on Friday:
next by the Rev. J. W. Nickalson. ;
Before the" license could be grant
ed Mrs. Richards, as guardian of the
boy, was required to give her sane- '
ti>n of his marriage in writing. By '
the marriage besides being his moth
er and guardian, she becomes his i
wife, and sister-in-law to his broth
ers and sister as well as their moth
er. The young man will become the
husband of his mother and father of •
his' brothers and sinter, us well as
being their own brother. ' '
"77 te Live Store" "SSLtUTCIciy" "Always I
Doutrichs Shirt Sale I
Tomorrow—Thousands of High Grade Shirts Enter This Mammoth I
"Shirt Sale" I
V 52.50 Shirts, Our | SI.OO Shirts 79c Ij§
$3.50 Shirts, $2.89 1 I $1.50 Shirts, $1.19 J |
I $5.00 Shirts, $3.89 I T?n+lTP Arlr I sl * Bs Shirts ' SLS9 I 1
f\ss.Bs Shirts, $4.89 A OlUl/H Ik $2.00 Shirts, $1.59/1 |
Is Reduced j
:0j! "Fiber" and "Crepe de Chine" t } /Of I
|| J* Mk j S, Work Shirts, Blue Chambray and ** k '... Mk •V m- |
l Black Sateen Flannel Shirts of every
This is A Real Shirt Sale. It's going to be the greatest "Shirt Sale" I
ever attempted in Harrisburg and, by the way, it's the Biggest Display of Shirts ever shown in
Pennsylvania Treat yourself to a trip to this "Live Store" You'll open your eyes with amazement when you
see the tremendous quantities of high grade shirts, and the low prices they are marked for this sale lt's worth
going many miles to see for you've never seen its equal anywhere There are so many shirts in this sale we won't
attempt to count them Our windows alone contain more shirts than many stores have in their entire stock and
you're going to have the opportunity of buying them at sale prices.
Come and Join the Immense Crowds—See This Wonderful Display of Shirts
F §||
■ space, filled to overflowing with shirts. | ■
I Silk Shirts
I qc of j. fce on 1 ® ne en *ire window showing f 1
• *ll 1 . 1 |
I Black Sateen Shirts
d>7 Qg Cl-* i OH 1 will be talked about everywhere, and I 1
I onirts, pu.o" I it's something to talk about. 99c j
rS ****************************************
I Shirts and Waists
July Clothing Reductions, See Page 14 Straw Hat Reductions, See Page 14