Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 15, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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Dr. Smuckcr to Preach Special
Sermon to Unions
of City
Many labor organizations will be
addressed to-morrow evening at the
Elevens Memorial Methodist Church
by {he Rev.' Dr. Clayton Albert
Smucker. The occasion is to be the
annual memorial service of the fol
lowing' brotherhood lodges and aux
iliaries: Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, • Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen and Kngineers. Order of
Hallway Conductors, Brotherhood of
liail-wny Train The mala part
<' llj church auditorium will be re
*rvel fo:- the members of the vari
ous organizations. Part of the au
ditorta™ and all of the Sunday
sclioolroorn arc to he open to the
public. The service will begin
promptly at 7.30 o'clock.
Or. Smucker will speak at the
morning meeting at 11 o'clock on
"I'Mdvertlfed Martryfdom."
N'ext Thursday the workrooms of
the Bed Cross Auxiliary No. 1 will be
open all "day for inspection. For
more than a year the ehurchhouse
lias been a scene of busy activity.
With Its surgical dressing, hospital
garments and knitting departments
working scores of women and girls.
Mrs. Clayton Albert Smucker is in
charge of the flourishing auxiliary.
lmmanucl—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. 10.00, "The Master's
Magnanimity"; 11.15, Sabbath
school; 7.00, Children's Day exer
Covenant—The Rev. Harry Klaer.
11.00, communion service with re
ception of members; 7.30, "The
More Excellent Way"; 9.45, Sunday
Camp Hill—The Rev. Raymond
A. Hitchledge. 11.00, the Sunday
school will celebrate children's day;
. 8.00, Must Bo Born Again";
9.45, Sunday school.
Capital Street-—The Rev. B. M.
Ward. 10.-45, "The Saving Power
of the Gospel"; 12.15, Sunday school.
Bethany-—The Rev. John M. War- |
den. 7.30 ."The Meaning of Trials"; I
9.00, Sunday school.
Olivet —The Rev. A. 1* Taxis. 7.30, i
"Religious Dyspepsia"; 10.00, Sun- i
day school.
Market Square—The Rev. George .
Edward Hawes, D. D. The Rev. i
Howard Rodgers. assistant. 11.00, I
"What Church Would Jesus Join?"; j
7.30. service in South River Park.
Pine Street—The . Rev. Lewis
Mudge. D. D., the Rev. H. H. Bald- :
win. 10.30, preacher, Rev. C. R. '
Erdman, I). D., of Princeton 'lTieo
logical Seminary, "Samson's Riddle"; t
7.30, the Rev. Dr. Erdman, "Elijah's
Despair"; 1.30 Sunday school.
Calvary—Preaching 10.14, the
Rev. Merlon S. Pales; 7.30, the !
Rev. W. H. Dallman; 9.00, Sunday j
Division Street Chapel—The Rev. j
M. S. Fales. 10.30, Sunday school.
7.30, evening service.
Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis. 9.45, Sunday school; 11.00. "Ar
rogant Insolence"; 7.30, "First
Things First."
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King.
11.00, the Rev. Edward R. Worrell.
D.D. will preach; 7.30, the pastor will
preach; 10.00, Sunday school.
Grace—The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag- i
tiell. 10.30. "The I-ight of the)
World"; 7.30, "The Critical Period I
of the World War," patriotic serv- J
ice; 9.30, Sunday school.
St. Paul's—The Rev. William i
Moses. 10.30 and 7.30, preaching;!
9.45, Sunday school.
Ridge Avenue—The Rev. H. R. j
Bender. 10.00, Sacrament of the!
Lord's Supper; 11.10 and 7.30, "A i
Better Country."
Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. j
Pyles. 11.00. "Education and Serv-'
ice"; 7.45, "The Ministry of Angels"; ,
10.00, Sunday school.
Heckton—The Rev. W. H. Zwei- I
z'g. 7.30, children's day service;
address by the Rev. W. S. Rehrer of I
Ashland; 2.00, Sunday school.
Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E.
Brenneman. 10.00, "Children's Day
Exercises"; 7.30, "The Gospel and
Kultur," by pastor.
Riverside—The Rev. Charles F. j
Herkheimer. 7.30 and 9.30, preach
West Fairview—The Rev. Charles
F. Berkheimer. 10.30, "Answers
to Prayer"; 9.30, Sunday school.
Dauphin-—The Rev. W. H. i
Zweizig. 10.30, "The Follow Me;
Load" by the Rev. W. S. Rehrer of i
Ashland; 2.00. Sunday school.
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W.
Deavor. 10.00, Sunday school; 11.00,1
"Doing"; 7.30, Dr. Morris E. Swartz,
district superintendent.
; Grace Methodist Church
|ilte Street near Third Street
A Great Patriotic Sermon bv the Pastor
Dr. Robert Bagnell
who sails next week for Europe on a special
mission, going as a representative of the
Bureau of Public Information in Washing
ton, D. C. and War Work Council of the
Time—7.3o P. M.—Theme
" The Critical Period of the
A study of present conditions and outlook
in Europe. Community Singing.
Morning Service at 10.30—Theme
"The Light of the World"
* inmiinim 1111
To Dedicate Magnificent New Church
With Special Services Tomorrow
: . N ' * .♦ ' '
r f .
Messiah Lutheran Church, now one of the finest structures in the city, is to be formally turned over to the
congregation to-morrow. The cut shows the Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, pastor, under whose direction the edifice
was erected.
Christ Lutheran Congregation
Now Free of Debt; Spe
eial Service
A service of unusual attraction to
the members and friends of Christ
Lutheran Church, the Rev. Thomas
Ilelsch, D. D., pastor, will be held
to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.
The occasion will be the burning of
mortgages. There are four mort
gages to be burned. The last mort
gage was occasioned by the building
of the fine and commodious Sunday
school chapel, which was construct
ed a little more than two years ago
at a cost of practically $30,000. The
devotion and loyalty of the congre
gation are amply manifested in the
fact that the last indebtedness was
canceled on the first of this month.
This splendid achievement will be
properly celebrated to-morrow morn
ing, when addresses will be deliv
ered by E. A. Heffelfinger, J. H.
Gingrich, W. M. Hoerner and Dr.
Relsch. Dr. Reisch will speak on
the subject, "Retrospect and Pros
pect." At the evening service the
pastor will preach on the subject,
"To-day's Substitutes For the True
First—The Rev. Dr. W. E.
Daugherty. 10.30, the Rev. E. C.
B. Castle, of Mechanicsburg, Pa.;
7.30, Rev. S. Harp, of Frederick,
Mil., 10.00, Sunday school.
Otterbein —The Rev. Dr. Butter
wick. 11.00 and 8.00, Reno Harp,
Frederick Md.; 10.00, Sunday school.
Trinity. New Cumberland—The
Rev. A. R. Ayres. 9.30, the Rev. A.
K. Wier, of Steelton, will preach at
10.30 a. in., and the Rev. Dr. S. 8.
Hough, of Dayton, Ohio, general mis
sionary secretary of the United
Brethren Church • will preach at
Derry Street —The Rev. J. A.
Lyter. 11.00 and 7.30, preaching;
9.50, Sunday school.
State Street—The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad. 10.45, "A Model Servant";
7.30, "Andrew"; 9.30, Sunday school.
Attractive Kcshcr Israel Syna
gogue to Bo Dedicated
Next Sunday
f mm
V: 1
I Whose Work at the Kesher Israel
! Temple Kas Been largely Respon
j sible For Its Steady Growth
; The building committee of the new
Kesher Israel Synagogue, at Capital
and Briggs streets, has been very
, active in pushing the work to com
j pletion, so that everything will be 1
in readiness for the dedication Sun
j day, June 23. The painting and in
: terior decorations have been finished,
j The pulpits and ark, specially de-
I signed and carved, have been finished
! in white enamel and gold, the ceil
ings and walls have been frescoed
and stenciled, producing a very taste
ful and harmonious effect. Several
special domes have been built in the
ceilings and are lighted with fixtures
that fit in with the architectural
scheme. The windows are of leaded
! art glass, the design of each being
commemorative of some particular
epoch or event in the history of the
Jewish religion. The new pews of
solid fumed oak have been placed in
position and the other fixtures and
furniture * arranged in accordance
with the plans worked out by the
committee. The synagogue Is prac
tically completed; a few finishing
touched will put U in tine shape for
the dedication exercises. When fin
ished it will be a model structure of
its kind. There will be two audi
toriums and a large balcony will add
materially to the seating capacity of
the main meetingroom. There are
also receptlonrooms, committee
rooms, UTirary, lavatories and other
modern conveniences for the com
fort and convenience of the congre
gation and visitors. An elaborate
program will be announced for the
Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevin
Sayres. Sunday-school, 9.45; instal
lation of officer,s. reception of new
members, and holy communion, 11;
holy communion and sermon, 7.30.
St. John's—The Rev. G. W. Hart
man. Preaching, 11 and 7.30; Sun
day school, 10.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles
May. 10.45, "The Old Landmarks";
7.45, "Forgetting the Church"; Sun
day school, 9.30.
Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer,
11, song service, the choir will ren
der the Mass by Henry Farmer; 7.30,
the I. O. O. F. of the southern dis
! trict of Dauphin county will hold !ts
annual memorial service; sermon by
the Rev. E. E. Stauffer, grand chap
lain; Sunday school, 9.45.
Where every convenience la
provided without charge. For
available dates write manager of
Hershey Park, Hershey, Pa.
Red Letter Day For Sixth
Street Congregation; Spe
cial Music to Feature
! To-morrow will be a red letter day
jin the history of Mc3siah Lutheran
| Church when the new church edi
! Kco on the corner of Sixth and For
j liter streets -vill be dedicated with
j avipropriatc ceremonies. The de.d'..
icaory service will be held sit 1'J.30
! o'clock, opening by Abner W. Hart
j man, bass soloist. Following the
| regular order of service the anthem,
! "Festival Te Deum in D" will be
j sung by the choir. The offertory
i will be Guilmant's "Pastorale," ?nd
j Gilchrist's "Except the Lord build
I the House," will be sung by tfie
j choir. The Rev. V. G. A. Tressler,
j president of the General Synoi of
] tho Lutheran Church will preach the
! sermon, and the congregation will
I participate in the dedication service
| to follow.
The Rev. Luther De Yo?, pastor
!of Trinity Lutheran Church. Ger
-1 martown, will preach the Sunday
I evening sermon. Mrs. Arthur H.
Hull will sing. Monday evening
Prof. Alfred C. Kuschwa, Clarence
Sigler and George Su.ton will ap
pear in an organ and voice recital.
•Services will be held Tueida" even
ing, and a big congregational rally
is scheduled for Wednesday even
ing. A community service on Thurs
day night, a preparatory service Fri
day night and a communion service
[next Sunday-will close tlio week of
dedicatory services.
The new church a beautiful
structure, built of Port Deposit
granite. It is pure Gothic in ttyle,
and is the largest church plant in
Harrisburg. The seating capacity of
the main church is 1,000.
The entire church Is lighted by a
unique indirect lighting system, and
heated by indirect steam hsat. The
altav. chancel, pews, doors and t (her
interior woodwork is finished with
selected wood, perfectly m-itehed.
The chancel window, Plookhursfa
Annunciation," is one of the most
beautiful features of tlio entire
structure. . To bring out the rich
coloring of the window, a special
illuminating device has been ar
ranged for use in the evening rierv
ice. The window is specially de
signed for use in the Christmas
evening candle service.
The large organ is made by >l.
P. Mohler and Company, and musi
cians say it is one of the finest in
th>? city. The magnificent stained
glass windows are designed by the
D'Ascenzo Studios, of Philadelphia.
The interior woodwork was made by
the Ditmar Furniture Company,
The old church structure which
lvas, been the home of Messiah con
gregation since 1890, has been re
modeled and will bo used as a mod
ern Synday school room. Sand
tables have been placed in the base
ment for the younger members, and
Sunday school equipment has been
plated in the building.
The church now has 12T.0 mem
bers. It is the largest Lutheran
congregation in the city as well as
the largest in the Eastern Pennsyl
vania Synod. Two members of Ihe
church enjoy the unique distinction
of having been members of the
church when it was founded in 1348.
These members, Mrs. Catherine
Hatcher and Mrs. Anna Murray huve
been affiliated with the church for
seventy years.
A feature of the church not often
found in any church structure. Is an
acoustican which is arranged to aid
people who are unable to hear dis
tinctly. A set of chimos add b.*auty
to the organ music.
Harris Street—The Rev. A. G.
Flexer. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30,
communion service; 7.30, communion
Park Street—The Rev. A. E.
Hangen. 10.30, children's day serv
ices; 7.30 children's day cantata;
9.30, Sunday school.
Hutnmel,Street—The Rev. "William
K. Conner. 11, "Living Sacrifices";
7.30, "Is the Devil a Person?"; Sun
day school, 9.45.
The first French war cross given to
an American soldier for bravery in
the field was won by a Christian En
deavor boy, Robert C. Patterson, of
Huntington, Ind. Mr. Patterson was
a lieutenant at the time the cross
was- awarded to him, but later was
made a captain. Daniel A. Poling, as
sociate president of the United So
ciety of Christian Endeavor, who has
returned from a three months' visit
to England and France, brought this
war cross with him. Mr. Poling states
that the repqj-ts of drunkenness in
the American Army in France are
utterly, false. Prohibition is the rule
and it Is enforced. The morals of the
men are safeguarded infinitely better
than the morals of civilians at home.
Mr. Poling was "gassed" during an
attack and was under fire while try
ing to bring in a wounded man from
No Mail's Land.
C. E. Notes
Rickety ax and a triple cheer.
We'll yell till we're hoarse and never
A cheer for Miss Bolton, of the Park
Street C. E.
Who has recently been elected to the
When the boys are away, the girls
must shine.
Won't that be fine on September
25-29 ?
Leaguers are always willing their aid
to lend.
And a message to France the En
deavorers send.
An Allentown, Pa., society recently
collected clothing for a destitute
family that the members had found
In their work.
Miss Ruth Clay will tell the En
deavorers of the Bethlehem Luthern
Society about co-operation with the
Sunday school on Sunday evening
when all of the members are urged
to be present.
In April the United Society of
Christian Endeavorer and the C. E.
World moved into the new headquar
ters building just completed in Bos
ton. The building will be dedicated
during the meeting of the trustees
and field secretaries, July 31, August
1. The junior boys and girls of Penn
sylvania have promised to furnish
Mr. Shartle's office.
A. E. Burkholder will have charge
of the Endeavor service at the St.
Matthew's Lutheran Society on Sun
day evening. Many Endeavorers and
Sunday school workers are Urged to
The Haverhill. Mass.. union netted
$125 for the City Mission by means
of a concert.
Harrisburg Christian Endeavor
Choral Union and a number of
friends will hold an annual outing at
Reservoir Park, Tuesday evening,
June 18. A jolly good time is prom
ised 'by the committee on arrange
St. Paul. Minn., has an expert En
deavor Club to promote the study of
"Expert Endeavor" and to organize
study classes. In all 265 experts were
At the Market Street Baptist So
ciety the meeting on Sunday evening
will be conducted by H. D. Jones.
Gainesville, B'la., Endeavorers, who
hold services in the jail, recently
found jobs for two discharged pris
oners, one of whom is now an En
Dr. H. B. Walter will speak and
lead the Endeavor meeting at the
Westminster Presbyterian Society to
morrow evening. Many workers are
expected to be in attendance as the
society is in an excellent condition.
The society has gained many good
points in the efficiency contest with
the Second Reformed Society.
The Juniors of Los Angeles held a
banquet at their convention, all the
toasts being given by Juniors.
The Danville. Ind., Friends' So
ciety has bought a Liberty Bond and
also material to make clothing for a
French relief agency.
F. E. Musser, a prominent En
deavorer and Sunday school worker,
will conduct the League service at
the Harris Street United Evangelical
Church on Sunday evening. i
Ever Present
A LL power is given unto Me in Heaven
and in earth. Lo, lam with you always,
even unto the end of the world.
St. Matthew, 28th Chapter.
Take Christ at His word and conflicts be
tween nations will cease. When the spirit
of our Lord is permitted to guide men, per
petual peace will indeed prevail.
To-morrow evening's Sermon, "The Ever Present
Christ," will benefit you.
Zion Lutheran Church
South Fourth St.. near Market.
S. W. Herman, D. 1)., Pastor '
|| First Baptist jj
j; Second Street, Corner Pine Street
William J. Lockhart
;! iota. . |!
J> and th Present One. (|
!' and the Age Without a Crisis. |!
| and the Present Conflict. '!
' 1 and the Question of the Present Age. !>
!! and the One of Immediate Interest, j
£•> , y
Miss Kathryn Bolton, a prominent
Endeavorer, and an accomplished
girl in C. E. circles, has recently been
elected vice-president of the Park
Street Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor. She is also a member of
the entertainment and publicity com
mittees for the K. L. C. E. and Sun
day school Federation convention to
meet in this city in September. She
was also one of the six pretty girls
who helped to "boost" the state C. E.
convention held in this city, July,
Second Reformed Endeavors will
study the topic to-morrow evening
and Mrs. H. M. Yingst will have
charge of the meeting.
A. W. Lutz will tell the Endeav
orers of Covenant Presbyterian C. E.
Society how to co-operate with the
Sunday school work at the Endeavor
meeting on Sunday.
The Presbyterian Society of Deca
tur, Ga., has twenty-three of its
young men In the Army.
J. E. Row will tell the Endeavor
ers at the State Street United Breth
ren Society "How to Have Co-Opera
tion With the Sunday School," at the
service on Sunday evening.
The Park Street United Evangelic
al Leaguers will have a good meet
ing and program to-morrow even
ing. H. C. Baum and Luke Wiericlc
will have charge of the service and
a good time is promised to all per
sons who will attend.
Rousing meetings will he held in
i thousands of churches to-morrow
j evening when Endeavorers and Sun
| day school workers will discuss the
I topic. "Co-operation With the Sun
day School."
At the Fourth Street Church of
God Society, C. M. Sigler, superin
tendent of the Sunday school, will
have charge of the services on Sun
day evening. Special music will be
rendered by the C. E. choir.
Cecil Holmes will speak at the
Pine Street Presbyterian Society on
Sunday evening. Everybody is urged
•to attend and help boost the En
deavor work.
George W. Coleman, formerly pub
lisher of the Christian Endeavor
World, now a Baptist trustee of the
United Society of C. E., has returned
from England and France. He has
visited the front, has been through
an air raid on London, and reports
that American troops arc in fine con
dition in France.
The C. E. meeting at the First
Church of God, New Cumberland,
will have an interesting program on
Sunday evening. Miss Carrie Sim
mons will have charge of the service.
Isabel Saul will have charge of the
service at the Christ Lutheran So
ciety on Sunday evening and a good
time is promised.
Centenary United Brethren En-:
deavorers of Steelton, will have an i
excellent program on Sunday even-1
ing, which will interest the menvbersj
and friends. Harvey Hershey will be!
the leader and speaker at the meet- j
JUNE 15, 1918.
Pastor of Grace M. E. Will
Leave For France Dur
ing the Week
Grace Methodist Church has grant
ed leave of absence to its pastor, the
Rev. Dr. Bobert Bagnell, to go to
Europe on a special mission covering
a period of three months. Dr. Bag
nell goes with the endorsement of
the State Committee of Public Safety
and other patriotic organizations of
the state and is going as a repre
sentative of the Bureau of Public In
formation In Washington, and his
passports are made in that way. He
is also going as honorary secretary
of the War Work Council of the Y.
M. C. A. and will wear the Y. M. C.
A. overseas uniform during the en
tire period of his absence, the plan
being to give the Y. M. C. A. as much
of his time as possible on the other
The sailing has all been arranged
by the Y. M. C. A. authorities and
he will go whenever they say they
are ready for him.
Dr. Bagnell will be given a hearty
sendoff Sunday evening at the close
of the service by the congregation.
The Sunday evening service at 7.30
o'clock will be outstandingly patri
otic. Dr. Bagnell will preach on the
theme: "The Critical Period of the
War," a study of present conditions
and the outlook in Europe. There
will be community singing by the
congregation' and special music by
Grace Church chorus choir. Dr. Bag
nell has made a host of friends while
pastor of Grace Church and has been
called upon many times during the
war to make patriotic speeches, and
a large audience is expected because
he is so wpll known and many will
want to shake his hand and wish
him Godspeed in his trip to the sol
dier boys now in battlelines in
France. He will try to get in touch
with the boys from Harrisburg who
are "over there" and will be glad
to deliver any message given if pos
First—The Rev. William J. Lock
hart. 10.30 and 7.30, preaching,
"The Seven Dispensations"; 11.45
[Sunday school.
Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard
Osmore Pierce. 11.00, "The King's
Business"; 7.30, "A Little While and
Forever"; 9.4 5, Sunday school.
Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah
Greene. 10.30, "Reason Why All
Men Should Repent of? Sins"; 7.30,
"Efforts to Overthrow Effect of
Miracles of Jesus"; 12, Sunday
1 v-; r;
V'iil Third and Pine Streets vm* *
j I SUNDAY, JUNE 16,1918
li'- ! 3 Preacher ••• \
sjjg Rev. Charles R. Erdman, D. D. ij.
• I Princeton Theological Semlunry
10.30 A. M.
| 7.30 P.M. j
MpJ Be Sure and Hear This j - |- : 1
mi Distinguished Preacher v ||l
j j | | In ','. l' iWJli'rv'i' 1 'ijj.T'f iiih,'- '
~~~ — ~~"~""~
of New York
:|: One of the Country's Best Known Jewish Orators
| Will Deliver an Address.
at Uic
Dedication of New
Kesher Israel Synagogue Wh
■ Exercises Syna-
!|i gi;ur, Fourth and SWlc slroclit, I
at 10 a. in.. tliencc Syna-
I Rogue. Capital and Briggs street*
:•; at 1 p. m.
Everybody Welcome ;■
Chief Rabbi of Philadelphia
| Will Be One or the Principal jfl
Speakers in the Afternoon Jmji
The celebrated Cantor-Tenor will Mng, accompanied by a choir
;S of live of the best voices from his Hungarian Synagogue, Neyv York,
.•i This will be a treat for lovers of iieautlfui music.
? g?sSS333fc***>-
Market Square Congregation
Will Worship in the
Open Air *
Market Square Presbyterian Church
going where the people go in or
der to have an evening audience.
The session of the church unani
mously authorized the experiment.
To-momw evening the service will
®P, th ® fo ft °t of Blackberry
", ' , le Park Commissioners!
S„\ e p ™, m , lae<l hearty co-opcration.
Seats wit! be provided. The choir of
the Church will lead the music. Ev
erything will be carried through in a
manner which will be in keeping
with a religious service.
A great innovation!" some one
said to the pastor. "Yes, but it is in
imitation pf Jesus Christ, who went
where the crowds were. One Sab
bath evening we had in our auditor
ium an audience which could be eas
ily counted. 1 went home along the
Kivcr !• ront. Between Chestnut street
and State street f saw about 2,000
people. These people who go to the
parks are not irreligious. The large
percentage of them arc church peo
ple. but they do not want to go into
a building They want the open air.
I believe they would rather worship
than just loaf. The officials of Mar
ket Square Church are going to test
the matter out. I expect that many
wili come to our service. We will
have good, singable hymns on slips
of paper. Wc will have every con
\ enience possible for the accommo
dation of those who want to sit. In
the name of the session of Markc t
Square Church I extend a most hcartv
welcome, through the Telegraph, to
the public, to worship with us in
'God's lirst temple.' "
( hristian and Missionary Alli
ance—The Rev. W. H. WorraU. Sun
, sc h°°l. 9.15; preaching, 10.30
and 7,30; Bible study Tuesday, 7.30;
prayer meeting, Thursday, 7,45.
A. M. K. ZIO.V
Bethel—The Rev. H. H. Cooper.
10.30 and 7.30, the Rev. W. B. Wil
liams, presiding elder, will preach..
Harris—The Rev. R. L. Briscoe.
10.45, "All Power Belongeth to God";
7.45. "Thou Shalt Not Take the
Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain";
Sunday school, 1.30.
Wesley Union—The Rev. Stephen
A. McNeill. Morning. "The Presence
and Power of the Upper Farees";
evening, "Paul the Ready.'
(Other Churches on Page 3.)