10 SNEWS AND NOTES OF THE BOY SCOUTS^ PROSPECTS FOR SCOUT CAMPS Ever>- Troop in City to Have Opportunity For Ten Days in the Open Arrangements are just being com pleted for the establishment of a Community camp for all the Scouts of Harrisburg. This means that every troop in the city, whether possessing equipment or not will have the opportunity of spending ten days or two weeks under canvas. This has been made possible by the generosity of a friend of the Scout movement in giving the free use of over a hundred acres on the south side of the mountain north of Enola, with permission to erect cabins, and shacks out of the lumber there. As soon as all the details are arranged, a complete announce ment will be made, and headquarters feels sure t,hat there will be joy in the heart of every Scout in the city and vicinity. A casual inspection of the tract has already been made, and it is ideal for the purpose. On Monday a final inspection will be m'ade and at that time it is hoped that arrange ments will be completed to purchase the necessary tents and equipment that goes to make up a real camp. The tract will be for the Scouts to use both summer and winter, and it is only two and a half miles from the loop of the street cars in Enola. Watch for the full announcement next week. You Won't Mind the hot weather if you get into one of our KEEP KOOL SUITS $8.50 SIO.OO $12.50 $15.00 SUMMER FURNISHINGS Neckwear Shirts Hosiery Underwear HOLMAN/"* AESELERVsO. 228 MARKET ST. Open Evenings EDUCATIONAL " School t)f Commerce AXD Hainsborg business College Tirat Uuiidlai, IS S. Market Bell pUoaa tM| Ulal U) Bookkeeping, stiortband. si... type. Typewriting. Civil ttnlta, U you waul 10 secure a goo 4 position and Uoid it. get lar (Uk TraiaißS in a Staauard school Of UataUllahed Imputation. Dtj and Nigftl acuooL £.iur aay Uoa day. fr'ully accredited by too Nation*! Association. High Class Silk Dresses For Daytime, Sports, Vacation, Street and Evening: Wear Featured to Double Our June Business at These Prices Ru! $14.95 $19.95 $24.95 Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Stripe.l Silks. Taffetas, Georgette Combinations. Satins wRI J You cannot imagine such a stock of My, such unusual styles—Coat effects UVsJJLEZ/ such attractive dresses under one roof— etons. surplice and high or long waisted' ML )£&*& Hundreds and hundreds for your choice, models with vestees, collars and cuffs of Br BH|) * in the fashionable colorings both light sheer white materials; many frocks are mfczSQw and dark, as well as cool white dresses embellished with silk or bead embroidery —and they're the prettiest seen this —all are beautiful—and values extraor- PjSslsufia $11.50 fancy QC $18.50 Silk Suits—in all $13.50 Voile Dresses for fiBW-wlrfißß Voiles for " colors, including black and this grv / i£.*fJßllr navy; some CIO Cfl sale ®/OU / Extra Dresses Never silk lined $3 Corsets^—P N Cor- U nIX mind the values; you never sets, in flesh and white; 7 u ttV saw their equal dQ A A $15.00 \ olle If| Qff gpecially oy and a girj, in a fire not long ago. Former Tire Man Returns to Camp After Furlough V. W. MARKER After spending a five-day furlough at hla home here with his wife, Mrs. V. W. Marker, of 245 South Cameron street, has returned-to Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va. Mr. Marker, who is well known among automobile men of this city, having been connected for some time with the Overland Harrisburg Company, and later as local representative of the Sterling Tire Corporation, enlisted in the serv ice last April He is now in the Eighth Training Battalion of the Medical Cbrps and expects soon to get Into active service "Over Ther." * FLYING WITH SHAFFER RHEIMS ABLAZE LETT KRS FROM A DAUPHIN BOY TO HIS MOTHER Dear Mother: —Once again I arij at a loss for words to describe the novel sights I beheld yesterday night. One sees so much; and unfortunately my vocabulary throws up its hands in dismay when I attempt to put it on paper. Down near the Argonne forest were three long trails of ie jammed by getting excited, since it is loaded before one goes oft the ground and all that Is necessary is to press the trigger. The Story Just an instance to show how de feat or victory rests on such small things. The story goes that a Boche came over the lines one day and shot down three French balloons in a row. Two Spads—French planes— being in the vicinity, dived to the attack. The soldiers in the trenches, being interested spectators to this fight, were delighted to see the Spads catching the Boche. and felt sure the Boche would bg brought down, .when they were plumb disgusted to see both Spads veer oft and go home. Immediately they called the French pilots cowards. And yet the fact of the matter was that one Spad's gun would not work and the other one's motor went on the blink, and there you are. So one shoffld not judge an aviator too harshly as little things like the above the man on the ground does not know of. and without a good mo tr and machine gun it's impossible TI'NK 14, 19T5. to fight. One cannot shoot and neither can he depend on his motor, and since the motor Is the only thing that keeps him afloat, it's mighty im portant that it run perfectly. Last night wo astually had moving pictures, the theater being an empty haqgar (tent for airplanes) and the light for the moving picture machine furnisUed by an electric motor run In turn by the motor of a truck. There WHS no admission fee —after seeing the picture I don't wonder— , so they played to a crowded house. !Of course there were no seats, so overyone brought his own chair. In cidentally, there was every,type and ! pattern of chair that the ingenlus mind of man could devise. Several fellows not having chairs, brought sfcep ladders, which certainly insured their seeing everything. If we ex pected to see a Charlie Chaplin wo were disappointed, for the only | American picture was certainly a islander on American art, being prob ably the tirst movie made. Still, the i novelty of the thins made It inter esting. WALTER. I U-Boat Commander Boasts | of Prowess of Raider in Warfare on Ocean Coast Now York, June 14.—1n describing' his encounter with the German sub-j marine raider last Monday when lilsj the Henrik Lund, was sunk, Captain Axel Kaltenborn said j yesterday that he spent two hours j on the U-boat in the cabin talking with the commander. Captain Kaltenborn had ample time to observe the deck and the in terior of the submarine, so far as he was permitted to go, and said she was fully 250 feet long, 25 feet beam, and carried two six-inch guns, one at each end. "The German coniKiander who spoke perfect Erjglish," Captain Kal tenborn said, "appeared to be very proud of his craft, and said that she could dive in twenty-eight seconds. He also told me that he had been away from Germany for two months and could stay out for another six months, but the latter statement I do not believe. "The cabin was comfortably fit ted, and there was plenty of food and drinks of all kinds. "Pointing to a registry of shipping on the table, the commander said with a smile, 'That is my Bible,' and showed where he had crossed out the names of the vessels that had been sunk by the U-boat on her cruise. He mentioned the two Nor wegian steamships Vinland and Elds j wold, and also admitted sinking | American ships, but did not give jme the names. The commander was polite in his manner all the tlmo was on board and said that he was' sorry to have to sink my ship. 'War' is war, and I must carry out my", duty,' he said." FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN Women Praise Lydia E. Pink-* ham's Vegetable Compound for Health Restored. In almost every neighborhood in America are women who have tried this standard remedy for female ills and know its worth. Athol, Mass.—"Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done mo a world of good. I suffered from a weakness and a great deal of pain every month and nothing brought me any relief until I tried | this famous medicine. I am a dif ferent woman since I took it and I want others who suffer to kno\r i about It." —Mrs. ARTHUR LAW. j SON, 559 Cottage St., Athol, Mass. San Francisco, Cal.—"l was In a, I very weak, nervous condition, hav i ing suffered terribly from a female | trouble for over five years. I had taken all kinds of medicine and had many different doctors and they all said 1 would have to be operated on, but Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound cured me entirely and now I am a strong, well wo man." —Mrs. H. ROSSKAMP, 1447 Devlßadero St., San Francisco, Cal. For special advice in regard to such ailments, write Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its many years experience Is at your service. TO PEOPLE WHO CHAFE Over one hundred thousand people in this dountry have proved that nothiog relieves the soreness of chafing as quickly and permanently as "Syke Comfort Powder." 25c at Vinol and other drug stores. Trial Box Free. The Comfort Powder Co., Boston, Mass. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. feiXA-Tt./VNTIC, C ITY.N.J. ] Sanatorium!] I Noted for its superior u itable and service.* J