Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Address to Class by Dr. George
Fisher, of Sttsqueranna
University, This Evening
Mju-ysvillc. Pa.. June 13.—Final
decorative arrangements were com
pleted this afternoon by membrt.- j
of the Marysville High school seinor
•lass for their commencement o-;- 1
erclses this evening. Coral and
gray crepe paper and pennants scat
tered throughout the rooms of the
Trinity Reformed Church, together
with large numbers of potted plants
nake up the major part of the dec
Twelve students, seven girls and
fbre boys, will receive their diplomas
at this eveuing's exercises, the twen
ty-eighth annual commencement ex
ercises of the Marysville High school.
This is the largest class to be grad
uated from the Marysville schools
since 1912, when twelve students
were also graduated.
At this evening's exercises the ad
dress of the evening will be made by
Dr. George Fisher, of Susquehanna
University. Diplomas will be pre
sented by County Superintendent D.
A. Kline, who has presented di
plomas to the graduates of Marys
ville schools every year since he left
the principalship of the schools to
become county superintendent.
William T. Keller, first honor stu
dent. will deliver the valedictory on
"Heroism." Miss Adella Smith, sec
ond honor student, will deliver the
salutatory on "The Symbol of Sacri
fice." Other orations will be deliv- \
ered by James E. Renter on "What j
Patience and Perseverance Hace Ac- j
complished:" Miss Anna \. Ham- j
maker. "The Power of the Cross at (
the Front;" Miss Pauline M. Glass.
"The Status of Women:" John A. |
Shearer. "AYnerica. Lead On'." Percy i
1.. White. "After Graduation. What?" !
and Miss Mary R. Deckard, "When j
Sammee Comes Marching Home: t
Mis-: Frances Fortenbau'gh will give j
the history of the class; Miss Anna
bell Whitmyer. the poem: Miss Alda
Gault. the prophecy, and Harvey ;
Cratton. the will. An attractive pro- j
gram of selections, vocal and in- j
strumental. and readings has been ,
arranged. i
William Keller is president of the
class; Harvey Bratton. vlce-presi- i
dent: Miss Adella Smith, secretary,
and Miss Anna Hammaker, treas- j
urer. A. E. Deckard is the super- ,
vising principal of the schools. John '
Hain and Miss Mae Losan are the I
assistant principals.
Lemoype. June 13.—A recital for
the benefit of the War Relief Fund
will be given by Harrisburg and j
West Shore talent in the Lemovne ,
High school auditorium this even
ing. A musical program with time
ly numbers will be presented. Miss
Edith Mumma. principal of the
schools, has charge of arrangements.
Lemoyne, June IS.—So well was '
Hummel avenue oiled last year that !
It may not be necessary to make an i
application of oil thts summer to ,
abate the dust nuisance. Up to this
time all efforts to secure oil have
beeft futile and it is likely that the
Welfare League committee will post- !
pone action on the matter until
later. j
When you feel that your
stomach, liver or blood is
out of order, renew their
health by taking
Lwsoat SaU of Air Madicine in tl*
bold svciy where, b boxM.
Wernersville, Pa.
Ide&l for Week-end Trip* or m
Sunday Automobile Run
Two concerts daily. Golf. Baths. Solarium.
Fine Cuisine. Unusual Mountain Scenery.
Sariator iumlj
irr-ji Nctedfor its superior \
table and service.:|
'• ,
School ot Commerce !
taiiisborg business Coiiege
Ti■> Balidio*, IS s. Market Sa.
HcU pkMc <M| Dial 1M j
Bookkeeping, shorthand, atea#. '
type. Ci*ll
It iron want 10 secure a goo 4
position ana Hw it, set it,,.
M(k Tnlniic la a Standard Ktiool
of Eatabltsked Kepaiatloa. U*w
and Nigtit octiooL £.nt*r a ay Uom
*ully accredited by the National
N. - - —J
Molory, Batteries, lamps.
Wiring ami Wiring Supplies
14 boutia Court KL, Harrisburg.
West Shore Firemen Will
Canvass Towns For Funds
to Provide Apparatus
A move to purchase a $6,000 fire
apparatus for the West Shore. In
augurated by the West Shore Fire
men's Union at a meeting Monday
evening, is being favored' by a ma
jority of residents in all West Shore
towns. The districts to be benefited
by this improvement are New Cum
berland. Lemoyne. Camp Hill. Worm
leysburg. West Fairviow. Midway
and Enola.
Businessmen in all the towns are
heartily in favor of the move am
are taking steps to start campaigns
for funds, although the fire compa
nies of the various towns have
charge in their respective districts.
The purchase of the apparatus will
mean a contribiftion of funds from
each district.
Just how the money will be raised
for the purchase of the apparatus has
not been announced. Several plans
have been talked of by the Union
and are being considered until the
next meeting of the Union. In the
meantime members of the various
companies are going among the bus
| inessmen, asking their opinions and
j inviting them to attend the next
meeting of the Union, at which time
; the matter will be thrashed out.
i Officers of the Union say that aft
ler the apparatus is purchased and
i placed into service an application for
a reduction of insurance rates will
;be made. With three motor-driven
I machines, the West Shore will have
ian adequate fire system.
Trackhand Waylaid and
Robbed at New Cumberland
New Cumberland. Pa.. June 13.
While William Mulhern. employed
with the repair gang of the Northern
Central railroad, was returning to
quarters at the edge of town about
9 oclock last evening, he was way
laid by a highwayman and robbed of
SSO. Mulhern was struck on the
head with a hatchet and was ren
dered unconscious for a time. He
suffered severe lacerations of the
scalp. Mulhern says he -beli'eves he
knows his assailant, but is~not quite
certain. He returned to town and re
ceived surgical treatment. The re
pairmen are located In cars and in
shacks between here and Elkwood.
Enla. Pa.. June 13.—William Mar
tin. aged 66, one of the oldest mem- j
bers of the Zion Lutheran Church of j
Enola and for a long time superin- l
tendent of the Sunday school, died ;
suddenly yesterday at his home, 146
Wyoming avenue, from pleurisy. Mr.
Martin had been ill since Friday. He
is survived by a wife. Funeral serv- i
ices will be held at the home Sat-!
urdav afternoon at 2 o'clock, fol
lowed by a brief service in the Lu- j
theran Church. The Rev. M. S. j
Sharp, pastor, will officiate. Burial :
will be made in the Lutheran ceme- j
tery. which he supervised for sev- j
eral years.
New Cumberland. June 13.—At a
; meeting of the Bella Vista Sunday J
! school class of the Fifth Street Meth- j
I odist Church held at the home of i
Mrs. Roy Meikle. here Tuesday even- i
: ing, the following officers were elect- j
[ ed: Teacher, Mrs. Harry Devor: j
; president, Mrs. Cyrus Strayer: yice
; president. Mrs. Delia Fox: secretary.
Mrs. Russell Ziegler: assistant secre
! tary, Mrs. Harry Saylor: treasurer,
Mrs. Willoughby Stouffer: superin
i tendent of flowers, Mrs. George Mul
jligan: lookout superintendent, Mrs.
jFanny Gant: missionary superin
tendent. Mrs. Roy Meikle. The mem
| bers of the class decided to buy
! thrift stamps each week and on
I Rally Day to turn them in to be used
j toward paying off the debt on the
! church. Lunch was served later in
' the evening to the officers and Mrs.
! Charles Rineer. Mrs. Harry Boyer,
) and Emerson Saylor. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of Mrs.
i Harry Saylor. 613 Dauphin street,
j July 9. '
; Snnbury, Pa., June I".—Missing
! since last week, the body of Otis
I Saginsky. 16 years old, of Berwick,
! was found floating in the Susque-
I hanna near Northumberland yester
' day by Otto Snyder, a coal dredger.
: The youth had been bathing and was
seized with cramps. Snyder will re
ceive a reward of 150 for the recov
ery of the body.
Pile Sufferers
Don't Be Cut—Until You Try Tkla Xew
Homr Care That Anyone Caa I'M
{ Wlthont Discomfort ar I.oss ot
Time. Simply Chew up a Pleaaaat
Tailing Tnlilrt Occasionally and
I Rid Yourself Permanently ( Piles.
Let Me Prove This Free
My internal method for the treat
ment and |rmansni cure of piles is
the correct one. Thousands upon thou
sands of'vured cases testify to this.
and I want you to try this method
at my expense.
No matter whether your case is of
long standing or recent development
—whether it is chronic or acute
I whether it is occasional or perma
nent —you should send for this free
trial treatment.
No matter where you live—no mat
ter what your age or occupation—if
you are troubled with .piles, my
method will relieve you promptly.
I especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases where all
forms of ointments, salves, and other
local applications have failed.
I want you to realize that my
method of treating piles is the one
infallible treatment.
! This liberal offer of free treatment
is too important for you to neglect a
I single day. Write now. Send no
money. Simply ma ij the coupon—
but do this—To-DAY.
Free Pile Remedy
E. R. Page.
963 Page Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.
Please send fr< e trial of your
Method to:
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Mr. and MM. John Dlener. of Har
risburg. spent n day with their
daughter, Mrs. John Hauk, at West
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall, of West
Fairvlew. spent a day with their
son. Herbert Hall, at Harrisburg.
Mrs. F. S. Hoke and daughter,
Anna, of West Fairvlew, visited her
sister. Mrs. May Jamison, at her
; home at Columbia.
Mrs. Barbara Eckert. of West
' Fairvlew. is spending some time with
! her brother, David Eckert, at Har
Mrs. Harry Shaffer and daughter,
Mrs. fermin Bair. of West Fairvlew,
spent some time at 'Columbia and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, of
New Cumberland, have returned from
1 Camboli, where they visited Mr. Wil
liams' aunt, Mrs. Evans, who is se
riously ill.
Mrs. Edward Berry, of Shippens
burg. is visiting her "mother, Mrs. C.
H. Smith, in Third street. New Cum
Charles Leaf. of Geary street. New j
Cumberland. went to Baltimore. ]
where he has accepted a position on j
the Baltimore Sun as a linotyper.
Mrs. David W. Harman. of Shire- j
manstown. is spending several days
with her parents at Beavertown.
j Mrs. S. K. Morgret. daughters, i
Pearl and Margaret Morgret. and son.
j Carrol Morgret. of Shiremanstown.
spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs
| Frank Otstot at Hafrisburg.
Mrs. Frank Eshleman, of Shire
i manstown. visited her sister. Mrs. Jo
: seph Gingerich, at Harrisburg on 1
, Tuesday.
Miss Evelyn Stone and Miss El- j
mira Stone, of Camp Hill, spent Tues- |
day with their grandmother, Mrs. H. ,
M. Zearing, at Shiremanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Renninger
and daughters. Mildred and Caroline
Renninger. of Carlisle, spent Monday ,
I with the latter's aunt at Shiremans
j town.
i Edward Sheaffer, of East Berlin,
spent several days with Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Bowers at Shiremanstown.
Mrs. William E. Eckraan, of Boil
ing Springs, and Mrs. Frances How
ard. of Shlppensburg. were enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Zimmerman at Shiremans
i The following: guests were enter
tained on Sunday at the home of Mr.
1 and Mrs. Oliver Wells at Shiremans-
I town: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sourbler.
! Mrs. Edgar Wells' and daughters,
ICdith and Beulah Wells, of Harrisr
| burg: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bosseman.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs, of East
' Berlin.
Miss Evelyn Heiges, of Shiremans
! town, spent Tuesday with her aunt.
; Mrs. Albert Rowe, at Mechanics
! burg.
Xftc Cumberland, Pa.. June 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard M. Tayly. of
Reno street. New Cumberland, an
nounce the birth of a son. William
1 Samuel Taylor, on May SI. Mrs.
Taylor was Miss Naomi Frownfelter
pritor to her marriage.
New Cumberland. Pa.. June 13. ;
| Russell Sipe. a son of Mr. and Mrs. i
I Charlie Sipe, of Water street, a mem- 1
; her of the One Hundred and-Twelfth
| Machine Gun Company, has arrived |
] in France.
I New Cumberland, Pa., June 13. :
I On Sunday morning at " oclock an
! inwnersion will take place at the \
I river. The candidates are members i
lof the Church of God. The Rev. C. j
i H. Heighes will have charge.
James C. Wertz, Marine,
Killed in Action in France
Lewistown, Pa., June 13.—James
i Clair Wertz. of Lewistown, a young;
' man of about twenty years, is the)
' first Mifflin county soldier to fall on
I the west front. He held a rank asl
sergeant in the United Slates ma-'
rines. A message was received here'
yesterday by Mrs. Mary M. Wertz j
his mother, telling of his death.
James Clair Wertz joined the ma
rines several years ago before Amer
i ica entered the war. The message
g-tve no details except to say that
j he was killed in action on June 2.
Young Wertz was a member of a
i Lewistown baseball club as a pitcher
i and had a lefthand throw that puz
i zler many of the best batters.
Gettysburg. Pa., June 13.—Eight- ,
I year-old Ralph Taughinbaugh, of
New Oxford, sustained cuts and 1
bruises to his head, arms and hands {
and was severely stunned when he !
j fell down the hayhole from the loft I
to the ground, a distance of about 1
! twenty-five feet. In his slide the j
lad's head came in contact with pro
truding timbers.
Blain, Pa„ June 13.—A reception
I w?s held for Clark B. Anderson and!
i Miss Christina A. Kern, recently'
married, at the home of the bride in;
Blain, at which the followingLwere
: present: Mr. and Mrs. SamuelTteen.
1 Air. and Mrs. Harry C. Henry and'
son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. George An-1
derson. Miss Mabel Anderson, Miss
! Jane Anderson. Paul Anderson. Lee j
Anderson. Miss Bertha Anderson and!
i Mr. and Mrs. Clark B.'Anderson. The'
' tride and groom are graduates of the
! Blain High school, class of 1916.
Blain. Pa., June 13.j— I Preparations (
! are being made by the Blain Red
Cross auxiliary for a chicken and
noodle supper on Saturday evening.
Ice cream will also be served and a
fancv table will contain a variety of.
articles in charge of young women j
Marietta. Pa., May 13. Adam
Kochler, 78 years old, for twenty'
years janitor at the First "National'
Bank. and. the first janitor in thei
Marietta public school building, died 1
; Tuesday night after a long illness.
! He and his wife, who was Miss;
I Sprenkle, recently celebrated their I
. tifty-thlrd wedding anniversary. He;
' was the father of ten children, eight)
; of whom survive.
I Marietta. Pa., June 13.—The body
t o! Lieutenant Benjamin Hiestand.'
who was killec} in an airplane acci-1
| dent at Florida several days ago, ar-|
rived in Marietta to-day and ws>s
taken to the home of his parents.
Councilman and Mrs. Henry S. Hiest
and. The funeral services will be
held to-morrow afternoon at 2
- J.
Harrisburg t&sSSb telegraph
Dauphin Soldier Picked
For Automatic Rifle Squad
Dauphin, Fa. June 13.—Word has
been received by Mr. and Sirs. Wil
liam Howard of the- arrival of their
son, Reuben Howard, in France.
Young Howard left Dauphin for
Camp Meade. Md.. last December and
from there was sent to CAmp Han
cock. Augusta. Ga. He is an expert
shot and was picked out of 800 for
the automatic rifle squad. He is a
member of Company A. One Hun
dred and Ninth Mortar Battery,
American Expeditionary Forces.
New Instructors Elected
at Gettysburg College
Gettyabnnc. Pa- June IS.—Yester
day the annual summer meeting of
the board of trustees of Gettysburg
College was held. Three of the pro
fessors and several of the instructors
severed their relations with the in
stitution and new professors were
elected, but all information as to
who they are is being withheld for
the present. The three men to leave
are: Professor Allen and Professor
S. K. Wing, who have charge of the
different engineering departments,
and Professor John H. Ashworth. of
the department of economics. Prof.
Ashworth will go to Ohio Wesleyan
University as head of the economics
department of that institution. The
board raised the salaries of all the
professors. „
News of Mifflin County
Soldiers in U. S. Army
l.rnlntona, Pa.. June 13. —Major
F. A. Rupp. who was at Camp Sher
"man, Colflmbus, Ohio, has sailed for
France. t
Robert Miller Is seeing service in
the first-line trenches In France. He
writes home that It is a thrilling ex
Robert Krepps. of Camp Meade.
Md., has been here on a thirty-six
hour furlough, and Phillip Hall, of
the same camp, has been calling on
friends here.
Captain Joseph Koch, of Johns
town, and Thomas Craiger, of Al
toona. former Lewistown boys and
nephews of Mrs. John Briner. have
arrived in France.
A report is being circulated that
Leon Filson, of Burnham, this coun- <
ty, has been captured by the Huns.
The parents have received no offi- j
cial notice to that effect.
Vnlon Deposit. Pa., June 13.—Mrs. |
Mary Galooney. a widow, aged 80 i
years, died on Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C.*A. Landis in
Main street from a paralytic stroke, j
She is survived by her son. Orison i
Galooney, living at Pittsburgh. Fu
neral services were held this after
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Landis at 2 o'clock, with further
services in the Lutheran Church in
Main street, the Rev. M. P. Hocker
and the Rev. A. M. Kuhns officiat
ing. Burial was made in Hanover
dale cemetery.
Liverpool. Pa., June 13. —The barn
of James B. Stephens was struck on
Tuesday night by lightning and
burned to the ground. A barn on the
same place was destroyed in the same
manner twenty-flve years ago.
Sunbury, Pa., June 13.—Seated in a
railroad waitingroom at Northum
berland to-day. Jacob Hildebrand. 82
vears old. of Williamsport. died. The
body, in a sitting posture, was found
by J. C. Murphy.
Nunbury. Pa., June 13. When
enough Councilmen failed to appear
for a special meeting here last night.
Chief Burgess Clement and John A.
Keithan. president, secured the aid of
the police and with threats of fines
they made a" roundup, the result be
ing that a meeting was held.
ftettysbiirx, Pa., June 13.—Accord
ing to a story which comes from
Taneytown, just across the Maryland
border, thieves there must be hungry
and believe in satisfying their wants,
aa they broke into the summer kitch
en at the home of George Necom
er and took the oil stove and four
dozen eggs. Nothing else about the
place was disturbed.
UettrKbura. Pa., June 13.—The drum
corps of Company A. Three Hundred
and Second Eattallon 'of Tanks, the
only musical organization at Camp
Colt, will give weekly concerts in the
public square in town.
siaburi, Pa.. June 13.—Charged
with deserting from Camp Meade for
the* second time, James Long, of Wll
liamsport, was arrested by Frederick
Mackert, a coal and iron policeman.
Mackert says Long eluded his guards
while awaiting court-marial for the
first desertion and fled.
Suabnry, Pa., June 13.—With sev
enty of Its members in the National
Army, the Tau Phi Sigma Frater
nity. a leading young mui'i club, has
probably the fraternity record for
stars in its service flag ip this part
of the state and a big flag adorns
the front of its . quarters.
Liverpool, Pa.. June 13.—A wed
ding was solemnized at the United
Brethren parsonage Tuesday evening
at 9 o'clock, when Maurice Blrchen
baugh and Misa Ava Pearl Shope
were married by the Rev. H. B. Bit-,
Carlisle, Pa., June 13.—The Car
lisle Motor Club, an organization of
about 125 members, formed her*
three years ago, has decided to
merge with the Carlisle Cham'ber of
Gommerco and the formal transfer
will take place in a few da\s. A
committee from the old club and tlm
Chamber plan a drive for better
street conditions in the town.
Chamborsburg. Pa., June 13.—Yes
terday the old stone Fulton House,
at McConnellsburg. closed its doors.
Proprietor Charles F. Khalt dismiss
ed all the help and locked up the
place. Liquor license was refused by
the court In February.
ljewistowii, Pa., June 13.—Ground
has been broken for the erection of
abutments for a five-span double
tiack iron bridge across the Juniata
river for the Centra* division of the
Pennsylvania railroad.
Xowvillc, Pa., June 13.—Funeral
services of Mrs. Elizabeth Cohick
will be held to-morrow morning at
S 1 o'clock at the Brethren Church.
Mrs. Cohick was a resident of New
vllle, but at the time of her death
she was visiting her daughter, Mrs.
William Burkholder, in Frankford
township. Excitement over a tire
which destroyed a schoolhouse. 1
caused her death.
Mrs. Cohick was a member of the
Brethren Chufch, and was 68 years
old. She is survived by these chil
dren: Mrs. Samuel Sollenberger. Mrs.
Charles Burkholder, Mrs. William
Burkholder, Mrs. Pearl Skinner. As
per, Elmer. Willis, Albert and Chris
tian Cohick. all of near Newville.
Burial will be made at Council
Sliippensburg:. Pa.. June 13. —Dr.
R. C. Hoover, of Silver Run, near
Westminister. Md., has accepted a
call to the Grace Reformed Church
here. He will arrive some time during
the first week of July.
Slilppcnsburg, Pa., June 13. —
Hugh B. Craig, Jr., formerly of Ship
pensburg .now at Camp Devens, Ayer
Mass.. has received commission as
Moohanicshurß, Pa.. June 13.
Mrs. E. E. Strong was given a de
lightful birthday surprise at her
home in East Main street, on Tues
da'y evening by members of her Sun
day school ' class in the Metliodist
Episcopal Church, when they came
in a body to help celebrate the an- 1
niversary. Flowers ami gifts were 1
presented the hostess, who with the
guests spent a merry evening. Later:
refreshments were served by Mr. j
Strong, who was in the secret. The |
party included: the Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ellis Bell. Miss Anna Brown-,
a well. Mrs. M. C. Dietz, Mrs. J. Harry j
Berkheimer, Mrs. Samuel Plough, |
Mrs. C.'E. Brindel, Mrs.' George;
Merklen. Mrs. George Weise, Miss,
Emma Sours, Mrs. G. W. Hershman,
Mrs. Laura Springer. Mrs. L. N.
Wood, Mrs. Amar Pentz, Miss Maude
Williamson, James Weise, Raymond
Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Strong.
Grcencastle, Pa., June 13. —An-1
r.ouncement has been made here of j
the marriage of Miss Hope Bchaff.!
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.;
Schaff, of Linden avenue, to Private;
Ralph Blair, at Camp Meade, Md. !
The wedding took place at Harris
burg on Tuesday and the ceremony |
was performed by the Rev. Dr. Ellis j
N. Kremer. Mr. and Mrs. Blair left,
on a brief wedding trip. On their re
turn, Private Blair will return to j
Camp Meade and his bride will make
her home with her parents for the j
Blaln, Pa., June 13. All plans
have been completed for the cattle- j
men's reunion to-morrow at Laurel'
Run, on the Three Square Hollow
hoad leading from Perry to Cumber
land county. The picnic will be an
all-day affair and a basltet dinner
will be served at the springs at 12
o'clock. Arrangements have been
made to have discussions on farm
subjects by representatives from the
three counties, Perry, Cumberlandi
and Franklin. Ex-County Commis
sioner C. M. Bowers, of Blaln, is
president of the Reunion Associa
Suburban Notes
Members of the local lodge of In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows will
hold memorial services for the*r
deceased members on Sunday even
The Rev. Clyde Lynch, of Lingles
town, will preach at the local United
Brethren Church on Sunday morn
Myles E. Motter, who was serious
ly injured Sunday evening when he
lost control of his motorcycle, is im
Mrs. Joseph M. Smith is spending
some time at Pottsville.
A festival will be held at Flsher
vllle Saturday evening by the Red
Cross workers. The Rev. S. L.
Rhoads, of Lykens, will deliver an
Mrs. Bruce Vanatta, of Harris
burg, visited her sister, Mrs. Luther
Lehr, OYI Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Etzweiler,
of Halifax township, announce the
birth of a son.
The Rev. Ira D. Lowery and Mrs. I
D. D. Lowery visited Mr. and Mrs.!
Robert Tilford, at Harrisburg, on
The local Red Cross society is
planning to hold a big street parade
and carnival here on July 4
Special and important business
will be transacted at the monthly
meeting of the Halifax Fire Com
pany to-morrow evening.
The annual reunion of the Fish
erville Lutheran charge will be held
on Saturday, July 20. The Orphans'
Home Band, of Loysvllle, has been
engaged to furnish the music.
School Superintendent Hurt
in Automobile Accident
| Carlisle, Pa., June 13. H. M.
I.Roth, superintendent of the schools
I of Adams county, is in the Carlisle
, Hospital us the result of an accident
j which occurred when with his
'laughter. Madeline, he was coming
to Carlisle by automobile. About
i three miles south of Carlisle, on the
1 Haltimore pike, the oar skidded, ran
j sideways and turhe(\ over, throwing
both Prof. Itoth and his H-year-old
daughter to the roadway. The girl
had been driving ani\ her explana
tion was that the front wheels were
in a rut and that one struck a stone.
Prof. Roth was rendered, uncon
scious and was severely cut and
I bruised, the daughter escaped with
j less serious hurts. John Francis, Jr.,
superintendent of the Carlisle Indian
School, who passed the point, assist
ed the injured persons and they were
brought to the Carlisle Hospital.
Prof. Roth was badly bruised and a
bone In his face broken.
Carlisle, Pa., June 13.—Eleven
Cumberland county men have been
inducted into service for special
work and leave Saturday. From dls-i
j trict No. 1 two men go to Vancouver I
barracks. Wash., to join the Spruce i
Division. From the same district the j
following go to the University of!
Pittsburgh, for special training: j
Lewis J. Horn, Enola; Charles P. |
Schriver. Mechanicsburg; James V. ]
Reedy, Camp Hill; Franklin G. Rom-!
berger, New Cumberland: Carroll K.
Fetzer. Mechanicsburg. District No. 2
sends to the latter point, John S.
Snyder, Carlisle; Norman Eiohel
berger, Paul I. Thompson and Albert
R. Koser, also of Carlisle.
Chambersburg, Pa., June 13.
Harry Worthington, aged 21, was
brought here yesterday from Dry
Run with his thVoat cut so badly
that he cannot talk, his windpipe
being severed. The wound was in-
I Ulcted by Worthington's brother in a
: quarrel. No arrest was made. He is
expected to recover.
Bray Hair
A very meritorious preparation for.
; restoring natural color to gray or
faded hair for removing dandrufl and
as a hair dressing. Is not a dye. Gen
erous sized bottles at all dealers,
ready to use when you get it. PHILO
HAY CO.. Newark. N. J.
Good Music in
What music means to the soldier fighting on the front,
it means to the folks at home fighting their battle of wait
ing and hoping.
Never was the cheer of music more needed than now.
Why not bring it into your home with a Piano,
Player-Piano, Victrola or Edison from Troup's?
——— l ———— You have only to decide what r— ——————
Pianos instrument it shall be. •pp ayers
Our enormous stock provides
rom a style for every fancy, and a from
$285 Up P rice to suit ever - v pocketbook. gQ fj-
HI And to bring good music „ .
All well - known, ... , c Including the
reliable -makes, within easy reach of every re- „. ond „,S . A „ .
such as Chicker- sponsible family, we have made ge i us> the Kim _
ing, Sohm er , our terms of payment extreme- ball, Shoninger,
Mehlin, Poole, , ly easy. Merrill, Marshall
Kimball, Bush & ' c , . , . & Wendell, Fos-
Lane, Shoninger, . If y° ur h ° me lack * music - & et ter and the fa,
Marshall & Wen- % t now - p "ces of standard; mous Am pico Re
dell, Foster and 'guaranteed instruments will producing Piano
others. never be lower, if as low. electric.
Terms as low as Visit the store and ask for Terms as low as
demonstrations and explana
so tions. • $lO
Monthly Your visit will not obligate Monthly
■ you to purchase.
Victrolas and Edisons
$22.50 to
Our display consists of practically all styles of both in-
in the various finishes. Each instrument is
new and perfect and guaranteed by us for one year.
Early selection is advised, owing to a general shortage
of the most popular styles.
Terms as low as $3.00 Monthly
Try Our Record and Music Roll Service. Our Library Is the
Largest and Most Complete in the City
J. H. Troup Music House
Troup Bidding 15 So. Market Sq.
JUNE 13, 1918.
Honors Even in Scrap Be
tween Seniors and Juniors
at Marysville High
Maryavllle, Pa., June 13.—Honors
in the scrap being waged this com
mencement week between the senior
and junior classes of the Marysville
High School to-day arc equal. Each
class has flown one flag, which has
been torn down by the other. No
flags are flying to-any.
On Monday evening the seniors
'lew their pennant from tho top of
the riagpole on the White store
building in Diamond Square and on
the same evening the juniors flew
their colors frcin the top of the pole
on the High School building. Both |
flags were torn down by the enemy j
class, but the seniors gained a slight j
edge over their rivals when boys j
of that class, after removing the jun- i
|f.r flag from the High School flag
pole, (lew their own pennant from
the heights and remained all night in
the building to guard It.
Yesterday morning the youths re
moved the pennant.
While the melee continued yester
day. neithor class has been success
ful in flying its pennant, so when
the commencement exercises start
this evening the melee will likely be
a draw. '
f 1
The Harrisburg Home of
— Jj
Two Men Arrested Had
32 Quarts of Whisky
I/O wis town, Pa., June 13.—When
put under arrest at Lewistown Junc
tion by Railroad Officer Jacob
Dockey. John Whalen, and Joseph
t alpuskey, of Burnham, were found (A
to have thirty-two quart i of whlskv
on their persons and in their bag
gage. The liquor on the labels told
that if cost $7 per gallon. It was
i turned oyer to Sheriff Davis and
with an order from the court it will
Ko to the Lewlstown Hospital.
Marietta, Pa., June 13. A two
I days' session of conference in the
Church of God, at Maytown, opened
to-duy with the Rev. M. C. Man
nin in charge. The principal speak
er is the Rev. E. E. Kauffman, oi
the Nagle Street Church of God,
Harrlsburg, a former pastor of th
increase* strength of
run-down people in two weeks' time in
many instance!. It haa been uaed and en
dorsed by auch men as Hon. Leslie M.
Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury
and Ex-Governor of Iowa; Former United
States Senator Richard Holland Kenney
of Delaware at present Major of the
U. S. Army; General John L. Clem (Re
tired) the drummer boy of Shiloh who
was sergeant in the V. S. Army when
only 191 years of age; also United States
Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of
Claims of Washington and others. Ask
or druggist about it.