Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 15, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Delegates to Fourteenth Con
ference of Home and For
eign Missionary Society
Newport, Pa., May 15.—Final pre
parations are being completed to-day
for ihe fourteenth annual conference
of i lie Woman's Home and Foreign
Ali-.-'onary Society of tho Central
Pennsylvania Synod. Lutheran
church, which will he held to-mov
ii a both morning and afternoon in
s;. Paul's Lutheran Church here.
M>ss Nellie Fickes, of Newport, will
deliver the address of welcome a:ul
Mr\ A. 11. Spangler, of Yeagertown,
will respond. • ,
The olfleers of the society include.
Mrs. L. A. Busli, Belleville, Pa., pres
ident: Miss Vera Lee Harmon. Yea
gcitown. Pa., vice-president; Mrs. li.|
1) Riddle, of Lewistown. secretary,
ami Mrs. H. Groybill, of Belleville,|
Pt., treasurer.
The program for to-morrow's!
events includes:
Morning—Devotional service. Mrs.
.1. \V. Mitchell: address of welcome,j
k Miss Nellie Fickes, of Newport: re-1
I sponse, Mrs. A. H. Spangler, of Yea-'
I Her town; address by the itev. w. C.
ft Ney. pastor of tre Newport St. (
I Paul's Lutheran Church: address,<
[ "Missionary Interest: How to
Awaken It," Mrs. G. B. M. Kepler.
Afternoon —Praise service. Miss
l'lla Fleisher, of Newport; addressj
"How May Our Membership Be In
creased." Mrs. Cloyd Horton: ad-'
dress, "Present Day Conditions." by a)
Mifflintown delegate; address, "What|
Missions Have Meant to Me." Sirs. R.j
M. McCoy; election of officers; beno-j
Get a 10 cent package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders
and don't suffer.
■When your head aches you simply
must ha\e relief or you will go wiltj.
It's needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James' Head
ache Powders and relieve the pain
and neuralgia at once. Send someone
to the drug store now for a dime
package of Dr. James' Headache
Powders. Don't suffer. In a few
moments you will feel fine—head
ache onr —no more neuralgia pain.
| If you have plating, polish
ing. or any art metal work of
any kind to be refinished get our
You will be pleased with our j
prices and be surprised at the 1
icsults we attain.
Tableware, chandeliers, brass
beds, etc., are made to look like
new at small expense.
A phone call or post card
% brings our representative to your
door with estimate.
— 'V
i 1 More With One of Our |
Porch j
g>j Substantially constructed of seasoned oak— J?|
aa fumed oak finish—special rustproof chains and Sf
hooks chain bolts run through to bottom of
seat. Seat is curved and very comfortable.
jfb 42-inch Swings $4.50 <§l
B &
54-inch Swings $5.00
72-inch Swings SIO.OO
i| 0
| Bozart Por fj
! j|=j Made of fibre superior to grass and sea
weed rugs—absolutely waterproof—fast colors
—very attractive and unique designs in green p|l
pi and brown. The ideal porch rugs.
jpj 4.6x7.6 Bozart Rugs $4.00 [<\j
6x9 Bozart Rugs .$8.50 ||
6x12 Bozart Rugs .$8.50
7.. : . - . .
• Unusual Plea Made in Behalf
; of a Dauphin County Pris
oner at Pardon Hoard
. Some striking commutations of
. what sentences might mean were
' presented at the meeting of the State
' i Hoard of Partlbns to-day by attor-
JI neys for applicants for clemency. In
! the case of George O'Gorek, Dau-
I phin county, sentenced to from two
' j to four years for stealing ketchup,
'j beans and socks, it was testified that
:l he had eaten the beans and returned
j the rest. However, he broke his
'parole and is declared to have al
' I ready served six years and seven
1 months. His counsel claimed that
! if he served out everything his term
j would be eleven years. In another
j case it was claimed that by reason of
[penalties a sentence might be long
' er than originally imposed. .
Mrs. John Wagner, of Berks coiin
ty, who listened to argument for
j pardon of her husband, remained in
the room during argument on the
j case of Joseph Davis, also of Berks,
'land when a reference to Davis was
•made in harsh terms thought it
1 meant her husband and fainted.
Application wai made for com
limitation of William Warren, Ches
\ ter county, sentenced to death for
murder, it being claimed that a
II woman who was equally guilty had
! been given a second degree sen
1 The cases of D. Frank Kline,
j Lancaster county, and William Gor
| don, Philadelphia, were withdrawn,
; Deputy Attorney General Keller,
j who had been counsel in the tirst ;
I case protesting against favorable ,
| consideration.
Application was made this after- ,
I noon for pardon for Robert Scott, j
second degree murder. Dauphin [
I county, and Cora Dayton, injury to a j
a railroad, Cumberland county, j
1 Bruno Pizzinienti, second degree j
I murder, who broke parole, is seek- !
j ing a rehearing.
Decisions will be given to-night. I
Twenty-Six Local
Firms Make Bids
Among the bidders for state 1 on
tracts for which the state board
opened bids yesterday were: Benja
min Strouse. Dives. Pomeroy I'ndl
Stewart. Remington Typewriter Com- j
' pany. Dauphin Electrical Supplies]
Company, Elliott-Fisher Company, |
Joseph Goldsmith. Johnston Paper!
Company. Donaldson Paper Com-I
puny, George F. Ebener. D. W. Cot
terel. Witman Brothers, Wittenmver
1 Lumber Company. Simon Cooper, |
Roberts and .Meek, W. S. Schell.j
Jacob Tausig's Sons. George Tillot-j
son. Thomas H. Johnston, Charles'
Weiseman, Cnderwood Typewriter!
Company, Burroughs Adding Ma-:
chine Company. United Ice and Coal |
Company, D. H. ltineard, Swift and'
; Company, Evangelical Publishing!
j Company. Harrisburg Typewriter and I
Supply Company.
How You Can Quickly
Remove Hairy Growths '
(Aids to Beauty)
j A well known beauty specialist ad-j
j vises this treatment for the removal
lot" hair from the free. Mix into a,
paste some powdered delatone and;
water, appliy to hairy surface and!
after about 2 minutes rub off, wash
the skin and every tface of hair has;
vanished. This method is quick and
entirely safe. To avoid disappoint-;
ment, however, it is well to make eer- ■
| tain you get genuine delatone.—Adv. j
Immediate Relief—2s cents
1 Bishop Darlington Opens
Episcopal Church Session;
| Frenchman Stirs Delegates
By Associated Press
'l Lock llaven, Pn., May 15.—The
I annual convention of the Harrisburg
j dloceso of the Protestant Episcopal
i Church, which opened in the St.
' Paul's Episcopal Church here yester
-1 day. was featured by a stirring ad-
I dress by Stephane Lauzanne, French
j soldier and publicist, who reviewed
\ France's trials In the great war and
! claimed France will tight on to the
j last man if necessary to crush Prus
i bianism.
The convention was formally open
ed by Bishop James H. Darlington,
of Harrisburg. Sir John Willison, of
Canada, was also present and officia
ted at the presentation of the tiags
of the allies to the church. The even
ing session was marked bj a war
time supper at the Normal School
when addresses were made by Sir
Willison and Mr. Lauzanne.
German Driven Out of
Philadelphia's Schools;
No Vote in Opposition
Philadelphia, May 15.—The Board
jof Education bowed to the public
will yesterday and without dissent
j voted to eliminate the German lan
guage from Philadelphia's schools.
! Among the twelve members who
| joined in the action were several of
those who "were not fighting the
German language" when the cam
paign was begun for the ousting of
the vehicle of kultur, and, to make
the operation just us painless as pos
sible for them, the subject was dis
j posed of without debate,
j Dr. John P. Uarber, superintendent
i of schools, expecting there might be
I a debate, had prepared himself to
■ recommend that German be cast out.
i But he had no chance. After the
j sheaf of protests from patriotic citi-
I zens and societies had been received,
j Simon Gratz, who presided, offered a
resolution putting tlie ban on the
j Kaiser's vehicle for propaganda;
j there were twelve solemn "ayes,"
and German had received its death-
I blow in the birthplace of American
' liberty.
Mayor and Police Squad
Needed to Make Arrest
A miniature riot was quelled in
j River Front Park last evening only
■ after the services of Mayor Keister.
j a sergeant, a detective, a patrolman
S and a park policeman had been on
listed for the arrest of David Kelle.v.
! Kelley was intoxicated and created
| a disturbance with the strollers in
! the park. He resisted the efforts of
j the park policeman to arrest him.
j kept Sergeant Drabenstadt at bay
] when he joined the fray, and fought
! furiously the efforts of the patnol
! man and the detective who joined
| forces for his arrest. The disturb
ance was so great that the mayor
also aided the officers in making the
[ Danville. Pa.. May 15.—Danville
; school board, fixed the tax rate for
| this year at twelve and a half mills,
j which is the same as it was for 1917.
York. Pa., May 15.—Tril ts, two
j girls and one boy, were ■rn ons
j week ago to Mr. and Mrs. Michael
j Markey, farmers, living three miles
I south from here along the Baltimore
j road. All three children were fully
! formed, although the boy died three
days later. The girls are thriving and
i hearty. The mother is also doing
tine. Mr. and Airs. Markey are the
> parents of eleven living children and
; had the boy survived he would have
| filled out the even dozen.
"Mon Vieux, Prends
du Fer Nuxate"
This i what you hear "Over There."
Even In France they soy
"Take Nuxated Iron
Old Pal"
A* a lonic, strength and blood builder
probably no remedy has ever met with
such phenomenal success a* bun Nut
ated Iron. It in conservatively esti
mated that over three million people
1 annually are taking it in this country
; alone, it has been highly endorsed
i ?, nd „i lsed by sucl > men as Hon. Leslie
I M. Shaw, former Presidential Cabinet
1 Official (Secretary of the Treasury),
jlnited States Judge Atkinson, of the
1 Court °f Claims of Washington; Judge
"m. L. Chambers. Commissioner of
the Cnited States Board of Mediation
and Conciliation, formerly Chief Jus
tice of the International Court, Sa
moa: former United States Senator
and Vice Presidential Nominee Charles
A. Towne, of Minnesota; former U. S.
Senator Richard Holland Kenney, of
Delaware, at present Assistant Judge
Advocate General. U. S. Army; Gen
eral John L. Clem (Retired), the
drummer boy of Shiloh, who was Ser
geant in the V. S. Army when onlv
j twelve years of age; General David
Stuart Gordon (Retired), hero of the
battle of Gettysburg; physicians who
have been connected with well
! known hospitals have prescribed and
; recommended it. Former Health
Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr, of Chi
! eago. shj-s it ought to be used in every
hospital and prescribed by every phy
| sician.
Dr. A J. Newman, late Police Sur-
I geon "f the City of Chicago, and for
] m'-r House Surgeon Jefferson Park
Hospital. Chicago, says Nuxated Iron
has proven through his own tests of
M it to excel any prep*ration he has ever
I • used for creating red blood, building
lup the nerves. strengthening the
[ muscles and correcting digestive dis
Dr. Jam< s Frsmcls Sullivan, former
ly physician of Bellevue Hospital
| (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the
Westchester County Hospital says
there are thousands of men and wo
i men who need a strength and blood
1 builder but do not know what to
: take. In his opinion there is nothing
better than organic iron—Nuxated
I Iron—for enriching the blood and
| helping to increase the strength and
; endurance of men and women who
burn up too rapidly their nervous en
ergy in the strenuous strain of the
I great business competition of the day.
If you are not strong or well, you
owe it to yourself to make the fol
lowing test: See how long you can
work or how far you can walk with
out becoming tired. Next take two
five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron
three times per day after meals for
two weeks. Then test your strength
again and see how much you have
I rd Iron which was used by former
I members of the United States Senate
j and House of Representatives, and
other prominent people with such
surprising results, and which is pre
scribed and recommended above by
physicians is not a secret remedy, but
| on" which is well known to druggists
everywhere. Unlike the older inor
; ganlc iron products it is easily as
i simulated and does not injure the
I teeth make them black nor upset the
stomach. The manufacturers guaran
tee successful and entirely satisfac
tory results to every purchaser or
thev will refund your money. it i
dispensed in this city by Croll Keller
G. A. Gorgas. J. Nelson Clark and all
other druggists.—Advertisement.
6 I University at Selinsgrove Gives
i' Him Degree of Doctor
of Humanities
" ' Selinsgrove, May 15. —Governor
I j Brumbaugh was the guest of honor
1 at Susquehanna University's year
; I closing exercises when he delivered
~ th! address at the commencement.
i o cruises of the Theological Dcpart
.; ent and College of Liberal Arts,
. | <nd President Aikcns conferred up
f on the state's Chief Executive tile
.(degree of Doctor of Humanities,
si John 1'". Harkins, of Blain, deliver-;
- ed the oration for the Theological
- Seniors, and the valedictory for the
I collegians >was delivered by Miss
r Eva P. Herman, of Kratzerville. j
J Presiden Aikcns conferred those
.Doctor o£ Humanities Governor]
Martin G. Brumbaugh, Harrisburg.
Doctor of Divinity: the Rev. \V.j
H. Bruce Carney, Harrisburg. |
Master of Literature: George W.
I Wagenseiler, Middieburg. -
Bachelor of Arts: Selin Davis
i Ulrich, Selinsgrove.
Bachelor of Science: Lulu P. Fet
t terlof, Selinsgrove: Helen M. Fet
■ terlof. Selinsgrove; Samuel G. Ges
. sner, Selinsgrove; Helen P. Molshue,
> Selinsgrove; Florence S. Lubold,
f Selinsgrove; Dorothy Rearick. Mif
> tlinburg; Frenk R. Wentzel, Selins
• grove.
• Rotary Club WilfHave
Guests at No'on Luncheon
, Captain George F. Lumb, president j
, of 'he Harrisburg Rotary Club, to
dfiy issued invitations to all those ;
who took part in the recent War |
S-amp M'nstrel Show to attend the
club's luncheon on nex- Monday, at !
. noon. Tae affair will be held as usual j
t in '.he Y. M. C. A. assembly room, and j
,| a special program will be arranged, j
By Associated Press
New York, May 15.—Mr. and Mrs.
j Charles Strang, who were convicted j
in a court of special sessions in 1
j Staten Island last week of searing |
| j the faces and hands of their two i
| children with a poker because they |
( j "stole jelly" and otherwise niisbe- j
. i haved. were given indeterminate!
j sentences of from six months to !
'! three years' imprisonment on Black- !
| well's Island to-day.
i At a meeting in the Camp Hill 1
. j Trinity Lutheran Church this even- j
j ins, the pastor, Br. E. D. Weigle,
. i and George C. Sponsler, delegates to
the Cumberland Valley conference j
i of the Evangelical Lutheran Svnod '
j of West Pennsylvania, held on Mon- j
i dayand Tuesday at Mechanicsburg. !
. will give their reports to the con-:
, ] gregation. At this meeting, which j
will start at 7.45 o'clock, a pro- '
j gram of speeitl music will be ren
: dered.
Wrightsville, Pa., May 15.—Armed i
I with a large net and a gun all cocked
iand primed, Chief of Police Thomas!
| Harris, has notified all owners of'
, | dogs that he is about to enforce the!
. | recent enactment of the general as
j j senibly in reference to tagging dogs
. and keeping them oft" the public
. | thoroughfares. Six members of the
■ I canine family who appeared without
, j '.he required tags have already gone
[ j down as a result of his steady aim.
.land mote are due according to Of
' ficer Harris.
[j As soon as the tagless ones have
,| been dealt with those that are tag
|ged and running at large Will be
.i captured and the owners fined.
Marietta, Pa.. May 15.—Three nar
i row escapes from serious injuries!
with motorcycles and automobiles
( j were avoided by the drivers keeping:
j their nerve in this section las' night,
j Percy Frey, driving an auio. ran
down Roy Myers, demolished his li-i
| cycle and hurt the lad about the head !
and arms; John Purple, driving an
, auto, and John Libhart, on a motor
_ | cycle, collided with terrific force.
[ i both escaping with scratches, but
. J their machines were badly damaged;
. | Elmer Brickner, riding a motorcycle
• j with a fellow workman a:. the fuv-,
•! nace, ran into a pole, datnoged the
J J motorcycle, and both men were hurt.
; i Marietta, Pa., May 15.—Mrs. John
> i Kern, tiO years old, of Bowmans
(! ville, while on a visit to the home of
II Isaac Miller, dropped dead late
• i Monday night from a stroke of para
" | lysis. Her husband, five children, five
, | grandchildren, and a number of
j brothers and sisters survive,
■ | Marietta, Pa., May 15. —Captain
! j John W. Riff, of Marietta, is busy to
' | day receiving congratulations on his
j } seventieth birthday. He is the young
; est veteran of the Civil War living
) here, and the last of General Baxter's
- private orderlies. He was in the three
1 days' fight at Gettysburg, and is the
1 last man left in Marietta who was
' t in this conflict. He served as a school
1 director many years and was its
former president.
; i Rlain, Pa., May 15.—The following
]{ pupils of the Blain vocational school
r attended every day of the eighth
- j months: Roscoe Hassinger, Lester
B j Kern, James Shumaker, Miss Jane
- Anderson, Miss Mabel Anderson, Miss
Minnie Gutshall. Miss Madaline Mar
j tin. Miss Evelyn Wentz, Jesse Sny
' der, Lou Snyder, Miss Carolyn Aver
„ ill. Miss Myrtle Collins, Miss Mary
. Henry, Miss Nellie Smith,
j Those who have attended every
day during the term to date: Jesse
? Snyder, Miss Myrtle Collins, Miss
' Minnie Gutshall and Miss Nellie
' Smith. Per cent, of attendance dur
-0 ing month: males, 91; females, 93.
Marietta, Pa., May 15.—Word
■i reached Marietta announcing the
■ marriage of Miss Frances G. Her
" shey and Leroy E. McClure, of Chris
~ tiana. The wedding ceremony was
performed at Rochester, N. Y., in the
r Dewey Avenue Reformed Church, by
li the Rev. Addison Groff, a cousin of
e the bride.
„ Halifax, Pa.. May 15. —At a meet
i ing of the Halifax school board last
h evening the election of teachers lor
- the next term took place. Prof Stamy,
V Miss Mullen and Mr. Lebo were not
J applicants for re-election and there
are now two vacancies on che teach
. ing staff. These teachers were elect,
e ed: High, S. C. Beitzel, principal;
e English, Margaret P.. Snyder; sci
ence. vacant; grammar, vacant.
Fifth and sixth grades, Mrs; W.
£ Leroy Brooke: third and fourth
f grades, Christine Neidig; first and
lj second grades, Jennie Bair. The tax
rate will be 13 mills next year.
[news of west shore]
Social and Personal Items
of Towns Along West Shore
1 John l'ugan, Elmer Ross and Paul
Briuton, ot New Cumberland, left
I last night lor Columbus, Ohio,
. i where lliey will enter a training
■ j camp.
r' Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Geary ave
i nue. New Cumberland, announce the
|l birth of a daughter.
' Mrs. Edna Eby, a weaver at the
'(Susquehanna Woolen Mill, at New
-1 Cumberland, had her arm badly in-
J Jured near the elbow.
Professor Edgar IS. Stauffer, ot
'] Myerstown College, will make the ad
| dress at the high school eonimence
■ went at. New Cumberland, on May 28.
I Mr. and Mrs. George Hair, Mr. and
> Mrs. Berinan Uair. and, Mrs. Clarence
II Wilder, of New Cumberland, spent
Sunday at Reading.
| Mrs. Harry Spanr, of Philadelphia.
5 is spending several days with her
parents. Air. and Mrs. John W.
- Wolfe, at Shiremanstown.
Le Roy Brinkley, of Ring Hill, vis
' listed friends at Shiremanstown, on
• I Sunday.
I Miss Violet Strock, of Harrisburg.
. is spending several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Parks, at Shiremans
l town.
Mr. and Mrs. .lo'nn L. Mumma and
daughter, Leona Mumma, of hemoyne,
■ spent Sunday with the latter's grand
• parents. Mr. and Airs. Jacob B. Frey.
. at Shiremanstown.
Mrs. Frances Lambert, of Shire
manstown, spent Sunday with her
• daughter. Mrs. Charles E. Laverty, at
• Bnola.
, Mr. and Mrs. 1,. S. Sheely and their
granddaughter, Aliss Irene Stone, of
Shiremanstown. spent Sunday with
i Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Givler, at West
I Fairview.
Air. and Mrs. Ray E. Wolfe and
I daughter, Janet Wolfe, of Shiremans-
I ! town, motored to Wellsville, on Alon
j day, where they visited Air. and Mrs.
j John Spaugler.
1 Air. and Mrs. Frank K. Wallace. Sr.,
of Shiremanstown. spent Sunday with
j Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, in
; Harrisburg.
j Aliss Kathryn Newmeyer. of Harris
j burg, spent Sunday with the Aliases
j Alinnio and Helen Wolf, at Shiremans
| town.
I Mrs. Huldali G. Sheaffer, of Wayn#-
< boro, and Aliss Alinnie Weber, of New-
Cumberland, visited at the home of
| Mr. and Airs. L. S. Sheely at Shire
j nianstown. on Sunday.
Miss Emily Zerbe, of Spring Lake,
spent Tuesday with Air. and Airs. L.
jlt Zerbe, and Air. and Airs. P. L.
! Wolfe, at Shiremanstown.
Mary* ville, Pa., May 15. A so
cial meeting, or what has been styled
I a reunion, will be held by the senior
I class of the Marysville high school on
Friday evening. To this meeting will
J be invited each person who has been
I affiliated with the class since its en
| trance into the Marysville high school
' and approximately one dozen other
guests. Aliss Adella Smith and Miss
Alda Gault constitute the committee
in charge.
O.eamm; ll* M \ItVSVII.I.K
Marysville. Pa., May 15. Marys
ville's cleanup week is underway,
j Men. women and children are work-
I ing with a vigor In carrying into ex
j ecution the wishes or the Civic Club
I that the town might be made as pre
sentable as possible. Announcements
! have been issued by officials of the
Civic Club that after cleanup week
this week, examination of the yards,
streets, etc., will be made by Health
| Ofticer Thomas Boyd.
Marysville, Pa., May 15. To-day
ian army of Marysville citizens are
, busily engaged with hoe and rake,
j hovel and pick, improving the con
: dition of the driveway leading from
I Alaple avenue to the Chestnut Grove
Cemetery. Civic Club officials have
issued a request for many of its
members and the men of town to as
sist in this work that the driveway
may be put in good condition for
Memorial Day.
Man Kills Himself in
Presence of Wife and Son
Hascrstown, Md„ May 15.—Fol
lowing a quarrel with his wife and
j in the presence of his wife and son,
Martin L. Buhrman, aged 32 years,
! of Foxville, committed suicide at his
home by shooting himself in the
' body with a shotgun. While his
[ wife looked on, powerless to inter
j fere. Buhrman pressed the muzzle
of the gun against his breast and
' touched the trigger "with a stick,
II sending the entire load into his
| j body, causing instant death.
; Care of smallpox patients and
; maintenance of families under quar
; j antine Because of the epidemic in
i the city, Steelton and county dis
tricts has cost more than sti,ooo, it
j was said to-ijay. The cit>* health de
partment contingent fund with ad
ditional apptopriatlons totaling $3,-
! 260 has been almost entirely spent co
' care for the patients at (lie con
"|tagious disease hospital. The board
, of Poor Directors have paid oills to
- date totalling more than $ 1,500 and
[ estimate outstanding ones to be met
:I Will swell the figures to $2,500. Last
| year the Poor Board spent $316 for
j the same purpose.
1 j Conditions in Adams county are
-1 most satisfactory to the temperance
a | cause. Dr. E. V. Claypool, president
- of the Pennsylvania State Anti-Saloon
y League, reported to-day, on his rc
, turn from Biglerville, that county,
s | where he addressed a big temperance
• rally last evening. "There is little
" | doubt," he affirms, "that 'dry' candi
*j dates will be nominated for the House
1 of Representatives on both the Repub
sjlican and Democratic tickets at the
I primaries next week."
; ! Marietta, Pa., May 15.—Marietta
1 will have a safe and sane Fourth. At
j the meeting to-day borough coun
r cil, final action was taken on not al-
B lowing the sale of firearms and firo
s crackers this x*ear.
" Says Master Medicine Restored
Health, Vigor and
Officer W. S. Monroe, who lives a'
- 1731 Sixth St., Harrisburg, and is s<
s popular among visitors to the park
e said:
y "My stomach had gone back or
f me entirely. Was constipated anc
my kidneys troubled me greatly.
Then I remembered that I hat
read a lot about folks who had beer
- helped by Tanlac so I bought a bottle
t and started taking it. Well, sir, yoi
r can believe me or not, but the ver.i
r, first doses did me good. I coulf
t feel it sort of nosing around insid;
e of me hunting out the trouble anc
- before I had finished the first bottl
- I felt a hundred per cent, bet
: ter.
"Now I eat with a relish, my stom
ach is in fine shape and those ha<
. headaches I used to suffer with hav
li left me entirely and I can only thanli
tl Tanlac."
x Tanlac is now being Introduced
here at the Gorgas' Drug Store.
Third Tobaccoless Day to
Be Observed at Enola
| Enola. Pa., May 15.— 011 Thursday
| will be observed the third of a sc
! fics of tobaccoless days being con
| ducted during May by /nembcrs of
j the Knola Branch, Pennsylvania
Railroad Women's War Relief Com
mittee. All users of the weed in
Knola are requested by the commit
j tee to abstain from it on this day
and to place the money ordinarily
■ j spent in small bags supplied for the ;
• purpose and to send them to the j
J Enola committee.
L Announcements were issued this
morning by officials of the organi
. zation that an Important meeting
r would be held on Thursday after
• noon at 2.30 o'clock In the P. R. R.
. Y. M. C. A.
1 Urgent requests were sent out this
morning by officials of the body.
• asking that as many mothers, wives
land sweethearts of railroaders as can
I march in the big Harrisburg parade
I j on Saturday afternoon as part of the
Pennsylvania Railroad War Relief
body. f
in:n moss kx 111 iiit
Knola, Pa.. May 15.—Pupils of the I
Summit Street school building, who!
are members of the Junior Red |
Cross, will give a Red Cross exhibit!
of the work done during the term j
in the school building on Friday aft- I
ernoon at 2 o'clock. An interesting!
program is being arranged.
Mnryxvllle, Pa„ May 15.—Miss Mary I
Kass has been appointed by Marys- I
[ ville school directors to take the I
| census of Marysville schoolchildren.
Maryavillc, Pa.. May 15.—0n Fri
day evening of this week in the Ga
. len Theater, South Main street.
• Enola High School Thespians will
• produce the three-act comedy. "Just
For Fun," for the benefit of the
> school treasury.
fThe Unusual in Clothes
Unusual in quality—unusual in style—unusual
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Worthy Clothes
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are truly unusual values. The}' are the 100 per
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A MOTOR TRUCK is a sound investment only
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The right truck is time-tested. It has ability to haul
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Packard trucks are a known quantity. They offer
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* oAsk the man who owns one
:i Packard Motor Car Co., of Philadelphia
101 Market Street, Harrisburg, Fa.
Bell P one 2694
Friends Tender Surprise i
• Shower to Miss Ditlow
Ncv Cumberland, Ta., May 15.—A
miscellaneous shower was held for
Miss Grace Ditlow at her home in
Market street last evening, which I
was arranged by several of her'
friends as a surprise to her. The
engagement of Miss Ditlow to Edward !
Shelly has been announced. She re- !
ceived handsome and valuable gifts. 1
which consisted of cut glass, silver, j
aluminum ware, ;;ncu, etc. Refresh- ]
ments were served to the following!
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Paul RelfT, Mr. j
and Mrs. Edward Cline, Mr. and Mrs. '
Murry Heake, Mrs. E. E. Flurrie, j
Mrs. N. F. Reed, Mrs. C. L Hale, Mrs. j
Fred Houck. Mrs. Albert Straub, !
Mrs. David Sipe, Mrs. Harry Hale,
Mrs. Edgar Wire, Mrs. George Osier,
i Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher, Mrs. Minnie
j Eichinger, Mrs. Chester Leech, Mrs.
! Keihl, Mrs. Clarence Hoover, Mrs.
i Arthur Peterman, Miss Marcella tlr- j
ieh. Miss Florence Urich, Miss Ivy 1
| Snell. Miss Minnie Weber, Miss Ruth i
Zimmerman, Miss Pearl Dugan. Miss !
I Mary Williams. Miss Edna Hoover,
Miss Verna Hoover, Miss Delia !
Snell, Miss Kate Malone, Miss Mary j
Malone, Harry Prowell, Edward Shel
ly, Mrs. Ditlow. Miss Marian Hoover, I
Miss Louise Wire and George Osier.
Shirrinnnatown, Pa., May 15.—The |
Young Men's Organized Bible class
of the United Brethren Church met
Monday evening at the home of L.
R. Zerbe. .
The Helping Hand ladies' Organ
ized Bible class of the United Breth
ren Sunday school met Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. George
Enoln, Pa.. May 15.—Plans for
opening the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. play
ground were discussed at a meeting
of the league members in the asso
ciation rooms last evening. No defi
nite date was decided on for open
ing day. Every effort will be made
by the league to secure the services
of a competent instructor during tho
summer. On next Wednesday night
a meeting of all young persons In
terested In forming a tennis league
will he held.
! Teacher Will Marry to
| Manage Husband's Business
WiigrlitHVlllo, Pa., May 15.—Mies
j Blanche Ulutfelter, assistant to ProT
, Cooper, of the local High school, has
I resigned her position to bo into el
i lect immediately in order that she
I may hasten to marry a Philadelphia.
I businessman to whom she has been
engaged, and lake care of his affairs
I while he is away lighting with Uncle
j Sam's forces in France. Her liunce
I expects 10 be called at any time and
jas soon as they are wedded she will
I take up the work in his real estate
I office in order familiarize herself
• with the details.
Berwick. Pa., May 15.—When iie
received a shock of 2,300 volts of
electricity, Patrick Travers, a line
man. escaped with slight injuries.
Bell-an s
i LLJEiS-BL Hot water!
i k3I_HIN Sure Relief
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Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Ac
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