Rcadiivj aivd all ike fejwiKj jjjPfl Little Talks by Beatrice Fairfax "My husband and I have lived un der the same roof for five years speaking. When it is neces *eople as if we were devoted; we thave guests to dinnor who regard us as a model couple, but v. hen we are alone we never excnange u word, or meet, or look at una another If It can be avoided. "There is no prospect of a change in our relations. 1 have to endure ; this, as I have no independent means and must consider the futur.- of "my! children, which would he imperiled by an exposure of the family scan-; dal. I have no talents or ability to make money, which would help mat ters considerably-" The foregoing Is an extract from letter, without name or address,' and I conclude the writer has en- i dured pent-up horrors sir li>ng that j she feels she must confide lr some- j one, even a stranger. • Domestic situations of this sort I are, unfortunately, not as rare as their abnormality would lead one to j suppose. There is the well-known | case of the New England family con- ! Bisting of a mother and two daugh- I ters. The daughters lived in t*. 1 ! I same house, sat at the same table | and went to church for fo-'y years without speaking. To Funeral Without Speak In* They rode to their mother's f<,iner- | al in the same carriage without | breaking silence; finally one of them became ill; the other, full of the grim sense of duty and New England consicence, nursed her siste-- fOth fully; death at last broke the bondr. but the silence remained to the end. Mary Wilkins Freeman has written I of similar cases in her New England j m If POLISHES^ %f KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT/nff !If L UQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITC, jr.d I / EG T L TAH DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. *'f?T*7 '- /• s '.. ' -v- * . .- If 5 * , " ' •-■' *' '. - *• * -;t T, . ' ; ' " -<• . '■ " y ; ' , " -V * "JQfi ■ f > f n*r* ' P EVENING, HAJtRISBURG Cfijfcftj. TELEGRAPH! MAY 13, 1918. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service *■* '•* By McManus '.y.TT TQ<.o down ] I looifr LTO I I I I a-< LOOK I 7 11 WELL -1 I DID SHE tm