2 TIMELY NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS LLEVEN BANDS TO BE MASSED Inlcresting Features Planned For Patriotic Demonstra tion at Columbia Columbia, Pa., May 10. —Chief Biiigess D. Miller, as head of the pa triotic demonstration to-morrow aft ernoon, has issued a proclamation < ailing upon all business places, in i luding the hotels and manufactur ing plants, to close between 2 and 4 o'clock, to permit everybody to take part in the parade, which is being! held to observe the unfurling of the honor flag for the Third Liberty Loan drive, the start of the War Savings Slumps campaign next week and the Ked Cross war fund drive, the week following. Eleven bands have been engaged for the parade, in which ii division will be made up of fathers, mothers and wives of men in the service. When the flag is unfurled liie eleven bands combined will play "'The Star Spangled Banner," and march to the Town Hall afterward. 'ins. SARAH STRAWSBAVGH DIES MeehanlrsburK, Pa., May 10.—Mrs. Sarah Strawsbaugh, widow of John strawsbaugh, dted yesterday morning t tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Baker, North street, of heart trouble. Although she had been in ill health for some time, her condition was not considered serious and her death was unexpected. She was aged 68 years and was a life long resident of Mechanicsburg and a member of the Church of God. The following children survive: Mrs. Peter Baker, with whom she lived; Mrs. Edward Koser, Mrs. Rob ert Miller and Mrs. William Lucas, all of Mechanicsburg: Mrs. J. P. Drawbaugh, of Harrisburg, and Phil lip Strawsbaugh, of Mechanicsburg; rtls a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. No arrange ments for the funeral have been made up to this time. ■ *■ :A CHARF.ES R. BBCKLEY Certiorated Gregg Teacher, Member Kuntrrn Commercial Teachers' 1 Association, Principal of CZ& TRAINING I ScAoo/ HATOJSBURj&TS • BUSINESS COLLEGE Gregg Shorthand (or Pitman),; Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Ac countancy, English, Civil Service! Courses, etc., by Individual Promotion i Wives Or Dependents OF DRAFTED MEN WIU FIND OCR SPECIAL COURSE a time saver and more thorough. Day & Night School All Year Enter any time. Hell OM-ll t ill attention to the selection of WATCHES suitable for graduation gifts and invite your inspection of the lines, which are particularly attractive in design and very moderately priced. BOAS quality naturally insures the utmost economy. Bracelet and Ribbon Wrist Watches for young girls sls to $65 —gold tilled, silver and 14-karat solid gold. Flat Pocket Watches For Men —gold filled, specially designed. Soldiers' Watches sl3 to $35 G. Ross BOAS 28 North Second St. * -V \ k . . " •'.• •*■ ' ' •'•■" * ' ' " • • • , * \ • V ' , / " ' '■*•■■ ■ ■ f i'\ '• " J : %"?• XV*'% ; FRIDAY EVENING, HAJUUfiBURO (AM* TELEGRAPH! MAY* 10, 1918. ANNUAL MEETING LUTHERAN SYNOD Program Prepared For Ses sion of Cumberland Val ley Conference Mei-hanict>urK, Pa., May JO. —On Monday and Tuesday of next week} May 13 and 14, the annual meeting of the Cumberland Valley Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Pennsylvania will meet in Trinity Lutheran Church, the Rev. H. Hall Sharp, pastor. An interesting program haii been prepared, as fol lows: Monday Afternoon, 2.3o—Devotion al exercises; "Problems of the Rural Church," the Rev, J. G. C. Knipple; "The Congregation's Part in Pennsyl vania—Crusade For the Ratification of the National Pfohibition Amend ment," W. N. Dolbeer, Mount Holly Springs. Mon'lay Evening. 7.3o—Sermon by the president of the Synod, the Rev. Dr. William A. Kump. The service will be of a patirotic character. Tuesday Morning—Devotional ex ercises, by the Rev. D. B. Treibley: conference business; "The Church and the War—The Pulpit's Message in Wartime," the Rev. Dr. A. R. Steck, Carlisle; "The Patriotic Congrega tion," the Rev. S. S. Games, of Trin dle Spring; "Wartime Citizenship, the Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle, of Camp Hill. Tuesday Afternoon. 2.oo—Devotion al exercises, the Rev. L A. P' lS "' conference business; "Sunday School Problems —How Shall We Encourage the Study of the Bible?" the Rev. J. C. Nicholas, of Mechanicsburg, - How Shall We Develop the Missionary Spirit?" the Rev. D. S. Martin; "What More Can We Do For the Boys and Girls?" the Rev. Dr. H. B. Stock, of Carlisle. .. , The closing session of the confer ence will take place on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock and the ad dress of the evening will be deliv ered by the Rev. Dr. Charles P. Wiles, editor of the Sunday school literature of the Lutheran tion Society, of Philadelphia, and his theme for the evening will be "Some Problems in Church Educa tion." JOHN HEIDI JER DIES Dauphin, Pa.. May 10.— %\ ord has been received by W. F. Reed, of the death of his cousin. William Heidler, of Shenandoah, Va. Mr. Heidler was a resident of Dauphin for many vears He served in the Civil War and was a member of the Masonic fraternity. The body will arrive heie Saturday and will be burl "! in the Dauphin Cemetery. He is survived by his wife and a son. John Heidler. MUSIC ALE AT DAUPHIN Dauphin. May 10.—A musicals will be held to-morrow evening in the P. O. S. of A. hall, in Erie street. An interesting program has been ar ranged with violin selections b> Henry Frantz. accompanied by his grandson, Norman M. Frantz, on the piano. The latter will also give a clog dance. ARTHUR J. LUPTON Arthur J. Lupton, Jiv, aged 19 years a middle division brakeman, died early yesterday morning at the Harrisburg Hospital. The body was sent to Woodville, Ohio, by Hoover & Son. Services will be held there Saturday afternoon. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Arthur J. Lupton, Sr. Soft Collars' '4 and Vi Sizes FASHIONABLE, COM PORTABLE, CORRECT Particularly adaptable for golf, tennis, riding, motoring and all outdoor sports. Prices, 20e 25c, 50c, 00c EADDV'Q 3rd Near ruKKI Oy Walnut "Our Church Fair" Given by Mechanicsburg Choir Mei'hanlmliiire) Pa., May 10-—Ex ceptionally well given was the play. "Our Church Fair," by the girls of Trinity Lutheran choir last evening in the lectureroom of the church. The parts were well taken and the comedy throughout was highly amus ing to the audience. The following musical program was given: Piano duet, "Polonais et Polonais," Anton Rubinstein; "Hungarian Rhap sodie," H. Hoffmann, Miss Violet Beitzel and Mrs. Tolbert Beitzel; chorus, "After the Rain," Pinsuti; "Softly Fall the Shades of Evening," Marchant; piano solo, ''lmpromptu in G Flat Major," Schubert, Miss Mari etta Sultzaberger; chorus. "Dance of the Pine Tree Fairies," Forman. The choir girls were assisted in the chor us by Mrs. George Wertz. Miss Car rie Anderson, Miss Hazel Shover and Miss Marietta Sultzaberger. The cast of characters included: Misses Rachel Shelley, Ruth Dorn baugh, Ruth Miller, Florence Orris, Miriam Orris, Helen Hoover, Claribel Geiger, Miriam Zufall, Ethel Walters, Elizabeth Martin, Esther Dornbaugh and Elizabeth Hurst. PASTOR'S SALARY INCREASED Hummelstown, Pa., May 10.— Last evening the annual congrega tional meeting of Zion Lutheran Church was held and reports of the various auxiliaries of the church read. The congregation voted an in' crease of S3OO in the annual salary of the pastor, the Rev. Herbert S. Games. The following church of ficers were elected: Trustees, C. H. Miller and A. H. Hummel; elders, S. B. Zerfss and H. M. Wolf: deacons, Charles'J. Wolff, Jerome K. Lauck and Robert T. Fox. SERVICE FOR FIREMEN Hummelstown, Pa., May 10. — Members of Chemicitl Fire Company No. 1, Will attend divine service in the Reformed Church, on Sunday evening. As the Rev. Mr. King, pas tor of the church is a member of the company. Members will meet in the enginehouse parlors at 7 o'clock and proceed to the church in a body. APPOINTED SPECIAL AGENT New Rloomflrld. Pa., May 10.—James R. Magee lias been appointed a special Secret Service agent of the Depart ment of Justice, with headquarters at Scranton. Pa. He left for Scranton this morning to assume his work. BURNED -BY GASOLINE Marietta, Pa.. May 10. Robert Delp, of East Cocalico, was burned while pouring srasoline in the automo bile of his father. His head, arms and face are badly burned. PROMOTED TO SERGEANT New Hloomfleld, Pa.. May 10.—Duke P. t'louser, now stationed at Camp Tay)r. Louisville, Ky., has recently been promoted to sergeant. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kelly Clouser, of New Bloomfield. WAR SAVINGS DRIVE New Hloomfleld. Pa.. May 10. B. Stiles Duncan, chairamn Perry County War Savings Committee, announces that Perry county towns and town ships have been organized for the "Pledge Week" campaign for the sale of War Stamps. A drive will be made during the week of May 12, and a suf ficient number of solicitors will make a complete canvass of each home in Perry county. PATRIOTIC SERVICE SUNDAY New Hloomfleld, Pa.. May 10. A patriotic service to be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church next Sun day afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, prom ises to be one of the best meetings of its kind held in the borough for some time. The Rev. Robert Bagnell. D. D., pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Harrisburg, will be the principal speaker. BARN AND CROPS BURNED Thompson town. Pa., May 10. A large barn on the farm of James Bashore, five miles west of town, was burned to the ground on Wednesday. Abut 600 bushels of corn. 200 bushels of oats and 25 bushels of wheat, and all farming implements were burned. The horses and cattle were in the fields at the time of the fire. With great difficulty the house was kept from burning. INTERESTING DEBATE Rnola, Pa., May 10.—This after noon a meeting of the Literary So ciety of the Enola High school was held in the assembly room. The program included musical numbers and decorations. Two features of the program were a debate between members of the Junior class and an oratorical contest between the Freshmen and Sophomores. The subject of the debate was, "Re solved, That Government Ownership and Control of Railroads Is Prefer able to Private Ownership and Con trol." The affirmative debaters were Miss Margaret Hassler. Miss Martha Addams, Miss Miriam Troup; the negative arguments were presented by Miss Viola Knaub, Miss Cynthia Boyer and Roy Eshelman. Suburban Notes HUMMELSTOWN William Karmany is spending a week at New York, attending the furniture exposition. George L Delmler returned home yesterday after spending several days at Baltimore. Dr. Ruff was a Harrisburg visitor yesterday. Mrs. William Karmany and Mrs. George Karmany and son. William Karmany, spent Wednesday at Harris burg. Mrs. Fidelia Holsberg and daugh ter, Mrs. Samuel Hartz, visited rela tives in Harrisburg yesterday. Mrs. Edwin Bolton and daughter, Lillian Bolton, were at Harrisburg yesterday. Miss Maude Zerfoss was a Harris burg visitor yesterday. LIVERPOOL Josiuli Sweezy, Machine Gun Com pany, 314 th Infantry, at Camp Meade, Md., is spending a short fur lough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sweezy. Game Warden and Mrs. Shuler, Mrs. H. A. S. Shuler and two daugh ters and Miss Mary Lefler spent Wednesday at the state game re serve near New Germantown. The Rev. H. B. Ritter is spending the week on the Richfield and.Mid dleburg charges in the interest of Otterbein College. W. W. Holman and wife are visit ing at Harrisburg. Ellsworth Lutz after spending some time here with his mother, Mrs. Clara Lutz, has returned to Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zellers and two children, of Milton; Alice Zellers, of Harrisburg, and Pearl Foltz, of Enhaut, were recent visitors here with Mrs. Ellen Zellers. Miss Elsie Libkicher, of Harris burg, spent Tuesday here with her mother. Mrs. Ellen Libkicher. The Rev. G. H. Knox and family are visiting at Harrisburg. Mrs. Charles Ober and daughter, Mrs. Ulsh, Miss Bowman, Miss Fry, Mrs. Freet and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram firubb, of New Buffalo, attended the M.E. reception here on Wednesday night, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AT SERVICE Columbia, Pa., May 10.—Cyrene Commandery No. 34, Knights Temp lar, gave a short street parade last evening and attended services in rft. Paul's Episcopal Church, when the rector, the Rev. G. F. G. Hoyt, preached a sermon on "Has the Age of Chivalry Gone?" Mrs. Helen Deitrich sang several patriotic solos. PUPILS HAVE WAR GARDENS Columbia, Pa., May 10. —Pupils of the public schools to the number of several hundred are cultivating war gardens in vacant lots in different sections of the town, and in East Columbia the war garden center, they have joined with many families in cultivating small lots which have been assigned to them. The teachers assist as supervisors of the work and the families in the neighborhood have an organization with about forty gardeners at work. i S > )WSMS^pWv......:^sxs^s^ i sxsww -v.- :■■•• .■•■. . ■ . Hi ' , ||| 28-30-32 North Third Street fb. Ji lip ||| I Will Hold Extraordi j Tomorrow— Saturday In Various Departments Throughout the Stores Jffff ♦ | Regular Schleisner I at Unusual Prices 111 ' #p| /• • ->* I One Day Only £€S,| One Day Only new stocks and ;r this plan necessar- TOMORROW—SATURDAY TOMORROW—SATURDAY l ! J ments at times. ——— So in order to re f:. 75 Women's and Misses' £,;'E?2 50 Taffeta and Serge V Suits lar assortments we Dresses will hold this very unusual one-day. Various Models and Shades Wac fc shade, _. . , opportunity for , „ - Large and Small Sizes practicing real J or a " occasions economy on this \ '? day And the Values to $39.757VV-\JV Schleisner me r - ;l * chandise at these Choice s 2l 75 Choice *l3 75 replenishing your JL wardrobe. II ONE DAY ONLY 1 ONE DAY ONLY — Tomorrow Saturday Qne Day Only—T Tomorrow—Saturday (I Angora collars and cuffs, Women s Round Ticket corn, salmon, Copen, tur- Fiber Silk Hose —sky, Co quoise, rose and Nile. pen, lavender, rose, gold. 111 • Values to $8.95 in various models Special at if!!!! d ' ' Choice $ Ey '95 Leading dark and light shades Materials of 2 pairs for $1.05 ONE DAY ONLY Poplin, vclour, arm DAY ONLY Tomorrow Saturday Silvertone, gabardine ~ T~ . ftjj i omorrow —Saturday BIOUSeS Silk Faille Taffeta t t 1 nwTahw Rln Underwear -77 S 111 Values range from $25.00 to $50.00 voile, organdie, crepe de Envelope Chemise—Crepe chine; slightly mussed.from //t Two Groups de chine and batiste; slight handling. jy mus - s ed from display. Values to $5.95 $1 EL A $0*).50 Two Lots I *l 59 and , 10 ' 95c and *1 95 M ilpj . wb& 0% ' One Day Only—Tomorrow—Saturday , jp Group I—New White Hats Group 2 New Trimmed Hats Ji very unusual models and nobby sailors I $0- 90 ss.°° J On account of the unusual prices we cannot send C. O. D.'s or Charge any of these Items ife ■ ■■■■■ - . : ? j=SS£3|2iSZS - RECEPTION FOR PASTOR Liverpool, Pa., May 10.—A recep tion and pound party was tendered the Rev. G. H. Knox and family, the newly-appointed pastor of the Meth odist Church, on Wednesday even ing in the church social room. TEA FOR RED CROSS Hummelstown, Pa., May 10. —A tea will be held to-morrow afternoon and evening, in Masonic hall for the benefit of the Red Cross Auxiliary. Music, fortune telling, hot and iced tea and cakes will be served. The ad mission fee includes tea and cakes. NEW SILK MILL Marietta, Pa.. May 10. Marietta will have a new silk mill in the west ern end of the borough, the lease be inK signed last , night. The company will occupy the building erected by the Marietta Brass and Iron Foundry Company, and will employ 100 people. POSTMASTIiR RETURNS MONEY Liverpool, Pa., May 10.—Postmas ter George Sharp, of Liverpool, is manifesting his patriotic spirit in more ways than one. On Wednes day he received a check of sls from the government for securing three men who volunteered their services for their country. Mr. Sharp imme diately returned the money to the government. EIGHT RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Mnrletta, Pa., May 10. Commence ment exercises of the Marietta high school were held last night in Acrl's Theater, and a class of four boys and four girls received diplomas. The orator of the evening was Professor John S. Simons, of Music was furnished by the Marietta high school orchestra and the Mandolin club. Miss Agnes O'Brien was the valedictorian, and J. Richard Mueller, salutatorian. Honor Flag Presentation at Elizabethville Tomorrow Elir.ubethvllle, Pa., May 10. A pa triotic demonstration will be held in honor of having gone far 'over the top" in the Third Liberty Loan drive, on the public square, to-morrow even ing, when the tlag will be presented to and accepted by Chief Burgess Earl K. Romberger. The Citizen's band and the public schoolchildren will furnish the music. A patriotic adress will be delivered by Flavel L. Wright, of Harrisburg. This district's quota was 175,000, but nearly SIOO,OOO was raised. A cam paign to push the sales of Thrift and War Savings Stamps will shortly be launched. LANCASTER COUNTY DEATHS Mnrletta. Pa.. May 10. Adam Es penshied. of Murrell, aged 65. died Wednesday night, after a long illness. He was a farmer and Hardener and member of the Groffdale Mennonite Church. His survivors are four chil dren and a brother, at Philadelphia. Mrs. J,ydia Weaver, aged 84, th oldest woman of Elizabethtown, died yesterday. She was among the firs I members of the Christ Lutheran Church. Michael Halnley, a*ed 44. died i • II? 1 . s station. He was a member of the United Brethren Church. Hi aged mother and several children sur vive. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c